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The Fullness of God - Vol. 3 Part 2

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirit.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
People is yours.

We've been reading and sharing from the book of the visions chapter number three.
And now we've gotten to a certain portion of it.
But I want to read to you from where we've been reading from verse 14.
For these cores that bow my knees onto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man.
Here's the spirit's prayer through the Apostle Paul for the church that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory
that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man.
He says he's spraying the God for us that we would be invigorated with miracle-working ability to be strengthened.
You know, there are some people who are weak inside.
the weak inside.
They are unable to make serious decisions in life.
They are afraid.
They're timid.
Some are concerned about what others think about their decisions.
They're afraid to do what they ought to do.
Some care so much about who are those that are looking at them.
They think so much about what others think, that they're not bold enough to do what they ought to do.
The weak inside.
Some have another kind of weakness.
They just are never able
to be well.
I want you to notice my construction.
I said, they just are never able to be well.
I didn't say that they're just never well.
They're not able to be well.
In other words, they never, from within themselves, take a hold of health.
The weak inside.
They're always listening to their body.
They're always thinking of something that's gone wrong.
They're listening to their body all the time.
What he says is that the Spirit's prayer is that God will grant you to be strengthened with might by the Holy Ghost in your inside, in your inner man, in your spirit.
to be toughened inside.
That means that's God's desire for us, because if it's the Spirit's prayer for us, it means it's something that God wants to accomplish in our lives.
That's how he wants us to be.
Tough inside.
It doesn't matter how you look on the outside, you may look weak, but don't be weak.
You may look feeble, but don't be feeble.
Somebody can look at you on the outside and say, what can you do?
What can you do?
I can do all things.
I'm bold inside.
I'm strong inside.
Never be the one that's afraid.
So if he's the Spirit's prayer, that means I can pray for myself.
I pray to God that I be invigorated with might, but the Holy Ghost in my inner man, in the name of Jesus, because it's the Spirit's desire for me.
So I can pray that prayer and receive the answer by faith.
Now, that's very, very important.
But you see, we already talked about that really, and we moved on to verse 17 that Christ may settle in your hearts by faith, dwell in your hearts by faith.
Oh, glory to God.
Do you know that Christ wears in you?
That he being rooted and grounded in love?
may be able to comprehend with our saints what is the breast and length and depth and height.
I'm looking forward to sharing on verses 17 and 18 sometime soon.

