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Volume 2

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
People is yours.

You may be seated.
Where is the Lord Jesus?
How are you doing?
How's your week been beautiful?
You know, some people tell us, don't eat this, don't eat that.
All the nice things we would like to eat, they tell us not to eat.
It looks like all the good things are the bad stuff.
So to be healthy and normal, eat all the ugly ones.
What do you think?
Let's say if you eat a lot of eggs, it's bad.
You take a lot of bread, it's bad.
Take a lot of rice, it's bad.
What are you gonna eat then?
There's a state with fruits and vegetables.
Raise God.
So fruits and vegetables are nice.
So long as they're the nice ones.
So they say, if you are rich, watch out.
You're going to hell.

That leaves Jesus out.
What do you think?
I mean, that leaves Jesus out.
And Jesus can't be in heaven because he's rich.
They say, well, he was the lowly man of Galilee.
Yes, lowly man of Galilee, not low man of Galilee.
There are two different things.
He was the lonely man of Galilee, not the low man of Galilee.
Don't believe in poverty.
Did you hear me?
Don't believe in poverty and weakness.
Don't believe in it.

That is not the gospel.
unbelieving it, believing what the Bible says, believing what the Bible teaches.
The Bible says the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the earth and the fullness.
In other words, all the nice things in the earth belong to God, not the devil,
The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.
You cannot have any more riches than you have in the earth."
Did you hear me?
You can't have any more earthly riches than what there is in the earth.
Hey, come on.
Come on.
Are you listening to me?
You cannot have any more riches while you're in this earth, earthly riches than you have in the earth.
All the earthly riches you could ever have would have to be in the earth.
But the Bible says the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.
It all belongs to God.
So if you have it,
And it means that you're of the devil because you have it.
That's strange.
That's a contradiction, right?
Don't believe in that.
Don't believe in that.
Believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
He gave us authority over the world.
The earth belongs to us.
It belongs to us.
We are only forbidden of coveting anything that anybody else has laid claims to and is entitled to at the moment that is still entitled to it.
Did you hear what I said?
Glory to God.
But there's so much in the world.
Malthusian theory said the population is gonna explode and there will not be enough food in the world.
Well, he didn't understand what was gonna happen in the world at the time.
Population has exploded, but there's still more food in the world.
Where is God?
All right.
Okay, I want to read a few scriptures
First, from that theme, scripture, in the visions, the thought chapter, thank you, Holy Spirit of God.
I feel you're not into the Holy Ghost.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Come on, my goodness.
Thank you, Lord.
So gross, still a hasta, gish.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
So I want to read that, the visions, chapter three, verse 19,
this time from the amplified translation.
You ready?
That he may really come to know, or should we take it from your King James first?
Okay, let's read it from you, King James, so you know what we're talking about.
And to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge that He might be filled with all the fullness of God, to know the love of Christ, the love of Christ, which surpasses knowledge, the love of Christ, to know, I said, that's Ginozco, all right, the love of Christ, which surpasses scientific knowledge,
that she might be feared with all the fullness of God.
That she might be feared with all the fullness of God.
And we talked about all of that the other time, okay?
But now I said, I want to show you from the amplified for some reasons.
And I'm reading the amplified.
And that she may really come to know practically through experience for yourselves, the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge without experience.
That you may be feared through all your being,
This is the area I want you to observe.
It says that he may be feared through all your being onto all the fullness of God, may have the richest measure of the divine presence.
He wants you to have the richest
measure of the divine presence and become a body, holy, feared and flooded with God Himself.
Holy, completely, failed and flooded.
He's trying to explain Pleroma.
Holy, feared and flooded with God Himself.
Man, oh, man.
If we ever comprehended that reality, I just wonder what happened to us if we ever comprehended that reality.
We talked about Elijah the other day and what he did when he faced the Jordan.
And he wasn't filled with God like we are.
He had the unknown upon him.
He had the presence of Holy Spirit abiding upon Him, upon Him.
We have that presence in us, in the richest measure.
Now, the richest measure was the best way the English could render it in the amplified version.
According to the Bible, it is without measure.
Oh, dear.
Oh, dear.
Let me show you something else.
What do you turn to?
It's one of those scriptures that we looked about, but still the amplified version.
I want us to look at Colossians chapter one.
Colossians chapter one.
Oh, glory to God.
Are you still there?
You remember what we read this particular one, they said that it pleased the Father that in Him should all fullness dwell.
You remember that?
Should all fullness dwell.
It pleased the Father that in Jesus.
This was what Jesus knew, that made him different from others.
He knew who He was.
See, it doesn't matter what you have.
If you don't know about it, you can't use it.
Do you understand?
It doesn't matter that you have something.
If you don't know how to use it, it's not going to work.
I remember several years ago, when these computers were coming out, they had the 286, if you remember, the 286, Pentium 286.
When the 286 came out, we were working on some magazines at the time, and then shortly after that, the 386 came out.
So, I bought one of the newest then, just when it came out, one of the best ones at the time.
I had it sitting on my desk for two years, didn't know what to do with it.
He was there, couldn't find my way through it.
He was there.

