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What is Ministry Part 2

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.

In this segment, learn how you can use the Word of God for His glory and your benefit.
Also, learn the difference between speaking God's Word and responding to God's Word.
All this and more coming up.
Be blessed as you watch.
You are watching the International School of Ministry Ministries Network Conference with Pastor Chris.
This conference had in attendance over 5,000 ministers representing over 105 nations.
Are you getting this?
Okay, let me show you some names.
In dealing with the word of God, there are two things.
And that's why every minister of God has to see God's word from a very different perspective.
Moses did.
Moses said, the commandments of God are your life.
You see, he didn't see them as commandments.
The children of Israel saw them as commandments.
Moses saw them as life.
Moses said, if you will do these things, he shall live.
Say, he thought about God differently.
He said, if you will do these things, he shall live.
The others were just trying to obey God.
Moses said, no, you live in them.
This is your life.
I want you to understand.
The scriptures are the revelation of your personality.
Do you get it?
The scriptures are the revelation of your personality.
The scriptures are also the revelation of God.
The scriptures are not given to you to control you.
They are given to you to know who you are and how to live the life that God has given you.
So when you study the scriptures, you are looking at God's mirror.
You are seeing yourself.
You see the difference?
Another person studies the scripture.
He thinks that God is trying to control his life.
But someone who understands and sees the scripture as a mirror.
He's excited.
And that's why some people can understand why some of us are always so glad when it's time for the word of God.
We're excited.
You know, when I started the church at the earlier stages, we didn't have all the instruments and all those things, you know, that would help to make a lot of things nicer.
But I knew one thing I had.
I knew that if they came to church, I didn't have anything to offer them in terms of beautiful music.
I didn't have nice shows to offer them.
I didn't have interesting activities to give them.
But I had one thing, the Word of God.
And so I made up my mind that when they came to church, I would give them God's Word in such a way that when they left the church and went back home, the Word would come back to church.
Did you know I had several services?
They didn't even know that they didn't have any praise worship.
They didn't even realize till the service ended.
I was sharing the word.
They were there, just enraptured, listening to the word, captivated by the word.
They didn't hear any music and they didn't know it.
And by the time I was concluding, service was over and they were, oh, they didn't want it to end.
I said, I'm out of time.
Oh, what am I saying to you?
The Word of God is all thanks.
The Word of God is everything for us.
It's the most important thing in the house of God.
Most important thing.
Give it attention.
I tell our pastors, no matter what you do, no matter all the nice things you're going to give in church, the Word of God is number one.
That's the only thing that changes lives.
The Word may be presented, because as we develop, we experience a lot of things.
We learn how to present God's Word.
Sometimes we present it in music.
The Word of God can come in good music.
And that's why we always must be careful about what is being sung in the church.
Because sometimes, some of the kind of music that you hear in the church can be so negative and produce a negative life, a negative mentality that is very difficult to eradicate.

Negative music, but it don't know it.
And they have nice melody.
And that's why some of us don't like to part with them, because this sounds so nice.
How can I give this up?
Give it up.
It could destroy you, so you've got to give it up.
It's destroying your faith and you don't realize it.

So when you have songs in the church, don't just sing because they're nice.
Listen to the song.
Is it right to sing it?
Is this right?
Is this the right song for a Christian?
Some so-called Christian songs are not Christian at all.
I'm trying not to think of any now because I don't deal with anybody's song.
Praise God.
Okay, so about the word, the two things I often tell people about God's word, one of them is, I'm talking now about how to use the word for your benefit and the glory of God.
Remember, Jesus said something, the words that I speak unto you,
They are spirit and they are what?
Spirit and life.
That's important.
So when I speak the word to a dying person, life will come.
Is that correct?
When I speak the word to a dying part of the body, life will come.
Because the word is spirit.
The word is life.
So if I speak to a situation, I'm speaking spirits and I'm releasing spirits to that situation.
That's how we deal with situations and circumstances.
We release spirits and life.
But that's not all about the word of God.
There's more.

