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Substitution Part 2

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
Over 2,000 years ago, there was an exchange that led to the freedom of man.
Jesus Christ, according to the Scriptures, became our substitute on the cross.
Every man that was, every man that is, and every man that will be... Well, he died!
We died.
And in that death, every one of us beat for his sins.
Every man that ever came before Jesus, every man that lived at the time and everyone who would ever come.
He took our place that we might take his place.
That's the substitution.
He can just take our place.
No, he took our place so we would take his place.
That's what he did.
This is a teaching on substitution.

Glory, glory, glory.
We were discussing substitution, do you remember?
And we said that Jesus Christ, according to the Scriptures, became our substitute on the cross.
Jesus died in our place, meaning that according to the Bible,
According to God's laws, the sinner must be cut off from God.
And so Jesus died for us.
Let me explain something to you, you need to understand.
The death of Jesus Christ was not the importance of the death.
And the important death of Jesus Christ was not about the physical or was it the physical?
Do you understand?
It wasn't the physical death of Jesus.
That was the most meaningful.
It was the spiritual death, Jesus.
And that was what led to his physical death.
He would have never died, had he not died spiritually.
And that spiritual death is what God seeks to save man from.
Not the physical death.
The physical death is a result of the spiritual death.
Now what spiritual death?
Spiritual death is separation from God when you are caught off from your sauce.
Every living thing must be connected to its sauce to continue to live.
Fishes came from water.
They must remain in waters to survive.
Plans are from the dust of the ground, from the dirt.
They must be connected to it to survive.

You understand?
Every living thing must be connected, remain connected to its source, to fulfill its destiny, its purpose.
Otherwise, it will be destroyed.
Now, the problem with man is that man is a spirit being.
He is not a physical body.
His physical body is His house.
It's the house given to you to live so you can express yourself in a physical world.
Your spirit being.
The Bible tells us about the making of man.
First it says that man was created in the image of God.
That was not the physical man.
That was the spiritual man.
After the spiritual man was created, his body was formed from the dust of the ground.
The spiritual man is made up of the human spirit and his soul.
The physical man is his body and his senses.
Your spirit lives in your body.
Now, if you start thinking with the biological sense, which means a limited sense, you begin to ask yourself, what part?
Because you understand all the plumbing inside the body, you know the systems in the body, you say, so where does the spirit live inside the body?
That'll be a mistake to think like that.
A spirit being doesn't function that way.
After Jesus resurrected, the Bible tells us the disciples were in a room.
They were having a meeting in the room.
The doors were locked because they were afraid of the Jews.
The windows were shut.
And Jesus came right into the room and they were amazed.
He didn't go through the door.
He didn't go through the windows and suddenly appeared.
He had never done that.
Until now, meaning that after his resurrection, he took on a new glory, the glory of the spirit man.
And to that spirit man, these physical things have no limitations to the man.
He doesn't recognize them because he has a higher law.
Because you see, you've got the first dimension, the second dimension, the third dimension, where you live.
But there are higher dimensions.
Man is only acquainted with the third dimension.
But there are higher dimensions.
And when you study the Scriptures, you discover at least seven different dimensions of life.
and man only functions in the earth to the third dimension.
That's about all he knows.
You still there?
So, man had to die.
Man had to be separated from God because of the sin of Adam in the garden of Eden.
Jesus came to take our place because every man right from Adam's sin, Adam's transgression, right from him, every man that was born into this world was born into sin, everyone.
Because there was no permanent salvation from sin until Jesus came.
Because to give permanent salvation, the sacrifice for sin must be sinless.
And there was none.
There was none perfect.
The blood of an animal couldn't save men because an animal was a lower being.
How could the blood of a lower being save your life?
So they offered those animals every year, every year, continually, because the Bible says it is not possible that the blood of booze and goats should take away sin.
How could the blood of an animal purify your soul?
Not possible.
A sinless man had to take our place.
That's why Jesus came.
Jesus, that's why he had to be born of a virgin.
So his life would not be touched, or it would not have anything to do with sinful man.
Every human life comes from the sperm of a man.
But Jesus had to be born of a virgin.
because his life came from the Word of God.
