The Image of the Heavenly Part 2
One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
You are shining and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Fable is yours.
I perceive that this bit of God wants me to impress these truths to your heart.
You've got to look into your spirit for the future.
Now that you're born again, what can your spirit do?
What can you do?
What's inside the package?
Not later.
Not when we get to heaven.
Now, in this time, he gave us the authority.
He sat down.
We are in his place today as he is.
So are we in this world!
Glory to God!
My reflection is hard, but you're the God.
That means I am the glory of God.
That's my name.
You know, so much to learn, so much to know, so much to receive, so much, so much.
You know, a lot of times, many don't realize that God doesn't need to do anything for them.
What you're supposed to do is receive what is already done.
And when we say that, we're not trying to make God look good.
He's better.
than we could ever imagine.
You know, the Bible doesn't say that God is a good God.
He says, God is good.
It is his character to be good.
It is his nature to be good.
God is good.
I know that in today's complex society, there are those who think that
God is a relic of past imaginations.
And they think that when you don't know what to do with your life, then you resort to religion.
This is because they don't even understand what it's all about.
So anything that's connected with deity, they think it's called religion.
Christianity is no religion.
And it's important for us to make it clear to the world.
It's no religion.
But you know, they're not going to take it just because we said so.
We've got to prove it.
We've got to show it's no religion.
It's real.
It's that Christianity is the power set in life of Christ and the human being.
Christianity is divinity at work in humanity.
Christianity is the revelation of Christ in a human being.
Christianity is the word of God at work in a living person.
That's what Christianity is.
It is a revelation.
It's no religion.
It is a relationship with a heavenly God, a heavenly Father, one who is real, one who recognizes you, one who loves you and wants to walk together with you.
That's what Christianity is.
It's no religion.
The too many who have characterized it as religion.
And so many compare it to the religions of the world.
And they say, there's Islam, there is Hinduism, and there is, you know, we got the... Confucianists.
They're all nice.
All the religions of the world are nice, I tell you.
frankly speaking, because they tend to make people feel good about themselves, at least if for themselves, even though religion brings a lot of hatred between the participants and between them and those who don't believe in what they believe and think different from them.
See, religion makes people hate each other.
But religion is nice.
It's done a lot of good, too.
So all the religions of the world are wonderful.
Doesn't matter what they are.
And no one religion is better than another.
This is true.
So when we talk religion, we're really looking at
Those ideas that many have and ideas that they want to live by and so on and so forth, which is all nice.
But make no mistakes about it, Christianity is not a religion.
It's not one of the world's religions.
And that's what makes it different.
It's the religion.
If you don't know, if you're not in it, you think it's religion because most of what you see is the religious parts of their activities.
So you think it's religion.
It looks like it.
because this prayer, because there's a place of worship, because of all the outward things that seem to characterize religion.
But let me tell you something.
There are chairs and there are thrones.
You may sit in each of them or both of them,
But there's something about a throne that's more than the shape of the chair.
It's the authority that's behind it.
It's the person, the office of the person that's behind it.
That's what makes a throne different from a chair.
You may carve out and make your chair to look like a throne.
It will not make it a throne.
It may look a glorified chair.
A wonderful, beautiful chair.
It will not make it a throne.
See what I mean?
So, when we talk Christianity, you've got to understand what's behind it.
There's something about a man who died and he said that he died for everybody.
He died for Christians.
He died for the whole world.
He died for everybody.
Something about this man.
The Bible says God raised him from the dead and history bears witness to it.
History bears witness.
A man came out of that grave, that cave, that man called Jesus.
History bears witness that the man performed miracles.
History bears witness that his body disappeared from that grave.
And that the soldiers were paid to say that his disciples stole his body.
Think about it.
You're still there?
But his name has power.
Almost a thousand years after his resurrection, his name has power to change lives, to heal, to perform miracles.
No wonder the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 13 and verse 8, Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Let me tell you, let me give you an assignment.
Something I did for myself, many years ago, several times, I had to do it again and again and again.
And I'll ask myself, what do you believe about Jesus Christ?
And I'll take a notepad and I'll be writing, writing everything that I believed about Jesus Christ.
You see, you've got to have a conviction.
A conviction.
Not an assumption.
What are your convictions about Jesus?
What do you really hold?
What chokes do you hold dear to yourself?
What are the tenets of your faith?
What have you come to believe and to know about Jesus Christ?
You've got to write them down.
That's just one.
Actually, I've put two there for you.
I said, what do you believe about Jesus?
And I said, what are the tenets of your faith?
Number three, another assignment.
