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Sound Code and the Spirit Vol. 2 Part 4B

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, worth hearing.

Glory to God.

Should I show you the mirror principle?
First, good book of James chapter 1.
Let's read from verse 20.
For the rod of man, work it not the righteousness of God.
Hmm, that's very serious.
When you get angry and offended, you're not likely to produce the righteousness of God.
You may satisfy yourself, but we God be pleased.
Okay, next verse.
where for layup are all filled inness and superfluity of not inness and received meekness, the engrafted word which is able to save your souls.
The engrafted word.
Glory to God.
Next verse.
Says, but be ye.
Do us of the word and not hear us only.
That means word practitioners.
Those who put the word to work.
which I had time to explain in detail.
Because you see, there's a difference between obeying the word and doing the word.
In Christianity, we don't obey the word, we do the word.
The word is us.
So what God says we put to work.
So that's why He tells you who you are, what belongs to you, where you are.
So you act it, do it, become what He says you are.
Look at that.
But be he doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves.
Be he what?
Doers of the word and not hearers only.
Now, look at the next verse.
For if any man be a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like going to a man beholden his natural face in the glass.
He's like a man who's looking at himself in a mirror.
Next verse.
For he beholden himself, he sees himself and goes his way and right away forgets what manner of man he was.
He says, the one who's not a doer of the word is like the man who looks at himself in the mirror.
And the moment he turns away from the mirror, he forgets what he looked like.
Because he's not doing the word.
What is he telling you?
To be a doer of the word, you must remember what you look like and act according to what you look like in the world.
Whatever the word called you, that's what he told you just now.
You are not in the flesh, but in the spirit.
So he's showing you the mirror.
You are not in the flesh, but in the spirit.
So I am not in the flesh, but in the spirit.
So I hold that image in my mind.
I'm a man of the spirit, not of the flesh.
I don't forget what I saw in the mirror of God.
Are you saying that now?
Okay, next verse.
But who saw Luke getting to the perfect law of liberty?
And continuing daring, he be not a forgetful hero, but a doer of the work.
Oh, this man shall be blessed in his deed.
Oh, dear Lord, wish you had time to go into this.
Well, let's go back to where we left up.
And that's in Romans chapter eight verse nine, right?
I just want to connect that to something for you.
Romans 8 verse 9, but ye are not in the flesh, but in the spirit so be that the spirit of God dwelling you.
Now, if any man have not the spirit of Christ, he's none of us.
So say, I am not in the flesh, but in the spirit.
I am not in the flesh, but in the spirit.
Galatians chapter 5 verse 25.
Galatians chapter 5.

Let's read verse 25.
Read one to go.

Okay, so now you have said that you are in the Spirit.
It's telling you, go ahead and walk in the Spirit.

So you see, we're living in two worlds.
There is a natural world and there is a spiritual world.
This is where I'm getting at.
There's a natural world and there's a spiritual world.
the many who understand the natural work and its natural principles.
But they don't understand the spiritual world and the spiritual principles.
But when you are born again, even though you are in a natural world, you are at once at the same time in a spiritual world.
And in that spiritual world, you are beyond time and space.
That is the realm of the glory of God.
That is the realm of the spirit of God.
That is the realm of the supernatural.
That is the realm of the miraculous.

So even though you're in a physical world, in a material world, understand you are living in the spirit world right now.
That's what he's telling you.
So start doing, see, there are many things you do in the natural world, like washing your clothes, okay?
You're eating.
taking your dinner or your breakfast or something, ironing, pressing your clothes, you know, you do all these natural things.
There are activities in the spirit world as well.
There are activities in the spirit realm.
And that's what is getting your attention to.
He wants you to understand that there is a life to be lived in the spirit world.
Once that becomes clear to you, you be amazed at the life you believe in.
Let's look at something in the Bible.

In Exodus chapter number four, Exodus chapter four, let's read from verse one, something very interesting.
Do you remember the man Moses?
At this time, Moses had been at the backside of the desert, you know, banished himself.
I mean, he'd been driven away from Egypt.
I escaped from Egypt, and so he's here now, and God is talking to Moses.
And God is saying to Moses, I want you to go to Egypt and tell the Pharaoh, let my people go, and I'll be with you.
Oh, here's the interesting thing.
And Moses answered and said, but behold, they will not believe me.
He says, if I go and tell the Israelites that you see me, they will not believe me.
You see, God has appeared in the burning bush to Moses.
And Moses says, how can I tell them you appear to me?
They're not going to believe me.
Moses answered and said, behold, they will not believe me nor how can I not my voice.
For they will say the Lord had not appeared unto thee.
Verse two.
And the Lord said unto him, what is that in thine hand?
And he said, a rod.
You know, he had become a shepherd.
So he was using a rod.
And he said, cast it on the ground.
God told Moses to cast the rod on the ground.
And he cast it on the ground.
And it became a serpent.
And read the rest.
Moses fled from before the serpent.
Now Moses had become a great army general in Egypt.
He was a great man and vast in knowledge.

