Understanding Demonic Activity
One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Fable is yours.
You know, we have to continually keep ourselves in a mind and focus of our purpose of ministry.
Why are we doing what we're doing?
Why are we in ministry?
never sees to remind yourself that a day is coming in which the Bible declares that we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ so that everyone would receive
concerning all that was done in his body.
Whatever you did in the body of Christ, we presented before you.
The Bible says, if we have done rightly, we receive a reward.
The power says to us, Ron, that he may obtain.
Ron, for a purpose.
To win before the Lord.
Always remind yourself.
This world is not the end.
We're doing this for a greater purpose.
And so if you constantly have that in front of you, it will guide you in the things you do, the life that you live.
With that, I'd like to welcome you to the pastoral refresher course for 2014, our year of greatness.
You may be seated.
I trust that
The different programs we have had already have helped to set everyone on course regards to where this conference will be taking us, having us prepared, all that the Lord has for us.
You see, success must be prepared for.
Success is not an accident.
Any kind of success.
Whether someone's doing business or doing politics or some kind of commerce, success is not an accident.
It must be prepared for.
The future belongs to those who prepare for it.
You can't just hope it's going to happen.
It doesn't happen like that.
There are a lot of good things that can happen to you along the part of life without preparing for them, but that's just like ripe oranges falling off the tree.
The best ones don't fall like that all the time.
See, you've got to pluck them off the tree.
So you can't wait for the good things to fall on you.
And each one of us has been set by God to be successful.
We are the offspring of a success.
Our Heavenly Father is a success.
Jesus Christ is a success.
And if you are His offspring, you can't be anything less.
But you know, just because
You got the genes in you, doesn't mean you're going to live up to your call.
You've got to do something about it.
For example, the Bible, Jesus Christ died for the whole world.
The work of salvation has been consummated and made available to everybody in the world.
So how come that some people are still going to go to hell?
Because they didn't accept it.
It wasn't God's fault.
It wasn't the salvation that was not adequate.
They just didn't accept it.
And something hurts.
The Bible says, how can they hear without a preacher?
See, if they don't hear it, they can't believe it.
If they don't believe it, they can't be saved.
See, they've got to hear it.
to believe it.
They've got to believe it, to be saved.
And the only way they can hear it is if somebody tells them that's what the Bible says, how can they hear without a preacher?
Maybe I should refresh your mind.
It's a pastoral pressure course in a way.
So let me refresh your mind with those scriptures.
Book of Romans chapter number 10.
Let's read from verse 17.
But I say, have they not heard?
Yes, barely.
Their sound went into all the earths and their words onto the ends of the world.
You see, you may say, dint they hear, but that's not the way it goes.
It's true that fate will come by hearing.
Let me show you another part before we come back to this area.
Go to Romans chapter 1.
And I want you to read from verse 18.
all the way to verse 21.
Want to go.
For God, I surely don't do them.
or the invisible slow down there.
I want you to meditate on this as you read it.
Notice what he says.
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made.
Even his eternal power and Godhead so that they're without excuse.
He's saying that the world has enough witness from creation.
about the existence of God.
He says visible things are witnesses to the invisible.
So they are without excuse.
Next verse.
because that when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither was thankful, but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened.
Of course, when you read the rest of it, you'd see some of the things that He said concerning them.
Praise God, that is the world of the young Godly.
We'll go back to chapter 10 in that book of Romans, chapter 10,
And first you go back to that very verse 17, because it's key to what we're saying there.
So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
Faith cometh by hearing.
Now, go to verse 13, let's read it from verse 13 to this place.
Same book, same chapter.
It says, for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Anybody who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Okay, next verse.
How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?
And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?
And how shall they hear without a preacher?
And how shall they preach, except they be sent?
As it is written, how beautiful, how the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things.
But they have not all obeyed the gospel.
For say, say it, Lord, who had believed our reports.
And then, of course, it goes to the verse where we started from.
So, except they hear, they cannot believe.
except they believe they cannot be saved.
And they will not hear without a preacher.
Somebody's God to tell them.
And our primary assignment is to preach the gospel, is to make the Word of God known to the nations of the world.
He sent us to preach His Word.
It's a message that you carry with passion.
You see, the gospel is a message that you carry with passion.
Passion, genuine passion in your heart.
Of course, prepared by the love of the Father and the love of Jesus.
You know, a soul winning pastor will raise a soul winning people.
If you are not a soul winner, you cannot raise soul winners.
No church grows without soul winning.
Key to church growth is soul winning.
I mean, there are no two ways about it.
