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3 Kinds of Knowledge Part 4

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
People is yours.

There is that everyday knowledge founded on intellectual ability with which you can solve natural problems.
No matter what your life is like, if you will give attention to God's word, it will build you up mentally, it will build you up spiritually, it will build you up physically, it will build you up financially, the word of God will build you life and make you a success.
There is that superior knowledge God gives with which you gain mastery over circumstances and become a supernatural success in any and everything you do.
What you need for success is not a job from somewhere.
What you need for success is not a money from somewhere.
What you need for success is not somebody somewhere to talk for you.
What you need for your success is what John said.
He said, I write on to you that you may become a way.
that you may know that he has the way.
In Richard's spirit with the knowledge of God's word, as you listen to part one of this six part live transforming message by Pastor Chris titled three kinds of knowledge.
It doesn't matter what field you're into.
It doesn't matter where you work.
It doesn't matter what kind of business you're into or profession.
When you're filled with the knowledge of His will, as you meditate on God's Word and you're brought into this kind of knowledge, what happens is you begin to function with all wisdom inside into reality.
You know beyond what you see.
God bless you as you listen.
I love the word of God.

You know the Bible talks about the man Isaac.
How that Isaac made progress.
The Bible says he walks great.
He says the man went forward.
He made progress in his life.
He went forward.
He walks great.
And about as it became so great, the Philistines envied him.
He was the physical seed of Abraham, the earthly seed of Abraham.
You are the spiritual seed of Abraham.
That should be your story.
Can you say, man?
I said that ought to be your story.
And it will be your story.
You'll go forward.
Wax great.
Become so great.
Tear somebody close, I'm warming up.
Warm it up.
This world is governed by spiritual laws.
I said the world is governed by spiritual laws.
And spiritual men who have understood those laws are in control of this world.
It's a fact.
But you know what?
We are learning and charting our course and moving forward.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
I'm excited in my spirit because of the Word of God.
It's wonderful just to know you are a success, irrespective of circumstances.

Collosians chapter number three.
You there?
I'm reading to you from verse 10.

We'll take it from verse nine, so it'll be in context.
Lie not one to another, in other words, don't tell one another lies, okay?
Some people love telling lies.
They tell lies like they drink water.
But the Bible says, lie not one to another saying that you have put off the old man with his deeds.
Do not tell lies anymore knowing that you have already put off the old nature and his actions and his way of life.
In verse 10, and have put on, you have put on the new man.
This is your new nature, hallelujah.
You have put on the new man, which is, which is,
renewed in a big gnosis.
Exact knowledge, full knowledge.
Now, when you started in the King James and a few other translations, it's a little bit unclear, if not confusing.
And I put on the new man, which is renewed, and I'm going to look at that word renewed, renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.
What is he talking about?