These are things you gotta do for yourself to help you.
What is the gospel of Jesus Christ?
From my perspective, in other words, what is my gospel of Jesus Christ?
You know, when we started the Bible, we got the gospel according to Matthew, the gospel according to Mark, the gospel according to Luke, the gospel according to John.
And then you move over into the Episodes and you actually got the gospel
according to Paul and the gospel, according to Peter, and then according to James.
These are gospels.
In other words, the good news of Christ's salvation from their perspective.
When I share the word of God with you, I'm sharing with you my faith in Jesus Christ.
What I've come to believe and to know and experience in Jesus Christ.
I'm sharing with you my gospel of Jesus Christ.
As an individual, you have a gospel.
You preach your gospel every day everywhere you go.
You live your gospel every day.
You sing your gospel every day.
What is this gospel?
Have you ever taken time to write it out?
I've had to do that many times.
because it's good to write it.
When you write it out, it becomes plain to you.
You'd be amazed at what you truly believe.
You may be disappointed, you may be encouraged, but whichever way the Bible is there for you to help you.
So make sure you do that for yourself and you title it My Gospel of Jesus Christ.
And if it doesn't measure
With what the word says, you will soon discover, as you study and study more of the word of God, you will make adjustments.
Praise God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Glory to His name forever.
I shed some one of the thoughts which you earlier on today
on the image of the heavenly.
We are heavenly.
The Bible says, is the heavenly?
So are they also that are heavenly?
We read that.
Do you remember?
It says, as is the eti.
So are they also that are eti?
We found out that those who are not born again are eti.
As far as God's concerned, they are etlings.
And when you're born again, your life is from heaven.
And that's why Jesus said that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit.
He said, Marvel, now that I said unto you, you must be born again.
You must be born again.
He said, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
That means he cannot be awakened to the reality of the kingdom of God.
Those are the people who seek Christianity as a religion.
They don't understand it.
How could you understand it?
When you're not born into it.
You've got to be born into it to understand it.
But he sent us to preach the gospel.
And as we preach the gospel, his power is there to help them understand.
All that he's asking you is to believe.
That's all you need.
Imagine this.
Imagine this.
Your wife was pregnant as far as you knew for X number of months.
And then finally, the night mark came and she went to the hospital and you worked there.
And then she came home with the baby.
And you came back and there she was with the baby.
And you believed that that baby was your child.
All you needed was to believe.
You believed.
You just believed.
All things being equal, right?
But we know that in many situations, it turned out not to be true.
Another lady who was not pregnant at all, but looked pregnant.
She seen pregnant.
She came to church pregnant.
The Chet believed she was pregnant.
She gave a testimony she was pregnant.
Husband was happy she was pregnant.
Turned out she wasn't pregnant.
They did something to make her big.
So she looked big.
And I went to the hideout for the operation and paid to get a baby.
The pregnancy was false.
The baby came from somewhere else.
And it was a rude shock.
And the bitter end.
Okay, now you're looking at me.
I'm just trying to tell you how you believe in so many things.
Many of you flew to be here.
You got into a plane.
You never asked for the name of the pilot.
You never even saw his face.
You got in and you heard a strange voice passing your seat belts and you did.
And you know that lady in front of you was doing like this for you?
And you were so bad.
Where are you going to London?
And they took off.
You didn't ask where they were taking you.
Meanwhile, we are aware that some people were taking someplace else after they boarded the plane.
You know that.
You saw that on the news.
Well, yet you have faith, so much faith.
I'm going to the doctor for what?
I had a surgery, surgery for what?
I got this tumor.
They're going to take it out of my body.
And you checked yourself into the hospital, got into that hospital room and this green mask of doctors, you didn't see their faces.
You didn't see their faces.
You were so glad to be there.
You didn't know who was who when they entered.
All dressed.
We the ninth.
And you were so happy.
They're gonna cut you open.
They're gonna take this thing out and you're gonna work out here free of that funeral.
How much faith you got in all this?
So much faith.
You got a lot of money, and you took it to the bank.
You never asked for the name and the certificates of the bank manager.
You just took your money there.
You're so glad.
You're so, so glad.
So we demonstrate fate all the time.
When it comes to God, we say, well, you never can tell, you never can be sure.
You are deceiving yourself.
You have more than enough faith to trust the living God.
With the heart, man believed it unto righteousness.
Praise God.
Are you still there?
All right.
So we got a responsibility on this.
God's got His role and He has so blessed us.
He's done so much for us.
We read, Christ is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.
And we explained all of that.
And if God has done all of this for us, if Christ has been made all of this for us,
And we had an extraordinary time this morning.
