3 Kinds of Knowledge Part 3
One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
People is yours.
There is that everyday knowledge founded on intellectual ability with which you can solve natural problems.
No matter what your life is like, if you will give attention to God's word, it will build you up mentally, it will build you up spiritually, it will build you up physically, it will build you up financially, the word of God will build you life and make you a success.
But there is that superior knowledge God gives with which you gain mastery over circumstances and become a supernatural success in any and everything you do.
What you need for success is not a job from somewhere.
What you need for success is not a money from somewhere.
What you need for success is not somebody somewhere to talk for you.
What you need for your success is what John said.
He said, I write on to you that you may become a way.
that you may know that he has the way.
In Richard's Spirit with the knowledge of God's Word, as you listen to part three of this six-part live transforming message by Pastor Chris titled, Three kinds of Knowledge.
It doesn't matter what field you're into, it doesn't matter where you work, it doesn't matter what kind of business you're into or profession.
When you're filled with the knowledge of His will, as you meditate on God's Word and you're brought into this kind of knowledge, what happens is you begin, you begin to function with all wisdom inside into reality.
You know beyond what you see.
God bless you as you listen.
Shall we pray about your heads for prayer?
Father in the name of the Lord Jesus, we thank you for your grace, we thank you for your love, we thank you for your kindness.
We thank you for your great presence in our lives for teaching us the word.
And now again our hearts and our minds are open to be taught, to be informed, to be instructed, to be directed and blessed in your presence.
And so we receive your word
with faith, meekness and Godness in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen, praise God.
Why don't you lift your hands right there where you are and speak in other talks.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
Thank you, Lord.
Praise God.
Last Wednesday we learned a lot of things in the continuation of our study on three kinds of knowledge and we began to look at certain things that would be required for
our Christian development.
We got to reading in second Peter chapter number one and in verse eight where he said, if these things being you and abound, they make you that he shall neither be burned or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And then we said, oh, what things?
And since these things are required in our knowledge of God, we were talking about different kinds of knowledge.
And there were things we were expected to know that will aid us in our Christian groups.
And so I said, all right, so why don't we look at those things?
And we located them in verses 5, 6, and 7.
And we studied them in details.
And I would just like, if you were here Wednesday,
You remember from the fifth verse, he said, add to your faith, virtue.
Is that right?
Say it again.
One more time.
Add to your faith.
Add to virtue.
And that was so important.
And we noted that when he said, add to your faith, virtue, moral excellence.
He was referring to moral energy, the part to do right.
And then he said, and to virtue, knowledge.
And we found out what kind of knowledge he was talking about there.
And it was what?
Tell me, nothing.
He was referring to knowledge,
But you gain through mental activity, intellectual prowess.
He was referring to being erudite.
He wanted his children to become erudite.
And that's important.
He doesn't want any dummies.
He won't sponsor any flops.
You understand?
He wants
your mind to be feared with the knowledge of the things of the Spirit.
He wants you to know the word of God.
He wants you to understand it.
So he says, add to your faith virtue and to virtue knowledge.
He's saying, be smart, be informed.
That's what he's talking about there.
The intellectual knowledge.
You remember the Bible says,
that God has not given to us the spirit of fear, but of love, of power, and of a sound mind.
When the Holy Ghost comes into your life, you become sound.
You become sound.
And so he says, add to virtue knowledge.
intellectual soundness.
That's what it says.
He doesn't want you to be ignorant.
You see, the Bible says Jesus Christ is the embodiment of all knowledge.
He's the embodiment.
He knows everything about physics.
He knows everything about chemistry.
He knows everything about mythology.
He knows.
And he can pass some of that information to your mind.
If you just let him.
If you just let him.
So he wants us to be sound that way.
And so he says, and to knowledge what?
And the temperance.
And the word was what?
In fact, let's look at the first one.
We got something from there.
What was it?
There was something we said.
Look at your note.
Come on.
Yeah, holding yourself in.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
And then the next one was patience.
And we said the key word there was endurance, right?
It's called staying power.
Staying power.
The ability to go through anything.
You can stick
Staying power, no matter what happens, you don't run away.
When we were students, there were some students that always came to school with doctor's report.
The doctor said, I shouldn't do any work.
The doctor said, the doctor said, they always had doctor's report.
When everybody was working, they handed out the doctor's report to enable them escape duty.
lazy folks.
Hope you're not that way.
Go to work with doctors reports.