First, it is important for us to understand the tenses.
He says you have put on the new man.
He didn't say try to put on the new man.
He didn't say pray to God to put on the new man for you.
He didn't say keep trying to put on the new man.
No, he says you have put on the new man.
You're a new being.
A new creation now.
He says you've put on the new man.
But then it says, which is renewed.
Now, some other versions will let you understand that the word is a continuous word.
What it says, renewed.
Sarah versions will tell you, being renewed, which is being renewed.
Because of the Greek word that's used there, and it's a continuous term, which is being renewed.
Interestingly, it's been noted that the particular term used here by Paul was not common in many Greek writings, even though he has not been given the credit for the coinage.
but his interest in that he chose words that were not in everyday communication to explain some of the deep things of God.
So the two things to understand there in that word renew.
Now, let's look at it again.
And I put on the new man, which is renewed.
The Greek is a verb and a kind of meaning, a difference, a qualitative difference.
Now, not in how recent it is like being renewed,
in terms of Neanderthal, how recent it is, but in qualitative difference.
It's a word that describes another word which you find in
Second Corinthians chapter 3 and verse 18, where he says, as we behold the glory of the Lord in a glass, in a mirror, he says, we are changed.
The Greek word metamophole, from where we have the English metamophosis, which is a change in state.
a change in kind, a change in quality, yet it's the same life.
But there's a change in state, a change in form, a change in glory.
So now he picks this word in a Greek
to explain to us a qualitative difference where it says, and I put on the new man which is being and it's continuous, meaning it is happening, it is happening.
It is going on, but then it says, renewed in knowledge, a prognosis, not ordinary knowledge, but that knowledge that I told you, a prognosis is a knowledge that you participate in.
You see, it's a revelation, but that revelation comes in meditation.
Now, through that meditation, there is a change.
There's a transformation.
You become what you know.
Do you understand?
You become what you know.
Now it says, you are being renewed in Epidosis, in this full knowledge of God, which you gain through meditation, in that revelation has come to your spirit.
You see, you become what you know.
This is a prognosis.
You become what you know.
The knowledge that has granted you transforms your life.
The more you know Him, the more you see yourself in Him.
And the more you become, like what Paul says, that as we keep looking at the glory of God in the mirror.
You see, we are looking at the glory of God in the mirror.
You see, the Word of God mirrors us.
And it tells us that when we look at the mirror of God, we are seeing the glory of God.
But then it tells us through the prognosis that that glory that we see is actually ourselves.
So we have become the glory of God.
But then it says, the more we look, the more we become the glory of God.
The more we look, the more we become.
It says we are transfigured.
That's the word.
It's a transformation in state, in quality.
You are transfigured.
So it says, be renewed, which is being renewed, like we understand now, being renewed in knowledge, then it says, after the image, in accordance, or according to the image of Him that created Him, the image of the one that created the new man.
So we are renewed in knowledge,
after that image of God, which means we become more and more like Him.
Now, this image is a qualitative image.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
It's a qualitative image.
Now, when you go back in Genesis, you understand in Genesis up to one and read from verse 26, 27, the Bible tells us that God has let us make man in our image and in our likeness.
In other words, let him look like us and let him function like us.
But didn't quite say something about qualitative imagery.
But now he comes to the New Testament and there is a birth, a new birth.
We have become his offspring.
There's a difference between being created by God and being His offspring, even though He tells us that there is a recreation.
But this recreation is not the same kind.
You know, when you study in Genesis, the Bible helps us distinguish between the word create and form.
He says God created man.
All right?
Now, that creation, He says He brought him into being.
From non-existent matter.
But then when it says, in God, God formed man from the dust of the ground.
He used the word Hebrew word that means that he squeezed him into shape like you formed with clay.
So he was looking at the inward man and the outward man.
The inward man with the human spirit was created by God.
How did he create him?
First, he knew him inside him because he conceived him in himself.
But then he spoke him into being.
And then he squeezed clay, formed clay.
And the Bible tells us that God breathed into his nostrils.
the breath of life, and says, and man became a living soul.
That's how the man that he created in the spirits came into the physical body that he made from the ground, and man became a living soul.
But you see, that was the first man.
Perhaps as the first man was of the earth, Etsy,
Then he says, the second man which is Jesus Christ, he says is the Lord from heaven.
Then he says, ask we have born the image of the Etsy, so shall we also bear the image of the heavenly.
