The Human Spirit - Part 3
One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Fable is yours.
We're talking about the human spirit.
And part of what we studied last Wednesday was that the human spirit is the real man.
And that that's the one that God seeks to save.
That's the one that God seeks to save.
You are not a body, you're not the body that you see.
You're not the physical body that you see.
Somebody said, well, that means we shouldn't bother about the house then, the body then.
No, no, you've got to take care of your body because that's where you live.
Your body is your living tabernacle.
That's where you dwell.
This body, this your body, is where you live.
You are a spirit being.
Isn't it amazing how people spend time to develop their bodies?
They do so much to take care of their bodies.
to build the muscles.
Some of you have spent so much taking care of your body, making it what you want it to be, keeping it in health, even on everything.
to make it what you want it to be.
Some have spent lots of money, lots of time, lots of hours, many, many hours through the years to develop their minds, their souls.
They have become mental giants.
Great thinkers.
full of intellectual knowledge.
But most people have never spent time to develop their spirits.
Incidentally, that's the most important
The character of your spirit is the character of your life.
And then we looked at God's description of the sinner, the man who's not born again.
We looked at that Wednesday night.
What God thinks of him, what God calls him, how God sees him to be.
And then the man who's born again, what God calls him, how God sees him to be.
We looked at all of that.
You remember?
I want us to take a look at a few things.
First, would you turn into some Matthew's Gospel, the 12th chapter.
If you came in here today without a Bible, I feel sorry for you.
What in the world did you think you're going?
You need a Bible.
All right, come on now, hold up your Bible and sing that song.
I have a wonderful treasure.
Now, if you didn't have a Bible, I can imagine what you were doing while we were singing.
Make sure you come with your Bible.
If you don't have one, buy one.
See, I don't have the money to buy, sell your shoes, sell your clothes, sell everything you have to get a Bible.
I'm telling you, it'll be worth it when you find out.
12th chapters in Matthew's Gospel, the words of Jesus, and I want you to listen to this, verse 33.
Either make the tree good, and his fruit good, or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt.
For the tree is known by his fruit.
That's wonderful.
Make the tree good, and his fruit good, or make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt.
In other words, the life of the tree is what matters.
Let's read on, see what he's talking about.
34, old generation of vipers.
How can ye, being evil, speak good things?
For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
How can ye, being evil, speak good things?
He says, you are evil, you cannot speak good things.
The reason you speak evil is because you are evil.
He says, the character of your spirit is what's in demonstration out here.
Verse 35, a good man out of the good treasure of the heart, bring it forth good things.
And an evil man out of the evil treasure, bring it forth evil things.
See that?
It's what you got on the inside that counts.
It's what you got inside that counts.
That's why a lot of times there are people who want to make a change.
You say, I have five New Year resolutions.
I'm going to be this and I'm going to do that.
I'm going to do that.
And then, by March, they've forgotten they made New Year resolutions begin January.
They're back to what they used to be.
Because they're trying to work from the outside in.
No, you got to work from the inside out.
It's a condition of your spirit that counts.
All right, so we go to St.
John's gospel and have this dialogue between Jesus and a certain man.
Most of you already know St.
John chapter three.
You remember the gentleman who came to Jesus by night.
They want his folks to see him.
So he went to Jesus by night.
We're gonna read from verse one, chapter three, St.
John's Gospel.
Are you there?
Verse one, there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of Jews.
The same came to Jesus by night and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God.
For no man can do these miracles that thou do as except God be with him.
Jesus answered and said unto him, verily, verily, as he unto thee, except a man be born again.
He cannot see the kingdom of God.
You see, we were not the ones that brought the term born again.
He was Jesus.
He was Jesus.
It wasn't our idea.
You know, sometimes when we talk to people about Christ, about coming to Christ, giving their hearts to Christ be born again, they say, well, it's not everybody that should be born again.
They say the born-again people have charismatic Pentecosters and so on and so forth.
They call them Protestats.
And then the others, they don't really know what they think, but they say, I'm not of the born-again group.
They say born-again.
Now, think about it.
Jesus said it.
Let's read verse three again.
Jesus answered and said unto him, verily, verily, I say unto thee, accept a man be born again.
He cannot see the kingdom of God.
Now, of course, Nicodemus can catch that.
Verse four, Nicodemus said unto you, how can a man be born when he is old?
Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born?
Jesus answered, verily, verily, I say unto thee, except the man be born of water, in of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit."