Never allowed to do strain us work.
I did not do strain us work.
The Bible says, holding thoughts the word of life, not the doctors reports.
Come on talk to me.
You want to hold out something?
It should be the word of God, the word of life.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
So add two temperances of patience, and the patience what?
And the godliness.
And you know, we talked about godliness there too.
Pied it towards God.
It's an outward demonstration of an inner life.
Okay, because you already have the righteousness of God in your spirit, but outwardly you've got to do something.
You can't just move anyhow.
There's a way to work.
There's a way to deal with life.
Do you understand?
That's what it calls godliness.
There are things you do that show that you are a Christian from the outside.
Now, it doesn't mean that everybody who does those things is a true Christian, but every Christian should do those things.
For example, you must go to church.
Now, we all know it's not everybody who goes to church that's a Christian, but every Christian ought to go to church.
In Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 25, it says, not for second the assembly of our zeros together as the manner of Son is.
God doesn't like it when you don't like to go to church.
Even though he knows, not everybody who goes is serious, but it says if you are serious, go.
So that's very important.
That's very, very important.
So that's godliness, outward piety.
And then after that, under godliness, what?
Brotherly kindness.
Yeah, receiving others as your brethren, dealing with people with that brotherly love, okay?
Brotherly love.
No wonder he says let brotherly love continue.
Is there brotherly love amongst you?
Are you sure?
Do you show it?
When you're going out through that door and they're pushing, you go, that's not brotherly love and that's not godliness.
Godliness will not... And brotherly love will accept that other person.
He's hurrying, let him pass.
So we are hurrying now.
Don't become the judge.
Let him pass.
This spirit of trying to outdo others is wrong.
How do your past?
How do yourself?
Don't try to outdo someone else.
Because you don't know the kind of Johnny that God has given to that who wants to run.
So don't try to run with him.
Are you still there?
Okay, and then to brotherly kindness, at what?
And it's wrongly rendered charity in the King James Version.
You ought to read love because the Greek word is agape.
And that is love, the God kind of love.
And every one of us ought to have that kind of love.
Praise God.
Yes, when it relates to God, Agape is love that includes devotion.
And then, of course, where it cannot include devotion because there is no respiration from the object of love, you love anyhow.
In other words, in spite of the other person.
There it is not possible to be devoted.
But you love anyhow.
So you can love people who don't love you.
You can care for people who don't care about you.
Jesus said, if you only greet those who greet you.
He said, how are you better than the public hands?
He said, how are you better?
He only greet those who greet you.
He says, that's not good.
Love those who don't love you, who don't care about you.
You can greet those who don't greet you.
He said, what if they don't answer you?
Don't worry, you have greeted anyhow.
I'm not talking about that kind of greeting that doesn't require any money.
There's no greeting.
When you greet somebody, look at his face.
When you greet, look at his face.
Are you still there?
So that last part was in verse seven.
So in the eight verse, he said, if these things be in you, in the wonderful that the Bible is replete with such information, the kind of things we ought to do to be successful and have a great life.
And yet there are too many people who read those things every day and don't do nothing about it.
And then so they just suffer through life.
Sometimes I ask, but why are there so many suffering poor people all over the world?
But the answer comes, my people perish because the luck, knowledge, they reject knowledge, they ignore information.
He says, if this thing's being you, you'd be successful.
Now, I get inspired by such
versus other Bible, because I never want to be a failure in my life.
So when it tells me about what to do, so that I do not live in failure or fail in any endeavor, I want to do it.
Okay, so we've been talking about three kinds of knowledge.
When we said there are three
that we'd like to look at.
The first one is what, ginosco.
All right?
And the second one is what?
And the third one is what?
The bignosis.
And then, of course, we saw some others along the way, which were not our focus.
We wanted to focus on these particular words.
Now, I want you to look at something in your Bible.
First, a piece of power to Timothy.
And you will be looking at chapter number four.
Have you found it?
Oh glory to God.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
Anybody can have a great life.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Anybody can have a great life.
I have a great life.
Anybody can have a great life.
I have a wonderful life.
And I've had this great life for so long since I was a little boy.
Because I got a hold of truths pretty early in my life.
Why is this turn of a child and where you should go?
When he's old, he will not depart from it.
Okay, so you've got it there.
First, Timothy chapter number four.
I want y'all to read verse 15.
He says, meditate upon these things.
meditate upon these things."
Now, look at it.
It's so simple.
