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3 Kinds of Knowledge Part 2

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Labor is yours.

There is that everyday knowledge founded on intellectual ability with which you can solve natural problems.
No matter what your life is like, if you will give attention to God's word, it will build you up mentally, it will build you up spiritually, it will build you up physically, it will build you up financially, the word of God will build you life and make you a success.
What there is that superior knowledge God gives with which you gain mastery over circumstances and become a supernatural success in any and everything you do.
What you need for success is not a job from somewhere.
What you need for success is not a money from somewhere.
What you need for success is not somebody somewhere to talk for you.
What you need for your success is what John said.
He said, I write on to you that you may become a way.
that you may know that he has the way.
In Richard's spirit with the knowledge of God's word, as you listen to part two of this six-part live transforming message by Pastor Chris titled, Three kinds of knowledge.
It doesn't matter what field you're into, it doesn't matter where you work, it doesn't matter what kind of business you're into or profession.
When you're filled with the knowledge of His will, as you meditate on God's Word and you're brought into this kind of knowledge, what happens is you begin, you begin to function with all wisdom, insight into reality.
You know beyond what you see.
God bless you as you listen.

Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus, we thank you for your grace.
Our hearts and minds are open tonight.
So He had received the word of God.
Thank you Father.
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
You may be seated.
Praise the Lord.
I just want us to share some things tonight.
God's Word is so important in our lives.
You know, we are built through the Word.
The Bible tells us
It's God's word that builds us, builds our spirits.

And powers that I commend you to God and to the world of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance.
talks about the word of his grace, which is able to build you up.
God's word is the real builder.
The matter what your life is like, if you will give attention to God's word, you will be built.
It'll build you.
It'll build you up mentally.
It'll build you up spiritually.
It'll build you up physically.
It'll build you up financially.
The Word of God will build your life and make you a success.
Remember what Jesus said to those men that He
made his disciples, when he first met them, he said, follow me.
And I will make you figures of men.
See, he can make you what he wants you to be.
He said, follow me.
And I will make you say, it was his responsibility to make them what he wanted them to be.
He said, follow me.
I will make you figures of men.
Now I want you to turn into the book of Romans and chapter number 12.

Romans chapter number 12.

And I'm reading to you from verse three.
For I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you.
Now every man that is among you is talking about the saints.
It's talking about us, Hallelujah.
Every man that is among you.

Always it's important for us to know
who the Scripture is addressing.
If you look at chapter number one, same book, chapter number one of Book of Romans, and you read verse seven, he says, he tells us who the Epistle is addressed to.
He says to all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints.
And who are those called to be saints?
Those were born again.
So he's talking about the church, he's talking about us, he's not talking about everybody in the world.
So he says, for I say through the grace, verse three, chapter 12, book of Romans, for I say through the grace, given unto me to every man that is among you.

Not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think.
Now, he didn't say not to think of himself highly.
He said not more highly than you ought to think.
In other words, you can think of yourself highly, but not more highly than you ought to think.
Come on, did you get it?
So he says to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly according as God had dared to every man the measure of faith.
Now I want you to notice that a lot of part of it.
This is according as God had dared given
There are to every man the measure of faith.
He didn't say a measure of faith, but the measure of faith, which means every man that is among you has the same measure of faith at the beginning when you receive Christ Jesus into your heart.
Everybody got the same measure of faith.
It was a definite measure of faith that was given to everybody.
Now what you do with yours is what matters.
You can make it grow.
You can make your faith grow.
Some have made their faith grow.
Some others haven't made their faith grow.
They're still living at the level they were living in when they just got born again.
Even though they've been born again many, many years, their faith hasn't grown.
And it matters that your fate should grow.
Remember, some time ago, we learned something about different kinds of fate.

We talked about zero of fate.
There's a no face.
Then you have leader of fate.

There's great faith.
There's strong faith.
There's weak faith.
And for the details, you ought to get the book.
How many of you have the book?
Let me see your hand.
Okay, if you don't have a copy, right after the service, make sure you go to the bookstore and get your own copy to enlighten you.
It will help you a great deal.
So he says that God has dealt to every one of us, the measure of faith.
Every one of us has the measure of faith.
The same faith was given to us at the beginning.
The same faith was given to us at the beginning.
All right, now I want you to read that lot about a bit by yourself.
Beginning with us.
Go ahead.
Okay, read the whole thing.
Just read the whole thing then.

Yes, he says, but to think soberly, according to us, God had dared to every man the measure of faith.
So I said, what you do with your faith matters.
But then I want you to turn to second Peter, the second appeasal of Peter.

