Be Filled With The Spirit Part 2
One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Labor is yours.
We're talking about being filled with the Spirit, right?
Last Wednesday night.
It is the secret of a continuously successful and victorious life.
being filled with the Holy Spirit.
That is the key.
You want to have an ending flow of the supernatural in your life, a continuously victorious life
The key is being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Being filled with the Holy Spirit.
We're not talking about an experience, a one-time experience, because that will not suffice.
It is an everyday life.
You know, what the Holy Spirit brings to your life is more than an experience.
A lot of people are concerned about a one-time beautiful experience that they will not forget.
But many don't realize that they could have a constant flow and an end in stream of the supernatural, living continually above the world.
That's the life that Christ Jesus called us into.
The Bible says that he gave us an example that we should follow his steps.
He called us to walk like him.
You know, what a lot of people think about Jesus, when they say we should copy Jesus, they're thinking about a very quiet man, hardly talking.
You know, always praying and bowing his head to everybody, you know?
They think like Jesus, they think about Jesus like a man.
They say he was a very humble man.
Because he was born in a manger.
That was not he's doing.
He had nothing to do with being born in a manger.
That was not his responsibility.
That was his parents' responsibility.
God didn't say he should be born in a manger.
He was his parents who went late and couldn't find a place.
Jesus had nothing to do where he was born.
Did you have anything to do where you were born?
So a lot of times they're thinking about these quiet, calm, soft-spoken Jesus that they have created.
Jesus was not soft-spoken.
Read your Bible.
He wasn't soft-spoken.
He was tough-speaking.
That's the way he was.
He wasn't soft-spoken.
Praise the Lord.
That's not Jesus.
Didn't you read how he made whips and drove the money changes out of the temple?
Two down their tables, two of them with the birds?
Remember what he called Herod?
That fox.
He dared him.
So he's not the kind of mouths they try to create at Christmastime.
Let everybody copy Jesus.
Even the non-Christians tell us that Christianity is copying Jesus.
Christianity is not copying Jesus.
Somebody wrote a book and called it Christianity being the Imitation of Christ.
That's wrong.
Christianity is not the Imitation of Christ.
He's not copying Jesus, he's not the imitation of Christ.
Christianity is Christ in you.
Not copying him.
Does he want us to copy his example?
Of course he does!
Does he want us to imitate him?
Of course he does!
But that's not Christianity, that's the lesser, that's included in the greater.
You can't copy Jesus until you have the life of Jesus.
You can't imitate Him until you have His nature.
All right, so we're talking being filled with the Spirit, filled with the Holy Ghost.
Oh, glory to God.
Turn into the Bible now, let's look at a few thoughts here.
And that scripture is taken from the book of a vision's chapter number five, let's read it together.
Vision's chapter number five in verse 18.
You found it?
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit.
Ready together.
Be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit.
Be filled with the Spirit.
Be filled with the Spirit.
And at the end of that verse, you have a full stop.
Isn't it?
Check it now.
Look at it.
Full stop, isn't it?
Come on.
What do you have?
Oh, none of full stop.
That means, with that semicolon, it means what is going to be saying next is connected to the statement he just made.
So he says, be not drunk with wine, wear on his excess, but be filled with the spirit speaking to yourselves.
Speaking to users means I'm talking to me and you're talking to you.
This doesn't mean you're talking to me and I'm talking to her.
It means I'm talking to me, you're talking to you.
Speaking to yourself.
That's what he's talking about.
So he says, speaking to users in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.
Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.
speaking to yourself, talking to you.
He's telling us how to be filled with the Spirit.
Now, this is a reading for those who have already received the Holy Spirit.
He's not talking about someone who hasn't received the Holy Spirit.
He's talking about you've received the Holy Spirit already.
Now, stay up the Spirit God that's seeing you and be filled with him.
He's not talking about drawing some more.
He's talking about staring what you've got already.
