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The Spirit, The Power and The Anointing Vol. 3 Part 2

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and he left us with a message to tell the untold, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and his unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
You are watching the International School of Ministry Minister's Network Conference with Pastor Chris.
Over 5,000 ministers of the gospel from over 145 nations of the world gathered to be taught God's Word at the International School of Ministry Ministries Network Conference, born annual reading conference.
Pastor Chris had been taking the ministers through several verses of the scriptures explaining vital truths about the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
In this part of the teaching, Pastor Chris admonishes the ministers on the importance of being prepared for the manifestation of the Spirit.
You learn these and much more as you watch this part.
Glory to God.
How important this is.

You know, if you go to chapter three, visions chapter three, let's read something from verse, you know, when I was studying these subjects, I remember, you know, those years ago, I remember going to the book for the writer,
distinguished between the spirit within and the spirit upon.
So I decided to go back to that book and look through his thoughts on this spirit upon.
I found out all the scriptures he quoted, all of them were the spirit within.
There was not a single scripture that supported the claim of the Spirit upon, even though the title of that section was the Spirit upon.
Not one supported the idea in the New Testament of the Spirit upon.

Which is better?
The Spirit upon you and the Spirit inside you.
So you shouldn't have any problem with that.
Because it's even better.
This is a better testament established upon better promises.
Glory to God.
But you know sometimes we are too used to a certain kind of language and communication is difficult for us to leave that.
And we'll keep saying that for a long time.
And some of us are going to wrestle with the communication.
We'll wrestle with it.
Okay, let's look at this.
Where we, like, I'm gonna pray for some of you here today.
What am I going to be doing?
Okay, see, wonderful.
Many of us have operated certain things in the Word of God.
Even while we're doing what was right, we were calling it what was wrong.
That means using the wrong name.
While we're doing something, but not understanding what we're doing.
in Romans chapter 1, read from verse 11, want to go.

That I may impart unto you some spiritual gift
You see, I told you, gifts are different.
Depends on God, what He gives to you, what choices He makes because of the calling on your life.
But then He also gives us the right to desire spiritual gifts.

He gives us a right to disaster spiritual gifts.
And that's why Paul could say, I long to see that I'm in part to you some spiritual gifts.
He's not saying, I will impart to you some power if you already have the power.
If you don't have the power, then I impart the Holy Ghost to you.
Because that will bring the power.
But you can have the Holy Ghost and only second gifts may be manifest in your life or maybe none may even be manifest in your life at a time.
But yet we know it is God's purpose to have the manifestation of the Spirit in every one of us because it says the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man among you, every man.

So each one of us must have the manifestation of the Spirit.
I want you to notice what it says, the manifestation of the Spirit.
Which means the Holy Spirit carries out His work, His ministry through us.
Never get worried or confused.
Don't say to yourself, what am I going to do when I get back?
If you don't have the answer, the answer is in the Holy Spirit.
He will speak through.
He says, open your mouth and I will fill it.
He will speak through you.
But always learn to prepare.
You know, very important.
You know, some pastors don't prepare.
Some preachers don't prepare.
Some ministers don't prepare.
And if you don't prepare, you will not do well.
You have to know.
It's a study to show yourself approved, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
He wants you to prepare.
You have to work hard on your ministry.
Work hard on your ministry.
Don't take it lightly.
Don't think, oh, when I'm ready, it will just go.
It's not like that.
God wants you to be hardworking.
He wants you to give time to prayer.
He wants you to give time to study, okay?
Give time to fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
You can move all over the place, move all over the streets, move from shop to shop, you know, visit everybody you can, and then after spending all the time and all the energy you want to preach.
There will be no flow.
You see, you might be grieving the Holy Spirit.

So learn to set time aside for preparation.
Set time aside so that the Spirit of God can guide you in what you should do.
Are you hearing me?
He always wants to guide you.
He always wants to guide you.
Glory to God.
Always, the Spirit wants to guide you.

