Righteousness Part 2
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
What is righteousness?
Righteousness is that nature of God that defines His character and ways of doing things.
The character of God to be right and perfect.
How does it apply to man?
This attribute on nature of God
When impalent to the human spirit at the new birth gives him right standing.
In this excerpt, Pastor Chris shares more about righteousness.
It's a tribute and its importance with respect to a good Christian life.
So, according to the presence of a righteous God, you must be qualified.
And no man qualifies to come.
until He's given a credit.
This is teaching on righteousness with Pastor Chris.
Previously on righteousness.
Until you have a good understanding of righteousness, you cannot live a true Christian life.
So, when we're talking about righteousness, we're talking about the nature of God.
That's what you receive to become a Christian.
If you don't get it, you don't become a Christian.
Abraham was given a gift of righteousness as a gift.
He was given, he was credited with righteousness.
The man who was born again was born that way.
He was born righteous.
The encapsulizing definition of righteousness is a simple statement that it is the expression of the will and nature of the Father.
It doesn't get better than that.
It is the expression of the will and nature of the Father.
That's righteousness.
I told you, man,
already and has always had his opinion of righteousness.
But God has his thoughts about righteousness.
God, in helping us understand righteousness, had to reveal his will and his nature to man.
And that was right.
If we didn't know his will, how could we know how to serve him?
How could we know how to respond to him?
If we didn't know his nature, how could we function?
How could we?
The Bible says he made man in his own image and likeness.
How could we
come what He wanted us to be if we didn't know His nature.
Now, let's look at two scriptures.
I told you how that the righteousness of God was given to all men, really.
What is it like?
Let's look at it like this.
God calls everybody.
All right?
He calls everybody.
The job's been done.
Salvation's been consummated.
Jesus already died and had been raised from the dead, ascended.
He's gone to heaven.
The Holy Spirit has come so men can be born again.
So the message has gone out.
Everyone who believes
Believe what?
Salvation that Christ has brought.
If you will believe it, salvation is yours.
Now, when you believe the gospel, you are made right with God.
That means you have accepted His righteousness.
You've accepted His righteousness because you believe.
That righteousness
is what keeps you, brings you into the presence of God.
Look at it like this.
I invite you to come.
I've got a meeting for you.
And so you say, I believe now, remember, not everyone would agree to come.
So then I say, if you will come, there's a ticket for you.
So you get that ticket.
That ticket doesn't mean you're in here.
But you have a right to enter now.
You've got it because you accepted the invitation.
Now you've got ticket to come in.
The owner doesn't have a ticket, can't he, when you come in?
But you've got a ticket, and so you can come in.
And soon as you get to the door, you show your ticket and you enter.
Now you don't need a ticket anymore, right?
You're inside.
You're here now.
When you believe the gospel, it is credited to you for righteousness.
That is your legal righteousness.
When you believe the gospel of Jesus Christ, you are made right with God.
Are you following this now?
You are made right with God when you believe.
But you must take the next step.
For most, that next step is taken instantly.
For some, they wait too long because they're not informed.
Can I show you what I'm talking about in the back?
Okay, let's see.
Romans chapter 10, verse 10.
For with the heart, man, believe it, what?
On to righteousness.
With the hard man, believe it, on to righteousness.
Gooder romance chapter five as one.
Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Justified means declared righteous.
Being declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God.
That means we have been brought into a reconciliation with God.
We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now, go to chapter, same chapter, verse 18.
And I want you to follow this carefully, as part of what we read last week.
Therefore, as by the offains of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation, even so by the righteousness of one, that's Jesus Christ, the free gift came upon all men onto justification of life.
Watch the process.
On to justification of life.
Put it in the next verse, you love this.
For us by one man's disobedience, Adam's disobedience, many were made sinners.
So by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
Verse 20.
Moreover, the law entered that the offense might abound, but where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.
Verse 21.
that our sin had rained on to death.
Our sin had rained on to death, even so my grace rained through righteousness.
Oh God, oh dear Lord Jesus, this is amazing.
Look at it, I didn't never forget it.
That our sin had rained on to death, even so my grace rained through righteousness onto eternal life.
Who is it saying here?
He says, sin had rained.
and brought condemnation to man, same had destroyed man's life.
But now, God's grace, God's grace, that means bringing favor, that's not, no one had to qualify for it, so it's called unmerited favor.
His grace now reigns by crediting righteousness to the ungodly.
You see it?