Be not drunk with wine, weren't his actions, but be filled with the spirit, speaking to yourselves in sounds.
Blessed is the man that walked at naught in the council of the young godly.
Now stand it in the way of sinners.
Now see that in the seat of the skunkful.
But he's the light is in the law of the Lord and there in God he meditate day and night and that's what I do in the name of Jesus.
That's what he's talking about.
Therefore I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bring it for this fruit in his season.
His life also shall not wither whatsoever he do it shall prosper.
Therefore whatsoever I do prosper in the name of Jesus.
That's what he's talking about.
That's what he's talking about.
You're talking to yourself in sounds.
Oh, glory.
You've seen that?
You're talking to yourself.
You're talking to yourself in sounds.
Then it says, in hymns and spiritual songs.
Talking to yourself.
Now, you know, I told you that they were sharing on pre-students' sacrifices.
I said, there are a lot of songs we sing, and these songs are not songs of worship to God.
They're not songs of praise to God.
We're just talking to us.
And I said, there's a place for that.
Now, this is that place for that.
This is a place for that.
I can do all things to Christ who strengthens me.
I can do, I'm talking to me.
I can do all things by His resurrection power.
I can do, I can do, I can do, I can do.
I glory to God.
See, I'm talking to me.
That's not a worship to God.
That's not a praise to God.
So that's not a sacrifice of praise to God.
to speak into yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.
This is my season.
When you sing that song, this is my season.
You're talking to you.
That's what he said.
And you know, when you sing such songs, you're scared in your spirits.
What's different from the guy who said, oh God, I have energy spots.
I hope for yes to call.
That guy is suffering.
Oh God, I help in energy spots.
I hope for yes to come.
Say there's nothing about today.
Speaking to yourself in Psalms and hymns and spiritual Psalms, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.
Did you see that?
And so you're making melody to anybody else.
They may not like what you're singing.
So what are you doing?
I'm singing and making melody in my heart to the Lord.
I said, we don't like it.
It's not for you.
It's not for you.
Heaven now and then.
Doesn't even sound like tongs.
You're on the song I'm talking about.
This is making melody.
Then say anything about the words.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
This is the way to be fair with the spirit.
That's what it's talking about.
Things that have got in the long fist.
Every now and then.
You want everybody to know something's gone wrong.
So you're looking for a way to open the conversation.
So someone's you ask you, what's the problem?
Aren't you tired of that kind of life?
Every time you show up, there's something wrong.
And everybody else is happy around you.
You want them to know
There's something you don't find funny that has happened.
Here I need that.
The baptism, the joy of the Lord, is your strength.
The joy of the Lord.
There's just some people who don't like to be happy every day.
I don't know what's wrong with them.
They don't want to be happy every day.
They like it sometimes up and sometimes down.
How often should we be filled with the Spirit, all the time?
Yeah, somebody says, yeah, if everything is all right, I'll be filled with the Spirit.
But when things go wrong, you ought to be filled with the Spirit when things go right and when things go wrong.
Because your life is not dependent on circumstances.
Are you hearing me?
You're a man of the Spirit.
You're a woman of the Spirit.
You're a born here.
Doesn't matter what's happening around you.
You are both of them.
Say, I'm a boy of only.
Say it again, I'm a boy of only.
speaking to your zeros in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.
And he says, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things on the God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Submitting your zeros one to another in the fear of God.
Giving thanks always.
Giving thanks always.
Giving thanks always.
Ha ha ha, hallelujah.
Giving thanks always.
You want your life to be a life full of thanksgiving?
Giving thanks always.
I said, my hope, my praying, 90% of my praying, more than 90%, is full of thanksgiving.
I'm always,
Thank you God.
That's what comes out of me.
Thank you Lord.
So much to thank you.
Because you have your focus on what is already done.
Listen, what Christ has done for us has put us over.
He's not trying to put us over.
He's already put us over.
That's why I never need a breakthrough.
He's already done it.
What in the walk will we ask for?
