The Power of Intercession Part 2
One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Revo is yours.
In part one of this exciting exposé, Pastor Chris explicated that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only solution to any man's problem, but the spread of the gospel can be hindered if we refuse to pray.
He also enlightened us that angels are ministering spirits and we can dispatch them into our cities and nations to halt the wicked works of the enemy.
The Bible says, the wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous.
But why are the righteous destroyed with the wicked?
When things were bad like this and wickedness prevailed in a nation, God has no option than to make them face the music.
But if my people will pray, if the church will pray, God will hear the prayers of His own children and hear their land, their country, their city, their states.
When is the right time to stop interceding?
You come to the point where you're offering sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving to God on the result of your intercession and then your confessions create realities.
Until you come to that, you may not prevail even though it's the will of God.
In this concluding part of the power of intercession by Pastor Chris, find out your responsibility as an intercessor and how to exercise dominion in your intercession.
God bless you.
How would you notice something?
The Bible says, if our gospel be healed, if it is healed, it is healed to them that are lost.
In whom the God of this world, Satan is talking about Satan, the God of this world, is the God of this system, is the God of the structure of this world.
The way things are going, Satan is the one that heads up that structure.
That's where there's a lot of trouble.
He heads up the system of the world that's going on.
That's why there's a lot of trouble.
That's why things aren't going right.
It's Satan who has things in the mess.
And so the Bible says in whom the God of this world said, and that blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine on to them.
And like I told you, when things were bad like this and wickedness prevailed in a nation, God has no option.
than to make them face the music.
He doesn't allow wickedness to continually prevail.
Remember something.
When men become wicked, he allows them to have wicked leaders.
And then their punishment is within their society and they destroy one another.
And crime and violence becomes the order of the day.
And you know what?
Not even the members of the church, not even Christians escape it.
because they didn't pray, because they didn't in a seat.
It becomes part of the judgment on that city and on that nation.
Judgment times come from time to time.
I want you to understand there's one big judgment they come in.
That's not what I'm talking about.
But when you study the scriptures, that different kinds of judgments that go on from time to time.
They go on from time to time.
This is shown us in the scriptures.
Let me take you to the Book of Ezekiel for a moment.
Ezekiel chapter 22.
Now, just before I read that to you, as a thought, I would like to bring to your mind.
You know, when God tells us to pray, there's a reason.
There's a reason.
When God tells us to pray, there's a reason he tells us to pray.
In Genesis, I'll tell you a moment ago about sort of
and what happened to Sodom, how angels were sent into Sodom.
And they patrolled the streets of Sodom.
And it was judgment time in Sodom.
And the people of Sodom didn't know it.
It was judgment time.
They didn't know it.
And God said, it's time to deal with Sodom.
I won't burn it up.
The judgments of God don't always bring fire.
You don't always bring water.
And many other things are happening.
From this particular occasion, God said, it was judgment time for pseudo.
And he said, I don't want to hide this from Abraham.
I'm going to tell him what I want to do.
So he spoke to Abraham.
And in Genesis chapter 18, the Bible tells us
He let Abraham in on his backs.
And he's going to destroy Sodom.
Now, I want us to read together from verse 23.
And Reverry will help us in reading that.
Genesis chapter 18, from verse 23.
We're going to read it all the way to verse 33.
And I want to listen very carefully to the reading of the scriptures.
Genesis 18 from verse 23.
And Abraham drew near and said, Would I also destroy the righteous with the wicked?
For adventure, there'd be 50 righteous within the city.
Would I also destroy and not spare the place for the 50 righteous that had their reign?
That'd be far from thee to do after this manner.
To slay the righteous with the wicked.
And that the righteous should be as a wicked.
That be far from thee, shall not the judge of all the earth do right?
And the Lord said, if I find in Sudan fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for the Azics.
And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken a point me to speak unto the Lord, which I am both dust and ashes.
Peradventure, you shall lack five of the fifty righteous, without destroying all the city from lack of five.
And he said, If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy it.
And he speak unto him yet again.
And said, Peradventure, there shall be forty found there.
And he said, I will not do it for forty sake.
And he said unto him, O, let not the Lord be angry.
And I will speak ye it, but this wants.
Prabhupadai shall tell you to be found there.
And he said, I will not do it, if I found play today.
And he said, behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord.
Prabhupadai shall be twenty found there.
And he said, I will not destroy it for twenty-six.
And he said, O, let not the Lord be angry.
And I will speak ye it, but this wants.
For adventure, ten shall be found there, and he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake.
And the Lord went as soon as he had left communion with Abraham, and Abraham returned onto his place.
For his God.
Now, notice something.
God had in mind to visit judgment upon Sodom, the land of Sodom, for their wickedness,
And he told Abraham, this is what I'm going to do.