If you're not winning souls, churches are going to grow.
Church grows by so winning.
If the pastor has the fire in him for winning souls, it doesn't matter what topic he preaches, the people will be so winning us.
Because remember, when we share the Word of God, they not only hear us, they receive from us.
You see, they draw from the inspiration that prepares us about whatever topic, whatever message that we're preaching.
There's a propelling power.
You see, there's an anointing, there's an inspiration that the Holy Ghost helping us to communicate, whatever.
I said, it doesn't matter what the topic is.
The spirit behind that subject is also being communicated.
Not only do they hear you, they receive from you.
See, so if you're a soul winner, that fire will produce results.
So a soul winning pastor will produce a soul winning congregation.
That's why you find that some churches are just keep growing.
I mean, the key is the pastor.
And that's why pastors, especially senior pastors, you know, many times when you, as you're growing, you find a need to, you find a need to set up new churches and then you post people, you know, you do that.
You send someone to handle a church, never send an unwilling vessel.
You see,
There was in an unwilling vessel.
And don't send someone who's not a fire for God.
Because he's just going to produce what he is.
He's just going to multiply what he is.
On willing people.
And then you find that each time you come to visit that church, it's not growing.
See, when you want to start a church,
Send inspiring and inspired people.
Send a strong leader, all right?
A strong leader.
Someone that has been trained, that accepted the training happily.
Not someone you're trying to inspire, not someone you're trying to encourage.
Never use the office of pastor as a step in stone.
For someone you're trying to train, you put somebody you're trying to train to be the pastor of a church, you're telling them to go and coordinate a church that has just started?
That's wrong.
They're gonna have problems with that church.
It's not gonna grow.
Every time we send an inspiring person, someone that is of sole winner already, we send him, he turns a church into a sole winning church as well.
He just reproduces himself.
Or you're trying to start a men's group or a women's group in church, the man that doesn't come to church, you ask him to be the head of the men's group.
I was gonna kill the whole thing.
See, never used the offices in the house of God as a test ground for anybody.
When the apostles gave us an idea, they showed us how to do it.
Jesus didn't even send out his disciples until he trained them for the whole three years.
See, before he sent them out, and before sending them out, he also asked them to wait until they received the Holy Ghost.
And then the apostles in making deacons, what happened?
They only accepted people who were full of the Word of God and full of wisdom and full of the Holy Ghost.
That's what they did.
They didn't just speak people.
So these things are very important.
How shall they hear without a preacher?
How shall they hear without a preacher?
Someone has to preach it.
And so every church is an evangelism center.
I want you to understand that.
Don't just start a church somewhere, put a church somewhere just because you want to have a branch there.
It's supposed to be a center of evangelical operations.
That's what it's supposed to be.
in that area.
It's a coordinating office for evangelism operations.
Or you may say, evangelical operations.
For all the things I've got to do with evangelism.
So you've made up your mind to win.
And so you need a winning team.
You see, you need a winning team.
And no winning team can win without working together.
It's simple.
You choose to win.
You apply the principles of success.
Like I said, is it an accident?
It doesn't just happen.
You make it happen.
You make success happen.
And it will be so.
Glory to God.
OK, so did you get anything from that one?
That's just one point.
I hope you gained something.
All right.
So we'll talk about something else.
You know that I've been thinking about certain things about especially when I consider this generation of Christians.
who understand the message of faith and love it and live birds and walk in a lot of it.
Sometimes I think that there's an aspect that they tend to leave behind and in prosecuting our course
But let's take a look at that scripture and see exactly the area I'm dealing with here.
Joshua, in the third chapter, and we will begin from the, maybe we can start from verse one, it's fine.
You ready?
Okay, start, want to go.
Next verse, and it came to pass.
Did you see that?
Okay, go on.
Thank you for watching.
And the Lord said unto Joshua, this day will I begin to magnify thee in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee.
Now, if you read it in the message translation, anybody's got the message translation?
It says, oh, it's up there.
All right, really, it's on the screen.
Want to go.
This very day, I will begin to make you great in the eyes of all Israel.
Now, the beautiful thing was, it wasn't the people sitting in the camp and God coming to say, all right, now, while you're in the camp, I'm just going to make you great.
It was about crossing the Jordan.
It was about crossing the Jordan.
There was an impossibility before them.
And they're gonna have to do this by the power of God.
It'll have to be a miracle.
This was huge.
This was great.
It'll require this miracle from God to make it happen.
and they were prepared for it.
And they're going to go from here into enemy territory.
They're not going to go from here into the palace.
They're not going from here into a warm reception.