But then he says, oh thank you Lord Jesus.
First Corinthians.
Ho, ho, ho, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo
L'obra de gassas tarahas.
Thank you, Lord.
First Corinthians chapter number 15 and I'm reading from verse 45.
And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul.
The last Adam was made a quickening spirit, hallelujah.
And then he says, how be it?
That was not first, which is spiritual, but that which is natural.
And afterward, that which is spiritual.
The first man is of the earth, early.
The second man is the Lord from heaven.
As is the earthy.
Such are they also, that are earthy.
Such are they also, as is the earthy.
Such are they also, that are earthy.
And as is the heavenly.
Whoo, such will there be also?
Talk to me now.
I said it's important to note the tenses, understand the tenses.
When you study in the New Testament, it's so important that you look out for the tenses.
Understand what you've been given as the past tense of God's Word.
When you understand the tenses, you will not be asking for what you already are or for what you already have.
Not the tenses.
Now look at it.
He says, as is the etsy, such are they also that are etsy.
And as is the heavenly, who's the heavenly?
It's the last item, the last, the second and last item.
That's Jesus.
And as is the heavenly, such are they also, that are heavenly, which means we are exactly like him.
And this is the same thing confirmed from what John said, as he is so are we in this world.
That's the first episode of Saint John chapter four verse 17, is that as he is, so are we in this world, didn't say when we get to heaven, as he is.
So are we in this world?
In this world.
Somebody say, in this world.
Say it again, in this world.
And I look at it again, verse 48, as is the atty, such are they also that are atty, and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.
Then look at verse 49, and as we have born the image of the atty, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.
Thank you, Lord.
You see that?
It's just wonderful.
Let's go back to Colossians chapter number three and finalize this.
Once you look at it again, Colossians chapter three, verse 10.
This is, and I've put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.
The new man.
We've put on the new man.
Say this with me.
I've put on the new man.
Say again, I've put on the new man.
And I am being renewed in knowledge.
Or you put it this way so you can understand because that's King James language.
I am being renewed through knowledge.
Where is God?
You see that?
The more you know, the more you become.
And this kind of knowledge you're talking about, the more you become what you know.
The more revelation of him that you have, the more you become.
Hallelujah to Jesus.
Oh, glory to God.
I want you to look at the second Corinthians chapter number four for a moment.
Second Corinthians chapter number four.
I want you to see verse
Have you seen it?
Well, that same word is used.
There's reason for which cause we think not.
But though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
So how often does this happen?
This is day by day, every day.
That's a renewing process.
Every day, every day, every day,
But some people don't have it happening.
It's not happening for some people.
I said, it's not happening for some people.
Because they have no time for the Word of God.
Let me show you something.
Turn to Colossians.
Colossians chapter 1.
Oh, hoo, hoo, hoo, hallelujah.
Yeah, I want to read to you from verse 2028.
I said, it's not happening for some people, but let's look at this.
Are you there?
I'm reading from verse 26, even the mystery which had been hid from ages and from generations, but now it's made manifest to his sense of whom God would make known.
What is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles which is Christ in you, the Hooper glory, whom we preach, Christ, whom we preach.
one in every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man matore perfect complete in Christ Jesus.
Did you see that?
He's telling you why we teach.
The apostles taught because of this and this is the same reason why we're teaching.
He says that we may present every man complete in Christ Jesus to present you before him complete.
And that completeness cannot come without this kind of knowledge, which is a complete knowledge, exact knowledge, full knowledge, to present every man complete.
So this is God's purpose.
He wants you to be fully mature, complete.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
So I said, sadly, it's not happening to every Christian.
Every Christian is not growing.
Some Christians are growing and many are not.
The only way you grow is through the Word of God.
Remember what powers that I commend you to God and to the Word of His grace.
To the Word of His grace is that which is able to build you up.
The Word of His grace, which is able to build you up.
I don't look at something, book of Romans.
Oh, did you like what we saw?
He said, though, our outward man perish.
Yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
The inward man is renewed day by day.
You can have joy every day, springing from your inside.
You can be a success at every count from your inside.
He says, you are peculiar.
No wonder this counted all joy.
When you go through diverse tests, he says, counted all joy.
He says, we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the cold according to his purpose.
Oh, glory to God.
If you know that, like horses and we know,

