The Human Spirit - Part 2
One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirit.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
People is yours.
I said that when we got started, we said something about the human spirit.
How many of you remember or at least how many of you were here at that service when we started a new subject?
Can I see a handout?
Okay, great.
And we said that man is a spirit, okay?
So the real person is that spirit.
Your body is not you.
You are not a physical body.
Doesn't matter what you look like.
That's not you.
The real you is a spirit.
Even though I hope you understand that grammatical construction, it should be the real you are of spirit.
But you get one as it is, trying to make you understand that emphasis.
So you are a spirit.
Your body is your house where you live.
What character of personality you come up with is the penance on the quality of your spirit.
Whether you're hot tempered, soft minded, harsh,
Don't blame your grandfather.
Don't say they said my grandfather was hot-tempered.
That's why I'm hot-tempered.
Doesn't matter what grandpa was like, this is you.
This is your character.
This is your personality.
What you do with it,
is your responsibility.
And whether or not we are successful in life depends on the character of our spirit, the quality of your personality.
And the beautiful thing about it and for what purpose we are studying the subject is that
Your spirit can be developed.
Your spirit can be trained.
You see, your spirit is malleable.
You can change the character of your spirit.
And there is a material with which that can be done.
It is the Word of God.
So the human spirit is the real person.
So today we go on to the next thing, that it's the human spirit that's recreated.
When you are born again, it's the human spirit that's born again.
Your body is not born again.
Your soul is not born again.
Your soul is saved but is not born again.
Your body is not born again.
It's your spirit that's born again.
Now you remember I quoted for you first, we actually opened it first as Alonions in chapter five verse 23, where is it I prayed God your whole spirit, soul and body, you remember?
Be preserved blameless onto the coming of our Lord, all right?
You remember that?
Okay, your whole spirit, soul and body.
It's your spirit that's born again.
By receiving
eternal life through the message of the gospel that is given to us.
Hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ,
eternal life is made available through the gospel.
You remember what Paul said in Romans chapter 1 verse 16, where I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believe it.
You remember that?
He said the gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation.
That means the only power that God has
to save anybody is encapsulated in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Meaning that without the gospel of Jesus Christ, no one can be saved.
Now, the Christians didn't say that.
God said so.
The Bible says, there is no other name under heaven given amongst men whereby you must be saved, only Jesus Christ.
And some people say, well, Jesus is for the Christians.
And then other religions have their own, the means of salvation.
No, the Bible says, there is no other name under heaven.
He didn't say among Christians.
There is no other name under heaven, given amongst men, not given amongst Christians, given amongst men whereby you must be saved, no other name under heaven.
Which means, except by Jesus Christ, no one can be saved.
You say, why?
Other people studied some other religions.
Jesus is not one of those people.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
And Jesus Christ was the only one who was perfect enough to be the sacrifice for our sins.
And he died for us, for the whole world.
He was the only one who was qualified to die for the whole world because his blood was divine.
His blood was sinless, spotless.
And he was the only one that was the seed of a woman and not the seed of a man, for he was born of a virgin.
Now, you know, that's remarkable.
That's a miracle.
And died for us of his own free will.
He died for us of his own free will.
But you see, his death only brought salvation.
The other thing was, he was raised from the dead.
in that resurrection made eternal life possible.
So Christianity didn't come from the salvation of the whole world by the death of Jesus Christ.
Christianity came from the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
He died to save everybody.
He died as the representative of man, the son of man.
He was at once the son of God and at once the son of man, man's representative.
So he died for everybody.
And God raised him up and declared that if anybody will believe on Jesus Christ, that God raised him from the dead and confess him as Lord,
That one would receive the benefits of that salvation.
So he says, with the heart, man believes unto righteousness.
And with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.
Praise God.
That's how your spirit is saved.
So that salvation actually
that the salvation that you receive by believing on the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the confession of His Lordship.
According to Romans chapter 10 verses 9 and 10 that I just gave you, that salvation is the importation of eternal life to your human spirit.