Boy, I love this.
He hid it right on the head.
That's it.
Verse 6 is the explanation.
The man wanted Jesus to explain what he said, and Jesus did.
Look at that again.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh.
And that which is born of the spirit is spirit.
Have you marked that in your Bible now?
All right, don't waste me to the book of Hebrews, the 12th chapter.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit.
Oh boy.
Are you there?
Chapter 12, the Book of Hebrews.
I want to read to you from verse 9.
Maybe I should get you to read it first.
Just be sure you're there.
Read verse nine for me.
One, two, go.
All right.
Now remember what we just read in St.
John's Gospel.
Verse 6, chapter 3, he said, that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirits.
Marvel, now that I've said unto thee, he must be born again.
Jesus said, you must be born again.
No option.
It's not if you like.
It's not an advice.
This is not a godly advice.
This is a spiritual instruction.
All right, now look at this.
Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh, which corrected us.
Fathers of our flesh, that which is born of the flesh, is flesh.
Fathers of our flesh, he's talking about your ethnic parents.
He's talking about your ethnic parents.
Your biological father, he says, is the father of your flesh.
Now the context has to do with chastisement.
Maybe we should read that together.
Let's go to verse 6.
same book, same chapter, for whom the Lord loved it, he chestnut, and scarred every son whom he received it.
If he endured chestnuting, God did it with you as with sounds, for what sound is he, whom the Father chestnut not, but if he be without chastisement, where of all the partakers, then are you bastards and not sons?
He's talking about discipline, how that parents discipline their children.
He says his parents ought to discipline their children.
That's what he's dealing with here.
Then he says, God also disciplines his children.
Then he brought this comparison to us in verse 9.
Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us and we gave them reverence.
Shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the father of spirits and live?
He calls God the father of spirits.
He's not the father of your flesh, he's the father of your spirit.
Your spirit lives forever.
When a man dies, his spirit lives on.
It's his flesh that dies.
When God talks about death, the death of the spirit doesn't mean the annihilation of the spirit.
It means the separation of that spirit from God.
That's what God calls death.
That's spiritual death.
So spiritual death is the separation of one spirit from God.
Maybe we should read again what we read Wednesday night.
The condition of the man who's not born again.
What God really thinks of him.
Turn to the book of the visions.
You remember that song, can't keep it to myself?
Got to tell somebody what Jesus means to me.
You know it?
Can't keep it.
I got to tell somebody.
Tell somebody about Jesus.
If you've never preached the gospel to someone else, this should compel you.
How could you have friends who don't know Jesus and you've never told them about Jesus?
How could you have relatives who don't know Jesus and you've never told him about Jesus?
Let me tell you something.
When I started out preaching the gospel, the first thing I need, apart from preaching at home, my immediate family, I preached to everybody.
We were already Christians, but you see, I found out something more about the Spirit of God.
And I had to make it known.
I had to make the life of the spirit known to everybody.
It was hot in my spirit.
I had to preach it.
I had to show them how to live through the Word of God.
I couldn't stop there.
You know that old village they used to take us to every Christmas time?
To see Grandma and Grandpa?
I decided I had to go there to preach the gospel.
That was my first crusade.
I went there to hold a crusade.
I was a young guy.
Just about 15 years old.
I had to do it.
We went through the whole village with a megaphone announcing to everybody to come, come, come, come!
Set up the place and the nighttime, turn the lights on, or brought a generator, preach the gospel to them.
I couldn't keep it to myself.
Are you listening to me?
I still can't keep it to myself.
I have to tell everybody, Jesus Christ has brought life to us.
Without that life, you're dead.
You're darkness.
You're lost.
Let me read to you.
He's given us this picture beginning from verse 17.
I want you to listen to this.
This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord that he henceforth walk not as other Gentiles work in the vanity of their minds.
He's talking to the Christians.
He says, I don't want you to live like the non-Christians anymore.
I don't want you to live like the Gentiles.
Other Gentiles, I don't want you to live like them anymore.
Then he describes them, those of them that don't know Jesus, that are not born again.
Having the understanding darkened.
They have their understanding.
Their spiritual understanding darkened.
Being alienated from the life of God.
They are caught away from the life of God.
If you're not born again here this morning, this is the description.
This is how God sees you.
I want you to understand this.
Having the understanding darkened.
Being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that has seen them because of the blindness of their hearts.
who, being past-feeling, have given themselves over under lasciviousness to what call on cleanness with greediness.
