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Bible Seminar Vol. 2 Day 1 (Where Is Your Faith)

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Labor is yours.

In the month of October, into November 2011, was the second edition of the Bible study seminar with Pastor Chris at the Love for Conference Center, Lagos, Nigeria.
It was a life-consuming seminar, just like what the Bible says, that all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished, under all good works.
receive these words and watch your life move from one level of glory to another God bless you Let's move first into simple scriptures and

The first one will be 2nd Timothy chapter 3.
2nd Timothy chapter 3 from verse 16.
Can you read that for me?

want to go.

Our scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,
for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
That the man of God may be perfect.
Now remember, this was written to a young man, Timothy, at the time.
It was specifically addressed to him.
So Paul uses this term here in the 17th verse that the man of God may be perfect.
He's letting this man know how he could make his life so balanced and perfect.
That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished, equipped,
on all good works.
He says, our scripture, he's talking about the Word of God, the written Word of God.
He's given by inspiration of God in his profitable.
It's useful.
It'll give you the advantage.
That's what he's saying.
Profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in the life of righteousness.
that the man of God may be perfect.
Hallelujah, that the man of God may be perfect, completely equipped.

Let me read that to you from the Amplified.
Every scripture of his God breathed, given by his inspiration,
and probable for instruction, for reproof, and conviction of sin, for correction of error, and discipline and obedience, and for training in righteousness, in holy living, in conformity to God's will, in thought, purpose, and action, so that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted, and thoroughly equipped for every good work.
What a life.
I think that's wonderful.
So, let's read another portion.
This time, Hebrews, Book of Hebrews, the 11th chapter.

He says, Now, fate is the substance of things hoped for, verse 1.
the evidence of things not seen.
For by faith, by it, by faith, the air has obtained a good report.
Through faith we understand that the words are framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
Things which are seen that are obvious to the optical eyes were not made of things that appear.

that came out of immaterial things.
And the context shows they came out of words.
It says through feet we understand that the words are framed by the Word of God, framed by the Word of God.
The words are framed by the Word of God.
Your life is framed.
Your future is framed.
You already have it laid out.
What you're going to be like in the next few months, in the next few years is already laid out.
It's already planned.
By who?
You planned it.
And you alone can change it.
You know, those who often don't think it's really that way, but it's that way.
You plan the life you're living now.
You plan it.
How did you plan it?
Well, you didn't plan it consciously.
Most likely you didn't.
But you framed it with your words.
You framed it.
You're exactly the day what you described to be years ago.

No one else but you, the solely responsible for it.
Of course there are factors of influence, several factors of influence, maybe sociological or environmental, family and so on.
They only gave you a foundation.
Whatever you built on that substructure came from you.
It came from you.
They may have given you material with which to build what you built consciously or unconsciously.
doesn't make any difference.
And so if you're having a wonderful life, you build it.
If you're having an average life, you build it.
If you're having a life that you're really glad about, you build it.
If you're having a life that you're not so happy about, you build it.
You are the builder of your life.
Question is what materials are you using?
And what is this life going to be like?
And what are you going to do to ensure that the superstructure that you are building turns out to be a magnificent one?
What are you going to do to ensure that you're going to look at the building of your life and be happy that this was what you did?
You know, there are those who think that God's responsible for the life that we live.
Not really.
No, he gives us the materials to build it.
He gives us the materials to build it.
He gives us a vision, a picture, and he says, I want you to have this kind of life.
In fact, he can be that specific and say, I want you to have this life.
This is what I want your life to be.
But he's not going to make it for you.
He doesn't use the tools.
See, he never make it for you.
So he gives you all the tools and says, now, this is your life.
This is the vision.
This is the picture of your life.
This is what I want you to have.
And then he delivers the materials in your hands.
Then there are those materials that you will have to acquire.
And he shows you how to acquire them.
He tells you where they are.
He tells you how to get them.
And the responsibility is yours to locate them according to his description.
And get them and use them.
When Moses was going to build God, the first tabernacle, the Old Testament,
He showed him a vision and said, this is what I want you to be of.
And the man sought and God also told him how to get the materials.
He gave him all the specifications.
And this is what you're going to do.
Here's the picture.
And Moses went forth and did as God said, and had it built.
After that, many, many years afterward, David was to build God a temple.
And God gave him a vision and said, this is what the temple is going to look like.
And these are the materials and gave him all the specs, every detail was given to David.
And he also was given
the materials that he needed.
And the walls that he didn't immediately have, he was also given the guidance to acquire them.
And furthermore, he was even told that he would not be the builder.
And that Solomon, his son, would build the structure.
And so he gave it to Solomon and said, now God said, you're going to build it.
And he eased the design.
And he said, God showed it to me.
And he gave Solomon the design, the pattern.
And the man went forth and built it.
That's the way God does with your life.
That's what it does with your life.
He always gives you what you need to build you a great life.
Did you notice we just read now, we just read this, where Paul wrote to Timothy and said that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished, on all good works.
So if that man wanted to have a perfect life,
Then the Scripture is for him.
What Scripture or Scripture?
He said, it's all Scripture.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God in his useful, probable, for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction and righteousness.
Now, Timothy will be stupid to want a great life, to want a perfectly balanced life, and ignore the scriptures.
He was told, if you're going to have a great life, our scripture has been given for these purposes.
Imagine that he wants a great life.
He wants to be healthy.
He wants to be sound and normal.
He wants to make an impact in life.
He wants to do a lot of things.
Everything that God wanted to do, he wants to achieve.
And then he neglects his scriptures.
He'll be stupid.
He'll be foolish.
Are you here?
If you want it,
Then get to the world.
The Book of Acts chapter number 20.
And I want to read to you from verse 32.
Acts 20 from verse 32.
He says, and now brethren, I commend you to God into the word of His grace, which is able to build you up.
The word is able, you see, it's God.
The word has his own ability to build you, to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.