He says, we know, we are aware.
It has come to the arena of all our knowing.
He says, we are aware that all things work together.
All things function together for good.
For good.
No matter what happens, it's for my good.
You say it's for my good.
See, you're not an ordinary person.
You cannot be disadvantaged.
It's for your good.
No matter what happens, it's for my good.
No wonder he says to give thanks in everything.
Did you notice?
He didn't say for everything.
He said, in everything.
Give thanks.
In everything.
Not for everything.
In everything.
No matter the situation.
He says give thanks.
In everything.
In every situation.
He says, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
What a life!
What a life!
What a life!
What a life!
The Bible says Elijah was a man of like passions.
He says, subject to like passions as we are.
Did you ever read in the book of James chapter 5?
He says Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are.
He says Elijah was one of us.
He was like any of us.
He felt like any of us.
Subject to like passions, like we are.
He says, in that man, who was just like anybody, any one of us?
He said, that man prayed.
He says, he prayed.
He prayed.
And there was no rain for three and a half years.
He prayed that there should be no rain.
And there was no rain for three and a half years.
And the Bible says he prayed again.

And rain came.
He says he was like any one of us.
subject to like passions.
He could get tired.
Sometimes he felt frightened or read his story.
What the difference was, he prayed.
Not an ordinary prayer.
The Bible says, anest, you know.
He prayed anestly, heartfelt, continued,
And he was called a righteous man.
Remember that?
A righteous man is not someone who does righteous things only.
A righteous man is someone who believes in his righteousness.
that God has given to him, not in the righteousness of his works, but in the righteousness of the one who sent him.
You read the prophets.
He says, their righteousness is from me, said the Lord.
And what does the Bible say about us?
It is therefore, Romans chapter five verse one, therefore being declared righteous by faith.
We are at one with God.
We are peace with God.
through our Lord Jesus Christ, declared righteous by faith.
So you don't pray and expect answers because you're perfect.
Don't expect answers because you have been living well.
Oh God, I've been acting very well in the last three weeks.
Please answer my prayer.
No, he doesn't answer your prayer because you've been living right and living fine.
He answers your prayer because you are in the shoes of Jesus.
You are in His place.
You are the representative of Jesus today.
He's given you the name of Jesus to live by, to function with.
Your righteousness is not the righteousness of your actions.
It is the righteousness of Jesus that covers you.
When God looks at you, He doesn't see
You, he sees Jesus.
That's the meaning of if any man be in Christ.
In Christ.
In Christ.
You are in him.
So when God is looking at you, he can't see you, but it's his Christ.
You are in Christ.
And when you have the big noses of Christ, what happens?
What happens?
What happens?
I told you.
He says, the more I know Him, the more I am known.
And the more I am known, the more what I know Him.
And John says, to be in God and God in you.
Now, that's the same thing.
Paul talks about being in Christ.
Then he said, Christ in you.
The hope of glory.
There is a oneness.
Do you understand?
No one of the barrisers here that is joined to the Lord is One Spirit.
One Spirit.
One Spirit.
Look at yourself again.

Romans chapter 12.
Have you seen Romans chapter 12?
You seen chapter 12?
Book of Romans chapter number 12.
Read to me verse 2.
Want to go.
There is that word again.

And be not confirmed to this word.
be not conformed to this world, but be transformed.
That is the word that we saw called changed in 2nd Corinthians 3.18.
It's metamorphole.
It means transfigured.
It means a change in states.
A transformation.
Be not conformed to this world.
Be not conformed to this world.
Don't let this world make you comply with its ways.
Don't become afraid of what they feel.
Don't be subdued by the forces of this world.
Be not conformed to this world.
But be ye, He says, leave another life.
He says, be transfigured.
You see, we're all in the same level, in the same class.
And they are having all these problems, and they are having all these fears.
And you understand?
And we're listening to the same news, we're listening to the same whatever it is, and fears come into all of us.
And we look at the future, and the future looks bleak.
So he says, don't be confirmed to the lifestyle here.
Don't be confirmed.
but be transfigured.
So what?
I change to another person.
Do you get it?
I have the same life because my life in Christ is not changing.
It's a nature.
But I change my state.
I change my state.

Likros con joura leegra a stay.
Do you get it?
In that stage where you leave?
Move to the next, change your gear.
Do you get it?