No, the going from here, crossing the Red Sea, the Jordan, into enemy territory, the going to war.
And God wants the enemy to hear that they cross the Jordan.
He wants them to hear it.
That's wonderful.
Glory to God.
You see, sometimes we think, why is that church not growing?
You've done everything.
There are some of you pastors here.
You've done everything you thought you should do.
You put in all the strategies, and that church is still not growing.
And you're thinking, what else should I do?
But sometimes we're not looking at the spiritual side of a matter.
And I want to draw your attention to some of these areas in Scripture.
I'll begin with three particular portions of the Bible.
First one is Ephesians chapter 6.
Let's begin from verse 10.
We'll read from the King James Version.
Put on the whole armor of God that he may be able to stand against the wires of the devil, to stand against the wires of the devil.
The stratagems of the devil, the line in weight.
You see, what is it telling you?
The devil has a strategy of line in weight.
There's a deception of the enemy.
And the Word of God tells us that this enemy is lying in wait.
He's strategizing against you.
And so he says to us, put on the whole armor of God that he may be able to stand against the wires of the devil.
Now he knows that if we don't put on the whole armor of God, we cannot face the adversary in this way.
He is an experienced adversary.
And the Lord tells us that he's lying in wait.
So he says, put on the whole armor of God that he may be able to stand against the wires of the devil.
Next verse.
for we wrestle not against flesh and blood.
Now, something about the wrestling that we need to realize is that here, he's not just looking at a fight as it were.
It's trying to sway one from the right part, but it doesn't stop there.
The only way you win is not just swaying.
You have to keep the other one
In other words, you've got to neutralize him.
You see, you have to neutralize him, pin him down as it were.
You see, stop him from further
attacking you.
So, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood.
You see, your problem is not your brother, is not your sister, is not a human being.
That's what he's telling you.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
They have no restraint.
No restraint in the wickedness.
These are the forces that are arrayed against us.
And here's what the Bible says, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood.
They're not humans.
is telling us that there are spiritual forces behind the humans that we may see.
So he says, for we rest not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Next verse, we have four, take on to you the whole armor of God that he may be able to withstand in the evil day.
And having done all to stand, that evil day will come.
It's not something that happens to some people.
It can come in different ways to anybody.
But wherefore take on to you the whole armor of God, not some but all, the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, to withstand in the evil day.
And having done all to stand.
So that at the end, you still be standing.
Glory to God.
Okay, next verse, stand therefore.
Having your loins is beginning to tell us.
See, the kind of weapons that are described for us would tell us what kind of warfare it is.
He tells us, stand there for having your loins got about with truth, and having on the breastplate a righteousness.
Next, and your feet short with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
Above all, he says, taking the shield of faith, where would he shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked?
and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
Can you see?
He didn't say anything about the mental preparation here.
Did you notice?
He didn't say anything about your physical exercise.
Did you notice?
This is no mentor's strategy.
You can't reason your way out of this.
You can be smart enough.
In this, let's read them again.
Go back to the 15th of 14th verse.
Stand therefore, having your loins guard about with truths, not assumptions.
Truth, what did Jesus say about truth?
Thy word is truth.
Truth is the revelation of God's word, not how smart I am, how wise I can think, you know, not assumptions, not stories.
I hear me, know what you read on the internet, not what you read from a newspaper, not he is telling you.
Truth, having your lawyers got about with truth, having on the breastplate of what righteousness, not your own works, how good you've been.
You're not going to count here on your works.
You're not going to count on how excellently you have done everything.
You've done everything right.
You've made no mistakes.
He says, having done what?
The breastplate of righteousness.
Where's righteousness from?
And your feet short with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
What does that tell you?
You must be on the go.
How beautiful on the mountain at the feet of them that publish peace, the gospel.
You must be out preaching the gospel.
If you are not preaching the gospel, something will go wrong.
You cannot win in this warfare.
You can't win.
You can't stop preaching the message and believe you're growing.
Preaching the gospel is one of our weapons.
Are you hearing this?
Okay, next verse.
Above all, taking the shield of what?
How are you gonna get faith?
You can squeeze it out from somewhere.
It comes by hearing the word of God.
You must keep hearing the word.
You must keep hearing the word because your faith can only be fed from hearing the word.
Someone can say, oh, I'm not coming to church because I'm upset.
And so, if you're not coming to church, how are you gonna have faith?
You can have faith.
Faith comes from what?
The word.
You've got to hear the word.
You've got to listen to the word.
And where do we get the word?
You see, you have to expose yourself to the areas that the Bible says we can hear the word.