So he understood what was happening there when he saw the serpent.
He fled.
His own rod, it was his rod.
The rod changed thumb into a serpent.
It was converted from a wooden rod into a living thing.
I told you, there's a life in everything.

It put the road on the ground.
It turned into a serpent and Moses fled.
Verse 4.
And the Lord said unto Moses, put forth thine hand and take it by the tail.
Because it could do him harm.
So he said, take it by the tail.
God had to tell him how to do it.
Just put forth your hand and take it by the tail.
And he put forth his hand and caught it and became a rod in his hand.
He turned again into a rod.
That was wonderful.
That was wonderful.
Okay now.
Next verse.
that they may believe that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob had appeared unto thee.
Next verse.
And the Lord said, furthermore unto him, put now thy hand in thy bosom, and he put his hand into his bosom, and when he took it out, behold, his hand was lepers as snow.
Well, he brought it out, and then he became normal again.
Anyways, I just wanted to show you that part of the serpent, but it's not over yet.
Let's go to another portion.
You ready for this?
Chapter 7.
Now Moses is very ready because now he has a powerful rod in his hand.
So he's going to see Pharaoh and he's going to demonstrate something to Pharaoh.
Chapter 7 from verse 7.
And Moses was four score years old.
That's 80 years old.
And Aaron, four score and three years.
Aaron was his older brother.
Older than Moses with three years.
When they speak unto Pharaoh.
Verse eight, so they're before Pharaoh.
And the Lord speak unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, when Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying, show a miracle for you.
Then thou shall say unto Aaron,
Stuck in the Moses.
Now she'll say unto Aaron, take thy rod and cast it before Pharaoh.
And it shall become a serpent.
That's nice.
Look at the instruction.
and Moses and Aaron went in onto Pharaoh, and they did so as the Lord had commanded an Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and before his servants, and it became a serpent in the presence of Pharaoh.

There's a miracle, right?
Something changed from a wooden rod.
to a living serpent.
Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers.
Now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments.
Next verse, for they cast down every man he's rod and they became supplements.
Stop them.
I know you can see the rest, but I want you to stop.
Listen, God Almighty performed the miracle.
with Moses' rod.
He turned into a serpent.
And Pharaoh said, is this what your God can do?
He called his magicians, and his magicians came.
The Bible says that the magicians of Egypt cast their rods on the ground, and they all turned into suppance.
The Bible doesn't say that there was a trick.
There was no trick.
We're not talking about some of the magicians we have to do.
You know, and you know, it's a trick and everybody's trying to do for the trick.
This was no trick.
They cast the rods down and they turned into suppence before Pharaoh and before Moses and Aaron.
How could they have done it?

Didn't you hear what he called them?
These were sorcerers.
Go back to that scripture.
Go back to that verse.
Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers.
These were the magicians.
These were people who dared to the spirit realm.
These were people who conjured spirits.
They were related with spirits.
They understood the forces of darkness.

underperformed signs and wonders.
Exactly like God did.
The difference was, okay, next verse, but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods.
Now, I want you to notice, he didn't say, but Aaron's serpent swallowed up their supports.
He said, Aaron's rod.
reminding us that it was a rod that turned into a serpent.
Their own rod swallowed up their rods.
So God showed his bigness.
What I wanted you to notice is that these magicians did the same thing.

You want to convince people that God raised Jesus from the dead without the miracles and the supernatural?
You must be kidding.

Can you see why?
We must have the supernatural.
Otherwise, Christianity is another dead religion.

A praise God, we have it.
But we have it.
I mean, look at that.
God knew it would work.
God knew they were going to do the same thing.
But His training Moses about the supernatural life.
Look at Jesus.
Let me show you something about Jesus.
Ready for this?
John's Gospel, chapter 2.
Let's read from verse 1.

