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The Integrity of the Word Vol. 3 Part 3

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and he left us with a message to tell the untold, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and his unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.

Thank you, Lord Jesus.
We are victors everywhere.
We are full of glory everywhere.
We are successful in everything.
We are excellent in everything.
Thank you Lord.
Praise God.
We've been talking about the integrity of God's Word.
The integrity of God's Word.
Is the word dependable?
Does it mean what it says?
Can we trust it?
Can we live by it?
Say, what dealing with the trustworthiness of God's word?
Can we trust it?
Can I live by it?
Can I depend on this thing?
Can I rely on it?
Will it work?
And I say, yes, you can bet your life on it.
The word is absolutely trustworthy, absolutely dependable, absolutely.
It's important that you realize that our salvation in Jesus Christ is a legal project from God.
And that means that the Bible is a legal document.
The Bible is a legal document.

Salvation in Jesus Christ is a legal enterprise.
It is.
And because of that, you can
Find your rights.

Make your claims.

And that's what makes prayer a more blissful and devil than most people realize.
For a lot of people, prayer is a religious phenomenon.
But if you understand the Bible, it takes prayer away from religion.

Let me show you just some little thoughts here.
Matthew's Gospel.
Let's hear
what demons said, right?
Somebody's gospel, chapter number eight, from verse 28.
Come to the other side into the country of the gadgets and
They met Him to possessed with devils, to men possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fears, so that no man might pass by that way.
And behold, they cried out saying, what have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou son of God?
Read the rest.

the challenge in the legality of His actions.
Devils, they're saying to Jesus, are you here to meet us before the time?
So demons know their rights.
Devils, they know their rights.
They're saying to Jesus, you can't do that.
Are you here to torment us before the time?
In other words, there's an appointed time, they know it.
There's an appointed time for their judgment.
According to those scriptures, they know it.
And so they say to him, what are we?
We know who you are.
You're the Son of God.
Are you here to mend us before the time?
And Jesus wasn't there to to mend them before the time.
No, he just, he gave them the orders to come out, come out of the man, send them out.

They knew who he was.
He was the Son of God.
So, if God had been playing games about salvation, even devils would have challenged into it.
Our Bible, if you would study carefully the message, it's a legal document.
The salvation in Jesus Christ had to be legal.
God had to be just to Satan.
You know, some people say, why does God have to go around all this thing?
Why don't just destroy Satan and didn't let everybody go free?
You can't do that.
Even the criminal has a right to be heard.
That's what God shows.
He had to be just to Satan, just to man and righteous himself.
He had to be.
When you studied the Bible from the beginning, what happened was this.
God gave man Adam dominion over the earth, the whole world.
And according to those creatures, because man had that right over the earth, it was up to him to give it to whom he would.
He was an axe to do it.
But if he did it, it was a legal thing.
Do you get it?
So he sold out to the devil, Satan tempted Eve.
The Bible says the man was not deceived.
It was the woman who was deceived.
You know, a lot of people say Satan deceived Adam and Eve.
That's not what the Bible says.
It says the woman was deceived.
The man was not deceived.
That's why God held him accountable for what he did.
Because the woman was not there when God gave the instruction.
He gave the instruction to Adam before Eve was created.
So the instruction that Eve heard was from Adam.
So, she was deceived, and the Bible tells us, Adam the husband was right there when the wife was deceived.
He knew she was deceived and didn't intervene.
And so, God held him accountable for their actions.
So, Adam actually committed treason against God.
Can you get it now?
You can see where the problem was.
Now, God, because he was a righteous God, couldn't just drive Satan away.
Satan became, now Adam was the God of this earth.
God made Adam the God of the earth.
And he sold out to Satan.
And because of that action in Genesis chapter 3,
the fall of man.
Because of what he did, Satan from then became the God of this world.
So that's what happened.
Satan became the God of this world and began to run things.
And God couldn't kick him out because he got it legally.
By deception, of course, but it was still legal.
You get it?
If you sell something that doesn't belong to you, to somebody else, and that person buys it, the real owner can't just come and say, give it to me belongs to me.
He's got to go to court.
He can't take the laws into his hands.
He's got to go to court.
He's got to prove that the thing was his and it was sold unjustly.
And the judge will have to be just to the rightful owner, just to the one who sold it.
He's got to be just.
It's a symbol.
Let me show you to you from the Bible how God had to be just.
It's simple.
It's there.
Romans chapter 3 and verse number 26.

