Global Day of Prayer Edition 8 Day 2
The Global Day of Prayer is a program where billions of Christians around the world join forces with our man of God to pray and establish the will of the Father in the earth.
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We bring you special teachings from an episode of the Global Day of Prayer, where the Man of God has to crest.
In St.
John's Gospel, chapter 16.
First from the King James, it says in verse 33,
these things i have spoken on to you that in me he might have peace in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good care i have overcome the world now why this is so important is because
of the word that's used there.
And the amplified version actually gives all its shades.
And that's what makes the rendering here very beautiful.
So I'm going to read it to you from the amplified version.
It says, I have told you these things so that in me, you may have perfect peace and confidence.
In the world, you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration, but be of good cheer.
Take courage, be confident, certain, undone it, for I have overcome the world.
I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.
That's wonderful.
Jesus has deprived the world of its power to harm us and his conquered the world for us.
That's wonderful.
So you can understand that we are victors in this world.
He told us to be confident, look at it.
He says, be of good share, take courage, be confident, be certain, be on target.
I have overcome the world.
I have deprived it of power to harm you.
And I've conquered it for you.
That's wonderful.
He conquered the world, not for himself, but for us.
And that's the reason John, and I'd like to quickly point out that it's John who wrote this for us.
He told us what Jesus said.
And he's the only one of the four gospel writers that gave us these words from Jesus.
And he's a piece of just to let you know how important those words were to him.
He goes, Father,
to tell us, first, from chapter four, his first epistle, chapter four, as first John chapter four, and verse four, he says, he of God, little children, and I've overcome them, because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.
And I want to remind you, he's talking about
the propagators in prophets of the world that decreed things that they plan to do and create fears in the world.
He calls them false prophets.
And he tells us that they are not from God.
Look at verse 5.
He says, they are of the world.
Therefore speak they of the world.
And the world hears them.
You see?
The world listens to them.
He told us not to listen to them.
There are people who say that they represent science, but they are lying.
They don't represent any science.
They want to tell us what our world should be like.
the claiming extra intelligence than everybody else, and insisting that the rest of us must comply.
And that is the insulting statement.
When they lobby governments and compare their friends in government to agree with them and impose
their ideas and their opinions, their failed opinions on the rest of the world.
It's never been so.
How can they claim esoteric knowledge when in fact they have never been truly successful?
It's unacceptable.
No, we didn't come this far to be stupid or to be quiet.
So the world may be listening to them, but Jesus overcame the world for us.
Therefore the world will not dictate what life we're going to live.
We didn't believe in Jesus for nothing.
We're bleeding Jesus for our salvation and that salvation includes victory while you are living in this world.
It includes victory.
So we'll live above the word system and victoriously, fearlessly in this world.
He says, they are of the world, therefore speak day of the world and the world, hear it then.
You see that?
But look at the next verse.
We are of God.
He that knoweth God, hear it us.
He that is not of God, hear it not us.
You see, the only people who don't listen to us, he says that those who are not of God.
But those who are of God have a light inside them that can let them know that we are telling the truth from their father.
They are heavenly father because we got the same spirit.
So they can tell.
Look at that.
It says, here I know with the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.
And I told you about that word, plan A. That means deceit.
the spirit of this city, that is deception.
So, I take you to the next chapter, chapter five, same book, First John.
And I want you to look at what it says in the fourth verse.
says, for whatsoever is born of God, overcometh the world.
And this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
And I want us to read it from the Amplified Translation, again, because it does really give a clear picture of what he's talking about, because it just
Not one word that he gives us the right synonyms for.
He says, for whatever is born of God is victorious over the world.
Whatever is born of God.
And I want to remind you that the term was carefully chosen of the Holy Ghost.
In the Greek, it's actually whatever.
So the King James gets it right and the Amplified Translation gets it right.
A few translations say whoever, but he's not trying to say something about people.
He's trying to say whatever proceeds from God.
That's what He's telling you.
Whatever comes from God, whatever comes from God, that includes us.
That includes every word spoken from God.
For the Bible says no word from God is void of power.
So you see that?
For whatever is born of God.
So those creatures are born of God.
When we speak God's words,
which our spirits have received from the Holy Ghost.
And we honor those words, they come from God.
And when we release them into the world, they overcome the world.
Let me explain something to you so you can get it.
I have a medical doctor here.
Without the manipulation, adjustment of A and A pressure can words be formed.
It's impossible.