And Abraham, the Bible says, Abraham, Juni.
The two angels who are with the Lord have been sent already to go to Sodom.
And the Lord will visit it with his judgment.
But Abraham delayed the Lord.
The Bible says, Abraham, Juni, and said, Lord,
Would you destroy the wicked and the righteous?
That be far from you.
Now, the Bible gives us the picture of Abraham, the incessor.
Abraham, he was in a seeding for Sodom.
He said, if there are 50 righteous men there, would you destroy it?
He's saying, I want you to understand the construction.
He's saying, Lord, you shouldn't destroy it.
If there are 50, if we can get 50, then God said, I agree with you.
If we get 50, I will not destroy it.
And then he said, let's assume a few people have seen.
What if we have less?
What if we have 45?
What if we have 40?
What if we have 30?
What if we have 20?
And all of a sudden God said, I will not destroy it if we have that many.
Then he said, what if we have 10?
Now, the question was not God.
If there are 10 people there, would you destroy it?
That was not the point.
It was intercession.
He was saying, Lord, if we can find 10 there, don't destroy it.
And the Lord would say, all right, if we have 10, I wouldn't destroy it.
So Abraham was actually interceding for those 10 as he interceded for those 50.
If we've got 50, if we've got 40, if we've got 10.
So he was interceding for those 10.
He says, don't destroy the righteous with the wicked.
What if we have 10?
And God said, all right, for 10 sake, I will not.
That's the way you interced.
You see, you innocent.
And I believe, and I'll show you why I believe that.
I believe if Abraham had gone on to say, Lord, let me pray for even five in soda.
And the Lord would have said, okay, if Abraham had gone on to say, Lord, for one person in soda, if we have one, I believe that God would have said, it's all right.
But the Intercessor stopped.
The intercessor stops.
Sometimes we stop too soon, my brothers and sisters.
We stop too soon.
Sometimes we're praying about a subject and we seem to be prevailing in our spirits.
And just when we should go on and finish it up, we stop.
We stop.
The many things that have happened.
Different from our dreams and our expectations and aspirations.
not because God didn't intend for us to have them going our way, but because we stopped too soon.
The Bible is replete with such information.
Who else or man or woman or God stopped too soon?
And instead of prevailing until their enemies were discompleted, they didn't prevail.
They stopped.
They stopped too soon.
Pastor Chris will be right then.
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God bless you.
Stir yourselves to take a hold of God in this concluding segment of the power of intercession by Pastor Chris.
God doesn't need a multitude.
And he says, I sought for a man among me that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it.
Will you be that agent of change in your nation?
And at that time the Spirit of God is prompting you.
He may not be prompting somebody else.
And you are not responding.
And maybe in the whole world, you are the only one who could have made up the hedge that day.
You're the only one who could have stood in the gap that day.
Be elevated to higher realms of intercession as Pastor Chris exalts you to yield to the promptings of the Spirit because God will do nothing in our world except we pray.
Listen and be blessed.
When we intercede, we should intercede until our spirits gained the dominion and we bust out in praise.
Did you notice what he said?
I pray, he said, I urge you that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men.
Giving of thanks.
You come to the point where you're offering sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving to God and then your confessions create realities.
You come to the point of pouring out confessions in thanksgiving and praise on the result of your intercession.
Until you come to that, you may not prevail even though it's the will of God.
even though it's the will of God.
Remember this, my friends, the will of God doesn't always work.
We are the ones who carry out the will of God, just because God has a will and the purpose doesn't mean it's going to come to fruition.
He's brought us into partnership with Himself.
Are you going to fail God?
Remember this, without Him, we can do nothing, but without us.
He can do nothing for us in our world.
He needs us.
This is man's word.
Remember this.
The Bible tells us that God gave man dominion in his word.
And as far as God has given man dominion, he will not come and use up that authority.
He's given man the dominion.
And man has a lease.
He has a time limit.
And as long as that Liz is running, God will not intervene except with man's invitation.
No wonder the great John Wesley, great man of God many years ago said, it appears that God will do nothing for man except somebody inviting, except we asking.
It appears that God will do nothing for man, except
We ask him.
He had come to that point in his life.
He found out God responds in answer to prayers.
God wants us to pray.
Jesus said, men ought always to pray and not to give up.
They ought to pray.
Why pray?
When God wants it done, because even though God wants it done, he needs man's invitation.
Because this is a world that is given to us and he has a period of time for men to run this world.
And as long as man has a lease on this world, God is going to intervene.
Think about a landlord who has a house that is put on lease and there's a tenant.
As long as that lease is running, the landlord just can't come and run things in the house.
He just can't come in.
So the lease is running.
This is man's word as it is today.
Until God folds it up, until that time is over, this is man's word.
The Bible says the earth is given to the children of men.
I'm just letting you understand your responsibility to your city.