Even this thing that we're reading here, we're saying to us,
be not drunk with wine, we're in his axis, but be filled with the Spirit.
I told you, if you have a good King James Magin, our reference Bible, you'd find this is being filled, being filled.
Because the connotation here is a continuous experience.
Be being filled with the Spirit.
That's what he's talking about.
And God, this is great.
This is great.
Look what is made of us.
Champions forever.
So the only problem you can have is if you don't know your identity.
Once you find out about this stuff, you're changed.
You're changed.
You just know you will never fail again.
You'll never be a failure in life.
You just know.
You just know.
Glory to God.
You just know.
You've been made a victor for all time.
You just know.
See, you get it from the Word of God in your spirits.
Let me show you some.
Vision's chapter number three.
Now these are some of those things we call shouting scriptures.
Shouting scriptures.
But you know, they're those who have their attention on the things of this life.
And because of that, they're unable to see the direction of the Spirit.
They're unable to understand the Word of God.
So the Word becomes like a mystery to them.
A mystery.
You're a child of God.
It shouldn't be a mystery to you.
Understand it by the Holy Ghost.
Let's read this.
You would like this one.
Ephesians chapter number 39 reading to you from verse 14.
Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
For this course, I bow my knees onto the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he would grant you.
Listen, this is part of the apostle praying for the Ephesian brethren.
I want you to listen to the content of his prayer.
Here's a man praying for others.
And he's praying by the Spirit for them, which means this is the will of God.
The content of this prayer is the will of God, and he prays it for this church at Ephesus.
What does Paul think he is?
You'd know.
Just watch.
14 again, for this course I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened, invigorated, which might, that might is from dunamis, it means miracle working ability.
strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man.
He prays to God for them that they be invigorated with the dynamic ability to cause changes, that this power would work within them.
You know what this means?
Our weakness is gone.
Our failure is gone.
If God were to answer the sprayer, it means he's made you a victor for our time.
Oh, and boy did he answer.
But he would grant you, verse 16, that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man.
Listen, you know, we say we want to pray and we want to write down our prayer requests.
And what are we writing?
Prayer requests number one, I need a house.
Crazy things.
Prayer requests number two, I need some money for my uncle's children's whatever.
Number three,
I need promotion in my job.
Number four.
Oh, these crazy things.
I want to pass my professional exam.
Number six.
Can you imagine?
These are the things we're writing.
And then we start struggling with God.
If you don't answer this, oh God.
Hey, before the end of this year, oh God.
We haven't started.
All of these things that you're asking for, you don't need to ask for.
If you were to know, this versus I'm reading to you now.
Listen very well, listen.
The first one here, prayer request number one.
He didn't say, oh God, please, those of them that don't have jobs, give them jobs.
Those of them that I need of money, give them money.
Those of them that he didn't pray that he's a prayer of question number one, that he will grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might, with miracle-working ability by the Holy Ghost in your inner man.
That's number one.
Number two, that Christ may settle in your hearts by faith.
that he, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breast and length and death and height and to gynosco, the love of Christ, which surpasses knowledge, gnosis, scientific knowledge, that he might be,
Oh God.
It's there.
And to know the love of Christ.
The word is gynusco.
It means revelation knowledge.
revelation knowledge.
It means to supernaturally know because you cannot scientifically know the love of Christ.
So he says that you might know the love of Christ which surpasses scientific knowledge.
That's not this ordinary understanding, ordinary knowledge.
Knowledge by study, by observation,
That he, that's a lot of part of that, that he might be filled with the fullness.
Play Roma.
Fullness of God, that he might be filled with the fullness of God.
What God?
You're not gonna be filled with the fullness of the Father.
with the fullness of Jesus, that's not what he's saying, is the Spirit.
Because the Father is in heaven, Jesus is in heaven, it's the Holy Spirit that brings the fullness of the Godhead to us, because Jesus is embodied, or rather he's the embodiment of the fullness of God, what he's in heaven.
