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Sound, Matter and Faith Vol. 2 Part 2

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
Everything has a source.
The original source material for everything is God's will.
And from the beginning, it has been the principle of creation and recreation.
This is what modern physicists be, you know.
They didn't know it was in the book already.
We use things which are not.
But there exists in the realm of faith to bring to nothing things that are.
Get ready to tap into the wealth of God's word and frame the circumstances of your life in line with God's plan and purposes for you.
His word is absolute truths.
You can depend on it.
The Word will produce faith.
And our faith is always connected to our needs.
If there is no need for it, there will be no faith to it.
And in this expose on sound, matter, and faith, let God's Word direct you in His path and pattern for your future.
Oh, glory to God.
You're still in this place?
Look at somebody's gospel.
Chapter 12, from verse 35.
It says, a good man out of a good treasure of the heart, bring that foot.
Do you realize that sometimes when you are given into the gospel,
and you are giving so much.
It is possible that at the second time you may not be getting financial results as quickly as the demands for your giving might be.
It could cost you the water.
I'm giving, giving, giving.
I'm not receiving enough.
Several things can be happening.
Number one, don't start by thinking something is wrong.
Did you hear what I said?
Don't start by thinking something is wrong.
because the other fellow said he gave and he had this great testimony.
The other one gave and suddenly this happened.
The other one has been given and just been making progress.
I have been given for even much longer and I haven't seen a change.
I just keep seeing only my salary.
In fact, I was demoted one time.
They even caught my salary.
Listen, listen, listen.
Don't base your life on the circumstances of your job or your business or even your finances.
Don't do that.
Wait on the Lord.
When He does His thing.

That's why he told us rejoice with those who rejoice.
Some people hear something good that's happened to their neighbor.
And then they say, neighbor, I heard you got a new job.
I heard you.
You've had a baby.
I heard you bought a new car.
Then they go to their room.

What have I done?
Oh God, what have I done?
My friend that we started together.

I'm more committed.
I'm more committed.
Father, I know it.
I know it.
I'm in the choir.
I'm in the heaven.
I'm in the women's fellowship.

I'm committed.
I'm Anosha.
I'm a coordinator.
What have I done?
Do you know what changed?
Listen, your body does not know time.
Your body doesn't know what country he's in.
This body is not aware he's in Janisburg.
I hear me.
Your body doesn't know that today is Saturday.
He's not aware.
The tears that come out of your eyes don't know that this is September.

Everything when you work, you know, you've been working like this here until you heard that

In church, you were like this, hallelujah.
You know, there's a glory, and you say, glory!
Then after the service, you came out, like, you were flying.
I mean, I was so blessed.
I love that testimony.
I love the pastor's share today.
And why do you still are doing that?
Somebody's coming to you.
And, and, Russ?
Russ, did you hear?
You see?
And you're still doing like this.
What is it?
Then it carries you, and you go... Phew.

Look at... Look at your body movements.
Your body didn't know squat.
He was like this, and he was like this, and then he was like this, and then he was like this.
Everything is based on information.

It's all based on information.
What does the information do?
The information creates pictures.
It creates pictures until you see something, it never becomes real.
Are you hearing me?
I don't know if you're getting this.
Are you getting this?
With the heart, man, believe it!
Sopregisco Andrdico Scotia Para Mando.
Oncos Cosio La Mangadilla.
Is it possible, Chris, what did you say?
Segos Cosio's La Mangadiz Eto Paco Consciency.
Cala Coso Mani.

Thank you Lord Jesus.
Glory to God.

You're here, right?
Yes, sir.
Just want to, let me take you to a few things here.
One reader, scripture to you.
Very simple.
Because until and unless, 20th in Mark's Gospel, chapter 9, and open to verse 23,

Have you seen it?
What does it say?
If thou can't believe.
All things I told you in the supernatural realm, we have infinite possibilities.
All things are possible to him that believe it.
What do you believe?
The word.
I told you, that's all that rules in the realm of the supernatural.
Jesus said unto him, if thou can't believe, all things are possible to him that believe it.
With the heart, man believe it.
You believe with your heart.
So the possibilities, your spirit has the capacity for infinite possibilities.
There's no telling what you can do.
There's no telling what you could be.
There's no telling what you could have if you will only believe.
And you can believe with your spirits.
A complete, a complete metamorphosis of your life.
Are you hearing what I'm telling you?
A complete transformation in your life.
Listen, it doesn't matter what limits have been placed on you.
Where I from your family, where I from your friends, where I from your location, your job, your training, it makes no difference.
This is infinite possibilities.
If you can only believe

Oh, starting the Word of God, I said, Father, I dare believe.
I dare believe.
Yes, dare believe God.
Dare believe God.
Dare believe God.