That's why he said that the confession of your mouth catapults you into that salvation.
For with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
You are
translated from the domain of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear son in whom you have redemption through his blood, even the remission of sense.
That is the removal of sense.
Praise God.
So the human spirit is the one that is born again.
The human spirit is the one that receives a ton of life.
Like it says in Romans, you are woken into a newness of life.
Praise God.
So he says, if any man be in Christ, it's your spirit that is in Christ.
If any man, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.
That's your spirit.
That's the real you.
That's the man that meets with God.
When someone is said to have died, the real man doesn't die.
It's his body that's dead.
His spirit comes out of the body.
And so that body, that case, that domicile lies lifeless.
But the man lives on.
That man is the one that God seeks to save.
That's why we preach the gospel.
That man may receive that message that brings to them eternal life.
Now, you know, that's why sometimes, you know, some people after they're born again and they're acting funny, acting like they don't know God, and someone else says, well, I thought he said he was born again.
Why is he acting that way?
Well, because his spirit's born again, but he's still a child, he needs to learn how to walk in this newness of life.
The soul needs to be saved by the Word of God.
You see, now that's not the salvation unto God, but it means the salvation from the word.
Salvation from the wrong way of life.
So the Bible says that you receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your soul.
The engrafted word, it's the word of God.
That you receive into you.
that changes your life.
The process of that salvation is talking about is explained to us in Romans chapter 12 when you read verse 2, and be not conformed to this world, but be transformed, transformed by the renewing of your man.
You see, that transformation comes by the renewing of your mind, and your mind is in your soul.
Your mind is in your soul.
So he talks about the renewing of your mind.
That means changing your way of thinking.
After you come to Christ, you've got to change your way of thinking.
God gives you new ways of thinking.
About things of life.
About things concerning heaven.
Things in the earth, circumstances that surround you.
Everything about life, God gives you new information.
He shows you how to relate to other people.
So he says, be not conformed to this world.
Don't act like the rest of the world.
But be transformed, transfigured, metamorpho, by the renewing of your mind.
changing your way of thinking, accepting his thoughts, accepting God's opinion, exchanging your ideas for his ideas, and learning to talk like him.
Because you see, if you think like him, the necessary result of that would be you talk like him.
You're learning that, learning to think like God.
But you see, you can't think like God, except you have the material, except you have His Word.
His Word is His thought, clothed in vocabulary.
That's what God's Word is.
Praise the Lord.
Still in this place?
Okay, so what are we talking about?
The human spirit.
Glory to God.
So it's your spirit.
That human spirit.
That's the real person and it's that spirit that's born again.
See, my spirit's born again.
My spirit's born again.
My spirit's born again.
I said again, my spirit's born again.
Let's read a few scriptures and see something.
What's the difference between the spirit that's born again and the one that's not born again?
How does God see that?
First, will you turn to visions chapter number four?
I'm reading to you from verse 21.
Maybe you should read it for me, so at least I'll be sure that's where you want to go.
Okay, thank you.
All right, you know it.
I'm going to read from that verse 21 and we read on.
If so be that he have heard him and have been taught by him as the truth is in Jesus, that he put off concerning the former conversation, the word translated conversation in the old King James translation is manner of life, okay?
The former manner of life, the old man, this is put off the old man.
The old man there is not your daddy.
The old man there is your old nature.
The old life he used to live.
He says, put that off.
He says, the old man
which is corrupt according to the deceitful laws.
And be renewed in the spirit of your mind.
Be renewed in the character of your mind.
That's what they say now.
All right?
Be renewed in the character of your mind.
Oh, you see, your mind has a character the way you think, the way your mind works.
You know, some people are just negatively programmed.
Everything about their thinking is negative, just negative, just negative.
Doesn't matter what you talk about.
They see it from the negative side.
Some just live in fear.
Always afraid.
Some just can't trust anybody.
They even pride themselves.
I can't trust anybody.
I don't trust anybody.
I don't trust anybody.
Then they like it.
That's just the way they've been raised.
That's just the way they've been taught.