The way you're going is the way you chose.
Consciously or unconsciously.
Now, if you did have a picture, if you did have a direction and you're going in the wrong direction, you ought to know it.
And stop in your tracks and say, I'm going to make a detour because I'm in the wrong direction.
I'm in the wrong direction.
Are you in the wrong direction in your health?
Are you in the wrong direction in your size, in your weight?

You could be.
Are you in the wrong direction in your friendships?
You could be.
Say, hide in the wrong direction in your job.
You could be.
You could be.
How can I know I'm in the wrong direction?
Well, the question is, where's the pattern?
It's not the way you feel.
You know, some people say, well, if he doesn't feel right, then maybe that's the problem.
Fillings got nothing to do with living a successful life.
Let me put it this way.
And it's so important.
Your feelings should never rule you because they are more likely to destroy you than to help you.
Your feelings were given to you to enjoy.
They're like some of these cakes with a lot of icing.
There are some sweet things in life.
You know them?
Nice, sweet things, candies.
These things are nice, sweet.
But you see, you got to have them with caution, because they could destroy you.
Not only destroy your teeth, they could destroy your health entirely.
There are many who have had their hair completely wrecked because they stayed on the wrong stuff.
But they stayed on those things because those things were sweet.
They were nice.
That's the way your feelings are.
Your feelings were given to you to enjoy.
You can enjoy feelings, but don't stay there.
And you don't let the feelings and emotions rule you.
Because if they dictate the circumstances of your life, you will be a wreck.
It's just a matter of time.
It's like that drunken fellow on the back of the wheels, driving that car top speed.
It won't belong before the police picks him up.
Because it's going to be a wreck.
The trouble is, in destroying himself, he might destroy innocent others.
That's the problem.
If you are going to destroy himself alone, it won't have been a problem.
Want to get to hell.
But he is likely to buy several tickets and take some others with you.
It's a problem.
See, so your emotions must not rule you.
Your emotions have been given to you to enjoy, but enjoy them with caution.
You know, when you're taking some nice food, it feels very nice.
You don't want to stop.
Have you ever eaten something very nice and you didn't want to stop?
You just wanted to go on, but it can't go on forever.
You've got to stop somewhere.
You can't just go on forever.
Like you've got to, you know, this food is so nice.
You want to just go on and on and on and on.
But you can't go on.
You've got to stop.
But you don't want to stop because you're selfish.
You see, you're thinking someone else might get the rest of it.
And you don't want that.
You want all of it the day and now.
So you're going on and eating.
And what does it do?
Is that's readjusting
all the stuff in your body.
It wouldn't belong before you look at yourself in the mirror and wonder, is this something wrong with this mirror?
Say, I don't like this mirror because it's looking a little wider.
You know, you can choose your mirror.
The problem is everybody here doesn't see the way that mirror sees.
And these are the people you're going to care about when you get out of your room.
Can you see it?
And you're not going to hold your mirror.
So the question is, what do you really want to be?
And if the emotion is not checked while you're eating that food, it will check you sooner or later.
And you may not be happy with what it turns out to be.
Where is God?
Yeah, so we just watch ourselves going in a direction that we didn't plan.
Why did you let it happen?
If it can get a hold of you in any area of your life, it means he can take some more, like they say, give him an inch and he'll go a mile.
Do you ever hear that?
What happens to you when you feel a headache?
I have headaches.
I need to sleep.
You see, your emotion controls you now.
The emotion says, you got a headache, now go to bed.
See, you didn't go to bed because you needed rest.
You went to bed because the headache said, go to bed.
It detects the circumstances of your existence on a daily basis.
Now there's too much that's turning.
And so, all right now, go take this, or go take that.
Go take this, or go take that.
And before long you discover you have actually become a Christian slave.
You're a Christian, but you're truly a slave.
A slave to your emotion.
And that's one of the things that God wanted to deliver man from, because when Adam fell back there in the garden,
He fell to his senses.
His senses took dominion and began to rule his spirit.
But God has given us the liberty of the spirit so that we can control not only our emotions, but also control our whole bodies.
But if you can't control your body, it'll rule you.
Now, who's boss?
Who's king in the house?
Is it your emotions?
Your body?
Or what?
Do you get angry because you feel angry?
You feel, you know, someone said something to you and you're burning inside.
What mean?
What about you?
And you're feeling it.
The fire is burning in your bones right now and you want to eat them up.
your slave of your emotions.
Your emotions control you.
That's why when you're angry, no one can stop you.
You know, in some houses, when a guy is angry, his dad's hitting and beating anybody, maybe most especially his wife.
He uses his hands.
When she gets angry, she knows what to do.
She can't reach him, so she's gonna throw things.
Or go after him with a knife.
Now I said that to say this, in some homes, that's the way it is.
They know how to settle matters.
A knife somewhere, the frying pan is flying the other way.
And they are threats.
And after the war, they get back into the car, the same car, and they drive out.
And one is driving and the other one says, please look at where you're going.
You see.
What a life.
They didn't make this life.
Yes, they did.
You say, how?
As long as your emotions rule you, there's no telling.
There's no telling.
What more you're going to be subject to?
How can you know that your emotions are ruling you?
It's very simple.
Find out, when you get angry, what are the things that get you angry?
And how far does your anger lead you?

