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Volume 2

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and he left us with a message to tell the untold, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and his unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
The ministry of the man of God, Pastor Chris, is committed to taking the divine presence of God to the peoples and nations of the world, demonstrating in them the character of the Spirit.
All who are present at meetings with Him learn the undiluted truths of God's Word and are mightily blessed and uplifted in their spirits.
And so it was at the International School of Ministry Ministries Network Conference with the Man of God, Pastor Chris.
ministers spanning across all the continents of the world were in attendance.
With the gathering of over 5,000 leaders and pastors from over 145 nations of the world, the International School of Ministry Ministers Network Conference is an annual three-day conference and a time for ministers of the gospel to fellowship with one another, experience the manifested presence of God.
and received the engrapped word from the man of God, Pastor Chris, that would build them for a new phase in ministry.
From the first day of the conference, Pastor Chris had been speaking extensively to the ministers on the importance of being conscious of the power resident in a believer.
As he continued his teaching on the second day, he went on to reiterate the importance of the correct use of language, especially interpreting the scriptures.
Be blessed as you watch.
Now, yesterday, when I began to share some things with you, I was also conscious
Sometimes when we learn new things, it's important that we don't destroy the good one that we learned before.
It's not always a replacement.
A lot of times it's an addition.
The new knowledge doesn't necessarily destroy the previous one.
For example,
I did mention something about this teaching about three anointings.
David was anointed before his brethren, and then he was anointed before Judah, and then he was anointed before all Israel.
There is something good about that teaching.
It is used in explaining to God's people about growth and development.
You see that even though God has called you to be king over Israel, you may not get there overnight.
First, the Spirit of God does something before those who know you, maybe your brethren.
Like David was an audit before his brethren.
So you must start small.
And then the next one tribe, you see, then after that,
maybe the rest of Israel.
So there's something good about some of those teachings.
I wasn't trying to destroy what you knew before, trying to act something new to you and to help you not to pursue something you already have.
Do you understand?
And to also be careful not to let the semantics
The use of language, the use of words, destroy your faith.
And that is very, very important.
Because the way we talk today, especially among Christians who have fielded the Holy Spirit and understand some of these things, the way we talk, the language we speak, seems to be very different from Bible language.
You may be surprised.
But as you study those scriptures, you'd be amazed at the kind of language that's there, and then what you hear a lot of people say.
And that is the reason you have many Christians who have the Holy Spirit, but not much is happening in their lives, because they are being confused through the wrong communication.

Jesus Christ never said, now you'd be surprised.
He never said, the Spirit of the Lord is upon me.
He didn't say that.

The apostles never said, the anointing is on me.
They never said that.
They never said that.
I know what's going through your mind.
I know the verses that are going through your mind.
I will show them to you in a moment.
Just relax, become.

But so we use a language that constantly erodes our faith.
Damages our faith.
Then we find that we're taking one step forward and then two steps backward.
We wonder, are we making progress?
If you follow the scriptures, as we have been given, you'll be amazed at the life you live.
You always make progress.
You always advance.
I'm always advancing.
I'm always making progress.
I can only make progress.
That's the life that God has given me.
Let's begin with the scripture that may be coming to your mind when I said Jesus didn't say the spirit of the Lord is upon me.
Let me start with that one, okay?
Saint Luke's gospel chapter four, verse 18, that's the one that's coming upon your mind.
So let's read it.
The spirit, now let's start from verse
15, sat from verse 15.
And he taught in their synagogues being glorified of all.
Jesus taught in their synagogues being glorified of all.
Next verse.
And he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up.
And as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up for to read.
Jesus stood up to what?
To read.
And there was delivered unto him the bulk of the prophet Isaiah.
That's the book of Isaiah.
And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written.

The spirit of the Lord is upon me.
You see, Jesus didn't say it.
Isaiah said it.
Jesus was reading it.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he had anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor.
He had sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach the deliverance of the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set out liberty them that are bruised to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
And he closed the book.
And he gave it again to the minister and sat down.
Did you notice?
He only came to read.
He read it and went to his seat and sat down.