Then some are just raised with a proud character.
They look down on everybody.
They have an inflated opinion of themselves.
Some think very little of themselves.
They think, who am I?
So he says, be renewed in the character of your mind.
Be renewed in the character of your mind.
Let your mind have a new character.
We read it, Romans chapter 12 verse 2.
Be transformed, renewed, changed by the renewing of your mind.
Having new thoughts of God.
How's that gonna happen?
Getting God's thoughts by getting God's word.
learning God's ways of doing things.
What does God think about this and about this and about this?
What does God think?
Then I accept what God thinks, and that's it.
For example, a very simple one, he says, even in man being Christ, he is a new creation.
All things are passed through and all things have become new.
So I say, wow, I'm in Christ.
I've received Christ into my life.
I'm in Christ now.
So God says, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creation.
Oh, so I am a new creation.
See, I'm thinking differently now.
So I'm saying, I'm a new creation.
All things are passed away.
Maybe I was born with sickle cell anemia.
No, I'm not.
I'm not.
I don't have that sickness anymore.
But say, how?
Oh, I'm a new creation.
All things are passed away.
Oh, you were born with asthma.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
That's the old man.
I've put off the old man.
You just said that.
I've put off the old man.
I'm a new man in Christ.
I'm a new man in Christ.
They say, hey, you were always afraid.
Oh, that was the old me.
I'm a new man in Christ.
I have a new character.
I don't hear nothing anymore.
Oh, you were always failing and everything you did.
Oh, yeah, that's the old man.
That old man's dead.
I put him off.
He's dead.
I'm a new man.
I was success now, glory to God.
You see it?
That's the way.
So I think differently now.
God gives you new thoughts to think.
He says, be not conformed to this word, but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind.
See, I have a sanctified mind.
I think high thoughts about God.
I think good thoughts about God.
I think high thoughts about life.
I think good thoughts about life.
I think high thoughts about God's reproduction.
I think good thoughts about God's reproduction.
That's God's offspring.
That's me.
You'd be amazed how many people think, how many people think wrong things about themselves and say terrible things about themselves.
It's amazing.
It's just the way they are.
Some people have been in Christ for donkey years and haven't changed the way they really think.
They think this thing is a church thing.
They're in church and they're going to talk right.
But when they're in the street, just out on the job, they say anything.
Let me tell you.
The choices of life, not the compulsions reveal character.
Write that down and think through it.
Should I say it again?
I said, the choices of life, not the compulsions reveal character.
I'm trying to say, it's those things that you say off your guard that really reveal what you are.
Not those things you say when you're prepared.
Did you hear what I said?
That it's the choices.
Not the compulsions.
That revealed character.
When you're made to do something, your character is not revered.
It's when you are allowed to choose.
That's what shows who you really are.
When you have the opportunity to decide by yourself, that's when we really know who you are.
Not when you're made to do something.
So not the comparisons.
but the choices that reveal your character.
Okay, you got it now, right?
Thank you.
All right, can we move on to the next thing?
I said I was gonna read a portion to you, and I started with verse 21, right?
If so be that he have heard him, and I've been taught by him as the truth of Jesus that he put off concerning the former conversation from a matter of life, the old man, which is corrupt according to the disease for loss, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind.
All right, now read verse 24, everybody, want to go.
Oh, when I found this scripture many years ago, I was stared in my spirit.
I was stared in my spirit.
It was some time in 1981, I was reading that scripture that he put on the new man, which after God, that means in the likeness of him,
following Him, which after God is created, the margin says, recreated in righteousness and true holiness.
Another version says, and holiness of truth.
This means that your spirit that's born again has been recreated in righteousness.
And in holiness of truth, all like the King James says, in true holiness, not the outward show of holiness, but in true holiness, praise God forevermore.
Say, my spirit has been recreated in righteousness and true holiness.
That's wonderful.
So you see, if my spirit has been recreated,
in righteousness and through holiness, then I don't have to struggle for them.
So that's my nature.
That's the nature of my spirit.
