Priesthood and Sacrifices Part 6
One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Devo is yours.
Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for another blessed opportunity to worship you and honor you, to have fellowship with you through your word and through the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for the privilege of enjoying your presence in Washington.
And now our hearts and our minds are open to receive your word.
We receive it gladly with faith and meekness in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Today we will continue with our subject on priesthood and sacrifices.
What again is a spiritual sacrifice?
Apart from presenting your body to God, which is the first thing you got to do for the rest of it to make sense.
Number two is praise.
Incidentally, if you would go back to our theme scripture, which is what?
What's that theme scripture we've been reading from?
One more time.
First Peter chapter two and verse what?
All right, y'all read it together.
One, two, go.
He says, he also is talking to us as lively stones, all King James translation uses the word lively.
It means living stones are built up of spiritual house.
I could preach for a whole month on that, but I'll go on a spiritual house.
We are a spiritual house.
That's wonderful.
Then again, an holy priesthood.
We are a holy priesthood.
to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
And what we were looking at originally in coming into this subject in the first place was as God's children, what do we do for God?
Because we pray to God and ask Him for things and expecting to protect us and to do a lot of stuff for us, watch over us, all kinds of things we want God to do for us.
The question was, what do we do for God?
Because He doesn't exist for us.
We exist for Him.
He doesn't live for us.
We live for Him.
And so if our lives are full of the consciousness of our needs and what we want God to do for us, we are living a very low life, much lower than the calling that he has for us.
We are not experiencing the real blessings of Christianity.
If we live with the consciousness of our needs and what God should do for us, and what God should do for us,
We haven't come into a knowledge of spiritual realities.
And so I endeavored to bring to your consciousness that we are called to be priests of God, that we actually do have responsibilities toward God.
I'm not talking about towards our environment now.
I'm not talking about towards other people.
I'm talking about towards God.
We do have a direct responsibility towards God.
And that comes from our office in the priesthood.
And every Christian needs to take this very, very seriously.
Otherwise, you're not living a Christian life.
Christianity is not the life of needs and prayers and answers.
It's a walk with God.
It's a fellowship.
It's a walk with God.
You've got to understand how to walk with God.
His God is wrong, and you got your role.
So this subject on priesthood is of such serious importance, and I want you to take it that way.
He also has living stones that build up a spiritual house, and only priesthood to offer up.
See, there's a purpose.
He's not suggesting it to us.
He's telling us He built us as a spiritual house and as a priesthood, a holy priesthood, for a purpose, the purpose of offering to Him, spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to Him through Jesus Christ.
It's a purpose.
You have to find out why you were born.
What were you made for?
What's your purpose in the earth?
And this is one of those reasons you are in this world.
And if you're not fulfilling it, you're probably living a different dream, not God's dream.
Look at it there, purpose is established right there.
Purpose, purpose for your life.
He says, you also, as living stones, are beard.
You have built up a spiritual house, an only priesthood to offer up.
You're built to offer up.
I think that's serious.
That scripture has clearly established a purpose.
So he's not there to answer your prayers, even though he answers your prayers.
That's not what he lives for.
He's not there to sit to it that everything goes all right with you.
That's not what he's there for.
If you will fulfill your purpose, you'll be working in his divine plan.
And within his divine plan, no evil shall befall you.
You see that?
And you won't have to be praying to God to not let evil before you.
Oh God, as I go out today, I pray that no evil will be for me.
That's a prayer of babies, spiritual babies.
As you grow spiritually, you'll find no need for that kind of praying.
Because you would have located purpose.
the prayer of Jesus Christ has been answered.
He prayed that we be delivered and protected and kept from the evil one before he died was when he prayed that prayer.
When he arose and ascended, the Bible tells us he was given all authority in heaven and in earth.
In heaven and in earth.
Then he came back to Galilee and spoke to the disciples and delivered that authority to us to rule over Satan and the cohorts of hell that they should have no power over us.
Glory to God.
Hebrews, chapter 13.
Say, I'm a priest.
I'm a priest of God.
You know, if you don't know the word of God, and let's assume you're at the office or in your neighborhood, or among some of your friends or colleagues, and you're talking to them about Jesus, and they say, ah, have you become a priest?
If you're ignorant, you could say something like, no, I'm not a priest.
I'm just sharing the word of God with you, because you don't know.
See, their minds are on the Catholic priest that they knew when they were kids.
That's what they're thinking in their minds.
They're thinking about some fellow with his collar turned backwards with a long black or white gown.
That's what they have in mind.
And so they're asking, are you now a priest?
