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Volume 9

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining, and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Rainbow is yours.

Raise the Lord.
So we'll begin with the visions chapter number three and verse eight.
Can you read for me what's up on the screen?
The visions chapter three, verse number eight.
Read for me, one to go.
Now, just a moment, this is not a confession for you to make.
This is the apostle Paul making a declaration.
I want you to listen to these men of God and how he speaks or how he writes.
I want you to
look through his eyes and think like him and see what's on his mind as he communicates to the church something in his heart.
I want to look at this read for me.
I want to go.

You know, just this scripture alone, even now, just going through it with you, I'm scared and inside.
I'm scared in my spirit.
I'm thinking, what could have been on his mind?
What was this man thinking about?
He says unto me who am less than the least of our saints is this grace and given.
That I should preach among the Gentiles beyond suchable riches of Christ.
Beyond fathomable riches of Christ.
Think about it.
In calculable riches of Christ's.
Beyond description.
How much can we save?
Rich is untold.
The human mind could never grasp what's in the gospel of Christ, all that is given to us in Christ Jesus.
It says, one to me, who I'm less than the least of all saints,
He regards himself as less than the least of all saints.
He says, on to me, who I'm just nobody.
And when he says, nobody there, I want you to understand, he's not trying to beliggle himself.
He's just taking the humble position among the saints, okay?
He says, I'm the least of all saints.
On to me is this grace given.
that I should preach among the Gentiles beyond suchable riches of Christ.
It's not finished.
Good of verse nine.
It says, this is my responsibility.
And to make all men see.
And to make all men see, what is the fellowship of the mystery?
Which from the beginning of the world had been heat in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ.
We get verse 10.
to the intent that now this is the purpose he sees, that now all to the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church.
This is God wants angelic beings to know through the church the manifold wisdom of God.
That means that God chose to demonstrate his wisdom to angelic beings.
They haven't known Him, even though they've been with Him for so, so long.
They still don't know Him.
They're still trying to figure Him out.

You know, God constantly and continuously changes on that throne.
As the bow before Him and raise their heads, He's changed.
His glory has changed.
They bow before Him again and they raise their heads and He's changed.
And so with the glory that they see, they bow again and then they raise their heads, He's changed.
Imagine changing constantly through eternity.
No time did they raise their heads and He had the same glory.

And when they saw that glory, they bowed and raised their heads.
They saw it again.
They bowed.
They raised their heads.
Something else.
They bowed and raised their heads.
And the glory always extended toward there.
The more glory they saw, the more glorious they became.
Such that they couldn't but just glorify Him again.
They saw themselves beautified by His glory.
and they bowed again to say thank you, and they raised themselves.
They were even more glorious.
Why do you think that God tells us to worship Him?
Rather than sisters, maybe you don't understand this.
He doesn't tell us to worship Him so that we can get healed.
He doesn't tell us to worship Him so that He can just take some glory.
No, He's not asking us to worship Him for all of those things.
He tells us to worship Him because when we worship Him, our spiritual eyes are open and then we behold the glory of God.
Suddenly when we see His glory, we see our glory.
It's about us, not about himself.
The more you worship Him, the more of His glory you behold.
And once you see His glory, you are glorified.
That's why some of the miracles take place when you worship.
Because then your eyes are open to see what you would have never seen in any other way.
Through worship, your spiritual eyes are open.
Because at that point, you forget about yourself and he's the only one who matters.
Let me tell you something.
In heaven, in heaven, the most important, and let me use the word thing just for the sake of the construction, the most important thing is Jesus Christ.
That means no matter what it is, no matter the blessings in heaven, the glories in heaven, everything that you could think of and every one that is in heaven.
All of heaven focuses on Jesus.
You also know why.
You also know why Jesus is so important.
You know, they ask us, who is Jesus?
He's our Savior.
Yes, it's our Savior.
But when you discover who this Savior is, you will have a greater understanding, a greater revelation.
And always, of course, when we discover Jesus, we discover us.
Because He is the Word of God.
And when we look at Him, we see as heirs.
Because when we look at the Word, the Word of God is God's mirror.
And when we look into the mirror of God, we see as heirs.
Tell somebody the unsouchable riches of Christ.
So again, the unsouchable, balanced, limitless, unfathomable.
inestimable incongculable yes hallelujah because the mind thank you Lord Jesus yeah all right you still there
See, at the highlight conference, we learn the word.
We open our hearts to the word.
Now, because of the importance of the word of God, now I want to begin to explain some of these things to you.
Understand this.
A lot of times, we agree with God's word when we hear it.
We agree with God's word when we study it.
We agree.
We say, yes, it's true.
Yes, it's good.
We even quote it.
But agreement with the word.
Agreement with the word is very different from using the word.
God gave us His word to use, not just to agree with.
Many Christians are agreeing with the word, but they don't know how to use it.
Agreeing with the word is mere religion.
But you've got to learn how to use the word of God.
The Bible tells us in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
With words.
He spoke creation into being.
When God said it became.
When God said it became.
Look at Jesus, how did Jesus minister?
He changed things with words.
He opened blind eyes with words.
All stop deaf ears with words.
Gave the main new legs to walk with words.
Raise the dead with words.
Fed the hungry with words.
Count the wings and the stumps with words.
He was a master of words.
He knew what to do with words.
The most important part of your life is the ability to use words.
Maybe you didn't know it.
Words define your life.
Words define your value.
Words define your personality.
You are no better than your words.
You are no greater than your words.
The character of your words is the character of your personality.
What's your words?
No man ever got better than his words.
Your life is the expression, the manifestation, the reflection of your words.

It doesn't take long to know who you are.
All you have to do is talk for a few minutes.
Your words locates you.
They tell where you aren't.

Words are important.
They make or mar your life.