You know, even long after the person you're angry with has gone, you are still in that same room.
And... You are talking, only you.
No sense.
He's long gone!
You are now alone in the room.
You are still frowning, nonsense.
You're telling me, telling me.
You're alone.
You're frowning.
And he's in.
And that's a wrong time for the telephone to ring.
What is it?

How long will you let your emotions rule you?
How often does it cast you on the bed sick?
You know, nowadays it's not difficult to hear Christians talk about
You know, I was having a similar problem, so I went to the doctor and the doctor said, they just talked about going to the doctor like, you know, and the Holy Spirit told me, you know, it's this doctor, Holy Spirit Bible, just the same, you know.
Like I said, as I was praying, the Lord just said, so as I went out quickly to call the doctor and the doctor, the doctor, the Holy Spirit and the Bible, just the same.
It's part of their lives conversation.
I've been having these headaches for two weeks.
And the doctor said, you think he's going to say, and I took a stand, no, he says, and the doctor said, and the doctor said, did you say, and the doctor said, what did he say?
And the doctor said, I needed a rest, and I needed, because I was really seeing stars.
You were seeing stars?
I thought you were a star.
Now you're seeing stars.
So the doctor said, who is the place of the doctor in your life?
He's become assistant Holy Spirit.
Because now you're doing this and that because the doctor said, what did God say?
It looks like gradually he's having a lesser and a lesser influence in your life.
Because the first consultant
For you now is Doctor.