There was so much to learn of what Christ has become in me.
How do I begin to activate this in my life?
How can I make this work?
You know, there's so many people who believe in Jesus Christ,
to the level of what they have understood.
Of course, you know, if you don't understand it, you don't have it.
That's a fact.
Jesus talked about a man who went to sow, and as he sowed seeds, some fell by the wayside.
And others fell on the hard ground, among towns, and then on blue ground.
And he said, the words that fell by the wayside are those who heard the Word of God and didn't understand it.
And Satan came and stole the word that was sown in their hearts.
See, they didn't understand it, they lost it.
You don't understand it, you lose it.
So pay attention so you can understand it.
And you say, I am in the presence of the Word of God, I understand.
Say that.
I understand.
God is helping everyone here to understand tonight.
Now, there are several things that we must do to get us into the reality of the experience.
For example,
In the principle of salvation, he says, if you will confess with your mouth, Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Now, it's God's responsibility to impart eternal life to your spirit.
But to get that to happen, you must make the proclamation of your face.
And when you do that, God's part is sure.
And we also learned yesterday that the power is in the mouth.
Now, we can say it.
If we believe it in our hearts, we've got to say it to make it work.
We learned that yesterday.
Now, what should I do to make my Christianity effective
Just as I mentioned yesterday, somebody said, I've been a Christian for five years and Christianity hasn't done anything for me.
That's the problem.
Christianity does not do anything for you.
You do something with Christianity.
You get it?
It will not do something for you.
You are supposed to do something with it.
If you go to school and get an education,
and have a certificate.
Does it do something for you?
No, you do something with it.
With the knowledge of gain and the certificate you got, you go get a job or you go get a business done.
You start out something.
You use what you have received.
That's the same thing.
In Christianity, you receive something.
Now you put it to work.
You use your Christianity.
to produce results.
All right, write down number one.
We're talking my role now.
Number one, meditation.
Number two, speaking in tongues.
Number three, being filled
with the Spirit.
I want to take you through a little story here that will help you begin to see how we can make the right decisions in life and obtain that which
has been planned for us in Christ Jesus.
I'm reading a story to you from Samadius Gospel chapter 12, beginning with verse 22.
Samadius Gospel chapter 12, beginning with verse 22.
And I want to read it from the live in Bible, instead of the King James.
And I want you to just follow this, from the live in Bible.
He says, then a demon possessed man.
He was both blind and unable to talk, was brought to Jesus.
And Jesus healed him so that he could both speak.
and see, the crowd was amazed.
I like that.
He says, the crowd was amazed.
Maybe Jesus is the Messiah, they explained.
But when the Pharisees heard about the miracle, they said, he can cast out demons because he is Satan, King of devils.
Did you hear that?
Look at this, guys.
Jesus heals a man who was blind and dumb.
And the man begins to see and speak.
The crowd is amazed.
Jesus has performed the miracle.
The Pharisees come in.
These were the teachers of the law and they were religious leaders.
They come in and they say, well,
He's casting out devils by the power of bears above.
He's got a demon.
And like the living power says, he's Satan himself.
And that's why he's casting out devils.
He's using the power of the devil.
Didn't even try to know who Jesus was.
What he did, was it a good work or a bad work?
a man who was unable to see or talk.
Jesus heals the man and they have an attitude.
You can see where the Pharisees were unhappy people.
The Bible says they love to have grittings in the marketplace.
They always were seeking recognition.
They never got enough of it.
Very unhappy people.
How do you react when someone does something good, someone you don't like?
Are there people you don't like?
You know, in life.
We can explain why we don't just like some people.
You just find yourself, you just don't like that guy.
You just don't like that fellow.
He's never done anything to offend you.
One's a matter about him, a matter about how he comes up, you are, you're like the Pharisee.
If he's done something good, you say, I know he has a bad motif.
How do you come about that?
You become judgmental.
Because you don't like him.
You'd rather not hear anything about him.
You'd rather not hear anything about him.
No, please, just stop talking.
Can you stop talking about him?
Why is your life like that?
Look at yourself in the mirror.
Something is happening to you.
This energy is changing you.
You're looking older than you should.
You know, you see, if you have that attitude, it will attack your health.
The first sign is that you're looking much older.
It means that something is happening to you.
It just hasn't gotten a hold of you yet.
It's a matter of time.
It's a matter of time.
Practice, practice, practice loving others and loving everyone, everyone, especially those who love God.
Practice loving them.
When thoughts come to you, judgmental thoughts come to you, against them, reject the thoughts, reject them.