And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue just fasted on him, they began to look at him.
And he began to say on to them, this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.
Now Isaiah was only acquainted with the Spirit Lord coming upon someone, and that's all that he knew about.
But there was more.
Okay, Saint Luke chapter 4 verse 1.
Now let's begin.
Let's start from where we picked it last night, chapter 3 from verse 21, chapter 3.
So look, chapter 3 from verse 21.
Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass that Jesus also being baptized and praying the heaven was open.
You remember that?
We read that yesterday.
And the Holy Ghost descended.
The Holy Ghost descended in the bodily ship like a dove upon him, and the voice came from heaven, which said, now at my beloved son, indeed I am well pleased.
And I explained that verse to you yesterday about the Holy Spirit.
Now, go back to that verse 22.
And the Holy Ghost descended upon him.
The Holy Ghost descended on Jesus.
Okay, now go to chapter four, verse one.
And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost.
That means the Holy Ghost descended upon him to come into him.
To fear him, to live in him.
Not to be upon him.
He came upon him to enter into him.
So Jesus, being full of the Holy Ghost, this is the plan of God for the church of the New Testament.
Not the anointing upon them, but the anointing in them, because the Holy Spirit came to live in them.

You never found in the scripture, in the New Testament, the anointing came upon Paul, no?
The anointing came upon Peter, no?
Doesn't say so.
Never say so.

Let it soak.
Are you getting it?
So why do we talk like that?
We have so talked like that for so long, it is part of our constant vocabulary.
I even talk like that.
And I'm trying to, you know, because language affects faith.
As long as you are expecting the anointing to come on you, it will not happen.
Because God's plan for the church is not for the anointing to come on them.
The spirit of the Lord came upon you to live in you.
So he doesn't stay upon you.
He lives in you.
He doesn't come to you in the measure.
He comes to you as a person and takes up his abode in you to live in you.

This is very important.

So why do we talk like that?
All right, maybe just a couple of verses.

Glory to God.

If you recall, in Acts chapter 13, read, you remember when elements the sorcerer tried to stop the deputy from
receiving salvation when Paul was about ministering to him.
Paul spoke to him.
I want you to read verse 9.
Tell me what you have in verse 9.

Read it out.
What do you have?

That's it.
Then Saul, who also is called Paul, failed with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him.
Doesn't say Anointing came upon Paul.
He doesn't say that.
He says, failed with the Holy Ghost.
Paul failed with the Holy Ghost.
That's the New Testament language.
So when you say Anointing came upon me, you are speaking Old Testament language.

So when we are telling the people, their knowledge is going to come upon you today.
We are speaking Old Testament language.
We are not speaking New Testament revelation.
And that's why the people are still looking for it from somewhere.

All right.
Go to Acts chapter.
This would be a simple one.
Chapter four.
Verse 8, accept the 4 verse 8.
What happened to Peter?

You see, he was going to address the rulers of Israel, and the Bible says, then Peter failed with the Holy Ghost, said unto them.
He doesn't say, and the anointing came upon Peter, and he spoke.
He doesn't say it came upon him.
Peter failed with the Holy Ghost.
failed with the Holy Ghost.

That is New Testament standard.
That is the standard for the church.
That is the language for the church.
Don't say, as I wanted to pray for them, the Anointing came on me, my Tilly.
That is Old Testament.
Say, as I wanted to pray for them, I was filled with the Spirit.
That is New Testament.
Stop changing it.
You will see your faith will rise because you will have faith like Jesus.
Let me show you something.
John chapter 14.
Go to verse 10.
Read for me.
Want to go.

Did you see that?
Did he say, did Jesus say, but the Father that is upon me?
Did he say that?
He never pointed us to the anointing upon.
He pointed us to our Father inside us.
He says, but the Father that dwelled in me, He doeth the works.
Not the anointing that is upon me, but the Father that lives in me is a person.
The Father is a person.
He didn't say the anointing that dwelleted me.
He said, the father that dwelleted me, he'd do it to works.
He's a person.
He lives in me.
My father lives in me.
Do you know what confidence you'll have when you understand that the Holy Spirit is a person and he's your father and he lives in you?
You were born again by the Holy Spirit.
You are a child of the Holy Spirit.

When you were born again, you were born by the Holy Spirit.
So he's your father and he lives in you.
So everywhere you go, you carry him.
He's in you.
Jesus said, your father who lives in you, he speaks through you.
He speaks through you.