I said, no, I'm not a priest.
No, you say yes.
You're supposed to say yes.
Yes, I am.
Ah, when were you ordained when I received Christ into my life?
See, it's so important that you know the Word of God because when you don't know the Word of God, you say so many things that are not right.
When I was just starting out, I was quite young in the things of God and spiritual things.
I didn't know much.
And I went out to share the word of God with people, and they said, you're telling us to be born again.
Even Jesus was not born again.
And I said, he didn't need to be born again.
I was wrong.
But I thought what I was saying was nice.
Because I said, Jesus didn't need to be born again.
He was holy and pure and righteous.
But I was wrong.
You see, just because something sounds nice and godly doesn't make it right.
You need accurate knowledge, accurate understanding, accurate information from the Word of God.
So it was later, as I studied more in the Word of God, I found out that Jesus had to be born again, and that He was the first to be born again, and that He needed to be born again because our sins were laid on His Spirit, and it took the place of sinners, and He was condemned in our place.
And so he had to be born again.
And that's what the Bible says.
That the Bible actually says that Jesus was born again.
He said, this day have I begotten thee, thou at my son.
This day have I begotten thee.
And the Bible says it was at the resurrection from the dead, which means not when he was born of Mary.
It means the second birth.
That's born again.
When he was raised from the dead, he was born again.
That's what the Bible says.
But I didn't know.
And because I didn't know, my argument, though it sounded nice and religious and kind towards God, it was wrong.
And that's how many people say things that are kind towards God and nice, but they're wrong.
Because they haven't studied the word of God accurately.
How are you following this?
Okay, so what did I ask you to open to?
Chapter 13, go to verse 15.
Read it for me.
Bahim, therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually.
The priests of the Old Testament had to burn these sacrifices morning and evening every day.
Can you imagine how many animals were slain?
All those many years, every morning, every evening, they burnt these animals continually.
And in the first tabernacle, the incense had to be on.
continually, burning continually.
It's amazing.
And so coming over here to the New Testament, instead of killing calves, goats, he says for us to offer spiritual sacrifices continually,
Let's look at the explanation.
Verse 15 again, I want you to read it fully, one to go.
He gave us the explanation right there.
This is by him, by Jesus, therefore, let us offer to God sacrifices of what prays.
And that it should be done continually.
Then it explains, that is, if you're wondering what the sacrifice of praise should be.
He says, that is the fruit of our lips.
Other versions say the fruit of lips.
The fruit of lips.
What are the fruit of lips?
That means what comes out of your lips.
Given what?
Thanks to his name.
Now, I want to explain something little here that's important.
He says, by him, therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually.
That is the fruit of our lips.
If you notice, if you have a good King James translation there with you, did you notice the word our is in italics?
That's why several translations don't include the word hour.
So this is the fruit of lips.
When you find a word in the King James version that is italicized, it means it was not in the original manuscript.
And so the translators used their prerogative to include it there for purpose of clarity.
Sometimes they are accurate and sometimes not very accurate.
And so you got to study a little deeper.
Praise the Lord.
Now, this translation is a little blind to us in what was clearly expressed in that verse.
It says, by him, therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of lips.
He says, giving thanks to his name.
Now, this construction, giving thanks, is a verb, a Greek verb, and it's homologio.
It actually means to make confession.
And so the revised version gives it to us differently.
And so are several other versions.
How many of you have the amplified?
You have the amplified?
Who's got the amplified here?
Let me read it to you.
Through him, therefore, let us constantly and at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify his name.
That's beautiful.
Let me give you the revised version.
It says, through him then, let us offer up a sacrifice of praise to God continually.
That is the fruit of lips which make confession to his name.
Did you see that?
So, given thanks there, actually is rendered from making confession to his name.
We'll get a little more light.
making confession to his name.
It means confessing his name.
I hear this, making, you're saying words that give praise to his name.
I told you, you know, there are songs we sing.
We need to understand the different kinds of songs.
There are some songs we sing and we are making confessions of the Word of God about us.
And that's very important.
That's important.
The Bible says to talk to yourself in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.
So you talk to yourself.
Krita Rizzi, that is in me?
Yes, singing that song.
Krita Rizzi, that is in me?
That's great.
So when we sing that song, we're not really praising God.
We're making confessions of His Word about us, and there's a place for that.
That's part of staring up your spirit that leads to being filled with the spirit.
It's got his place.
Then sometimes we sing about God.
He's alive in me.
He's alive.
Jesus is alive forever.
He's singing about God.