When thoughts come to you like, they don't even like you.
Say, I reject that.
And if Satan persists with that, you say, I don't even care.
I don't care whether they like me or not.
I love them anyway.
That's what you do.
If you love those who love you, Jesus said, what makes you different from the publicance?
What makes you different?
If you love those who love you?
What makes you different?
What makes you different from the sinus?
If you only recognize those who recognize you and cut off those you think don't like you.
Why do you reduce your world?
So why do you make small your world?
If Christ is in you, expand your world.
Expand your world.
Think differently.
Expand your word.
Let me explain something to you.
Some of those that sometimes we think don't like us very much are the people that God puts in our place for our promotion.
And until we learn to accept them, we don't make progress.
Sometimes some of those things that we would love to achieve are buried in them.
And until we learn to recognize them, we may not receive those things we seek so dearly.
Can you see it?
That place, listen, this is important.
See, that place you want to attain to, until you find the gold mine in this fellow whom you don't want to see.
You never get it.
begin to understand this.
Do you realize even in Christianity among Christians, do you know their husbands and wives who don't even like talking to each other?
They are so fed up with each other.
And the talk is always very, you know, very harsh.
Let's go.
Even to church, even to church.
What are you waiting for?
Even to church.
There's war.
But they are going to church.
There's war.
They are sitting at the front, caves at the back, both of the past, close as that, the proximity couldn't be.
You know, on this drive, look at the roads.
I've been driving before I met you.
They're going to church.
Please don't hate that man.
What's the matter with you?
Look, I will pack and teach you a lesson.
Still driving.
Then they wonder why they are not happy.
How can you be happy with your life like that?
How can you be happy with your life like that?
Is it so hard to walk in love?
Is it so hard?
Is it so hard to work in love?
Tell me.
How could it be so difficult?
I'll tell you why it's hard for anyone to work in love.
You are practicing ideology.
That's why.
You are actually the God of your life.
You worship yourself.
That's why.
The day you stop worshiping yourself, there will be a change.
I can never not like somebody.
Did you hear that construction?
I can never not like someone.
There's nobody that I can't like.
If I've met you, I like you.
But you see, I can't like someone I've never seen.
You know what I mean by that?
That'll be, I mean, you, it's like saying, I like the whole world.
What do you like about the world?
You don't even know the world.
You know.
God could love, He could love the whole world because He knew the whole world.
All right?
But if I've met you, I like you.
Yeah, why?
Because I have found a treasure in each human being.
And I am completely aligned with the vision of the master.
You see, he bought the whole field.
He paid for the whole field because of a treasure.
Doesn't matter what you sound like.
Doesn't matter what you look like.
Doesn't matter what you think about me.
I don't care.
I like you anyway.
Because God loves you.
And I love what God loves.
See that?
If you don't do this, the higher things of Christianity
you will find that they are actually the lower things, because love is the greatest.
Until you learn to walk in love, all these things I've told you about will be far, they will just be scriptures.
You can quit them, but you can live them.
You want to live them, then there is the road to take.
It is the road called love, love way.
You see, it's the love way.
You have to first judge your own heart and say, now, mention those people you don't like.
Mention their names.
Listen, listen, don't deceive yourself.
That was how you don't like his face.
Just one day that he told you not to sit on a particular chair.
You have never forgotten.
Now you branded him a rude person.
He's very rude.
He's very rude.
Every time his face comes to you.
This is your temptation now.
And God will continue to present to you, until you love him.
So write his name down.
Those people you don't say very kind words about.
Write their names down.
Those people you don't say very kind words about.
Cool, you only pay compliments when you're with them.
You know, you know that lady that meets you when you're coming in and welcome them forward.
Till the next one.
It's the professional smile.
And you know that very well.
You've been living it.
It's time to change it.
Write down the names of those people you don't really say nice things about in their absence.
Write their names down.
God is talking to you now.
This is serious administration now.
Write their names down.
I know you won't let anybody see this list.
But just write down.
I know some of you may be saying when I get home.
Do it now, why the anointing is correct to me.
Don't worry, no one will look into your notebook, just write their names down.
Write that name down.
And anyone you have spoken ill of, tea,
I have lots of pastors around me, they'll tell you.
They never hear me criticize another minister, never.
They're here.
They never hear me criticize another minister.
I never speak evil of another minister of God, never.
Including those whom they know,
say a lot of terrible things and then when such information comes to me and they tell me, I speak differently.
I cannot say something evil of another minister of God.
Those words can't come out of my lips.
I can't.
You have to practice that kind of life.