To declare, say, at this time, his righteousness, God's righteousness, that he might be just and the justify of him which believe that in Jesus.
Now, give it to them from the NIV, simpler English.

Read it for me, want to go.

He had to be just.
In justifying those who believe in Jesus, God had to be just as well.
He had to demonstrate His justice.
It's not just religious.
So when we talk about our rights in Christ, what is done for us, we're dealing with legality.
And when you approach the Word of God from the legal perspective of God's presentation to you, then you also experience the promise in the vital way.
You see it?
So when Jesus says, why do we bring His name?
Why do we speak in His name?
Because here's the one who defeated Satan on our behalf.
You get it?
He defeated Satan.
He did it.
That means we have defeated Satan in Jesus Christ.
So the Bible says, whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of Jesus Christ.
So in reality, when you become a Christian, when you are born again, you have no reason to be defeated in this world.
No reason.
You should be a success in life.
Now, I told you the other day, you have control over everything that concerns you, except over any other human being.
He gave you rights over everything except over anybody else.
Because everything was created by words.
Only human beings were not created by words.
So God cannot force you to receive salvation.
You can choose to go your own way.
He will never force you.
He will never make you do what you don't want to do.
He will talk to you.
He will send you his word.
He will send anybody to give you the message.
But he will never force you.
You never do that because it gave you a will of your own.
It's a gift.
You can use it for good or evil.
It's your choice.
But one day you will have to be judged for it.
You will have to give account for how you use what he gave you.
Be sure of that.
And this is one reason.
It's so important that we understand who Jesus is because
Jesus is the one who will judge the whole world, not any religious leader.
It's Jesus.
That's what the Bible tells you.
Let me show you two scriptures.
Acts 14 and verse number 16.
Acts 14 and verse number 16.

Let's have it from the new national version.

In the past, he let all nations go their own way.
In the past.
Somebody says, oh, so why did he change his mind?
I'll tell you.
I will let the Bible speak for itself.
All right, let's notice.
In the past, he let all nations go their own way.
Go on.
Yet he has not left himself without testimony.
He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons.
He provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.
Which means he bore witness of himself, even though he let you go your way.
Now, still dealing with the same subject,
Go to Acts 17, verse number 30.
In the past, God overlooked such ignorance.
In the past, God overlooked such ignorance.
But now he commands all people everywhere to repeat.
Why was it that in the past he overlooked it?
And now he commands everybody to repeat.
When we read the next verses, now I'll explain, but it'll be simple.
You can easily catch it.
All right, let's read again.
In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repeat, which means you no longer can just do whatever you like.
He overlooked it in the past but doesn't anymore.
When did he stop overlooking it?
For he has set a day when he will judge the word with justice by the man he has appointed.
He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.
Meaning that before Jesus came to carry out the work of salvation, he let every nation go his own way because the means of salvation had not been made known.
The sacrifice had not come.
The one to be sacrificed for us had to be perfect in every way.
But he hadn't come.
So until Jesus came, salvation was not possible, and so God had to wait.
But once Jesus came and fulfilled the plan of God and died for everybody, God raised him up.
The resurrection is the proof of his justification.
What does that mean?
The resurrection is proof that the sacrifice of Jesus was accepted by God and that all men are now absorbed of their guilt because Jesus bore the penalty for their guilt.
So it's pretty simple.
So he has now set the day of judgment.
So everyone's going to give account for his actions.
So we're dealing with a legal reality here.
It's very important.
So when Jesus speaks, you can take him out his word.
Say, take him out his word and act on it because this is legal.
See, when we use the name of Jesus as a legal thing, I expect a result when I use the name of Jesus.
because God has vested all things, all of his power, all of his authority in the name of Jesus.
It's all in there.

Glory to God.
Let's look at what Jesus said about himself.
It's the man who's gospel, chapter 28.
And let's read verse number 18, here from the Master.
Then Jesus came to them and said, now this was after his resurrection, Jesus came to them and said, all authority in heaven and in earth has been given to me.