Verse 17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that he being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height and to know the love of Christ which pass it knowledge that he might be filled with all the fullness of God.
And not a lot of part of it is where our take off.
Our shed some in the previous service, but I may not repeat all those things that I said.
What's important here is it is God's desire that we be filled with the fullness of God.
He wants us to be filled with the fullness of God.
To be filled with the fullness of God.
With the maximum load of God.
You see that word, maybe you should write it down, that word is Pleroma.
Pleroma means the maximum total and complete content of a vessel.
All right?
That's fullness, the word fullness.
That he be feared with the fullness of God.
He wants you to be feared with what?
The fullness of God.
And I said the Greek word translated fullness there is Pleroma.
All right?
And that it means the maximum total and complete content of a vessel.
It means everything that ought to be there is there in its completeness and in its full measure.
And God says, that about divinity.
And then he wants all of that to feel you.
So what do you become, a God carrier?
That's the way Jesus was.
In Colossians chapter 1 and verse 19, the Bible says that he pleased the Father that in him Jesus Christ, in him, should all fullness dwell.
He pleased the Father that all the fullness of God should dwell in him.
In Colossians chapter 2 and from verse 9, it says the fullness of the Godhead
bodily resides in Him.
Christ Jesus, the fullness of deity, resides in Him.
And then it says, and ye verstain, and ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality and power.
Ye are complete, perfected in Him.
Praise God.
Now he shows us that God's desire for us is that as Jesus was filled with the fullness of God, we also should be filled with the fullness of God.
So you become a God carrier.
I like the way John G. Lake put it one time.
In fact, it was said that many times when he dressed up and stood in front of a mirror,
He said, God lives in the man that's in this suit of clothes.
Then he says, and where this suit of clothes goes, God goes.
Oh boy.
I like that.
He knew that God dwelt in him.
And where he went, God went.
I like the way T.L.
Osbourne put it.
He said, when Theo shows up, the demons flee.
Great confidence.
That's the confidence you are ahead.
Because he knows what we just read.
This is that Christ may dwell in your hearts by things.
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by things.
That Christ may tabernacle in your heart by faith.
That he might be filled with all the fullness of God.
You see, God's desire is that he tabernacles himself in you, in his totality.
He's not some parts of God that's in you.
It's all of God that's in you.
Think about it.
How are you still there?
To be filled with the fullness of God.
Say, I'm filled with the maximum load of God.
Glory to God.
Imagine if you have that mentality, what it'll do to you.
No, think about it.
What your day will be like.
Think what your day will be like.
Every day, when you have the consciousness that you are filled with the fullness of deity, the fullness of the Godhead, that God lives in you, you will never like anything.
Because the great supplier, the maker of all things, the creator of all things resides in you.
How could you like anything?
You know, those who are always asking for one thing or the other, they don't understand this stuff.
Oh God, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me.
Because my name is Jimmy.
You see, they're always asking for something.
Oh, God, give me.
Oh, give me.
Then they go from there to forgive me.
Oh, forgive me, and then they'll give me, and then they'll forgive me, and then they'll give me.
They're always asking for something.
They haven't grown up.
They haven't come to know what parts at all things are yours.
They haven't come to that understanding.
They read it in the Bible, but it made no sense to them.
They haven't come to understand it.
The Christian is not a religious fellow.
He is the one in whom resides the fullness of deity.
God dwells in him.
God lives in him.
You'll have a different kind of confidence in life.
You see, there's a big difference between us and those of the Old Testament.
God said to Joshua, I will be with you as I was with Moses, so will I be with you.
When Jesus came, when Jesus came, he was Emmanuel, God with us.
And then he said to his disciples, I'm going,
to the Father.
And when I get there, I ask him to send you another comforter, alos para cletus.
All right?
That he may abide with you forever.
Even the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it's he had him not need to know it to him.
He says, but you know him, for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you.
You see, God was with the prophets of old.
But God is more than with us.
He is in us.
So he's no longer Emmanuel, God with us.
He is in us.
Christ in you.
The hope of glory.
So how do you know that your life is going to be glorious because Christ is in you?
How do I know that my life is hopeful because Christ is in me?
How do I know I'll never be poor in my life because Christ is in me?
How do I know I'll never be sick in my life because Christ is in me?
How do I know I'll never fail because Christ is in me?
Christ in you, the hope of glory.
That gives me confidence.
I'll never fail because Christ is in me.
I said, Hallelujah.
Because you see, when he died, I died.
When he was buried, I was buried.
When God raised him up, I was raised together with him.
And now that I'm raised, I'll never be buried again.
I'm in Christ, a life forever.
Shut him in somebody.
That's what he's all about.
To be filled with the fullness of God.
Meditate on it.
Field with the fullness of God.
Say, I'm filled with the fullness of God.
Field with the fullness of God.
I'm not an ordinary person.
Say, I'm not an ordinary person.
Say it again.
I'm not an ordinary person.
I'm a Christ in you person.
I'm a new creation.
We don't fail.
We don't.
We don't.
We don't.
Glory to God.
I want to take us from there into what do we do with this knowledge?
If I get to know what I found out, what do I do with it?
The word says, to be filled with the food is a God, and I find out this is God's purpose for my life.
This was what Jesus was like.
So I found out, filled with the food is a God, but I don't feel any different.
I don't feel any different from how I felt before I found out, before I read the word.
Just like some of you, okay, you've seen it in the Bible, we just read it, you don't feel any different.
Oh, what difference does it make somebody say?
I'll tell you.
First and foremost, without knowledge or darkness, not to know is to cheat yourself.
and to be disadvantaged in life.
But when you come to know, you got a big thing made, because now you have the opportunity to at least put it to work, the fact that you know it.
If you know it and acknowledge it, you're ready to function with it.
So how am I going to use it?
How does it work for me?
All right, you ready to start?
Do you have your Bible?
Thank you Lord Jesus.
What do I do with it?
What do I do with this knowledge?
Okay, let's begin with this.
The first man we find according to the Bible was filled with the fullness of God was Jesus.
He was the only one who was filled with the fullness of God.
It was Jesus.
So what am I going to do?
I'm going to act like him.
How did he live?
What did he say?
What did he do?
What was he like?
What does the Bible say about him?
John's gospel chapter number three.
Are you there?
Can you read to me verse 34?
Want to go.