John, chapter 2, from verse 1.
And the third day, there was a marriage in Kenau Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there.
And both Jesus was called, and his disciples to the marriage.
And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus said unto him, they have no wine.
And Jesus said on her woman, what have I to do with them?
My hour has not yet come.
His mother says unto the servants, whatsoever he said unto you, do it.
His mother says to the servants, whatever he tells you to do, do it.
Oh boy, I'm getting, I'm moving too fast for you now.
You know, here, what beginning to deal with something?
Mysteries for the manifestations of God's power.
There are mysteries that if any man would understand those mysteries and apply them, it will bring an end to misery.
Look at it.
His mother said, said unto the servants, whatsoever he said unto you, do it.
You know sometimes in life, you just want to see a miracle.
You need a miracle.
But are you ready to do whatever he says to you?
This was going to be a risky business.
We'll see you in a second.
His mother said unto the servants, what so ever, what so ever he said unto you, do it.
Now watch this.
They have no wine.
There's a lot of people, the wine is finished, but there's a lot of people.
So Mary the mother of Jesus comes to him and says, they have no wine.
And the response of Jesus wasn't that encouraging anyway.
But then she turns to the servants and says, whatever he tells you to do, do it, whatever he tells you to do, do it.
She knew it would work.
Let's see.
Next verse.
And there were six water parts of stone after the manner of the purifying of the Jews containing two or three fakins a piece.
That's about 10 gallons for one fresh skin.
And if the two or three, that's 20 gallons or 30 gallons.
Now imagine this.
The Bible says these water parts were for the purifying.
That means that the water parts that
for washing your feet when you came into the place.
So it's dirty water.
Like dish water.
So it's not clean water.
It's not for drinking.
It's water at the door.
You wash your hands, your face, then you go inside.
These are the containers outside.
Then, next verse, Jesus said unto them to the servants, fail the water pots with water, fill them.
And he filled them up to the brim.
And he said unto them, draw out now and take it to the governor of the feast.
Take it to the master of ceremony.
And they took it.
Now, this is risky.
Because you know where this water's coming from.
Nobody's supposed to drink this thing.
Now, let's see the next verse.
And when the ruler of the feast, the master of ceremony, had tasted the water that was made wine, now we are told it was made wine.
I knew not whence it was, didn't know where it came from.
Look at what's in parentheses.
But the servants which drew the water knew.

Can you see it?
That's to let us know that it was something very serious about where that water came from.
The governor of the feast called the bridegroom, the celebrant.
He says, hey.
He said unto him, every man at the beginning, God said, for good wine.
And when men have well drunk, then that which is worse.
He says, you know, at the beginning of a party, they bring all the good wine.
When people are drunk and have forgotten themselves, they now bring, there's no more wine, they bring the bad one.
He says, well, do you do it differently?
You are so nice.
He says, you have kept the good wine until now.
You reserve the good one till the end of the party.
Next verse.
This beginning of miracles did Jesus in kinah of Galilee and manifested for his glory and his disciples believed him because the disciples were there.
So the Bible says it was a miracle.
He turned water, dish water into wine.

I'll never be broke in my life.
He turned this water into one.
It's about where you live.
It's about living in the Spirit.
Beyond time and space.
That's what this is about.
My goodness.
How could I walk in luck?
How could I understand the supernatural and walk in luck?
I refuse to lack.
So again, I refuse to lack.
Let me show you something.
Saint John chapter 14 verse 21.

Now we're talking about secrets, you know, mysteries for the manifestation.
Look at this.
He that had my commandment, these are the words of Jesus.
He that had my commandments and keep at them.
He is that love at me.
And he that love at me shall be loved of my father and I will love him and will manifest myself to him.
He says, if you will love him,
Keep his word.
His Father will love you.
And here's what?
I will love you and will manifest myself to him.
The secret is in loving the Lord.
He will manifest himself to you.

You want him to show up in your life.
You want him to manifest himself, manifest his glory in your life.
It's the love of the Lord.
That's where the secret is.
And whatever he tells you to do, do it.
It's there, he says, he that loved me, he says, he that had my commandments and keep it there.
You do what I tell you?
Says, that's the one who loves me.
You prove your love by doing his word.
and the Father will love you, and Jesus will manifest Himself to you.
He will manifest Himself in your job, He will manifest Himself in your business, He will manifest Himself in your finances, He will manifest Himself in your body, He will manifest Himself to you.
You will see His glory in your life.
It's just this simple.
And even now, you know, we're in this place and the Spirit of God is here, strong.
Denoting of God is here strong.
You'd be amazed at the kind of things that go happening just by even a moment, a moment in the Spirit, a moment of divine consciousness.
See, the glory of God is in the Word of God that works in you.
That's where the power is.
That's where the power is.
If you can activate that power, you'd be amazed at what you would see.
Then, whatever hadn't worked in your life up until that time, there'll be a restoration.
that completely be crowns all of the problems of the past.