You cannot form words.
If you want to try, hold your breath.
All right, hold your breath and try to talk.
and make sure you make no adjustment to the air pressure.
Don't move any air from within.
You won't be able, no sound will come out.
So all words are based on the movement of air.
Why is that important?
Because that's, you see, a toad is from the Bible.
Ask any scientist whether what I said is true or not.
Only those that don't know the Bible, that don't know real science will tell you they're not sure.
But every experiment will prove to be right.
The Bible says that after God formed man from the dust of the ground, he breathed into his nostrils the bread of life.
And man became the living being, the living soul.
Now, the same word for spirit is the word for wind.
And right from there, remember, the first revealed power force in the word sound.
The first revealed is sound energy.
That's the very first.
And when you move air from within you, it causes sound to be formed.
Then you control the sound with your tongue, with your lips, with all the movement with your teeth, all that would determine how the words, how those sounds come out.
but you can make all those movements within your mouth and if there's no air within, there'll be no sound.
So it's either you're sucking it in or pushing it out, there's got to be the manipulation, adjustments of air pressure.
meaning that we found words with air.
So there's a direct connection between our mental pictures, that is our imagination, our thoughts and the air that we breathe and the air that's around us.
Remember what Jesus called Satan.
In Satan's plan to run the world, he became the prince of the power of the air.
So in that way, he exercises dominion over men's lives.
But we receive the greater power, the Holy Spirit,
Who is the Mecca of the air itself?
And God put that Holy Spirit inside us.
Tremendous wind power so that we can overcome all the dirt in the air.
All the evil that Satan puts in the air.
And through the Holy Spirit when we speak, our words go out like the stone from David's link.
directed of the Holy Ghost.
So our words are not empty.
They become like God's words, they never die.
They accomplish their purpose.
God said, So is the word that goes forth out of my mouth.
It shall not return to me void.
That's wonderful.
It's better than the drones.
Those drones missed their targets.
But God's word never returns void.
It goes straight to where it is addressed until it accomplishes its purpose.
And through the Holy Ghost, He gave us the same life.
But when we speak, our words go until they meet their targets.
They don't return to us void.
That's why when you speak, don't change it.
Except you were saying the wrong thing.
But when you speak, believe in your words, they will not return to you void.
They will not return to you void.
That's why I told you.
The vaccine project is doomed.
Pastor Chris will be right back.
In the place of prayer, you would definitely want to know what to say to get results.
We have a record of the Lord's Prayer, written for our learning, not a memory verse, but an outline of prayer.
That thing they call our Lord's Prayer when they go our Father with you in heaven, that's the
the outline of prayer.
Jesus was teaching them.
So we want to know what the Lord's prayer really is.
He goes to what he prayed in St.
John's Gospel.
In a place of prayer, you would definitely want to know this.
The Lord's Prayer, a classic guide on the New Testament pattern for prayer by Pastor Chris.
Available for download on mobile devices to Pastor Chris Digital Library app or you can call the following numbers to order now.
You are watching special teachings from an episode of the Global Day of Prayer, with the man of God as to Kress.
In 2 Corinthians chapter 10, from verse 3, hear what the word tells us.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.
Now, the Greek original show us that verse 4 is parenthetical.
That's why in the King James you find it in parenthesis.
It says, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
The weapons of our warfare are not canal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
Now this is extraordinary.
We've read through this several times before.
It's important to know what he's talking about here because
He's referring to strongholds of all kinds.
The language is in military terms, especially using the Roman military.
with which, of course, Paul was acquainted.
He says, the weapons of our warfare.
And when he talks about warfare here, Stratea, he is dealing with a military expedition.
See, a military campaign.
A military expedition.
The weapons of our warfare.
and not corner, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
And that's why it's parenthetical because he could apply this to any kind of stronghold, any kind of stronghold.
And the Bible shows us of different kinds of strongholds.
We're talking about where Satan believes he's constructed a citadel, that he believes no one can excel.
There are financial strongholds.
There are physical strongholds.
Bible shows us the Old Testament.
about strongholds, the stronghold of Zion as one, and then think about all of those wars that were built around the city of Jericho.
What brought down the wars of Jericho?
the children of Israel listened to, they listened for a trumpet blast.
And when that was done, they shouted and the wars came down, meaning that those wars were brought down by supernatural power, supernatural forces.
In the context of his discussion in this particular chapter,
He breaks it down to explain what strongholds.