And Jesus used words.
They said, they said of Jesus, no man ever spit like this man.
They listened to Jesus, they went back home, and they said, nobody ever talk like this man.
When they listened to Jesus, they didn't want to leave where he was.
Everybody just wanted to hear this man.
They came by the throngs, thousands of people.
The martyrs thronged him.
They came around Jesus.
One time they forgot they hadn't eaten for three days.
They were with Jesus in the deserts.
They didn't go home.
They forgot themselves.
Here in this man, speak in, speak in, and speak in.
Oh, glory to God.
No man ever speak like this man.
When he uttered words and the waves were put to sleep and the storms were calmed, they said.
What manner of man is this?
That even the waves and the waves obey him, obey him.
They heard him speak.
They said, what manner of man is this?
He got power in his words.
When he commanded the demons to come out in the synagogue, they said, wow, with authority, he commands the demons.
With authority, he commands the demons.
The Pharisees talked about the demons, but Jesus talked to the demons.
With authority, he commands the demons.
Jesus Christ.
Jesus inspires me.
I'm turned on by his love.
Turned on by his example.
Oh, boy.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
So I said, we got to know the difference between agreeing with the word and using the word.
You're gonna have to move into another level of life.
There's some about, I need to help you distinguish between confession of the word and something else that I wanna explain.
You know, many times we learn God's word and we move to another level.
We learn again and then we move to another level.
The confession of the word really comes from even our salvation when we begin the confession of the logic of Jesus Christ.
Whereas as if thou, Romans, chapter 10, verse 9, if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God had raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Then he explains to us why that works.
In the 10th verse, for with the heart man believes.
With the heart, man believes.
What do you mean with the heart?
He's not talking about that mass of flesh that pumps blood in your body.
He's talking about your spirit.
With your spirit you believe God.
Your heart is your spirit.
That's your innermost being.
That's what he's talking about.
With your heart you believe.
With your spirit you believe.
You can't believe with your head.
You can't believe with your mind.
Are you hearing me?
That's why a lot of people are using their minds and trying to reason out God can't find him.
Because God doesn't appeal to the senses.
He is not real to the mind.
He is real to the spirit.
Because the mind doesn't have the capacity to fathom out, figure out spiritual things.
It takes the human spirit to do that.
And if your spirit is dead to God, you'll never see the things of God.
There sounds stupid to you.
Because you're not alive to God.
Jesus said, except the man be born again.
He cannot see the kingdom of God.
Oh, except the man be born again.
He cannot see the Kingdom of God.
That means he cannot see the realities of the Kingdom of God.
He cannot know God.
Sometimes, haven't you observed when you said discussing things about God?
Some people say, I don't like discussing religion.
They think it's religion.
Jesus Christ is far removed from religion.
Christianity is not a religion.
And listen, we are the ones who help the world know it.
The one thinks it's religion.
Because all of the attributes of religion are present in Christianity.
That doesn't make Christianity a religion.
No, Christianity is no religion.

Magnemisex about it.
Revelation is progressive.
Me and like Charles Granism Finney talked about religion.
They used the term religion to express Christianity.
But that was the understanding of their time.
And that was because they didn't have the kind of criticism that required study of words in another dimension.
They didn't have it.
But today we do, and it's become important, it's a story to show thyself approved, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, rightly dividing the word of truth.
You should know the difference.
Christianity is not a religion.
It is the power set in life of the reason Christ in a human body.
It is divinity alive in humanity.
That is Christianity.
It is a very walk of Almighty God in the quarters of a human person.
That is what Christianity is.
It is the revelation of the spiritual, in the material, in the physical.
That is Christianity.
It is heaven alive on earth.
That is Christianity.
And until you recognize that, you will never live the true life of a Christian.
You leave a copy and not the real.
And even the copy is beautiful.
But imagine it, the copy is beautiful.
What will happen when you understand the real thing?
If religious Christianity looks beautiful to you, what will happen when you get into the mainstream?
What will happen?

And so, you know, a lot of us have come to that realm where you understand the confession of the word.
And we're even still trying to learn that.
How to confess the word, to confess the word is from the Greek homologia.
It means, and by the way, because some of you are from Greece.
And when I start talking Greek, you say, boy, that's not your Greek.
Today's Greek is different from Bible Greek.
They don't sound the same in many instances.
You've got to study them.
I've looked at them.
They're very different.
In fact, one time I was trying to learn the modern Greek, so I could get better in the Bible Greek.
I started getting confused because they're not the same.
So when we start pronouncing some things, remember, we have anglo-sized a lot of them.
And it's very different from what you speak today.
Praise God.
But you see, that word is from homologia.
It means speaking the same thing in consent, saying the same thing in consent.
And so when we talk about confession of the word, confession of the word, it means that we are saying the same thing with God.
So we pick what God has said.
The Bible says he had said that we may boldly say,
You see, so God has spoken so that we can boldly say what he has said, respond with what he has said.
See that?
So that's confession of the word.
And confession of the word brings us what?
Confession of the word brings us salvation.
You can write that down because it's very important.
Confession of the word brings us salvation.
So confession does for us.
Bring just the blessings of salvation.
Because we pick His Word and we re-echo His Word.
We pick His Word and whatever we say is in response to His Word.
That's confession.
Confession is responding to God's Word in agreement with Him.
Speaking the same thing, that doesn't mean reciting.
It means responding.
Yeah, you respond to God's words in agreement with him.
That's confession.
That's confession.
When he says, yeah, God, little children.
And I've overcome them.
because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.
So I respond and I say, yes, I'm of God and I've overcome them because greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.
First John chapter 4 verse 4.
He says, of God, I'm showing you now confession, how to use the word, okay?
Now he says, he of God, little children, ain't have overcome them.
Now notice, notice, is he speaking in present past or future tense?
What do you see there?
You are present and you have past.
Present tense ye of God little children.
You are not going to be you are Did you see that?
Now, ye have God little children and have overcome them because greater Z that is in you than he does in the world.
And you can take that and say, the Bible says, ye have God little children.
You can preach it, you can sing it, make songs out of it.
You know, ye have God little children.
Oh, praise the Lord.
The Bible says, ye have God little children.
The Bible says, ye have God little children.
You can cry if you want to.
That's not going to make much difference in your life until you respond as a confession is responding to God's word in agreement with him.
What is your response?
He says, yeah, of God.
That is God's declaration.
My response is, yes, I am of God.
He says, in half of a condom.
And I say, yes, I have overcome them.
Because, greater is he, that is in me, than he, that is in the world.
Imagine this.
Imagine if you prayed like that in the morning before going to work.
Where will discouragement come from?

Imagine you're about to go to work in the morning.
And you say, Father, it is written, I am of God.
And I have ever come them.
I have ever come them.
I'm trying to calm down.
I'm trying to calm down.

He says, don't be hard of hearing like the others.
Open your ears and open your heart and I'll talk to you, say it to the Lord.
That's what I said in other tongues, very loud.