Especially when the Doctor is a Christian.
You believe that the Christian Doctor is Deputy Holy Spirit.
So once something is happening to you, doctor, I feel something on my back and I feel something on my front, my leg, I feel, you know, please, what's the matter?
And he says, okay, don't worry, I'll check.
And then he checks and checks for you and tells you X, Y, Z. And now you're happy because the doctor told me, so I know how to deal with it, Deputy Holy Spirit.
You see, because he now lets you know what's happening, he guides your prayer.
The doctor said he's on the right side of your body.
There's something on the right side of your body.
And so what are you going to do?
You now put your hand on that right side, Holy Spirit.
Because Deputy has spoken.
Now you go to the chief captain, Holy Spirit, to report what Deputy has said so that both of them can work together.
When the doctor becomes the Deputy Holy Spirit in your life,
You didn't come this far to live like this, did you?
Where's the old mess in your face that you learned?
When you found something on your body, you said, hold on devil in the name of Jesus, you get out of my body.
Now you feel it and you're looking for the closest bed.
I want the rest.
It's controlling you.
It's putting you in bondage.
And the next thing we know, you can't go to work Monday.
Because it got a hold of you Saturday night.
You barely went to church in Sunday.
So Monday it's gotten worse.
So here's your life now.
I don't understand.
There's this thing that is coming out of my body.
Every time I touch it, it's just hard.
It's just hard.
Touch it, touch it, touch it.
It's just hard.
And that one says, there are many things that could be because I'm thinking, I want to see the doctor.
And the fellow says, yeah, let's go together.
Go together.
Say, where is your faith?
What happened to it?
What happened to your face?
Are you saying that we shouldn't go to the doctor?
No, I didn't say that.
I didn't say that.
After all, I didn't tell you not to eat all the things you've been eating.
Where is God?
That's a something about faith.
Let me give you an understanding.
When you come to Christ, He gives you a life to live.
He gives you a life to live.
And He also shows you how to live that life.
Your life is a reflection.
of your communication.
You go to the doctor when your faith is broke.
Did you hear what I said?
I'll say it again.
You go to the doctor when your faith is broke.
When your faith is broke, you go to the doctor.
Because when you're normal, you don't go to the doctor.
People don't go to the doctor to say, doctor, I feel so good.
I just want you to find out why I feel so good.
No, they go to the doctor when it thinks something's going wrong.
When your faith is broke, you go to the doctor.
Because you don't know what to do anymore.
And you think, like, you've been trying.
You've been trying.
You know someone says, what do you do when you've been trying?
And things aren't working out the way they ought to be working.
Yeah, I say, that's why I said, when your feet is broke, you go to the doctor.
Because your feet is broke.
Because how did you know that your feet wasn't working?
It stopped working.
when you thought it wasn't working.
Your God broke.
Your faith got broke.
So you got a doctor and you know once a doctor takes over, fate is out.
Fate is out.
Because now he's got to be in charge.
Have you heard some testimonies, little people, they come to us and they say, well, ah, I went to the doctor, and the doctor said, XYZ is wrong with you, and I said, God forbid.
That's crazy.
Why did you go to the doctor?
If you're going to make a mess of the doctor, why don't you go there?
I went to the doctor, and the doctor said, Wisconsin, and I said, ah, I reject it.
You reject it?
That's not fate.
Doesn't matter that you said, I reject it.
No, your fate wasn't working at all.
Otherwise, what were you doing there?
Now you're insulted in the intelligence of the doctor.
You came to him.
He didn't come to your house.
You came to him.
Or you sang for him, probably it might have been in your house, but you sang for him.
And now he tells you what's wrong.
You ask him what was wrong.
He tells you what's wrong.
And you say, I reject it.
I reject it.
Doesn't mean anything.
You bought it.
It's important for us to understand how faith works.
All right?
How faith works.
Aim to learn to use what we've got.
God's given us the necessary equipment to live a perfect life.
Did you hear what I said?
A perfect life.
He said that the man of God may be perfect.
May be perfect.
Means everything working out for you.
Working out for you.
You're in charge.
Everything's working out.
Say, I'm in charge.
Everything's working out for me.
I'm in charge.
So, you learn to deal with your emotions and the voice of your emotions, your feelings.
Did you ever feel like something has happened to your breath?
Like it's a bit difficult to breathe.
And did you ever sense a spirit of death around you, you know, closing in on you?
And you're breathing, but you feel like not enough is coming out.
And you might think, any moment, if I just let go, the matter here.
And that's true.
And that's happened to some people.
And others wonder what happened to them.
Just a little attack of the spirit of death.
Death is a spirit according to the Bible.
It's a spirit.
It's a spirit.
And so,
There are two reasons people die.
One is when they give up their life because of something, maybe what they're going through.
There's so much pain, so much suffering, and so they gave up, so they died.
And apart from giving up,
See, they gave up a long time ago.
You say, what when the person is killed?
Let me tell you this.
There's no weapon in the world that can kill the man who has chosen not to die by any weapon in the world.
The only reason they could kill him
was because that happened long before then.
He hadn't mastered that.
The second reason people died is when they are taught by a spirit, the spirit of death.
And the spirit of death has angels, so don't think of just one spirit.
It's a structure.
He's got angels.
And they all function the same way.
When the spirit of death comes in a room, there are certain signs.
What I'm going to deal with that today.
But the part I will just mention is that the spirit of death does attack people.
And you have this fellow, this spirit of death has come in, he was in sick.
And suddenly,
He's either beginning to, you know, he's breathing in an abnormal way, and he's thinking, am I just that?
And he's thinking, often it comes when that person is alone.
And he does, he's either the right thing or the wrong thing.
And the wrong thing will be,