He says the one that God has sent speaks the words of God.
For God give it not the spirit by measure unto him.
Now I like that.
Jesus was the one in focus here, but the word put it in such a generic term that any one of us that's been sent of God could relate with.
He says, he that God has sent speaks the words of God.
If God sends you, he says, you ought to speak the words of God.
Because when God sends you, he puts his word in your mouth.
And then he tears us.
God doesn't give the Spirit by measure unto him.
In other words, God pours out his Spirit lavishly on him.
That's what happened to Jesus.
Now, what did Jesus say to us?
In St.
John's Gospel, chapter 20, verse 21, read, chapter 20, verse 21, one to go.

Stop, stop, stop.
Now I don't know what you're saying.
Let's go again.
Saint John chapter 20 verse 21, go.

He didn't say, as my father sent Moses, or as my father sent Elijah,
As my father sent Solomon, uh-uh, as my father had sent me.
Now we just read, he whom God had sent, speak at the words of God.
For God, give it not the spirit by measure unto him.
And Jesus was the one in focus.
He was talking about Jesus.
And now he sent us as the father sent him, meaning that we are expected to also speak the words of God and also to go with the spirits in his fullness rather than in a measure.
because God sent Jesus with the Spirit in his fullness.
And Jesus says, as my Father sent me with the Spirit in his fullness, even so have I sent you with the Spirit in his fullness.
Can you say amen?
So I don't go with the measure of the Spirit or with the fullness of the Spirit.
Oh, come on here.
Is that clear to you?
So now I understand that.
I got the Spirit of God in His fullness.
Wow, that means I can function like Jesus.
Okay, turn to St.
John's gospel chapter number six.
And I want us to begin reading from verse 28.
John chapter six.
Have you found it?
Okay, verse 28, go.

Now the Jews were, they came to Jesus and they said, all right now, all right, what shall we do that we might work the works of God?
You know, because they had seen some miracles and then he fed them and they wanted more food.
And so they followed Jesus and Jesus said, you're not following me because you saw the miracle.
He said, because you ate the bread and you were full.
So they said to him, okay, what shall we do that we might work the works of God?
We want to do the works of God.
So what are we going to do so that we can fulfill the works of God?
Like somebody says, okay, Pastor says we ought to do like Jesus.
How do we do like Jesus?
How do we work the works of Jesus?
The answer is in the next verse, verse 29, read it to me.

What did he say the work he is?
He said, the work is to believe.
All the work you need to do is to believe.
Because he says, the works were finished from the foundation of the earth.
So what other work are you going to do?
He says, all you have to do is believe.
No wonder he said, if you can only believe, all things are possible to him that believe it.
Look at it.
They said, what shall we do?
That we might work the works of God.
He said, the work of God is that you believe.
Believe on the one that he has sent.
That's all you have to do.
That's all the work.
Only believe.
Read the next verse.

Can you see that?
Did you notice the one into the flesh now?
They're asking for signs.
So a lot of people do.
Praise God.
So all you need is to believe.
Praise the Lord Jesus.
Say, I'm filled with the fullness of God.
I'm filled.
with the fullness of God.
I want to show you something else.
You know, we were reading that 34th verse of the third chapter of St.
John's Gospel.
There's a key thing there I want to take you into if you move from the 34th verse, the reading from the 34th verse into the 35th verse.
All right, St.
John chapter three.
I want to show you something.
John chapter three, verse 34.
Okay, read.

Have you seen that?
Go to verse 35.