So is that change in that language?
practicing the New Testament standard of talking.
Not that they're not even supposed to be right now.
Oh, that's Old Testament.
That's Old Testament.
Don't say it again.
Leave that for Jeremiah, Isaiah, Elijah, Elijah, Moses, Joshua.
But if you want New Testament standard, say, I'm filled with the spirits.
Glory to God.
I'm filled with the spirits.
My Father that dwells in me.
He doeth the works.
He performs the miracles.
He lives in me.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
My Father who lives in me.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
I never have to pray for something to come on me.
You see, I never have to wait for something to come on me.
The Bible says when Jesus was on the Mount, three of his disciples, Peter, James and John, the Bible says he was transfigured before them.
The power from within.
It was inside, not from outside.
It was from inside.
The glory in the Old Testament came upon Moses.
So much so that he had to cover his face with a veil.
The barber says, that glory that Moses had upon him in a measure.
He says, we have that glory inside us, not upon us, but inside us.
We are the house of the glory.
We are the temple of the glory.
We are the tabernacle of the glory.
The glory lives in me now.
I carry the glory now.
Oh, hallelujah.
So everywhere I go, I carry the glory of God.
You know, some Christians are waiting to see the glory come down.
They're waiting for the glory.
No, they haven't moved their minds into the New Testament.
They are still thinking about the Old Testament.
And you cannot put new wine into old bottles.

You see, thank God, you're patient.
You're patient to hear this.
You're here for a few days and you're patient to hear all the things I'm telling you.
And that's also because God gave you before you came, maybe years before now.
For so long, he gave you a heart to listen to the message that I share.
Otherwise, you could have heard this kind of a thing.
You say, what is he saying?
I don't agree.
Without even listening.
You say, I don't agree.
That's the way some people are.
They don't even wait.
They don't have the patience to listen.
They are, I don't agree.
So what don't you agree with?
They just don't agree.
Because Pastor Chris said it.
That's why you don't agree.
Oh, come on.
It was in the Bible before I was born.

You see, I didn't bring the information from anywhere else.
It's in the book that you hold.
It's in your Bible.
I just told you not one of the apostles spoke that language.
The anointing is on me.
I've been saying that for long because that's what I found in the Christian world that I grew up in.
The anointing is on me.
But you see, the time of ignorance, God went at, but now commands all men everywhere to repent and get the New Testament language and speak God's word.
And you will find that there's fate at work in you and that the glories at work in you.
And you have results like you never thought possible.
You know, sometimes I think, if we can have the resource that we are having with the level of ignorance that we have demonstrated, what's going to happen when we demonstrate the knowledge that God has given us and live according to that knowledge?
What will happen?
Blessed be God.
Thank you, O Lord Jesus.
Glory, glory, glory.
Spanning across over 145 nations of the world, over 5,000 pastors and leaders from different church ministries were present to listen to these deep truths from the man of God, Pastor Chris, at the International School of Ministry Ministries Network Conference.
This is a special teaching for ministers of the gospel.
Watch as the man of God itemize vital words that make some differences to a believer mentioning them to be calling, office, ministry, gift and grace.
Keep watching as Pastor Chris explains in detail the difference between calling, office and ministry in the body of Christ and in the ministry of reconciliation.
Keep watching.
Now, there's some important thoughts.
Dear Lord, so much, so much, so much.
So much, so much to talk about.
I wanted to explain a few important things to you because now understanding that the Holy Spirit lives in us
and according to the Bible in his totality as a person, which means we didn't receive the Spirit by measure.
We have the whole Holy Spirit in us.
There are certain things that make some differences among us, and we need to know what they are.
Let me give you these words.
You can write them down.
ministry, grace, gift.
I think it's your right gift before you write grace.
So I will talk about that before I talk about the last one.
I'll go again calling office, ministry, gift, grace.
Have you written them down?
Okay, here is where there are differences.
Here is where there are differences.
But it is important that we even understand what they are in the first place.
Now, I wrote something little for you here, so I'm gonna read it for you to try to capture it so you can write it down.
The words, calling,
office, ministry, these three are sometimes used synonymously.
These three words, calling office, ministry, are sometimes used synonymously.
But the calling is the separation or the consecration
to the office or ministry.
Now I'm explaining them for you.
The calling is the separation or the consecration to the office or ministry.
Do I say that again?
The calling is the separation or the consecration to the office or ministry.
The office is the placement in the body of Christ.
From where or from which you carry out the ministry.
I'll say that again.
The office, see, I first explained to you that the three of them are sometimes used synonymously, either one or the other.
But there are differences.
So I'm now explaining those differences to you.
So I started by saying the calling is the separation or consecration to the office or ministry.
The office is the placement in the body of Christ from where or from which you carry out the ministry.
Now what about ministry?
The ministry is that which God has gifted you or granted you to serve, bless, or give to others.
It is also the general term for the divine call and service of God.
I read it again.
The ministry
Is that which God has gifted you or granted you to serve, bless or give to others?
It is also the general term for the divine call and service of God.