Now, I was saying another nice scripture for you to see, which can help.
In divisions chapter three, verse 19,

He says, and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that he might notice a language, that he might be filled with all the fullness of God.
Doesn't that suggest that you are not yet filled with the fullness of God?
Because he's praying that he might be filled with the fullness of God.
Come on, talk to me.
It seems like a suggestion that you're not filled with the fullness of God.
Good, but here's the problem.
In studying the Pauline epistles, it is important for you to understand the various classes that Paul was communicating with and his style and method of communication.

I'll show you what's happening here.
If I take you into that, go to Galatians chapter 4 verse 19.
Read it for me.
Do you notice the language?

my little children of whom I travel in birth again until Christ be formed in you.
What's He saying?
You cannot understand it without studying the context.
You have to know where is Paul coming from?
What is he talking about?
Who are these little children?
Why does he call them little children?
Why does he say, I travel in birth again until Christ be formed in you?
Because certain things had happened.
If you go to chapter 3, it opens, asking them, who had bewitched you?
How are you misled?
They have been misled.
They have started following the flesh, trying to go through the law.
And so he corrects them.
And he lets them know, if you go after the law, you miss your blessings in Christ.
So he says, my little children offer my traveling bird again.
He said, I'm going to have to intercede for you again.
So he says, until Christ be formed in you, he is not suggesting that Christ is going to be formed, like you form something back into them.
He's saying, until you catch that vision again, until you are redirected, until you have the vision of Christ more clearly, the formation of that imagery of Christianity, what it is supposed to be.
in your heart, found in you.
Can you see it now?
So let's go back to Ephesians chapter 3.
This time we will start reading from verse 13.
So we'll get the context.
Ephesians chapter three from verse 13.
Wherefore, he says, I desire that you faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory.
You see, now you can understand something.
He's told them about what is going through.
He knows they may feel discouraged.
He says, wherefore I desire that you faint not.
Don't be discouraged at my tribulations, at what I'm going through, my sufferings.
on your behalf.
Don't be discouraged.
If these were grown spiritual men, they would not be discouraged.
Paul would not write this to them.
But he's writing that to his children.
Who he's trying to cancel.
Don't be discouraged.
Don't feel so bad about what's happening to me.
Don't be disheartened.
Are you following this?
So, next verse.
For this cause.
See, because of this, I bow my knees onto the father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
See, I'm praying for you.
He says, don't be discouraged.
I'm praying for you because of this.
I know, I know it's hard for you thinking about what I'm going to right now.
Don't be discouraged.
Because of this, I pray for you.
Now let's enter into it.
for this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit, where in the inner man, inside you.
Actually, the word strengthening there is wrongly, you see, the English doesn't paint it rightly.
It means to be invigorated.
So he's not saying the Holy Spirit was strengthening you.
He's saying that you'd be invigorated.
That means this power rushing through you, making you lively.
But the Holy Ghost, in the inner man, there are no sissies in God's army.
He wants to invigorate it.
Oh, glory to God.
No day for being downcasts.
Nothing like, oh, I don't know what's happening today.
Today I just don't feel happy.
Today I'm not just normal.
Invigorated from within.
Glory to God.
I never have a discouraging day.
No way.
No way.
No way.
No way.
It never happens to me.
And it will never happen to me.
Because God has sent us the Holy Ghost to invigorate us.
Bobbling all the time.
Bobbling all the time.
Now, if that is not your experience, because I know sometimes there are people who think that everybody has
a day of madness.
And then some say, everybody has a day of weakness.
The Bible says that she may be able to stand on the evil day.
So when that evil day comes, he doesn't say, check it out.
He doesn't say, lie down and feel sorry for yourself.
He says that she may be able to withstand.
We stand in the evil day.
And having done all stand.
That was a put on the whole armor of God.
That he may be able to withstand.
He says, take unto you what the shield of faith with which you shall be able to quench neutralize all the fiery dots of the wicked one.
Oh, glory to God.
Put on the whole armor of God.