He told us one such in the Scriptures.
But he didn't tell us that that was all.
Then he told us to come to the house of God, the ground and pillar of truth.
We should come there because fellow believers have a way of ministry.
Okay, we must come to the house of God.
Then he also told us that he has chosen ministers, first apostles, secondly prophets, totally teachers, after that miracles.
You understand these ministers of the gospel, who he has brought into the house of God to minister to us.
So we have people who are going to bless us with the word of God, teach us the word of God, and faith will come to us.
There are definite, definite sauces of the word of God.
for every child of God.
And all of that that he has given us, because he says he gave some.
He gave some this, and that, and that, and that.
Whatever God has given you, take advantage of.
Are you following this?
So, he says, above all,
taking the shield of faith, where we shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
He is telling us that there are fiery darts on the enemy.
These things are not physical brothers and sisters.
He already told us we wrestle not against flesh and blood, and that these are spiritual personalities.
And so if their spirit beings, their fiery dots are definitely not physical, the spiritual as well.
Okay, so that's one part, it's not over yet, we'll go to the next verse.
And take the helmet of salvation, again that spiritual.
And the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God.
And then the 18th verse.
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching there know with all perseverance and supplication for all sakes.
Notice that?
Praying how often?
Always with all prayer and supplication.
watching their own two with all perseverance and supplication for our sins.
So you're not only praying for yourself or about yourself, about things around you.
He says, praying for our sins.
In fact, we didn't even say, pray always for yourself.
He even says, for our sins.
So you're praying for others.
No matter how you are confessing your faith and declaring the world, if you are not doing this, you can't win.
He didn't say some of us wrestle not against flesh and blood.
It's all of us.
And he didn't say we wrestle not at all.
No, he told us what we're wrestling.
And do you realize that this sometimes is what happens to sometimes even members of the church?
You might find that a member who used to give a lot doesn't have anything anymore.
Sometimes they were not listening to the word, okay?
And that's, you know, I tell people, partners who give us
Always listen to the word.
Always be in the house of God.
Because when you're giving to God, don't think that you look at your giving and use your giving to tell you that, okay, don't worry, now that you're a giver.
Setan won't touch at all.
He didn't say so.
No, you are a candidate for satanic attacks.
And so you must hear the word like everybody else.
So sometimes you find that their business can be on their attack.
Their finances can be on their attack.
But what is the pastor going to do about it?
You may tell him to sow again.
He will sow, but it won't stop the attack.
Because he told us this one.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world.
spiritual wickedness in high places.
Then he says, wherefore I say unto you, give?
Is that what he says?
Giving is good.
It will work for you.
It will give you a lot of results, but not all the results.
You can't leave this out.
You can't leave this out.
And the pastors have to realize that the church has this warfare.
And individual Christians have the same warfare.
He can stop the growth of the church.
If you do nothing about it, you'd be amazed.
How does this happen?
I'll explain to you shortly.
Did you know that just as God assigns angels to your life, Babu tells us that each one of us has angels?
When did your angels arrive?
The day you were born into this world, God assigned an angel to you as a baby.
From that day that you were born, there was an angel assigned to you.
And that angel's first responsibility was to protect you and to see to it
that in the process of time, you heard and received the gospel for your salvation.
That's that angel's primary assignment.
Every human being that's born into this world has an angel that's assigned to you.
Jesus said, little children have angels who see the face of the Father anytime.
That's what Jesus said.
So we discover that from Jesus.
So right from when you were a child, there was an angel.
Now as you progress, the opinion on the things that God has assigned for you to do, there'll be more angels.
For just you.
Now, let's look at the flip side.
Said and also has demons assigned.
Whose primary responsibility from when you are a child?
To devour, to destroy, to deceive.
and to lay away from the part of righteousness.
These were the primary as sons of that demon.
What Bhai would tell us about the woman who was about to deliver a child in the Book of Revelation, the enemy, the devil was there waiting to devour the child, waiting to take the child.
So it was as a child.
She was a delivered man child, and that devil was there, waiting right from the time of birth.
You think it was peculiar to that one?
He's just showing us Satan's motives are brandy.
So just because you're serving God,
It doesn't mean that Satan is in good terms with you.
See, he doesn't make him your friend.
So angels are assigned to you, devils are assigned to you.
Same thing for families.
Same thing for churches.
See, there are angels assigned to the church.
There are devils assigned to the church.
And among the angels is a senior one, and among the demons is a senior one.
For example, if you stood in St.