Did you get it?

Translators was that fine?
Was it a bit difficult?
Was it all right?
Is there anywhere a translator needs for the explanation?
Does any translator require anything else?
Okay, where?
Why do you need it?

Again, please.
Which part?
All right.
I said, the ministry is that which God has gifted or granted you to serve, bless or give to others.

It is also the general term for the divine call.
That means a word, the general word
to refer to the divine call and service of God.
Like when somebody says, I am in the ministry.
What he's saying is, I am in the service of God.
I have answered the call and I'm in the service of God.
That's what that last part of it is saying.
Is it fine?
Thank you.
Now, these are all given by God.
The calling,
The office, the ministry, all three of them are given by God.
You cannot obtain them by yourself.
You cannot claim them.
You cannot create them.
They're all God-given.
The three of them are God-given and by His choice.
the responsibility of the Christian.
Because now, what that means is when God calls you, first of all, all of us as Christians are called.
We are called unto Christ.
We are called unto fellowship.
I wish I had time to talk about that.
I will take a little a few minutes on that later on.
I hope we get there.
But we all are called by God.
on to himself.
And when you receive the gospel, when you answer the call of the gospel of Jesus Christ, you answer that call.
It's a holy calling.
It's a high calling.
It's a heavenly calling.
And we all have answered that call.
And we are now in the presence of God, blessed as children of God.
Then among us,
For our sake, for our blessing, God calls certain individuals from our midst, for our good to bless the rest of us.
Let me make this clear, which is very, very important.
The offices of ministry are not for the word.
the calling for everyone of us, all of us are sent to minister to the world.
When we face the non-Christians, when we face the world, we all have the same calling to fulfill to the world.
Make no mistakes about it.
We all are sent to them.
That's very important.
That's very important.
Remember, in the book of Acts, the Bible tells us how that the disciples, because of the persecution, were scattered everywhere.
And when there was scattered around, scattered abroad, they preached the gospel everywhere.
The Bible says the apostles, only the apostles, remained in Jerusalem.
But that the disciples preached the gospel everywhere.
The apostles remained in Jerusalem.
So they were the ones taking the message everywhere, the disciples of Jesus, the everyday disciple of Jesus.
That's what the Bible says, but the apostles remained in Jerusalem.

This is so important.
Sometimes we are taught that the evangelists, what's this?
We are taught that the evangelists is the one to preach to the sinners.
That's not true.
That's not what the Bible says.
That's not what the Bible says.
What the Bible says
at least the only person in the Bible that was called an evangelist.
We know that Jesus Christ definitely had all of the ministries, but the only person who was called an evangelist was Philip.
When Philip went out to preach to sinners, he was not yet an evangelist.
He was a deacon.
So he didn't go to preach.
in Samaria because he was an evangelist.
Do you understand?
He didn't go to do that because he was an evangelist.
He was not called an evangelist at that time.
That's important.
And he was the only one who was listed personally as an evangelist.
But he wasn't the only one who went to preach like that, as he did.
All of the disciples did the same.
But because there was a story about him that will be told us later, the writer followed his tracks and gave us the information.

Are you following?
The New Testament prophet is not sent to the world.
Jesus is not using prophets to the world today.
No, he only used prophets to Israel.
Even though we know that some of those prophets also minister to Syria, to some of the surrounding places.
Because these were all descendants who had come from Abraham.
So God's mercy was out to them as well.
But to other nations, he sent no prophets.

Now, what am I trying to tell you?
I'm trying to tell you something that until and unless the individual Christian is taught who he is and what he's got,
We may never win the word, but we've got to win the word and the message is audience.
And then the ministers need to also know their place and what they're supposed to be doing.
But what has happened for many years is that the ministry has been left to the ones who are the ministers.
But let's see the calling of the minister and what he's supposed to do.
Are we ready?
Let's see what the Bible says.
First Corinthians chapter 12, from verse 26.
First Corinthians chapter 12, from verse 26.