He refers to here when you go to verse 5.
He says, casting down imaginations.
Which means you can go from verse 3 to verse 5.
So let's read it from verse 3 to verse 5.
Because I said, verse 4 is parenthetical.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh, casting down imaginations.
So in casting down imaginations, it says, we are not worrying.
We're not doing it according to the weapons of men.
We use supernatural abilities.
to bring down cast-down imaginations.
And it's quite interesting what you have there, logismus.
And logismus for imaginations here, I like what one of the first words for logismus is computations.
It means that we demolish computations.
And logismus primarily has to do with numbers.
We demolish computations.
Including all kinds of prognosis.
They said this and this and this is what is going to happen.
And we demolish all of those ideas and theories.
That's why when they came up with all the fake lies and brought fears to the whole world, that's what we did.
We came with weapons of our affair.
not Kana, but mighty through God.
And they put fear around the world, but we demolish them.
Let me read it to you from the Amplified Translation of the AMPC.
It gets it very well.
It says, inasmuch as we refute arguments.
You see, we demolish the arguments by presenting further information.
We provide evidence.
and prove them wrong.
Look at it, inasmuch as we refute arguments and theories and reasonings.
Our weapons are not man-made.
They demolish arguments and theories and reasonings.
And then he says, and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the true knowledge of God.
In other words, what God has told us, our knowledge that we got from God.
When God says, this is it, this is it, God has given us understanding, he has given us knowledge, he has given us information to say, this is what is right, this is what is wrong.
And then they wrap their own
awkward authority to try to tell us something against the knowledge that God has given us.
The Bible says we have weapons that are not man-made with which to demolish their theories and their reasonings and every structure that they raise up to defy the knowledge that God has given us.
the truths that God has given us.
When God's word says this is the way, if God's word says this is what is right, then we say this is what is right.
If God's word says this thing is wrong, then it is wrong.
And they want us to do things that are not right in the side of God.
And we demolish their reasonings and every high structure that they rear up
against the true knowledge of God.
And then look at the power we have.
We lead every thought captive.
See that?
We lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ.
Can I say this to you?
These weapons, if you study the wordings applied
You'd find that he uses the same term when he says to us put on the whole ammo of God.
The word translated ammo is same for weapon.
But where is his whole ammo panopleia?
Panopleia is from two words.
That is Pan for all together, alright?
All and Hoplan.
Hoplan is an instrument of war or two.
A weapon.
So the reason for that is we have two very vital, very vital weapons.
He gives us a full list in Ephesians chapter 6 when you read from verse 11.
He starts telling you, you can read from verse 11, look at it, put on the whole armor, the term whole, I'm a panel player.
the whole armor of God, that he may be able to stand against the wires of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers, the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
See, we have authority.
When I said to that lady, those devils will not trouble you anymore.
The demons hurt me, and they stayed off.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Look at the next thing.
We therefore take on to you the whole armor of God that he may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand.
All right.
Now, he gives you a whole list of this amazing amory.
Stand there for having your loins got about with truth.
All right and having on the breastplate of righteousness and Your feet shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace That's wonderful Then in verse 16 here.
He says something that's very interesting.
He says above all Above all Why because with this one
If you're holding this one, ever before something gets to your head, you can block it.
Before it gets over here to your loins, you can block it.
And even down there, you can keep it away.
So he says, above all, taking the shield of faith.
where with you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts you see that all it doesn't have to get to your head to your helmet it doesn't have to get to your breastplate it doesn't have to get to your loins no before ever he says with the shield of fate you can quench all up side or down makes the difference above all
Taking the shield of faith, that means your faith.
Jesus asked the disciples, where is your faith?
When they were afraid of diseases, where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
For those who were afraid of COVID, where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is your faith?
Where is
Your faith is a shield.
He says, above all, taking the shield of faith.
And that with that faith, which is a shield, you shall be able, God knows.
So he says, you shall be able to quench neutralize, put out all the fiery dots of the wicked.
Doesn't matter how he comes.
Doesn't matter.
But with your faith.
Oh, my faith is alive.
My faith is alive.
My faith is alive.
My faith is hot, hot feet.
My faith is alive.
Jesus says, where is your faith?
And I say, I got my faith.
I got my faith.
My faith is working.
My faith is alive.
Taking the shield of faith, where would he shall be able to quench?
To quench, quench, quench, snuff out, put out, neutralize.
Oh, not some.
All the fiery darts.
