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The Integrity of the Word Vol. 2 Part 3

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.

All right, are you ready today?
Uh, Wednesday night, we continue that subject on... on what?
The integrity of the world.
The integrity of the world.
Trustworthiness of God's world.
The immutability of God's world.
His word is trustworthy.
The pinable unchanging.
You can bet your life on it.
Let me take you back to some things that we already said, and then highlight some very important truths from there.
Remember, when we started discussing the subject, we said, according to the Scriptures, all things were made by the Word of God.
Nothing exists in the Word that didn't come from God's Word.
He created the universe with his word.
I wrote the story one time.
I don't know whether it was a dream that the fellow had a vision or whatever it was, but it was a nice story.
It was said that the guy said, God, I don't think you created everything.
And God said, why?
Is it because?
I can create some things myself."
And so God said, all right, go ahead.
And then he began to take some of the dust.
And God said, no, that's mine.
I created that one.
I said, that's mine.
I made that one.
So in other words, all of the elements, everything in the world was created by God.
So if you want to create yours, don't touch anything that's in the earth already.
Leave the raw materials because he made everything.
Start with yours.
Because the Bible says he gave reality to the things of life to all of nature from nothing.
He made everything from nothing.
So if you want to dispute God's creation, you've got to do yours from nothing.
But in a way, only fools say that it wasn't God who did.
The Bible says the fool says in his heart that there is no God.
This is the fool who says that.
But we know, according to the Bible, that all things were made by the Word of God.
And this is very significant.
As simple as that statement is, it is very, very profound.
Because it teaches us a lot.
Apart from men, that God had to form His body
from the dust of a ground, everything else leaping to being from God's Word.
When God commanded the beasts of the field to come out of the dust of the ground, out of the dirt, they did.
When he commanded the fishes to come out of the water, they did, or he did was talk to the water, talk to the dirt, and these things just came from there.
the plants as God spoke.
There's a beautiful expose on the creation of man that you would find in Genesis chapter two, and explains some real beautiful things for us.
For example, the Bible does tell us that God commanded the plants to come into being.
And it shows us something about God's kind of faith.
Because when he spoke and commanded the plans to come into being, we would think that they just sprung up.
But the Bible tells us that they didn't come up like that.
It says, because there was no rain yet.
Which means it was in the mind of God that those things were real.
He still needed to send the rain.
The Bible says, for God had not caustic to rain upon the earth yet.
even though the plants were real to God, and yet commanded them to spring up, yet they were invisible.
They hadn't sprouted until God caustic terrain.
That's amazing.
That's amazing.
That's amazing.
But here's something beautiful I want you to observe.
Everything came from the Word of God.
And by the way, in the New Testament, it puts us very simply, clarifies it for us, or what you got there in Genesis.
Few verses.
John's Gospel, chapter one.
And let's read from verse number one.
John's Gospel.
Chapter one from verse one.
You got it?
Find it quickly.
Read, want to go.

Now, notice the word is what?
So God and His word are one, right?
Next verse.

Keep that up there.
Notice important things here.
He says all things were made by Him.
He gives personality to the Word.
He didn't say all things were made by it.
He says all things were made by Him.
So the Word is a Him.
Isn't that wonderful?
Because He already told us, the Word was God.
So if that's true, the Word was God.
then the word is a person, right?
So no one knows these all things were made by Him.
All right, all things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made.
Oh, I love the next part.

I like it, you know, many times when I read these verses, I have tears in my eyes because it's so powerful.
It's got such glory, such glory in him was life and the life was the light of men.
I could just stop there and have church.
But let's move on to verse number 14.
Verse 14, same book, same chapter.
Read one to go.
So powerful.
So powerful.
And the word.

The Greek says and the word became flesh.
All right?
That was made flesh.
Became flesh.
The word became flesh and dwelt among us.
The word became flesh.
That's what Jesus came from.
That's Jesus.
Jesus was the word of God.
That became flesh.
Anybody ever asked you, what was Jesus before he was born?
He was the Word of God.
You know, some people have the idea he was running around in heaven like a little boy.
And God said, Son, can you jump downstairs and go die for those sinners?
No, it wasn't so.
He was the Word of God, the Word that God spoke.
He was the voice of God in the garden.
When Adam and Eve were in the garden, Bible says, they heard the voice of God walking in the garden.
The voice of God, the word of God.
Then that voice, that word, that said, let there be light.
When God said, let there be light.
And there was light.