Let nothing stop you.
Say, I'm coming out of the crowds.
I'm coming out of these things.
I'm coming out of the limits.
I'm going beyond the limits in the name of Jesus.
All things are possible to him that believe us.
And that's me.
I dare believe.
Dare believe God.
You'd be amazed at what we're doing all around the world today.
It's just amazing.
It's amazing, it's amazing, it's amazing.
It's amazing.
But it is not by might.
It is not by power.
But by my spirit!
Check the world.

What can God do with your life?
Years ago, as a little boy, I said, Lord, what can you do with a teenager like me?
What can you do with someone like me?

I was saying, I'm ready.
I'm available.
If you will use me, I'll be it.

Are you here when I'm telling you?
Why do you think Satan likes to give us a lot of attention?
He didn't get it.
Satan likes giving us a lot of attention because he's too troubled by us.
He's very troubled.
And I never tell him, leave me alone because he can't.
And he's worried night and day.
I know.
So I never tell him to leave me alone.
Because that's like telling him that he should stop his work.

See, because you see, through the power of the Word of God, we have done things that, you know,
He said, hey, did that really happen?
Did it happen?
And Satan calls all his officers together and says, why did you let that happen?
And they, with all due respect, they say, son, you were there too.

And you know, when I say that, it's not boast.
No, no, no.
And if I dare boast, I boast in the Lord.
I'm talking about what the Word of God has done within my spirits.
Don't let your life be dependent on circumstances around you.
Think again, think again with the heart man, believe it.
on to righteousness.
With the mouth, confession is made, confession is made unto salvation, the realms of salvation.
Oh my goodness, yes.
Where there's a lot of blessings, all the blessing of God is in salvation.
When you come into the realms of salvation, it's all joy, joy, joy.
It's all joy.
That's how Paul and Silas were singing praises to God while they were in prison and their hands and feet were in stocks.
They were singing praises to God.
It's all joy.
You don't even try to make it happen.
It just flows.

If you have not come there, that is why you're here, because this is your life.
This is, God gives us his prescription for life.
He tells us how to think.
Did you know God told us how to think?
Philippians chapter four, verse eight, he tells us how to think.
Right in there?
You read it for yourself later.
tells you how to think.
And the kind of thoughts you should not accept.
I told you, your behavior, your actions will be based on the pictures you see.
And whatever information that comes to you, whether it comes by someone talking to you, or you see it on television, or you read it on a book or a newspaper, makes no difference.
Information is information.
And when that information comes, it paints a picture.
It gives you a picture.
What you see is what you get.

Okay, let me show you in the scripture.
You wanna see this?
You see, there are things I wanna communicate, but they're coming, some of them are coming in tongues.
You see, they're coming in the spirit.
All right, go to second Corinthians in chapter number four.
This is nice.

Let me explain something.
You see, God gave us his word for some very definite reasons.
One is to impact faith.
And faith never comes without a picture, okay?
It impacts faith because it paints the reality of what it says, the word,
produces what it talks about.
When the word is there as the Divine Logos, it's like that wave in inertia.
You see it?
Until you look.
When you look, you see it.
It ceases to be potential energy.
It becomes matter.
That means, that means what the Bible said.
I said, who is the origin of matter?

Proverbs chapter 4, verse 23.

Proverbs chapter 4.
He says, keep thy heart with all diligence.
God, guard your heart.
Mount God over your heart with all diligence.
For out of your heart are the issues of life.

That's the origin of matter.
You see, huh?
That's where it is.
Because the universal matter came from the heart of God.
You're made in the image of God.
Everything for your life is going to come out of you, out of your heart.
That's where it's based.
Samadhi's Gospel, chapter 12, from verse 35.
Is this a good man out of the good treasure of the heart?
Look at it.
Bring it forth what good things.
I told you yesterday that we are the ones who produce whatever God wants in the earth.
We permit.
We bring them forth.
We allow.
after scrutinizing our spirits will go over everything and decide only the will of the Lord will be done here that's why it says when you pray you pray thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven that prayer becomes fulfilled in your world through you can you see it?
Look at it now.
You just saw it in Proverbs chapter 4 and verse 23.
And here it is.
A good man out of the good treasure of the heart.
Bring it forth good things.
An evil man out of the evil treasure.
Bring it forth evil things.
But a good man out of the good treasure of the heart.
Bring it forth good things.
There's the origin.
Is that business going to come from?
Where is that capital for the business going to come from?
I say, well, I have good ideas.
I just don't have money.
Are you waiting for somebody to bring forth the money?
It doesn't matter what the medium is.
What matters is the source.
Forget about the process.
I told you faith is the essence.
Not the process.
Faith is the essence of things hoped for.
Faith is the essence, not the process.