Until I got somebody in,
I noticed she did something and printed it out.
So I came to look at it and I said, boy, how did you do this?
Why did you do it?
She said, from the computer.
I said, from this thing, here, she said, yes.
I pulled me a chair and sat there and said, show me what you did.
I've been wishing to be able to do such things all my life.
And here I had a computer, and I didn't know how to find my way through it.
That was amazed to find somebody as I said, when did you learn this?
She said, I learned it here.
You learned it here.
I've had this thing for two years.
That's when I began to learn how to use the computer.
See, the people who have the computer on their desk, and all they do is type with it.
They just type.
That was, they used to have word perfect.
You remember word perfect?
Some of you have forgotten word perfect.
Now they have known from word perfect to word, and that's all where you are.
Excel word.
That's not all the computer can do for you.

So I said, Jesus knew who he was.
The farmer says, he pleased the father that in him should all fullness dwell.
Listen to his confession.
He said, I and my father are one.
He had the audacity to make such proclamations.
He said, if you have seen me, you have seen the father.
He said, I am in my father and my father is in me.
If we had such conversations, if we had such communication, if we had such confessions on our daily walk, what will happen to us?
What will happen in the world?
I just wonder.
And yet this is the reality.
Let me read about that for you in the Amplified Version 19th verse, chapter book of Colosians.
This is, for it pleased the Father that all the divine fullness, the song taught out of the divine perfection, powers, and attributes,
He's trying to tell you what Pleroma is.
Do you get it?
He's trying to tell what it means when you say the fullness of God dwelling in you.
He says, please the Father that in Jesus in him should all fullness dwell.
Now he says, what do you mean here by this all fullness?
He says, the sum total of the divine perfection, the divine powers, the divine attributes should dwell in him permanently.
Not when you feel like it.
Not when you have fasted.
Not when you haven't done something wrong.
God doesn't come and go.
Are you hearing me?
Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will come and abide with you forever.
Permanently, make his home in you, permanently, permanently like that.
Permanently, dear Lord Jesus, oh, permanently, I like it.
To live in me permanently.
Oh, he has found the resting place.
David said, oh God, I want to build you a resting place.
I find that you've been moving from tent to tent in different generations.
I want to build you a resting place.
God said, no, David.
You've fought so many wars.
You spit a lot of blood.
Let your son Solomon build it.
Then Solomon builds God a house.
But you know when the singer gains God, he destroyed it.
He said, this cannot be my permanent home.
I'm going to make me a permanent home by the Holy Ghost.
Now we are his body, his flesh, and his bones.
Somebody shout hallelujah.
Oh, go in a God.
He's found Himself a rest in place in me.
Oh, glory to God.
He's found Himself a rest in place.
This is His home.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Colossians chapter 2.
Thank you, Lord.
You know, when we were studying three kinds of knowledge, three kinds of wisdom, this was one of those scriptures that I introduced to you and shared with you several times.
And that's in the third verse of Colossians, the second chapter of the Book of Colossians.
Just a little scripture there, but very powerful, telling us who Jesus really is in the process, who we are.
You ready?
First we'll read it from the King James, okay?
In whom?
Now the last word in verse two, we're talking Colossians chapter two, verse three.
Now the last word in verse two is what?
One more time.
Everybody now.
Because, you know, it goes on into verse three.
Christ in whom?
You get it?
In whom are Heed, all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
In Christ are Heed, all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
He says, in Christ are Heed, all the treasures of Sophia and Gnosis.
This is all a scientific knowledge.
It means a knowledge about everything.
All right?
He's got knowledge.
He can teach you anything.
He's got the wisdom.
All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
in Christ.
Oh, glory to God.
I want you to understand this.
God decided to deposit all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge in Christ.
And I'd like to remind you that the last word
in the second verse of the second chapter of the book of Colosians.
To whom all these beautiful things in verse 3 are attributed is the word Christ and not the word Jesus.
How are you hearing me?
And when you come to Christ, when he talks about Christ and he doesn't specify and say, Jesus Christ.
And when he says Christ, he means the head and the body.
When he says Jesus, or Jesus Christ, he talks about the head.
That's Jesus the Christ.
But when he says Christ, he refers to the head and the body.
That means Jesus in his church.
So the wisdom of God and the knowledge of God, all wisdom and all knowledge is in the church.
That means I have access to it.
You have access to it?
Oh boy, come on here.
This is wonderful.
Say this with me.
I got access to always the mama, mama, mama.
You see, it sounds so big.
Access to all wisdom.
Access to all knowledge.
Access by the Holy Ghost.
I got access.