chapter number one.
Are you there?
Oh, glory to God.
All right, I'm reading from verse number one, Simon, Peter, a servant, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith.
Have you obtained like precious faith?
Come on, we just talked about it.
So today we have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God in our Savior Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the what?
Were you here on Sunday?
Okay, what was that?
Talk to me.
Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the what?
Through the knowledge of God and of Jesus, our Lord, according us, His divine power.
According us, His divine power has given unto us.
I like it.
His divine power has given unto us all things that pertain unto life in godliness.
His divine power has given unto us all things that pertain unto life in godliness through the picknesses of him that have called us to glory and virtue, through the knowledge of him.
that are called us to glory and virtue.
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great hope.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
I love meditating on this chapter.
It's just so marvelous, wonderful, so enriching.
according as his divine power had given verse three on us all things a patina the life and godliness through the knowledge of him who had called us to glory and virtue called us to glory and virtue called us to what glory he has called us to glory and virtue look at where your life ought to be he's not yet talking about the heaven he has called us to a life of excellence a life of glory a life of beauty
A life of grace.
He says he has called us to a life of glory, virtue, excellence.
It is when I are given unto us exceeding grace and precious promises that by these you might be what partake us.
Oh, glory.
That means participate us in the divine nature, the divine experience, the divine life.
We ought to be participating, involved in the divine life, the divine nature.
So we ought to be having experiences of divinity, the higher realms of glory,
where some people are always having experiences where demon spirits are oppressing them.
I don't understand those folks.
They're hearing the wrong thing.
They're listening to the wrong thing.
And that's what that's their life's experience.
But we have been called to glory and virtue.
Can you say, man?
You know, a lot of people who wake up in the morning and they got a, they had a fight all night long with demons.
That's what their own experience is.
It's all sickness, demons, and devils.
But you can have a better life.
So he says, whereby a giver under us, exceeding great and precious promises that by these he might be partakers of the divine nature.
Partakers, none of the suffering life
But of the divine nature, Hallelujah.
That's where I live.
Glory to God.
Partakers of the divine nature.
Having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust, verse 5, and that's where we want to begin tonight.
And beside this, giving all diligence, he says, add to your faith virtue.
Did you notice?
He said, we have obtained like precious faith.
We obtained it.
We received it.
We didn't have to manufacture it.
We didn't have to create it.
The Bible tells us the Word of God gave it to us.
Do you understand?
But now it says add to your faith.
There's something to add to your faith.
Now there's a reason why I want to look at this portion of the Bible tonight and I want you to go to verse number eight so you can understand why we're starting this subject.
Can you turn to verse eight, same book, same chapter?
I want you all to read it together, want to go.

You know, if I had been just, you know, flipping through the pages and browsing through the scriptures and have found this verse 8, where it says, for this thing's being you and abound.
That means if they are in you in increasing measure, they make you
that it shall neither be barren nor on fruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Some people are barren.
Some are on fruitful.
They've been in Christ a long time.
They've been Christians a long time, but their lives have no fruits, no results.
And the Bible says, if these things being you, in increasing measure,
They produce results in your life.
They make you such that you are not bowing, and you're not unfruitful in the epignuses, do you understand?

Now, if these things be in you, oh, so if I suffer, say, I'd like to know what those things are.
And I'm going to start looking for those things.
Well, thanks beyond to God, they are found from verse number five.
The found from verse number five.
So we'll begin from verse five and we'll discover them.
He says, and beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue.
Add virtue.
I already got faith.
I already got faith.
Now he says, I'll virtue to it.
That means it's my responsibility.
But I like to know, what's it mean I'm to your faith virtue?
How am I going?
What do you mean I'm to your faith virtue?
You know, let me tell you something.
See, sometimes we have to study the details of certain things in the Bible.
You know, when you are a baby in Christ, you can just
read through, browse through, understand it at the level you can understand it.
But as you grow in Christ, God starts taking you more seriously.
It matters what words you speak.
It matters what words you hear.
It matters how you reason.
It matters what you think about the Scriptures.
For example, you can pray anyhow you want to as a baby in Christ and God will answer you.
You see that?
That's the reason why some people say, well, I don't know why, you know, Pastor Chris is talking about different kinds of prayers.
I'm okay, I pray to Jesus in the name of Jesus.
So it doesn't mean anything.
God's always answered my prayer.
You are a babe, even though you're a preacher.
No, no, understand this.
Just because that's why people blame preachers for too many things.
That's your preacher, a pastor on evangelist, doesn't mean that you have grown up in Christ.
You have to understand.
The calling into the ministry is not synonymous with Christian growth.
So sometimes a pastor or minister has done something and they say, and he says he's a pastor.
Well, he's a babe, anyhow.
You don't have to blame him.
And he can say a lot of wrong stuff, and God will answer him, not because what he's doing is right, but because God's giving him some space to grow.
After a while, what's used to work for him at that level will not work anymore.
Because God's going to say stop feeding our milk, it's time to grow.
Dear Lord Jesus, I come to you in Jesus' name, wrong, wrong, wrong.
You cannot pray to Jesus in the name of Jesus.
And you do not come to Him anyway.
The day you give your heart to Christ to be born again, yes, you came to Him.
So we say, see now, spray this, say, oh God, I come to you in the name of Jesus.
Because you've been out.
You've never been here.
But now that you've come here, you are in here.
You don't come to Him in the name of Jesus.
You're in here.
Hence our whole Lord Jesus, I pray to you in the name of Jesus.
Oh Lord Jesus, in Jesus name.
It's nonsense, you see, but as a baby in Christ, as a kinder of Christian, that may not mean anything to you.
You think we're splitting the air, as we are not splitting the air.
But you see, the Bible says, strong meat, belong to them that are of full age.
Who by reason of use have their divine spiritual senses exercised to discern what is right and what is wrong?
Praise God.
And then you see things working for you without stopping.
But sometimes it works and sometimes it fails and sometimes it works and sometimes it fails.
Okay, so here, he says, act to your faith virtue.
So you want to know, what does it mean act to your faith virtue?
So is that starting behind beyond just the suffix, is a study to show yourself approved of God, all right?
A workman, he says, that needed not to be ashamed.
He says, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Rightly dividing the word of truth.
Like I just told you about prayer.
That's rightly dividing the word of truth.
And some people don't know the difference.
They say, what's the difference?
It doesn't matter.
God hears everything.
You see, they are not rightly dividing the word of truth.
Like the Bible says, there's a difference between the soul and the spirit.
Now, a lot of people think the soul and the spirit are one and the same.
And many times in Scripture, you'd find that they're synonymously used.
But you have to understand what the difference is so you can apply the Word of God correctly.
So it tells us the Word of God can divide between soul and spirit.
The Word of God can show you the difference.
Okay, now, can you see that verse five again?
He says, and beside this, given all diligence, add to your faith virtue.
Add to your faith virtue.
Now, the word add there, because this is mathematics now.
So you say, add, why does it say add?
Because you already got something, and now he says add.
What do you mean add?
What is God talking about?
Sometimes there are some words that should get your attention.
Because the Bible says that the, it says all scriptures give them back inspiration of God.
They're inspired.
And it says they're communicated to us with words which the Holy Ghost teaches.
Which means that the Holy Spirit carefully chose the words to communicate divine thoughts to our spirits.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
So he says, add to your faith virtue.
Add to your faith virtue.
Add to your faith virtue.
So what do you mean add?
If he had said remove from your faith virtue, we would need to know why.
You get it?
So that's an important word right there.
It says, add to your fate virtue.
He should have said, he could have said, you already have, along with your fate virtue.
I'm trying to tell you why that word is important.
What is that add?
Meaning it's my responsibility.
So when God tells me to do something, I'd like to know what it is,
What the instruction really is, so I can be sure when I'm being obedient.
This is anti-of-faith virtue.