Meditate upon these things, and then what?
Give thyself wholly to them.
That means commit yourself completely to them.
What's the result?
That thy profiting may appear to all.
What's translated profit in there means progress.
That your progress may appear to everybody.
What's mean appear?
He wants everyone to see what he has done with your life.
I want you to read the game.
And then while you're reading it, you go to Old Testament Joshua chapter 1.
Chapter 4 verse 15, read the game, I said.
that thy provident may appear to all.
He wants everybody to see your progress.
In that wonderful God wants people to see your progress.
And you know, you see, in Joshua chapter one that I told you to look at, Joshua chapter one, when you read from verse seven, right?
into verse 8.
Can you read it for me?
Verse 8, this.
He said, this book of a law shall not depart out of thy mouth.
Did you notice it didn't say out of thy heart?
The problem is not the heart.
He says, the book should not depart from your mouth.
That means keep talking it.
You see that?
He said, don't let it depart from your mouth.
Now, most people read it like they read it in their heads.
Don't let it depart from your heart.
No, God, it's the intolerant depart from your mouth.
That's what's written there.
We all assume he says, don't let it get out of your heart.
But he said, don't let it get out of your mouth.
Because he knows if you can put it in your mouth, it will be in your heart.
But you can have it in your heart and it doesn't come out of your mouth and so you not be successful.
He says the power of it is in the talking of it.
Then he said, you shall make your way prosperous and have what?
Good success.
Good success.
Let me tell you something.
If you go back to that first Timothy chapter number four and verse 15, who were readings has meditated upon these things, give thyself holy to them, that thy prophet in may appear to your progress.
Now, the word translated appear to all is a little, is a little,
broader than just to appear.
There's a reason why in the English version it is rendered appear, because it's a Greek word, faneros.
And faneros means spread abroad.
And it also means to cause to shine.
You see that?
Meaning that if you meditate upon these things and give yourself to them, he says, your progress will spread abroad.
That's the reason others will surely notice your progress because your progress has gone abroad.
They're talking about you everywhere.
You can't hide this kind of progress.
You can't hide it.
It says your progress will spread abroad.
It will go into other cities.
It will go into other nations.
Your business will...
Your life, your Christian work, you know everything about you.
That's what it's your progress.
That's your progress.
It may appear to all because it is not just an appearance.
He says through cost to shine, it will spread abroad.
Spread abroad.
Now, who doesn't want that kind of success?
Is there anybody who doesn't want it?
Is anybody here you don't want that kind of success?
And he shows you how to get it so easily.
He says, hey, meditate upon these things.
Give yourself completely.
What are the things?
Read the rest of that chapter.
You tell you what they are?
And you might as well read the previous chapter too.
And tell you what, they are very simple things, all coming out of the Word of God.
So you meditate on the Word of God and you got it.
Now, sometimes people say, but is that so simple?
Imagine I am, let's say I am a sportsman, okay?
Maybe I play football or I play long tennis or something.
And so I say, how can this relate with my success?
I want to be successful in my field.
I'm a sportsman.
Now, meditating on that thing that Pastor says, how is it going to work for me?
How does that affect my life?
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh
Okay, I'm a politician.
And so, you say, how can this work for me?
If I'm meditating on the scriptures like Pastor says, how can this affect my political dreams?
How does God's word work?
That's the reason we're studying three kinds of knowledge.
Because the first one we said is Genosco.
Genosco is that knowledge that is imparted to you, revelation knowledge, which you get when you receive Christ into your life and the Holy Spirit comes into your life.
You are brought into a new kind of knowledge.
It's revelation knowledge.
It's got nothing to do with your intellects.
You can't reason it out, but you just know.
You just know.
The Spirit of God has ministered to your Spirit.
Now you know you're a child of God.
You just know it.
You have been awakened to the Fatherhood of God.
So you know it.
Now, the other one, we said, is I do.
And idol knowledge is an awareness.
It's an awareness.
It's like you come into a room and the light is dawned on.
You become aware of the things inside the room.
And it tells us, we know that all things work together for good, to them that love God.
We know, we are aware.
But even though we know, what is my role, and that is where a diagnosis comes in?
What is my role?
Because a diagnosis is knowledge with participation.
So what is my role?
This is a kind of knowledge that you apply in the realm of the Spirit.
Now you're beginning to use knowledge.
That's why he said, let your love abound more and more in knowledge.
You see, because when you're born again, the love of God is in your heart.