We're singing about Jesus.
or singing about him.
It's got its place.
See, it's got its place and that's wonderful.
But then he is talking about making confession of his name.
or to his name, and that means that we are singing to the name of Jesus, the greatness of his name, the power of his name, the effectiveness of his name, and we are using that name to glorify God.
All hail King Jesus, all hail Emmanuel.
All things are in your name.
Jesus has all the power, the name of Jesus, singing like that, making confessions to his name.
Your name is exalted above all, or singing.
And those songs are sacrifices of praise.
Now, if we sing, we bring sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord.
We bring sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord as we offer unto thee the sacrifices of thanksgiving as we offer unto thee the sacrifices of praise.
We may go.
We have said so.
It's like saying, it's like holding your offering.
You come to church, you know, with your offering.
And you say, Lord, I bring my offering to you.
I bring this offering to you the name of Jesus.
I receive a multiplied harvest.
So when we close, you put it back in your pocket and go home.
No, you prayed about it.
No, you celebrated it.
Did you offer it?
We bring sacrifice of praise.
You have announced that you have brought sacrifice of praise.
So where is it?
See, the Bible says we should praise God with understanding.
No, no, no, no, no.
Don't get the wrong.
Not praise God with the understanding.
I didn't say with the understanding.
The Bible says to praise Him with understanding.
That means knowing what you are saying.
It is important to be accurate.
Listen, Paul said this when you study in 1st Corinthians chapter 13, all right?
He did say, when I was a child, I thought like a child, okay?
I talked like a child and I walked like a child.
I did things as a child.
He said, but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Spiritually is the same thing.
In fact, he was giving us there a spiritual education.
Just because you've been praying in a setting where all your life doesn't mean you were right.
It's time to grow.
How are you hearing me?
So what dealing with spiritual realities, what dealing with spiritual growth, you can't keep praying the same way you were praying five years ago and saying the wrong thing.
You gotta grow with knowledge.
The same thing with praise.
You know sometimes people say that they want to praise God in a service.
They say we did a very hot song.
So they bring out a very hot song and the meaning of a hot song is that song that makes everybody dance like this.
It can be dancing in the flesh.
You can sweat in your praise.
There are people who enjoy service because the dancing was so hot.
And if you raise a calm song, they are tired.
It's like, who brought this song, Glida today?
So who is this kind of song?
Hallelujah is bored, is angry with the song leader.
Can't they change this song?
He wants a hot song.
Years ago, when I was a kid in that old church, they could just sing a song.
Now, we could sing that song for half an hour.
That's all we're singing.
30 minutes.
And you know, sweating all the matter.
Yeah, good song.
But the pastor said, let us praise.
That's not a praise song.
But you see, they were not taught.
accurate information.
Are you still here?
You see, these are the reasons many people don't have a spiritual life that is consistent because they don't live in according to spiritual knowledge.
So they live according to the feelings.
Today they feel hot and so that means God is close to them.
And when something else happens and they're not feeling as hot as yesterday, their life goes cold because they don't have spiritual understanding.
They're not functioning according to spiritual information.
What does the song say?
The song you are singing?
What does it say?
And some of the songs that are so wrong and many people didn't even know.
Some people thought that if the song is slow, that's worship.
If the song is fast, that's praise.
Not even considering the words of the song.
For example, when you come here to get married, the vows, we say here, now a lot of churches have used the same material, they've gotten our materials around the world and they're using the same material now.
But before most of them realized it, they were saying the wrong thing.
Now the very first wedding I was going to conduct was when I made the change.
I wanted to conduct the wedding, but before then, years before, I had said something was wrong with the vows that a lot of people make.
Do you take this woman to be your wife, to have and to hold in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, till death do you part and say, yes, I do.
then turn to her and say this to her, then you go, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, till death do us part.
As a youth signed, see, if you were wealthy before you got married now, you both signed for sickness and what?
Poverty and both mixed together.
So when you have ups and downs in life, don't quarrel with God, you sign for it when you got married.
But a lot of people don't understand how powerful that thing is.
And so from the very first wedding I was going to conduct it.
I drew up a new set of vows.
But I was to conduct the wedding in an Anglican church.
And so when the ministers saw it, they said, no way.
They're not going to use it.
This is strange.
and they wanted to explain why they have the sickness and health, poverty and why it has to be so.
Where my point was, the dots issue.
Just because you have said it since your great-great-grandfather got married doesn't make it right.
If a lie has been in office for 20 years, doesn't become true?
If it's a lie, it's a lie.
So they said they would not accept it.