Did you notice?
Satan has fiery darts.
He is that desperate.
He is that desperate.
So he shoots fiery darts at you.
But with your faith, you will neutralize them.
Neutralize all the fiery darts of the wicked.
Then he goes to verse 17 and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit.
This is the only offensive.
All the others are defensive.
So with the defensive arsenal,
you are only maintaining your position.
But the barber says fight.
Not just hold, no fight.
Fight the good fight of faith.
So you're gonna have to fight.
And to fight, you got what?
The sword of the spirit.
which is the word of God, the Rima.
The Rima, it means God's word in your mouth.
The Rima of God is a spoken word.
You can't just keep quiet.
You can't just think it.
It has to come out of your mouth.
That is the Rima.
It's the altered word.
It is the inspired, altered word.
You know, Lagos?
Lagos can be reasoned.
unspoken, but it is risen speech.
You see, that's Logos.
You can reason it and speak it.
But Rima is an inspired outrance.
It's an inspired outrance.
So this inspired utterance of God in your lips.
You're going to have to use it.
It's a sword of the Spirit.
It works in the realm of the Spirit.
And you say in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Remember, this is war.
It's telling you how to use God's weapons.
How to use God's weapons.
Since the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, He told us about the sword in the mouth of Jesus, and He said, it is God's Word.
It's God's Word.
Spoken out.
I wonder how long is that sword?
How far can it go?
How far can it go?
It goes where you address it.
It goes where you address it.
It goes where you address it.
It goes where you address it.
Don't be worried about the new lie they are peddling right now with Omicron.
because they're looking for excuses to either lock down excuses for the polarization that they're trying to create and to say that vaccinated versus unvaccinated.
And then they tell the vaccinated that the unvaccinated are the ones that are making them making the virus contagious.
So they have been infected, re-infected by the own vaccinated solar lives.
This is not scientific at all.
In fact, it's laughable.
And the only reason we don't laugh at it is because of the seriousness of the matter.
It is annoying.
Otherwise it would have been just a laughable matter.
But this is crazy.
That intelligent people like this expect that the whole world is fooled.
It's so annoying.
It's so annoying.
But they know something that a lot of people don't understand.
And that is, they know that if you tell a lie and continue to tell the lie, people will soon believe you.
They understand that principle.
So they are using it.
They are using it.
Don't forget, these are very educated people.
When I say educated, I mean that they are very well educated in courtism.
They're educated in Satanism.
And in Satanism, the perpetuation of a lie is expected to be converted as truth.
That is in Satanism.
So they understand that.
They've taught them in the court.
So they say, tell the lie, continue to insist, and people will believe you.
That's what they're doing.
And the Bible says, people will believe them.
So the Bible says,
But the truth of the matter is, this is not their time.
of actually getting all the nations to be deceived and to follow them and that's why we have this window for praying for the nations that the nations will not fall into their deception completely and so we release the nations from these deceptions by the power of the Holy Ghost because this is not the time that is given to them to control the nations that day will come the time will come but that will be after we have checked out of here
So we are rounding off.
I'm not talking about the prayer day.
We are rounding off the work of the church for the church age.
How the Lord Jesus has waited for these moments that we are going into.
these times that we're going into, these are the times that the prophets wanted to see.
The things that we're about to begin to see, in fact, we're already actually in them.
We're already seeing them.
We're in them.
The next level is for the manifestations of these things that many of you have been learning, bringing them home to your personal life and seeing the supernatural on a daily basis.
walking with the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Ghost and living your life in full joy, irrespective of circumstances.
And even the world may have darkness, but when you come, there will be light.
This is the phase that we have entered into.
the evangelization of the world, the gospel to every nation, to every territory of the world.
This is happening, and it's happening big time, it's happening with speed, and there's no stopping us.
This vehicle is, the momentum is too much.
The momentum with which we're coming is too much, it's unstoppable.
It's on cruise, cruise control.
There's no stopping it.
The power of the Holy Ghost.
Pastor Chris will be right back.
Wake up, it's time.
Satan cannot dominate the world.
He cannot take over the nations.
He can't do it.
At the name of Jesus, every knee should bow.
Of things in heaven.
and things in earth, and things on the earth.
Of the increase of His government and peace, there shall be no end.
So we must increase, and they must decrease.
The teachings of the Glimel Day of Prayer with our man of God, Pastor Chris, are now available on the Pastor Chris Digital Library.