There's a Greek word that is used right there, and maybe I should give you the history of that word.
First, what's behind the word that he has chosen to use?
Now, Peter was familiar with certain things that happened in their environment.

And they used to have these Greek dramas, Athenian dramas.
And they would usually have a poet who writes the script.
And if it's a beautiful script, then they have these actors and actresses getting ready, taking their parts and everything.
So three major
areas were needed.
One was the script writer, the poet, and then they also needed the government to provide the theatre, okay, where they would sage it.
so people could come and watch it.
So there was a theater.
I'm showing you the various elements that Peter was considering in his communication.
Then lastly, they needed one more element.
And that was what they called the sponsor.
The sponsor.
Now, the sponsor in the Greek was called Corrigos.
That's the word for the sponsor.
It meant the supplier, somebody who lavishly, I want you to understand that, lavishly sponsored the drama.
He financed it.
He had to be a wealthy individual who was ready to sponsor it.
A wealthy person who was ready to supply all that was necessary to put up this play.

So when Peter was writing, he wasn't just talking about you,
taking this and adding it to this to make two.
Are you, are you, are you understanding the difference now?
He was talking about a sponsor who would lavishly provide so that everything, because everything was ready.
But they needed a sponsor.
The script was there.
The actors and actresses were ready.
And now they're saying, hey, we just need the money.
We just need the money.
If anybody will be ready, and so they'll maybe mount a campaign, and then somebody says, our sponsor, they understand the man is wealthy enough to sponsor it, to lavishly provide what is needed.

So that's the corigos.
You get it?
All right.
Now, when he said, add to your fate, virtue.
He said, epicoregial.
Meaning, supply lavishly to your faith.
Now, what is the importance of that?
You'd see it.
As a Christian,
As far as Peter was concerned, God already gave you faith.
The theater is like the word, where you are now going to act, your play.
The script concerning your life has been written.
He already said,
these promises which we have obtained.
Now we are participating in the divine experience, in the divine nature.
We are walking in the divine light.
But now you need some supply to make this faith work, to make all of these things, all of these blessings that God has given to you work such that you can now
Get into the steps of that which has been written concerning you, acting your play.
It's a script.
It's been written.
The place for Planet Out is here, in the world.
But he's saying, hello, we need a sponsor.
Everything is ready.
So he says, sponsor it lavishly with virtue.
So he's going to tell you what things you would need.
And these things he says, you need to provide them, supply them lavishly.
What does that tell you?
Your own rule in the Christian life.
What you do that causes your Christian faith to be so
So effective.
I remember we were reading on Sunday, Philharmon, verse number six, where he says, that the communication of bad faith may become effectual through the acknowledging.
Oh, this is wonderful.
It is through the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you.
in Christ Jesus.
Now these things that He's telling us to add, they are in us already.
What He's actually telling us is this, He says dig into the deep
and bring them out because you need to put them.
It's like what James said.
He said, fate without works is dead being alone.
So he's telling you to now put your works together with your faith.
But the works that he's talking about now is bringing what you have on the inside to the outside.
So he says that the communication of your faith may become effectual, effective, powerful, result producing.
by the acknowledging, acknowledging, acknowledging, epignosis.
That was the word.
Epignosis, the acknowledging, it means exact knowledge, complete knowledge, full knowledge.
It's talking about full comprehension.
You've understood it.
You've taken a hold of it.
I told you, it's a revelation that comes to you through meditation.
You receive that revelation and you meditate on it.
Have you observed the sometimes as you meditate?
You just somehow, it's like you shout, whoa, I got it.
Does it happen to you sometimes?
First, you know, it's like guino school.
Hey, hey, I got it, I got it, I got it.
But then you now meditate on it.
You meditate on it.
You start talking it.
You start using it.
And then you have what?
It's full, exact knowledge.
They can't take it from you.
The communication of that thing may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you.
He says He's called us to glory and virtue, meaning that inside you, oh hallelujah, inside you is the glory of God, inside you is that virtue is a life of virtue.
So He says add to your faith virtue.
What is virtue?
Moral excellence.
And moral excellence here, He says it is dependent on moral energy.
So it is a work of the Spirit of God on the inside.
It's produced from inside you.
But then you now have to walk in it because it's like, you know, it's your calling.
It's your calling that says, out to your faith, virtue.
You can't get it from anywhere else, but that's what the Holy Ghost came into you.
That's what the Holy Spirit came to, leaving you.
So you can have that spirit of excellence, moral excellence.
It's something you have on the inside now.
And now you can walk in the light of it.
And so you can refuse to cheat.
You want to say what I'm talking about?
It's in you now.
It's in you now.
It's at life that's in you now.
But it's saying, man, put it to work.
put it to work, bring it out.
You've got it in you.
You're born again.
You're called to life a virtue.
You have moral energy.
You are supplied from within.
Remember, the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit, he said, but he shall receive power.
Now, a lot of times, what many don't understand is the fact that this power is talking about this inherent power.
Meaning that when the Holy Spirit comes to residing you, you will no longer need supply from heaven.