Do you understand?
Move to another class.
How's that gonna happen?
It's not gonna happen by you saying, I move.
No, you will not move better than I move.
He will move.
He tells us how.
He says, but be transfigured by the renewing of your mind.
That he may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Hey, it's not God.
You know some people say, oh God, prove your will in my life.
God says, you prove it.
He says, change your states and prove the path that you have got in your life.
By the renewing of your mind.
How do you renew your mind?
Hey, hey!
It's through meditation.
Renewing your mind.
That renewing the word renewing anokynosis.
That's the noun for the one I told you before.
It's a qualitative change.
It's a qualitative change of your mind.
Change of your mind.
You take your Bible, or you put a tape on, and you start listening.
Until it gets you shouting, until it gets you running, do you understand what I'm talking about?
Until you get your remar, because you've got to speak to change the situation.
Look at it again.
Be not conformed to this world.
But be He transformed.
Everybody's going through something.
You're going through it too.
You say to the other guys, give me two days.
You go away.
Give me three days.
During that period, you are meditating on the Word of God.
You're meditating on the Word of God.
Did you know that it was the same word when Jesus was transfigured on the Mount, the disciples?
You remember Peter, James and John?
It's the same word that was used.
He says he was transfigured before them.
They saw a physical change.
Oh, hallelujah.
Let me tell you something.
That change takes place in our lives from time to time.
Man may not see it.
Did you notice Jesus took the disciples somewhere?
He took them, he said, follow me.
He took Peter, James and John to the mountain.
He didn't show it to everybody.
He was showing them what usually happens to him.
Do you understand what I'm talking about?
This was something that happened to Jesus often.
So he said, follow me.
They followed him.
And then the Bible says, as he prayed, he was praying.
As he prayed, he was transfigured.
As he prayed, I know the kind of thing he must have been saying.
I know because you see the prayers of Jesus many times were written for us and there are different kinds of prayers and the results were different when he prayed a prayer of sadness.
Oh God, let this God pass from me.
He prayed that prayer.
Oh God.
Not my will, but your will.
When he prayed, the barber says, sweat came out of his body like great drops of blood.
We saw it.
That was different.
He was going through excruciating pain.
But then, he was transfigured.
What could he have been saying?
I think I know.
But I'll tell you another day.
Oh, yeah.
You see, that was as he prayed, he was transfigured.
If you only knew,
what happens when you pray, when you pray the correct prayer, the right prayer.
And I told you, when you pray like that, a lot of times when you pray with the Word of God and the anointing of the Holy Ghost, He shows you, you see, you see, because your spiritual eyes can be opened and then you see, when you see, hold what you see, don't let it go.
Too many don't understand that principle, they let it go and they lose it.
They let it go and they lose it.
You hold it!
So, when you come down from the mountain, look at what Jesus said.
You know what he said to the disciples?
After they saw his glory, as they descended the incline, he said to them, don't tell anybody what you saw until the Son of Man is glorified.
Don't tell anybody.
So they got down, they didn't tell the other disciples, battle on you, mad to you.
They didn't know anything about it.
They didn't tell them.
He said, don't tell anybody.
So he said until the Son of Man be glorified.
So he didn't tell anybody until the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
So authors never knew.
See, a lot of times we see the glory of God as we ascend in our spirits in prayer.
And then we do the same thing.
We descend the incline and then we don't talk about it.
You've got to talk about it.
what you took a hold of.
Now use that saying it.
That's what faith is.
Let me say something about faith for a moment.
Did you know faith is a possession?
Do you get it?
For example, when you say faith is, is the response of the human spirit to the Word of God?
God says this is yours.
And faith says yes or it is mine.
You get it?
Now let's look at it.
Faith takes it.
Faith takes it.
Faith says it is mine.
Faith says it's mine.
Now, faith through faith has possessed it, has taken it.
How are you going to know when it's not faith?
When later on, you say, I'm actually, I don't know why this thing is coming.
I pray, I believe I got it, but somehow it's not working.
Faith, that's not faith.
Faith got it.
Faith wasn't trying to get it.
Faith got it.
Hello, I used you there.
Faith was not trying to get it.
Faith got it.
If you were trying to get it, that was not faith.
There's a difference between faith and believing.
I've told you a thousand times.
There's a great difference between faith and believing.
Faith, the Bible defines, and Hebrews 11 chapter on the first verse, says, faith is the substance.
Hope has no substance, hope is in the future, it's got no substance.
So faith is the substance of things hoped for.
What I was hoping for, what I was praying about and believing for,
faith has it now.
Faith is the substance of what I was hoping for.
It's the evidence of what I do not see.
Even though I bought that property, I do not see it, but I got evidence.
It is the title deeds to the property that I got.
Do you understand?
So if you're asking me, Pastor Chris, where is that property?
I don't have to take you there.
Because even if I took you there, you probably would not understand it all.
But then I give you the tighter deed and you look at the tighter deed and you understand it's mine.
Faith is the tighter deed, the evidence of unseen realities.
So faith never comes back to say, well, I'll explain about it.
I don't know why I didn't get it.
Faith doesn't talk like that.
When you talk like that, you have repudiated what you thought you had.
Faith is a posseso.
Agora is mine.
They said, but we can't see it.
Forget it.
I got it.
It's mine.
Where is it?
It's in me.
I got it.
It's mine.
Glory to God.
There's inside.
I love youngest shows story.
He said he was pregnant with a table and a bicycle and a chair, a table, a chair and a bicycle.

He was praying to God.
He said, I want, oh God, give me a table, a chair, and a bicycle.
He was a pastor.
He had just started in the ministry.
He had just one room to himself.
And it was lying, sleeping on the ground.
He had nothing.
And then said, oh God, I've been praying for several months just for you to give them the whole world is yours.
And I've been asking you for a chair, a table, and a bicycle.
And all these months you haven't given them to me yet.
Oh God, what have I done wrong?
God said, there's a lot of tables, bicycles, chairs.
What kind do you want?
God said, be specific.