That voice.
became flesh and dwelt among us, and he was called Jesus.
That's Jesus, the word of God, in flesh.
Now, where was there can you do?
Because there's so much to say about all of this.
Where was there can you do?
If it's true that the Word of God created all things, made all things, then I get it.
I get it.
That means everything.
First is Spirit.
Let's go to Genesis chapter 1.
Genesis chapter 1 from verse 1.
Don't miss me here.
Genesis chapter 1 from verse number 1.
Can you read it for me?
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
What does that tell us?
If God, if it says in the beginning God created it means God pre-existed the beginning.
Because in the beginning he was already there to create.
So God pre-existed the beginning.
You know, some fellows there, in the beginning, God created.
Doesn't that mean that's God's beginning?
I thought, hey, not crazy, don't you understand it?
That simple language.
He preexisting the beginning.
That's not God's beginning.
He's telling about the beginning of his creation because he was there at the beginning to create.
So God speaks eternal.
He's eternal.
So in the beginning, God created in Jesus said something, St.
John's Gospel chapter 4 verse number 24.
God, these are the words of Jesus.
He tells us, God is a spirit.
And they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
God is a spirit.
If God is a spirit, and God who is a spirit, created anything, it means that the spiritual is greater than the material.
Because the spirit God created whatever he created.
Because the spirit God must live in a spirit world.
You get it?
So, the spiritual is greater than the physical, because the spiritual gave birds to the physical.
Which means the spiritual controls the physical.
You get it?
That's important.
He created these things with words.
Telling us about the power of words, words are spiritual matter reality.
Do you understand?
Words are spiritual materiality.
Words don't die.
They don't go away.
The Bible says your words will justify you or condemn you.
You're going to go to heaven or go to hell according to your words.
Never forget that.
You receive salvation from God through words.
Man is saved by the words he speaks or he belongs.
Because he gave us what words to save for our salvation.
And if we don't say those words, we remain content.
Praise the Lord.
The beautiful stuff here is, if all things were made by words and they came from the Spirit, it means the real materials of this whole stuff we got here.
And all of those things we have here, the original materials are spiritual and they are controlled by words.

It means that no matter what we touch, no matter what we see, no matter what that material is, its original substance, its original essence is spiritual and controlled by words.

And then we can understand that the circumstances of life
can also be controlled by words.
You know, wonderful.
The Bible shows us that only man was formed by God with his hands.
Everything else came from the spoken word.
No wonder God gives us everything to control.
The only thing he takes out of our personal control is the lives of other people.
I can help you with my faith, but I cannot control your life with my faith."
You see that?
God can intervene in your situation to help you, but He can't force you to be saved.
He can force you to live a good life.
He can't do that because He gave you the right to determine your destiny, and He wouldn't take it from you.
The Bible says the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance.
He's given it to you.
He's given you a will of your own.
He's up to you to use it.
You can use it to curse God if you like.
You can use it to insult Him if you like.
It's your business.
Can you imagine that?
That's heavy responsibility.

That's serious.
You can live your life the way you choose.
It's up to you.
But one day, you will give account to the one who gave you the gift of life.
You will give account to him because it came from him.
He gave you the will.
He gave you your life to live.
You will account to him for everything you did and everything you said.
You say, how will I remember?
You want me to remember in your brain, your spirit news.
Remember this.
When Jesus gave a story about Lazarus and the rich man, the rich man who died and went to hell, the Bible tells us that from hell, he cried out to Father Abraham and said, please send Lazarus to come give me a drop of water in my tongue because he says, it's too dry and hot here.
Then Abraham said, son, remember.
He says, remember.
the life you lived.
Remember, he's talking to a human soul.
He's talking to somebody who already died but is in hell.
So in hell, he could remember.
He also remembered that he had four brothers.
He said, please, can somebody go over there to preach to them?
So the human spirit remembers.
Where is God?
So that's important.
So you may be here as maybe a visitor.
You just came to church today.
You don't really bother about living for God.
You know, that's not your taste.
You will have to change your mind today by the time I'm through because it's important for your soul.
See, it's important for your soul.
We'll get to that.
Praise God.
So all things can be controlled by words.
And here's a beautiful thing.
We've got to this on Wednesday night.
Really beautiful.
You know, we're talking about the integrity of the Word of God, all right?
And how the gods would build faith.
And I told you, faith is a necessary substance that you require for your life.
It is something you need for your life.
But faith, the God's kind of faith, can only come through His Word.
Let's go Hebrews chapter 11.
We're going to read from verse 1 to verse 3, and we'll do that real quick.
Let's go number 1.