Mark's gospel in the fifth chapter, the Bible tells us how that this man that was demon possessed in Gadar, and the Bible says he was cutting himself with stones, a raven man, no man could bind him.
The Bible says oftentimes they bound him with feathers and changed, and he broke them.
He became so violent, nobody could pass by that way.
until Jesus came that way and began to say, you have to study properly, you notice Jesus began to talk to the demon from far away.
And the demon didn't come out immediately and the man began to run toward Jesus.
Jesus already talked to the devil to come out, he didn't come out and the man ran toward Jesus.
And when he got to Jesus,
He said, what is your name?
And the man, you see, many devils were in the man, but the man was possessed by one.
So the chief demon spoke up when Jesus said, what is your name?
He didn't say, what are your names?
He said, what is your name?
He's addressing the main devil.
He says, my name is legend, for we are many.
Jesus can clear off.
He said, please don't send us out of the country.
Let us go into the swine.
There's about 2,000 of them.
And Jesus gave them leave.
I'm talking about this one.
And Jesus gave them leave.
And a legion is anything, you know, so many people have different figures for a legion.
I think maybe it's a broad name for several thousands.
Some have said anything from 3,000 and I've seen as much as 36,000, you know.
So anywhere within, you can take your average.
See, so maybe 12,000, 14, 15, 18,000 somewhere.
And well, that's a whole lot of demons in one person.
See, this man had these demons in him.
But one opened the door for all the others.
And when Jesus asked him to come out, they all went out.
But so many, in just one man.
Okay, so there's another occasion.
All right, before I take you there, let's read something from Booker Daniel.
Daniel chapter number 10, let's read from verse one.
In the 30 of Cyrus, King of Persia, a thing was revealed under Daniel, whose name was called Beltichesa, and the thing was true.
But the time appointed was long, and he understood the thing and had understanding of the vision.
In those days, I, Daniel, now he tells us the story in the first person.
In those days, I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks.
How many days have been three weeks?
Come on.
21, right?
I ate no pleasant bread.
Somebody told me that he's having a special fast.
I said, what kind of fast?
I said, Daniel kind of fast.
I said, what do you mean, Daniel kind of fast?
He said, well, I'm eating anything, but not things I like.
I said, what do you mean by that?
He says, when Daniel was fasting, he ate no pleasant bread, meaning that he broke.
Well, I don't know about that.
So he says, I had no place and bread.
Needle came flesh that's meat, no wine in my mouth.
So he was eating on place and bread.
I don't think that's what he's trying to tell us.
So I don't know what kind of fast you do.
Needle did I anoint myself at all?
Till three whole weeks were fulfilled.
And in the four and 20th day of the first moments, as I was by the side of the Great River, which is hit a call, then I lifted up my eyes and looked and behold a second man, clothed in linen, whose loins were guarded, would find gold of a fast.
His body also was like the barrel and his face as the appearance of lightning and his eyes as lamps of fire and his arms and his feet like in color to polished brass.
And the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude.
An eye Daniel alone saw the vision for the men that were with me saw not the vision but a great quicken fell upon them so that they fled to hide themselves.
Therefore I was left alone and saw this great vision and there remained no strength in me, for my calmliness was turned in me into corruption and I retained no strength.
Yet heard I the voice of his words and when I heard the voice of his words then was I in a deep sleep on my face and my face toward the ground.
And behold, an hand touched me, which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands.
And he said unto me, oh Daniel, a man greatly belonged.
Understand the words that I speak unto thee and stand upright for unto thee am I now sent.
And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling.
Then said he unto me, fear not Daniel.
for from the first day that thou these sekthine heart to understand, and who chastened thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words."
The first day, three weeks ago, right from the first day, three weeks ago, when you started to pray, your words were heard,
And I was sent three weeks ago.
What have you been?
This man's fasted, three full weeks.
But the very first day he began, God heard his voice.
Next verse.
He says, but the brains of the kingdom of Persia, which stood me one and twenty days, twenty-one days.
But Lord Michael, one of the chief princes came to help me.
And I remained there with the kings of Persia.
Give us this verse in the NIV.
There's one word I want them to notice, because that's exactly what he says.
But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me 21 days.
Then Michael, one of the chief princes came to help me because I was detained.
I was detained there with the king of Persia.
I want you to notice something.
There was the prince of Persia and there was the king of Persia.
Look at that.
The prince of Persia was to him and they kept him in detention with the king of Persia.
This is not the king of the earthly realm of Persia.
This is the principality of darkness set over the realm.
This is a spiritual opinion who detained an angel for 21 days.
Even the angel had to confess.
that he was detained.
Look at it.
