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The Integrity of the Word Vol. 5 Part 2

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and he left us with a message to tell the untold, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and his unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
In the beginning was the Word.
And the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.
Find out in this teaching the power of words and how to frame your life with the Word as Pastor Chris teaches on the integrity of the Word.
God's Word is so important.
When you read the books of the law,
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, these books are God's testimony of himself.
He testifies of himself.
hundreds and hundreds of times, He declares, I am the Lord.
I am Jehovah.

Somebody asked one time, what's the difference between Yahweh and Jehovah?
He said, they never hear me talk about Yahweh.
What is Yahweh or is Jehovah?
Jehovah is the Anglo-sized
pronunciation of Yahweh.
The English cannot pronounce the Yahweh correctly.
So what they have as Y, we have as J in English.
What they have as W, we have as V in English.
So it's actually the English person
Pronouncing Yahweh.
It doesn't sound like that when they pronounce it.
We try to pronounce it that way.
So we go Jehovah.
Do you get it?
So Jehovah and Yahweh have the same name.
One is Hebrew, which is the Yahweh.
We're not pronouncing it correctly, exactly.
But when you write it in English, it forms Jehovah.
So anywhere you pronounce it, he understands.
It's like Jesus, Jesus, in different languages.
But when we communicate like that, he knows, we're talking about him, right?
Because when it comes to words, it's not just the sound, your heart's got to be in it.
So there has to be a connection between your spirit and what you're saying.
They've got to be connected together.
If they're not connected, your words are just mere sounds.
See, so there has to be a focus of your spirit.
into the words that you speak, then there's a connection.
That's why in salvation when you read in Romans chapter 10 and verse 9 to verse 10, in that 10th verse it says, for with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made.
See your heart and your mouth must be connected together.
Otherwise your words are empty.
What we're discussing tonight is so important.
I can't overemphasize the importance of it.
We find out a lot of Christians all over the world.
Why you've got those who are really living a triumphant life.
You've got many, many others who
You don't know that Christianity doesn't do anything for you.
Did you hear me?
Christianity doesn't do anything for you.
You can be a Christian for 85 donkey years.
It will not change anything.
Because Christianity doesn't do anything for you.
You have to do something with your Christianity.
Are you hearing me?
You must do something with your Christianity.
If you're waiting for Christianity to do something, you know something, you say, I've been a Christian for 25 years, it hasn't done anything for me.
They didn't realize he was not supposed to do anything for them.
You ought to do something.
It's like getting on a job.
You say the job hasn't done something for me.
You didn't take up a job, so the job do something for you came to do something, right?
Don't live your life hoping for someone or something to do something for you.
Refuse that kind of life.
Be fruitful and productive.
Very important.
So I want to show you these thoughts that are
Two words coming to my mind that can most aptly describe the simple things we will look at.
They're simple, but they are very profound.
All right, the word incubation.
There are incubation.

Did you learn anything about that hen that's laid some eggs and every now and then she sits over the eggs keeping them at a certain temperature?
You know that?
We say the hen is incubating on those eggs or the eggs, incubating them.

over several days and then finally it forms and the chicken comes out of that egg.