Was he talking about faith?
He defined faith.
He said, faith is the substance of things hopeful, the evidence of things not same.
His faith is the title deed for unseen realities.
That's what he's saying.
Now, God in verse 3, we're in verse 3,
Ah, this is powerful.
Through faith, we understand that the words were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
And on Wednesday, I explained to you the different words used for word in the New Testament.
All right?
And I said, this is just one of them.
But the English doesn't give you the right rendering.
So he says, through faith we understand that the words.
So you find words several times in the Bible, but they don't all mean the same thing.
So sometimes you get to find out from the original what exactly the translators are trying to say.
So in this case, the word words is not the best rendering, it's from the Greek ion.
And we talked about what that actually means.
Sometimes it's translated like in the Septuagint.
It's translated eternity.
Universe work like you got here.
But it particularly means cause of life.
Cause of life.
When, I use the term, uh, when's the night?
When you say the life and times of Mr. Smith.
That's what it's referring to, the life and times, which means that era, the cause of life, the system and ways of life, okay?
The structure of the direction of man's ways of doing things.
So he says, two things we understand, that the words,
The ages, that's another good synonym for that word.
The ages were framed.
For example, if you're a good Bible scholar, you know we talk about the church age, okay?
They answered the Luvian age, the different ages that the Bible teaches about.
And then in the future, it talks about the ages to come.
There are going to be other ages.
All right?
That's what that word refers to.
So he says, through faith we understand that the ages, the cause of life, the times were framed by the word of God.
And this time, as I explained to you Wednesday night, that word word, this time doesn't refer to logos, but rehma, which means the spoken word.
Now, how does this play out?
Very simply, how did God do it?
Through words of prophets, as his prophetic utterances were given these revelations, he spoke of different times and seasons that will come upon the world, which means that God through words of faith ordered different causes, ordered different ages, he framed them,
Why did he have to frame them?
Because from time to time, man messes things up.
And so it takes the word of a prophet to correct things.
For example, Israel wasn't supposed to be in bondage.
There was a time that they were in bondage.
There was a time that they were sold in the slavery.
But he took the words of prophets to bring them back to their promised land.
Are you hearing this?
So it says, true faith, we understand that the words, we're framed.
The word framed is cata-tizo in Greek.
Oh boy, this is so powerful.
So powerful.
I explained all of that on Wednesday night.
Framed, it means to be brought into the condition that it is supposed to be, to be mended, to be repaired.

The most amazing thing about being human is the ability to speak, believe, and to create things.
But there's more.
Man was made in the image of God.
He created us in his class, which means we are creative beings.
So what a God is sound.
His spoke and creation came to be.
So when God speaks his work to you, it'll bring you faith.
It'll bring you into what God has created for your future.
In this message, Sound, Matter, and Faith, Pastor Chris helps you discover and apply the knowledge of the incredible relationship between Sound, Matter, and Faith.
The essential factors for creating the extraordinary life you deserve.
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You see, this teaching of God's Word, God's letting us know what we can do to our lives.
It's your life going the way it's not supposed to.
You know, the Bible says, train up a child in the way he should go.
When he's old, he would not depart from it, which means that we're supposed to have an idea, the direction of life that we should have, even from a child.
We can tell what direction of life was supposed to have.
We can have that revelation in our spirit, the cause of life that we should go in.
I remember one time a Lord said to me, the most important thing for men to do is to discover their destiny.
Discover their purpose.
That's the word he used.
And walk in the light of it.
What's your purpose in life?
Why were you born?
It's not why your parents gave birth to you.
I'm asking, no.
I'm asking, why are you in this world?
Have you found out why you are living?
Are you living God's purpose for your life?
Did you ever discover it?
And you know what?
Lord said, most people live without ever discovering their purpose.
Many live and die without even knowing that life has a purpose.