Okay, and whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it, or one member beyond it, all the members rejoice with it.
27, now ye are the body of Christ and members in particular.
And God has set some where?
Did he say in the word?
Did he say for everybody?
He set them in the church.
In the church.
To the world, we are what his witnesses, all of us.
In the church, there are offices for our benefit.
when the church understands that the ministers are for their benefit, they will get more blessings from them than they are doing now.
But we are thinking the ministers are the ones to preach the gospel to the nations, to the people, to the heathen.
No, when we face the heathen, we are witnesses like all other Christians.
We are witnesses.
Every Christian is an honored person.
I will show you some scriptures.
You will see them.
God has said some in the church.
First, apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers.
After that, miracles, then gifts of healings, herbs, governments, divasities of tongues, and so on.
He says he set them where?
In the church.
In the church.
Let me show you another thing.
Every time he talks about these ministries, he never tells us he said them to the nations of the world, to the people.
It is the church.
Then understand something about apostleship so you don't get confused.
What is the meaning of the word apostle?
It means a saint one.
That's just what it means.
So it is an office
But at the same time, a ministry, a calling with peculiarities, and that's why it's called sense.
It's sent one.
That offers a speculiar.
It is speculiar because God sends his apostles to people
to nations, to the heathen, to anyone according to his choice.
For example, when Paul said, I am an apostle to the Gentiles, he didn't say I am an apostle to the sinners.
That's not what he said.
He was definite to the Gentiles.
He's a definite group of people.
I'm an apostle to the Gentiles.
I was sent specifically to the Gentiles.
I'm a sent one with a message to the Gentiles.
That's a possibility.
But evangelist doesn't say that.
The prophet doesn't say that.
The pastor doesn't say that.
The teacher doesn't say that.
The rest of them don't say that.
Otherwise, they will have to be with the ministry or the mission of an apostle.
a saint one.
So it's a special office.
But his work is also in the church, like others, apart from the definiteness
of the ministry or work that he's given in the church, he has an assignment to wherever God sends him, to whoever God sends him, it could be an apostle to a certain group of people, may not be large, may be large, makes no difference.
It's not determined by the size.

Go to Ephesians chapter four.
Let's begin from verse 11.

And he talked about the Lord, and he gave some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers read the rest for the perfecting of the saints.

Not to sinners, it's in the church, but for the perfecting of the saints, like what I'm doing now.
I'm carrying out a work that is for your benefit because we are in the house of God.
So he raises some of us to minister to the church.
Like you, you're raised among others, you're ministering to your church, you're ministering to whoever God has brought to you, you're blessing them.
He raises you to enlighten them, to bless them, to lift them, to direct them.
He does that for the church.
So he says, for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry.
That means to perfect the saints, so the saints can do the work of the ministry.
That's what he's saying there.
For the edifying of the body of Christ, you see, those offices we just read, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists,

So, if I'm not a prophet, I'm not an evangelist, or I'm not a pastor, or I'm not an apostle, it doesn't stop me from carrying out the work that God has given to the church to do.
The work is not inside the church, the work is outside.
Let me show you something you love.
This is the International School of Ministry Minister's Network Conference with Pastor Chris.
A conference that had in attendance over 5,000 pastors and leaders from 145 nations of the world.
Keep watching as the Man of God speciates to the minister's three most sublime achievements of Jesus Christ.
You will be transformed as you watch.
Are you following this?
second Corinthians, this is lovely, this is lovely.
You know, the must, the must sublime achievements of Jesus.


But these are the, these are the wonders that angels seek to look into.

That sometimes, you know, Christians either not acquainted with a lot or sometimes they take them as common.
But they're so important.
These three things.
Number one, let me put them in a simple way that'll be easy for you to take with you, anywhere, any day.
Number one is Christ in you.
Christ in you.
This is one of the topmost three achievements of Jesus Christ.
Christ in you.
that Christ, Jesus, Christ, by the Holy Ghost has taken up his abode in you.
Meaning that all that he is, all that he represents, his divine life is in you.
It's a miracle of miracles.
It is the miracle of Christianity.
It's an amazing reality.
Christ is in me.
That means all of His glory is in me.
That means His divine life is in me.
Let me show you this.
This is so important.
What Christ in you is Colossians chapter 1 verse 27, if you're reading from verse 26 into 27.
Open verse 27.
Colossians chapter 1.
to whom God will make known what is the riches of the glory, the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory, Christ in you.
What does this mean?
I want to show it to you.
What this means.
Let me give you three scriptures.
Saint John chapter five verse 26.
I want you to understand what Jesus is telling you here.
This is so powerful.
Read it, the words of Jesus.
For as the Father has life in Himself, so have He given to the Son to have life in Himself.
Jesus was not drawing life from the Father.
No, no, he said, God, the Father gave him the authority, the ability to have life, inherent life in himself.
That life, Colossians chapter 3, verse 4,