The Word that was spoken by the angel to the woman, thou shalt have a son, and his name shall be called Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins.
And the woman may receive that Word.
In that Word, the Bible tells us the Word of God is seed.
It's a seed of life.
And when that woman received that Word,
She conceived the baby.
And that baby is called the word.
You see it?
Because it came from the word and not from the life of a man.
So the Bible says in John chapter 1, from verse 1, in the beginning was the word.
The word was what's God and the word was God.
See, the same word that God spoke, let there be light, the word that God spoke to create, all the things that He created, that was the same word.
The angel brought to Mary and said, I come from the presence of God with a message for you.
And she said, let it be to me according to your word.
And when Jesus was born, he was the living word.
The Bible says the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
That's Jesus.
So this is the sinless man that had to die in our place.
He had to die the second death.
Spirit your death.
You see it?
Now that's not what?
Let me be clear with the terminology for you so you understand.
I'm referring to the debts on the cross.
Isaiah calls them debts.
Now, the real terminology of your second death in the book of Revelation refers to when a man is finally cast into the lake of fire.
Do you get it?
So I'm talking about two debts on the cross.
The first is spiritual.
The second is physical.
Now here is Jesus.
sinless, he would never die.
But then he gets separated from God because of us, and then he dies physically.
First death, Jesus is on the cross.
And finally, he's paying for our sins.
In that payment, the Bible says the sin of the whole world was laid on him.
Isaiah 53, when you read from verse 4, into verse 5, into verse 6, and it tells us all we like sheep have gone astray.
We have turned everyone to his own way and the Lord had laid on him the iniquity of us all.
And once that became consummated in the realm of the spirits, Jesus cried out.
When the sins were laid on him, he cried out because the Bible tells us that God turned his back on Jesus.
Because our sins were laid on him and the Bible says God is so holy, he doesn't look at sin.
So when our sins were laid on Jesus, the Father turned his back on Jesus.
And Jesus cried out, a lawyer, a lawyer, a mass about tonight.
My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?
That was what he dreaded in the garden of Gethsemane.
You remember in that garden when he was saying, if it be possible, let this cop pass from me.
Then finally, he said, nevertheless, not my will, but your will be done.
In other words, I never want to be separated from you, Father.
So this is not my will.
I don't want to be separated from you, but this is your will.
And it was done because of us.
Are you hearing this?
So when Jesus was dying on the cross, in the mind of justice, in the mind of God, every one of us was on that cross, because He did it for us.
We were on that cross.
When the Father turned His back on Jesus, we were on that cross.
And when He gave up the ghost and died, we were in Him.
in his crucifixion, in him, in his death.
So when he died, we died.
And in that death, every one of us paid for his sins.
Every man that ever came before Jesus, every man that lived at the time and everyone who would ever come paid because his blood was divine.
And it was adequate.
You need never pay again for your sins.
I remember a young guy many years ago, were little kids, and he said, he did something wrong, and he gave himself seven knocks.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
I said, why'd you do that?
He said, because I did something wrong.
See, he didn't understand the gospel.
No more punishment for sins.
because Jesus was punished for us.
It's only those who reject His sacrifice, who don't accept His sacrifice, that must make up their minds how they are going to pay for their sins.
And you will never be able to pay.
That's the reason for the lake of fire.
That's the reason for eternal punishment.
Some people think, well, if I ever go to hell, maybe somehow Sunday God will finally decide it's enough.
It'll never be enough because it's about paying for your sin.
And because you would never be able to pay, you'd be there eternally forever.
In the Bible says, the lake of fire was never prepared for man.
He was prepared for the devil and his angels.
And so everyone who rejects the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, the life of Jesus will have to go that way, not because God prepared it for him, but because it was his choice.
Salvation is a choice.
Condemnation is a choice.
You make the choice.
But for those who have made the choice to follow Jesus, what a life, what a glory, what a glory, what a glory.
First, let me give you the picture of the man who doesn't know Jesus, how God sees you.
I want to give you that picture.
And everyone who has received Jesus, when you understand how God sees the center, you understand why we must preach the gospel, why we've got to do it.
This is a teaching on substitution.