Every one of us has a purpose.
There's a purpose for your life.
Each one of us.
And the Gospel of Christ is the first way to discover your purpose.
Because that's when he takes responsibility.
You know, when you become a Christian, what happens is this, for you to be born again.
You proclaim the lordship of Jesus over your life.
Romans 10 verse 9, if thou shalt confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God had raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
You see, you confess the logic.
From that day that you confess the logic of Jesus over your life, he becomes responsible for your life.
Then one of the first things that he will do for you is to reveal to your spirits his purpose for you, because he is now the Lord of your life.
Glory to God.
So you gotta know your purpose.
So if things are not happening the way this should happen.
If things are going in the wrong direction in your life, it looks like the finances are just not coming in.
Your job is not just going right.
Things are going in the wrong direction.
This is through faith we understand that our cause of life can be friend by the word of God.
You can reframe your future, your life, your course.
You can bring direction into your life.
A lot of people are praying for nothing.
They don't even know why they pray.
They're asking God to do things that are not God's responsibility.
That's why they don't get an answer to their prayer because they're praying a mess.
God said, you ask and receive not because you ask a mess.
He says, you ask a mess.
You ask in the wrong things.
Oh God, oh God, oh God, show your glory in my life.
Show your glory in my life.
How is he supposed to show his glory in your life?
He sent you to show his glory in your life.
He sent you to do it.
You are telling him to do it because you haven't read the Bible.
He says, my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge.

You are the one to demonstrate the glory of God in your life.
But how can you do it if you don't know how to?
That's why the knowledge of the Word of God is important.
The knowledge of God's Word is vital.
You have to know the Word.
So coming to church is so important.
It's not just you're not just coming to while with time.
No, when you come to the house of God, the corporate teaching of the word, the corporate revelation that it gives to us is something to live with.
At your sitting now, the Word of God is coming to your heart.
It's coming to your heart, building your faith strong.
The Bible says in Romans chapter 10 verse 17, faith comets.
It says, so then, faith comets by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
Faith comets.
And you need faith.
You need your faith.
Let me show you some of this, which is very beautiful.
Hebrews chapter 11, from verse number 6.
But without faith, it is impossible.
That's how important faith is.
Without faith, it is impossible to please him.
You can please God without faith.
For he that comment of God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Two words in there that stand out, faith and believe.
What's the difference between faith and belief?
Very simple.
They both come from the same root word.
Faith is pistis in Greek.
Believe is pistil, which means believe is actually the verb of faith.
Faith is a noun.
Believe is a verb.
which means believe is to have faith, to act your faith.
So when the Bible talks about the believer, it means one who acts his faith.