Did you see that?
Now look at this, this is beautiful.
He says, the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God.
For God gives not the spirit by measure unto him.
In other words, he got the spirit in his fullness.
Then he goes on to say, the father loves the son.
And because he loves the son, he has committed all things into his hands.
He's given him right over all things.
My goodness, that tells us something about Jesus.
Jesus, ruler of all things.
Come on.
No wonder he calmed the storms.
No wonder he calmed the waves.
No wonder he walked the water.
No wonder he did what he did.
What authority he had.
He says, God didn't give him the spirit by measure.
So he had the spirit in his fullness.
And we remember in the 16th verse of the first chapters in John's gospel, Bible says, of his fullness have we all received?
King James says, have all we received?
That's one and the same thing.
Of his fullness, we received of his fullness.
He says, as the father had life in himself, so had he given to the son to have life in himself.
Jesus says, the father gave him to have life as he had life.
In other words, he didn't have any less life than the father.
That's powerful.
Now he says, the father loves the son and has given all things into his hands.
The father loves the son.
Papa God loves Jesus.
loves him so much and has committed all things into his hands.
So whatever Jesus wants to do with the world or the universe is up to him.
Think about it.
How big Jesus is.
How big Jesus is.
No wonder the Bible says when he was raised from the dead, he ascended and sat down on the right hand of power.
That's where he is.
He's God's right hand man.
You get that?
I've explained to you before.
It doesn't mean he's seated at the right hand side.
He's not sitting right hand side and right hand are not the same.
He's seated at God's right hand, not right hand side.
Right hand side is a geographical location.
Right hand is the seat of power.
The Bible says he's seated at the right hand of God, not the right hand side of God.
Is that okay?
Now, you know, it's important.
A lot of things that people say that don't make any sense, and they don't understand that those things are stupid.
But they just say them, I believe them.
I'm right songs about them.
And I wonder how they were able to rejoice about things that mean nothing.
It's like, three, two, three, two, three, two, start.
I wonder what you are.
It doesn't make any sense.
Even if you are crying about it, three, two, three, two, leave this.
It doesn't mean anything.
Somebody say, in the name of Jesus, of Jesus' name of Nazareth.
In Jesus' name of Nazareth, I said, that's a big difference between name of Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus' name of Nazareth.
They're not the same.
Interestingly, I find the previous all over the world, I say the same thing.
In Jesus' name of Nazareth, and the name of Jesus of Nazareth, they are not the same.
No, you can shout it in prayer, but when it comes to casting out devils, they're moving.
Not in Jesus' name of Nazareth.
Jesus' name of Nazareth.
You know, a lot of people say things without listening to themselves.
See, but because, let me explain something.
The maturity of a Christian is not exhibited in the miracles that follow.
Because the miracles are based on belief.
and faith.
Do you understand?
So America can happen, it doesn't mean you're mature.
After all, God gave Moses an instruction to talk to the rock, so that what I will come out.
He didn't talk to the rock.
He struck the rock.
What I came out, but God was angry with Moses, even though he got the results.
That you got the result doesn't mean anything.
That's why Jesus said, when you have performed all those miracles, he said, just go and say, we are on profitable servants.
We only did what we were told to do.
That's what he said.
Are you still there?
What's your personal growth?
Your life?
The fellowship you have with him, your relationship with the Father,
is what determines this maturity.
And where is the maturity measured according to the Bible in your mouth?
Christian maturity is measured with the tongue.
That's what the Bible says.
The Bible says, in many things we all offend.
He says, but if a man offend not in words, he says, the same is a perfect man and able also to brittle the whole body.
So Christian perfection is measured with communication.
So if you're saying the wrong thing, it levels you.
It tells you where you are in the realm of the Spirit, in Jesus' name of Nazareth.
I don't say that critically, I'm just asking you to correct yourself, reorganize it.
You can't say in Jesus' name of Nazareth.
Can't you listen to yourself?
In Jesus' name of Nazareth?
Is Jesus the name of Nazareth?

So here's the important thing I'm trying to take you to.
In that 35th verse, he says, the father loves the son, the father loves the son, and has committed all things into his hands, because he loves the son.
So the son has it already over all things.
Hey, wow, we say, isn't that marvelous?
Doesn't that show how powerful Jesus is?
And, fadically, yes, it sure does.
So, in this, where am I?
So I approach Jesus since he has all things in his hands.
Oh, Jesus.
Oh, Jesus.
All things are in your hands because the Father loves you so much.
It's granted that you have authority over all things.
Please do this for me or do that for me or please answer this and please I make this request.
Jesus says, uh-uh.
Okay, cool, cool, cool.
John chapter 17.
The Father loves the Son.
He has committed all things into His hands.
Oh, wonderful, wonderful, great.
All right, St.
John chapter 17, I want you to read to me verse 23.
Verse 23, have you found it?
All right, go.

Did you see that?
Jesus says in his prayer to the Father in 17 chapters in John's Gospel, ah, in there, thou in me.
He says, I want the world to know.
It's there.
I want the world to know that you have loved them as you have loved me.
My goodness, we are loved of the Father as much as He loves Jesus.
So if He gave all things into the hands of Jesus because He loved Him, He automatically has done the same for us.
Because He loves us as much as He loves Jesus.
And Jesus says, I want the world to know it.
How are they going to know it when we have control over all things?
Come on here.
Are you sleeping or did you go home somewhere?
See what I'm sharing with you.
What puts you over in business, in school, in family, in finances, anywhere and everywhere you go.
It'll put you over.
You have a different spirit.