No day for discouragement.
No day for I just don't feel like myself today.
I don't know what's happening to me.
You got the Holy Ghost?
All right, back that verse.
that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be invigorated with might, might as venomous miracle-working ability by his spirit, the Holy Ghost, in the inner man.
He didn't say upon you, in the inner man, inside you.
Next, look at it.
That Christ made well in your hearts by faith.
I told you.
When will Christ dwell in your heart?
You see, it's praying for them.
What is saying to them says, I'm bringing this to your consciousness.
So you can be praying, oh God, I pray that Christ may dwell in my heart, but didn't you receive Jesus Christ?

So you see, he's praying for these children, their spiritual children, they don't understand it yet.
That's why they could be discouraged.
So when you read the writings of Paul, you have to understand what is he saying, and what does he expect of you?
I'll tell you what is expected.
How do you read this?
I'll tell you.
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith.
Are you aware that Christ is in you?
Are you aware that Christ is in you?
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith, that he, being rooted and grounded in love,
This is just showing you the purpose of God, the plan of God, God's desire for you.
That's what he wants.
So how do, okay, let me know, go ahead.
Step by step.
That Christ may dwell in your hands by faith that he being rooted and grounded in love.
When will that prayer be answered?
I want to know from you.
That Christ may dwell in your hands by faith.
When will it be answered?
When will it be answered for you?
I mean for you, in your life.
When will that Christ may dwell in your heart by faith?
When will this be answered in your life?

Is it reality?
He already dwells in your heart.
So you don't need the answer of this prayer.
But you may be praying for some babies in the church, for some newcomers in the church, for some wigglings in the church,
For those that are not Zillos in the church.
So how does this bless you?
I'll tell you.
Okay, next verse.
We have to read it from 17 into 18.
that Christ made well in your hearts by faith, that he being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with our saints."
You see that?
So he wants you to be able to comprehend with our saints.
So there are some saints that already comprehend it.
And the word comprehend is the Greek Catalan banu.
It means to take it and make it yours.
It means that that revelation has become your personal possession.
Take it and make it yours.
That you may be able to comprehend.
Take a hold of it and make it yours.
Live in it.
With all things.
What is the breath, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let, and let,
two lines, that's where I want to get to, that's why we came here.
That he might be felt with all the fullness of God.
Now first of all, what does he mean by all the fullness of God?
All the fullness of God here refers to everything, ah yeah, everything about the personality of God and everything that belongs to him.

It's a word, Pleroma.
He's referring to everything that is consistent with his personality and his wealth.
That he might be failed with all the fullness of God.
When the Bible says, Jesus Christ, that the fullness of the Godhead, in Colossians chapter two, verse nine, that the fullness of the Godhead bodily dwellers in Jesus.
He uses the same word.
The totality of divinity resides completely and totally in Jesus.
Then in the 10th verse, he says, and ye are complete in him.

So it shows you the will of the Father.
He's the Ziah.
and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that He might be fair with all the fullness of God.
Oh, oh, when will this happen?
When will this happen?
Brothers and sisters, the day you receive the Holy Spirit, it actually became a reality.
Now, what do you do with this verse?
I want to tell you.

Go back to verse 15.
If you were reading this verse every day, when will it be fulfilled?
If you were quoting it every day, verse 15, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he will grant you to, oh God grant me, according to the riches of your glory to be strengthened with might, when will it be answered?
And will you know when it is answered?

Lord, I thank You that You have granted me, according to the riches of Your glory, to be invigorated and therefore am I invigorated with might, by the Holy Ghost in my inner man.
Lord, I thank You that Christ dwells in my heart by faith, and am rooted and grounded in love, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And I comprehend with all saints the breath and the length and the death and the heights in another love of Christ.
That so passes scientific knowledge.
And I am filled with the fullness of God.
Blessed be God.
I am filled with the fullness of God.
Glory to God.
That is Christianity.
The Bible says all the promises of God in Christ Jesus are yes, and in Him a man to the glory of God.