Turn to chapter two, the same book.
From verse one, chapter two.
First he speaks to those who are born again.
He says, and you, he quickened, made alive.
Then he says, what you were before, before you become a Christian.
This was what you were like.
He says, who were dead in trespasses and sins.
Wearing in time past, you walked according to the course of this word.
According to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worked in the children of disobedience, he caused them children of disobedience.
among whom also we all had our conversation in times past, in the laws of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the man, and we're by nature the children of rots, even as others.
He calls them children of rots.
That means children appointed to rots, to the wrath of God.
Oh boy.
Go to verse 12.
At that time, that time before you become a Christian, you're talking to the Christians, gives them a picture of what the non-Christian is like.
At that time, you were without Christ.
Being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, strangers from the covenants of promise, that means all of those promises of God could not be inherited by them, could not be inherited by the non-Christians.
It's still that way.
Having, oh boy, this is the one that gets me.
Having no hope, this is the non-Christian has no hope.
There's no hope of salvation outside of Christ's.
There's no other way.
In Acts chapter four verse 12, the Bible says, there's no other name under heaven.
Given amongst men whereby you must be saved.
No other name under heaven.
No other name on the heaven given amongst men whereby you must be saved.
Only the name Jesus.
Here he says, having no hope.
The non-Christian, the man who's not born again.
He says, having no hope and without God in the world.
Think about it.
Tomorrow's Monday.
They're going to be going to work.
They're going to work like everybody else.
Some of them have the life of God.
The one who's born again has the life of God.
And those who are estranged from God, alienated from the life of God, they have no hope.
And they're going without God.
They're going without God.
Think about their children growing up without God.
You know, I try to think of it.
My God, how?
Why will these children grow up without God?
Because mom and dad don't know Jesus.
The children are growing up without God.
A man wrote a book, a medical doctor, several years ago.
He had been there many times when people were dying.
And he was one of those who helped to restore, resuscitate people who were dying.
And when they died, they tried to bring him back.
He gave a particular story of a young man who died and they brought him back.
When they brought him back, the man shouted, he said, please don't let me go.
Don't let me go again, please.
This young man came back to life, you know.
He said, my God, I was going to hell.
I was going to hell.
Please don't let me go.
Somebody help me.
Help me, help me.
He kept shouting.
They said, hold on.
They couldn't keep him quiet.
Hold on, hold on.
Oh, no, don't let me go.
Don't let me go.
I went to hell.
My God, please don't let me go.
Don't let me go.
Don't let me go.
The doctor said,
That scared the fool out of me.
Because he had been a Christian, but he had not been living as a Christian.
He said, when I got home, I cleaned out my Bible and began to read it again.
Then he said in his book, he noticed, when those who were Christians died and came back, they had a different story.
They saw a city, some saw angels,
Some of them went through a valley, headed for a city up here, and there's an house running toward the city.
And then you called me back.
But always the other guy.
Oh, God, I'm sorry.
Oh, it's dark, dark, dark out there.
It's hot out there.
Don't let me go.
Somebody help me.
Always the non-Christians.
And he wrote this book about near-death experiences.
They're not near death, they actually died, because God the Mac.
Having no hope, and without God.
How can you be sitting in the church without God?
How'd you live your life day after day without God?
Doesn't matter how many friends you got in the world, to live without God is the most terrible thing I didn't think of.
And then, to pass out of this life into a burning hell.
Don't live without God.
Don't live without God.
Don't live without God.
Don't live without God.
How could you?
Your neighbors may like you.
You may be popular.
But the Bible says, having no hope and without God in the world.
Oh God.
And many, many times I thank God, I thank God that I'm born again.
I say, thank you, Jesus.
Oh, I probably would have already been in hell or would have been on my way to hell.
But thanks be on to God that I received a ton of life by Jesus Christ.
Thanks be on to God.
Thanks beyond to God that I'm born again.
Oh, oh, having no hope without God, without God.
I don't know how much longer you want to stay without God.
I want to call you right now to give your heart to Christ.
I don't know why you can spend one more moment without God.
Everyone who's not been born again, you want to give your heart to Christ.
This time, this moment, I want to give you the opportunity to receive that call right now.
It's no use.
Live in.
One more hour.
One more minute without God.
Everyone who wants to be born again, stand up right now.
Stand up quickly.
Stand up and just come forward so I can lead you into salvation before I continue.