He says, I was there.
I was held there.
It says, because I was detained there.
Michael had to come and help him and free him.
And Michael continued in the fight.
Why freeing this man after 21 days.
You see, I was detained.
Next verse.
Now, I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future for the vision concerns at time yet to come.
Next, while he was saying this to me, I bowed with my face toward the ground and was speechless.
Praise God.
All right, go to verse 20.
You can go back to your King James, verse 20.
Then said he, knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee, and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia.
And when I am gone forth, low the prince of Persia shall come."
Are you following this?
He tells Daniel,
I hope you understand now you've gotten the message.
He says to Daniel and Daniel says, yes, I get it.
He says, OK, I'm going back to the fact.
This fight started 21 days ago.
It's still on because the first day that Daniel began to pray three weeks ago, this angel was sent.
And they got ahold of him in the heavenly realms.
and fought him for 21 days until Michael came, set him free, remained in that fight.
Now he's gonna go back to that fight.
Why does he have to go back to that fight?
It's here.
He says, and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia?
So now will I return to fight, not because he could not go to heaven without
a fight.
Some people think, oh, he's got to come back through that same place.
That's not the reason.
He's going back to fight the prince of Persia.
And when I am gone forth, Lord the prince of Grisha shall come.
He's telling us that the Greek kingdom will replace the Persian kingdom because he would have overthrown the Persian prince.
He's going to fight the Persian prince, defeat him
But he knows there'll be another one assigned.
So, and really in the at realm, shortly after this was the fall of the Persian Empire.
And then the Grecian Empire came in with Alexander the Great.
who was being prompted by the Prince of Greece, or Grisha, the Prince of Grisha.
That's the one who brought in Alexander the Great into Israel.
But he was manipulating things in the realm of the Spirit.
And this young Alexander the Great defeated every army that came in front of you.
in the realm of the Spirit was a force, an unseen force.
When Bible tells us, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world.
He calls them rulers.
and the highest of them spiritual wickedness in high places.
So the rulers are next to them.
Now, you know, this was before Jesus came.
When Jesus came, he also had to do battle with these forces of darkness.
He had to.
He had to do battle with these forces of darkness.
And the Bible tells us that Jesus defeated them.
And then he says, all authority is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Not just in earth, but it says in heaven and in earth, all authority.
Jesus won all authority.
All authority was bestowed on Jesus, conferred on Jesus.
He was given a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus Christ, every knee should bow of things and beings in earths, of things and beings in heaven.
And then it includes on that earth.
And at every time she confess,
that Jesus Christ is Lord.
And so, if that is true, let's look at something.
Second Corinthians chapter 10, let's begin from verse three.
Sometimes you find a wave of sickness.
in certain places, certain localities.
And that's what pastors have to be very sensitive.
If you pray in the Spirit, you'll be able to discern certain things.
But if you're not prayerful, you will not discern them.
You will not discern them.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not walk after the flesh.
Next, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal.
Did you notice?
For the weapons of our warfare, he says there is a warfare.
He didn't say the warfare is over.
He says there's a warfare.
For the weapons of our warfare.
for the weapons of our warfare are not canal, but mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds, strongholds, casting down imaginations.
And every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought,
to the obedience of Christ.
This is our weapons, our mighty, through the Holy Ghost.
And we have to use them.
We have to use those weapons in prayer.
We have to use them.
Let's go again.
For the weapons of our warfare, not carnal, but mighty through God, the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God.
Every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God.
Can you give us this from the amplified translation?
Let's read from verse three, the amplified translation.
For though we walk, live in the flesh, that means human body,
We are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons.
For the weapons of our warfare are not physical.
They're not weapons of flesh and blood, but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds.
For the overthrow and destruction of strongholds.
Inasmuch as we refute arguments and theories and reasonings, arguments, theories and reasonings, and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the true knowledge of God.
And we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ.
So we have weapons for this warfare.
And look at what he says there.
He says, this warfare, there are arguments, theories, reasonings.
And then those that set themselves up against us in pride.
So he's showing us the different ways that Satan works against us.
Why do you think that if you're doing well at a certain level in your locality, the local newspaper starts writing about you?
Why do you think those things happen?
You think they're ordered by themselves?
No, these are forces.
But he already told us in his word, no weapon fashioned against you.
Shall prosper.
But you have to also know how to use the weapons of our warfare, because we are engaged in a warfare.
You've been praying, you've been so insid, you've been going on evangelism, yet on Sunday, you still have the same number you have been having in three months.
And you think nothing is wrong?
No, you've got to do something about it.