See, so he is telling us about confession.
Confession of the word.
What is your response?
What is your response?
When you study the word, what is your response?
What is your response?
Do you have a response with God?
Or you just read and be happy for what you've read today?
You know, some people read the Bible and they say, the Lord bless His holy word, amen, and they go to their seats.
Jesus didn't talk like that.
When He read the scriptures in the synagogue, the Bible says He said to them, today, this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing, and He went about an activity.
Come on, let's demand some quits.
Come on, somebody.
So what are you going to do when you study the word?
Do you just read, read, read and read?
and flip the pages.
And when you're through, you say, thank Lord, thank you for the reading of the Holy Word.
It won't change your life.
It won't change your circumstances.
You'll still be the same person.
And other people will wonder why you are a Christian so dull.
You know, why things are not working for you?

I'm saying we can go on, right?
So, confession of the word is your response.
That's what God is asking for.
What is your response?
What is your response?
You're going to give him a response?
When you hear the word, respond.
When you study the word, respond.
Respond, respond.
Listen, the meditation of your heart is wonderful, but what would change circumstances is your confession.
Look at Romans chapter 10 verse 9.
Let's read that into verse 10.
Romans chapter 10 verse 9.
Look at it, it's there.
But if thou shall confess with thy mouth, Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart, notice if thou shall confess, that's the word, confess with your mouth.
That's the confession I'm talking about with your mouth, confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth, and shall believe in thine heart.
That God had raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Then he tells us why he gives us the principle, it's a spiritual reason.
Verse 10, he says, for that word means because with the heart, with the heart, if God didn't tell us this, we would have never known it.
How could we know that with the heart man believes?
Look at it.
He says, for with the heart, man, believe it on to righteousness.
He says, you believe with your heart and you are mid-right with God.
When you believe with your heart, you are mid-right with God.
But you see, that's not gonna change things.
But you become accepted with God.
But there's more.
And with the mouth, confession.
That's the homologia.
Confession is made.
With the mouth, confession is made.
Did you see that?
With the mouth, confession is made.
So don't be quiet.
There are people who tell us that Christianity is in the heart.
Don't say anything.
Just keep it to yourself.
I can't keep it to myself.
With the mouth, confession is made.
It says, with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.
You catapult yourself into the realms of salvation.
Glory to God.
There are blessings in salvation.
How should I have all the time to talk about that?
But tremendous things.
Oh, glory to God.
With the Mount Confession is made unto salvation.
And that salvation is a big word.
It encapsulizes all of those beautiful things in the redemptive work of Christ.
They're all in there.
You know people talk about our breakthrough.
It's in there.
You got it when you were born again.
You broke through when you were born again.
Are you still there?
It's all the preservation.
It's all in the blessings of salvation.
They all came in one package.

All right.
So you're getting it.
The second word, the second word is the word testimony.
There's a difference between confession and testimony.
The confession of the word and the testimony of God's word are not the same.
When we confess the word, we are responding to God's word in agreement with him.
And I said, confession brings us the blessings of salvation.
If I've been in a mess, I found myself in some predicament.
I found myself maybe sick or diseased or afflicted.
I confess the words.
I confess the word.
By my confession, I catapult myself into the liberty of the children of God.
Confession brings salvation.
Did you hear that?
Doesn't matter how deep in the dungeon you find yourself.
Doesn't matter how deep the problem is.
Confess the word, confess the word, and you will come out victoriously.
Say how confess the word.
And what is confession?
Your response.
Your response.
Your response in agreements.
In agreement.
Don't respond.
You know something.
Oh, what is your response?
You got this feeling of headaches.
Oh, oh, oh.
My head is echoing.
It is really, really echoing.
Oh God.

It's gonna ache more.
That's what's gonna happen.
It's gonna ache more.

It's my spine.
My back, my back, my back, my back.
Is that what you're gonna say?
It could kill you.
Don't you get it?
You are not an ordinary person.
You are a child of God.
Jesus said, men shall not live by bread alone, but by every word.
Every word.
Somebody say, every word.
That comes out of the mouth of God.
Every word, how do we live?
We live by the word.
Do you understand this?
Listen, every creature is sustained by its sauce.
Every creature is sustained by its sauce.
If you're disconnected from your sauce, your life comes to an end.
When you were born again, you came from another source.
Your source is the Word of God, being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible by the Word of God that liveeth and abided forever.
That means you must be connected attentively to the Word of God to live.

So you feed on the word.
You feed on the word.
You know what you're doing right now?
You're feeding on the word.
You're feeding your spirit.
God's word.
Something has happened in your spirit.
And you know, when you all came in, you came with different levels of glory in your life.
Maybe you didn't know it.
But if you were not born again when you came in, you came without glory.
You see, whatever one who's born again has glory in his life.
And your glory can be to one degree or the other, depending on the ministry of the Word of God in your life.
The more
You let the Word minister to your spirits and fellowship with the Word, the more glorious you become.
The less you fellowship with the Word, the less glorious you become.

As you eat God's Word, your glory will expand.
You look at you and you're more glorious, more and more glorious.
And even as I speak to you, as you receive the Word of God right now, your glory is increasing.
The glory is increasing.
That is the ministry of God's Word.
Your glory, the glory in your life is increasing.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
So I said, there's another word, testimony.
And a testimony is different from confession.
Your confession is your response.
All right?
Response to God's word in agreement with him.
Use the word.
Don't just agree with it.
Use it.
Speak it.
Say it.
Say it's an agreement with God.
Use the word.
But you see, if you don't know the word, how can you use what you don't know?
You see the problem?
There are a lot of people, many Christians who don't go to church.
If you don't go to church, how are you going to learn the word of God?
The word of God is taught in church.
How are you going to learn the word?
How is your glory going to increase?
Do you realize that you're determining
Where you begin in heaven?
I'm not sure you got that.
When we get to heaven, we will all come into different realms of glory in heaven.
What glory we had on earth will determine where we begin in heaven?