That's what the Bible says about Abraham, being not weak in faith.
He can see that not his body now dead.
Neither the deadness of Sarah's womb, but he was strong in faith.
Faith, the essence.
That means what he was concerned about was he saw the baby Isaac.
What are you seeing?
The essence.
Are you seeing the business?
Or are you looking for the capital?
That's your mistake.

Faith is the essence.
If you hold on to what the picture is that you want, don't worry about how it will navigate to you.
Don't worry about who does God have over there to make it happen.
That's none of your business.
What your business is, faith is the essence.
The essence of my hope.
My hope is not about someone helping me with the money.
No, my hope is not.
Who's going to give me the venue?
No, no, no, no, no.
I can see yours.
I can see yours.
Worship it in that place.
I can see yours.
Come in that building.
I can see it.
I can see it.
You say, I want to build a new bakery.
Can you see it?
Can you see the bakery?
Can you see it?
Are you hearing what I'm telling you?
Can you see it?
Faith is the essence.

His target not at the promise of God.
True unbelief, but was strong in faith.
He was strong in faith.
He held on to the picture.
Because when you look away, he turns the potential energy.
But when you look at it, you see the answer.
Oh my God!
Are you getting this?

Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You know, think about that young man.
He said he was going to be a doctor.
He was starting to be a doctor.
Then trouble came.
He failed the exam.
And trouble came.
And the other thing happened.
And the other thing happened.
Now he says, God, three years ago I wanted to be a doctor.
Look at me now.
God, he don't want you to look at you now.
Can you see you as a doctor?
Can you hold it in your hands?

It's not about the exam.
It's not about what they said.
It's not about that your father died.
It's not about that the money didn't come.
It's about the picture.
Can you see the picture?
Glory to God!
Sit down at the end.
What are you thinking?
Is something trying to discourage you?
Turn away from that table!
Second Corinthians chapter 4.
Go straight to 17.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Our light of fiction, which is but for a moment.
Tell somebody it came to pass.
It came to pass.
He came to pass.
It's a light affliction.
Next time you meet a brother, a sister going through some difficulty, you say, brother, it's a light affliction.
He'd came to pass.
He didn't come to stay.
He'd came to pass.
He'd for a short time.
He'd for a moment.
All right, look at this now.
For our light affliction, which is but for a moment,
Work it for us, a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.
Listen, it says no matter what you're going to, if you will stay focused, you show that to you in a second.
He says, there is a far more eternal wet of glory and wet of glory.
Something is coming.
Are you hearing me?
Something is coming.

For our lighter fiction,
which is bought for a moment.
Brothers and sisters, you see, these are my cogitations.
You understand?
When I'm sitting in my sofa, these are the things that go through my mind.
When I lie on my bed and I'm going to the scriptures, these are the things that go through my system, that cause through my being.
Our light affliction, which is bought for a moment, work it.
It's producing for us.
far more exceeding any tunnel weight of glory.
It says, if you think that you've seen our lives glorified, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Are you following this?
Is this what's coming far outweighs all we have ever seen?

Brother, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you,

Stop now.
Just a second.
I tell people all the time, the church is there for you to inspire you.
Not only to bless you is also to inspire you.
When it comes to business, expansion, finances, look at the church.
God puts the church for you to look at.
He puts it there for you to look at.
Look at the church.
Jesus said, Jesus said, that even man won't hear my word.
He said, he is like a man that built his house on a rock.
And the floods came.
And the winds came.
There beats upon that house.
It remains standing.
Because it was built on a rock.
Found it on a rock.
He didn't say that if you build a house on a rock, the wings will come and turn away.
And the floods will come and flow away.
He said, no, they'll beat upon the house.
If it's on a rock, it'll remain steady.

That's what this ministry is about.
As a devil, throw your best shot.
Let the wheels come.
Let the fords rise.

And if you look at the ministry like that,
You build your life that way on the word.
You build your finances, your business, your family, whatever it is.
You build it on the word of God.
It doesn't matter what comes out against you.
Let the floods come.
Let the weeds come.