Then he said, unwind, you're asked for it.
Take it.
And so what?
He decided what kind of chair, what kind of table, and what kind of bicycle.
And then he understood the difference between faith and believing.
And now when he got it, he said, I got it because he got to church and he said, I have a chair, a table and a bicycle.
And some of his friends came to see him after.
He said, we want to see your chair, table and bicycle.
So they said, you said they're at home.
Can we go and see it?
They followed him.
And all the while he was thinking, what am I going to do, Lord?
They wanted to see my chair because he testified in church.
Praise God, I got a chair, table and a bicycle.
And they said, oh chair, table and bicycle, where'd they get it from?
And so while the Lord was still going, he got it, hey, he got it.
He said, when you were in your mother's womb,
Before you were born, were you real or not?
They didn't understand.
So they said, of course I was as real as I was.
So when you were in your mother's room, did anybody see you?
Hey, I know some of you.
I know some of you are thinking, yeah, that when somebody pregnant, you can use a scan and you can see it.
I got news for you.
That scan is a special kind of light.
You know it.
You know it.
You know where I'm going.
the Word of God.
He's a special kind of like God.

So if you want to see it without using your optical eyes, you want to use that special machine to look here, then get into the world again!
Well, he said to his friends, when your mother was pregnant with you, nobody saw you, but you were as real, as real in your mother's womb as you were when you was born.
Oh, they said, yes.
Then he said, you know what?
He said, I'm pregnant with a chair, a table, in a bicycle.
You know what?
They began to make fun of you.
They laughed a lot.
And they said, you must be crazy.
But then they took it to other places.
And they made fun of you.
So church members on Sunday after the service, some of them, he said, some of them came to touch his tummy.
And they said, Pastor, how big is your tummy getting now?
You're pregnant with a chair, a table, and a bicycle.
But you know what?
It wasn't long before he got all three of them.
But that was a principle of faith that he learned.
And I suggested to you, praise God.
You know, when you trust God for something, others may not see it.
The Bible says he changed Abraham's name.
Abraham had no children.
And God said, your name is Father of many, because I have made you a father of many nations.
I have made you.
What has God made you?
What has God made you?
Can you boldly declare who you really are?
As a word has God made you?
If somebody crying, you know, oh Lord, I've failed in everything I ever did.
I'm a failure, my momma was a failure, my daddy was a failure, my grandpa was a failure, my momma was a failure, and I'm a failure, I don't know, I wish I'd just die, then die!
You know you're deceiving yourself.
Did you hear the story about the lady who said, I'm fed up and fed up and fed up.
I'm going to drown in the well.
And she ran and everybody ran off to stop women, stop women, stop don't go.
She said, no, I'm going to die.
I'm going to fall into that well.
I'm going to drown, I'm going to die.
Then stop, stop, stop.
Someone said stop everybody.
Then I'll go.
Then they all stopped.
And she kept going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going.
Once you got there, she said, ain't nobody coming here.
She looked at the whale and looked at them people.

She didn't go inside.
Because she was deceiving herself.
I just died.
It's better than die.
Okay, go ahead.
Did I tell you a story?
I went one guy one time, some years ago.
So, he said, I don't believe in heaven.
So I said, I believe in heaven.
He said, I don't believe in heaven.
He said, can you prove heaven to me?
I said, of course.
He said, have you been there?
I said, look, I can take you there.
He said, ah.
I said, all right.
I can take you there.
So I had two people with us sitting there watching us.
I said, all right.
You want to go to heaven?
He said, yes.
He said, there's no heaven.
I said, there is.
Is that right?
So he sat in front of me and I said, all right.
You're ready?
So I began to act like, you know, this is very serious now.
So I said, just do whatever I tell you.
He said, all right, you're looking at me suspiciously.
But he was ready.
You ready to go to heaven?
He said, yeah.
I said, all right, close your eyes and show his eyes with it for a while.
Then I said, now,
Just make sure you don't say anything.
All right?
I said in about five minutes, we'll be in heaven.
Then I said, close your nostrils.
I said, hold them tight.
I said, don't you open your mouth?
In five minutes we'll be in heaven.
After I was, he said, you want to kill me?
I said, well, you wanted to go to heaven, didn't you?
A lot of times people are not serious with the things they say.