Now that fullness
which He is filled is brought to us by the Holy Ghost.
The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God.
He is the conveyor of the presence of God.
He is the conveyor of all heavenly thanks.
And He is the one in fellowship with us in the earth.
Jesus is not here.
He is in heaven.
And the only way Jesus is here is through the Holy Ghost.
Jesus, minister to you today through the Holy Ghost.
The Father, minister to you today through the Holy Ghost.
And to be filled with the fullness of God means that you be filled with the Spirit.
The Spirit brings to your life all the fullness of deity.
You are loaded with all the heavenly blessings.
Think about it.
That he might be filled with all the fullness of God.
I told you that the Greek word is Plaroma.
It means the maximum load.
with all the content in completeness.
That is to say, everything that should be on board is on board and it's full measure.
That's the Greek word used.
That you might be failed with the maximum load of God.
Now, let's look at Jesus for a moment.
John's Gospel, chapter three.
I want you to go there.
There's a statement made about Jesus, and some people think that that's for Jesus, and it's not for us, but all these scriptures show.
It belongs to us.
Let's go there.
John chapter three.
Have you found it?
Read verse 34.
1, 2, go.
He says, the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God.
For God, give it not the spirit by measure unto him.
Okay, okay, that's Jesus.
Yes, because in the context he was talking about Jesus.
Yes, yes, but Jesus said, as my father has sent me, even so sent are you.
If he sent us the way the father sent him, why would we have any less of the spirit than he did?
He also sent us to speak the words of God.
So God hasn't given us the spirit by measure.
Don't you understand?
After all, he, that he might be filled with all the fullness of God.
All the fullness of God, the fullness of God.
I tried it on a series, a long series.
Maybe a year or two ago, on the fullness of God.
If you haven't listened to those steps, better get them.
Listen to them again and again and again and again.
The fullness of God.
That's the title.
It will change you.
It will build your faith strong.
See, being filled with the spirit of God, as we're talking about here, I said, is the key to unending
victorious and extraordinary life.
It's the key.
And you should be fair to the spirit every day, every day.
He told us how.
He told us how.
Let's think of something, Book of Jude.
One time we were talking about this,
Jude, verse, it's only one chapter, verse number 20.
Oh, glory to God.
You know, you study these things and you study the Word of God.
It'll mean it's that you spare it.
It'll build you according to what it talks about.
Look at this, verse 20.
But ye beloved, building up yourselves, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.
How many of you ever experienced
High points of faith at certain times of your life.
You knew your faith was really high and you could do something.
And then some other times, you know, faith was not quite high.
It went down.
How many of you?
There were times you experienced great faith.
Now, I'm not talking about the gift of faith in operation.
I'm talking about the faith that you have beards through the Word of God, through your knowledge of God, not a gift of faith that you had no control over.
You get what I mean?
All right, so how many of you experience that great faith?
Some of the times it was like, oh, man, how am I gonna get this done?
He doesn't want us to ever go lower than our highest point of faith.
Here's what he's talking about.
He wants your highest faith to become your benchmark.
Now, from where you spring to the next level.
He don't want you to go down.
Look at it here.
That's what we just read.
He said, but he beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith.
Your most holy faith means your most sanctified faith.
In other words, that faith that you expressed, that was not mixed at all with unbelief.
In any way, the highest faith that you ever had.
That was your most holy faith.
You're most sanctified, the most devoid of doubts, the most devoid of fear that you ever experienced.
Even if you had 10% fear, even if you had 60% fear, maybe that was the highest you were able to attain.
He says, now, build yourself on that most holy faith, that highest faith you ever had.
Build yourself from there.
He says, by praying in the Holy Ghost.
praying in the Holy Ghost.
When you pray in your human understanding, fears can come into your language.
Fears can come into your speech.
Fears can come to your heart.
And you say things that you really don't mean.
You say things you wouldn't like to say.
You pray to Namo, pray out that many people pray.