If he attempts to stop, that's it.
Just go like this and that's it.
It's dead.
It's dead.
So simply, sometimes even closing the eyes will be the end.
Just an that's it.
because you're shutting out consciousness of your environment.
And when you close your eyes, you're beginning to see another place.
So you're losing consciousness of your environment.
And the right thing to do when you have such an attack, keep your eyes open and take your stand.
Get out of here!
Until that devil out, because it's a devil, it's an evil spirit.
It's the spirit of death.
So get out in the name of Jesus.
And he'll be gone.
But if you're yielding to it, you know, some people go, they just... I don't know how I'm feeling.
I don't pour what on me, pour it on me, pour it on me.
He might die.
Pour it on me, pour.
poor telling me all the time it's important on me how hard is it to say get out in the name of Jesus I refuse instead of like this I will not die I will not die I will not die I will not die poor I will not die I will not die but he's a dying and if he doesn't die he may become an emotional wreck
How important it is for us to realize that we are really in charge of our lives.
Too many people don't realize this.
You say, but the man's a good man.
What happened to him?
Oh, the woman, one of the woman.
I said, she just went into a house and just fell on the bed and she just died.
That spirit attacked him.
And he gave up.
Then he's thinking, I'm struggling for my breath.
He's conscious that he's struggling and he keeps saying, I'm struggling.

Use what you got.
Use your mouth.
Hold on, devil.
In the name of Jesus, you get out of my body.
But you see, he's used to serving his emotions.
And so this is one more time, he's gonna take care of himself with his emotions.
You know how you feel sorry for you?
When you feel like they don't like you, that fellow doesn't like you, and you're comforting yourself.
No matter what you do, they see you just don't like you.
Subject to emotions.
Who cares whether they like you or not?
If you're a victor, you're a victor, you're a success, you're a success.
I don't matter who likes you or who doesn't like you.
I'm gonna like everybody.
If you don't like me, I'll like you anyhow.
Because that boss doesn't like you.
Every time he calls you or she calls you, you go in the front in your face.
Yes, ma'am.
Because you know this trouble again.
And you know what?
He probably didn't call you because of trouble, but there's going to be trouble when you show up.
The moment you show up, something happens.
Because you carry this air.
Something about you that goes with trouble.
Maybe he even wanted to give you something.
But once you show up with that air, you change everything.
And the next thing he knows, it's your shoe.
Why are you wearing this kind of shoe?
He has been saying the shoe, but today it's going to make trouble.
Because something has to go wrong with you.
He wanted to give you something.
Well, what kind of shoe is this?
And then, you know what?
You can't even answer rightly.
You're going to answer in a way that causes more trouble.
You could have just laughed, is it?
I just would.
And it would have been a hilarious meeting.
But no, for you, you're wondering what was my shoe again.
You have to tell me what shoe to wear in your office.
Well, it's my shoe.
It's my shoe.
Here is someone who was going to give you a gift.
And the next thing you know is... Are you talking to me like that?
Get... get...
I mean, he'll also even throw you out himself.
Get out of my office.
And after you're gone, he can't understand it.
He can't believe he is something he prayed about.
He thought he was going to give you this gift today.
And look what just happened.
It happens with husbands and wives, too.
Maybe the husband bought something nice and was thinking, he's going to give it to her.
Maybe he just says, oh, I love you.
And, you know, he has this thing he wants to use a surprise at.
And she says, mmm, are you just knowing?

He can't believe it's happening.
And he's trying to make fun out of it.
But you know I love you.
You love me so much, you can't come home early.

He just, he wishes he didn't hear that.
If he used to be buying this thing.
Okay, I wanted to give you something.
What is that?
And then he brings it out.
It looks so nice, but she's too pompous and proud to say it's nice.
She looks at it and she says, but no, I don't use these things.
She's pompous.
She's proud.
She's a braggat.
You know I don't use these things.
Why are you wasting your money?
I don't really use these things.
I don't really use these things.
Very unappreciative.
And the guy is thinking, he's wondering how did I marry this?
I wish I knew what Pastor was talking about being led of the Spirit.
Your food is ready.
Your food is ready.
He has lost his appetite.
I need to, he's not saying, I don't know what that would be.
You know, I spent so long making food.
If you won't eat no problem, she starts packing the things.
You wonder how such people, you know what?
They don't break up.
That's another miracle.
They don't break up.
They're not going to divorce each other.
They're going to stay with this thing.
You know, two people who have sworn to make each other unhappy.