All authority, not some.
He's got all authority in every nation, in every city.
All authority, everywhere, not some.
Look at it.
In heaven and earth.


Philippians 2, let's read verse number 9.
Philippians 2, verse 9.

Oh, dear Lord Jesus.
Listen to this.
Who here for God also had highly exalted him?
Talked about Jesus.
God had highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name.
Because he gave himself to die for us.
He obeyed God and died for us.
That's what the previous verses tell us.
Okay, until he gets he and tells us what God did for him for Jesus in return.
He says, well, God also had highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name.
He's given Jesus a name which is above every name.
Next verse.
That's at the name of Jesus.
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things."
Now notice it's in parenthesis there, meaning that that word had to be thrown in there in the King James Version.
It actually means beings or things, whatever it is, whether they're beings or things, meaning living and non-living.

In heaven, and things of beings in earth, and things of beings, all not the earth, all not the earth there, it means hell.
even in hell.
Now, why do I say it's hell?
Because when you read in the Old Testament, the several verses, they tell you hell from beneath.
Which means there's a geographical location in the realm of the Spirit, and it's below.
But you see, with respect to your physical body, you can't know that direction.
because your body is in a physical world.
Somebody said one time, he said, you say Jesus Christ is coming again and the whole world's gonna see him.
He said, do you realize the earth is spherical?
So where's Jesus gonna come from and then the whole earth's seeing Jesus?
I thought, you look crazy.
That's so simple.
First and foremost,
The whole earth has to see the sun or the moon somewhere along the line within 24 hours, right?
Because the earth, yeah, the forest is actually so somehow
When the Bible tells us, when he comes out, he says, the whole earth shall see him.
But that is even the little part.
I'll tell you something else.
According to the Scriptures, the two witnesses in the Book of Revelation, he says, the whole world will look at them, will see them, because they will be slain.
And then they will rise again from the dead.
He says, the whole world will see them.
Now, years ago, when we were in a student's school years ago, he didn't have the kind of communication systems that he got today.
And we didn't quite know how that was going to happen.
How the whole world going to see them?
Now, I don't ask that question today.
Anything's happening somewhere in the world.
You can see it in the most part of the world.
Is that right?
It's no longer a question.
You can be sure Jesus shows up all along the cameras.
Everybody will see him.
Then the Bible says, and the whole world will because of him.
They're going to be crying.
How come?
Why should they be crying?
He's showing up, and then they know who he is.
Unless they're crying.
Why are they crying?
Because they didn't believe him before.
And now he comes, not for salvation, for judgment.
So they're going to be crying.
I wish I had the time to show you from the Bible.
Every major, every major sign that he tells us will take place before he comes is out there.
You can literally read today's word from the Bible.
There are two things we're waiting for.
Just two.
You want to know what they are?

One is

the treaty with Israel, the peace treaty that will be signed with Israel to guarantee the peace of Israel for seven years.
You know, who's going to do that?
When is it going to be?
It's close.
It's at the doors.
They're working on it.

So if you happen to hear of the peace treaty signed with Israel to guarantee hear me what it's about.
It's about guaranteeing the peace of Israel for seven years.
When that happens, no more time.

you can call it moments away.
Because, now the Bible doesn't say, we must wait till that time.
But it seems that that might have to take place.
But here's the second one.
The second one incidentally is a sign for the world, not for the Christian.
It's called a rapture of the church.

When the Christians are suddenly cut away from this earth, they suddenly disappear from this world.
The Bible says it will happen in the twinkling of an eye.
No process.
The guy once said, wow, sharing this.
He said, if I see you going to have, cut your legs.
I said, it's going to be too fast.
The Bible says, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, how fast is the twinkling of your eye?
And suddenly, we're gone.

You say it will not happen?
You're making a mistake.
Go and read your Bible.
Go and read your Bible.
Go and read your Bible.
Go read the God.

I'm as intelligent as you.
Why do you think I'm doing what I'm doing?