You've got to receive Christ.
You've got to receive salvation and you've got to do it now.
Come forward and come quickly.
Hurry up, don't wait.
Don't wait.
You know, Jesus came for a reason.
He knew the terror of judgment, the terror of condemnation.
He knew.
And He came to save us from it.
He knew the terror of the rest of God.
He came to save us from it.
He knew.
Don't live without God.
Don't live without God.
I want to lead you in prayer.
To receive salvation is very simple.
It's simple but important.
In Romans chapter 10 and verse 9, the Bible says that if you will confess, declare,
with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, believing in your heart that God has raised him from the dead.
You shall be saved.
Say this, say I believe with all my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead.
I believe that.
Do you believe it?
Do you believe God raised Jesus from the dead?
Then say this, I confess with my mouth, Jesus Christ is Lord of my life from this day forward.
Praise the Lord.
Did you know that that's what saves you?
Put your hand over your chest, say these words.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I receive eternal life into my spirit.
Thank you Lord for saving my soul.
My sins are washed away.
The blood of Jesus
has forged my spirit from saying, I have a new life now.
Christ is in me now.
I have life now.
The darkness is gone.
I am alive to God from this moment forward.
Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul.
I am born again.
I'm a child of God from this day forward.
Praise God.
That's all it takes to receive eternal life.
That's all it takes.
And from now, from this moment, you will begin to live according to God's Word.
He will help you do it.
You see, a dog can only live like a dog.
A dog cannot live like a cat.
A dog will live like a dog and not like a chicken.
Because it's got a dog life in it.
You live like a human because you got a human life in you.
Now you're going to live the kingdom life.
of the sounds of God, because now you have received the life of God into you.
Praise the Lord.
May God's Spirit rest upon you from this day forward in Jesus' name.
Somebody say, Hallelujah.
So God is the father of spirits.
I said, he's the father of spirits.
He's not the father of flesh.
He's the father of spirits.
He's the father of spirits.
I want you to turn over to first Peter.
The first epistle of Peter, we're going to read in verse 23.
You found it?
Reads for me one to go.
Take it again.
being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible.
He's talking about the same thing.
Not of corruptible seed.
The Greek word is sperma, which means, which in English is sperm, which gives life this seed of life.
from where a human comes.
A human comes.
That's what causes the conception.
Then a human comes, all right?
So he says, being born again, not of corruptible, destructible, sperm, but of incorruptible, indestructible.
That means the seed of God.
Now, what's the seed of God?
Jesus said, the seed of God is the word of God.
The word of God is God's seed.
Seed is that which has the life principle.
It has the life principle.
It contains the essence.
So the Word of God is the seed of God.
So your flesh was born of a corruptible seed, a destructible seed, but your spirit,
has been born of the incorruptible seed of God, which is the Word of God.
So we're born again by the Word of God.
Same in.
We're born again by the Word of God.
You know, the life of God is in the Word of God.
And when you receive the Word of God, you receive the life of God.
Like those who just ministered to what they did was to receive the Word and act on it by faith and make the proclamation of the Word according to the Scriptures and they received eternal life.
See, the spiritual blessings of God have brought to us through His Word.
That's how they get to us.
They get to our spirits.
through the Word of God, because the Word of God is spirit.
The Word of God is spirit.
Jesus said the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.
So he's just being born again, not of corrupting received, but of being corrupting by the Word of God, which live it and abided forever.
Now, this whole Bible is about salvation for the human spirit.
That's what it's all about.
It's about salvation for the human spirit.
Because man was separated from God back there in the garden, you remember.
When God said to out in the day that you eat of this tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt surely die.
And he died.
He was cut off from God and driven out of the presence of God.
So Adam lost out with God.
And God had to come up with a plan of redemption.
So he could get man back.
But several things happened when man fell, and I want you to understand this.
First of all, you studied the book of Genesis.
You'd find that Adam knew God.
Now, don't you ever think that Adam related to God like a physical being?
Because Adam never related to God like a physical being.
That means God didn't show up as a physical being.
What did he relate with?
Can I hear you?
Maybe we should look at it.
Turn to Genesis.
Glory to God.
You there?
Genesis chapter 3 and verse 8.
Read, want to go.
Verse 9.
They knew God as a voice.
Did you notice?
He says, they heard the voice of the Lord God walking.
The voice of God was walking in the garden and the cool of the day.
That's the way he came to fellowship with them.