Want an opportunity to be under the instructions of the Holy Spirit, guiding us to wake up to the call of praying for the nations of the world?
You can download and subscribe to have an instant access to all these messages on the Pastor Chris digital library app.
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You are watching special teachings from an episode of the Global Day of Prayer with the Man of God, Pastor Kress.
When we study these scriptures, we see how faithful He was to those that He dealt with, to those who believed in Him.
In the Old Testament, he was called often by the name that he identified himself.
He said, I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
This is my memorial forever.
In one major thing that we find in this relationship with these men was that God was faithful to His Word that He gave to them.
And that is exactly what has come to us through Jesus Christ.
He said to Abraham, in Genesis chapter 12, I'll read from verse 1 to verse 3, now the Lord had said unto Abraham, get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that I will show thee.
And I'll make of thee a great nation and I'll bless thee and make thy name great and I shall be a blessing.
Isn't it amazing how God is so different from these globalists who like to have things but dispossess the rest of the world.
So they come up with a plan and say you own nothing but you'll be happy.
But they will own a lot.
That's terrible.
But God would give land.
to Abraham.
So he said, and I'll make of the verse to you.
I'll make of the great nation and I'll bless thee and make thy name great.
And thou shalt be a blessing.
And thou blest them that blessed thee, and curse him that cursed thee.
And in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
All families of the earth be blessed.
This is wonderful.
There are families that are not doing very well.
There are families that have a lot of poverty.
Things are bad, bad, but they never knew this, that there was a blessing reserved for them.
But how will they connect?
How can a poor family be connected to the blessing of Abraham?
This is why he sent us to preach the gospel.
Look at those people you saw in that video, the healing strings.
See how they got healed.
Distant lands far away.
And yet, when we were able to speak God's word to them, it changed our situation.
What did we do?
What did we do except to say you are free?
Because we were authorized in Christ Jesus.
We were commissioned or were given the power to do it.
He sent us to do it.
I said to a man, he could not walk.
His limbs were broken.
He couldn't walk.
I said, sir, I bring you healing in the name of Jesus.
Oh, what a day.
The doctors couldn't help him.
They couldn't help him.
They tried, like the man we saw on the screen the moment ago.
They couldn't help him.
He had to move into an assisted home.
Assisted living home so they could help him out with things.
He said everything, he was doing everything on the bed.
I said, I bring you healing in the name of Jesus.
Oh boy.
Oh boy.
And then that was the day.
That was the day.
That was the day.
That was the day.
That was the man that we minister to who was in his room in Iran.
His bones had wasted away.
There's no way he could get up.
And then few words, you're free.
You're healed.
And like springs went through his bones.
He sprang up.
He heard.
Because we are the seed of Abraham.
If I say to you,
From this day, I removed poverty from your life.
That's the end of poverty.
That's the end of poverty.
We were sent.
We were sent.
Look at the message, look at it.
He says, and I will bless them, that blessed thee, and curse him, that cursed thee, and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
See, this is God's plan to bless every single family.
And everybody comes from a family.
Nobody that didn't come from one family or the other.
Everybody came from somebody.
The only one who didn't come from somebody was Adam.
But the Bible says he came from God.
Even Eve came from Adam.
Everybody came from everybody.
So God's plan is to bless all families of the earth.
How's he gonna do it?
Well, he told us.
He goes straight to chapter 22, verse 18.
See, God shows how he's gonna do it.
He says, and in thy seed,
shall all the nations of the earth be blessed."
So he says this to Abraham.
In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.
Because thou has obeyed my voice.
That's wonderful.
Then he goes to chapter 26.
Now he talks to Isaac, verse 4.
And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven.
And I will give unto thy seed all these countries.
And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.
Then he goes to Jacob.
You see, it's moving from Abraham to Abraham's son, Isaac, from Isaac to Isaac's son, Jacob.
So now he goes to Jacob and we're in verse 14 of chapter 28.
Look what happens here.
and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth and thou shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed and the remarkable thing the remarkable thing he says your seed shall be as the dust of the earth not your seeds
So the argument here was God indicating by not saying seeds.
Indicating it was one seed with many members.
So that's why he didn't say seeds.
So he gives us the argument by himself.
Galicians chapter three.
Go to verse 16.
This is extraordinary.
Look at it.
Now, to Abraham and his seed were the promises made.
He said not unto seeds as of many, but as of one unto thy seed, which is Christ.
Did you notice it didn't say Jesus?