That's the nature of my spirit.
That's the nature of my spirit.
So what am I going to do?
He says, put off the old man with his deeds, okay?
And put on the new man.
What do you mean put on the new man?
Hey, the new man is your spirit and is inside this body.
Now he says for me to put him on.
That means I should be on the subjection to my spirit.
That means my spirit should gain the ascendancy.
It means my spirit should gain the dominion.
It means my spirit should overwhelm my body and his senses.
Put him on.
Let him dominate this outward man.
So when I talk, it should not be my head that's talking.
It should be my spirit that's talking.
It means that my nature of God should come up.
come up and be seen on the outside.
It means my inner man should dominate my outward man.
Put on the new man.
Put on the new man.
Glory to God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
You're still there?
All right, so just to get chapter two,
Same book, book of Ephesians.
Let's see what happened to this human spirit.
That's born again.
This human spirit that's been recreated in righteousness, glory to God.
All right.
I'm reading to you from verse 13.
I'd like to take
Let's read from verse four to begin with.
You're there?
Verse four, visions chapter two.
But God who is rich in mercy, for his great love, where would he love us?
Even when we were dead in sense, his great love, where would he love us?
Even when we were dead in sense, hath a quickened us together with Christ.
Glory to God.
hath quickened us.
That what means made alive.
He's made us alive together with Christ.
Say this with me.
I've been quickened together with Christ.
Made alive together with Christ.
By grace he has saved.
Verse 6, In hath raised us up together.
I'm raised together with Christ.
Do you see that?
It's in past tense.
It's not trying to do it.
He didn't say he would do it if I prayed hard enough.
He's already done it and had to raise those up together and made us sit together in heavenly places.
You see, that's got to be my spirit because you see, my body's down here.
You understand?
So this must be a reality to my spirit.
It must be an understanding that God wants my spirit to harm.
So it's a place of authority because it says to sit together with Christ in heavenly places.
Another version says in the heavenly realms.
So I got a place of authority in Christ in the heavenly realms, which means in the realm of the spirit, I am sitting at the seat of Jesus.
My, my, my, I'll never be a failure.
I'm seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms.
That's where I operate from.
In other words, when I talk, the power behind my words comes from the heavenly realms from the seat of the master.
I was raised together with you.
And I've been made to sit together with you.
Oh, what a life I've got now.
Oh, let me speed read verse 7.
That in the ages, there's so much to say about that.
That in the ages to come, he might show the accident reaches of his grace and his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.
For by grace are you safe through faith in that none of your serves.
It is the gift of God, none of works, lest any man should boast.
Watch verse 10, powerful, for we are his workmanship, his handy work.
Oh, glory to God.
It's like when you say, this is a Sony product.
This is a Toyota product.
I am God's product.
That's what he's saying.
God's got his level on you.
How perfect could that be?
We are his workmanship.
Man, oh my.
Oh, King James has created the margins is recreated in Christ Jesus onto good works.
Oh, God.
And created onto good works.
He's talking about your born-again spirits.
That is the real you.
That's the real men.
That's the real personality.
That's you.
You are His work mentioned.
Created in Christ Jesus onto good works.
I've been fashion for good works.
I don't destroy things.
I've been fashion for good works.
When I come in, things get good.
Create it onto good works.
That's my life.
I make things good.
I make things good.
We are His work mentioned, created in Christ Jesus on the good works which God had before ordained that we should work in them.
In other words, He already planned those works before we came.
He planned them.
And now that I'm born again, I've been set on course.
Set on course to do those good works.
There are things planned out for me.
See, if you work by your spirit, if you live by your spirits, you'll find yourself entering those things that God already planned before you were born.
He planned them before you were ever made, before you came into this world.
God already planned them.
Listen, I'm talking to you from here, not because I wanted to, but because this is consistent with my destiny.
You see, I'm functioning in destiny.
God's destiny for me is at work in my life.
Do you realize that a lot of people who are not functioning in God's destiny for them?
They live in the wrong life.