Let me show you something here.
2nd Corinthians chapter 7, from verse 13, and listen to what God said to the children of Israel, if I shot up heaven, that there be no rain, or if I command the locus to devour the land, this is judgment now, this is judgment, and you know, the people don't know it's judgment, they just know that there's no rain, they don't know there's judgment, they don't know that something's gone wrong in the realm of the Spirit, and there's a response,
So God, God takes responsibility for such things.
It is, if I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locals to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people, did you hear that?
If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
their land.
God will hear the prayers of his own children and hear their land.
Their land is their country, their city, their states.
He will heal that state if my people will pray.
He didn't say the whole nation will pray.
My people that are called are my name.
If the church will pray, he will visit his peace upon the nation.
He will visit his love upon the country.
And then you'll be able to preach the gospel.
You'll be able to carry out the work of the ministry.
Take this seriously.
Why do many things happen to many nations, to many cities?
Why such destructions?
Why so many problems?
And then, you know, we kind of respond at the end.
When we find things have gone bad, now we're trying to pray.
Now we're trying to change it when the judgment has come already.
We've got to learn to pray at the right time.
And as I bring this message to you, this is God's Spirit bringing this message to you.
It's a timely message for you.
It doesn't matter which country, which city you're in.
It's timely for you today.
It's timely for you today.
I want to go to the book of Ezekiel chapter 22.
I want to read something to you.
I want to read from verse 30.
I think reading from verse 29 will be better for you so that you can get the picture or I want to paint for you now.
get this picture in your city, in your country, somewhere.
Now, this is the people of the land have used oppression and exercise robbery and have vexed the poor and needy.
Yeah, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully.
That means there's a lot of fraud, crime, corruption in that city, in that land.
And what does God say?
Look at it, in verse 30, and I sought for a man among them, among them, not a man in heaven.
I sought for a man among them in that city.
I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it, but I found none.
Therefore what?
Therefore have I poured out my indignation upon them.
I have consumed them with the fire of my rods.
Their own way, their own way have I recompensed upon their heads," said the Lord God.
See why troubles happen in many cities?
So why so much crime and violence and people are destroyed?
because no one to stand in the gap.
He said, I sought for a man.
He didn't say I sought for a team.
I told you, I told you, if Abraham had just gone on until he got to one, I needed to see that just for one man, one man could have saved the nation.
What am I saying to you?
You've got a personal responsibility.
And what I want to see is this, remember this, never think in your mind that some people are praying.
Because these judgment times are not fixed by us, they are fixed by God.
At that day, at that time, you may be the only one that the Spirit of God is prompting to avoid that judgment for that season.
He may not be prompting somebody else.
We don't know when these things come.
They come in God's own calendar.
And at that time the Spirit of God is prompting you and you are not responding and maybe in the whole world, you are the only one who could have made up the hedge that day.
You're the only one who could have stood in the gap that day.
And he says, I sought for a man among them.
that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy.
And remember this, this destruction is not talking about fire coming out of heaven.
No, it's not talking about the waters of Noah.
He said, I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath.
Their own way have I recompensed upon their heads.
That means the criminals became subject of crime.
They became victims of crime, but more wicked so that they will be judged in their own duties.
Now, here's a guy who committed a little fraud in his office.
He called it a little fraud.
But tomorrow, Androp has brick into his house and kill five people.
See what I mean?
they have these things going on in their cities, so many problems, harvests of their crimes, harvests of their lies, harvests of their wickedness.
So he says, he has recompensed their own ways upon them.
This is the judgment.
So fraud begets more fraud.
Little corruption here and there, a little corruption of deceiving during your exams has really tremendous results of being cheated at high levels.
all kinds of things taking place.
He's recomping upon them their own ways, their own ways.
So he's not talking about fire coming out of heaven.
He's not talking about water pouring out.
He's talking about the harvest of the various evils that men have committed that they may consume themselves, to destroy themselves.
Israel sought for a man a month to make up the hinge, to stand in the gap.
What am I saying to you today?
I'm calling on you to stand in the gap for your city and don't think that I know people praying.
You might just be the only one God waiting on on that particular day and time.
You might be the only one.
judgment may be set for 4 p.m.
in the afternoon on a particular Friday in your city.
And so much evil is going to happen.
It can be for several hours and that city is hair and spell bound by evil, wicked spirits.
Wicked spirits have gone out in that city.
What are you going to do for your country?
What are you going to do for yourself?
What are you going to do?
Thank you for listening.
We trust that you have been blessed.
The message you just listened to is a production of the Love World Media Ministry.
For more teachings by Pastor Chris on how to live a beautiful, successful, and vibrant life, you can order for the following messages, the importance of prayer, perspectives in prayer, and how to make power available for change by exploring the Pastor Chris Digital Library app.
God bless you.