And the couple getting married insisted that I would have to be, I would do the joining.
After a whole lot of talk and talk, they said, okay, they want to hold a meeting with them.
So they came for a meeting.
And they said, here is what they will do.
Your pastor can come and pray.
We will handle the joining and the preaching.
Letting just pray.
They said, no, we want him to handle the joining.
Then they asked the priest a question, what is wrong with this new one that the pastor is bringing?
What is wrong with it?
So that when we go back to him, we will tell him what is wrong with it.
They couldn't find what was wrong.
the one I drew up, which is what you use here.
They couldn't find what was wrong with it, because nothing was wrong.
The man said, okay, you can't tell him to come.
So I came and I, when it was time for the joining, I stepped forward and I read the new kind of vows in an Anglican church.
And so now they use its many places around the world.
Don't sign for something that God does not want you to keep.
Someone says, but is he saying that the, I mean, when people get married, what they mean is what I do, what I do, what I do is good, they will be inside together.
That's not the point.
Why don't you say, oh Lord, I thank you for my life?
In poverty and riches, in sickness and in health, I glorify your name.
Do you know some people pray that prayer today?
They do.
They say, how can we always expect good from God?
We should always expect things to go back sometimes.
And when they say it, they say it as though they heard from God.
Those of us who believe in prosperity of the Christian, we didn't say that every time you have money in your hands.
We didn't say so.
What we said was that whether there is money there or it is not there, it doesn't change your condition spiritually.
And that it should not change your testimony of God because man is a spirit.
And his life is not dependent on circumstances.
So whether he has the money or doesn't have the money, money is a tool.
If what I want, I want it, I will get it.
If my money is not enough to buy it, I will get it free.
That's what we said.
Because God didn't say, except you have the money, I have not blessed you.
He said, all things are yours.
So what is important, our purchasing power is not money, it's faith.
Did you get what I said?
So I must prosper, irrespective of Naradolah, Sterling, Euro, whatever it is.
I'm what God says I am.
The same thing with health and sickness.
It doesn't matter that I'm feeling headaches.
It doesn't matter that I'm throwing up because of some problem.
It doesn't matter that my whole body's heart.
In spite of all that, I was still maintained.
I got the life of God in me.
I got the life of God in me.
Man is a spirit.
You see, Christianity was called the Great Confession.
Did you know that?
Christianity is a confession.
And it's a confession of the Word of God.
Christianity is... Can I explain?
I'm almost speaking in tongues.
I've got the word in here.
Here's the point.
Our work with God is working in consistency with His Word.
When God says it, I say it.
Confession means speaking the same thing in consent.
That's the word homologia, the noun.
Speaking the same thing with God in consent.
That means in agreement with Him.
If God has said so, then I am supposed to say the same thing that God has said in agreement with Him.
That's walking with God.
You see that?
He said it for you to hear it so you can say it.
So I refused to say something that God didn't say.
When God came in the garden and said, Adam, where are you?
And Adam said, I heard your voice and I hid myself because I was naked.
God said, who told you you're naked?
Have you eaten what I told you not to eat?
That is it.
So when you say something different from what God has said, he will ask you, who told you you are sick?
Have you been eating some spiritual food?
That means a word from someone else.
Is there a from him?
God has said, Bahu strives, he were healed.
He were.
The issue about your health condition was settled at the cross.
Before Jesus went to hell and came out of the grave, when he came out of the grave, he gave you a new life that is absolutely victorious over sickness, disease and infirmity.
Now your body is the living tabanacle of Christ, the living temple of the Holy Spirit.
If you found a groat on your body, you don't need to ask Him to heal it.
If you found a problem in your hearts, you don't need to call upon God to do something.
What you say is, this is the temple of the Holy Ghost.
I refuse to accommodate heart trouble.
I refuse to accommodate it.
Peter said, by whose stripes he wear heels.
He didn't say, but who straps are healed?
You were healed.
If you were healed, you don't need healing.
Come on here.
Are you in this place?
What's talking Christianity?
Our life is a celebration of His name.
It is a celebration of His name.
That's why He gave us the power of our tongue to use His name.
And the Bible says, whatsoever you do in word or deeds, do it in the name of Jesus.
So your life should be a celebration of His name.
Let me tell you something.
If you live like this, you'd be amazed at what will happen to your job, your finances, your family, be consistent.
Sometimes we allow fear to come to us.
Why were trying to stand in faith?
Fear comes, and then we carry on to that fear.
No, don't give up.
Don't give up.
Stand your ground.
Stand your ground.
Maintain your confession.