There's a lady who said one time she was having a problem with her husband.
She said, if he's thinking, I'm going to go away.
He's wrong.
I'm not going anywhere.
She was unhappy.
He was unhappy.
And she said, I'm going anywhere.
I will stay in that place.
And she's not planning on changing anything.
And she doesn't want him to change.
I said, but prayer can be, so I prayed before.
Whatever we happen, let it happen.
Whatever we happen, let it happen.
Nothing like that will happen.
Only what you have made happen will happen.
So it can happen anyway.
In the car, in the office, at home, it's up to you.
Make a choice to be happy.
and put your face to work.
Use your mount.
Use what you've got on the inside.
Use your mount.
First thing you do is not to call it out until we got problems in your stomach.
Use this stomach in the name of Jesus.
Be corrected.
Be corrected.
Function rightly.
That's it.
And when you've said it, don't start looking for a holiday.
Please, can you tell them in the office I can't come?
And then you change your tone, please.
I can't, I don't know how I'm feeling.
Because you haven't assigned me to submit you didn't finish.
You did that in school, didn't you?
Once there was a test, you were sick.
The moment you heard the announcement, timetable is ours.
Hell, you were running temperature.
Immediately, when is it starting?
They don't know why you're going like this.
Is there any problem?
You start hearing voices now about
You are sick.
Tell them you are sick.
Tell them you are sick.
Then back kick comes.
Because this back kick I've been having.
And really, it worsens.
Right away!
It worsens.
It multiplies.
You can't read anymore.
Every little time you spend reading it, it's your back.
You read like this.

Once you can't even manage any of the two sides anymore.
So you're going to send a message.
I can't come.
You play that trick for long and say it has cooperated with you to make it work for you.
And you think it's been working.
So now it's working in your job.
When are you going to use your face?
I mean, it wasn't my fault.
I mean, you don't use your face when the trouble has come.
Use it before it comes.
So that when it shows up, it's a walkover.