I'm not stupid.
And I've been doing this since I was a kid.
Am I crazy?
So if I was doing it for money, why was I doing it then?
I was using my pocket money to do it.
I was going around preaching the gospel.
I wasn't paid for it.
So why was I doing it?
I wasn't stupid.
And I'm still doing it today.
Because I've started this thing.
I know it's true.
So I can ask the same questions.
And I did ask many what the answers are in the Bible.

Moments monumental.
This evergreen.
words, more curious.

Glory to God.
Jesus, oh boy, oh boy.
He's been given the name that is above every name.
Let the name of Jesus every knee should bow.
Did you notice the construction of that language?
that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow.
He didn't say every knee shall bow.
That means that's a legal and sovereign decoration of Almighty God.
It's a law.
That's what that means.
But he has given to Jesus a name that, his name, every knee should bow.
It's a decree.
It becomes an offense.
to resist that.
Now, what is that saying?
He's not saying that every time you call Jesus, you go like this.
That's not what he's saying.
He's saying everyone is subject to that name.
It's a decree.

So demons cannot stand that name.
Don't tell me that you've been harassed by demons and you are looking for deliverance.
If you're born again, do you know what it is to be born again?
It means that you have the life and nature of God in your spirit.
And that Jesus Christ is Lord of your life.
If that's true, then the only way Satan can harass your life is by deceiving you.
But Jesus said, and you shall know the truth.
And the truth shall make you free.
Same hand.
The truth is Satan has been defeated and you have power over him.
And if you will use the name of Jesus, nothing can resist you.
Nothing in this world.

It doesn't matter what part of your body is not functioning rightly.
I'll tell you something.
Your body is your house, your body is not you.
You live in your body.
Tell your body what to do in the name of Jesus.
Use the authority of the name of Jesus to correct your body.
Use it.
Acts chapter 3 verse 16, let me show you something.
Acts chapter three verse 16.

Listen, and his name, talk about Jesus, through faith in his name, had made this man strong.
Whom you see and know?
Yeah, the faith which is by him had given him this perfect soundness in the presence of y'all.
Who was he talking about?
Tell you the story.
The chapter opens with a man who was crippled from birth, never worked.
He was about 40 years old, never worked.
And then, all right, let's go to verse 1.
We'll just do a quick reading.
Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour, okay?
That's about 3 p.m.
in the after.
And a second man, lame from his mother's womb, was carried, whom they lit daily at the gate of the temple, which is called beautiful, to ask arms of them that entered into the temple.
Just as I talk, this man, this man,
was there, at least on two major occasions when Jesus came to the temple, this same temple, this man was there.
And on two occasions reported in the Bible, the Bible tells us the blind and the lame came to Jesus and healed him.
Where was this man?
How come he wasn't healed?
What in the world was he doing?
He probably was more interested in arms at the time.
Maybe he just wanted money.
Okay, so he was asking the arms of them that entered into the temple.
Next verse.
Who seen Peter and John about to go into the temple, asked an arms?
And Peter fastened his eyes upon him with John, said, look on us.
And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them.
Then Peter said, silver and gold have I none.
But such as I have, give I thee a like this.
You say, I don't have the money you're asking for, but I've got something.
What I have, I give you, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.
Did the man get up?
No, no, he didn't.
Look at it.
And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up.
And immediately, his feet and ankle bones received strength.
Something happened in the man's body.
Then, you know, somehow, how'd you know?
How'd you know?
We can't explain it.
But the man had a sense that something had happened on the inside.
They had a sense that something happened on the inside.
Now, he acts his face.
Next verse.
And he, leaping up, stood.
Now he responds.
And he, leaping up, stood, and walked, and aired with them into the temple, walking and leaping and praising God.
So that's where the problem came from.
The man got healed and some of us got mad.
OK, next verse.
and all the people saw him walking in prison garden and they knew that it was he which sat for arms at the beautiful gate of the temple and they were filled with wonder and amazement that which had happened onto him.
And as the landman, which was healed, held Peter and John, all the people round together onto them in the porch that is called Solomon's greatly warm rain.
Oh, what is this?
When Peter saw it, he answered onto the people, he, men of Israel, who I marvel ye at this.
Oh, while Luke keeps so earnestly on us, as do by own power of holiness, we admit this man to walk.
The God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob, the God of our fathers had glorified his son, Jesus, whom he delivered up and denied him in the presence of Pilate when he was determined to let him go.
But she denied the Holy One and the just and desired a murderer to be granted on to you.
You remember Barabbas?
And killed the prince of life whom God had raised from the dead.
Whereof we are witnesses?
And his name, through faith in his name, had made this man strong.
His name has done it.
That's what it's saying.
His name has done it.
That's powering the name of Jesus.
Use that name.
Use it.
The name did it.
That's what Peter said.
The name did it.
The power of God is vested in the name of Jesus.
That name has power.
Use it.
Use it.
Use it.
Maybe some devil has been appearing to you in the night.
You're saying the name of Jesus don't come back.
And he will never show up again.