The most amazing thing about being human
is the ability to speak, believe, and to create things.
But there's more.
Man was made in the image of God.
He created us in his class, which means we are creative beings.
The word of God is sound.
He spoke and the creation came to be.
So when God speaks his work to you, it'll bring you faith.
It'll bring you into what God has created for your future.
In this message, Sound, Matter, and Faith, Pastor Chris helps you discover and apply the knowledge of the incredible relationship between Sound, Matter, and Faith.
The essential factors for creating the extraordinary life you deserve.
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Let's go Ephesians.
Book of Ephesians chapter number two.
I begin reading from verse 11.
I want you to follow this.
He says, therefore remember that at one time, you were Gentiles, heathens, in the flesh, called on circumcision by those who called him zero circumcision.
It's of a mere mark in the flesh made by human hands.
Go on.
is to remember that you were at that time.
You see, listen to this.
Now, he's talking to Christians.
He says, before you became a Christian, before you were born again, this was what you were like.
Which means everyone who's not born again is this way.
All right.
Remember that you were at that time separated, living apart from Christ, excluded from
All part in Him, utterly estranged, terrible, utterly completely estranged, and outlawed, outlawed from the rights of Israel as a nation.
Now, why does he say Israel as a nation?
Because God gave covenants to Israel, a special blessing to Israel as a nation.
And God's plan was to make all of those blessings become available to everybody else, every other nation, everybody else.
It was God's plan.
And the only way to do it, that he planned, was to do it through Jesus Christ.
You getting it?
All right.
So at that time, you were cut off from all of that lesson.
And it says, I'm strangers with no share in the sacred compact of the messianic promise, with no knowledge of all rights in God's agreements, His governance.
And you had no hope, no promise, you were in the world without God.
Think about it.
Think about how a man lives without God.
It doesn't matter that he calls the name of God 10 times a day.
In the mind of God, he lives without God.
But God helps him.
God blesses him.
God puts Christians around him to bring the gospel to him.
God sends his angel so protective so that he would have an opportunity to hear the gospel and receive salvation.
But God's not with him.
He says, you're in the world without God.
To have the help of God and to have God at two different things.
I can send you money without being your friend.
I can send you help.
And this is shit myself from you.
That's what God's saying.
Just because he protected you, just because he helped you, doesn't mean he's with you.

He says, there without God in the world, without lights, the work in darkness, every day.
It doesn't matter that he's your uncle.
It doesn't matter that he's your brother-in-law, he's your younger sister or younger brother, or your dad.
Here's what God says.
And why we must preach the gospel.
We're not just trying to get them into a church.
No, it's for their spiritual salvation.
But think about this.
Here's a beautiful one.
I'm talking about substitution.
He took our place that we might take his place.
That's the substitution.
Can you take our place?
No, he took our place so we would take his place.
That's what he did.
That's the doctrine of substitution in the Bible.
He took my place.
and gave me His place.
Okay, so let's reach on about that.
Hebrews chapter number two, let's begin with verse eight.
You will like this.
And please don't miss this because it's so important.
Very, very important.
Hebrews chapter two, good or verse four?

Besides this evidence, it was also established and plainly endorsed by God.
who showed his approval of it by signs and wonders and various miraculous manifestations of his power and by imparting the gifts of the Holy Spirit to the believers according to his will.
Okay, he's talking about the gospel that was given to us and it was first preached by Jesus, communicated to us by his apostles who heard him.
Okay, God bearing them witness with signs of wonders.
That's what he's talking about there.
Okay, for it was not to angels
that God subjected the habitable world of the future, of which we are speaking.
He says, God didn't subject the future world to angels.
Now, notice how he brings in the matter of angels.
Go to next verse.
It has been solemnly and endlessly set in a certain place.
Probably at this moment Paul wasn't sure which place in the scripture.
See, so sometimes when you don't remember the exact scripture, you're not alone.
Paul was just like that sometimes.
It has been solemnly and endlessly said in a certain place, what is man that you are mindful of him?
Or the son of man that you graciously and helpfully care for and visit and look after him?
He's quoting the zombies now, okay?
So he's quoting scripture here.