Oh, Segru, hak talokhira, read it.
When Christ, hai ala kongra pasta, when Christ, who is our life?
Now you can understand why Paul was the way he was.
Here his language, when Christ, who is our life?
Christ is my life.
Christ is my life.
Oh, glory to God.
Christ is my life.
Can you see why I cannot be weak?
Christ is my life.
This is called the exchange.
You see, He took sin away and gave me righteousness.
He took death away and gave me life.
And you know what?
He's supplanted the human life with which I was born of my father and mother.
He supplanted it with the life of God.
I have in me the life and nature of God.
That's what I got in me.
That's what works in me.
Christ is my life.
No one departs that I am crucified with Christ.
Galicians 220, I am crucified with Christ.
None of the rest I live, yet not I, but Christ, liveeth in me.
He said the life that I live now, I live by the face of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.
Glory to God.
Christ is my life.
So you see, I'm not an ordinary person.
Christ is my life.
What this means?
What this means?
What it means for us?
Christ is in me.
The glory has come.
Christ is in me.
The glory has come.
Christ is in me.
The glory has come.
Christ is in me.
The glory has come.
You see?
He's my strength.
He's my ability.
This is your language.
This is what you're supposed to speak.
Don't say, oh God, strengthen me.
When you say, oh God, strengthen me.
You are saying, God is there.
I am here.
Give me what you have.
That's what you're saying to God.
Hello, so glad to see you.
How you doing?
Good to see you.
See, when you say, God strengthen me, your distance and yourself from him, you're saying, God, give me what you have.
You have strength and I don't.
So give me what you have.
Give me what you have.
How could you say that?
He says, I am to you all that you need me to be.
And I'm not outside.
I'm in you.
I cannot strengthen you.
I am your strength.
I cannot give you strength.
I am your strength.
I cannot give you ability.
I am your ability.
Do you understand it?
How important this is?
What is Christianity?
Christianity is God alive and at work in a human being.
That's Christianity.
God alive and at work!
You know, human person.
That's what it is.
It takes you to the next one.
Look at it.
In 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 19, let's look at something so beautiful.
You'll love this.
2nd Corinthians 5 verse 19.
Oh God.
Oh, I've preached this everywhere.
It's so amazing.
Do it!
Do I have a voice to cry this?
Shout it out.
Do it that God was in Christ.
Boy, think about it.
God was in Christ.
Lego, Hanukkah.
God was in Christ.
What a miracle.
You know what he's telling us here?
He says, Jesus was not on his own.
God was at work in him.
That's what he's telling us.
He says, Jesus was not on his own.
Christ Jesus.
God was at work in him.
God was at work in Christ.
God was in Christ.
He says for us to bear witness that God was in Christ.
We should tell everybody that when Jesus came, when the Christ came, he was not alone.
He wasn't doing it by himself.
God was in him.
Reconciling the world unto himself.
God was in Jesus.
Reconciling the world to himself.
Not counting their trespasses against them.
Not imputing their trespasses on to them.
And then he says, they had committed unto us the word, the message of reconciliation.
What does he mean by that?
Listen again to the language.
God, he says, tell everybody that God was in Christ.
Tell them that when Jesus came, he was sent by God, but not just sent, God was in him.
God was in Christ.
What is He telling us that He has committed unto us that message of reconciliation?
He's saying, and now Christ is in you.
As God was in Christ, Christ is in you.
Jesus represented God.
He came.
He said, if you have seen me, you have seen the Father.
I and my Father are one.
What is it saying to us?
You go and you tell them, I'm in you.
I live in you.
You and I are one.
So I go, Christ is in me.
God is at work in me because God wasn't Christ and Christ is in me.
If God wasn't Christ and it doesn't quit Christ, it means God is in me.
I owe you.
God is in me, because Christ is in me.
Who am I, lekon's agradica?
Who am I?
Oh, I'll tell you who I am.
Glory to God, hallelujah.
You see, I just told you two important things.
Number one, Christ in you.
Number two, Christ through you.
Christ through you.
That's righteousness that he has brought.
Righteousness is the expression of the character of God in a man.
Righteousness, oh glory to God.
Did you understand that thing I just said?
Is the expression of the character of God?
Oh my goodness.
Righteousness is the expression of the character of God.
What is the character of God?
Goodness, kindness, love, holiness.
Just think about it.
Grace, all the good things about our Heavenly Father now are being expressed through us.
I can only do good things.
I can only be kind.
I can only be considerate.
I can only be loving.
That's who I am.
That's my nature.
That's who I am.
Because God is in me.
He's characterized at work in me.
The righteousness of God is at work in me.
Did you know that that's one of the biggest verses in all the Word of God?
2nd Corinthians chapter 5 and verse number 21.