I said, I found I'll never be born my life.
I'll never be broken my life.
I'll never suffer in my life.
I have access.
I'll never fail in my life.
I have access to all wisdom.
Access to all knowledge.
Because it's all hidden in Christ.
and I am in Christ.
We all wisdom is He.
We all knowledge is He.
Let's read it from the Amplified.
You ready for it?
Oh boy.

In Him, all the treasures of divine wisdom, comprehensive insights into the ways and purposes of God, and all the riches of spiritual knowledge and enlightenment are stored up and lie hidden in Him.
All of it.

How can your business be suffering?
See that?
When He has given you divine insight and foresight.
I tell people, use your mind, man.
Use it.
Your mind is anointed.
When you think you have access to divine revelations, when you think divine ideas, your ideas are not ordinary.
When you understand what it is to be full of the Holy Ghost, you cannot do something foolish.
Not you.
See, a lot of us haven't come to understand who we are in Christ.
Because for the most part, most Christians have never been taught.
You see, I'll give you a simple example.
Imagine an idea coming to Moses
a divine inspired idea.
But because, you know, he was desperate.
He did anything.
When we are desperate, we'll do anything.
When we are desperate.
We'll be ready to try anything.
Anything we're told to do, we're ready to do.
When we're desperate.
For some people, that's the only way they could have found Jesus or rather received salvation.
They say, I found Christ.
But, you know, that's the only way they could have received salvation because they were desperate.
You don't have to be desperate.
Moses was desperate.
And instead of, oh God, what do we do now?
God said, don't pray to me now, Moses.
Stretch your hand over the water and divide it.
That's what God said to him.
Stretch your hand over the water, over the red sea and divide it.
He was desperate and he was praying to God.
Oh God, the Egyptians after us were in danger now.
What are we going to do?
But look at Elijah.
He didn't pray.
He wasn't desperate.
He didn't consider swimming.
Are you hearing me?
He just got to the Jordan and took out his mantle.
For that he passed!
The water spilled open!
Wow wow!
And he went on dry ground!
That's Elijah!
Elijah said mine, oh man.
That's what Moses did when he was desperate.
That's what Joshua did when he needed direction.
Elijah doesn't ask for anything, he just push.
So when he saw him taken away, he said, where is the Lord God of Elijah?
That's Elijah now.
And he struck the water, push with the same mantle and the spit water open.
And he too weighed through.
I like Jesus, you know?
Jesus, are you listening?
Jesus wanted to take it higher.
He said, the only reason, the only reason God said to Moses to speak the Red Sea wide open was because they never figured out
They never figured out, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Oh, glory to God.
Glory to God.
When he saw the Red Sea, he thought, we are hand in.
We are hand in.
We are hemmed in, never crossed his mind.
He said, we are hemmed in.
Oh God, what are we going to do?
When Elijah got there, he couldn't think of anything but what Moses had done.
I've got to be on the ground, you know.
Elijah had the same thing.
He said, I've got to be on the ground.
Jesus said, doesn't make any difference.
It doesn't make any difference.
When you understand the Son of God, you understand what I'm talking about.
He doesn't have any inhibitions.
He just walks right on top of the water.
Ha ha!
They waste no time trying to speed it wide open.
He said there's no difference.