Speaking God's Word and responding to God's Word are two different things.
And we have to teach God's people how to speak God's Word and how to respond to God's Word.
Many think they are the same, but they are not.
Most have never been taught how to respond to God's Word.
And many don't know what it is to actually speak God's word.
Speaking God's word and responding to God's word are two different things.
And this is one reason some people are speaking the word to a situation, speaking the word to maybe a certain problem, maybe in their own body or in someone else, and then it's not working.
And they say, but I was speaking the word.
What were you supposed to really do?
Speak the word or respond to the word?

They're two different things.
And then sometimes Christians who are seeking healing.
And then they try to read all the healing books they can read.
Are you reading the right material or making a mistake?
Sometimes they don't know this.
The Bible says healing is the children's bread.
Not the kingdom bread.
children's bread is for the children.
Not kingdom bread.
When you study the whole of the New Testament, it helps you to understand who needs healing.
The one who needs healing is the child in the house of God.
Don't let it offend you.
It's true.
The Bible tells us, is there any sick among you?
Is there any sick among you?
Because he knows there's a possibility.
But then he says, let him call for the elders of the church.
And I always like to remind the members, as it didn't say, let the elders go look for them.
as much as we like to visit you and look for you and follow you up.
If you get sick, don't say they didn't come to visit me.
The Bible says, let them call for the airless.
Did you call for the airless?
Don't wait me and say nobody came to visit me when I was sick.
Did you stand for the airless?
He's in the sick among you, let them call for the airless.
You've got to call for the airless.
If you didn't call for them and they didn't come, you were the offender, not them.
Because you didn't call for them.
The Bible says, call for them.
Not wait and see if they'll come.
And he didn't say, let them wait for the errors.
He says, let them call for the errors.
You've got to call them.

Praise God.
See, members have to know their responsibility, too.
They've got to know, as believers have responsibilities, the members of the church, they have responsibilities as well.
And they have to be taught correctly.
And so he says, let them call for the elders of the church.
So what if the mayor has get sick?
Who are they going to call?
Because the elders don't get sick.

Oh, I know someone.
You're sitting there and you're saying, well, you know.
There's a difference between truth and experience.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you for pointing that out.
But I've got something to tell you.
That means you're not a narrator then.
Because it just means you didn't understand it.
You didn't understand it.
Because by the time you become an elder, you understand this.
You don't get sick.
You say, but what about what I was feeling?
By the time you become an elder, you know what an elder is?
An elder in the gospel?
I don't mean that they made you an elder.
I mean that you are an elder.
In the gospel of Jesus Christ, do you know what this gospel is?
is a gospel of eternal life, life for your spirit, for your soul and your body.