When are you going to be a Christian?
A complete Christian.
A complete Christian is not a slave to his feelings.
Not a slave to his body.
Make up your mind to win.
Make up your mind for health.
Make up your mind for strength.
It's the same thing with your finances.
Always broke.
Never having money.
Same way you have staff members in an organization like you two.
They don't know what to do with their money.
It doesn't matter how much they receive, it just doesn't last.
And they just take it, and the next thing they know, it's all gone.
They paid for that, they paid for that.
And some even say, ever before the money comes, it's already gone.
Because they spent it in borrowing, in borrowing, in borrowing.
So even when the money comes, it's already, I mean, it's already gone.
They don't have it.
What kind of life is this?
Why have you chosen to become a failure like this?
Don't you understand the definition of a failure?
This is a failure already.
You've got to do something to change it.
You can go like this.
You never have him.
Always broke.
No, no, no.
Stop it.
Say to yourself, no, I'm going to stop it.
I'm going to make it stop.
And I'm stopping it today.
Begin like this.
Because they say, I give my tithe, I give my this, I give my that.
I don't understand what happens to my money.
I never have enough.
You never have enough.
Not the way you're going.
Start by disciplining yourself.
No matter how much you get, hear this.
The problem people have is not the money they get.
It has always been the mind they have.
The type of mind
The way their mind works.
Even if you put them on top of all the money in central bank, they'll become broke.
Doesn't matter, they'll be broke.
They have a lifestyle of being broke.
And they will laugh about it.
I never have enough money left.
They laugh, they don't realize every statement they make is a material for building their lives.
Don't joke with your life, okay?
When we make jokes, we don't joke with anything that has the capacity to take a hold of our lives.
Are you hearing me?
I cannot say negative things out of my mouth.
I'm not gonna let them come out.
I'm not gonna let them come out.
See, I've, you know, I've passed the level of trying to say, trying to replace bad with good.
I'm now working on replacing the good ones with the excellence.
See that?
Because there's the excellent communication, not just good, but excellence, something better than good when you talk.
Are you hearing me?
Because you want to keep your life at a certain level.
I prefer to have my life at an excellent level, excellent platform.
Be in charge.
Now, when things happen and
the control by others and those things are supposed to work against you.
You stand tall over and above them because you live on a higher plane of life.
I live by a different set of rules.
You see, I live from another kingdom.
So I'm going to operate from that kingdom.
See that?
That's the way you should think.
You don't belong here.
Jesus said you are not of this word.
Jesus said so.
And if Jesus said so, so it is.
Jesus said, I'm not of this word, so I'm not of this word.
Therefore, I'm not subject to the things that happen here.
I'm not subject to the elements of this word.
The Bible says, when we win the pews, who were subject to the elements of this world, when we were children,
See, what have you grown?
Have you grown?
Have you come out of babyhood stage?
Have you come out of there?
If you've come out of there, then talk differently.
Use the kingdom talk, kingdom language.
I'm never broke.
I refuse to be broke.
I'll never be broke.
I always have.
Always have.
Always have.
And then I start practicing having.
I start practicing having.
I start by what?
I start by saving.
You say, what if the money's not even enough for the month?
Who told you?
Save out of it.
God said to you to give him one tent of all your income.
Is that correct?
So you give him one tent.
If God asks for one tent, it means one tent is important and significant.
Why don't you try?
If you think that what you have is little, why don't you try half of that?
Why don't you try saving half of that?
Some of you can afford to save an equal amount of that, another one tenth.
Some of you can even afford to save the 20th part, right?
Some of you can afford to save half of what you receive.
And some can even save more than that.
But let's begin.
Half of one tenth.
You can save it.
Today, saving is not because of the interest upon it.
Saving is a discipline.
Because the interest upon it that you may get from where you save it may make no sense and may discourage you because of inflation.
So it may discourage you from even saving the money in the first place.
All right?
But do it because you're disciplining yourself to always have.
See, when God wanted to bless Moses to send him to Pharaoh, he was what God said.
He said, Moses, I'm fed up of Egypt.
Fair up of Pharaoh and his taskmasters.
They've been oppressing my people so long.
And Moses was like, what have you been waiting for?
I mean, this has been 400 years.
And God said, now I've heard their cries.
They've cried so long, and I want to bring them out of that bondage.
And Moses is waiting to know, what am I going to do?
I mean, how hurts my role in this?
I don't have an army.
So the Lord said, Moses,
What do you have in your hand?
What do you have?
God's always looking for what you got so I can bless what you got.
So it says, what do you have in your hand?
He said, the rod.
And God said, all right.
It's a rod put it on the ground and it turned into a serpent.
And with that rod Moses performed miracles because it was a shepherd's rod.
That's all he had.
And he performed miracles with it.
All right.
You remember the sons of the prophets?
when they needed food because the father was dead and the creditor had come to take them for bondmen.
And the mother approached the prophet and said, please help me.
What do I do?
The prophet of God said, what do you have in your house?
What do you have?
It's a cruise of oil.
He said, all right.
Go find as many vessels as you can get.
And start pouring out of that cruise into the vessels.
This is what do you have in your house?
Just a cruise of oil.
It was insignificant.
It could not pay the debt.
It was so small, but at least it was available.
She didn't say nothing.
If she had had nothing, I wonder what had happened.
Maybe, maybe the rebuke of some kind.
I just wonder.
Maybe a rebuke before help.
I wonder.
I don't know, but God letting us know that what you've got in your hand is important.
So we've got to have something, all right?
Make sure you have something.
So put it there because that's what God's going to bless.
That's what God's going to be looking for when he wants to perform a big miracle for you.
He's going to say, OK, now you want a financial miracle?
What is it you've got?
And you say, Lord, I spend everything.
You say, well, you're full.
You don't spend everything.
So start your saving.
No less than 5%.
All right?
No less than that.
If you can save more, do so.
It's okay when we say what we're going to do because there's always a need.
We always have to give.
Yes, I'll explain to you.
I'll explain something to you about giving and sometimes the people who don't understand this.
Let's look at it.
The Lord Jesus in his teachings often use words that fishermen in farmer school understand.
because this was mostly what the people did at the time.
The Bible says the common people heard him gladly.
So he addressed common people and a lot of them, fishermen and farmers.
So he explained things in that way.
Let's look at this.
If you sold seeds in a ground and you needed food,
Let's assume you planted some corn seeds and you needed food.
You were so hungry.
Would you run to the farm and dig them up?
That's what some people think.
That's what they do.
See, sometimes that money that you're saving is prematurely brought out and used in giving.
and then it fears because it was prematurely given.
The saving was not necessarily for that purpose.
You see, you want to know from the Lord because the times He can provide for you finances from some other sauce.
He can do that.
So you're not selfish.
You're keeping this money.
You're saving this money.
All right.
You're saving this money and not because you just want to use it for yourself.
And that's the reason you don't mind to bring it out when there's a need.
But the question is, do I bring this out?
Do I have faith for some more to come to me?
I guarantee you, when you start learning to have money to save all the doors will start opening,
where you find that there's more money coming in.
Because the first thing is to create a mentality that has money.
If you don't create a mentality that has money, it doesn't matter how much you got in the bank, it will rust.
You lose it.
Just a matter of time.
But you want to be rich, right?
And wealthy, and powerful, and influential, because that's who you really are.
You are the son, the daughter of Abraham.
Therefore, you want to keep yourself that way.
Am I right?
So learn the principles.
The first thing is to have a mentality of a hava.
financial posseso, the mentality.
You know, when you have some money, it does give you an amount of confidence.
And that's why the Bible tells us to be careful to not have confidence in uncertain riches, because he knows it does give an amount of confidence.
But it doesn't want us to rely
on those riches.