For he had made him to be sinned for us, and you know sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
Glory to God.
We have been made the righteousness of God.
I'm the expression of the character of God.
So when I come to people who have a problem, I don't try to, okay, I'm for you, I'm not free.
No, I bring in the righteousness of God.
I speak from God's perspective.
I don't speak from man's perspective.
I bring in God's answer.
I bring in God's solutions.
I bring in God's words.
God's message.
I speak from him.
I represent him.
What a world.
What a world.
What a world that will be when they discover who we really are.
and they can't find out until we express ourselves.
And you can never express yourself beyond your confession of who you are.
Your tongue locates you.
That's why you have to believe right.
If you believe right, then you will think right.
If you think right, you will talk right.
If you talk right, you will walk right.
I know who I am.
I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
So Christ in me, Christ through me.
I'm talking about the most sublime achievements of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ, the third one.
I put in the simple way again, Christ and me.
Christ and me.
Oh, what does this mean?
Oh boy, oh boy.
What does this mean?
First Corinthians chapter one and verse number 30.
You'll see what I mean now.

First Corinthians chapter one, verse 30.
Oh, can you read that?
What of Him?
in Christ Jesus?
Who of God is made unto us?
Wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption.
How could this be?
God of verse 9.
Chapter 1 verse 9, same book.
How could this be?
How could this be?
Read, God is faithful by whom you were called, aren't you?
The fellowship of his son, Jesus Christ.
Look at that.
We've been called into friendship with Jesus.
We've been called into association with Jesus.
We've been called into oneness with Jesus.
We've been called into sharing.
Oh my goodness, think about it.
No wonder he says we are joint heirs together with him.
We're joint heirs.
We're in fellowship with Jesus Christ, associates of the God kind.
An amazing reality.
Christ and me.

I don't go anywhere alone.
We go together.
But you see, it's not like, you know, there's a guy one time he said, he was trying to practice the presence of God.
He's trying to learn it.
So he says, he put two chairs on the platform.
He's sitting on one, and he's talking to the other empty chairs.
He says, God is sitting there.
Jesus is sitting there, you know?
He says, the Holy Ghost is sitting on that chair.
So he says, Lord, there's an empty chair beside him.
He's learning, but that was a bad way to learn it.
Because the Lord doesn't sit on another chair.

He sat down when you sat down in you.
You know, do you remember the prayer of Moses?
When he said, oh God, if you're not doing with us, don't let us go from here.
You must go with us.
We don't pray that kind of prayer.
We forbid to pray that kind of prayer.
He lives in me.
God goes where I go.
He never quits.
He never quits.
I don't ever have to invite him to where I'm going.
Somebody said, tell God where you're going.
So he goes with you.
No, he goes in me.
This is Christianity.
He came to live in me.
Always he wanted 11 tabernacles.
And He's found one in me.
What about you?
He's found one in you.
He lives in me.
Over 5,000 ministers are conscious that Christ lives in every minister of the gospel.
In this concluding segment, taking the ministers through more scriptures, the man of God admonished on the responsibility of every minister to the calling, office, and ministry.
So what do you need?
The calling doesn't change because God gave it.
Your office doesn't change except if God adds another office to it.
You see, that's it.
I mean, he can add more offices, he can give you more work.
He can do that, but you can change the office.
You can increase it, you can reduce it.
The calling is there from God, the office is there from God, the ministry is there from God.
You can change anything.
Your responsibility to the calling, the office and the ministry is to fulfill.
I wrote something for you.
It's simple, but let me give it to you so you can write it down.
It's very simple.
Your responsibility is to acknowledge
acknowledge, accept, honor and fulfill them.
Those three calling office ministry, they all come from God, they're all given by God and your responsibility is to acknowledge, accept, honor and fulfill them.
I'll give you a few verses.
Acts chapter 20 verse 24.
Colossians chapter four verse 17.
First Peter chapter one verse 10.
Second Timothy chapter four verse seven.
Romans chapter 11 verse 13.
Let me just take two of them.
Go to Colossians chapter four verse 17.