So what about what I was feeling?
You were not sick.
Okay, okay.
I can say I was not saying then.
No, that's not what I'm telling you.
Understand the difference.
See, that's why we need to grow.
It's important.
The Bible says, forced to grow in Greece and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
You know, there's a term.
No, let me not go into that.
It might take us too far.
But are you following what I'm sharing with you?
Very, very important.
I'm dealing now with how to use the word.
And I said there's a difference between speaking the word and responding to the word.
Now, let's examine two portions of the Bible and I could go to several others, but for the sake of time, I'll pick simple ones that you'll probably be acquainted with.
Let's begin with speaking the word, okay?
When we speak the word, where, how, in what situation do we speak the word?
And what is the word?
Boy, you're so quiet now.
All right.
Let's take an example from Jesus Christ.
A story that you're very much acquainted with.
Matthew's Gospel chapter number four.
We'll begin with verse one.
Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.
Now, when you study the synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, you'd find the stories sometimes are such that in second cases where they report the same story, it will look as though the events have been modeled up.
A took place before B in one writer, and then B took place before A in another writer.
And, you know, sometimes we get a little troubled about some of the differences.
Well, you have to understand something.
They were dealing with different groups of readers.
John's Gospel chapter 19, let's look at verse number 20.
You remember what Jesus was crucified.
So in John chapter 19 and verse 20, it says, this title, the title, well, this is Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, okay, on his cross when he was crucified.
It says, this title they had read many of the Jews for the place where Jesus was crucified was night in a city.
And it was written, the title was written in Hebrew,
or Aramaic, and Greek and Latin.
It was written in three languages.
So the different groups of people could understand what was written on the cross of Jesus, what his accusation was, what the charge was.
Now, there's an uptick, gospels, you would find,
Matthew was writing to the Jews, to the Hebrews.
He was writing to them.
Mark was writing to the Romans.
Latin, choir, Luke was writing to the Greeks.
And in dealing with language, you will understand that sometimes when we speak,
Our stories don't go in the same way.
In a certain construction, I can say, I am going to London.
So in one language, when you translate it, it will be, I am going to London.
Now, in another language, when you translate it, it will be to London, I am going.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
It will seem to read the other way.
And these stories and these writings were not given in chapters and verses.
And so when you're reading in one particular language, in which it was addressed to a second group of people, you'll find they're bringing everything into the Greek.
They're bringing everything from these different language into the Greek, from where we get the English.
So their differences, they didn't all come from the same language.
Are you following this now?
And then you'll find also the differences in the details, the focus.
They weren't trying to focus on the same thing, even though it was all about Jesus.
The war I'm trying to show that Jesus Christ is the Savior, the Messiah, King of the Jews.
And it tries to trace him.
You say, look, this one is the son of Abraham, the son of David.
So he has the kingship.
He traces him to Judah.
Are you following this?
Another one is only concerned.
about just a little detail that the Romans need to know.
They don't need all the details of Matthew trying to convince the Jews of who Jesus is, of his lineage.
And then you find, here's this guy Luke, a doctor, he's writing primarily to the Greeks, but he addresses it to a particular man, Theophilus, who will help make the message known.
So he has another set of details to give him for the Greeks to understand who Jesus is.
He presents him as a healer, a miracle worker.
So he gives all those details.
You're following the difference.
Now what about John?
John writes to the whole world.
He looked at all the differences of their writings and sees the challenges in the differences and seeks to explain them in his writings.
And John has one purpose.
He wants everyone to know that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.
You find several things that are common in the writings of John.
Talk so much about life.
He's concerned about the whole world.
You find the word word in his writings more than any of the other writers.
Life, Word, Son of God.
He presents Jesus as the Son of God.
Son of God.
He says in he wasn't life.
And the life was the light of men.
Are you still there?
Still on this inspiring teaching, the man of God, Pastor Chris, teaches on how to use the word by speaking the word in contrary situations.
Be blessed as you watch.

And when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights, he was afterward and hungry.
I mean, from the way the story is, if you don't understand it, you might say, oh.
What's going on here?
But just follow the story and get the substance, okay?
All right.
When the tempter came to him, he said, if thou be the Son of God, command these tones to be made bread.
If you are the Son of God, command these tones to be made bread.
What is Satan doing?
Questioning his sonship.
Because just proud of this,
God declared from heaven, this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
And Satan comes and says, oh, really?
If you are the Son of God, command these stones have been made bread.
One would have expected, all right.
I want to command these stones have been made bread.
Jesus will not take instructions from Satan.

Next verse.
But he answered and said, good.
See how he replies the devil.
It is written.
And what does he do?
He quotes the scripture.
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the Mount of God.
He says, it is written.
He speaks the word.
He quotes the word.
He says exactly what God already said by the mouth of Moses the prophet.
It is written.
When do you speak the word in a situation like this?
When you are replying the thoughts that Satan is throwing against you.
When you're replying the voice of circumstances against you, you say it is written.
then say what is written.
Say what it is.
Say what it is.
And don't try to put it in your own words.
Say what it is.
Jesus didn't try to put it in his words.
He said, it is written.
And he quoted the word.
He spoke the word.
Brothers and sisters, you've got to have the Word of God in your heart.
He wasn't trying to give the interpretation.
He gave the word.
Look at it.
But he answered and said, it is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God.
Here's another word.
Then the devil take it him up into the holy city and set it him on a pinnacle of the temple.
Somebody said, hey, the devil take it him up.
He took Jesus up.
How many of you can see that in your Bible?
No, no, open your own Bible.
Whatever your version is, I want you to open it now.
It's time to be sure what you are seeing.
Is it the same thing?
Mostly yes.
It says that they will take him up into the Holy City.
But let me explain to you.
When it says that they will take him up, he is not saying that Satan took Jesus and said, that's my younger sister.