Oh Father, just help me.
And the moment you say help me, you have placed yourself
in a disadvantaged position, in the place of unbelief and fear.
Oh, God, help me.
You have confessed in helplessness.
Your faith goes like that.
You just... Oh, God, help me.
Help me.
See, unbelief.
Oh, God.
Oh, God doesn't want that!
Oh, I wish you would know.
God wants us happy all the time.
He wants it.
He wants us full of joy all the time.
That's what he wants.
Listen, that's why he's in Jesus.
He's in Jesus to come and make us poppers.
He's sending to make us beggars.
He's sending to get us to learn a lesson.
We were already in bad shape before he came.
He didn't need anybody to tell us we were in bad shape.
We weren't in bad shape before Jesus came.
We just, we couldn't get worse.
And we needed somebody to come and show us some light.
And he came and said, I'm the lot of the world.
He that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but he shall have the light of life.
And I said, yeah.
Thank you, Jesus.
Now I have the light of life.
I'm not in darkness anymore.
I'm not in darkness about anything in life.
I have the light of life.
Christ in me, the hope of glory.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Oh, glory.
Build and up yourselves in the most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.
Praying in the Holy Ghost.
That means praying through the Spirit.
Praying through the Spirit.
Praying with the ability of the Spirit.
That means number one.
Praying prophetic prayers.
Prophetic prayers are inspired prayers lifted first from the Scriptures and by the inspiration of the Spirit like it inspired the Scriptures.
A lot of times you're speaking God's words back to Him from the Scriptures.
You're quoting Scriptures in your prayer.
They are prophetic prayers.
Then you're speaking forth the word into your life.
Declare in the words of faith into your life and into the lives of others.
That's prophetic prayer.
That's praying in the Holy Ghost.
Another way to pray in the Holy Ghost is where he says in Romans chapter 8 when he reads from verse 26, likewise the Spirit also helped with our infirmities, for we know not what to pray for as we are, but the Spirit Himself.
Praise for us, making in the session with what deep size.
He makes groanings, groanings that cannot be ordered.
Through us, these are not words in other tongues.
These are not words in your own language.
They are deep size.
They are groanings.
Sometimes you feel you, you find yourself crying, you don't have any reason.
Not because you feel pain.
Not because you're sorry about something.
Not because you're in need of something.
You're just breaking down the heart.
It's there.
Deep size.
That cannot be put in articulate speech in any language.
Then the Bible says that God, who knows the mind of the Spirit,
God who searches the hearts, he knows the mind of the spirits, for the spirit makes intercession for the saints.
According to the wheel of God, according to the wheel of God, for sure he's not praying some negative prayer.
He knows what the case is.
He knows what the matter is concerning you.
Are you listening to me?
And when you pray that kind of prayer, you find yourself walking into destiny.
Oh, hallelujah.
You find yourself showing up at the right time.
You come and say, we were just talking about you.
We were just trying to call you.
It's good you came now because something was about to happen and you have come to change it.
Come on, shut him in, somebody.
You walk into destiny.
He that's such at the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, for he makes the intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
Then the next verse, the 20th verses, and we know, we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Because they've been pruing in the Holy Ghost.
If things seem confusing in your life, pruing the Holy Ghost.
Praying the Holy Ghost and get yourself out of the mess.
You're not sure what side to turn.
Pray in the Holy Ghost.
And when you have prayed in the Holy Ghost, how do you pray in the Holy Ghost?
I'll tell you.
You can't stand out.
I said that deep-sized, the groanings, I cannot be honored.
Remember, he says, likewise, the Spirit also help it out infirmities.
He props us up in our weakness.
That's what he's saying.
Now, He props us.
He helps us.
That means it's about something that we are already doing.
Are you listening?
Okay, so you can't just start and say, okay, I'm gonna grow now.
I'm gonna into groaning prayer.
You can't go into sighing prayer.
You can't go into groaning prayer.