That's how to use the Word of God.
That's how to live in the Word of God.
He said it that you might respond.
What is your response?

We're not through yet, huh?
Go to verse 20.
Now, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.

You know it.
According to the power that's work is real, in all is going on.
Where does the power work?

Glory to God.
According to the power that worked in us.
He didn't say that it's coming upon us.
Glory to God.
That worked in us.
Next verse.
Onto him be glory in the church.
to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages war without in and everybody said amen.
You see, you are the spiritual giant.

You are big on the inside.
Somebody said, you know, if you come against demon spirits and you are not very anointed, they could destroy you.
What in the world?
What did Jesus say?
In my name, they shall cast out devils.

He said, these signs shall follow him, that believe, and the one who believes has what eternal life.
He that believe it has eternal life.
So you are not of this world.
You are born from above.

And because He are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit, ayah, ayah.
The Spirit of the Son to dwell in you.
He said the Holy Ghost will live in you because you are sons, because you are His child.
So the Holy Ghost has taken up His abode in the quarters of your Spirit.
Demons are afraid of you.
You don't need a special anointing to cast out devils.

I mean, I cast out devils all the time.
If I didn't cast out devils, then somebody could have said, Pastor Chris, you don't know what you're talking about.
But I cast out devils.
In fact, I hardly talk to them.
Sometimes I do like this and they're gone.
Glory to God.
So that's not a special anointing of cast-out devils.
No, we are children of the living God.
Glory to God.
He says, He are of God little children.
And you have overcome them because not everything that is in you.
That He that is in you.
Put it on the screen.
Look at it.
It says, yeah, God need the children.
And have overcome them.
Because... Ah!
Say, I'm anointed.
I'm anointed.
I'm anointed.
step one second just a second say it like this I'm anointed with the anointed of Jesus Christ that's it

As the 5,000 ministers and leaders spanning across over 145 nations of the world were present at this life-changing meeting feasting on God's Word.
There is more to come in this concluding segment.
Pastor Chris, begin to speak on who Jesus is and why He came, admonishing the ministers on the importance and benefits of setting their gaze on Jesus.
Watch and be inspired.
Sit down.
Jesus Christ was the master soul winner.
And I'm a soul winner.
Because God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and now has committed unto me the message of reconciliation.
Christ is in me now, reconciling the nations to Himself.

So I'm a soul winner.
I'm a soul winner.
I'm a soul magnus.
I'm a soul magnus.
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I'm a soul magnus.
The Bible says the multitudes strong to hear him preach.
What was different about Jesus?
He brought a message from the kingdom of God and he manifested the love of the Father.
Hear me.
Let your life be full of the love of God.
Remember that verse we just read, and to know the love of Christ, which surpasses scientific knowledge, to know the love of Christ.
I told you, I said, if I were to take on that, that part of the verse alone, I would spend a month on it, to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge.

He wants you to walk and live in the love of Christ.
How can you preach Jesus without love?

It's not possible.
It's not possible.
You may preach religion.
You may preach a religious Jesus.
But to manifest the living Christ without love is impossible.

Because Jesus Christ, when he came to this world, he was the manifestation of the love of God.
He was God's love revealed to us.
He was God's love in the body of a man.
He was love made flesh.
He was the sovereign definition of love.
You want to know what love is?
Read about Jesus.
Study Jesus.
I tell you, if you will set your gaze on Jesus, it will alter your personality.
Because the more you look at him, the more you become like him.
And the truth is, as you see him in the Word, you discover something.
You look at Jesus in the Word, you don't see his face.
You see your face.

That's what you see.
You see your face.
When you look into the Word of God, you see yourself.
The more you read about Jesus, the more you know you.
The more you discover who you really are because Jesus came.
First, to show us God.
Second, to show us who God sees us to be.
It's called the Son of God and the Son of Man.