They heard his voice.
What's the importance of a voice?
Come on.
What's the importance of a voice?
That's the importance of a voice.
If you heard a voice that had no words, you couldn't distinguish the words, that voice would mean nothing to you.
If I went, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
So the importance of the voice is the words.
So the new God has a voice.
And then, as far as I'm concerned, when they heard the voice of God, the presence of God was where the voice of God was.
That's why the Bible says, when they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the cool of the day, they hid themselves from the presence of the Lord.
Where was the presence?
Where the voice was.
But they forgot they're not dealing with someone as limited as they were, but with God Almighty.
Who could see everywhere?
How do you hide from God?
Is that possible?
And God pretended not to know what they were doing.
He said, Adam, where are you?
Where are you?
And he's looking at Adam, and Adam's saying, he's looking somewhere else.
He said, God is everywhere.
How can you hide from God?
God is right there were years and he's thinking about the voice that he's hearing over there and he's saying, I heard your voice in the garden and I hid myself because I found out that I was naked.
And God said, who told you you were naked?
Did you do what I told you not to do?
He said, yeah, yeah, I did.
The lady you gave me gave me something to eat.
And God said, woman,
What have you done?"
She said, it's the serpent who deceived me.
That's why I wouldn't have eaten it.
It was the serpent who deceived me.
And God didn't have no dialogue with the serpent.
He said, cast that down among all beasts upon thy belly shall now go.
And his limbs shock.
The Bible says he used to be one of the cattle.
And he became a snake.
praise God.
You're still there.
All right.
So then you God as a voice, which means the voice represented the words of God.
The words of God come from the Word of God.
Maybe you don't understand all that.
Let me explain.
The voice of God represents the words of God because it brings out words from God.
But the words of God are based on the word of God because the words of God are based on the totality of his revelation and personality, which is the word of God.
Now, we go back to John chapter 1, the Bible tells us, in the 14th verse, the word became flesh.
And wear it among us.
Oh, this is Jesus.
Jesus was that voice become flesh.
The voice that Adam knew, he was just a voice.
But it was the word, the same word that said, let there be light.
And there was light.
The same voice that said, let the fruit trees spring up with fruits and seeds in them.
That same voice.
That said, let the red tires come out.
Let the mommers come up.
Let the birds come up.
He spoke creation into being.
That voice became flesh.
And dwelt among us with the name Jesus.
So Jesus is the Word of God.
See, Jesus is the Word of God.
That's a marvelous thing, a marvelous thing.
And now something beautiful, something beautiful, turn to 2 Peter.
You're born again, aren't you?
All right.
Second Peter, in chapter one, I want us to read something.
We'll begin with verse one.
Second Peter, chapter one.
I'm reading from verse one.
I, are you there?
Simon, Peter, a servant, and an apostle of Jesus Christ.
To the him that have obtained like precious faith with us.
Oh, glory to God.
through the righteousness of God in our Savior Jesus Christ.
I can't even read these things without filling the anointing of God being stared within me.
I don't know, how do you read your Bible?
You read it like newspaper?
When I read my Bible, my spirit is open.
My spirit is alert.
Can I read that verse one again?
God bless just reading that.
Simon, Peter, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith.
And one of them is writing to them who have obtained like precious faith.
This precious faith that we've received.
like precious fate with us through the righteousness of God, now save your Jesus Christ.
Grace, look at this, you'd like this.
Grace and peace be multiplied onto you through the knowledge, the hypnosis of God and of Jesus our Lord.
Grace and peace, that's the way grace and peace are multiplied in your life.
Through the knowledge, the epignosis, epignosis is full and total knowledge.
It is the knowledge in relating with that which is known.
Are you getting what I'm saying?
You know it and you so know it until it becomes a part of your life.
That's epignosis from where that word knowledge is translated from.
This is grace and peace be multiplied onto you.
So I got grace multiplied in my life.
I got peace multiplied in my life.
I'll never have trouble saying, oh, I don't have peace.
No, I always have peace.
I always functioning the grace of God, ever increasing grace, because it comes through the hypnosis of God and of Jesus, our Lord.
Say amen.
Now verse three, according, did you know?
We said knowledge, all right?
Remember the word of God brings us the knowledge of God.
Otherwise we can't know God.
All right, verse three, according as He's divine power.
Not my own struggle, but He's divine power, hath given.
He's not going to do it.
He's already done it, hath given unto us.