Maybe you've been having epileptic seizures.
It's time to stop them.
Just put your hands around your body and you say, Delo in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, you have no authority over my body.
I command you to leave and return no more.
You say, will it work?
That's what we're talking about.
The integrity of the words.
That's what this message is about.
What's saying?
It'll work.
I mean, I've been showing the Scriptures.
These are no assumptions.
This is the Word of God.
Oh, I love what it says.
You know, the Word is a living thing.
Hebrews, chapter 4, verse 12.

He says, for the word of God is quick and powerful.
Quick and powerful.
The word quick means living.
Go to the NIV.
For the word of God is alive and active.
It is alive and active.

And that translation says, is living, living and active.
Now, use the Amplified, let's see something, Amplified.
For the word that God speaks is alive and full of power, full of power.
And that's what Jesus said.
Saint John chapter 6, go to verse 63.
Oh, it is the spirit that quickness, that means that makes a life.
The flesh profited nothing.
The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.
They're not empty.
They are spirits.
They are life.
When you receive this word into you, you are receiving of his spirit.
You are receiving of his life.
His word is living an active.
Living an active.

The word of God on your lips is God at work.
That's God talking.

That's God talking.
Glory, hallelujah.
Hallelujah, hallelujah.
That's the word that gave birth to us.
So you can see I'm alive with the life of God because I was born of the word.
First Peter chapter 1 verse 23.
First Peter chapter 1 verse 23.
Being born again.
Not of corruptible, see, but of incorruptible.
By the Logos of God, the Word of God, which levites and abides it forever.
We were born again by the Word.
We were born again by the Word.
James chapter 1 verse 18.

of his own will begot he us.
Did you ever read an Abraham begot Isaac and Isaac begot Jacob?
Now he tells you he begot us with the word of truth.
Look at that, that we should be a kind, a species of first-foots of his creatures.
a kind, a type, a class of first foods.
What's first food?
The first and the best.
Top most quality.
You may not be living that life.
You may not be thinking that way.
But when you get the knowledge, everything will change.
And that's where I'm sharing it with you.
Once you know, you wake up to be who you are.
You don't struggle to be who you are.
You just that performing who you are?
Because you didn't know all this time.
And you probably will live in a different life.
But now you found out, like a young guy years ago,
You know, he wasn't living for Jesus Christ, he was doing all the wrong things.
And when he heard the gospel, he just accepted it so simply.
And they said, what are you here for?
He said, I'm here to receive my salvation.
They said, can you explain?
He says, I just heard what Jesus did for me, and I've been making a mistake all my life.
I'm here to receive my salvation.
And He was still all you have to do since you believe in Jesus Christ.
Declare that He's Lord of your life.
He said, I declare Jesus Christ as Lord of my life.
I have my salvation from now.
That's all it takes.
How can you hear that He did all this for you and still will live in a different life?
How could you hear this and go back the same?
How could you?
How could you?

It's not hard.
It's just being who you are.
You just discovered that He gave you all of this.
He gave you this life.
This is for you.
This is not religion.
This is eternal life.
The life and nature of God in your spirit.
What errors are you waiting for?
You say, you know, but I drink a lot.
You drink a lot.
Is that the problem?
who I do a lot of bad things.
You do a lot of bad things.
Is that the problem?
The reason you're doing all the bad things you've been doing is because of the life that you have in you.
A dog backs, not because it tries to back, because it's a dog.
Cows don't back.
Camels don't back.
Cats don't back.
Chickens don't back.
You have to have the dog life to back like a dog.
Every animal lives according to the life that is God and the inside.
So you live the way you do because that's the life you have.
That's why Jesus said, very, very, I say unto you, except a man be born again.
He cannot see the kingdom of God.
The kingdom of God is around you.
The kingdom of God is near you.
Yes, you cannot see it because it is spiritually deserved.