You'd find that your life has changed.
Your value for human beings would change.
The way you see people would change.
That's really when you discover you are a sole winner.
Human beings now mean more to you than anything in the world.

Then you discover there are no ugly people.
There are no ugly children.
Suddenly you have a new way of thinking.
Many years ago, when these things began to work in my life, precisely from 1985,

I started undergoing some changes in my life and ministry.
By 1987, some of my friends had difficulty recognizing me.
One day, three of them came to see me.
And one of them asked the question.
He said, I have a question.
He said, you have changed.
I said, what do you mean?
He said, you're different.
I was waiting for him to tell me what he thought changed.
He said, you're not like the way you were.
I said, I know what you mean.
I'm not like that fire fire like that.
You say yes, yes.
Because some of you, you didn't know me when I used to preach like that.
I used to preach like a gone shot.
I was so fast in talking.
One day, my mom was listening to one of my tapes.
She was sitting somewhere where it was being played on the other side, and she was hearing.
Finally, she called me.
She said, who's talking?
I said, this is my tape.
She said, does anybody understand what you're saying?

You know, I preached in one man's church one time.
I was moving so fast and talking so fast.
By the time I was standing on top of the loudspeaker, I didn't realize it.
They told me later, I stood on his loudspeaker.

And I knew how to... Be sure your sins shall find you out.
You have sown the wind and you shall reap the well wind.
Oh my goodness.
When I preached like that, oh...

I was modeling after the Prophet Jeremiah and, you know, Moses.
I was going after those guys.
I was going to be like one of them, one of the Old Testament prophets, hot firebrand.
I thought that I had a ministry to bring sin out of the people.
I didn't know Jesus already did that.
I was trying to help him out.

I loved it when I preached and all the people were crying about their sins.

When I discovered Jesus, I wept.
I didn't know he loved the sinus so much.
Second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 19.
Read it, put the NIV on.
It gave me a new meaning, a new way of thinking.
That God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting people's sins against them.
I didn't know that.
I didn't know He was not counting their sins against them.
I thought He sent me to count their sins against them.
And I had very few results.
at very few results.
But the power of God was in demonstration with few results.
I mean, the place would shake.
The power was much, but I wasn't bringing many in.
I wasn't retaining many.
They were coming and going.
coming and going, coming and going, coming and going.
You see, the miracles will not keep the people.
It may advertise the work, but it will not retain the people.
There's more in ministry.
First thing is the manifestation of genuine love.
Very important.
genuine love.
It's a first thing.
You know, human beings can know when you have value for them.
It's very simple.
Practice it, practice it, practice it, practice it, practice a new communication.
How do I communicate?
Because you can have something in your heart and you're unable to share it.
But you want to share it.
Did you ever love somebody that didn't know you loved him or her?
Happens too often.
more than it should.
And then maybe even though you loved him or you loved her, and that person walks away like you didn't, but you did it.

Think about that.
But you won't be able to communicate it.
In that case, think.
Go back to the Bible.
See how Jesus taught.
Look at what He did.
How can He say God wants you to win souls and retain them?
You understand, he doesn't want your ministry having continuous exchange.
New people come in, the former ones go.
New ones come, the former ones go.
So you continue to have this church of 250 members, constant.
But you are winning new people all the time.

Let me tell you, if I were to stay in this building and be preaching to you that I passed us for just one month,
Another size of this group will be outside by the end of one month.

This is the reality.
It's what has happened in my ministry for years.
If I'm somewhere, if I'm ministry, before long, it just keeps going, going, going.
I don't have to say anything in unusual.
No, just sharing the word.
Just sharing the word.

So it's something you have to look at and say, okay, okay, how can I make that connection?
How can I make that difference?
Practice it, try, practice it, practice it.
One of the nice things you can do for yourself
Try and record yourself preaching and look at you and see whether you like what you're doing.
You may like it, you may not.
If you like it good, improve.
If you don't like it, good, change.