Should I repeat that?
In the earth, we all walk at different realms of glory.
When we get to heaven, we will begin with that level of glory that we were at in the earth.
What do you mean begin?
Because in heaven, won't glory.
There are things you do in heaven to increase your glory.
Now, increasing your glory there doesn't mean adding to what you did on earth.
No, that already determined your level, your rank, but then you can have more glory.
I just told you about God, our Heavenly Father, who is ever more glorious
ever increase in glory.
The same thing with you.
But where will you begin from?
Where will you begin from?
Your confession, I say it, brings you what?
It brings you the blessings of Salation.
It can get you out of trouble.
It can bring beautiful things into your life.
But there's another one, testimony.
Testimony is bearing witness.
That's testimony.
Confession is speaking the same thing in concert, speaking in response to God's word in concert.
Testimony is bearing witness.
Bearing witness of him.
Oh, how important this is.
testimony, the testimony of a Christian.
How important is the testimony of a Christian?
The devil likes to stop us from testifying, but brothers and sisters, it is important to testify.
It's just that some people don't know what testimony is.
I lost my bunch of keys and praise God I found it.
That's not testimony.
There's more to testimony than that.
That's beautiful.
But that should lead to testimony.
The testimony of that is the faithfulness of God.
So I come out and say, I want to testify of the faithfulness of God in my life.
On such and such a date, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, happen, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and praise God, I'm well.
What am I testifying to?
To the faithfulness of God.
I testify to the grace of God in my life.
I testify to the efficacy of the Word of God in my life.
I testify to His love in my life.
Come on, somebody, you're getting it.
Do you have a testimony?
Let me show you what we do with testimony.
As a salvation and the blessings of salvation come to us through confession.
What about testimony?
Revelation 12.
Let's begin with verse 9 so that you can understand the context.
Revelation 12.
from verse 9.
And the great dragon was cast out.
That old serpent called a devil.
And Satan, just in case, because some people say, I don't know who Satan is.
Did you know somebody had a child?
A couple had a child.
And they said they're going to name their child Satan.
And they were told, that was terrible.
They said, what's wrong with it?
It's a name.
And somebody said to them, that's the name of the devil.
They said, no, it depends on what you mean.
Look what God means.
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the devil and Satan, which deceived the whole world.
Did you see that?
Mark that in your mind because we're going to come back to it.
He was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him, verse 10.
And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,
Now is consolidation and strength in the kingdom of our God and the power of His Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accuse them before our God day and night.
Be careful so you don't become a minister of accusations because that's the job of Satan.
Satan and his angels.
They accuse God's people all the time.
And then there are those Christians who carry that kind of ministry, and they accuse fellow Christians.
Don't get involved in such things.
Look at that.
For the accused of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God their knights.
Who do they accuse?
The brethren, God's people, all right?
Verse 11, and they, the brethren, and they, the brethren, and they, the brethren, overcame him.
Who did they ever come?
Satan the devil.
And they the brethren overcame Him by the blood of the Lamb.
Stop by the blood of the Lamb.
How did they overcome the devil by the blood of the Lamb?
You can understand now why we break bread and drink that cup every month.
And I tell you, do it!
Jesus said, do this in remembrance of me.
He says, for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you do show, demonstrate, affirm the Lord's death till He comes.
The blood of Jesus is a testimony.

and by the word of their testimony.
Did you see that?
They overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.
Some Christians say, I plead the blood.
The way to plead the blood is to break bread and drink that cup.
That's the way to plead the blood.
You can't stand and say, I plead the blood, I plead the blood.
Get the blood!

Are you still there?
We break bread together.
That is the corporate body of Christ when we come together and break bread.
But on your own, when something happens and you say, I've got to break bread.
I've got to break bread.
I want to drink the cup.
Get the bread and get the cup before you break the bread.

Take the bread, that's why the way I show it to you every month, I say, take the bread yourself.
Hold it in your hand.
When we give the signal, break it.
Because that signifies the broken body of Christ.
His body was broken for me.

It's not about the sharing of the bread with anybody else, that's not the point.
It is the broken body.
You break it and say your body was broken for me.
I will never be broken again.
And leave it.
Jesus said, this is the cup of the New Testament in my blood.
Oh God, this is the cup of the New Testament in my blood.
That means sealed in my blood.
the cup of the New Testament.
Because of this new contract, this New Testament, this new covenant.
Do you understand what he's talking about?
That means there is no trouble that I get into that I will not overcome.
Do you understand?
I have become a master.
In all situations, I have become a master.
Do you understand what he's talking about?
I can never be defeated.
It's not possible.
Forget about it.
I'm a arena forever.
Candoro Poseta.
No matter what happens, you take that card.
This is the cup of the New Testament in his blood.
Sealed in his blood.
He defeated Satan and gave me the victory.

You understand that?
And there's more.
That blood speaks the new life, life for life.
Because all his blood, I had a right to eternal life.
Now he has given me eternal life.
I refuse to accept disease in my body.
I refuse to accept infections in my body.
I have a new life.
This cup is the new testament in his blood.
I have his life.
He gave his life for me, that I might live his life.
I have his life in me.
My whole spirit's soul and body.
They all came here by the blood of the land.
Somebody shout the blood of the land.
by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.
What is your testimony?
The blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.
It's your witness of Christ, your testimony of Christ, your witness of Him.
And this time, there's no talking about confession of the Word.
He's talking about what happened as a result of the world.
What are you saying?
Because of what the world has done.
What are you saying?
What is your testimony of him?
What is your testimony?

See, I testify that I'm walking in his grace and in his victory.
I testify.
testify that I'm winning everything that I do.
I testify.
Brothers and sisters, you understand, I'm a winner forever.
I testify.
His grace is working in me.
I testify of his grace.
I testify that the Lord has been kind to me.
He's been so good to me.
I testify.
Oh, who Christ is in me?
Testify of your victories.
Testify of what is done in your life.
Don't wait to feel it fast.
Don't wait to see it fast.
Day over came the devil for the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony.
So testimony brings what victory of a Satan?
is your testimony.
That's not in your confession.
Your confession might resist him.
Are you hearing me?
Your confession of the word might resist the devil, but if you want to put him out, testify.
He doesn't have no sense that devil.
He doesn't.
When you testify, you know what?
I've got healed.
I've got healed.
I've got healed.
The devil says, no, you're not.
You say, I'm healed.
He cannot never.
I'm here.
He says, uh-uh.
He's watching the sea because he lives in the realm of the senses.
He's watching the sea.
He don't know nothing.
He only knows what you say.
So he hears you when you talk.
That's all.
So he's listening for your secrets.
So when you say, uh,
And then the devil says, we got him.
We got him.
He didn't know he got you until you said, ah, ah, ah.
But when you say, ah, I'm here, Lord, I got you.
I said, I didn't know.
He said, the word of God is working in me.
And I'm here.
I'm really here.
Guess what?
I'm here.
You know what?
I testify that I'm here.
Lord, I guess I'm here.
They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony.
Where is your testimony?
I got the job.
Praise God.
I got the job.
Oh, yeah.
Did you really get a job?
Nobody gets a job these days.
I testify.
I got a job.