You have to choose that way.
It's so important.
You want to see, we'll talk about the anointing of God's Spirit.
It's all the, those are the things you see.
They are the results of a way of life, which is based on love.
These are the teachings of Jesus.
Love your enemies.
Pray for those who despitefully persecute you and use you.
That's what he said.
Love them anyway.
Doesn't matter what they say.
That guy stopped you from getting that job.
He stopped you from getting that business.
Who cares?
He's not God.
He's not a factor.
Stop acting as though they regulate your life.
Otherwise, the enemy that you put in front of you will become real.
They're not your problem.
Even pastors.
Sometimes they have these other people they don't like very much.
Give us some other pastor, you know, awesome, some leader inside who always opposes what they say.
You know those who always oppose your suggestions.
Let me tell you, you need them.
If they didn't like you, they would be with you.
Don't you understand?
At El Paso, there is something called a necessary assumption.
You are not naive, but there is a necessary assumption.
And that is that everybody in the congregation likes you.
It's necessary that you assume so.
It's important.
It doesn't mean you're naive to think that everybody, no, it doesn't matter.
After all, you're teaching them, you're training them, you're leading them, you're helping them to find a way.
The way of life, the way to live.
So, if that didn't like you, I mean, I've met with some individuals who said, you know, Pastor Chris, there was a time I didn't like you at all.
It doesn't matter that you now like me, what's the difference?
There's no difference.
I like you the same way, before and after.
Doesn't make any difference.
See, you want to work in the anointing of God.
You want to move in the flow of the Spirit.
This is what you must do.
You must do.
Are you hearing me?
Very important.
This is ahead of all the praying.
You know, if I told you, you're going to have to pray for 10 hours, you'll be ready for that.
If I told you, you're going to have to fast for three days.
You'll be ready for that.
Let me tell you, you can fast.
30 days, if you want to.
It's only by faster than 100 days.
At the end of the 100 days, nothing changed.
You can fast like that.
You can cram scriptures.
You can do all of those things.
They will not change your life if you refuse to walk in love.
So you write down and say, I'm going to walk in love.
I'm going to speak good about everyone.
that I talk about.
And when others talk to me about other people, I will speak right about them.
I will say the right things.
I will say, oh, it's in the word.
Maybe I should read that to you.
Right what I told you first, write it.
Write it now.
Some of you may even be struggling right now.
with the name that God is bringing to your mind.
You are saying, my God, Lord, I don't hate him.
After I don't hate him, I don't hate him.
I didn't say you hated him.
I said, you're not so nice about him.
The name is coming to you and it's disturbing you now.
Write the name down.
Since the name is disturbing, you just write it down.
I'm free yourself.
Oh, dear Lord Jesus.
When God looks at you, He looks at your heart.
What did He say to Samuel the prophet?
He said, look not on His statue.
But man, look at other outward appearance.
But God, look at other hearts.
God looks at your heart.
What is your heart like?
I know your name is done on the billboard as one of those who did some terrible thing.
You've not seen yourself on television as wanted for some crime.
So every time you see someone's face, wanted for some crime, you say, mm-hmm.
Wow, these people like this.
Thank you for being nice and kind.
But I'm saying to you, Jesus said, if your righteousness doesn't exceed the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of God.
What is the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, outward righteousness?
Or what other people could see?
That was their righteousness.
But your righteousness must exceed the outward righteousness.
Your heart must have the true righteousness.
Can you say amen?
So when you love, love truly.
Love truly from your heart.
Let your words express love.
And since early, let me read to you from St.
Matthew's Gospel chapter 12.
This time we are reading from verse 33.
from verse 33.
Jesus said, either make the tree good, and it's true good, or else make the tree corrupt, and it's true corrupt, for the tree is known by his fruit.
Make the tree good, alright?
And it's true good, or else make the tree corrupt, and it's true corrupt.
Did you understand that?
Okay, let's go on.
Verse 34.
All generation of vipers.
How can he be an evil?
Speak good things.
For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth, speaketh.
Why did you make that statement?
Why did you say that thing about that fellow?
Because that's the way your heartbeat is.
It was not a mistake.
And write this down, the choices of life, not the compulsions, review character.
When you're free to say what you want to say, those things that you say off guard actually reveal your character more than the ones you prepare.
You following this?
This old generation of vipas.
No, there's the word.
No, there's what he called him, vipas.
How can you, being evil, speak good things.
For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth, speak ex.
Why was Jesus saying this?
He's replying those people who after the healing had a bad attitude.
They had a bad attitude, attitude to the miracle that happens.