You no longer need supply from heaven.
You know, lots of Christians, you know, they're asking for a breakthrough from somewhere.
They're asking a whole sin and other power.
You know, they're asking all these stupid things.
But what your need is on the inside.
He said, his shall receive power, inherent power.
The power of the Holy Ghost will come to reside in you.
Out to your faith, virtue.
More energy.
Working out something in you.
No more struggling.
He's telling you you can do it.
You say you want to do it.
You can.
He says, you can't put it to work.
You can't add it to your face now.
Add it to your fate now.
Add it to your fate.
The ability to say, I want to do this.
I want to do that.
I want to do that.
And it's right.
And I'm not going to do that.
And I'm not going to do that.
We're just wrong.
It's in you.
He says, put it to work now.
sponsor it supplied and this is supplied lavishly hallelujah and then the next one what's the next one knowledge right okay it is add to your faith virtue and the virtue of
Now this is very important because it says add to virtue when you have this moral excellence.
To a lot of people, you know, more excellence really

is not according to your personal judgment.

According to God's judgment, God's judgment of what is right and wrong.
Why did I say that?
In certain societies, there are certain laws because if you leave moral judgment
to whatever the society says something will be wrong.
Because in certain societies, there are certain laws which are inconsistent with human liberty or sense of liberty and all the qualities and desires
of the free human spirit.
So moral judgment cannot be left to society.
That's the reason why there are immoral laws in the world.
There are immoral laws.
Laws that infringe on human rights of individuals.
So we'll look at
What is right, as far as it is consistent with God's word?
So he says, at your faith virtue, and to virtue, knowledge.
Remember, he said, if these things are in you, in increasing measure, you cannot be unfruitful.
You cannot be barren.
which means you'd be fruitful, you'd be productive, what a life.
Anything you do will be successful.
There are some people, whatever they do, that's frustration.
Just about the time it's gonna work out, it fails.
All the time they do something, it fails.
I don't have that kind of life.
I'm successful.
That's all I think about.
But because of this anyway,
So he says, add to your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge.
Now this time when he says knowledge, he uses the word, gnosis.
And I told you what that means, okay?
It's knowledge that you gain through intellectual activity.
He's dealing with mental prowess, which means God wants you to become erudite.
You see it.
That's what he wants.
I think that's beautiful.
Just to imagine all of God's children.
Being erudite.
That's wonderful.
But that's what he wants.
He says, act to your fate, virtue, and virtue.
Gnosis, knowledge.
He's saying,
mental activity.
Put your mind to work.
Hu pasaka estaradiga.
He says put your mind to work.
That's the meaning of study.
So there is no talking about revelation.
He's talking about your mind working.
He just gets some knowledge.
You need knowledge, because if you don't know, then you can't move.
Do you ever hear somebody say knowledge is power?
How true?
It's important.
If you don't have knowledge, you'll be a loser, even though you have faith.
You'll be cheated.
You need the knowledge of God's Word, hallelujah.
You need the knowledge of God's Word.
So He wants you to have mental prowess.
He wants your mind to be sharp.
He wants you to study.
He wants you to get knowledge.
See, like what I'm sharing with you now, what are you going to do with it?
Make sure you get all the notes, get the tapes, listen again and again and again until it becomes a part of you.
The first time I made a study on this portion I'm sharing with you right now, the first time I made a diligent study and I wrote out my notes carefully on all these things I'm sharing with you was 1981.
That was 1981.