Now, he's not saying that Satan grabbed Jesus.
And took him up.
The Greek is paralambano.
What it means is to join yourself with one and go alongside with him.
as though taking the opportunity to be with him.
That's what he did.
So Jesus is going and Satan joins up with him.
Come or dates him, so to speak.
Like you say, that guy is going over there.
He's like, oh, come, welcome.
Like I've received you.
Can you see that?
But it's not really receiving, but accomodating you, going together with you.
That's what Satan did.
That's the min of paralambhana.
Do you get it?
Okay, so let's redone.
Then they never take any more into the holy city and set him on the paracal of the temple.
And say it unto him, if thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down, for he's written, he shall give his angels charge concerning thee, that in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.
Somehow means coach the scripture, leaves out some important details.
That's what the devil did.
But let's go to what Jesus did.
Next verse, Jesus said unto him, it is written again.
Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
It is written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
You see that?
You'd be amazed how many times Satan has come in these same manipulations, different ways.
There are other things that they ever can tell you.
There are other things he can question in your life.
But you use the word in those circumstances.
Use the word by speaking the word.
That's why you need the knowledge of the Scriptures.
Jesus said you are because you know not the Scriptures.
You need to know the Scriptures.
But how can God's people know the Scriptures if the pastors and the teachers and the ministers don't teach the Scriptures?

I've got to teach the scriptures for them to become interested in the scriptures.
He said, it is written again, thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God.
Next verse.
Again, the devil take it him up into an exceeding high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of him.
Same way, same ticket, same parallambano.
You're following this?
And he says, he showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them, all in the moment of time.
Next verse.
And said unto Jesus, he said unto him, all these things will I give thee that will fall down and worship me.
Is that if you just worship me, I'll give you all of this.

it may not come to you like this plainly.
You see, why did he tell Jesus with these things?
Because he knew that Jesus knew that he was to be king.
You see it?
And so he pushes.
He appears to what he expects him to have.
He's not going to tell you I'll give you the whole word if he knows that you never had that kind of thing.
Jesus was born from the family of Judah.
The scepter shall not depart from Judah.
That's what the Bible says.
The kingship rests with Judah.
Jesus Christ was called the Son of David.
Then he was a descendant of David.
So Satan says, if you fall down and worship me, I'll give you the whole world.
Let's see if I can do that.
I can do that.
If you're someone who's drunk with power, you love power, and you love to dominate others, he can tell you.
If you just join politics, I'll make it a governor.
You will not hear the voice just like that.
He wouldn't take you to the mountain like it took Jesus.
It may not be like that.
He can pass another way to bring it to you.
And the next thing you know, you start wondering whether you were supposed to have been in the ministry in the first place.

If thou be the Son of God, command these stones of a made bread.
If you are truly called of God, why don't you have the money for the property?
Why don't you have the money?
But why?
If you are truly called of God, then you think.
Because I've been praying a long time, if God were truly with me.
I said, I wanted this building, another pastor got it.
I said, I wanted the other one.
This is the fourth building, and another pastor is already negotiating to get it.
If I'm called, why?

If you know not the scriptures, you won't have the right reply.

Let's look at the next one.
Next verse.
Then said Jesus unto him, Get the hands, Satan, for this written thou shall wash up the Lord thy God, and him only shall thou serve.
Glory be to God.
And what's the next verse?
Then the devil leave at him and behold, angels came and minister unto him.
Where were the angels all the time?
They're watching.
They were there.
They're watching Jesus and the devil.
He's got to win this thing or we're not coming in.
Somebody said, if the angels of God were here, how come the devil's been talking to me and telling me this?
Look at that.
You've got to use the word, honor the word, and the angels of God we honor you.
Honor the word.
Once Jesus honored the word, the angels came and the minister donned to him.
But many of us won the administration of angels without honoring the word of God.
Well, it doesn't happen the other way.
So, notice what Jesus did.
He used the Scripture.
He quoted it.
He spoke it.
If you don't know it, you can get in the trouble.
So, that means in our spiritual conflicts with the adversary and adverse circumstances, we speak the word.
Is that correct?
Okay, now, Ephesians chapter 6.
Let's quickly look at something here.
Let's begin with verse 12 of Rohari, reading it into the 16th verse.
Before we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
In high places.
Some things happen in some places.
For example, deal with Jesus.
Are you still here?
Let's finish this.
Sometimes you have many things you want to share, you know?
And we've got to keep it small so that we can finish it.
We rest or not against what?
On course and aunties.