But what are you gonna do?
Very simple.
First, you take the third one.
And that third one leads you into the second one that I mentioned.
Okay, you still here?
What's that third one?
Speaking in other tongues, praying in other tongues.
Now, when you pray in other tongues, you activate your spirit.
Let me explain why this is so important.
Paul said, when I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful.
When I pray in an unknown tongue, it's my spirit.
That's praying.
It's my spirit.
So He's given us a light to activate in our spirits.
Now we activate our minds all the time.
We speak words from our minds all the time.
We choose to do or not do from our minds anytime.
But activating the human spirit is a little more difficult for most people.
So the easiest way, the primary way to activate your spirit is by speaking in other tongues.
And when you speak in other tongues, your spirit comes alive.
And then what you do, listen to your spirits.
If you will listen to your spirits, the Holy Spirit can easily walk through your spirits because your spirit will be sensitive to the Holy Ghost.
And peek his signaries such that if there's something that is urgent, if there's something that the spirit needs to take over and bear with your spirits, he can do it then.
But if you're speaking in tongues, why are you looking around?
When you're doing that distracted, then your spirit cannot attain to the spirit of God because you are not attaining to your spirit.
You see that?
So you just pray and you are dry eyed,
You've prayed that way for a whole year, and you didn't experience this kind of groaning or deep sign of the Spirit.
That's traumatic, tragic and terrible.
You see, how do you get along in life?
Oh Father in Jesus name, I thank you.
You haven't studied.
Life is better than that.
There are deeper realms of the spirits.
You understand?
You know, sometimes it's a deeper and higher.
There are deeper realms and there are higher realms.
It's a deep, call it on to deep.
You understand?
And there are heights in the spirits.
So when you let your spirits
Work with the Holy Ghost.
You would find yourself creating or charting your course in life in a very simple way.
Then this confused way of living will not be associated with you.
You just know where you're going.
Every day you know your own course.
And if you ever miss the way, the Bible says you shall hear a voice behind you saying, stop.
This is the way.
Work it.
You can't miss your way.
It's a stop.
You'd hear, you'd know.
We're seeing you.
Glory to God.
You're still there?
All right.
Well, did you even open to the scripture I was reading according to you in Romans chapter 8 and from verse 26?
Did you?
Did you write it down?
Very important.
Be filled with the Spirit.
Filled with the Spirit.
See, it gives you a certain spiritual consciousness.
that it shouldn't do without.
The word, the word of God is always up.
It's always up.
You know what I mean?
If you were going to talk about any issue, the word.
See, it's always there.
For some people, the word of God is down, down, down, down.
They have to remember that the Bible said, okay, it's true, it's true, it's true, it's true.
They're behaving somehow and then they remember that the Bible says it's true, it's true, it's true.
See, they have a sitting kind of life.
The Word of God is down some way.
It's true, the Bible said, it's true, it's true.
But if you work in the Spirit, if you're full of the Spirit, the Word will always be up there.
Before you have any time to think about anything, it's the Word.
It's the word.
You don't try to remember what does the Bible say about this?
Well, people are always asking such questions.
What does the Bible say about this?
What does the Bible say about this?
What does the Bible say about this?
There's a way the word of God functions through you.
It just works through you.
That's what God wants.
He doesn't want you going to find out to remember and come back.
He wants it in you.
Carried, the babes has led the word of Christ, dwelling you richly, richly, richly.
Make deposits of the word of God on a daily basis.
Staw the word into your spirit because you will need it.
Are you listening to me?
You will need it.
You will.
You will.
And you better have it inside so that it will rise to the surface at the time of need.
Glory to God.
Say I'm a success.
I'm a victor.
I'm full of the Holy Ghost.
You're not full of the Holy Ghost just because you said you're full of the Holy Ghost.
He told us how to be full of the Holy Ghost.
So what are you going to do?
You're gonna talk to yourself, all right?
In Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, right?
The Lord is my shepherd.