Distributing righteousness to the ungodly.
so that the ungodly might receive eternal life.
Can you see the process?
Look at it.
There has seen that rain onto that, even so might grace rain.
Through righteousness, through giving out righteousness, grace is running by giving righteousness.
That means by helping men come into the presence of God, have the rights to approach God without fear, without condemnation, without inferiority.
You can come to God.
Because He gave you His grace.
He says, come through Jesus Christ.
Jesus died for us.
You see, He took the punishment for all our sins.
And so He says, if you believe that Jesus died in your place, you don't have to die for the same sin.
He died for all your sins.
Why should you die for the same sins?
He was condemned in your place.
You will never be condemned again.
Otherwise, you'll be paying for the same thing twice.
Because Jesus already paid.
You see it?
So if you believe what Jesus did for you on the cross, he says, righteousness is yours.
So he took your sin so you can have his righteousness.
So the righteousness of Christ is being distributed by the grace of Jesus Christ.
So if you believe you received that righteousness and by that righteousness, your legal righteousness, you see it?
Because it's a legality.
He took your place that you might take his place right down the word substitution.
This gospel is a gospel of substitution.
Write it down.
That's the verse that helps you understand that.
Second Corinthians chapter eight, verse nine.
For you know the grace.
Look at it.
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
That though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor.
You see that?
He became my substitute.
He took my place that I might take his place.
for you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes, he became poor.
That he, through his poverty, might become rich.
He became poor, that I might become rich.
He became sin, that I might become, oh, we'll go into that.
Go back to Romans 5, verse 21.
that has sinned and rained unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life.
You see it?
Even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.
Grace, the grace of Jesus Christ.
Now reigns by crediting righteousness to those who believe in what he did.
He took my place on the cross that I might take His place of righteousness.
So if you believe that gospel, righteousness is set to your account.
Immediately righteousness is set to your account.
Go back to it.
Romans, Romans chapter 10, verse 10, for with the heart man believe it.
On to what?
If you believe, you're made right with God.
If you believe.
So a lot of people who hear the gospel, if they didn't hear it fully or they didn't act completely, they'll be at one point.
Righteousness is set to your account.
But did you know the righteousness was for every man?
Like all the tickets were made available to whosoever will.
Who wills may come.
If you want it, you can have it.
Then you believe and you are made right with God.
Righteousness is legally set to your account.
See that?
Then you do your part.
Look at it.
And wait them out!
This is so important.
With the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.
You see, why some people are not born again, because they have never declared the logic of Jesus Christ over their lives.
They say, I believe in Jesus, but they have never said consciously, Jesus Christ is a lot of my life.
They've never said that.
And because they have never said that, they have never eared into salvation.
And this is something we have to help people understand.
We have to help them.
Make that confession of the logical of Jesus Christ.
Because until that is done, you don't enter in.
It's like you've got a ticket, but you never used it.
You see it now?
When you said Jesus Christ is Lord of my life, the dominion of darkness is broken from your life suddenly.
The rulership of Satan over your life is destroyed suddenly when you proclaim Jesus Christ is a lot of my life.
You are catapulted from the domain and domain of Satan to the kingdom of God's love son, Jesus Christ.
Look here today.
Put that in Scripture with the mouth confession.
Confession is made.
Here's not talking about confession of sin, no.
Confession of the lordship of Jesus.
Go to the previous verse, verse nine, same book, same chapter, verse nine, that if thou shall confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus.
It's not talking about confession of sin here.
If you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in your heart,
that God raised him from the dead.
He says, thou shalt be saved.
You see it?
You confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord of your life.
It changes everything.
Brought to you, make that confession.
Even though you believe in Jesus, you don't enter into salvation.
That's why you find people who say, I believe in Jesus.
You say, do you believe God raised Jesus from the dead?
They say, yes, I believe, but they're not born again.
They might even be, do you worship us?
They might even be into other religions, and they will tell you that they believe in Jesus Christ.
Believing is not enough.
Believing only makes, it gives you the ticket.
But do you have a ticket?
You may never enter.
You see it?
Glory to God.
So let's look at the second aspect of righteousness, which is even more important.
That second aspect of righteousness is this.
It is defined differently.
Well, when I say defined, I mean that it is expressed in Scripture.
in another way.
Second Corinthians chapter five.
Now the beautiful thing about these two books, you notice we read a lot from Romans.
In the book of Romans, Paul actually presents a legal argument, legal argument of salvation and righteousness.