We're not wrestling against our neighbors, or even other pastors.
Glory to God.
Put against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in Africa.
Is that what he says?
No, because you know in some places they think that all the demons were driven away long ago and they all settled in Africa.

In some places they don't think demons exist.
When you start talking about demons and the devils they say, that must be in Africa.
There must be a lot of devils in Africa, right?

Hallelujah, South Korea.
Look at it.
It says, the rulers of the darkness of this world, not the rulers of the darkness of Zambia.
This world.
Who reads a God?
Okay, verse 13.
Who therefore take on to you, glory to God, the whole armor, not some, but the whole armor of God that he may be able to withstand in the evil day.
Brothers and sisters, there's an evil day.
That evil day comes to anybody.
We are for want.
So when that day comes, it may not come the same day to you as it may do to me, but there's an evil day.
And he warns us to be prepared for that evil day.
So that when that evil day comes, you will be standing.
Some fail when the evil day came.
Some complain against God when the evil day came.
When trouble came, they were broken.
They were shattered.
The Bible says, if you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.
He says, wherefore take on to you the whole hammer?
Not some, the whole hammer of God that he may be able to withstand, to withstand because there are forces lying against you, the common against you, but you will be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to remain standing.
Haven't you seen where those restless, wrestled and wrestled and both of them fell and they counted and no one got up?
But he says, have them don't know to stand.
He's the one who remains standing that wins.

After all said and don't come by any.
After all the misads thrown against you.
Look at the next verse.
Stand there for having your loins get about with what truths Jesus said, thy word is truth.
Truth and having on the breastplate of what righteousness, next verse, and your feet shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace keep preaching how beautiful upon the mountain at the feet of them that publish peace.
saying unto Jacob, thy God reigns.
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Look at this 16 verse.
He says, above all.
Now, some versions don't get it.
They try to reinterpret or to try to interpret what the scriptures trying to say.
And so they say, over it, like
And looking down from above the others, that's not what I say.
And some others say, included in this.
He says, above all, it's a word of prioritizing.
It means that this more than anything else, above all, as important as all of them are, this one is so important.
Look at what he says.
I'm all taking the shield of faith.
He kabata, naked.
The shield of faith is as wherewith, he shall be able to quench all the fiery dots of the wicked shall amen somebody.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of unseen realities.
In this concluding segment, the man of God, Pastor Chris, teaches on how we should walk by faith and not by sensory perception.
You are watching the International School of Ministry Ministries Network Conference with Pastor Chris.
This conference had in attendance over 5,000 ministers representing over 105 nations.
Be blessed as you watch.
Let me show you why.
This is above all.
I want you to understand.
Okay, good luck.
First, the Peace of Saint John chapter 5.
Let's read from verse 1.
you'll see it now.
Who's so ever believe it?
That Jesus is the son of God, or Jesus Christ is born of God?
Who's so ever believe it?
That Jesus is the Christ is born of God.
Anybody who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God.
And everyone that love it him, that begots, love it him also, that is begotten of him.
If you love God, you will love his son.
Some people say, well, I love God about this Jesus.
I don't know about him.
So how did you know God?
You cannot know God until you know Jesus.
You see it?
You can't.
You can't know God.
Jesus, the Bible says, reveals his father.
Next verse.
What now?
By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments.
Next verse.
For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments, and His commandments are not grievous.
Oh, next verse.
Here, for what so ever
is born of God, overcometh the world.
Whatsoever is born of God, overcometh the systems of this world.
Whatsoever is born of God, overcometh the financial systems of this world.
What so ever is born of God overcomes the judiciary systems of this world?
Are you listening to me?
What so ever is born of God?
Overcomes the world.
And this is the victory that overcomes the world even our thanks.
Our faith overcomes the world.
This is above all taking what the shield of faith with which you shall be able to quench, put out, neutralize all the fiery dots of the wicked.
See how important faith is?
How important faith is?
Faith brought you into salvation.
The Bible says, without faith, it is impossible to please God.
Hebrews 11 verse 6.
As important as love is, he didn't say so.
As important as all of these other things.
He didn't say that.
But he said, without faith, it is impossible.
Even if you put every other thing together, he says, without faith, it is impossible to please God.
How did Abraham please God?
So when the Bible says, above all, go back again 16th verse, Ephesians chapter 6.
Above all, taking the shield of faith, where it shall be able, it shall be able.
That means it is dependable.
It will suddenly happen.
It didn't say you may be able.
It says you shall be able.
No speculation.
Above all, taking the shield of faith.
Where is?
Where is?
Oh God, it doesn't matter what comes against you.
Where is?
He shall be able to quench all, not some, all the fiery dots of the wicked.