I shall not work.
He makes me lie down, in green pastures.
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
You know you can do that in a, the Lord is my shepherd.
I shall not work.
See, let me tell you something.
You've got to put, let me show you this.
Imagine, come brother, let me show you something.
Imagine I said to him, I love you, I love you, I love you.
Yeah, I love you, I love you, I love you.
You see, it may be true, but it's not working.
I gotta look at you.
I love you, brother.
I love you.
There's some.
Hold on.
Listen, there's got to be some emotion.
Come, come and pick him up.
He's blessed and blessed and blessed.
There's some emotion to it.
It's the same thing.
It's the same thing with God.
Are you listening?
It's the same thing with God.
The same thing with God.
Your spirit has to be there.
And so you control all your, you channel all your energies towards that purpose.
There's got to be a focus.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
You know, you can't do that.
You got to channel all your energies towards this thing.
and get your emotion to conform to it.
That's why sometimes it's got to be some movement.
You know what I'm talking about?
The Lord is my shepherd.
I shall not want.
He makes me lie down.
He green pastures.
He leads me beside the steel waters.
He restores my soul.
That's why, that's why poor said, poor said to Timothy, I will that all men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands.
If that's got nothing to do with it, why is it telling us to lift our hands?
There's some emotion to this thing.
Are you hearing me?
Love without emotion is not love.
There's got to be some emotion.
Somebody says, God is never emotional.
No, you don't know him.
What's laughter?
The Bible says he that seated in the heavens shall laugh.
It's an emotion.
It is.
Jesus wept.
That's an emotion.
You still there?
Very important.
Put your emotion to your prayer.
That means you're putting your personality to your prayer.
That's where the soul is mixed in your prayer.
You bring your soul into it.
Your soul is the seat of your emotion.
You know, this religious brain that has no personality in it is empty.
So when your spirit and your soul flow together, you got something.
Oh, lift your hand again.
To the Lord is my light and my salvation.
Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is a strand of my life.
Of whom shall I be a flame?
When my enemies and my foes came up against me,
to eat up my flesh.
There is tumbled and fair.
Come on, shouting in somebody.
Hey, I'm full of life.
I'm full of the spirit of God.
I've got the life of God in me, in my spirit, in my soul, and in my body.
My mind is alert.
My spirit is energized.
I got the life of God in me.
I'm a success.
He has made me a success.
I walk in victory 24 hours a day, seven days a week,
52 weeks a year, 365 days a year, and 366 on Libya.
I'm not a failure.
I'm a success.
Come on, shawty, man, somebody.
I go with a gun.
Say this, I got favor.
Favor everywhere.
I'm a child of favor.
A fool of favor, favor, favor, favor.
I'm walking favor.
This favor for me on the left hand, on the right hand.
Everywhere I go, I'm walking favor.
Come and shout amen somebody.
Go in again.
I'm full of favor.
Glory to God!
Land man, tumbana, baga, santa, vaudevalia!
Land man, baga, santa, vaudevalia!
And full of favor!
In the name of Jesus, I'm walking favor!
I'm surrounded by favor!
I'm walking favor!
I'm surrounded by favor!
I'm surrounded by favor!
Oh, glory to God!
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
I'm full of the wisdom of God.
The wisdom of God is working in me.
The wisdom of God is working in me.
The wisdom of God is in my spirits.
The wisdom of the righteous is working in me.
My steps are all out of the Lord.
Say again, my steps are all out of the Lord.
None of my steps shall slide.
My way is before me.
Paved by the Holy Ghost.
Shot it by the Holy Ghost.
And then you say this, I need my parts.
There is no failure.
And in my past, there is no debt.
In my past, favor only.
Glory only.
Success only.
Victory only.
And all belongs to me.
Because I'm a child of God.
Go ahead and praise him.
Open your mouth and praise him.
Go ahead and praise him.
The message that you have just heard is a production of the Love World Media Ministry.
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God bless you.