Don't give up.
The Bible says many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivered him out of them all.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous.
Travel comes from everywhere, but in the midst of the trouble, you remain untouchable.
Lift your right hand toward heaven.
Say, Father, the name of Jesus has been named upon me.
Hold on, let me tell you something.
Did you know that God connected himself so much with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?
He said, this is my memorial forever.
I shall be called the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
That's a marvel that he would so identify himself with these three men.
Their prosperity was based on the Abrahamic covenant.
God wheeled the world to Abraham.
Did you know that God gave this word to one man according to the Bible?
Some of you have never checked it out.
The whole world was actually given to the man Abraham.
The whole world.
And then he said, and his seed.
And the bad went on to explain to us that the seed of Abraham was not just Isaac, Jacob, and the Patrex.
He said the seed of Abraham was spoken in singular and not plural.
He says, the seed of Abraham was Christ.
Then he says, if you belong to Christ, you are Abraham's seed.
And therefore, heirs according to the promise.
Meaning that the promises that were made to Abraham were actually made to Jesus Christ.
And he is seed.
If you study in St.
Matthew's Gospel, an extraordinary revelation, he lists the generations from Adam.
He lists the generations.
And then he gives us
a beautiful expression in the last set of 14 generations.
Read it for yourself.
For those last 14, each one is correct, 14, 14, 14.
But then it tells us in the last set of 14, that there are 14 generations.
But you count them and they are 13.
No matter how you count, you count again and again, there are 13.
But he says there are 14.
Some people have said that it was an error, that there are 13 and the Bible says 14.
But there are 13 listed there.
But he says unto Christ, unto Christ.
Christ has two generations.
The head and the body.
The church was called the seed of Christ.
Jesus, for the Bible says, He shall see His seed.
He shall prolong His days.
So that Christ prolonged His days through the church, and the church was numbered as a seed.
Then again, he says, a seed shall serve him, and it shall be accounted, numbered to the Lord for his generation.
Which means the church is the 14th generation.
That Matthew did not number.
Now, what does this tell us?
Our witness with Christ is so clearly stated in Scripture
What are you doing with it?
He has given you of his spirit.
Or you say, Father, I thank you that I have the Holy Spirit.
I walk in super intelligence.
I walk in wisdom.
I have direction.
You've met some people, no direction in life.
That's what they're calling to God.
Oh God, please just direct me.
My life is... Don't cry.
If you have received the Holy Spirit, you say, Father, I have arrived.
I have arrived.
Now I have direction.
Don't say, I don't know where to go.
I don't know what to turn to.
I don't know.
Don't talk like that.
Because when you talk like that, you won't the Holy Spirit.
You don't talk like that.
Welcome the ministry of the Holy Spirit in your life.
Father, I have direction.
Now I can be led by the Holy Spirit.
I know where I'm going, because the Holy Spirit knows, and I'm working with the Holy Spirit.
My life is for the glory of God.
Can you say that?
Say that.
Come on, say it.
Therefore, I can only move forward in my life.
And I am making progress, even from this moment.
I walk into destiny.
Oh, this is, this is powerful.
Did you know that there are things that you had missed?
That some people here, you walked away from destiny through your confessions, through the wrong words and the wrong way of life that you have had.
People were, you were supposed to meet, you didn't meet them.
You met the wrong people.
Where you were supposed to go, you didn't go, because you went in the wrong direction.
With what I'm sharing with you now, you are being relocated into destiny.
This tomorrow, some of you will meet certain people.
Are you hearing me?
Who God has sent to bring favor into your life?
Are you hearing what I'm telling you?
Some of you even today.
Because you have realigned yourself in the destiny of God.
That which the locust had eaten.
That which the parma worm had eaten.
That which the canko worm had eaten will be restored to you in the name of Jesus.
Also know that there are those that you are to favor.
There are those that will come your way.
And God is counting on you to favor them.
And you will favor them in the name of Jesus Christ.
Say this with me.
I'm a child of destiny.
I function.
in the destiny of God.
I function in the destiny of God.
I'm not a child of accident.
I'm not a child of chance.
I didn't come here by chance.
I have the word of God working in me.
And I am functioning in the destiny of God for my life.
The Holy Spirit is guiding me and leading me.
Therefore, I will not walk in the path of foolishness.
I will not entertain thoughts of foolishness.
For the Word of God is the wisdom of God.
And that wisdom is working in me.
My future is assured.
Thank you all, glory to God.
Worship Him and glorify Him.
Speaking at the times, praying the Holy Ghost.
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God bless you.