He started the argument from chapter two, verse 17, and took the argument to the rest of the book.
He argues
with the Jewish mind, even though he's writing to the Roman Christians.
But they've been influenced by Jewish people.
So he presents a legal argument about salvation.
So when you're reading that book, you have to understand that there is a legal argument here.
It has a lot to do with the legal aspect of salvation.
Now when you come to second Corinthians,
He starts dealing with the vitality of salvation.
So there's a lot of differences, okay?
Second Corinthians chapter five verse, let's start from verse 17.
So you, you start getting it.
You love verse 17.
Look at it.
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is, you see, he starts telling you not just your legal position, but your vital life, who you really are,
Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.
Here, I like the old King James Version.
He says, he's a new creature.
He uses the term creature.
That's another day's talk.
He's a new creature.
All things are passed away.
Behold, why is that there?
I'll tell you, because at the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, the Bible tells us after the act of forbidden fruit, their eyes were opened.
They started seeing that they were naked.
They beheld themselves as naked.
The new creation starts, and God says, look!
They had the wrong book in the garden.
Now you come alive in Christ and it says, look, all things have become new.
You are no longer naked.
Behold, glory to God.
All things have become new.
That's wonderful.
Look at next verse.
And all things are of God.
You see, when it says, all things have become new, he's telling you, don't say, well, you know, now I have new problems.
There are new problems, but those new problems are not imminent.
That means they're not inborn.
They're not within you.
They're outside.
They're caused by the devil.
But that's not a problem for you.
And all things are of God, all those new things.
In your life now, this is there of God who hath reconciled us.
I'm not being reconciled.
I have been reconciled to God, who had reconciled us to himself at Jesus Christ in hath and given to us.
He's not about to do it, he's already done it.
Have given to us the ministry of reconciliation.
That means he's given me the message, the job of bringing others into union with him, reconciling others to Christ.
I have the ministry of reconciliation.
Everywhere I go, I'm supposed to be telling others about Jesus Christ.
So I can bring them into the right relationship with God.
It's my job.
It's your job.
It is the Christian's individual job, every one of us.
You've got to do it.
If you're not reconciling others to God, you are in disobedience.
Did you know that?
It's your job.
Okay, next verse.
And to it, he says, to it, that God
Boy, that ministry of reconciliation, that message is given us.
He says, to witness that God was in Christ.
He's telling us what happened on the cross.
He says, God was in Christ.
He didn't do it alone.
He didn't do it for himself.
God was in him.
God was in Christ.
Reconciling the world.
Blessed God.
Isn't that wonderful?
Reconciling the world, not Christians.
He wasn't reconciling Christians.
He was reconciling Muslims.
He was reconciling Buddhists.
He was reconciling the enemies.
He was everybody.
Look at it.
So with the God was in Christ reconciling the world onto himself.
Look at that one.
Not imputing their trespasses onto them.
What was imputing to them?
He was imputing righteousness unto them.
They get it.
Not imputing their trespasses unto them.
In other words, he's not counting their sins against them.
Oh, this is the God who justifies the ungodly.
This is amazing.
Not imputing their trespasses unto them and have committed unto us the world of reconciliation.
Next verse, next verse.
Now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though God didn't message you by us.
We pray you in Christ that be reconciled to God.
Now look at the big one, the next verse.
You love this.
This is where we're going all the time.
This is for he had made him to be sent for us.
Who knew no sin?
This is about Jesus.
He made Jesus to be sin for us.
Who knew no sin?
He never knew sin.
That we might be made the righteousness of God in here.
Did you notice?
He didn't say that he might make us righteous.
He says that we might be made God's righteousness.
We become God's righteousness by virtue of this salvation.
This is vital righteousness.
In other words, the legal aspect of righteousness brought you into that salvation.
When you confess the logic of Jesus Christ, at once you were impacted with eternal life.
The life and nature of God came into your spirit.
You were awakened to the Fatherhood of God.
Suddenly you realized Jesus Christ is not only a lot of your life, but he's your brother.
He has made the Father your Father.
Now you have the same life with him.
Now you're in his presence.
You're a new man.
You have a new nature, a new self, a new self.
Say, I have a new self.
You know what that means.
You have a new self.
You are not that man that you were before you were born again.
You are a new self.
Why don't you think so?
Because you've got the same mind.
There's a mind.
There's a mind.
For example, if you bought a new DVD player, you had an old one.
Now, you don't want this old one because it's an old model.
And so you want the new one.