Praise God.
Say this with me, I'm peculiar.
I said again, I am peculiar.
Listen, listen.
If you don't say these things about yourself, your system will not be adjusted to act that way.
You need to program your life with the necessary material.
And that's the word of God given to you.
What has God said about you?
Even tonight, a lot of you have received God's word coming to you as a person.
Your life is for the glory of God.
Accept it, believe it, and say this to yourself, I was not born for nothing.
I was born for a reason.
Can't you see it?
Come on, talk to me.
Can't you see that you were born for a reason?
Isn't it obvious?
Think about everything that's happening in your life.
And think about the words you're hearing tonight.
These are not words for ordinary men.
These are words for kings.
You've got to be a prince to hear these kind of words.
Don't you understand?
So, the special words and they belong to a special class.
And now you take these words and you say to yourself, I was born for a reason.
And that thing is working in me.
You know one thing I said some time ago, there was some people you know troubling us, doing a lot of nasty things about us, you know.
So I said to some folks, I said, can't these people understand?
Can't they look at the Bible and see?
Because when you study the Bible, you look at the prophets,
You look at the apostles, you look at those men of God that were annoyed about the Spirit, there's something you find about them.
As I can't they see that that thing is here?
Don't they know that that thing cannot be defeated?
They're making a blunder, a mystic.
It's sad they don't recognize that thing.
That thing, this is the thing that Abraham had.
This is the thing that Moses had, that Elijah had, Elijah had it, Samuel had it, David had it.
Don't they understand that thing?
There's something, this something.
When it's working in a man, you can't do him nothing.

Somebody has to be stupid, not to see it.

There are some things you see and you tell yourself, this is not ordinary.
This is not by chance.
This is not the hand of a man.
This is the hand of God.
Can't they see that thing?
I can see that thing.
So I look at my life and I understand, because I've read my Bible, I've seen that thing.
I can see it working in me.
Can't you see it in your own life?
Come on.
And when you see it, you've got to recognize it.
Oh, Lord, I can see it's not the hand of a man.
Lord, thank you, you're working in me.
I'll never be defeated.
I'll never be defeated.
Come on, say that with me.
I'll never be defeated.
See, you're Abraham's sea.
And Abraham's sea.
Doesn't matter if you're finding yourself in a wilderness kind of experience.
Hey, did you hear what I said?
Abraham was in the, no, no, look at this.
Abraham found himself in Egypt.
It was a wrong place.
I said, it was a wrong place.
He found himself with a bimilek.
It was a wrong place.
But he finally found himself in the right place.
And even when he was in the wrong place, the hand of God was there.

Look at Moses in the wilderness.
40 years.
Maybe you've been in the wilderness so long and you say, oh God, when will my situation change?
Your situation will change when you behold the invisible.
When Moses saw the invisible, come on.
Moses, in the wilderness, when he saw the invisible, it was the end of his wilderness experience.
God said, go to Egypt.
and bring my people out.
It was time to bring them out.
He had seen the invisible.
Can you see the invisible?
When you see the invisible, there'll be a change.
What is that invisible?
Oh, I told you.
I told you.
I told you.
I told you.
I said, I told you.
Don't you understand?
I told you.
Can I show it to you?
What I told you?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
He says, for a light affliction, which is bought for a moment, our light affliction, which is bought for a moment, to you it's been five years, but it's a moment.
It may have been 10 years, but it's a moment.
He says it works for us.
A far more.
exceeding an eternal weight of glory.
In the 18th verse of 1th chapter of 2nd Corinthians, he says, why will look nuts at the things which are seen?
But are the things which are not seen?
For the things which are seen are temporal.
But the things which are not seen are eternal.
Somebody shout hallelujah.

Oh, hallelujah.
Oh, glory to God.
Why will look not at the things which are sinned?
Stop looking at your condition.
Do you understand?
Stop looking at how much you have in the bank.
Stop looking at what people are saying about you.
See the invisible.
When you see the invisible, the wilderness experience will end.
Give God praise.

Thank you for listening.
We trust that you've been blessed.
The message you've just heard is a production of Love World Media Ministry.
Get inspired for a more glorious and excellent life by ordering these other titles, prevailing prayer, connected to divinity, the power of intercession, all available on the Pastor Chris Digital Library app.
God bless you.