There are people who are in the wrong homes, in the wrong marriages, in the wrong jobs, living in the wrong house,
driving the wrong car.
They even got the wrong baby.
You say, how's that?
It's all in this book.
It's all in this book.
You say, is there a solution?
Oh dear, dear, dear Lord Jesus.
There are some things that can be changed.
Some cannot be changed.
You see?
So what does somebody do?
If the person got the wrong stuff, things go on sour, what are you going to do?
At least if you find out you're in the wrong thing, can't you come out?
Depends on what wrong thing it is.
And it might take a whole lifetime trying to fix it.
Let me give you two examples in the Bible.
The very first one.
God said to Adam, the day you eat of this tree, in the midst of the garden, the day you eat of it, you will surely die, surely.
Did he keep God's word?
No, he ate of it.
And he died.
He died.
He lived 930 years.
Isn't it amazing that he took 930 years for Satan to finally get him?
Took such a long time.
Well, but what's that?
But sometimes I thought you said God said he died that day.
Then he died that day.
Oh, yeah, he did.
God said a thousand years in the side of God, but as one day.
All right?
So he didn't make a thousand years.
930 was still within that day.
He died that day.
You know, that's what the Bible says.
Didn't say a hundred days.
He didn't say a day in the sight of God is as a hundred days.
He didn't say it's as ten days.
He didn't say it's 95 days.
He says it's a thousand years, not a thousand days, but a thousand years.
And one thousand years, he reversed it.
He said one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.
A equals B. B equals A. Period.
So he was not trying to exaggerate.
He was given you his own kingdom mathematics.
And the man died at 930 years.
He died in that day.
Praise God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Yes, you know, it's very sad, wasn't it?
And then, imagine how long it's taken God to fix it.
Imagine how long it's taken to fix it.
That's what this gospel is all about.
Still fixing the problem.
Then, there's the error of Moses when he struck the rock.
Now, this was a personal error.
God said, Moses, because he struck the rock when he was supposed to talk to it, you will not go into the promised land.
You see it, but you will not enter.
Though he prayed to God, oh, I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I'm so sorry.
God said, Moses, don't talk about it again.
Shut up.
But I love God.
Even after Moses died, many, many years, God brought him to that promised land.
After he had long gone,
Because there was a prayer that God had not answered.
And Moses had faith.
And Moses prayed according to what he knew, which was right.
And God could not say no.
So he said, shut up.
He said, don't ask me again.
But God could not forget.
And Moses would not forget.
And so Moses died.
Even when he died, God said, I have his prayer that I haven't answered yet.
So the Bible says, God buried Moses.
Nobody knew where God put him because God was going to take him to heaven.
So Moses was the only one who died and did not go to hell.
Everybody else went to hell.
Remember, hell
was divided into two parts.
And the one part was the suffering part.
One part was for those who were expecting salvation.
People like Samuel and Co.
All the righteous men were on this good side.
Good side of hell.
Can you imagine that?
They're on this good side.
You say, they're still a good side of hell?
No, it's no longer there.
You say, how do you know?
Jesus took it away.
Oh, didn't you read it in the Bible?
He took it away.
There's no purgatory.
He took it away.
It was later named Abraham's bosom.
So Jesus took it away.
So if anybody goes to hell now, don't you figure out you're going to find a good side there.
It's no longer there.
There's only one burning side of hell now.
So Moses died and God buried him because he was going to take him straight to heaven.
He did.
Proof because in a New Testament, Jesus went with three of his disciples, Peter, James and John, to a certain mountain.
And while they were there, the Bible tells us they appeared to them, Moses and Elijah.
And they had a discussion with Jesus.
Moses represented those who had died.
And probably would die.
And Elijah was a man who was wasting to heaven without dying.
I mean, the guy was just standing like this, and the child of fire came out of heaven and picked him up.
And he was gone.
This is amazing, because you see, when Moses died, Satan went to take him.
When Moses died.
So he said, everyone who dies is mine.
And when he got there, Michael the Archangel came.
and said, no, you're not.