You've got to do something about it.
A certain pastor said that he just came into a new pastorate.
And one day he was praying in the church.
He was fasting and praying.
As he was praying,
He felt like there was someone in the church hall with him.
He was alone in the church while he was praying.
And he began to sense the presence of somebody else.
So he just thought maybe there was someone there.
He kept on praying because he didn't want to be distracted.
Finally, because of the noise of destruction, he decided to look at who it was.
When he turned, the next thing he saw was this huge fellow standing there.
with the head of a pig.
He was a demon.
And he said he was in charge of some people in the congregation.
And he is not leaving.
This is real.
This is no joke.
I cast out devils.
I know what I'm talking about.
I've done it with a lot of these kind of things.
He said he's not leaving.
He is the one responsible for distracting certain group of people in the church whenever the pastor was ministry.
That's what he said and he's not doing.
The pastor said in the name of Jesus Christ, you will leave and not return to this church.
and commanded him to get out.
And he left.
Guess what?
That same week, revive a brook out in church.
He had been distracting people, sometimes in certain meetings.
It's something I've observed, sometimes in certain meetings.
You'll notice the Word of God is going on and the next thing
Almost 30, 40, 50 people will be coughing in the condition.
Constantly, people just coughing, coughing, coughing, coughing everywhere.
You haven't observed it.
Why isn't anybody coughing right now?
In those millions, sometimes just so many people coughing.
Satanic destruction.
You just get everywhere.
I mean, if two or three people were coughing, and you know, that can be, that's nothing, someone.
But where you have everywhere, they are coughing everywhere.
And it's not because the place is stuffy.
Some of the times we find people just sleeping.
I mean, if you caught one or two people sleeping in a congregation, it may not be a problem.
But where you find several, you're sleeping.
They're trying to tell the pastor, stop.
Then you have those unhappy to give their offerings.
It's offering time.
The pastor says it's offering time.
They're not willing to give.
Everyone's looking for something as small as possible.
The pastor can't believe that the church was full today and the offering was so small.
He believes someone is still the offering.
Nobody's still.
Most demons have been at work in that church.
But until the past are fast, issue fast and pre.
Issue fast.
Issue fast and pre.
Because there are different types of demons.
And you don't know which one this is.
And Jesus said that there are some demons that will not go out except by prayer and fasting.
He didn't say except by commanding.
He said except by prayer and fasting.
So you are not praying to the demon or against the demon, you are praying to God so that you open your mind, open your spirit, so no one is going on, and you will fast, then you give you direction.
The same thing that happens to people in their businesses.
That's why you have to pray for the members of the church.
Because some of them don't have that knowledge or that understanding about these things.
And you can't just, just preaching it is not enough.
You also have to do something about it.
Because think of it, there are many members of the church that are babes.
See, a lot of them don't have, even if you say, I mean, they don't grow overnight just because you taught them.
It takes time to develop some of these things.
The people who end and they put it into a bag with horse.
Yet they continue to give.
They are happy to give.
So you have to learn to take a stand for members of the church.
Sometimes, satanic activity may not be easily discernible from the complaints of the individual.
You know, there's something someone will tell you is going through, you say, oh, that must be a demonic thing.
But there are some things that no matter how the complaints are rendered to you, you may not immediately see any satanic manipulation in it.
Because everything just looks normal.
Until and unless the Spirit of God opens that understanding to you.
And to be amazed at something that looked so normal, was actually inspired of Satan.
He told us, we wrestle not against flesh and blood.
He didn't say we wrestle not at all.
So if you think that in your own Christianity, there's no, you know,
There's no warfare.
You may be deceiving yourself.
Because maybe I should give you an idea of the enemy we're dealing with, Satan.
Demons are more in number than the human beings on earth.
I want you to first understand that.
They outnumber human beings by several numbers.
Are you hearing what I'm saying?
So dealing with some particular demons doesn't necessarily dent his work.
Because you're not going to estimate them.
Jesus said you cast out devils.
He didn't say you burned them up.
So when you cast them out, what did Jesus say?
When a demon spirit is gone out of a man, he walks through dry places seeking rest.
And finding none, he says, I'll return to where I left.
Okay, so he plans to come back.
But that's, he only come back if he doesn't find somewhere else, which means his first option is to look for somewhere else.
And if he gets somewhere else, he'll stay.
So what did you achieve by casting out devils?
You just transferred them.
Not that they no longer exist.
So the same demons that Peter Paul met you, the same demons they cast out.
Those same demons.
other ones were still dealing with.