This is what John knew when he says, who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believe that Jesus is the Christ.
That's what John said.
Listen to his confession.
And that's the next thing.
You see, when you know this, when you have this knowledge, what do you do?
You met the joyful confession.
It's got a joyful confession.
You start talking like it.
You talk like Jesus, because Jesus made a joyful confession.
He testified of who he was.
He said who he was.
He was the one who said it.
He said, all things have been given to me of my father.
He said it.
He didn't have to show anybody any CFO to prove it.
He said it in his words.
Nobody would trouble you if you said the whole world is mine.
That's what I say.
Anybody who has a different document can come and challenge you.

Do you know anybody in the world who has a right to challenge you if you say that?
What's wrong with saying it?
But it's real.
The Bible shows it.
That's the way I talk.
The wall is mine.
It's mine.
It's mine.
You know, they say, that fella's walking.
Let's do he owns the whole wall.
You got it.
I do.
You got it.
I do.
I sure do.
The wall is mine.
It's mine, mine, mine.
Glory to God.
I own this world.
Do you know why?
Because of Abraham's seed.
Glory to God.
The world was delivered to Abraham and his seed.
And the bomber says that seed is Christ.
And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and therefore on air, according to the promise.
This world belongs to me.
Some people are fighting for states.
Some are fighting for cities.
Some are fighting to be a mayor.
Some are fighting to be a governor.
Some are fighting to be a senator.
Some are fighting to be a president.
But I own the whole.
I own the whole thing.
If anybody, I said if anybody doesn't agree with it, let him show me the document that shows that I'm telling a lie.

I have proof.

Say this with me, I'll never be broke in my life.
Hotel Cabaya.
All right.
Now that's cool.
That's really, really cool.
See why it's not necessary to steal?
Doesn't matter.
Anybody, if they want to cheat you, that's their problem.
I said, that's their problem.
Because when somebody cheats you, he takes something that's anointed, and that's trouble.
His tears from you are anointed money, and anointed money can kill.
That's dangerous.
Didn't you hear that the same fire that was alive to Israel was a darkness to Egypt?
Didn't you read that the same rain of water that saved Noah, killed others?
What God gives to you as a blessing is a killer to others.
It's dangerous.
That's why the barber says it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
So if someone's in you, he's in soup, because it's stealing from you, and knowing dead money, everything that gets into your hands is anointed.
Everything that God blesses you with is anointed.
Somebody steals your car, he steals an ordered car.
He's in trouble with it.
That means for sure, this is the last thing he's going to steal.
He's in soup.
They steal your phone, they are downfall.
Because everything, everything that's connected to you is anointed.
They are not enforced on it.
They're not enforced on it.
And you are so rich.
Listen, no matter what happens to you, never take it as a factor in your life.
It's not a factor.
Somebody took something that belongs to you.
You're not gonna have less just because somebody might not something from you.
Don't you understand?
There's no subtraction in your life.