Hey, this is for God.
And the Bible says they had an argument there.
And here, the Bible teaches us a great lesson.
He says, can our people stop on, can our people stop on, can our people talk against spiritual authority?
He says, the stubborn and cannon, and fleshly.
Then he says, Michael, the Archangel, with all his power, with all his glory, when he met Satan, an evil personality, when they disputed over the body of Moses, couldn't dare bring an accusation against Satan.
He couldn't dare bring a charge against Satan, because Satan used to be higher than himself.
And was, you know why he was higher than himself?
Because it's no longer higher.
Because, you see, when Adam fell, Satan took his authority.
Adam obeyed Satan in the garden.
and lost his authority to Satan.
So what Satan then had was a dynamic authority, which was higher than angelic authority.
Because the Bible says that God made man in his own image.
So man was in the class of God, not in the class of angels.
The Bible says he was made a little lower than Elohim.
The Hebrew Elohim means God.
even though it could be translated angels.
But that word was applicable to God in all Testament, mostly.
He was made a little more than God.
Are you listening?
So, Satan functioned with atomic authority.
And when he came there to pick Moses, Michael the Archangel,
called nuts, called nuts, charge him recklessly.
He couldn't.
Even though Satan was evil, what he had, a high authority now.
So what did Michael do?
He said, the Lord, even the Lord rebuke you.
He had to speak in the name of the Lord, a high authority.
He couldn't attack him.
Oh, glory to God!
This is the reason.
You see, God had to send a second Adam, Jesus Christ, because not being, not being except God himself could have dealt with Satan.
Satan had a damn authority, and Adam now was subject to him.
Satan had become the God of this world.
So Jesus, the second Adam had to come in.
Can you say hallelujah?
That's why he came to save us.
That's why he came.
See, that lesson was brought in for us to teach us to be careful about spiritual authority.
You see?
So he used Michael the Archangel as an example.
You know, some people sit down in front of their TV set, and they're talking about a man of God, saying nasty things about a man of God.
So I'm reading their newspaper.
These people that say they are Christians.
In fact, it is even these preachers that are spoiling this country.
You, how dare you?
How could you talk about a preacher that way?
A man of God?
I told you before, if you find people talking against men of God, just wash your hands and leave there.
Don't contribute.
Don't ask questions, don't act to it.
If they say, ah, aren't you saying something said that matai is too high for me?
Leave it alone.
That's the way, that's the way I've lived.
I don't say things against ministers of God.
So it's important.
And these are some of those things you make sure.
You know, you just make sure.
You make sure.
When they're talking foolishly, just shut your ears.
And go away from there.
It's getting too much.
Just take your things and go away from there.
One, six, somewhere else.
Say, what's the matter?
Say, I don't talk like that.
But you see, the judges, the judges are stealing money.
Leave them with God.
Dad, I don't want to leave them.
I'm not serving God.
Leave them with God.
No, they're not serving God.
Leave me out of this.
Go away.
That's the way to act.
But if you join them, just because you don't want them to ostracize you, you now join them and say, it's true.
It's true.
God says it's true.
All right.
So that first hand, did you read it?
What did we have in verse 10?
For we are His work manager, right?
Creator in Christ Jesus is on the good works which God had before our day in that we should walk in them, all right?
Okay, verse 13.
We're talking about the human spirit that's born again, okay?
Okay, read verse 13, want to go.
That's wonderful.
King James used the word sometimes.
It means, but now in Christ Jesus, ye who used to be far off a midnight near by the blood of Christ.
Verse 19, want to go.
Do you like that?
Now therefore ye are no more strangers in furnace but fellow citizens with the saints in of the household of God.
I'm numbered in the house of God.
I'm in the household of God.
numbered with them.
Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of God.
Okay, let's take a picture.
Let's look at the picture of the man that's not born again.
And if you're not born again tonight, I want you to see the way God sees you.
Let's go again to chapter four and start from there.
I'm reading from verse 17, chapter 4, book of divisions.
This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that he henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind.