The Spirit of God.
You're not in God's spirit.
Most important in your life.
So, it's like maybe you've been trying something and it's like not working, not working, get a reamer.
Maybe you just need the right coding.
You see, let me show you another thing that's very important.
You know that God, when he orders your word of blessing for you, he orders it and the word goes into the realm of the spirits.
His word is timeless.
Remember what Jesus said, heaven and earth shall pass away.
What my word shall not pass away.
That's what he said.
His word is timeless.
That's why we can open the scriptures that were written hundreds of years ago and act upon them and they still work.
Because God's word is spirit.
Jesus said the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.
So when we pass into that realm and act on that word, the same thing that happened to the one to whom it was spoken at the time it was spoken.
Same thing happens to us again.
Because His Word is beyond time and space.
So once I get into that realm of His Word, I walk in the same light of that Word.
So what you need is being in the Spirit, like I said, if you therefore live in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit.
Walk in the Spirit.
Become spiritually conscious.
And there's no better way to getting into spiritual consciousness than primarily speaking in tongues.
And then setting your mind on the words.
That's how you do it.
Meditation on the word.
When you meditate on the word, you know, it's like a scanner.
Your spirit is like a scanner.
As you prune in the spirit, your spirit is going through the Word of God.
It's scanning through the Word.
You see, it's about to get the right code.
Just keep speaking in tongues.
All right?
As you're speaking in tongues and your spirit is a lot, then it keeps scanning.
You see, it's scanning, scanning, scanning.
Suddenly, it picks the right code.
I want to pick the right code.
Faith comes to you.
Then release the Word.

And once you release that word, nothing can destroy it.
Nothing can stop it.
It doesn't matter what the trouble is.
I'll show you what happened in the Bible.
Can I show you this?
You want to see it?
Something happened.
Sometimes a lot of people who don't understand.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
To read that to you, let's look at a few scriptures first.
Sematius goes to chapter 13, verse 11.
Let me show you this few things for going there.
Sematius goes to chapter 13, verse 11.
Jesus answered, he answered and said unto them, because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.
You that belong to Christ, it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom.
For those who don't know Christ, to them it is not given.
The mysteries of the kingdom are revealed to you.
Mysteries for supernatural finance.
Mysteries for extraordinary success.
The mysteries are given to you.
Look at it.
It is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.
That's what I told you yesterday.
They're using high intensity focus ultrasound, but they're getting good results, but not good enough, you see, to make it a permanent thing.
Because they don't understand the coding.
So they're pouring everything in.
High energy.
A lot of things, you know, it's like putting so much into something, hoping something comes out.
But imagine if they...
got to know the coding.
It will work every time.
And right away they will tell everybody, this is the result.
This is it.
This is the result.
This is it.
This will work any day, any time.
Okay, look at another scripture.
Psalm 20, 25 verse 14.
Psalm 25 verse 14.

The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him and He will show them His covenant.
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.
What is the secret you need for your next level?

See it?
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.
It's not with everybody.
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.
Now, Ephesians chapter 1 from verse 17, I'm DeFi.
I want you to see this.
Since we are always praying to the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation of insight, insight into mysteries and secrets, in the deep and intimate knowledge of Him.
Next verse.
By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you and how rich this is glorious inheritance in the sense.
He wanted to have insight into what mysteries and secrets.
The secret of the Lord is with them that he or him.
Let's see what I'll do secrets in the Bible.
How could this happen?
Joshua chapter 6.
Let's begin from verse 1.
Joshua chapter 6.
Now Jericho was strictly shut up because of the children of Israel.
None went out and none came in.
Have you ever had financial problems like that?
When nothing is going out and nothing is coming here, I said, brother, it's quite hard right now.
No business, nothing is coming in, nothing is going on.
Look at that!
Jericho was straightly shut up because of the children of Israel.
None went out and none came in.

See, how are things?
I'm at zero right now.
Next verse.
And the Lord said unto Joshua, see.
Oh, glory.
I have given into thine hand Jericho and the king thereof and the mighty man of valor.
He says, see.

What can you see?
He says, see, I have given into your hand Jericho.
This was a study that was so big.
The children of Israel couldn't have taken it by themselves, surrounded with a thick wall, protected.
How could they take it?
Yet from where they were, God said, I have given into your hand Jericho.
But after God said it, Jericho was still standing.
The difference was this man Joshua knew Jericho was his.
What was now the difference?
He needed the secret of the Lord.
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him.
He needed insight into mysteries and secrets.
How do I now possess it?
God has given it to me.
Like you say, God has given me that business.
How do I take it?
What am I supposed to do?