Are you hearing me?
You can't be successfully cheated.
Did you hear what I said?
No, you can't be successfully cheated.
You're too rich for that.
Read about Jacob.
His employer changed his wages 10 times to cheat him.
He still got bigger than him.
He still got bigger than him.
His wages were changed 10 times.
His boss cheated him, changed his wages 10 times to cheat him.
He didn't increase his weight.
He removed it.
He brought up reasons all the time to cheat him.
Now, next time, I'm going to pay you this.
He took it down.
Now, all the time, the guy was getting bigger and bigger and bigger and got bigger than the man and his sons.
Until the sons of the man, his employer, began to accuse him.
They said, you've stolen our father's weight.
He said, I didn't.
I only prayed.
He only prayed.
Why did it happen?
Because he was the seed of Abraham.
That's why.
He was the seed of Abraham.
He never cried.
He never cried when he was cheated.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Hallelujah to Jesus.
So you maintain a joyful confession.
In Ephesians 1 and verse 3, Jesus blessed be the God.
I'm showing you some of the beautiful confessions of our fullness, of our blessings in Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 1 and verse 3.
Jesus blessed be the God.
And Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us?
He didn't say, oh God bless me.
Some people are praying like that.
Oh God bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
Bless me.
You don't need to be blessed because you are already blessed.
What you ought to do is wash it God with that confession.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ.
Wow, I'm blessed.
in how many families, in how many families do they pray like that?
Instead of, let us pray, listen, let us pray.
Oh God today, we are asking your blessing upon, we are asking your blessing, we are asking, they are always asking.
Oh God, we pray today that you get together, blessed be the God.
Yes, stop by your back.
Oh glory to God.
I wish you understand what I'm talking about.
where your life becomes an expression of his glory.
That's what you will see.
When I pray, 99% of my prayers are full of thanks.
I'm serious.
So sometimes I say, so, well, that fellowship is you pray for me.
We're just thanking, thanking, thanking throughout.
except of course if I'm casting out devils or commanding the sick to be healed.
But praying to God, I don't know what to ask for.
I thank you for your presence.
I thank you for your love.
I thank, I got so much to thank him for.
I thank you Lord.
I thank you.
I thank you.
Glory to God.
I thank you.
You know, because all I see is blessings.
The Bible says we have been born into His presence.
You see, we've been born into His very presence.
That's where we dwell.
How can we lack anything right there?
It is not possible.
It depends on what you're looking at.
You must have been looking at the wrong thing to be thinking that you're in luck.
You're looking, you're seeing the wrong thing.
And God says as far as your eyes can see.
That's what you get.
What do you see?
Hey brother, what do you see?
It's the icy blessings.
Glory to God, icy blessings.
What do you see?
I see promotion.
What do you see?
Oh, glory to God!
What you see is what you get.
So when you're ready to pray, say, hey, brother, what do you see?
What do you see?
I don't understand what you mean, what do I... What do you see?
And I can see everybody.
Oh, you're seeing the wrong thing, brother.
See with the eyes of a prophet.
See with the eyes of a prophet.
Kazaa, do you remember that?
See with the eyes of a prophet.
Listen, listen, he says, in the last days, sayeth God.
And the Bible shows us these are the last days.
From the book of Acts, he tells us these are the last days.
He says, in the last days, sayeth God, I'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
The old man shall dream dreams.
Hey, what did he didn't say?
The old men of those days.
No, the old men of that time.
All right?
They shall what?
Dream dreams.
Those are the outgoing ones.
Says, but the young ones shall what?
See visions.
So what do you see?
What do you see, brother?
What do you see, brother?
What do you see?
Go in a garden.
You know what?
When you see it, hold on to it.
Don't let it go.
One more thing.
We said, when you get this knowledge, what do you do?
We said act like Jesus, that's number one.
Number two, we said, have what?
A joyful confession.
A joyful confession.
They're not what Paul did.
One of the 13th verse of the 4th chapter of Philippians.
He said, I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me.
He said, I can do all things.
He said, I don't know what I can do.
In fact, the way things have been.
I just can't do anything.
I just can't understand.
I just can't, can, can, can, can.
But Paul's confession was different because he understood that he had been so blessed.
He said, I can't do all things through Christ which energizes me.
Oh, this is marvelous.
He also said, our sufficiency is of God, our ability.
In other words, God's ability has become my ability.
It's made available to me.
I don't rely on my physical strength.
I don't rely on my mental capacity.
Are you hearing this?
One, it is not by might, it is not by power, but by my spirit!
Set the law!
By the Holy Ghost!
You say, can you do this?
I trust the power of God at work in me.
I trust the power of God at work in me.
I can do all things.
True Christ.
I can.
I sure can.
I sure can.
I can.
His ability has become my ability.
He says, I am sufficient in His sufficiency.