The word of your testimony.
I am still there.
Let me show you some errors.
You know, this is Nanku Ntangradiga sasas.
Okay, okay.
Yeah, yeah.
That's beautiful.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Glory to God.
You know what?
Let me show you something else.

Revelation chapter 19, just something nice.
And let's take you there.
Revelation chapter 19, verse 11.

And I saw heaven open and behold of white horse, and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true.
And in righteousness he taught George and make war.
Did you see that?
Look at that.
He that sat upon him was called faithful and true.
He sat on a white horse.
And in righteousness he taught George and make war.
Go on next.
His eyes were as a flame of fire.
And on his head were many crowns.
And he had a name written that no man knew but he himself.
Glory to God, next verse.
And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood.
You know he's talking about Jesus, don't you?
He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood.
And his name is called the Word of God.
Somebody said the Word of God.
You see that?
So when you speak God's word, when you speak God's word and testify of Him, you are bringing His presence into the situation.
This is so powerful.
So powerful.
Tell somebody so powerful.
Very, very powerful.
We're not three yet.
Let me show you something.
Glory to God.
Now, you go to Revelation chapter 11.
This time we'll begin from verse 15.
And the seven angels sounded.
It's just one little thing I want to show you here, but we're going to read a long posture.
And the seven angels sounded, and there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of God.

You know what I'm thinking?
Are you ready for this one?
This is very, very powerful.
You need to listen very carefully.
And the seven angels sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying, the kingdoms of this world are become
the kingdoms of our Lord, end of His Christ.
And He shall reign forever and ever.
In the 420 elders, the 420 elders talk about the 24 elders around the throne.
And the 420 elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces and washed God.
Saying, we give thee thanks O Lord God Almighty, which adden was, and had to come, because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast rained, and hast rained.
Somebody say, it has rained.
It has rained.
Stop for a moment.
Did you see that?
And hast rained.
Do you know why a meeting like this is important?
What program like this is important?
Where we can share with God's people, blessed truths of God's world, to help them come to that place that God wants them in.
Father's purpose, I hear this.
He says, now is come salvation is true.
This is now the kingdoms of this world, I become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ.
The kingdoms of this world, I become.
Do you know what it's saying?
We are not doing this for nothing.
When we get out of here, each one of us would increase glory.
greater manifestation of the kingdom of God through us.
We're going to do greater things than ever before.
Listen, this world is going to hear it before Jesus Christ comes back.
There are those who think that the church of Jesus Christ is shying away.
They even said they'll annihilate the church.
No, no a thousand times, no.
The church of Jesus Christ is greater than ever.
Are you hearing me?
The church is greater than ever today.
The church all over the world.
We are accomplishing much more today than any time in history.
You may not know it because you're not listening to what's happening in the church.
So much is happening.
So much is happening.
Great things are happening.
Great things are happening in the Church of Jesus Christ.
He says, at the end of it, they're going to say, the kingdoms of this world.
I become the kingdoms of our God and of his Christ.
We're going to come back to this verse.
Let me show you something.
You ready for this?
Saint John chapter 12 verse 31.
You know, we've been told many times how that the Christian has to deal with the world, the flesh and the devil.
How many of you have ever heard that teaching?
Do you ever hear that?
We've got to deal with the world of flesh and the devil.
Let me see your hand up if you ever heard that.
Okay, great.
In reality, it's not really three but two.
There was no need to go into three.
That's two.
It's not the world of flesh and the devil.
I'll show you why now.
It's actually just the world and the flesh.
Look at this picture.
Now is the judgment.
Who's talking?
Now is the judgment of this world.
Now shall the prince of this world be cast out.
The prince of this world.
So when you say the world have flashed the devil, the devil is connected to the world.
So that leaves just two.
Because the world was not operating on its own, the world was operating through the devil's power.
He was called the prince of this world.
You get it?
Okay, but I want to introduce this personality to you the way Jesus did.
Show you something.
Now is the judgment of this world.
Now shall the prince of this world be cast out.
Go to chapter 14 and verse 30.
So in John chapter 14 verse 30.