Old Testament.
Next verse.
For some little time, you have round him lower than an inferior to the angels.
The interesting thing about this place, because of time, the interesting thing about it is he quotes it from the Hebrew, Hui, the word there is actually Elohim, which means God.
But because of the frequent use of the word angels here, it may not make sense for us to go into that, at least for the little time we've got.
He says, you have crowned him," she quote in the Samus.
You have crowned him with glory and honor and set him over the works of your hands.
Who, man?
God, he says, has put all the works of his hands under the charge of men.
Next, for you have put everything in subjection under his feet,
That's nice.
Everything in subjection on the man's feet, everything that everything that God made is on your feet.
Think about it.
Just imagine if you could just stand somewhere and look and say to a cat walking and say, cat, come here.
And the fly is just passing to stop.
I won't talk to you.
And you just look up and you find birds flying and say, hey, y'all, stop there.
Stop, stop.
I want to see you.
Come down here.
Did you know that that was possible?
Okay, but let's see.
And then think about all the problems that man has and what God thinks.
All right.
So he says, now in putting everything in subjection to man, he left nothing outside of man's control.
Woo, that's right in the book.
He left nothing outside of man's control, nothing, nothing.
But at present, we do not yet see all things subjected to him, to man.
You would have said that.
Before we read it, you'd have said, well, but I don't see it that way yet.
I'm not experiencing that.
He says, I know, I know.
I know you're not seeing all things in subjection on the man yet.
Yet, did you notice yet?
But at present we do not yet see all things subjected to him.
Is that's not our experience?
We're not seeing that.
What's God thinking?
What's it thinking?
Verse nine.
But we are able to see Jesus.
Oh glory to God.
We are able to see Jesus.
Who was ranked lower than the angels for a little while?
Crown with glory.
Now what is telling you is this?
He says, but we see Jesus.
Who was made for a little while lower than angels so that he could suffer death?
that he may test death for all of us.
He says, now we see him, crowned with glory and honor.
You see, he was made for a little while lower than an actual word comes from Elohim.
It had been written God.
But forget about that for now.
So even angels,
He tells us he was made for a little lower than angels, like you see there, for the purpose of the suffering of death, that he may die, and taste that's death for every one of us.
That means go through death for our sake.
So he was my substitute in the presence of God.
So what God is saying now is that he put all things on the man, but because of the fall,
It didn't work.
Man failed.
Adam failed.
And so the animals and the works of God, all of the things, living and non-living things that God put on their man's charge.
Man couldn't control.
Instead, man became enslaved to his own environment.
And slave to his environment.
Look at how many times have you watched it.
Maybe on television or at least heard the news.
There was a flood and thousands of people were killed.
Was it supposed to be so?
If you happen to have been there, you could have said, stop.
But you couldn't because of the fall.
Look at Jesus, he's with his disciples and they are in a boat and Jesus is sleeping at the wreck.
And the wind is boisterous, the waves are rising and roaring.
And these expats swimmers, fishermen, professionals, they are scared to death.
They realize this is going to kill them because it's too much and they are riding the mist of the sea.
We can't swim fast enough to get away from this thing.
and they're screaming.
They go to Jesus and wake him up.
Master, don't you care that we perish?
And Jesus got up and he said, oh, ye of little faith.
He's not about to perform a miracle.
He's doing something that's perfectly natural with seamless man.
You get it?
This is not a miracle.
Today, I mean, it was a miracle.
To Jesus, it was normal.
The Bible says he's plucked to the wings.
He said, Hush, become.
And the Bible says the wings come down and the waves went flat.
There was a great come and the disciples were amazed.
If it was a miracle, Jesus would have not said, O ye of little things.
You'd have said, I'll do something about it.
Watch me.
It's time to say to them, this is what you should have been doing.
So we don't see all things on the man yet.
He says, so what does God want?
He wants us to see Jesus.
We were in Him in His suffering, in His death.
Now we see Him crowned with glory and honor.
So can you see Jesus crowned with glory and honor?
Can you see Him?
Power says we see Him.
We see Him, crowned with glory and honor.
Do you see Jesus crowned with glory and honor?