He says, the love of God shall have brought in our heart by the Holy Ghost.
You see, so it's just there.
But that doesn't mean you're growing in love.
But through epignosis,
which is revelation knowledge that comes to you full through your participation in that knowledge.
What happens is what you have received.
Now you understand how it works by revelation.
Now you know how to apply your knowledge of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, your knowledge of his resurrection.
Now you can put it to work in your life.
Now is that full knowledge that you gain as you meditate in the realm of the Spirit?
Now that kind of meditation is also what brings you Rema.
You see it?
Okay, now let's come to this.
I said, how do you apply these things?
I'm a businessman, I'm a businessman, I'm a businessman.
How does this meditation work for me?
That's what I'm trying to tell you.
I hope you're listening.
Epignosis is the knowledge that you're coming to.
For example, the Epic nozzles of Christ, the knowledge of Christ, which we are so much counseled and prayed for to have.
He says, the full knowledge of Christ, if it were not possible, he wouldn't tell us to get it.
Now, what happens is that knowledge of Christ makes you become more like him.
You become more and more united with his thoughts.
Colossians chapter 1.
Let me show you something.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
All right, let me read it to you.
In Colossians chapter number 1 and verse 9, for this course we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you and desire that he might be filled with the prognosis of his will.
In all wisdom and spiritual understanding, did you see that?
The prognosis of His will is as we desire and pray to God for you that you be feared with the full knowledge.
Epagnosis is full knowledge, complete knowledge, exact knowledge, no assumptions.
It is such knowledge that you become a part of what you know.
It is as we pray that you might be feared with this exact knowledge.
Paul didn't say, we are praying that we shall be healed.
He said, we are praying for you.
Because Paul had had it.
He had gotten that kind of knowledge.
That's what made him a success.
That was the knowledge that put him ahead of others.
So now he's praying for them.
So we desire and pray to God for you.
that to be filled with the exact knowledge of his will.
You know, when you start in Booger Romans and 12th chapter, he talks to us about the good will of God, the acceptable will of God, and the perfect will of God.
And God wants us to work in his perfect will.
All right?
But how do you work in his perfect will until you have a revelation?
An exact knowledge, an exact knowledge of His will.
It is important.
We have to have accurate knowledge of the will of the Father.
I said, Hallelujah.
Praise God forevermore.
Okay, now what happens is this.
When you know the will of God, it's revealed in you.
You become a part of that wheel.
Now, that knowledge of his wheel, you are filled with his wheel.
Remember, he said, in all wisdom.
In all wisdom, what is wisdom?
Wisdom is inside into reality.
I hear in this, he says to be filled with the knowledge of his wheel.
The exact knowledge, the full knowledge of His will, is in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
Oh boy, this is powerful.
You see, it doesn't matter what field you're into.
It doesn't matter where you work.
It doesn't matter what kind of business you're into or profession.
When you're filled with the knowledge of His will, as you meditate on God's Word and you're brought into this kind of knowledge, what happens is you begin to function with all wisdom, inside into reality.
You know beyond what you see.
And it's a spiritual understanding.
You know what's the power behind it.
You know exactly what to do.
Look at this.
Look at this.
A prophet of God.
Look at it.
Elisha comes among some of the prophets, the young prophets.
And something happened.
They had lost an axe head.
An axe head.
Do you know what an axe head is?
It's a metal.
It's a heavy metal.
You know what an axe is?
The head of that axe.
That heavy metal was lost inside the river.
The cried out to Elisha, the man of God.
Oh man of God, we borrowed it.
Listen, we borrowed it.
Elisha got a stick.
Did you, you understand what we're talking about here?
started in the water and the axe head came to the surface.
It came to the surface.
Now question, how did he know that that was what he should do?
He had what he called spiritual understanding.
He was made to know what to do.
Are you still there?
Look at Isaac.
Everybody's getting out of town.
Because of the family, there's no water anywhere.
Everywhere's dry.
Everybody's going away.
Isaac is packing his things.
He's about to move.
God says, Isaac, don't go.
What's that?
A revelation.
He says, stay here.
Stay here.
And I'll give you all these countries.
Isaac went to dig and there was water.
Everybody else was digging and finding no water.
But when Isaac dog, there was water.
How did he know where to dig?
How did he know where to dig?
The phyllis, the Bible says the phyllis didn't envy him.
He wasn't the one trying to find out what was what was lucrative.
He wasn't looking for which business is working now.