Hereafter, I will not talk much with you.
For the prince of this world, come at.
Did you notice he called in the prince of this world in the previous verse that we read?
Now again, he uses the same term.
Hereafter, I will not talk much with you.
Jesus is talking to you.
And he says, for the prince of this world, come at and have nothing in me.
Did you hear the testimony of the Son of God?
He said Satan has nothing in me.
I testify.
Satan the devil has nothing in me.
He doesn't have his doubts in me.
He doesn't have his fears in me.
He doesn't have anything of hear me, me.
Satan has nothing in me.
Does he have anything in you?
I refuse to accommodate fear.
I refuse to accommodate unbelief.
I refuse to accommodate doubts.
I refuse to accommodate falsehood and deception and deceit.
I refuse to accommodate anything that is of the devil.
He has nothing in me.
I will not keep anger in my heart.
I will not keep hatred in my heart.
I refuse to have come within anything of the devil.
Satan has nothing in me.
Wouldn't it be beautiful?
You have that boldness, the audacity to say he has nothing in me.
Glory to God.
Satan has nothing in me.
And every time you sense that he's trying to push something into you, you say, no devil, I refuse to take what's coming from you.
I reject the anger.
I reject the frustration.
In the name of Jesus, I reject the discouragement.
In the name of Jesus, I reject despondency.
In the name of Jesus, I refuse to be confused.
In the name of Jesus, I refuse everything that the devil is handing out.
He has nothing in me.
You're going to sleep and you're getting disturbed.
The Bible says he gives his beloved sleep.
But you're getting disturbed.
You said, no, Satan has nothing in me.
I refuse to worry.
I refuse to worry.
He says, have no anxiety about anything.
But in everything, by prayer and supplication, we Thanksgiving, let your request be made known under God.
And the peace of God.
That surpasses all understanding.
God is in your hearts and minds.
In Christ Jesus.
Shout him in somebody.
He called in the prince of this world.
Now let me show you something else.
Let me show you something else.
Second Corinthians chapter 4.
What if our gospel be heed?
That's King James' way of saying hedon, okay?
If our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost.
He says if people say they don't understand our gospel, it's because they are lost.
Our gospel is so simple and it's revealed to everybody who would listen.
That's what he's saying.
If our gospel be hidden, it is hidden to them that are lost.
Who are they?
Verse four, in whom the God of this world, that's the term I want you to notice, the God of this world.
I want you to mark that place, because I'm going to explain something to you from there.
In whom the God of this world have blindened the minds of them, which believe not.
That's the light of the glorious gospel.
I love the term glorious gospel, hallelujah.
That's the light of the glorious gospel of Christ.
Who is the image of God should shine onto them?
Oh, this Satan stops them.
He's blinded their minds.
He's blinded their minds.
But look, look at that.
He calls him the God of this world.
Satan is the God of this world.
Jesus called him the prince of this world.
Now, when the Bible uses the term word, what does he mean?
I want to give you two explanations that I've written down here for you in a way that's simple for you to get.
So I'm just going to read it out to you.
I already hear for you, and I help you.
Now, in a New Testament,
you would mostly find two particular words that are used for word, okay?
The word.
The first one is the word cosmos.
K-O-S-M-O-S, cosmos.
That's the Greek from which translated word, okay?
So these two words will read words
in a New Testament, so sometimes you don't know exactly what he's referring to.
And that's why I want to explain them.
Sometimes the context may not be expressive enough.
So in the one, what Jesus was talking, he used the word cosmos.
Now Jesus didn't speak Greek, but the writers did use
Such words as could be translated into the Greek language to give us these words, these definitions that we can give you.
You get it?
All right.
So that means he expressed himself clearly enough to be understood.
So the first one is the word cosmos.
And cosmos is right down.
Even though you get several definitions from different places, write down the one I'm giving you because you won't find it like this anyway.
So you can add it to whatever you get.
This is the word of universal earth.
This is the word or universal earth.
With respect to its order, governments, systems and structures,
You can put a semicolon there now.
It's inhabitants and whole aggregate of ugly things and their carnal applications.
That's Christmas.
I'll go again.
I said, Christmas, this is the word or universal earth.
would respect to its order, order of things, okay, O-R-D-E-R.
Governments, systems and structures, and I said he can put a semicolon, its inhabitants and whole aggregate of athlete things and their carnal applications.
That's Christmas.
The second word is the word ION.
Now, remember that in a way, we're anglicizing this verse, make it easier for us to accommodate in our communication.
ION refers to an age, era, E-R-A,
Age, A-G-E, huh?
Age, error, or time would respect to its distinctive features.

That means an age, like you say, the Iron Age, the communications age.
You getting it?
The error of the Caesars, things like that.
So an age, era, or time would respect to its distinctive features, semicolon.
A cause of life, the word would respect to the ways and appetites of its eras.
The word
That's another definition.
The word would respect to the ways and appetites of its eras, semicolon.
So you should have three semicolons now, okay?
The first semicolon came after features, a cause of life.
The word, after a cause of life, you got semicolon.
The word would respect
to the ways and appetites of its errors, semicolon, the cause of events and overall circumstances or conditions of one's life.
Do you have that written down now?
Okay, that'll help you understand what I'm going to say.
When Jesus said the prince of this world, he meant Satan was the prince of the cosmos.
Meaning that Satan, they had it up the order of things as we see them in the world.
The way that government systems are structured.
Can you imagine that?
All of this, my goodness.

The systems and structures of this world, Jesus said, Satan is the prince of this.
He called him the prince of the cosmos.
And we all know how Satan got to take over the world.
He started in the garden.
He started in the garden.
When Adam fell, you remember that story.
That's how Satan became the God of the cosmos.
the prince of the cosmos.
Actually, the word that's translated, prince, means ruler.
Can you imagine, ruler of the cosmos?
Mine, oh mine.
So the structure of things as you find in the world today is headed up by satanic forces.
And that's why Jesus said, you are in the world, what not of the world.
He said, I have chosen you out of the world.
That's why we live in this world with different principles.
And Satan, let me show you in the scripture here.
You would like this one.
First John, first John, chapter five, verse 19.
Let me show you something.
1 John 5 verse 19, look at this.
And we know that we are of God and the whole world lies in wickedness.
What is he saying?
You know, if you don't understand this, you look at that L-I-E-T-H as though it means telling lies.
No, it means prostrating, lying, set.
Another power of wickedness.
Give me a new translation, maybe the NIV or AMP, anyone.
Okay, Rhee, we know that we are children of God and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.
We are children of God.
But the whole world is under the control of the evil one.
The human beings are under the control of Satan.
So they're doing a lot of things.
They are not in charge of.
They don't know why they do what they do.
Listen, this is not what Pastor Chris said.
I said it because God said it.
It's in the book.
The Bible is God's revelation.
He says, the whole world is under the control of the evil one.
So he said, Jesus, Jesus came to this world, understanding that the world was already under the control of the evil one.
That's why we needed a Savior.
That's why we needed our champion, Jesus Christ.

To deliver earth from the domain of darkness.
That's why when you are born again, you are brought out of the domain of darkness.
You don't belong there.
You don't belong in the darkness and more.
You've been translated, transferred into the kingdom of God's near son, in whom you have redemption through his blood.
Under remission of your trespasses, glory to God.
You don't belong there.
But the nations of the world are only the control of Satan.
The nations, the world, the cosmos.
Think about it, it's very important.
So when you look at things and how they're going, they're going the way the Bible said they would go.
The Bible spoke of today many, many years ago.
In prophetic language, God spoke through His prophets and apostles about today's words.
You want to know what's going on around the world today?
Read your Bible.
The many of us who look at the world and we're not surprised at all.
We know what's going on, we know what we'll be here after.
We're not surprised at all.
The Bible spoke of these days.
Every time something significant happens in the world, I open my Bible.
It's there.
It's there.
They're just playing out what God already said will happen.
Are you still there?
The world is under the control of the wicked one.
Say then.
And Jesus came to save us.
And when he gave us that salvation, we became new creations in Christ, superior to Satan and his words.
Let me show you something.
Let me show you something.
You know, I gave you 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 4, okay?
Where Paul addressed an issue in called Satan, the God of this world.
There he used the word Ayon, meaning the age.
He's the God of this age.
That means he's responsible for the events, the cause of life, how things are going.
He's responsible for this era.