When I got my notes out, writing on every detail of it.
You see, if you study, it'll stay with you.
It'll become yours.
It'll reside in you.
And then you can act, act on it.
You can put it to work.
You can live in it.
See, the Word of God that you build into your spirits will give you a character.
It'll give you a character.
Then you find you won't have to work.
See, the word has found itself into every fiber of your being.
It's in every bone of your body, every cell of your blood.
That's what he told us to meditate on the word.
So to get into our system.
So we are sizzing with the word.
Do you get it?
Thank you Lord Jesus.
So that's knowledge, you need knowledge.
Tell somebody you need knowledge.
Okay, faith, what?
Act to your faith, what?
And then, and then it goes to the next one, he says, temperance, temperance, temperance,
See, this is an important word.
A sentence is an important word because sometimes when we study it on the surface, we're kind of like, hey, hey, what's it saying?
Temperance is what's in some of the versions.
It's been translated
Self-control, right?
But it pictures an athlete, you know athletes, an athlete that has self-discipline.
You see, he wants to be the champion, all right?
So Peter is telling us these things because he wants us to have pictures.
I want you to remember who Peter was.
Peter wasn't a man who used big words.
So whenever Peter wrote something, you needed to see them in pictures.
Peter was a fisherman.
He was not a professor.
He was not scholarly like Paul.
So, when you read Peter, you see in pictures.
You see Peter chose words, which you could use pictures to describe.
So, when he said, temperance, he used a word, and Greek is angratia, meaning to hold oneself in.
You know, it's like, I want to do this, but I'm restraining myself.
And he's dealing with a word that was more accustomed, was more used about to describe athletes.
And here the guy, he knows he wants to be a champion.
And you bring this food, he wants to eat, but he holds himself back because I want to be a champ, you know?
I can't take this state.
If I eat this one, it may not be good for me.
So he has what he calls self-restraint.
So now he says for us to add this to our faith, add self-restraint, have the ability to say, let me know if I do this now, I might not.
Hey, come on.
Some people just eat everything.
Some people just swallow everything.
But he's telling us, hey, take charge of your life.
That's what Peter's telling us, take charge of your life.
Have self-restraint.
He uses the word to hold oneself in.
Keep yourself back.
You know, you're angry.
I'm going to give that fellow a piece of my mind.
Hey, hold yourself.
So you go back and say, no, no needs, no needs.

No need.
You're angry.
That guy almost hit your car.
You open the car and come out like this.
You go back inside.
Sam, I'm not going to do that.
I'm not going to do that.
How did Peter get that?
From Jesus.
Remember, he walked to Jesus.
Jesus said, did they give you this bash?
He said, don't go, ah, me, me, haunt me, ah.
Jesus said, no, don't do that.
He said, the brother was fighting somebody.
They were fighting until the whole street gathered to be separated and kept on fighting.
What happened?
It's okay, judge the matter.
He said, I came here to preach.
I was preaching to him.
I was preaching to him.
He sort of entertained me that he does not believe.
And let me go.
He was arguing.
Then he hit me, so I hit him back.
He came to preach.
Now I just turn into a fight.

The man he came to combat.

Peter said, what?
Hold yourself in.
He says, grab yourself from the inside.
Don't wait for somebody to come and hold you.
He says, hold yourself in.
The wife is angry.
I'm packing out.
I'm packing out.
I'm packing out.
I'm packing all her things.
Get to know her things.
Hold yourself, sister!

The man says, I'm checking out.
Hold yourself!
Self-control, right?
grab yourself from inside, say no.
Praise the Lord.
So that's what they call temperance.
And the next one is what?
That's a very simple one.
Simple, right?
But you see, he's not just
If you look at some of the translations, you'd notice they use different words.
It's actually the key word there is endurance.
It's called stickability.
How to keep keeping on?
That's what he's talking about.
How to keep keeping on?
in the face of opposition.
Sometimes there's hardship.
See, make no mistakes about it.
There are times, especially at the beginning stages of your faith life, where things might look hard.
And you're like, hey, man, what's going on?
He says, learn to endure.
Learn to endure.
Go through it.
Stick to what you believe.
It is add to your faith, virtue.
And to virtue, knowledge.
To knowledge, it is temperance.
To temperance, it is what?
Sometimes there are people who don't know how to stick with a job.
They have this job and then people are not talking about them.
You call yourself a Christian and then they are, oh Lord, why me?
Why me?
Oh, I'm the only Christian in the place where I work.
They want to leave.
You don't have to leave.
Learn to endure.
Endure hardship.
The Bible tells us to endure hardship as a soldier.
Endure hardship as a soldier.
Sometimes you're in a job, for some reason, they've not been able to pay.
If it's not consistent with their character, you don't have to leave.
Well, I don't pay for three months now, I'm going.
No, hold on.
If it's not consistent with their character, what if it's consistent with their character and they used me in there?
But if it's not been like that,
And now that company is going through some stress.
They're having some problems financially.
Don't just get out.
First learn to stick.
First find because God may use you to provide the solution.
Don't immediately leave.
Find out what should you do on the circumstances.
Start learning.
to stick with something, to endure hardship.
Learn to endure.
And while you're enduring, it's with hope.
With hope for a brighter day.
Some people endure without hope.
That's sad.
Well, things have never been better.
I don't think that things are going to be better.
We are just going through it.
It doesn't matter.
We have been suffering for some time now.
That's not the kind of patience it's talking about.
It's talking about patience with hope.
Patience with hope.
If you have patience without hope, it's useless.
What are you patient for?
You're not being patient, you are at home.
But patience speaks of hope because it means you're waiting for something.
You see it?
You're waiting for something.
That's the brighter they come in.
So you keep creating the picture, creating the picture, creating the picture.
There may be a time where you have to stay with somebody.
You may not get
All the nice meals you'd want while you're staying there.
And you're hot.
If you're living with someone and you're an adult, an adult, you know who an adult is.
All right?
You're an adult.
I mean, I can understand you, 23 years old, 24 or more, and you're living with somebody you expect three meals on that person's neck, something's wrong with you.
One meal is enough.
They give you the other two say no thanks.
Listen, I'm telling you something important.
Listen, I'm telling you something important.
You know why?
Because when you become comfortable with the three mirrors they're giving you, you'd never go.
You'd never go.
One is enough if you get that much.