Sometimes you have promises that have come to you in prophetic utterances.
Do you know some people have lived their life and those prophecies?
I mean, they even decided that the prophecy is before us because they didn't come to pass us in that prophecy.

They believed it before.
But they waited and it didn't show up.
The prophecy wasn't manifested.
You said that prophecy.
In fact, I don't want to see that brother again.
Prophecy, prophecy, prophecy.
Maybe it was you.
Maybe you didn't know how to make the prophecy come to pass.
Maybe it was you.
Now you're thinking the prophecy was false.
No, it may have not been false.

Probably you didn't know what to do.
Imagine if you learnt all those things I'm sharing with you now.
and you knew them years ago.
Maybe those prophecies would have been manifested.
You'd have known what to do because when God releases his blessing in his word to you, it exists.
It's there in an expanded form.
Remember, the word is out.
It's sound.
It's been released.
The sound code is out.
How can I get the sound code that brings this matter from the expanded realm into the compressed, enjoyable realm?
How can I bring it here?
So in God's speaks, it's an expanded fun.
How can I bring it?
into manifestation.
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear.
Everything that God has ordered for your life is available in an expanded form.
So you may not see it, but if you use the right coat, all the particles will come together because they have the memory.
They have the memory of the coding.
Can these bones live?
He said, sun news.
He said, sun news will come upon you.
And muscle, and you'll be covered with skin.
Is it output flesh upon you?
Where did the flesh come from?
All that happened.
This appeared long ago.
Only the dry bones were there.
But everything came.
until he called the breath to come in and says he stood up a mighty army.
So maybe what you have is a cuckus now.
Professor to the bones.
Professor to the bones.
Professor to the bones.
The God shall cause breath to enter into you when you shall live.
you shall live."
Now, look at what happened in Jericho.
God said to them, I want to go around Jericho, nobody talking once every day for seven days.
On the seventh day, you go seven times.
The seventh time of the seventh day, he says, you shout, God knew that if they all shouted, the wars will come down.
Now, never before then,
No, after then, in the history of this world, have we heard that people shouted and wars fell down?
For your information, those wars were so thick, Rahab's house was built on top of the fence, the wall.
Someone's house was on top of it.
So you're not talking about those fences you have with one block going up.
These were...
fortifications of massive dimensions, you see.
But when they shouted, the wars came down.
Here's my thoughts.
I believe that when those people shouted, I believe every one of them released a soundcoat.
that costs the wars to come down.
Because in the same way that we can bring things into existence, we can also cost things to dematerialize.

I just mentioned again to you how doctors are using high intensity focused ultrasound to kill cancer cells, cancer as a group.
How can they cause the cancer cells to dematerialize?
That means in the same way that we can bring things to a compressed form, we can get them to go into an expanded form as it disappears.
We command a group to disappear, it disappears.

Even now that I'm sharing with you, miracles are taking place.
because the angels of the Lord are in this place.
See, the analogy of God is here.
I'm not sure what you're asking God for.
But whatever you're asking, someone just got healed in the back.
You had a terrible back pain just below your neck at the back of your body, just down below your neck.
You just received healing on your back.
You just received healing.
I find that there's a groat somewhere that was close to the spine, someone's spine.
There's a groat that was there.
Now you're healed.
Now whether or not you knew it was a growth, I don't even know, but there's a problem on that spine.
If you're gone to the doctor, they would have shown you that there's a growth somewhere close to your spine.
That's causing terrible pain, but you are healed now.
You are healed.
You are healed.
The knowledge of God is working in this place.
I see a lady that's been having terrible migraine headaches, migraine headaches.
and you're free now, you're just free.
Those headaches will not return.
In fact, you used to be afraid of them because every time they came, you had to wrap something around your head, crying and crying and crying, and there'll be no relief.
And then when it leaves, you just go suddenly.
But you're free now.
You'll never come back.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Miracles are happening.
Miracles are happening.
You can receive even now.
A groat just left someone's body.
In fact, I'm seeing that someone who's been having a weight problem, you've been overweight, your body's beginning to shrink.
But even now, something is happening around you, your body's beginning to shrink.
The landing of God is touching your body.
Miracles are happening.
Receive your miracle, receive your miracle.
Receive your miracle right now.