Hear the sound, hear the sound of your voice.
Find out whether it's okay or you sound like you're quarreling with everybody.
And then the language of communication.
Are you always rebuking the congregation?
Every time they come to church, you are rebuking them.
Is that all in your Bible?
Rebuk, rebuk, reproof.
Is that all there is?
What about the instructions for living?
What about the edification?
Then don't you have anything else in the Bible?

Or do you get angry when the offering is not big?

Do you look at the offering when they are given?
Do you get upset?
Because the rent is due and they have not given.
Do you get upset?
Never let those things upset you.
God never brings the congregation so that they will give the money to the ministry.
That's not the reason they come.

He doesn't send them for that purpose.

That's not the reason.

So then, don't get upset if they're not giving.

When they give, it is not for you.
They're giving to the Heavenly Father.
So it's not your business where it's small or big.
They're given to their heavenly Father.
So if he's not angry, why should you be angry?

But of course, it's important that you teach, that you instruct, that you guide, you open the Word of God to help them understand it,
It's very important that you do so with patience.
With patience because sometimes some people will hear and hear and hear and hear again before they start adjusting.
Some are listening but not hearing.
Because they're looking.
You know, I've been the pastor for years.
I know how people think.
They're looking at you like this, sitting and looking at you while you're talking.
Then you say, what did I just say?
And he says, eh?
Because he was looking.
But he was not hearing you.
He was thinking of something else.

And you might even have been causing dissonance.
You might have been responsible for his dissonance.
I don't know whether you heard me.
I mean that you may have been distracting him without knowing.

For example, I try to make sure my tie is right.
Thank you.
You see, that's important because sometimes the minister, the tie is wrongly placed and they are still, they're using their heads to straighten it.
So they are distracted.
All the time they are listening to the minister.

So before you come out, just take a look at the mirror.
Or you can ask someone, am I okay?
Because you don't want to distract someone who constantly is trying to arrange something for you.

Blessed be the Lord.
Who daily loaded us with benefits.
Boy am I blessed.
I'm so, so, so blessed.

Can we look at Philippians chapter one,
Verse 7.
Read it for me.

Now when you study the writings of Paul, he did state very clearly that God gave him a grace, a special grace for the work that he called him to do.
And so he walked in that grace.
Now he writes these Philippians
Christians and says, he all are partakers of my grace.
See, meaning that they received of that blessing that God had given to Paul with regards to his ministry.
And that's the kind of thing that he was talking about in Romans 1 verse 11, when he said to them, I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift for the purpose that you may be established, established.
As one of those things that God expects us to do as ministers of God, establishing
the church, God's people, through the words and the impartation of the grace and gifts that He's bestowed us with.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
You remember when in Acts 13, when the Holy Spirit said, separate onto me,
Paul and Bonavas for the work we're on to, I have called them.
The Bible says, the prophets and teachers who were in Antioch that were gathered together with them, they have been fasting, brought them out and laid hands on them.
They prayed for them and let them go.
And the Bible says, and they being sent thoughts by the Holy Ghost.
That's amazing.
They were sent forth by the Holy Ghost.
But it was the other ministers who laid hands on them and sent them away.
And the Holy Ghost went with them to do mighty things through them.
We're going to minister to you.
And in the next 12 months, by the time you see again next year,
you would have a marvelous story for us.

Remember, Satan is not a big deal.
He is no big deal.
Am I right?
He is no big deal.
He is defeated.
He is not a factor.
You know, there's a lot of people talking too much about the devil and trying to do something about the devil.
Jesus already did something about the devil.
He's been subdued.
And I'm just riding and winning all the time.
Glory to God.
Over 5,000 ministers of the Gospel from over 145 nations of the world are definitely returning back to their countries with their lives upgraded and improved.
They were imparted with spiritual gifts and graces for the work of the ministry.
