Day 1 - Perfection God's Righteous Standard
Let's read from the Bible Genesis chapter 6.
If I read these two verses and you still don't know,
From verse nine, Genesis chapter six, these are the generations of Noah.
Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
I don't know why you're laughing.
Okay, I'll read another one.
Genesis chapter 17.
From verse one.
And when Abraham was 90 years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abraham and said unto him, I am the Almighty God.
Walk before me.
And without perfect.
Okay, now from your shouting, I'm thinking you.
What is it?
How could you miss that?
Well, 2020 is the year of perfection.
Glory to God.
Lift your hand and thank Him for His work.
All right.
So can I... Can I say a few things to you now?
You know, perfection is a word that terrifies a lot of people.
It terrifies many.
Almost all your life.
You were told, no one is perfect.
Nobody is perfect.
No one could be perfect.
We are not perfect.
And you hear it.
They think it's a sign or symbol of humility.
They tell us and train us to accept our imperfections.
You raised all your life to accept it, to believe in it.
When I was growing up, I tried to find out if it was in the scriptures,
Did God say we could not be perfect?
Did God say so?
I wanted to know.
What did Jesus teach?
What did God say in the Holy Scriptures?
Why is it so common?
Why does everybody say it?
Why are we raised to acknowledge
The wonderful, amazing virtue of imperfection.
It's taught as a virtue to accept imperfection.
As I studied the Bible, I was amazed at what I saw.
I was shocked at what I saw.
The direct opposite.
the direct opposite.
So I found out in the scripture, God actually said something completely different.
God never said perfection is impossible.
He never said, only God is perfect.
You know, people say that.
They say, only God is perfect.
Nobody is perfect.
We are not perfect.
Then they say, I'm not.
You couldn't be.
How many of you ever heard that saying, no one is perfect?
We can't differ.
I mean, you heard it all your life.
In fact, the moment I even said, 2020, the year of perfection, some people got uncomfortable.
Because they've been raised all their lives to believe in imperfection.
Hear me.
Perfection is what God desires in demands.
Perfection is at different levels in your life.
All right?
If you don't believe in it, you'll never have it.
If you believe no one is perfect, no one could be, imagine this, imagine this, imagine this, this contradiction, imagine this.
Imagine that you got on a plane tonight and you were about to fly and the pilot said, as you all know, nobody's perfect.
Would you still want to fly?
You want to come out of that thing.
So we demand perfection in certain things of life.
We want the guy to say, well,
It's pretty good.
I can tell you, we're going to have a perfect flight.
Would you say, how can he say we're going to have a perfect flight?
He can tell.
We don't know what's going to happen.
If you say that, the guy next to you will say, could you sit somewhere else?
Because now he's about to fly.
He wants all the faith he can get.
It may be coming to you like late in your life because you believe this so long, but the Holy Spirit is able to impart your spirit with his word, with his truths and help you journey in the direction of his purpose for your life.
Perfection is possible.
Not only possible, it is demanded.
Not only demanded, I will show you in the scripture that this is the nature that God has actually given you.
The moment you set yourself to perfection, you will have it.
Somebody said, as long as we're in this earth, we will never be perfect.
That's a lie of the devil.
That's a lie.
That's not true.
Come on here.
You wanna see the Bible?
What did we just read in Genesis chapter six and verse number nine?
What did we read?
It tells us about Noah.
Genesis six and verse nine.
These are the generations of Noah.
Noah was a just man.
Now these are the declarations of God.
He says Noah was a just man
and perfect in his generations.
And no, I worked with God.
He was perfect.
The Hebrew is tamiene.
It means to be perfect.
It means to be flawless, flawless, without defect.
This is a man who was described so to be in the earth, by scripture inspired of God.
He was flawless.
He was complete.
And the Bible says he walked with God.
Then I read you the next verse in Genesis chapter 17, verse 1.
What God said to this man here, by the name of Abraham, who was later changed to Abraham.
And when Abraham was 90 years old and nine, 99 years old, the Lord appeared to Abraham and said unto him, I am the Almighty God.
Walk before me and be thou perfect.
God said, walk before me and be perfect.
God said, be perfect.
Be flawless.
Think about that.
Who decides what's perfect?
God Almighty!
You are so quiet.
So quiet.
Are you still here?
Or are you going home?
Yeah, I know.
Of course, we're talking about being perfect.
So you're not very quiet now.
Oh Lord, did He get me?
Look at that.
It says, work before me and be thou perfect.
Be perfect.
Say be perfect.
Say again, be perfect.
Listen, the only reason you've grown up imperfect in your ways of doing things, the only reason is you were trained to not be perfect.
You were trained.
And then we co-reditizers in schools, in the laboratories of the world, trying to make things perfect.
While trying them in their minds to not think perfectly,
And yet we produce perfect devices.
Perfect devices.
We produce perfect equipment.
How could such things come out of us if we have no perfection in us?
How could it happen?
Perfect machines we do.
Think about it.
We're on engines that run for days, made by men.
Until you believe in perfection, you will never live it.
But from 2020, you believe in it, you practice it, you walk in it.
Say, man,