The word used there is called HIKI and notice.
HIKI and notice means ability.
In your King James, he calls it sufficiency.
He means ability.
then it says that Christ also had made us able ministers.
The same word is used, he can't notice, able ministers of the New Testament.
Oh my goodness, able, able.
We have his ability to communicate the gospel with power.
We have his ability to do what he did.
We have his ability, Hallelujah, to do like the apostles did.
We have the ability of God to make the work grow.
Thank God, Hallelujah.
I can do our things through Christ.
Oh, Hallelujah.
What a life he has given me to live.
What a life he has given me to live.
the triumphant life in Christ.
I have his ability.
That's my thinking.
That's my mentality.
That's my mind sets.
I've got it in me.
I'm saying this to you.
Just imagine if you have this mentality.
All right?
I'm not trying to sell you something that you do.
This is the way I reason.
This is my thinking.
These are my thoughts.
Are you hearing me?
Because I've come to, I've come to understand this stuff.
And I've, the word is katalambano.
I've taken a hold of it and made it mine.
Even though I quote power to you, I say the same thing.
Because I believe the same thing.
I believe the same thing.
I'm a success.
The third thing, do like Elijah did when he saw Elijah take enough.
You see, this is so important.
In 2 Kings, the second chapter, we're gonna read from the eighth verse, all right?
Glory to God, glory to God.
Woo, hallelujah.
Man, oh man.
I've got this train of God in me.
I've got the life of God in me.
I've got the spirit of the Son of God.
I always win.
Are you there?
Okay, let's go.
From verse 8,
We find this man of God, Elijah by name, a prophet of God, taken with him a younger man by the name of Elisha.
And Elisha was his servant.
Elijah was not only the servant of Elijah, but he was known as one of the sons of the prophets.
These were all young men that were serving under the prophet Elijah.
And Elijah had asked him
To go with him on a journey, he actually said, Terry, here, I'm going.
And the man said, I'll follow you until they got here to Jordan.
And I want to read to you.
I want you to see, when I read something like this, I'm sad.
I'm sad.
I read about Elijah, I was sad.
I was sad.
Let me read something to you.
This is powerful.
This is just powerful.
And Elijah, maybe we should go from verse seven.
All right?
And 50 men of the sons of the prophets went and stood to view a far off.
50 men of the sons of the prophets.
They went and stood to view a far off.
They were watching Elijah and Elijah.
And they too stood by Jordan
Did you hear that?
They stood by Jordan, the Jordan River.
Elijah and Elijah stood by the Jordan River.
And at this time, 50 of the sons of the prophets were watching them.
And Elijah took his mantle, was a mantle, an overcoat, an overcoat.
Elijah took his mantle and wrapped it together and smot the waters, and they were divided, he'da, and theta, so that they'd to wait over on dry ground.
My goodness.
I want you to think about, look, these are acts of faith.
Marvelous acts of faith.
He is not trying to bring the chin of Israel out of Egypt.
It's just two of them.
Just two of them.
And they get to the river Jordan.
He believes what he read about Moses and the Red Sea, Joshua and the Jordan.
And now here comes Elijah.
He doesn't have a troop with him.
He takes his mantle, wraps it together, doesn't wait for the rod of Moses, doesn't wait for the act of Joshua.
He's not carrying any religious saying.
Takes his mantle and strikes, doesn't even say anything, PASH!
The river Jordan passing too.
And you can be sure Elisha's eyes popped out of the sockets.
And they too went through on dry ground.
I mean, ha ha ha, glory to God.
What's fate?
What's fate?

Now, he's over on that side, or reading verse 9, and it came to pass when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, ask what I shall do for thee before I be taken away from thee.
Now, notice, why did they come here?
Elijah was getting ready to be taken to heaven, and he knew.
The Bible says he didn't die.
So when people say that debt is the only way to heaven, it's not true.
Elijah didn't die.
He was going to go to heaven without waiting here to age, now waiting to die.
Now imagine this man was a great, great man of God.
He said to Elijah, you know I'll be taken away today.
So they come over here,
And he says, what do you want before I'm taken away?
How is he going to do it?
Even the other prophets, according to the Bible, if you study earlier, the Bible tells us that those prophets knew, and they were saying to Elijah, do you know your master will be taken away today?
Because they were prophets themselves, younger prophets, and they had seen it.
Do you know your master will be taken away today?
He says, forget it.
Don't trouble me.
That's what he said to them.
Why he was in focus for something?
So now Elijah says, ask what you want, what do you want me to do for you before I'm taken away?
Elijah also believed, because if he didn't believe, he would say, where in the world are you going?
But he believed, so he asked.
And Elijah said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.
This is remarkable.
I have a teaching on this, because a lot of people are going to double posture.
All right, but you know, let's stay in focus now.
Verse 10.
And he said, that was actually a hard thing.
Elijah said to Elijah, that was actually a hard thing.
Nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee.
But if not, it shall not be so.
He says, if you see me when I'm taken off, it shall be so.
You have it.
But if you don't see me, you don't get it.
Now, that's significant because you take the eyes of a prophet to see him taken away.
And if he didn't see him taken away, then he wasn't called to that office.
Said, if you see me taken away, you got it.
That's the sign.
What a sign.
Now, you can imagine the light I'm making sure he goes see something.
But here's the point, verse, verse 11.
And it came, it came to pass as they still went on and talked.
Behold, they appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire and part of them, both asunder and Elijah went up by a well-winged into heaven.
Oh, glory to God.
Oh, glory to God.
We have an account of a man who journeyed into heaven while somebody watched.
You know, the first time Enoch did it, they said they didn't find him.
So they said, nobody knows where he went.
But the Bible says Enoch walked with God, and he was not found, for God took him.
He was not found.
So everyone was looking for him.
They couldn't find him.
There was no weakness.
So God said, next time they'll be a witness.
Elijah was watching, and suddenly Elijah was taken off by a well-winged.
Glory to God.
Oh, I like that.
I like it.
For himself, and Elijah saw it, and he cried.
My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof.
And he saw him no more.
And he took hold of his own clothes and rent them in two pieces.
He taught his own clothes.
Oh, glory to God.
What a day that must have been.
What a day.
What a day.
What a day.
What a day.
Oh, he saw the chariot of Israel and the horses.
Oh, glory to God.
He's in my father, my father.
The chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof.
A chariot of fire.
Elijah was wasting the heaven, and Elijah saw it.
Wow, no one had told his own clothes.
He couldn't believe in those things anymore.
My goodness.
Oh, I wish I had been there.
I would have loved to see that.
Oh boy, that's why it was written for us.
So I could see it again, see it in the Word, and believe like Elijah.
Now, here's the next thing.
This is what inspires me here.
This is beautiful.
You ready for this?
Now, where are we?
Where am I going?
Verse 13, and he took a part of the mantle of Elijah that fell from him.
That's interesting.
He took off also the mantle of Elijah to fell from him and went back and stood by the bank of Jordan.
Oh my goodness.
Now, you know, they crossed the Jordan and Elijah took off and left Elijah behind.
How's he going to go back home?