They said so much about Jesus.
And he says, how can you be an evil speak good things?
Speak good things.
A good man out of the good treasure of the heart.
Bring it forth good things.
An evil man out of the evil treasure.
Bring it forth evil things.
Oh, oh, let me read it to you from the living.
Now, I want you to listen to this carefully.
He says, a good man's speech reveres the rich treasures within him.
An evil-hearted man is filled with venom, and his speech reveres it.
And his speech reveres it.
You're no different from the words that come out of you.
You're no different.
Your words magnify a character.
They amplify a character.
Doesn't matter that everyone says you're a good man or a good woman.
It's your speech.
Not the prepared ones, the ones that come out every time you're off your guard.
For you're free to talk about anything in anybody.
That's what really counts, what you say at such times.
I perceive that the Spirit of God wants me to impress these truths to your heart.
Because it's letting me know that this, your role that I want to teach you about will not work if this is not in the right place.
The Bible says faith works by love.
You remember that?
Fate works by love.
Your love will make your fate work.
No matter how much fate you got, if it doesn't have love, it will not produce the God type of results.
Even if you didn't say, man, it's still true, you know.
So you might as well say it, glory to God.
Loma ca te que bono, glory to his name forever.
So fate works by love.
Fate works, say it out loud, fate works by love.
Say it again, fate works by love.
One more time, fate works by love.
Fate works by love.
I perceive someone wanting to know where it is.
Galatians chapter five.
In verse six.
Galatians chapter five, verse six.
For in Jesus Christ, neither circumcision are valid in anything, nor on circumcision, but faith which worketh by love.
This is, that's what counts.
You see that?
It's the circumcision that counts.
All of those things don't count.
But what counts is faith which works by love.
And you know, if you read in 1 Corinthians 13, you study the whole chapter.
But in the first four verses, it makes clear to you that it doesn't matter what you have, it doesn't matter what you do.
It says, even if I give my body to be burnt and have not love,
It profits me nothing.
In other words, you may be sacrificing for the Lord and going through a lot of hard work.
And you are laboring so much for the Lord.
You are working so hard for the Lord.
You are taking so much for the Lord.
So, so much.
It might even affect your health.
You have worked so much for the Lord.
Tried so much for the Lord.
This is even if you give your body to be burnt.
If you have not loved, it profits you nothing.
I think I should read it to you.
First Corinthians.
He says, though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love King James, or King James translation using word charity.
It's love, okay, agape.
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.
He says, I'm just a musical instrument.
No matter how much I can speak in tongues, tongues of men, I'm so good.
In tongues of angels, I'm wonderful.
He says, without love, it matters will be a guitar.
He says, it means nothing.
It's lifeless.
Then he says, and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, look at this.
And though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and have not love, I am nothing.
Look at how much this guy could do.
And with all of this, he says, I am nothing without love.
You better take this seriously.
This is very serious.
Look at verse three.
And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor,
back out all your belongings and feed the poor.
And though I give my body to be burned and have not loved, it profited me nothing."
That means in the presence of God, all of that is what?
Force applied.
No distance covered in the realm of the spirits.
That means no work done.
Then it tells you from verse 4.
Now, to read verse 4 to you, I will like... Let me read it from the living Bible first.
Just love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never hoodie or selfish or rude.
Love does not demand its own way.
It is not irritable or touchy.
I like that.
I know the first part of what I read, you just said to yourself, that's not me, that's not me, that's not me, until I got to a readable or touch you.
No, that thing just irritates me.
It should not irritate you.
Nothing should irritate you.
If it irritates you, deal with it God's way.
When we irritated God, what did he do?
Send his son to die.
He didn't kill us.
It is not readable or touchy.
It does not hold grudges.
Did you hear that?
See, it does not hold what grudges.
It says, if you're holding grudges, you don't have love.
Love does not hold grudges.
Are you hearing me?
Love does not hold grudges and will hardly even notice when others do it wrong.
Not having a catalog of all your fences.
Or what they've done to you.
Why are you like this?
It started 13 years ago, 13 years ago.
It hasn't gone yet.
See why you're not enjoying your life.
13 years ago, when we moved from our house
Is that it, 1964?
Then you haven't forgotten.
You are in real trouble.
It does not hold grudges and will hardly even notice when others do it wrong.
It is never glad about injustice, what rejoices whenever truth wins out.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I have you right where I want you.
Praise the Lord.
Are you glad about love?
This is God's love.
This is God's love.
You know, Pastor Ken did something one day that really touched me.
It went through my mind so many times.
And, you know, I thought about it, thought about it, thought about it.