Put that scripture back there, it seems verse.
Let's examine it.
Why will Luke not?
He says there's a weight, a greater weight of glory coming.
Why this is happening?
He says that one is happening.
Look not at the things which are seen.
We are not looking at the visible things in the natural world.
But we are looking at the things which are not seen.
That means these unseen things are real.
So we remain focused.
Looking at the young scene.
That's why I tell people, oh, come on.
Don't say that you're looking at the wrong thing.
The young man came to Elijah the prophet.
He said, Master, Master, we are surrounded.
He said surrounded by what?
He said, they're soldiers.
They're here to take us.
Elijah said, oh God.
Open this young man's eyes.

Are you following this?
The young man came to show him something.
Now he's asking God to open the young man's eyes who came to show him something.
You know what's telling him?
He said, young man, you're looking at the wrong thing.
Who told you we are surrounding?
You're looking at the wrong soldiers.

You know, I'll spring one day.
I said, Lord, I fear no man.
I fear nothing.
Because you said to me, fear not.
I'm with you always.
Even unto the end of the age.
I said, I have no fear.
Have no fear.
Have no fear.
Don't look at the wrong side.
Take your eyes away from the wrong side.
Create the life that you want by looking at the unseen.
Bring them, this is a good man out of the good treasure of his heart.
How did he get them?
Faith, comment.
Faith, comment.
Faith brings the pictures.
Faith brings the seed.
the seed, the word seed that you need into your spirits, the seed box as it were.
Are you hearing me?
You've got to have the right seed in your spirit.
Faith comments by hearing, in hearing by the Word of God.
Like now you're hearing the word and faith's coming to you.
You are making deposits into your spirits.
Deposits, you are seeing possibilities, infinite possibilities.
You are thinking now, oh God, I can do, I can do, I can be, I can have.
It's happening in your spirits.
When you leave this room,
Keep looking at the unseen.
Because every time you look away, it stops being.
This is scientifically proven.
It stops being.
It turns into potential energy that's just there.
not doing anything until it is acted upon, primarily by observation.
When you see it, it turns into reality in matter.
And then you'll be ready to bring it forth from within you, from within you.
Last night, we called out those who had been diagnosed with cancer.
in out giving the word, using the word of God to do something, acting the word, speaking the word.
What was happening?
I'll show it to you.
First Corinthians chapter one, look at verse 28.
First Corinthians chapter one, verse 28, what were we doing last night?
Say, I tell people, if you just speed read all the time, you made me a lot of good stuff.
Look at this, and base things.
No, so you can get the context.
Go to the previous verse, let's see.
We'll start from here.
What I wanna show you is in the 28th verse, of course, but I want you to catch the context.
But God had chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.
I mean, think about someone like me.
Me, don't I know me?
I know what I'm talking about.
I know me.
I know me.
On my own, I can do nothing.
I know me.
But with him, sometimes I look at me and say, Lord Jesus, what you made out of my life, your word has so changed me.
It's amazing.
Glory to God.
But God had chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.
And God had chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.
Next verse.
Next verse.
And based things of the world and things which are despised, imagine us going la poco sataba.
And somebody said, look at the talking nonsense.
They were all just dancing like mad men and women.
That's where the power is.

and base things of the world and things which are despised.
Now don't miss this, and things which are despised have God chosen.
Then he says, yay.
You see, I want you to understand this poetic realm that is great apostle of God, a saint.
He's making comparisons and suddenly he comes to another level of inspiration and he says, yeah, this is not climactic.
He says, yeah, and things which are not.
That means things that don't exist in the natural world to bring to nothing.
Are you saying that?
Things that are not.
Things that don't exist in the natural world to bring, because if it didn't exist anywhere, it would not be a thing.
Things which are not existent in the natural world.
God has chosen.
to bring to nothing.
Things that are like the cancer.
Those cancers, as of last night you could say, these cancers are.
And by God, we will use things which are not
but there exists in the realm of faith to bring to nothing things that are.

Are you following this now?
This is the opposite side of the working of faith.
Go to Romans chapter 4 verse 17.
Can I just help you see this?
Romans chapter 4 verse 17.
As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations.
God said that to him.
Then he goes on before him whom he believed.
Even God.
Watch this now.
Even God.
Who quick connect the dead?
God mix alike the dead and call it those things which be not as though they were.
Things that don't exist.
Things which be not.
God calls them as though they already existed.
And when he wants to take things that exist out of existence, he uses things which are not in existence to take out Hallelujah!
So when you have things that are situations that are, and you don't want them, and you want to bring them to nuts, you have to apply things which are nuts.

Where do you get them?
From inside.
Inside you.
Inside you.
Oh, dear Lord Jesus.
Let her undergo Prasselah how it is.
Lift your hands toward heaven and magnify God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Speak another talk.
speaking out of tongues.