For some people, they would admit that, well, I've relocated.
You still there?
Well, I like this last thing.
Let's get this thing over with.
And he took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and went back and stood by the bank of Jordan.
And he took the mantle, verse 14.
He took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and smote the waters and said, where is the Lord God of Elijah?
And when he also had smethed the waters, they were patted here and there.
And Elijah went over.
Oh, glory to God.
This is amazing.
This is beautiful.
See, what do we do with what we got?
What do we do with the knowledge?
Has it act like Elisha did when he saw Elijah taken away?
See, he took the mantle.
He didn't turn it into a medium of worship.
He didn't make a monument of it.
wrapped it together at the Jordan.
He's going to do exactly what Elijah did.
He smote it, push, and the water patted.
You can read the rest of the story.
The Bible says, those 50 songs of the prophets that were watching, when they saw Elijah come back through that Jordan,
They run to him and bounce.
None of them saw Elijah taken away.
They didn't see Elijah taken away.
They only saw Elijah coming.
Then they said, the spirit of Elijah rests on Elijah.
And then right over quickly, like the other guys read about, they went into the flesh.
They said, can we help you look for him?
And they said, no.
Praise the Lord.
What are you going to do?
You're going to act like that.
You're going to do exactly what the word says.
You're going to put yourself in there.
Are you hearing me?
You're going to act with what you know.
You are full of God.
If you're full of God, then it means where you go.
God goes.
Can you see that?
We no longer have to pray in our time and in our dispensation.
We don't have to pray anymore.
Oh God, be with me.
He didn't say, I will be with you.
He said, I am with you.
I am with you is not a promise.
It's a statement of facts.
He told them, I will be with you.
But for you, he says, I am with you.
That's what Jesus said.
I am with you always, even unto the end of the age.
I am with you.
It's not a promise.
It's a present hour reality.
It's a fact for now.
I am with you.
Thank God.
He is with me.
He is with me.
Where I go, God goes.
Hey, where I go, God goes.
I'm never alone.
Never alone.
So Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, no, no, no, no.
He is with you.
Stop crying like that.
Say what you want.
Say what you want.
Oh, glory to God.
Can you see it?
We have won.
Can you see it?
We have won.
See, the battle is over.
We have won.
No, with this knowledge, how can you be in luck, in need?
It's over.
The struggle is over.
No more struggling in your life.
Tell somebody's over.
It's over.
We have won.
But look at this.
We have won.
We have won.
It was over.
We have won.
Hey, go with a God.
We have won.
That growth is defeated.
That cancer is defeated.
That pain is defeated.
You have won.
The joblessness is over.
The frustration is over.

We have won.
Oh blessed be God.

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God bless you.