You get it?
So when we say, oh, I'm a believer in Christ, it means I have faith in God and I put it to work.
I act my faith.
See, I'm living my faith.
That's what it is.
Glory to God.
Well, here's what I want to show you.
It's so beautiful.
You'd love it.
Now, before we go to that verse 6, we're coming from somewhere.
And that is verse 5.
So let's go to verse 5 and show you something about a man he talks about.
You remember, in verse 2, he said, the air that's obtained a good report.
Through faith, we understand that the air that's obtained by ecstasy is the air that's obtained a good report.
All right, now go to verse five.
So one of these air that's intelligence is Enoch.
Enoch was the father of Metusella.
Metusella was the man who lived the longest in the earth.
That's amazing, isn't it?
Almost a thousand years the guy lived.
Let's read, by faith,
Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him.
For before his translation, he had this testimony that he pleased God.
By faith, Enoch was translated.
By faith, Enoch was translated that he should not see death.
and was not found.
The story is told in Genesis.
The story is told in Genesis.
What you found in Genesis chapter number five, you can read about him in verses 21 to 24.
And this man, the Bible says, for 300 years he walked with God.
He had Metusella when he was 65 years old.
He had this son when he was 65 years old.
And then for the next 300 years of his life, the Bible says he walked with God.
That means this man was in fellowship with God.
And one day he probably went jogging and jogged riding to heaven.
And the Bible says they just couldn't find him anymore.
The man disappeared.
And now in the New Testament he tells us the man was a prophet.
You see, Jude tells us he was a prophet, and he prophesied that the Lord will come with tens of thousands of his saints to visit judgment on the wicked, and on the wicked things that the ungodly survivalist spoke against him.
But the beautiful thing I'm showing you there is Enoch was translated, translated that he should not see death.
That means he was transferred, he was moved from one realm to another realm.
But he should not see that.
Why are we being taught these things?
Why are we being taught these things?
What's exactly going on?
Because we have a greater glory than the man Enoch experienced.
I will show it to you.
This man was translated from the earth to heaven.
The Bible shows us that we in Christ Jesus are translated into the heavenly life such that before going to heaven we had the capacity and the ability to live the heavenly life here on earth.
We carry that glory.
He, on earth, we are translated first in the Spirit, such that what Enoch could enjoy when he went over there, we can carry and enjoy and live with its consciousness while we are here.
Jesus said, I am from above.
He said, I am not of this word.
The Bible says the first Adam was of the earth.
But the second Adam, which is Jesus Christ, is the Lord from heaven.
Then he says, as is the echthi.
Oh dear.
This is so touching.
I'm not talking to you from 1st Corinthians chapter 15.
When you go into verse, you can read all of it from verse 40, into verse 45, 49, and 15 powerful verses, powerful verses.
He says, the first man is of the earth's echthi.
And that is Adam.
The second man is the Lord from heaven.
He says, as is the eti, such are they that are eti.
Those who are not born again, he says they are eti.
They are called efflings.
Can you imagine?
Two of you may be from the same mother and father.
If one is born again and the other is not, one is an ethling.
And then it says, as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.
So those who are born again, he calls them heavenly.
They have a heavenly life from Christ.
Can you imagine that?
In this earth.
So you can have people that are living in the same house, from the same parents, some are eclines and some are heavenly beings.
depending on the origin of your spirit, glory to God.
You know, when you are born again, what actually happens is this, when you are born again, the human life in which you were born of your mother and father is supplanted to the life and nature of God.
That's what Jesus meant when he said, I say unto you, you must be born again.
Colossians chapter 1, let me just show you this.
Colossians chapter 1, let's read from verse 12.
Are you there?
Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be, oh, I love it, past tense.
It's not going to happen when I pray to become a better Christian.
No, no, no.
He's already done it in Christ Jesus.
Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.
That means in the kingdom of light.
Now, next verse.
Who hath?
Read it for me.
Read it.
Want to go.

Glory to God.
Oh, glory.
You got it.
You got it.
You got it.
Glory to God.
Hey, who had to leave at us from the power, from the domain of darkness?
He's not about to do it.
He's already done it and had translated us.
Enoch was translated that he should not see death.
He had translated us.
He is not about to do it.
He's already done it.
Do you understand?
That means we live in his kingdom.
He calls it the kingdom of his, yes, on King James rendering of this.
It's sad.
What it's called is the kingdom of his agape son, which means the son of his love.
Actually, love son.
The kingdom of his love son.
Amazing, amazing construction.
You know, who have delivered us, delivered us?
Why are some Christians asking God for deliverance?
When the Bible says he has already delivered us, we're talking about the integrity of God's words.
If God's word says it is so, it is so.
That's what we're talking about, the integrity of the word.
He says, who had delivered us?
From the domain, from the power, from the inference, from the authority of darkness.
That means the forces of darkness have no authority over me.
Unhat translated us.
He's already done it.
Translated, translated, transferred us.
Aim to the kingdom.
of his love son.
If he's already translated me, it means I'm living in that kingdom now.
So I can talk like Jesus.
I am not of this world.
You get it?
I'm not of this world.
I don't fail.
No, I don't fail.
I'm always a success.
I'll never be poor.
Didn't you see it?
We've got an inheritance in Christ Jesus.
I'll never be broke in this life.
I'm a hell of God.
Can you say hallelujah?
He's delivered us from the power of darkness, and it translated us.
Enoch was translated that he should not see death.
I see life, I don't see death.
I see glory.
I don't see shame.
Come on, shouting in somebody.
Go where I'm gone.
He was translated, and I should not see death.
How was he translated?
He says, by face.
By face.

So you see it as God has said it.
That is the integrity of the word.
I said the word of God doesn't fail.
I live in the reality of His words.
I dwell in the reality of His word.
I'm not a slave of the senses.
You know, most people are slaves of the senses.
They're called children of the flesh and of the mind.
children of the flesh and of the mind.
All they know is what their senses tell them.
Their sights, their feeling, their taste, all of these things, that's all they know.
What their senses tell them, their sensory perceptions, the children of the flesh and of the mind.
But we're born of the Spirit of God.
We're born of the Word of God.
We have to see things from the realm of the Spirit.
We have to see things according to the Word of God.
What God says is the fact.
Oh, through faith.
Now you get it.
We understand that the words were framed.
by the word of God.
It's such that things which are seen, we're not made of things which do appear.
Things which are seen, we're not made of things which do appear.
I told you, you can be working on something.
Are you working on your life?
Are you working on the future?
Or are you praying and hoping that God will do something about your situation?
Who are songs of God?