And you know what?
Your life doesn't have to go the way Satan wants.
None Christians are going to go the way he wants.
He is the God of this age.
Satan is the God of this age.
And that's why your testimony is so important.
You've got to testify.
Testify of the Son of God in your life.
Testify of who he is and who he is in you.
You've got to testify.
The Bible says the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Do you understand?
This is the reason for prophecy.
It is the testimony of Jesus.
It is the reason for the revelation.
It is the reason for the preaching.
The testimony of Jesus.
What is the testimony of Jesus?
That Jesus Christ, oh God, oh God, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
And that He came to this world, God's Son in the flesh to die for us and to be raised again to life, to give us life.
So He says, this life is in His Son.
Anyone who has the Son has this life.
This eternal life is in his Son.
If you have the Son of God, you have eternal life.
This is the testimony.
And no one at John bore witness of him.
How do we explain it?
How do we explain it?
Oh, I'll come there.
Now, can you go to St.
John chapter 16?
Verse 33.

Are you in this place?
Look at this.
Lord Jesus, I love you.
Look at this.
This is these things I've spoken unto you.
That in me he might have peace.
That in me he might have peace in the world.
He shall have tribulation, trouble, chaos, but be a good chair.

He says, in the world, you shall have tribulation.
In the world, you shall have tribulation.
But be of good cheer.
Be of good cheer.
He said, I don't want you carrying a long face.
Be of good cheer.
I don't want you looking sad.
I don't happy.
Be of good cheer.
That means chair up, chair up.
Somebody said chair up.
Look around with you and tell somebody, chair up.
Chair brother, chair up, sister.
There's something even better.
Look at that last line.
He's a chair.
I have.

Let me read you some things that I say when I pray, okay?
That you ought to get with me into my prayer classically.
Just a little stuff, okay?
Because when I get on that stuff, and I, oh boy, my, my, my, my, my, let me just read it to you.
Because I've said it so many times, I've had to just write it down.
And it comes from what Jesus said.
Let me give it to you.
Oh, okay.
You know, I get to pray and I declare and testify.
And I say before God and the demons of darkness.
And I say, I am an overcomer.
I am.
I am.
You say, oh, that's Jesus.
What do you give it to me?
First John chapter five.
Turn to first John chapter five verse four.
Let's see it.
For what so ever is born of God over cometh the word.
Ha ha.
And this is the victory that all will come in the world.

The question is, are you born of God?
If you're born again, you're born of God.
And if you're born of God, you have overcome this world.
And that is my testimony.
Are you hearing me?
Let me give it to you.
And I'm praying and there.
Maybe standing on my face, innocent Christ Jesus.
I have overcome the world.
I've overcome the world and its systems.
I've overcome the world and its economies and economics.
Did you get it?
I've overcome the economies of this world.
I'm their economics.
I've overcome them.
And I say, I have overcome the world and its negativities.
I have overcome the world and its hatred and its falsehood.
I've overcome the world and its wickedness.
Are you listening to me?
And I stand there and I say, I've declared that I've overcome the world and its pains and frustrations.
I have overcome the world and its persecutions.
I have overcome the world and its delusions and distractions.
I have overcome the world and its lost and greed.
I have overcome the world and its lies and deceptions.
I have overcome the world and its God Satan and all the demons of darkness.
I have overcome the world.

has a deal on Jesus.
I've overcome this world.
I've overcome this world.
The war and its pains and frustrations.
The war and its darkness and its deceptions and delusions.
I have overcome this war and its frustrations.
I have overcome this war and its persecutions.
I'm overcome this world, glory to God.
And I say that almost every day.
Yes, I have overcompassed word.
You want to live above this world?
That's the way.
Your testimony of Christ.
Christ is in me.
Christ is in me.
Christ is in me.
He says, these things have I written unto you, not believe on the name of the Son of God, that he may know that you have eternal life.
And I know that I have eternal life.
I know that I know that I have eternal life in my soul, in my spirit, and it's working in my body.
Glory to God.
I've overcome this world.
Sometimes there are frustrations.
Sometimes you're there.
There's some pain, some deep emotion about something.
But I've overcome this world.
Yes, I have.

And who's the prince of this world?
and I've overcome Him.
Jesus said, Chair, I have overcome the words.
He said, Chair, it's so important that you understand this.
You know, John who said these things to us, he was there.
He was there.
He was there with Jesus.
He was there.
He was there.
He said, you have overcome them because Greta is here that is in you, that he that is in the world.
I told you something.
You know, John.
Maybe I should explain something to you.
Someone come to my mind.
First John chapter 5.
Let's see if we can take some of this.

First John, chapter five, verse six.
This is he.
Okay, you know, I quoted, we read verse four, okay?
And this is six.
Let's tie them together.
Go to verse four so they can link them.
Verse four, for whatsoever is born of God over cometh, over cometh the world.
He's not a promise.
It's happening now.
That means this scripture is live.
This is live.
It's happening now.
Do you hear what's happening now?
For whatsoever is born of God.
Overcometh the Word.
And this is the victory that overcometh the Word, even our faith, verse five.
Who is he that overcometh the Word?
He says, who is he that overcometh the Word?
But he doesn't believe it as Jesus.
He's the Son of God.
He's done about me.
Now, verse six.
This is he.
This is He that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ, not by water only, but by water and blood.
It is the spirit and buried witness because the spirit is truth.
What's going on here?
Something's happening.
Can you see it?
He said, not Jesus here.
This is He that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ, not by water only, but by water and blood.
And it is the spirit that bear witness, because the spirit is chutes.
Verse 7.
For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost.
Isn't that wonderful?
You already know who the Word is.
Yes, that's Jesus.
And these three are one.
Next verse.
And there are three that bear witness in earth.
The spirit and the water in the blood.
And these three agree in one.
What is John talking about?
The father, the word and the Holy Ghost.
Bear witness in heaven.
Then he says, in the earth, there are three that bear witness.
He says, the spirit and the water and the blood.
John is looking at something.
Remember this.
When you go on in the scripture, go to verse nine, watch this.
If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater.
For this is the witness of God which he had testified of his son.
You see, he's talking about the testimony of the Son of God, okay?
The testimony, God's testimony of his son.
For this is the witness of God which he had testified of his son, verse 10.
He that believed it under Son of God had the witness in himself.
He that believed it not God had made him alive because he believed it not the record that God gave of his son.
What is this man talking about?
He's talking about this tree that bear witness in the earth.
He says, the spirit, the water, and the blood, the spirit, the water, and the blood.
Jesus Christ, the Bible, tells us how that he was driven of the spirit.
He was led by the spirit.
He was filled with the spirit.
He ministered by the spirit.
All of his works through the spirits are written for us in the Scripture.
And so much so that he became inexhaustible that John said.
If they were all to be written, the wall will not contain the books.
But then what about the water and the blood?
Saint John chapter 19.
John chapter 19, quickly.
Verse 34.