I'm living with my uncle.
If you're smart, by the time you're 18 years and above, one meal is enough in your uncle's house.
Don't take more than one meal.
They're worried if you're not working, then don't eat at all.
Well, that's what the Bible says.
Is anybody who will not work should not eat?
If you are taking three meals in your uncle's house every day, you will soon fight him.
Yeah, because you are beginning to act like it's your rights.
How can you be having three mirrors struggling with his children?
Something's wrong.
The reason if the mill is not there, if one, just one Russian, you're gonna ask Madame who has my food.
This meat is too small.
No, one mill is enough in your uncle's house before you make trouble with his wife.
And it's the same thing, whether it's your brother's house or your sister's house.
I'm saying the same thing.
That uncle refers to all of them.
Learn to accept hardship.
And when you go through hardship, don't complain.
Don't complain.
Do it with hope.
with joy, with gladness, knowing that there is a better day not too far away.
Is that good?
All right, so what's the next one we're adding?
Somebody says, what's the spelling of the last one I gave you?
Is that okay?
You got it.
Oh, the next one it says we should add is very interesting.
You know what the word is?
Tell me.
Add to patience what?
One more time.
godliness it means piety towards god piety towards god that's what this godliness means piety towards god piety towards god he's referring to being devout this means he's talking about
devotion to spiritual activities.
Now he says we should add it.
Now this is so important.
And I'll tell you why.
This word does not refer to inner virtues.
It doesn't refer to inner righteousness at all.
it has reference to the extent ours only.
In other words, he's referring to what you do that can be seen on the outside.
So when you say in the context of scripture, this man is a godly man, you are not talking about somebody who inside
Has anything spiritual?
That's not what it's referring to.
He's not concerned at this time with what is inside you.
He's talking about your outside behavior.
Which means you must do what?
Learn to pray.
Now, people pray.
You have devout people all over the world who pray.
Many people who pray don't even know God.
You have people of different religions who are devout.
There are Muslims, Shintois, Buddhists, and so on and so forth.
And they are very devout.
They pray, you know, they pray.
Have you seen those Jews at the willing wall, the Gholaita?
You've seen them.
That doesn't mean God is here in them, but you know, that's part of that devotion.
Now he's telling us we ought to have godly devotion.
We ought to have.
Many Christians don't have.
They don't have.
They don't have anything like, it's my quiet time.
quiet time, where I pray, and I shut my door, lock it in and pray, and I need no disturbance.
They don't have it.
Many Christians don't have it.
The Bible says you ought to have it.
Now, you remember, in 1st, 1st, the body in verse 7, he says, for us to exercise, his exercises, your own to godliness.
That's the same thing he's talking about.
He's talking about godly activities.
He says bodily exercise profits a little.
But godliness, piety, is profitable.
Then he says, having a promise.
You see that?
There's a promise.
So you carry, you come to church.
Going to church is part of your devotion.
It's part of spiritual activity.
I've got to go to church.
So on Sunday, I'm going.
It's part of my devotion to God.
So I'm going.
Now, there are Christians who say, well, you don't have to go to church.
Church is inside you.
It's true.
Yes, church is inside you.
God is inside you.
Bible is inside you.
It's true.
It's true.
The Bible tells us that Jesus customarily went to the synagogue, the place of teaching in his day.
But as his custom was, he was there regularly.
He was there regularly.
When he was born to show how devout his parents were, on the eighth day, they took him for the circumcision.
And they also took him to the house of God to be prayed over, to be dedicated.
Some Christians don't care about the Christian dedication for their children.
Something is wrong with you.
It doesn't matter, we just dedicate him to him.
But this is what Peter is talking about.
He says, add to your faith virtue, and to virtue what?
Knowledge, and to knowledge, temperance, and to temperance, patience, and to patience, godliness, piety towards God, being devoted.
Do you understand?
He says there are spiritual activities, there are things we do, the marks of a Christian, they are outward things that people can look at you and say, oh yes.
They can't see it in your heart.
There are some places you should not be founding.
They didn't call you, they just come.

You sit down with the world, watching all the wrong films, all of you together.
You find it interesting.
A very word living, your own.

Christian sister.
Christian brother.
There are some places you should not be found in.
If you get there, you should come in with godly piety.
That's what he's talking about.
There's something about your movement.
There's something about your life.
We know where this... Come on!
You should not be there.
Go away from there.
Step aside, because you don't belong there.
You don't belong there.
You don't want to be mistaken for those that are causing the commotion.
So step away.
That doesn't mean that you may not be the subject of a problem.
Do you understand?
You could be, but you know how to handle yourself.
You know how to handle yourself?
I had a guy talking to me, you know, one time in the airport, he was just insulting me.
This was outside the country.
He was in Nigeria.
He was just talking, talking.
Do you know what I did?
I was with my telephone.
I was just going like this.
He was working with me insulting, talking.
I didn't say a word to him.
Made him look like a fool.
They didn't say anything to me.
They kept talking, following me, was talking.
And so others were wondering, was it talking to me or somebody else?
I couldn't tell.
Should I have been?
He didn't deserve the attention.

when he should ask for prayer.
You see, if he had asked for prayer, his life would have been better.
But he did the wrong thing.
See, he did the wrong thing.
And I felt so sorry for him.
It's like, you know, how they encountered Jesus.
He was a man who could change your life completely.
and insulted him.
They spotted him.
They said, prophesied to us, they covered his face.
They said, prophesied to us, who touched you?
They slapped him.
They said, prophesied, who was it?
Who was it?
They were laughing.
They are creator.
He came onto his own.
His own received him.
You know, not that word was as he was in the world.
The world was made by him, and the world knew him nice.
the world knew him not.
I want you to have that same spirit.
Have that same spirit.
That's the way we ought to be.
Like Jesus.
I don't care what people think about you.
They don't count.
They're not a factor in what you become.
Never care.
And you know what?
The Bible says,
God will exalt you if you're humble.
The proud, he would abase.
For the humble man, he would lift.
So, when the proud speak against you, don't care.
Just be humble.
And God will promote you above them.
And you go higher and higher above them, and he will leave them where they are.
And they can continue saying what they want to say, but you are enjoying the best of life.