Let me put money into it.
He, uh, boy, he had the revelation.
Others were following him.
When it took a step, they knew what was going on.
Spiritual understand.
Are you still there?
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
You see, when you come into this kind of knowledge, I'm telling you, it doesn't matter what field you're in.
Plus that, let's look at something.
He says, the hypnosis of Christ, the knowledge of Christ, what happens when you know Him?
Turn the first Corinthians, let me show you something.
What manner of man is Jesus?
What manner of man is Jesus?
As powerful as that song is.
You know what God wants?
He wants the world to start singing.
If your name is Fermi, what manner of man is Fermi?
You know why?
Because we are partakers of His divine nature.
He says through the hypnosis of Him who has called us to glory and virtue.
Oh, thank you Lord Jesus.
I want to show you something about that.
In 1 Corinthians chapter number 13, he says from verse 11,
When I was a child, I speak as a child.
I understood as a child.
I thought as a child.
But when I became a man, I put away childish things.
For now we see through a glass that's a mirror, darkly, but then face to face.
Now I know in parts, but then shall I know.
And this time it says, then shall I know.
Even as I also am known.
I don't know if you're catching it.
He's talking about being shall I have full knowledge as I am also fully known.
Now, what I want you to see there is this, a participation of knowledge.
He says, I will know as I am known.
John had another communication with this.
John said, the one who's born of God who works in love is in God, and God is in Him.
And there he was talking about absolute knowledge.
Absolute knowledge with the same construction, with what Jesus said He knew the Father.
He used the term idol.
That's what John said.
An awareness of a knowledge that he had been brought into.
All right.
Now, he says, I will know even as I am known.
I told you the other, the water God knows you.
Are you hearing me?
The more you study the Word of God, the more you discover yourself inside.
So he says, the Word of God is quick and powerful.
And as he says, he's living and active.
It's sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of the Son of Soul and Spirit and of the joint and marrow.
He says, it is a designer of the thoughts and intents of the hearts.
the Word of God knows you.
It says, all things are unveiled open to him with whom we have to do.
And that's the Word of God.
He knows us.
Now, we are going to know even as we are known.
In other words, the more we meditate on the Word of God and study it with the spirits, the more we delve into the Word of God, the more we become.
What he says we are.
In other words, we get to know as we are known.
So what he says, I am, I discover, I really am.
So I know as I am known by the word.
Did you get what I said?
Okay, the man is a sprinter.
Look, we haven't even touched the fringes.
I don't know if you understand what I'm talking about.
We haven't scratched the surface.
The problem with the church, all over the world, is that not many understand this stuff.
And not many are talking about it.
And so not many of God's people are well-informed.
Otherwise... You say you are a sprinter.
Go and read about Elijah.
The Bible tells us the Spirit came on Elijah.
He outran the best horses in Israel.
You know what that means?
The king's horses.
Elijah outrun the best horses in Israel.
He outrun them.
He told the king, hurry.
So I'm telling you that those horses were charging like mad.
You understand?
Because he told the king, you've got to hurry.
So the king was hurrying and Elijah outrun the hurrying horses.
You want to be a sprinter?
He said, then shall I know, even as I am known, there is a knowledge you are brought into.
See, the more you meditate, he says, as we behold the glory of God.
It is the glory of God.
He says, as we behold the glory of God, in the mirror of God, we are metamorphosed.
We are changed.
We are transfigured.
Something happens to your tendons.
Something happens to your ligaments.
Something happens to your bones, to your muscles.
Do you understand?
Before long, use that tag and go with a gun.
Through the knowledge of him who has called us the glory and virtue, can you shout him in somebody?
Oh, glory to God.
Oh, Hallelujah.
Tell somebody I'm on my way.
I'm on my way.
I'm on my way.
Hey, hey, go in again.
I'm on my way.
Hey, thank you Lord.
We're finding out what is covering good things in the Word of God.
No one now said that the communication of our fate may become what is sexual by the a big gnosis of all the good things that are in you in Christ Jesus.
We are finding out.
I'm discovering the good things in my life.
Can you say hallelujah?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Give him praise, give him praise, give him praise.
Thank you for listening.
We trust that you've been blessed.
The message you've just heard is a production of Love World Media Ministry.
Get inspired for a more glorious and excellent life by ordering these other titles, prevailing prayer, connected to divinity, the power of intercession, all available on the Pastor Chris Digital Library app.
God bless you.