Okay, first Peter chapter two, verse number nine, and can we read that from the Amplified Translation?
I want to show you two portions.
First Peter chapter two, from verse nine, Amplified Version.
Hey, hehehehe.
But you are!
Not when you pray hard enough.
He didn't say you shall become.

when you become a better Christian.
You will never become a better Christian until you have accepted the Word.
That's what makes you a better Christian.
Jesus said, follow me, I will make you fishers of men.
He didn't say follow me on struggle to become good fishers.
Just do the Word.
And you make all he wants you to be.
Then you never have to struggle.
You know, struggling to become a beggar Christian is this religion, dead religion.
It will never work.
If you could do it yourself, Jesus would have never needed to come.
But you are a chosen race.
A royal priesthood.
Now let me explain what that means.
Royal priesthood, the terminology means King Priest.
That's what it means.
King priests.
That is in the order of Melchizedek.
That's another day's talk.
A royal priesthood, a dedicated nation.
God's own purchase, special people.
Somebody says, why are you acting as if you're special?
Look at it.
Look at it.
Look at it.
I'm special.
Glory to God!
God's own purchase special people.
That you may, here's what, look at it now, that you may set thoughts, the wonderful deeds, and display the virtues and perfection of him who had called you out of darkness into his marvelous life.
Somebody shouting in.

We get it.
He tells us those set thoughts, the wonderful deeds.
That means we are just like what Jesus said.
Jesus, I am divine.
He are the branches.
Where do you have the fruits, the vine or the branches?
That means the beauty of the trees in the branches.
Oh, we're a God.
He is a vine.
We are the branches.
The vine and the branches have the same life.

So that's what it's saying here.
Display, display.
The virtues, His excellencies, and perfections.
I tell people when we do something, we can do it right the first time.
Because excellence is working in our spirits.
We are songs of God.
I have an excellent spirit.
I have an excellent mind.
Yeah, only excellent thoughts go through my mind.
I'm excellent.
I know who I am.
To be the God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Display the virtues and perfections of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous lights.
Display his perfections.
Display his virtues.
So, why do you let your life go in the wrong direction, young man?
Don't woman, why?
Why are you going the wrong direction?
Because you didn't know the truth.
Because nobody ever told you the truth.
You didn't know.
So it was easy for you to go in the wrong direction in life.
Maybe you even brought up by those who, you know, matched up your life, taught you to go the wrong way.
Probably you're even here as a grown man, a grown woman.
You even have children, but you've grown all your life in the wrong direction.
I want to ask you a question.
If you were headed to, let's say, Ibadu, some of you know Ibadu in the direction it should be going, and you found out halfway on the road, away you're going, he's headed to Benin.
Will you say, well, since I'm already halfway, I just continue going.
No, you stop, because that's not where you're going.
You've got to change direction.
You want to live the right life.
You want to fulfill your destiny in God.
You want to be the man, the woman that God raised you to be, who are going and continuing in the wrong direction.
Today, I call on you to make the change.
It takes boldness to make that change.
When you're not bold enough, but you're bold to sin, when you're not a really bold person, you never make the decision to follow Jesus Christ because you are truly ashamed and you don't want those who know you to see you getting up for Jesus, it shows you are not really bold, even though you've been carrying two goals.
Yeah, because I'm talking to somebody here.
You have two guns.
But with your two guns, you are really more like a chicken in your life.
You're not bold, but Christ will give you boldness today.
Christ will give you life today.
Everyone right now who wants to live for Jesus Christ, you want to receive the life and nature that Christ gives.
The righteousness that He gives, this is your opportunity.
It doesn't matter where you are sitting, whether you are on the gallery or no matter how far back it is, I want you to come to the front here and receive Christ Jesus.
for your salvation, receive him into your life.
To be a lot of your life, he'll give you a new life today and the power and the ability to live for him.
Glory to God.