But one of the soldiers, now, at this point, this was when Jesus was on the cross, being crucified.
He was not the first person to be crucified in those days.
But something happens here, that's significant.
And you're going to take notice of it.
But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side.
And for which came came their out blood and water.
Jesus was already dead on the cross.
And just to find out where or not he was dead, the soldier comes with a spear and pierces him through his side.
And the Bible says, fought with Cain, came there out blood and water.
Look at the next verse, very significant.
And he that saw it, bear record.
And his record is true.
And he knew it that he said true that he might believe.
Which means something about this water and blood that came out of the Son of Jesus was so important to the writer that he said it was a sign.
He said it was a sign.
It was a sign.
blood and water, it was a sign.
What is John thinking?
What is John thinking?
When he says it's a sign.
And when John writes, you'd notice he gives references that it might be fulfilled.
Whatever the prophet said, he links what happens to what the prophet said.
And on this occasion, he lets us know a sign has just taken place.
Blood and water came out of the body of Jesus.
And he says, the one who saw it by record, we know that his record is true.
And he's written it that she might believe.
What does he want you to believe?
What does John want you to believe?
It's very simple.
It's very simple.
Turn to St.
John's Gospel, chapter 2.

Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory.
From verse 19, let's read.
Then Jesus answered and said unto them, destroy this temple.
And in three days, I will raise it up.
Are you seeing that?
Jesus said to the Jews, He answered them.
He said, destroy this temple.
And in three days, I will raise it up.
Jesus, what are you talking about?
Look at verse 20.
Then said the Jews 40 and six years, that's 46 years, was this temple in building.
We built this thing over a period of 46 years.
And without right up in three days, I mean, you're telling us you're building up in three days?
They're angry with you.
Now look at verse 21, very significant, but he spoke of the temple of his body.
Who said this, John?
John said, Jesus spoke of the temple of his body.
John understood he was talking about his body.
Are you following this?
To help see how the apostles understood it, I want you to go to Hebrews chapter 10.

Hebrews chapter 10.
Let's begin from verse 19.
Are you there?
Having, therefore, brethren boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, 20, by a new 11 way which he had consecrated for us through the veil, that is to say his flesh.
Did you see that?
Through the veil, that is to say his flesh.
And having a high priest over the house of God, yeah?
Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having a heart sprinkled from an evil conscience, having a heart sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our body's washed with pure water.
Our heart sprinkled, sprinkled, the sprinkling was with blood.
And then he says, and our body's washed with pure water.
Price gone.
So he's speaking in spiritual tenses.
Look at that.
A heart sprinkled from an evil conscience.
Your heart is your spirit.
So that means he's dealing with spiritual sprinkling there.
And your body washed with pure water.
He doesn't mean that we should get into the back.
He's dealing with something spiritual.
So that means they understood this ministry
This temple ministry, okay?
The priestly temple ministry that is referring to.
Now, let me tell you what John was thinking.
John mentions something that we find in St.
John's Gospel chapter 18.
Turn to chapter 18 in St.
John's Gospel verse 1.
Don't miss me here.
If you miss me here, it's very important.
Don't miss me here at all.
John chapter 18 verse 1.
When Jesus had spoken these words, he went forth with his disciples over the brook, Kidron, who he was a garden into the witch he headed and his disciples.
He's talking about the Kidron Valley.
This valley was between the Temple Mount and Mount Olives.
And you know, Jesus often resotted
to this mountain where he taught his disciples, okay?
Now over across the brook, across this valley was the temple on Mount Moriah.
Are you following this?
Now, in the days of John and Jesus and these apostles, this temple
that had been reconstructed, had drains from the temple into the Kidron Valley.
In all of those animals that were killed in the temple, had their blood eventually poured through those drains.
And water, volumes of water, the Bible does give us some calculations of these gallons of water that they needed to wash the blood to the dreams.
And so every time as these people pass, because this was something that did morning and evening, morning and evening, every day, blood and water.
Blah and water.
If you were like John, who would Jesus often came across because he taught often at the temple, Jesus did, and came across this valley, the Kidron Valley, you would see blood and water all the time draining from the temple all the time, blood and water, blood and water.
Jesus Christ was the pass of a lamb on that great pass of a day, that night when that lamb was killed.
And John already alluded to that.
He already said it.
Jesus Christ was our pass of a lamb.
Jesus Christ, glory to God.
And when Jesus died, he died when that pass of a lamb was to be slain.
Are you following this?
And now John is standing and he remembers.
This is John who's gone through the Kidron Valley.
with the temple drains, blood and water every day, blood and water.
Where is this coming from?
This is coming from the temple.
The little kids are saying, Daddy, there's blood, there's blood and water everywhere.
They say, oh, it's blood and water from the temple.
This does the temple pour out blood and water.
They say, yes, when the animal or the sacrifice of God is killed, blood and water comes out.
blood and water comes out.
Is it from where?
From God's temple.
So when the sacrifices keeled onto God, in the temple of God, blood and water comes out.
And so John says, can you see it?
A soldier thrust the spear through the side of the master.
blood and water pour out.
It's a miracle.
Because the man's already dead.
And when a man dies, the heart stops.
He shouldn't bleed like that.
He says, fortweeds came out.
That means immediately, as though there was still pressure, but the man was dead.
Or narrowly, it shouldn't come out like that.
So he bore witness.
He said, that's blood and water coming out.
Jesus said he was the temple.
He said, destroy this temple.
And now we've raised it up in three days.
And John wrote for us and said he was talking of the temple of his body.

So who is Jesus?
He's a lamb sacrifice.
Who is Jesus?
He's the temple, the new and living way.
And when he dies, the old temple, the curtain in the old temple, was turning two from the top to the bottom, opening the new and living way.
The old temple is gone.
The living temple is here.
Jesus Christ is our temple.
And the Lamb was slain once.
You never have to come through the Kedron again and see the blood.
He was slain once and for all.
Somebody say hallelujah.
Oh, blessed be God.
Lift your hands toward heaven.
Worship him.
Thank you.
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