Paul is writing to the Colosians and says, and say to Antipas, take heed to the ministry which thou has received in the Lord that thou fulfill it.
Did he say, and God will fulfill it for him?
Your job is to fulfill the ministry that God has given you.
You must acknowledge it, you must accept it, you must honor it.
It's important to honor it.
You must honor it.
How important is that?
There are Romans chapter 11 verse 13.
Romans chapter 11 verse 13.
For I speak, Paul is writing here, for I speak to you Gentiles, and as much as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify my office.
You must magnify your office.
You must honor it.
Honor your office.
Did you know that when Paul had all those churches, started all those churches in the Gentile world, they were not large churches, they were small churches.
I was thinking today, when I was listening to that talk show,
our sister from Syria was talking about the because of the checkpoints.
A lot of them can't go to church if it's far.
And I was thinking, oh great, that means you have churches in all the quarters.
Don't wait until the church is 510,000 people know.
Post churches were not very large.
A lot of them held in houses, in private homes.
Read the Bible.
Paul didn't have a large congregation.
He had small congregations in different places.
So, great.
You're doing just as good.
Yeah, you can clap, that's right.
Glory to God.
So he says, I magnify my office.
I respect for what God has called you to do.
If you don't respect it, nobody will.
When he was doing all that work,
Not many thought it was a big thing.
Oh, you mean you're sent to the Gentiles?
Oh, really?
Ah, you know those Gentiles, people didn't think they loved God.
Nobody expected a big thing to come from among the Gentiles.
Oh, you are the apostle to the Gentiles?
Is that so?
Oh, we are the ones in Jerusalem.
Oh, you are for the Gentiles?
Oh, but look what has happened all over the world today.
from the ministry of Paul to the Gentile world.
Glory to God.
So never belittle your work.
Your work is important.
Never belittle it.
Don't say it again.
You know we are a small ministry.
Don't say it.
Don't say it.
Don't say it.
Don't say it.
Did you know?
Let me read something to you.
Galatians chapter 2 verse 9.
Do we have it?
Now Paul is saying something here.
And when James, Sifas and John, who seem to be pillars, perceive the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Benabbas the right hymns of fellowship that we should go on to the heathen and they on to the circumcision.
Next verse.
Only the world that we should remember the poor, the same which I also was forward to do.
Do you understand what he's saying here?
You haven't heard me yet.
Let's put it in the context.
Let's start reading from verse six.
Maybe you'd catch the idea.
Now, don't worry about the fairly harsh words of Paul here, the fairly harsh, but get the message.
For of these who seem to be somewhat whatsoever the way I'd make it no matter to me, God accepted the man's verses.
For they who?
Seemed to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me.
But contrary wise, watch this.
When they saw that the gospel of the circumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter, next, for he, watch this, read it in parentheses, for he that wrought effectively in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me towards the Gentiles.
You know what I'm trying to tell you?
The ministry that you are doing,
is actually God at work in you.
He says, he that rot, he that rot effectively in Peter to the opposition.
The same was mighty in me.
So when we carry out ministry, it's God carrying out his work through us.
When you say, you know we are a small ministry, you are belittling the work of the Holy Spirit through you.
There's nothing small about God.
Did you hear what I said?
Say we are big.
Everything that's from God is big.
That's it.
It's honorable.
Everything that's from God is great.
We are the seed of Abraham.
There's no small one among us.

Bless it, be God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
Okay, then the next one I'll talk about, gives in grace, right?
I know you're trying to listen to that.
But that's not about to come tonight.
That'll be tomorrow.
So, blessed Lord Jesus, how gracious and kind you are.
How marvellous are thy works.
Lift your hands toward heaven, just there where you are sitting.

He's so gracious and kind.

Oh, the Kundalabra did the hasta seen.

And shall we gather at the river The beautiful, the beautiful river Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God Yes, we'll gather at the river
the beautiful, the beautiful river.
Gather with the saints at the leader that flows by the throne of God.
Indeed, beyond a gathering of 5,000 ministers from 145 nations of the world,

Every minister present is returning to impact their countries and regions beyond.
Explore the Pastor Chris Digital Library for more life-changing teachings by the man of God, Pastor Chris.
God bless you.