Are you still there?
Because in Him was the fullness of the Godhead.
The fullness of the Godhead.
And guess what?
That's what He said about us, that He might be filled with all the fullness of God.
If you're filled with the fullness of God, how can you have a wound that doesn't heal?
It just doesn't sound right.
Somebody said, I've had this wound now for four years.
What is it doing there?
I don't understand.
I've been cheating the tongue to it.
Stop cheating the tongue to it.
You're not an ordinary person.
See, what kind of meeting is this?
This is a gathering, you know, somebody said, it's a gathering of lions.
It's not a gathering of lions.
It's a gathering of eagles.
It's not a gathering of eagles.
What is this thing?
These are the reps.
Do you understand?
Of the general assembly.
Listen, listen, you, you, you have to do what you gotta do for your constituency.
Are you still there?
Oh yeah!
That's your, that's your sphere of contacts.
That's your constituency.
All those within your sphere of contacts.
Bring the blessings of God to them.
It's your job.
That's what the Bible says.
This is a special meeting.
When we come together like this, heaven knows we'll gather here.
And we have access to all the divine blessings that he said in that third verse of the first chapter of the book of the
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who hath blessed us?
Would all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ?
Who hath blessed us?
I'm blessed.
Blessed be God.
Have you been doing it?
Blessed be God.
Blessed be God.
Blessed be God.
You know, when God talks to you, I said, you don't have to be in a desperate situation to learn, to know God, to listen to God.
Do you want to say it?
You don't have to get into a desperate situation.
Learn the function at a higher level, doing the right things at the right time.
All right?
Instead of getting anybody will listen to anything desperate situation, but don't get there first.
Then you find in your life you're doing big things.
You become a mystery.
People can understand how you function.
In fact, there's that wondering about you.
You know how this world is.
If you're successful, they say you can't be honest.
You know, there was no what you said first.
No, that's not it.
There are blessings, untold blessings, all about us every day.
Learn to say this every day.
I receive good things to me today.
I receive good things into my life today, in the name of Jesus.
You see, the right people are coming into my world today.
I've got the ideas, the finances, the personnel that are consistent with the life that God has given me.
I received them into my way today in the name of Jesus.
I declare that this day a function in God's life and in God's ways for my life.
You see, some people are functioning outside the ways of God for their life.
And where they are, there's a lot of trouble.
There's a lot of struggle, because God didn't send him that way.
They're not in the divine plan.
I told you, you find yourself in the wrong track, talking tongues, and get yourself out of there.
Talking tongues and use the word.
Talking tongues and use the word, I refuse to be in this place.
I refuse, call by, as you're speaking on the tongues.
You've got to begin to enlighten your spirit to show you where you are to be, where you are to go.
I shouldn't be here, I should be here.
Align your spirit correctly.
Align your spirit correctly.
I said hallelujah.
Glory to God.
I'm filled with the fullness of God.
I'm filled with the fullness of God.
I'm filled with the fullness of God.
Son hallelujah.
Oh praise God forevermore.
Who are you?
I said, who are you?

Who are you?

Say this and I get an excellent mind.
See, let me tell you this.
This, some of these things that you're saying, so commonly, to the minds of many, many Christians, you are boasting.
This is, you are boasting for nothing.
You know why?
And then some people say these things and they don't work.
You know why?
Because they don't understand that they are based on principle.
You get it?
They are based on principle.
They are based on knowledge, divine knowledge.
That's why they're not empty words.
And so when I say, say this, say this, and you say it, the reason is, I'm trying to get you to learn the right communication.
You can't say these things and then go back and say some other things, that corner dicks what you just said.
You know, you get in prayer, oh God,
I know I've been confessing that I'm strong, but you know the truth I'm really weak.
I can't hide it from you.
You think you're being humble and honest.
Oh God, I really want to be honest with you.
I've been confessing that I'm rich.
I am rich in Christ.
But Lord, you can see I don't have nothing.
Now you're just contradicting
Repeating all the wonderful blessings that God made, availability.
You think you're really being honest.
Oh God, I know I've been confessing that I'm healthy and strong.
But this my sickness has been here now for five years.
You see, I just want to be honest.
You know some people talk like that.
They say, actually I knew it's wrong for me to see.
But I just want you to know what is happening to me.
They don't understand faith.
Bible says without faith it is impossible to please God.
You got to understand this.
We don't say it so that it will become so.
We don't say that we are healed so that we would be healed.
We don't say that we are strong so that we will become strong.
Are you listening to me?
We don't say that we are blessed so that we might be blessed.
We don't say we got money so that we will have money.
We don't say we have a job so that we can have it.
We don't say it so that it should become.
No, it says we having the same spirit of faith as it's written.
I believe and never have I spoken.
We also believe and therefore speak.
We say it because it is so.
Are you listening?
Faith means that you have seen it in the spirits.
Faith means that you have taken a whole of it.
Faith is not an empty paper.
Faith is the title deed to unseen realities.
It means I've got the proof.
I've got the proof.
It is the evidence.
Do you understand what I'm talking about?
How can you hold the evidence and come back and say, even though I have the evidence, I am not telling the truth.
That's what you're saying.
The Bible says, yeah, let God be true and every man alive.
Faith is the evidence.
You know, sometimes we're trying to get somebody to sympathize with us and then we lie.
I know, I've been saying that it is gone, but the truth is, it is not ill gone.
How you, you, which of them do you think is the truth?
Because you won't sympathy, because you won't prayer.
So every time you see it, it's still there.
Faith means it's dead, even though it's there.