Do you know who Jesus is?
Jesus is not the dying man on the cross.
Jesus is not the one that was buried in the grave.
He came off of that cross, off of the grave.
He's been out of that almost 2,000 years.
So where is Jesus?
He says, we see Jesus crowned with glory and honor, not with shame.
What do you suppose Jesus is like today?
Somebody said, since Jesus left the earth, He's been begging the Father to forgive us our sins.
That's a lie from the pit of hell.
It's not begging the Father.
This is a teaching on substitution.

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Praise God.
See, so how does God want us to live our lives?
Okay, okay.
Good to Hebrews chapter 12.
Let's begin with verse 1.
All right, where for a scene we also are composed about with so great a kind of witnesses.
Let us lay aside every weight and the sandwich or so easily beset us and let us run with patience, the race that is set before us.
See, we are running the race, okay?
It's called the Christian race, right?
Many call it the Christian race, great.
But he says, let's run the race that's set before us.
Verse two, looking onto Jesus.
The Greek rendering there means looking away onto, meaning that whereas you were looking at other things, turn away onto Jesus.
Looking onto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
That means the author and perfecter of our faith.
looking onto Jesus.
So he says, look away onto Jesus.
That's that's construction.
Look away onto.
So no matter what's getting your attention, this is look away onto Jesus.
But we see Jesus, who was made for a little while, Lord and angels.
for the purpose of the suffering of death.
And he should test death for every man.
We see him crowned with glory and honor.
So I'm looking unto Jesus.
What Jesus am I seeing?
A Jesus that's crowned with glory and honor.
A Jesus that's crowned with glory and honor.
He's the one that I'm seeing.
So set your gaze on Jesus.
That's the first thing.
You can write it down.
How does God want me to live?
Number one sets your gaze on Jesus.
Looking under Jesus, I've given you references.
Looking under Jesus.
You see, remember he was up to two verse eight.
But we see Jesus, crowned with glory and honor.
See, he's crowned with glory and honor.
After he died and God raised him from the dead, he crowned him with glory and honor.
And I'm seeing that Jesus.
All right?
Remember, first John chapter 4 verse 17 says, hearing is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment.
because as he is, so are we in this world.
I'm looking at a Jesus that's crowned with glory and honor because as he is, so am I. If I want to know what I'm like in the presence of God, I'll look at Jesus because the Bible says as he is, question is how is he?
How is Jesus sick, lonely, frustrated?
No, he's crowned with glory and honor.
And as he is so am I. So I'm crowned with glory and honor.
Can you say amen?
Finally, look at that.
Look, oh boy.
Wow, wow, wow.
Galatians chapter 3.
Go straight to verse 27.

For as many, oh, I wish I had time for this one, for as many of you as have been baptized into Christ.
You know, when you're born again, you are born of the Spirit of God.
And that means that you are baptized into Christ.
Are you hearing me?
You become a member of the body of Christ.
The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 12 and verse 13, by one Spirit, and we all immerse baptized into one body.
Okay, so we are in Christ.
We baptize into Christ.
I am in Christ, now you understand it.
For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
What does he mean by put on Christ?
Put on Christ, the Greek means to, the word is endue.
It means to sink into.
You get it?
Like you, like you wear something like this.
You go into the club.
It's not the one you put over your head.
There's the one that you put over your head, okay?
And this one says, you sink into him until you can't be seen.
Are you hearing me?
So it says, put on Christ, wear him like this.
Get into, glory to God.
So what's Christ, the one that's crowned with glory and honor?
Get into a life that's crowned with glory and honor.
I refuse to be broke.
I refuse to be sick.
Come on, I refuse to be discouraged.
Shine in somebody.
It doesn't matter where you've been.
You can wake up shouting the victory.
Can you shout him and somebody?
Oh, glory to God.
I'm a child of God.
I'm born of the Spirit.
I'm born of the Word.
I've got the life of God in me.
I'm full of glory and honor.
My life is a life of glory and honor.
So everywhere you go, you say to yourself, I'm a man of honor.
I'm full of glory.
My life is a life of glory and honor.
Long great oars, kara handa deas.
Worship Him and thank Him.