Do you want to say what I'm talking about?
Anybody can call your names either wants to.
It doesn't mean anything.
And if he calls you a dog, doesn't mean you're a dog.
Come on.
They can call you a thief, doesn't mean you're a thief.
They can call you names if he wants to.
Doesn't mean you're what he says you are.
He just don't care.
And to tell you the story about it, when people talk like that, I don't feel any hurt.
I just don't care.
I just don't care.
It doesn't mean anything to me.
Oh, I'm a success.
Of course.
Anybody can see anything.
It doesn't mean anything to me.
I live unto Christ.
You can call me proud, braggadocious.
It doesn't mean anything.
I don't care.
You are yourself.
And I have only one person that really matters.
His name is Jesus.
I care what he thinks.
And when he tells me, don't worry.
So have that attitude.
The Bible says we should be like him.
He says who when he was revived, reviled not again.
He says when he suffered, he threatened not.
But committed himself to the one who judges righteously who would keep him.
So the Bible says we should be like Jesus.
He says he has given us an example that we should follow his steps.
Be like him.
Be like him.
And you'd be a success everywhere, anytime, anywhere.
I mean, nobody can dishonor you.
Can somebody dishonor you?
Nobody can dishonor me.
Because I'm lost in him.
I don't have any name.
So you can't spoil my name because I don't have a name.
The only reason you know me is because of Jesus.
Come on, if I were in preaching Jesus, you wouldn't listen to me.
You're here because of Jesus.
I'm lost in here, so I don't have a name.
Most of you call me Pastor.
Pastor, where's my name?

See, Pastor, Pastor is there.
Pastor, Pastor.
Pastor, Pastor.
And sometimes you only put Pastor Chris.
You say, Chris, because, you know, there's Pastor, Landry, there's Pastor, you know.
You understand what I'm talking about?
So you now try to distinguish between them.
But where's the name?
It's lost in Christ.
So you want to have a fight with me?
Go fight with him.
Enjoy your life.

All right, let me take just a few minutes to finish this.
I said, godliness.
It's what piety towards God, all right?
It means devotion to spiritual or godly activities.
And I told you that in no way does it refer to inner righteousness or
inherent holiness.
It doesn't refer to, and you have to note that it's important.
It doesn't refer to inherent holiness.
There's a reason why that is important, because you see, literally, notice the word is what godliness, okay?
That's what the word is, godliness.
And you know that
The Greek for God, you'll have Theus, okay?
Now, if there was anything God inside that word, you would have Theus, but there's nothing Theus.
The Greek word is Usabia.
So God is not actually there.
It means well directed, literally well directed.
Can you see that?
So it shows us that it's not really what you'll call godliness in terms of holiness in your heart.
It's just the things that you do.
These well-directed things that you do.
You get it?
Praise the Lord.
So when you say, when you hear somebody say, godly man, doesn't mean he knows god.