The growths may look bigger.
You say you empty growths, you're dead, dead, dead.
If you stay here 10 years, 10 years, I'm going to be telling you you are dead.
And you are not a factor in my body.

Say, Barack, what about when you can feel the pain?
You said, never making her or you want to.
You're not going to get me to say I'm sick.
With his stripes, I was here.
If I was here there, I'm still here now.
Stand your ground.

Porsed to the collusion, I've been beholding your solid fronts.
There's a solid front of the Christian.
You know what?
It is to present a solid front.
We're not weak.
We're not chicken-in-outs.
We stand our ground.
We present our solid front.
I'm not backing off.
Come on, somebody.
I stand my ground in the name of Jesus.
They had a solid front.
They were not intimidated by the adversaries.
So we say it because in our spirits, we have taken a hold of it.
It is real.
It is real.
It is real.
It is real.
So don't come back and say, well, I don't know.
I don't know.
I thought I had it, but you know the crazy, you know, in our ministry, even if you're going to trouble, you see, you have to say that you have it.
You know some people, that's the way they think.
They think this thing about, you know, especially for people who have been to different ministries, you know, they got a terrible time, you know, in one place, they were out there kicking the devil with their legs, you know, then they got another place and then they were cussing their enemies and then they got to another place where they had to go like this and then they'd be into several places and then they come here and they're here, keep saying it!
Don't stop talking it!
I said, this is another one.
In this one, we just keep saying it.
We don't stop talking it.
We keep saying it.
Even if you're dying, you keep saying it.
Can I tell you something?
It is better to die saying it than to live in fear.

It's better.
It's better to die talking God's talk than to live with the devil seeing your life.
God said, he that over comets shall inherit all things.
He that over comets.
What do you mean by over comets?
That overcoming life is talking about is when everything walks against you and you still maintain your face and you remain unshakable, unmovable.
This is then you win.
We don't speak God's word just because of this word here.
This is not the end of everything.
The reason for sharing the word, for believing the word and speaking the word in our lives is not because of things in this word.
It's better to align with God.
Even if you had to live in a valley somewhere or known and unreached by anybody.
What if you were in isolation?
What if you're kept in prison somewhere?
What if?
What if?
And you had nothing, no way to go out on a persecution.
You were locked in like watchman knee that they're in prison.
Did he give up his face?
When he waited and waited and he wouldn't give up his faith, he maintained his confession.
He kept proclaiming that he was a prince.
He kept proclaiming that he was a son of God.
Then they said, all right, they couldn't take it anymore.
They came in and pulled out his eyes and caught his tongue and caught his limbs and caught his hands and left him there to die in a prison.
Guess what?
He still won?
To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
He is still one.
He can give up his faith.
So we don't say these things just because we want everything around us to be fine.
It doesn't matter where you are in the world.
The world belongs to you.
You see that?
You see, you are identified with your great Heavenly Father.
That's what really matters.
The joy inside your spirit.
Joy doesn't come to us because our car is running fine.
Joy doesn't come to us because we have nice food in the fridge.
Joy doesn't come to us because everything around us is all right.
We got joy on the inside because the Holy Ghost dwells inside us.
We are in fellowship with God.
Shout him in somebody.
Oh, glory to God.

Give him praise, give him praise, somebody give him praise.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
Oh glory to God.
Worship him.

Well, blessed was strengthened, were refreshed by the power of the Holy Ghost.
We are refreshed, hallelujah.
Oh, glory to God.
Blessed with His presence.
Blessed with His goodness.
Blessed with His word.
I'm blessed in the Holy Ghost.
I'm blessed in the Holy Ghost.
I'm blessed in the Holy Ghost.
I'm blessed in the Holy Ghost.
Oh, glory to God.
Go ahead and worship.
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God bless you.