Dear Lord, dear Lord, I thought about it.
I had an injury.
I won't give you the whole background until another day.
I, you know, I sustained this injury.
A wound.
And the person came to see me.
When he saw me, I saw the wound.
He said, Oh God, I wish that was me.
I was so broken.
I saw him.
Do you know what that means?
He challenged, you know, let me tell you something.
Love is in simple things of life.
He saw this and he went, oh God, I wish that was me.
That means he's saying that shouldn't have been you.
It shouldn't have been you.
That should have been me.
Actually, you know, I paraphrased it.
The real thing he said was, that should have been me.
What's you?
And I was, wow.
I said, that is the love of God.
So much so that he wished it had been him.
Who got that injury?
And not me.
And I thought, Lord Jesus, could I have said that?
I said, could I have said that?
I didn't reply.
I didn't say anything.
This is the first time I'm saying it out.
You know?
I thought, wow.
It wasn't because, is my brother.
That's what it's called the love of God.
It's called the love of God.
Can you feel that love in your heart?
How do you feel when something happens to someone else?
How do you respond?
I can understand that with him, because someone once went to pass a kill and said he didn't have
You know, he didn't have clothes.
He wanted to buy something.
He didn't have this.
He was just complaining.
And you know what, candid?
He just went into his work.
He packed out all his suits, packed.
Just get to the guy like this.
That's what he did.
Just packed out.
Are you following what I'm saying?
You see, walking in love is in simple things of life.
So in material things, in financial things, but in your heart.
When you said, that should have been me.
That should something beyond material things.
Are you following what I'm saying?
What is your life like?
What goes through your mind when something happens to someone else?
How do you feel?
How do you respond?
A lot of times what some people might call love might be selfishness in manifestation.
Selfishness in manifestation.
Because it may be seen around you.
That means it's all about themselves.
Why do you preach the gospel that you preach?
Is it because God did something nice for you?
He performed a miracle for you.
You didn't have a child and God gave you a child.
Is that why you're serving God?
Is that all?
You were sick and healed you.
Is that all?
Is that all there is?
What does it mean to you in your life?
You know, I like, there was a truck, an evangelist in truck that I read years ago.
And he said, if you were prosecuted for being a Christian, would there be sufficient evidence to convict you?
I don't know if you got that message.
Would there be sufficient evidence to convict you?
Glory to God.
Don't look at me like that.
You're just looking as I'm going this way.
You're looking like this.
Then I go the other way.
Look into your heart.
That's where the voice is coming from right now.
God is talking to you in your heart.
The message is coming from your heart right now.
That is where it is at this moment.
Do you realize that God has given us a love capital?
Do you get it?
It's like you have money capital for business.
He has given us love capital.
How much of it have you invested?
How much of the love capital that God put in your heart have you invested?
Do you realize that that's what he's going to judge for?
He's going to be looking out to see how you invested it.
What you did with it?
How much love you have enjoyed yourself?
How much of it have you invested into other people?
How much of it?
Praise God.
Praise God.
Let the love of God burn in your heart.
Let the love of God be real to your spirits.
Be real to your spirits.
You know, unhappy people make others unhappy.
That's the way they are.
They make other people unhappy.
You meet someone who's unhappy.
And it's very unhappy.
And it's just wrong to him.
You have something... What's this?
You know what he's done?
He's shut down your happiness right away because he's unhappy.
He cuts you off.
And then you say, something, something there will be... With his unhappy face, he's unhappy.
He doesn't see why others should be happy.
He doesn't like it when others are happy because to him, nothing to be happy about.
Your life can go like that.
Oh, let me explain something to you.
Do you realize that God manifests himself with people are happy?
Churches where the people are not happy never experience the glory of God's presence.
God is there anyhow, but they cannot experience this presence because they're not happy.
They're not happy.
You're going to learn to be happy.
You're going to learn.
Learn to push these buttons.
Be happy.
Decide to be happy.
Choose to be happy.
It's your calling because you're trying to God.
You say, well, if there's something to be happy about, I'll be happy.
But when things are so bad and everything that happens around you is something bad, how can you be happy?
No, you're wrong.
Happiness is in your spirit.
You were born with it.
It's called joy.
Look inside you.
You know, when you buy a device, the first thing you want to do is read the manual.
In fact, before you read the manual, you look at the package and you see the features.
What can this thing do before you start the operation?
Before you even purchase it, you want to know the features.
You want to know what it can do for you.
You got to look into your spirit for the features.
Now that you're born again, what can your spirit do?
What can you do?
What's inside the package?