What is faith?
Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1, now faith is the substance of things hopeful, the evidence of things not sin, giving credence to unseen realities.
That's faith.
The substance of things hopeful, hallelujah, the evidence
of unseen realities.
The title deed don't seem realities.
That's what faith is.
So when you start walking by faith, other people may not see it, but you can see it.
You are rejoicing at the unseen.
You are looking at the unseen, but they can't see it because they live in the realm of the senses.
But the Bible says, the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God.

But you are a child of God, we walk by faith, not by sensory perception.

So what are we seeing?
The invisible.
We look at the invisible.

We look at the invisible.
Glory to God.
So when you're walking by faith, you're seeing things that others are not seeing.
They can't understand why you are rejoicing.
No, they can't understand it.
Because anybody like you should be looking sad.
But they can't understand it because they don't see what you see.
They don't live where you live.
In Him we live and move and have our been.
I am an in Christ man.
Christ is in me, but I am in Christ.
Your life is ahead with Christ in God.
So you live in Christ and from Christ to the world.
Then you find that your spirit is always a glow, always a glow.
I'm shining on the inside all the time.

Glory to God.
Put him back up there, 16th verse again.
We're not through yet.
Above all, taking the shield of faith.
Oh God, taking the shield of faith.
Never let your faith go down.
No, no, no, no.
No, polish your faith.
Are you hearing me?
Listen to words that brush up your face.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
Don't listen to things that destroy your face.
Listen to things that build your face.
Strengthen your face.
Increase your face.
Are you hearing me?
I don't reach tough that destroyed face.
No, no, no, no.
I have time for that.
How listen to people who've got something to say that weakens faith?
No, no.
You have to decide where you want to live in life.
Ha ha ha.
You know, there are those who are always listening for the news, but there are those who make the news.
The difference.
They're not the same.
You decide where you want to play.
If you keep reading the news, you will never make the news.

Glory to God.
Because you want to make an impact.
Listen, I told you yesterday, we didn't come here to play games.
We have a mission.
We are set on a mission.
We've got a job to do for the Father.
We have to make the necessary impact everywhere we go and everywhere we are.
When we arrive, the anointing has arrived.
The glory has come.
When we come, God has come.
Hey, you have a Messiah.
Glory to God.
Listen, where is Paul the Apostle?
He's gone to heaven.
Where's Peter?
He's gone!
Where's John?
He's gone!
Battle home, you mad you!
They've gone!
They've gone!
Who's here today?