Having the understanding darkened, he says the man that's not born again, his spirit, he has his spiritual understanding.
He's talking about the spiritual understanding here.
Notice human understanding for physics, chemistry, and biology.
That's not what he's talking about.
He's talking about spiritual understanding.
He says here, having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God.
He's cut off from the life of God.
The man that's not born again is alienated from the life of God.
He's separate from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart, the blindness of their spirits.
The heart, there's the spirits.
The blindness of their spirit.
Who, being past feeling, have given themselves over until our seriousness to work all on cleanness with greediness.
Good at chapter two.
Are you there?
Let's read from verse one.
And you have he quickened.
Who were now?
He says, what's your way before?
Before you were born again.
So this now will give you the picture of the man that's not born again.
What his spirit is like to God.
He says, who were dead in trespasses and sins?
That man's dead in trespasses and sins.
Wearing in time past you walked according to the cause of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air.
The man that's not born again works according to the cause of the prince of the power of the air.
That's Satan.
the spirit that now work it in the children of disobedience.
Among whom also, we all had our conversation in time, passing the loss of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and we're by nature the children of rots, even as others, the core children of rots.
That means children are pointed to rots, the rots of God, the anger of God.
That's their heritage.
The Bible says the face of the Lord is hard against them that do evil.
Oh boy.
Let's read verse 12.
Are you there?
At that time, when you were not a Christian,
when you were not in Christ Jesus before your spirit was saved.
He's telling you, at that time, so that tells you what that man who's not born again is like before God, at that time he were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.
Oh, years ago when I was a student on campus, I read this thing and it got me.
He got me thinking.
What he says, having no hope and without God in the world.
I saw all the students without God.
I thought, oh my goodness.
You know what it is?
So people to just live without God.
They live without God.
They go about in the campus without God.
They go about in the street without God.
They go to bed at night without God.
They're going to the cafeteria without God, having no hope, and without God in the words.
I said, I've got to tell them.
I've got to preach it.
I've got to tell them.
They're without God.
Without God.
Those scriptures made me learn to intercede for the lost, for those who don't know Jesus.
I pray, Father, don't let them die without God.
Don't let them die without God.
Don't let them go on without God.
Help us to reach them.
Help us to tell the untold about Jesus.
Let them go on without God.
having no hope.
They don't know it, but God said so.
They don't know it.
This is God's declaration.
He says, having no hope.
They're living in the world without hope, because there's no other name on the heaven by which they shall be saved.
There's no other way if they ignore the gospel of Jesus Christ.
There's no other way for salvation.
Doesn't matter what they enjoy now.
That makes you think about your uncles.
That makes you think about your aunties.
It makes you think about your neighbors.
Makes you think about your parents or your siblings.
Those that don't know Jesus.
He's telling you they have no hope.
They're hopeless in the world.
Moving around without God.
I think that's too big.
Oh God, what is it like to move around without God?
Lights out.
He says, having the understanding darkened, because of the ignorance that is in damned, then it says, because of the blindness of their spirits.
How long can we hold on and let them keep drifting, drifting without God, without God?
How long?
That helps you see the non-Christian one who's not born again.
He might be your friend, a co-worker, but he's without God.
What a beastly life, what an animal life
to be without God.
How is it to have no understanding of spiritual realities, to have no understanding of the things of God, to not know the reality of heaven.
You read about it, you hear about it, you only imagine, oh it's a nice place, but you can't relate with it and you're estranged from God.
He says, being alienated from the life of God, alienated, caught off from the life of God.
What is it like?
What is it like?
What is it like?
What is it like?
A human spirit without God.
And then they don't know it.
You know, if you have never seen the light, you don't know what light is like.
All you know is darkness.
How can you describe light to a man that doesn't know it?
There's no way to describe light to a man that's born blind.
Which, what do you describe light?
Only light describes.
Only a greater light can describe another light.
So to not know light, there's no way to describe it.
Because the definition of light is that which describes.
That is light.
The message that you have just heard is a production of the Love World Media Ministry.
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