According as his divine power had given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness.
Now, you notice, he's talking about the human spirit here.
Salvation is of the human spirit.
God is the father of spirits.
What is doing is building himself into us.
He's building our spirit nature.
And so he gives us information of what he's already done in our spirits.
Now Jesus said, either make the tree good and his fruit good, or make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt.
Now he's making the tree good.
And therefore the fruit good.
He's making the tree good.
He's making my life good, so that everything that comes out of me will be good.
He's making the tree good.
He's showing me what I got inside me.
He's showing me the quality of my spirit so I can live from inside out.
Look at it.
Look at it.
Verse three again, according to His divine power had given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness.
Through the knowledge.
Again, there's that word of prognosis through the knowledge of Him that had called us to glory and virtue.
Through the knowledge, the revelation knowledge of God.
He's given unto us all things that pertain to life.
Everything you require for life and godliness has been granted you.
You got it in your spirits.
The Bible says we read it.
He said, a good man out of the good treasure of his heart, bring it forth good things.
A good man out of the good treasure.
Make the tree good, or the fruit good, and the fruit good, or the tree evil, and the fruit evil.
Make the tree good, a good man out of a good treasure.
You remember his age, the God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts.
Now, he says in the seven verse, we have this treasure.
In ethnic vessels, we have this treasure, encapsulated in ethnic vessels.
So there's a treasure in you.
He's given unto you all things that pertain to life.
There's nothing you require to live in this world that is not inside your spirits.
how you're listening.
You don't have to sick it from outside.
It's inside you.
What life do you want to live?
What success do you want to have?
What kind of a man?
What kind of a woman do you want to be?
It's in your spirit.
I said it's in your spirit.
It's in your spirit.
It's inside you.
He's given you all things that pretend alive and godliness.
How, through the knowledge of Him that has called us, not to shame, but to glory and virtue.
That means to glory and excellence.
I've got an excellent life.
I'm called on to glory and excellence.
You didn't say it well.
So my life is for glory and excellence.
I'm excellent.
I think excellent thoughts.
High thoughts.
Excellent thoughts.
No, no, no.
You know, the other day I was told somebody, somebody came in to church and had his mobile phone beside him, and he forgot, and all while he was in church and listening to all these beautiful words, somebody stole his mobile phone.
They couldn't find it.
Can you imagine that guy who stole a mobile phone in church, he didn't have excellent thoughts?
Think about it.
If you're waiting to steal somebody's thing,
Why do you destroy your own life?
Don't you know you can produce those mobile phones from inside you?
Why do you stoop so low?
Why do you think you need to steal somebody's money?
Why do you destroy your potentialities?
Don't you know from within your spirit you got everything that is necessary for your life and for living with God.
For life and godliness.
All you need is the right knowledge.
And that's why I'm teaching you.
Everything you require to be a great success.
Isn't you?
Think about it.
You stole somebody's thing, return it.
You don't need it.
Because when God made you, he didn't plan for something stolen to be a part of your life.
You have brought something wrong into your aeon.
Aeon is the cause of your life.
The way you should go has been planned by God.
Don't bring something wrong into it.
Don't destroy your life.
You're still there?
Oh, come on, let's read the next verse.
Verse four, hui bai salah makita bogra hasti hui bai.
My goodness, I love this one.
Hui bai, ah givon, ah givon.
You see, I like the pastains of God's Word.
I like to know what is already done so I can take advantage of it.
You know, a lot of people are trying to get God to do something, but they are ignorant of what God has already done.
Do it for me, Lord.
Do it for me, Lord.
Why don't you find out what is already done?
You'd be amazed at what is already done.
And you don't even have enough lifetimes on this earth to enjoy everything it's already done.
We are given unto us, exceeding, exceeding great and precious promises that by these he might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
Oh, glory to God.
That he might be partakers of the divine nature, partakers of the divine nature.
We have come into a divine experience, a divine reality, divinities that work in us.
Can you say, man, I'll never fail in any endeavor.
I have an excellent spirit.
and called on to glory and excellence.
I never fell in this world.
No, a thousand times no.
I'm a success.
Everything I do, tones into success, tones into glory.
My life is an ever-growing testimony.
That's my life.
Testimony of the testimony.
Testimony of the testimony.
Come on, shut him in, somebody.
Worship Him and thank Him.
Glory to God.
The message that you have just heard is a production of the Love World Media Ministry.
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