Glory to God.
You're still there?
Look at the next verse, the 17th verse.
Very, very powerful.
17th verse, Ephesians chapter 6.
and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
This is what I want you to notice.
It says, take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
This time he uses a term, not logos, but Raymar, the spoken word of God.
You see?
The word that God has given, this is Rehma of God.
It is not your general understanding of what God has said.
No, it is not going to be general.
It is not the logos.
It is not the body of all truths.
No, that's not what we're talking about.
He says, take with you what?
The Rehma of God, the spoken word of the Na.
That's what works with God.
At that moment you release that word.
because it's the sword of the Spirit.
The sword of the Spirit.
Usually those things come with a prophetic voice.
You see, there is the quoting of the Scripture, but there is the prophetic voice of God's Word.
That's how Paul wrote the Timothy, he said, with the words of prophecy, are that concerning you?
You can make war.
That means what did God say about you?
earlier on tonight, Bishop Thomas Rocky was giving a prophecy concerning me.
And I received that word of prophecy.
And in the name of Jesus, it will come out of my mouth like the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, the ramer of God.
What do you do to prophecies that God has spoken concerning you?
You use them to make war.
when Satan comes on that evil day and starts throwing words against you, you bring out what God said about you.
You said, God said, just say it to the Lord.
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay,
Did you learn to write down those prophecies?
Sometimes when God talks to me, you know, maybe He's talking to me about me.
And I write, what He said.
And so when I press the Lord, you said this.
You told me this.
And sometimes He gave me instructions.
And said, I want you to do this.
That's the Lord you told me to do this.
And I've done it.
That's what He said to do.
And I've done it.
It's part of accountability.
You have to be accountable to God and the things He says to you.
His words are not for nothing.
If He speaks to you about you, take it seriously.
Otherwise, you're not being accountable.
What has God said about you?
That means if you couldn't even write down what God said about you, He couldn't have trusted you with scriptures.
I am still there.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
Blessed be His name forever.
I'm being... Listen, something is happening in my spirit.
I'm scared.
Stared of the Holy Ghost.
Stared of the Holy Ghost.
Stared of the Holy Ghost.
Did you know that when we're many certain people, I've seen so many times where someone who was sleeping, especially children, when they're sleeping in the meeting, sometimes crippled, deaf, blind, and they're sleeping.
And then in the meeting, they're healed.
And the parents come excited and say, I can't understand it.
The child was sleeping.
And then they woke up and said, I'm walking.
Or suddenly said, I'm seeing.
Or I was deaf and now I can hear.
But the child was sleeping.
That's the mercy of God.
And then some of the adults want to receive the same kind of miracle.
They say, oh, that child could be
They don't want to sleep, but it's not like that.
As an adult, if you sleep, you can miss your blessing.
You can miss your moment.
You can miss the opportunity.
Because many times the Spirit of God speaks, He wants to address you personally, and then you sleep.
What happens when you sleep?
Jesus is like His Father.
When a disciple slept, what Jesus do?
First time he came, they said, oh, oh, Master, sorry, we were very tired.
He said, OK, all right, can't you watch with me for just one hour?
It's not a long time, just one hour.
So he went back, pray.
Somebody says, Pastor Chris, but it's more than one hour.
You've been here.
So, and Jesus went away and prayed, came back, they fell asleep again.
I said, Master, sorry, we're tired.
So sorry.
Then, they said, we'll surely be with you now.
So Jesus went back and prayed.
And they were sleeping again when Jesus showed up.
What did Jesus say?
He said, stop it.
He said, sleep now.
Keep sleeping, it's too late.
And it was too late.
They had told them, pray that you enter not into temptation.
The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
He said, pray that you enter not into temptation.
But they didn't pray.
They were tired.
And when trouble came, they denied the Son of God.
The Bible says they fled and left Him.
And when Peter was asked, do you know Him?
He said, I've never met Him before.

But Jesus knew that Peter was going to get into that trouble.
He said, Simon, Simon, Satan has desired to have thee that it may sift you as wheat, except what I have prayed for you, that your fate fail not.
When you are converted, when you are restored, he said, pray for your bread bread.

Glory to God.
Instead of crying from there and say, Lord Jesus, since you prayed for Peter, stop praying for me now.

Well, there's something that we've got now, which is so beautiful, at the time that Jesus prayed for Peter, like that, the Holy Ghost hadn't come.
And now the Holy Ghost has come, all right?
And you want the Holy Ghost to pray for you?
Do what I told you yesterday.
Likewise, the spirits also help us our infirmities.
For we know not what to pray for as we are.
Is that correct?
So what does he do?
The spirit himself in the seeds for us with groanings.
That cannot be art.
That's how He prays for you now.
He prays for you through you.
And it's as effective as when Jesus prayed for Peter.
Glory to God.
Speak another note.
Pray in the Holy Ghost.
Pray in the Holy Ghost.

Over 5,000 ministers from across 105 nations in attendance at this life-changing conference will return back to their respective catchment areas with their expectations met, having a clear understanding of God's word and an increased anointing for the work of the Lord.