Likra hokobasson te kia.
Just in case, just in case.
What we read, you didn't understand it.
All right.
Put it in the living Bible to begin with, T.O.B.
Now God gave some promises to Abraham and his child, and noticed that it doesn't see the promises with to his children, as it, as it would, if all his sons, all the Jews were being spoken of.
But to his child, and that, of course, means Christ.
Did you see that?
He says, he didn't mean Jews.
If he had said children, it would mean Jews.
He says, but he says, child, seed, one seed.
And he says, that seed is Christ.
He didn't say Jesus.
Why did he not say Jesus?
Because God planned to make Jesus the head of Christ.
Okay, now.
Okay, now.
If you don't know the Bible, you almost just got confused.
But don't worry, relax.
Let me explain what that means.
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.
All right?
That's what the Bible says.
But Christ is not a name.
You see it?
So it's not Jesus' first name, Christ's sonning.
Christ is the anointed.
Is the anointed of God.
So when it says, Jesus the Christ, that means the one to whom the promise was made.
That means the one that is chosen of God to be the embodiment of God.
That's what it means.
So the Bible says, God then made Jesus the head.
And the church, his body, the body, the head, are called the same name, Christ.
So the church are the members of his body, and he is the head.
Just in case you are new to Scripture, let me show you what I just told you.
Go to Ephesians chapter 1.
And then we begin reading from verse 21.
Far above all, principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come.
And had put all things, God he says, has put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church which is his body.
The fullness of him.
That means the church is the completeness of him.
Him who fears all in all.
In other words, how could He's given you a mystery?
He says, one who fears all things, how can one be the completeness of one who fears all things?
He says, it's a mystery, but God did it.
Your mind can't fathom it, but God did it.
The church wishes his body, the fullness of him that feel it all in all.
That's extraordinary.
So he gave him to be the head.
Look at that again, verse 22.
And I put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, for the sake of the church he means, which is his body.
So Jesus is the head.
The church is his body.
and Jesus and His body are called Christ.
So we are the fullness of Him.
Meaning that when He is called Jesus the Christ, He is not complete.
Can you see that now?
He is not complete without the church.
Jesus Christ without His church is not complete.
Ephesians 5, look at verse 30.
See it now.
For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
Oh God.
Oh God.
We are members of his flesh.
Think of it.
So we cannot be separated from as fast as God is concerned.
Jesus without us is incomplete.
We are the Milas, the word members is Milas.
It means limbs, limbs, limbs of Christ.
We are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones.
Blessed be God.
Oh, may God give you an understanding of these things.
You'd find that every day you're full of joy, every day, every day,
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
How great thou art alone.
So we, ah, I was reading something to you, and that was the Galatians chapter 3 verse 16, you go back there.
Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made, he said not unto seeds as of many, but as of one unto thy seed, which is Christ.
All right?
Thy seed, which is Christ.
Verse 19, we're forth, then sobert the law.
It was added because of transgressions till the seed should come to whom the promise was made, and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.
Oh boy!
Verse 27, for as many of you as have been baptized into Christ,
Remember, by one spirit, are we all baptized into one body?
As many of you, when you're born again, you're baptized into Christ.
For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ.
That's wonderful.
So when you were born again, you put on Christ.
You are now in Christ.
If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.
as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
That means when God looks at me, he sees Christ.
He is not the only one that sees Christ.
When Satan looks at me, he sees Christ.
Because I have put on Christ.
Look at the next verse.
There is neither Jew nor Greek.
There is neither born nor free.
There is neither male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Look at the next verse, and if ye be Christ, then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs.
According to the promise,
So if you belong to Christ, you are Abraham's seed.
You are the seed that all the world was waiting for.
To bring blessings to all the families of the earth.
So now we speak blessings.
This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
So when you talk about poverty, elevation, we are the ones that God is expecting to do it.
And the power is in our words.
We change the destinies of men completely.
When we walk in, darkness flees, demons tremble, they panic and scamper away.
And we bring blessings.
We bring health and healing.
We bring prosperity.
We bring joy.
Oh, thank you Lord Jesus.
Thank God for His faithfulness.
As we do faithful and just,
Give him the glory that he deserves.
Proclaim who you are in Christ Jesus.
Proclaim it, declare it.
I believe with all my heart in Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.
I have eternal life.
I walk in the light.
I'm in Christ Jesus.
I'm the seed of Abraham.
Thank you for watching.
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