All right.
So after that, godliness will directed rivrings.
Write it down.
where direct and reverence, how you respond to the things of God.
You see, very important.
You come into the house of God, like, for example, you're coming into church.
At least when you get in there, hey, come on, change your attitude.
You know, it's a place of worship.
So hold yourself, control yourself, and find your seats.
Become quiet.
You may not do this in the bus.
Who knows?
I don't know.
But when you come in, see, there are different kinds of places.
And you organize yourself, right?
So in your Christian walk, he expects you to also handle yourself.
Your dressing matters.
There's some piety.
necessary in your dressing.
Don't dress like a ruffian.
Let me tell you something I found out.
Even the roughest guys who get their hearts to Christ in their roughness, okay, and they dress rough looking with a scarred hair and walking anyhow, believing in Jesus,
in the process of time, even though they went to their colleagues in the same who behaved like them to preach the gospel to them, to be accepted there, and win them to Christ as they grew.
I noticed they changed their addressing as well.
There's something, there's a decency that goes with the Spirit of God.
And that decency must be in your life.
Are you hearing me?
That decency must be in your life.
Okay, we got one more, two more really.
Okay, brotherly kindness.
Whoo, whoo.
Brotherly kindness, right?
Add to godliness, what?
Let me hear everybody.
Say louder.
One more time.
Brotherly kindness.
He says, add to godliness, brotherly kindness.
Because you see, when you become pious and you know, he says, hey, recognize your brethren.
Because you might just be like that and you don't do anything for others.
He says, brotherly kindness.
Now brotherly kindness is
Translated from one word, you know, this is brotherly kindness.
But it's translated from one word, one Greek word.
You should know it.
It's Philadelphia.
That's where that word comes from.
And the root of it is, you know, the Greek language had several words.
translated in the English for love.
In a New Testament, the two particular ones that you'd find most frequently, and they are filio and agape.
Many times in are changeably used, but there are some peculiar qualities that distinguish them, especially in their usage.
Now, failure is love for your friends, for your brothers.
So that's why it's brotherly love.
This is let brotherly love continue, okay?
Translated brotherly kindness, okay?
That's what we just saw.
This is Philadelphia.
So he says, add that to godliness, brotherly kindness, learning to do things for others, learning to be, he says, have godly affection for your brethren.
Kind affection for your brethren, brotherly love.
Be willing to help.
Learn to receive people.
Learn to accept its brotherly love.
Praise God.
Praise God.
When you have Philadelphia, you see, it means that you do esteem others.
You esteem your brothers.
Your brothers and sisters in Christ.
You mistakenly injured him.
You know, you were stepping out and you stepped on his foot.
And he went, ah!
And you were frightened when he shouted.
Then instead of saying, oh, I'm sorry.
You didn't go shout like that.
Then he said, oh, why did you step on my toe?
And then you fight, I started.
Now we don't know who was the cause.
You stepped on his foot.
He was injured and shouted loud.
And you were frightened by his shout.
And you shouted back at him.
And he shouted back at you.
And now this fight.
Where is the love of God in your heart?
So he says, what?
Brotherly kindness.
Be kindly affectioned one to another, the Bible says.
Receive them.
Learn to see that this man, this woman, are related to you.
They are your brothers and sisters in Christ.
accept them and be willing to help.
Personal affection.
Be kind-hearted.
He says, add it to your faith.
Because it's not going to work just because you're Christian.
You have Christians who do not ex-abete, brotherly, kindness.
They don't demonstrate it.
So he's telling you, if these things be in you and abound, they make you what?
Such that you are neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
So these things must be in you in increasing measure.
So you're growing in them, they're increasing in your life.
Examine brotherly kindness.
Change a way of talking.
Have kind words towards your brothers and sisters.
Choose the right words.
Don't be insulting.
Change a vocabulary.
Become more pleasant.
Become more pleasant.
Talk rightly to others.
Do it.
I've told you many times, learn to be grateful.
Let thank you.
Come out of your mouth quickly.
Thank you.
Be grateful.
Say it all the time.
Train yourself to say thank you.
Why in a society where whatever you do is like you are supposed to do it anyhow?
Learn to say thank you.
Thank you.
Husbands cannot say thank you to their wives.
Wives cannot say thank you to their husbands.
Children can say thank you to their parents.
Parents can even say thank you to their children.
Everybody's like you're supposed to do it.
You come in there, somebody opens the door for you, you just enter.
The ashes shows you where to sit, you just pull the joke.
Can't you just say thank you?
Is something wrong with your mouth?
You got to the door, they opened it, thank you.
You know?
They showed you a seat, say thank you.
You say, ah, I was in one thousand, thank you, and they said them, even ten thousand.
Why, listen, if people can't stop doing good things for you, you shouldn't stop saying thank you.
Are you embarrassed to say thank you?
Brotherly kindness, brotherly kindness, hallelujah, brotherly kindness, brotherly kindness, praise God, praise God.
All right, and then the last one, hey, the last one is what?
Come on.
Say it again.
One more time.
The Greek word is what?
That's the Greek word.
Now very quickly, run through your Bible to... Saint John's Gospel chapter number 21.
Are you there?
Rush, rush, rush.
Rush now now.
Rush quickly.
Are you there now?
From verse 15, so when they had died, the Jesus said to Simon, Peter, Simon, son of Jonas.
That means Simon, son of John, all right?
Love is down me more than these.
He said unto him, here, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee.
He said unto him, feed my lambs.
Now, let me tell you what, Jesus actually said, Simon, son of Johners, that's John, okay?
They love me more than these, and Jesus used the word agape.
Do you love me, agape?
More than these, Peter said, yeah, Lord, I have filio for you.
He didn't say agape, he said filio.
He said, I love you, but he chose the word filio, meaning I esteem you.
I have personal affection for you.
But Jesus was saying, do you love me to the point of personal devotion?
That's one key difference between agape and filio.
You see, because usually agape is toward God.
Agape's is love from God to us and toward God from us.
And so it's a higher kind of love.
But Peter was using the love of a personal friend.
And he used that to address Jesus.
So Jesus said, do you love me?
with that kind of love, self-given love.
Do you love me that way?
And Peter said, I love you, I love you, I love you.
So, what Jesus do?
He said it again.
Verse 16, he said to him again the second time, Simon, Son of Johners, love is down me.
Do you agape me?
He said unto him, yea, Lord, thou knowest that I feel you thee.
He said unto him, feed my ship.
Then he said unto him, the third time, Simon, son of Johnas, does thou feel you of me?
Now, guess what?
Peter was grieved.
because he said unto him the third time.
Now, here's the point.
Many times he would think that what grief Peter was because Jesus said it first time, second time and the third time.
No, that's not what grief Peter.
What grief Peter was, that the third time Jesus said, does thou feel your me?
He didn't say agape, because all the time he's been answering would feel you.
Now Jesus said the third time he said, do you have filio for me?
And he was troubled, because now Jesus is asking him, do you feel me?
But I've been saying that all this time.
You get it?
You know, it's like somebody saying, do you love me and say I like you?
Now, I'm not saying, because you're here.
Now you're gonna... Hello?
How are you?
I knew you said you loved me.
Is it a cap-based video?

I didn't send you on that rampage.
Well, you know a matter of time.

Thank you for listening.
We trust that you've been blessed.
The message you've just heard is a production of Love World Media Ministry.
Get inspired for a more glorious and excellent life by ordering these other titles, prevailing prayer, connected to divinity, the power of intercession, all available on the Pastor Chris Digital Library app.
God bless you.