You see everything else, but you can't see the kingdom.
He said, except you are born again.
He said, that which is born of the flesh is flesh.
And that which is born of the spirit is spirit.
What is, what, how can I be born again?
Believe in Jesus Christ that He came to this world to save you.
And what He did on the cross was for you.
And what He did on the cross was enough.
It was adequate for your salvation.
You don't need to pay any more for your salvation.
You don't need to struggle any more for your salvation.
You've got to believe that.
You've got to believe that God raised Him from the dead and that He is alive today.
If you believe that, all you have to do is to declare, confess with your mouth, Jesus Christ is Lord of my life.
And you know what he does?
He gives eternal life to everyone who is for him.
So if you declare that he's Lord of your life, it means you now belong to him.
And then he impacts your spirit with eternal life.
And suddenly you be awakened to the fatherhood of God, Hallelujah.
How long does that take?
A twinkling of an eye.
Just as fast as you can say those words.
I believe God raised Jesus from the dead.
And I declare Jesus Christ as Lord of my life.
That's how fast it goes.
No struggle.
His response to your prayer is to impart your spirits with eternal life.
Suddenly, you are a child of God.
born with a new life, an heir of God, a joint heir with Christ, and then your journey in life with God starts.
You know, there's a beautiful thing about every one of us in the earth.
God's got a plan for everybody, but his plan never starts.
until you're born again.
Look at this.
God can use you as an instrument.
He can do good things with your life for the sake of someone else.
But that doesn't make you any different from the donkey in the Bible that God calls to speak, to correct the prophet who was airing.
It was a donkey.
That didn't mean that the donkey had become God's friend suddenly.
That didn't mean the donkey had now become born again.
That didn't mean the donkey had become a prophet.
It was a donkey used by God to correct a prophet who was erring.
God caused the donkey to speak like a man.
But it was still a donkey.
God can use you to do wonderful things.
That doesn't mean you're a child of God.
You have to be born again.
You know, that's where some people miss it.
They think, I couldn't have done this by myself.
I came to this position by God.
I did this because of the blessing of God.
I always give God the credit.
Yes, you always give God the credit.
The truth of the matter is, are you born again?
Do you have eternal life?
It's not about what our God has been blessing.
You God wants to bless everybody.
When you see some people who are not living like they're blessed, things are going wrong.
It's not because God has withheld his blessings from them.
No, Satan just has the upper hand in their lives.
That's what has happened.
But words that discover the truths that will come out of their darkness.
So don't think that because in your life you've just been promoted and promoted and promoted.
I've always had promotions in my life.
I think I'll just keep myself like this.
No, God is doing good things in your life so that you would discover Him.
And that's why if you have not been born again and you've found yourself into this service, God guided you to be here.
So you can hear these words.
What will you do with these words?
Remember this.
Words are things.
Words are spiritual substance.
Words have energy.
They don't die.
They don't die.
And so these words that you have heard, they will either be used by you or misused or ignored.
And one day you'll hear them again.
God will cause every man to heal.
Remember that.
What are you going to do with these words?
Will you receive salvation?
Or will you ignore them?
These are not my words.
I share with you from the Scriptures.
And God's words are noted.
And so I want to speak to everyone who is not yet born again.
This is your moment.
This is your time.
This is your opportunity.
Doesn't matter where you're sitting, whether front over here or up on the gallery, the fabric over there.
And you want to receive salvation into your heart.
Today, I want you to stand up wherever you are.
I want to lead you into salvation the Bible way.
Stand up wherever you are.
Do that now.
Thank you.
Yeah, thank you.
Get up.
Just get up.
Stand up quickly.
Don't wait too long.
Get up quick.
In fact, I'd like you to come.
Come forward here.