So start out this time.
Don't blow all your money.
Save some of it.
And remember, I said, you're not saving it because of the interest because you might even lose.
So that's not the point.
But you're giving yourself a mentality.
You're training for the future.
And when you start training like this, the tomb belongs before you are launched into an ever-increasing realm of financial blessing.
You can be there.
It's what God wants for you.
That's where I live.
So I know what it's like ever-increasing.
Who you come to, you come to porn in your life, nothing is big because you are bigger.
You're the seat of Abraham.
Did you hear me?
Remember, it's not the amount of money.
It's the power of your heart and how your mind works.
That's what matters.
So you may be thinking
I've been talking like this since I was in my teenage years, ministering.
I've been talking like this.
So it's got nothing to do with position.
All right?
You can talk like this.
So that's the way I still am today.
See, just wise and more full of the word.
So that's what you do, you talk to your body.
Your head is hurting.
Say, yeah, I will rest when I choose to, I will rest, but I refuse to be sick.
Is this Satan?
If you think to convert this feeling to sickness, I'll reject it in the name of Jesus.
You're a soldier.
The Bible says for us to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
Take advantage, seize it.
Don't check it out.
It's so good.
It's so good.
Hey, hey, hey.
I don't know what to do.
I don't know if it's last week.
You know your talk.
It's last week.
I don't know.
I don't understand.
Hey, you're ready to ask me.
I don't know.
It's me.
Hey, hey, hey.
I don't know what is happening now to all of us.
It's not all of us.
You are the only one in that boat.
It's not all of us!
What do you mean that all of us have happened to all of us?
It's an attack!
It's an attack!
He's an attack!
He's an attack!
He's an attack!
He's an attack!
It's an attack!
It's an attack!
It's an attack!
It's an attack!
It's an attack.
So what are you going to do?
It's an attack he told you before.
He said what?

It's an attack.
So why are you going to do?

It's a look that he told you before.
He said, what?
Your head would want your helmet of salvation.
The respite of righteousness.
Your lawyers got it back with jute.
Put on your shoes.
And you hear them.
And then take the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, and burn off your shield of hope.
Well, we, you shall be able to
Come on, we get chimed in!
Yes, you're not safe.
I'm all over the shield of faith.
You need the shield of faith.
Throw it, demo.
Tell your measure.
Many are.
They are pictures of the righteous.
But the Lord believe in Him out on them all.
I refuse to be safe.
Because a matter of all, it's not hard, and you say no more, don't get it.
That is he, that is he, that you, isn't her.
I refuse to be sick.
It seems it's getting worse.
Your body's getting hurt.
You're lying down on your flat on your back.
You said, don't make it hard all you want.
Your I refuse to be sick.
This body is the temple of the Holy Lord.

When they are out of the room, get up.
You may not be able to move bricks, because your body's feeling so terrible.
When you go like this, and you shut the door, you say, devil, you watch me dance.
I refuse to be sick.
And then I get up.
I have a feeling.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's in my back.
My joints are hurting.
And I'm just barely able to move.
I said, demo, try your best shot.
I refuse to be sick.
The Lord is my shepherd.
I shall not walk.
There you are, motherfucker.
Say it again.
You can't even shout.
You can't even shout.
You can still hear me.
I may not be able to shout out, but I'm going to... I refuse to be sick.
I refuse to be sick.
I refuse.

I'm going to serve God well and sound.
Well and sound.
Well and sound.
Well and sound.
I live a life more than a man.
I'm more than a man.
Christ seen me.
The hope of glory.
I'm more than a man.
Shout out more than a man.
I'm more than a man.
Glory to God.
I'm more than a man.
It's the way we are all human beings, and I'm devil.
I'm brought to the price.
I'll belong to this world.
Christ is in me.
I'm a new creation.
And every fiber of my beard, every bone of my body, I'm full of the Holy Ghost.
I'm the house of God.
I'm a living heaven, I feel a witness, long as I'm God.
I live who we are.
Rama, mama, get a kill, mama, yeah.
Oh, shit.
Rama, mama, get a kill, mama, yeah.
Oh, shit.
Rama, mama, get a kill, mama, yeah.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.

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God bless you.