Smile, Jesus loves you.
Give me high five.
Brother, right under the anointing.
God is blessing him right now.
What are the features?
Now that you're born again, what are the features?
What are the features of your human spirit?
What are the features?
Galatians chapter five.
Pick him up.
Pick him up.
Pick him up.
So that he can join us on this one.
Galatians chapter five.
Are you there?
What are the features?
I like to know, but I got in my spirit, hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm
But the fruit of the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit, the fruit of the recreated human spirit is love.
He's talking about the produce.
You see, you stuck my fruits here, and this is a tree of righteousness.
It says, when you look, it's got something.
Look, look, look.
The fruit of the Spirit is love.
It's in your spirit.
When you were born again, the love of God will shed a burden in your hand, but the Holy Ghost.
It's there.
You have more than enough love for the whole world.
You got love inside.
Don't say, I don't have enough love.
Oh God, give me love.
Don't ask for love because it is there in you.
Bring it out.
Are you hearing me?
He's showing you what you have in your spirits.
The fruit of the spirit is love.
Say love.
That's number one.
Oh, glory.
See, I don't know.
My life has not been peaceful.
Stop in your tracks.
Stop as I got peace.
And once you say peace, peace will start flowing.
That's the way it is.
Somebody says, so simple.
Because you see, this is the name of Jesus Christ at work.
The Bible says that God has given him a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus Christ, every knee should bow.
Of things in heaven, of things in earth, and of things on that earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God, the Father.
Shout him in somebody.
That's what he says.
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering.
Long suffering doesn't mean suffering for a long time.
Just another word for patience.
Doesn't mean suffering for a long time.
They have been going to long suffering for some time now.
No, patience is talking about patience.
And then it says, jittleness, wow, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, against such there is no love.
All of this is in your spirit.
took a joy in me, had a joy in me, had a joy in me, sufficient to affect the world, had a joy in me.
Oh, glory to God, I got joy, joy, joy in me, loving me, peace in me, patience in me, glory to God.
He said, you know, I'm not a very patient man.
That was before.
He said, they said that I was like my grandfather, like your grandfather.
Now you're born again, you're like Jesus, not like your grandfather.
As he is, so are we, in this world.
Not as your grandfather.
Pa la caso de la maya.
Did they tell you you are really like your grandfather?
He said, no, that was before I was born again.
Now that I'm born again, I'm born after the last Adam, not after the first Adam.
Saka Baya.
Your spirit is just getting this thing, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Glory to God.
Mantaka Parabadi.
Inside me.
Inside me.
burns the spirit of the living gods.
The fire of God is in my spirit.
Some important facts.
Look at this.
Verse 24.
And they that are Christ, that means those who belong to Christ, they that are Christ have, oh, have, have, they are not trying to have crucified the flesh.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
With the affections and loss, if we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
Can you say, man, somebody?
So I live in the Spirit.
My thoughts are high.
I live in the Spirit.
Therefore, I walk in the Spirit.
He says, if we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
You see that?
The reality of the Spirit words that we have seen in the Word of God must be put to our daily walk.
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
That's what I read to you earlier on today.
In 1 Corinthians chapter 15 and verse 49, can we go back there?
I won't read it to you from the new English translation, okay?
I read it to you from the Amplified earlier on today.
I'll read to you from the new English translation.
1 Corinthians, 1 Corinthians in chapter 15, Psalm Antakapare, verse 49,
And as we have borne the image of the Etsy, in King James' says, as we have borne the image of the Etsy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.
You see, if you study this, as I mentioned earlier, ample evidence shows that the air is so junty is more appropriate.
And that is to say that this
futuristic terminology, even though it's in some manuscripts, is inaccurate.
But it is still consistent with scripture.
And that's why, if you have that in your translation, it doesn't mean something wrong with the translation.
It's still scriptural.
But the point is, what has been referred to in this place is not futuristic.
So I read to you from the new English translation, and I want to listen to this.
It's much like what I read to you in the amplified version.
It is, and just as we have born the image of the man of dust, the ethic, let us also be the image of the man of heaven.
Let us, let us be the image of the heavenly.
So now he says, if we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit.
If we live in the spirit, if these things are so, then let's put them to walk.
All right.
I daily walk.
Are you ready?
Ready, ready, ready?
Okay, so we'll move from this moment into what is going to be happening in the sessions tomorrow.
The demonstration of the spirit and of power.
All right, we're moving into that in the sessions tomorrow.
Glory to his name forever.
Ah, Yacama, Sethi.
Lira Osko, Jala Man.
Glory to His name forever.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.