Even while sharing with you now on those demons that were in that man in Gaddar, some of them might have come to Nigeria now, and they're hearing what I'm talking about.
They all know we were talking about them, that they were the ones there that day.
So what dealing with exactly the same demons that have been in this world, they're not new.
They don't give birth.
So it's not like a new generation of demons.
There's no new generation of demons.
They have the same ones.
They're not erased.
They don't reproduce.
Same demons.
They frustrate people, they frustrate individuals, they frustrate businesses.
There's a whole lot of stuff that they can do.
But we will give the authority in the name of Jesus Christ to take care of them.
We can actually hinder their activity.
It's whether or not we're going to do it.
It's whether or not we're going to do, or what Joe's going to think they're not there.
I mean, if we think they're not there, there's nothing to take them away.
See, we have to take actions.
So I want you to look at this side of it, because when things are not going right, you may start with all the options of, did you do this?
Were you confessing the right word?
Were you proclaiming?
Were you this?
Were you giving?
Did you associate?
We may look for all those faults, or where maybe someone didn't do what he was supposed to do.
But look at the other side, where you have done everything you're supposed to do.
But there is an outside force.
There is an outside force that we need to give attention to.
You're still there?
Okay, look at Saint Luke's gospel.
You see something in chapter 13.
Let's begin with verse 10.
So look chapter 13 from verse 10.
Have you seen it?
And he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath.
And behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity 18 years and was bowed together and could in no wise lift up herself.
This woman was bent double like that.
She couldn't straighten herself.
This woman was known to be like this.
She was no stranger in the synagogue.
Her condition was not strained to the people.
They showed no surprise that somebody would look like that.
She came in when Jesus was teaching, all right?
Now, verse 12, and when Jesus saw her, he called her to him and said under her, woman, thou had loosed from that infirmity.
And he laid his hands on her, and immediately she was made straight and glorified God.
Now, if that story had stopped there, we wouldn't have known that there was more to it.
Let's go.
And the rule of the synagogue answered with indignation.
Can you imagine?
Religious folks get angry when you get healed.
because that Jesus had healed on a Sabbath day and set on to the people.
There are six days in which men ought to work.
In them, therefore, come and be healed and not on the Sabbath day.
Can you imagine?
You would think you'd be excited.
Everybody doesn't get excited at something good.
I thought he would be happy.
Instead, it got up amid an announcement.
Ladies and gentlemen, there are six days for work.
Don't do six days if you want to get healed, come and get healed.
Don't bring your sickness here on this Saturday.
Can you imagine?
Very uncompassionate.
The Lord then answered him and said, Thou hypocrite.
that not each one of you on the Sabbath loses ox, or his ass from the stall, and lead him away to watering.
And not not this woman being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan, Satan had bound, lo, these 18 years, belused from these born on the Sabbath day.
She was in that condition for 18 years.
And now she's threatened up, and there's no excitement in church.
Have you ever had a word of knowledge at the close of a service, you know, towards the closing of a service?
And some people have, they want to leave it like, why is the past not delaying this service?
Because you're ministering, just one person in the spirit of God is asking the minister to just one person who's going through some difficulty.
And you think there should be excitement that the person got healed.
But there are some people like that, man, that are looking at the time like, I can't delete this service.
Why didn't you minister to him since?
because they have not found themselves in the difficult position.
They haven't.
Satan bounder.
That's what, look at it.
He says, Satan bound this woman.
Satan tied this woman in that condition.
You know, my first experience of casting out devils, I'll never forget.
And that devil got this young guy bound.
I'd cast out several of them.
I think they were about maybe nine or so.
In this particular last demon, the guy was on the ground.
That was casting out the devils from him.
After they left,
He said, they have tied my legs.
I said, get up.
He said, I can't get up.
He couldn't get up.
He couldn't walk.
They had bound him.
Now imagine if we left him like that.
Probably never walk again.
He was the only one who could see what, well, who could feel like he was tied because he used the term, they have tied my legs.
I said, get up.
He said, I can't get up.
They have tied my legs.
Imagine if someone told you that his legs had been tied and you looked, you didn't see any ropes.
You think he's drunk.
So that guy keeps saying they have tied his legs, you know.
Put their tied his legs.
It didn't happen in the corner.
We were surrounded by about 200 people.
And so I picked his leg.
It dropped.
It dropped.
They are tied in.
So I said, don't worry.
I read another scripture for everybody to hear, and I said, I'm going to use that scripture now, and he will be free.
And that's why I think I should stop tonight because time has run out.
I can continue tomorrow.
Talk to the Lord yourself right now.