So you got the new one.
And you brought the same DVD.
All right?
So this new player, will it play something different?
It'll play the same things that's recorded on the DVD, even though it's a new player.
Your life is a new player.
You need a new DVD.
See what I mean?
Because if you bring the old DVD, it will play the same videos.
You have a new life.
Now the Bible says renew your mind.
Have new thoughts, have new ideas, have new opinions, replace the old ones, replace the old fires.
Otherwise even though you're born again, you'd be thinking like you used to think because you already got all those kinds of thinking into your mind.
But your mind is not born again.
It's your spirit, yourself, your person that's born again.
Your mind can be changed.
But when you are born again, your person changes.
Shouting in somebody.
Oh, glory to God.
Okay, let me show you something about that.
Ephesians 4.
Let's look at verse 24.
visions chapter four.
And that you put on the new man.
Oh God, I love this.
I love it.
This is put on.
That means let this new life dominate you.
That means let it cover, for example, you're putting on clothes.
And because you're putting on clothes, we can see your body.
All right?
We can see your body because you're wearing clothes.
So you appear different.
What are the different things you're wearing, right?
So he says, put on the new nature, appear with the new nature that's already inside.
How can you put on something that's inside?
It means let it take over your expressions.
Glory to God, look at it.
And that you put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
Oh, oh, oh, this is amazing.
All right, can you give it to us in the new national version, the NIV?
Look at it.
And to put on the new self, created to be like God.
So braccata mamade.
In righteousness, true righteousness.
Your new self has been created to be like God in true righteousness.
When he says true righteousness, he's not talking about, when was it true?
We're not relating truths with porosity or falsehood.
We're talking about reality.
So this is the real deal.
We're talking vital righteousness now.
He says, the new self, your born-again spirit has been recreated.
You see, your spirit has been recreated.
So your new self was created.
You get it?
To be like God.
In true righteousness and holiness.
Now, can you understand better what he says?
In 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 21, when he tells you, he had made him to be sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God.
I am the righteousness of God.
I am the expression.
What is righteousness?
The expression of the will and nature of the Father.
That means I am the expression of the will and nature of the Father.
So everywhere I go, I express the will and nature of my Heavenly Father.
That's who I am.
That's who you are.
If you're born again, that's who you are.
We think differently.
We express the will and nature of our Heavenly Father.
That's what Jesus came to do.
That's what made Jesus different from the religious leaders.
He was the expression of the Father's will.
He was the expression of the Father's nature.
He said, if you have seen me, you have seen the Father.
Now, that's who we are.
If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.
Say that with me, if you have seen me, you have seen the Father.
Now you can understand why you have the right and the responsibility to live like Him.
You're not allowed to talk like everybody else.
If that doesn't express the will and nature of the Father, you shouldn't.
You can act like the rest of the world.
You are the expression of the Father's will.
You are the expression of the Father's nature.
That's who you are.
Don't act like you're not.
The Father said, when Moses said to him, whom shall I say, sent me?
He said, I am that I am.
When Jesus said the same about himself,
He said, before Abraham was, I am.
He changed it.
Then knew he changed it.
They wanted him to say, before Abraham was, I was.
Then they say, you're not before Abraham.
You didn't come before Abraham.
They actually said so.
They said, you're not yet 50.
And have you seen Abraham?
But then he said, before Abraham was, I am, meaning he called himself God.
So they picked up stones.
They say, how dare you call yourself God?
Say, I know who I am.
Now you see where that's coming from.
You see?
That's why when it tells you, don't take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Because when you say, I am sick, I am, cannot be sick.
You see it?
Why do you want to say the right things about yourself?
Because you are connected to God directly.
I just showed you.
You've been created to be like God.
So you talk like him.
In 1 John chapter 4 verse 17, he says, for as he is.
So are we in this world?
Just in case you've never seen it.
1 John chapter 4 verse 17.
I'm the King James.
hearing is a love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of judgment.
Oh boy, I wish I had time to talk about this because as he is so are we in this world, not when we get to heaven.
See, I've been created to be like God.
in righteousness and holiness.
I'm like him.
Therefore, I think like him.
You see, that's why he gave us his word.
So we have material to think.
If you don't know his word, how can you think like him?
The Bible says, let the word of Christ dwell in you.
What richly meditate on the words, digest the words, absorb the words.
You get it?
Let it stay in you.
Oh, Mandubrogasetihai.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
We trust you were blessed by this message.
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Thank you.