What does the chicken do?
Doesn't it just sits over the eggs?
Genesis chapter number one, if you catch this message
If you catch this message, if you catch this message, you can make your life wonderful.
And then you can make the lives of others wonderful.
I've caught this message.
I caught it many years ago.
And I've made my life wonderful.
And I've made the lives of many others wonderful.
This is so important.
Genesis chapter 1, we're going to read from verse 1.
I tell people every major truth in the Bible begins in Genesis.
You'd see it review that.
In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.
Read the next verse.
And the earth was what?
Without form and void.
Now, I could take time to explain the difference between verses one and two, but that's not today's discussion because God didn't create a word that was formless and empty.
That's what he's saying over there.
And from the Bible, we can understand exactly what happened, but that's not today's subject.
So what is telling us is that the earth was a chaotic mass.
So it's usually a sign of judgment.
Something had happened after God created the heaven and the earth.
Something happened.
But it doesn't tell us that story here.
It tells us about it in the prophets.
So the account of creation that you have in Genesis chapter 1 is actually not an account of creation but of a recreation.
Do you get it?
Which means that everything actually existed in a second form before.
He created it before.
There was judgment.
And he threw everything under that judgment and withdrew his light.
So there was darkness.
Darkness was upon the face of the deep.
He's dealing with what God had dared to the earth out of his judgment.
So he says, there was darkness, it was empty, it was without phone.
That means there was no beauty.
There was no order.
That was chaos.
Then he tells us something so inspiring here.
He says, ain't the spirit of God
Now when he starts to tell us in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1, go back to verse 1, in verse 1 he says, in the beginning God, the Hebrew word there is Elohim, and Elohim is plural, is Hebrew plural word for God, which immediately tells us that whoever wrote this reveals to us a plurality of personality of divinity.
You get it?
So he tells us,
God created the heaven and the earth.
In verse two, he says, and the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the spirit of God immediately tells us one of these persons of this God hit.
He reveals him.
He calls him the spirit of God.
Now what does he do?
He says, and the spirit of God moved.
The word is Rahap.
Rahap means to brood.
To brood, it means to sit quietly and thoughtfully.

Now there are other synonyms, like to flutter.
So to move swiftly over,
But that's unlikely because the idea that he gives to us is about the calmness of the Spirit of God in the midst of chaos.
You see, everything is in chaos.
There's darkness.
It's formless.
There's no beauty.
There's this order.
And the Spirit of God sits quietly over it, thoughtfully.
That word is called incubating.
So he's incubating on the earth, on this family's darkened earth, empty earth.
What in the world is he thinking about?
We can tell by what follows.
For how long he does this, we are not told.
But obviously, time most have passed, because it is in the spirit of God moved, flooded, the best word is, brooded, brooded over the face of the waters.
Then we think that if this happened,
Number three would necessarily follow.
Verse three, what happens here?
And God said, let there be light.
It tells us what He'd been brooding over.
Because there's darkness, there's disorder.
Things are not right.
There's been a judgment.
And the Spirit of God is sitting over the earth.
Over this darkness, over the waters, meditating, meditating.
And finally, God speaks, let the be lights.
Now, in the English, it says, let the be lights.
The Hebrew doesn't say let the be lights, it says lights be.

and then it is, and light became.
Where is God?
It is light, be.
And there was light.
Now, what is this important?
Because you see, in verse 26, let's go to verse 26, same book, same chapter.
In verse 26,
God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness.
That means he says, let us make man to look like us and to function like us.
Which means that man was made not only to look like God, but to do things like God.
So if God was creative, men would be creative.
If God used words to create, men will have the capacity to use words to create.
You see that?
So he called him mankind.
It actually means the mankind of God, the man type of God.
And so look at what he says in God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeped upon the earth.
He already cost all this to come back into being.
All right.
He already did this before we go to verse 26.
All these birds and animals.
So God wanted us to look like him and function like him.
But you know the story, the Garden of Eden, how that man fell from that wonderful position through his disobedience.
And things changed.
And God had to work out our redemption plan in Jesus Christ.
Praise the Lord.
So Matthew's Gospel, chapter number 12.
And we read from verse 33, up to verse 37.
He says, these are the words of Jesus.
Either make the tree good, and his fruit good, or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt, for the tree is known by his fruit.
That simple?
Next verse.
All generation of vipers.
His whole brood of snakes.
Generation of vipers.
How can he, being evil, speak good things?
For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh.
That tells us, you see, the first time God talks, as he reveals to us, that's not the first time he ever talked, but as far as it concerns us, he reveals the first things that he said from the Bible, let there be light.
That's verse three, Genesis chapter one, right?
From the principle of Jesus, it merely tells us what the Spirit was thinking, because it told us that you don't speak until that was abandoned in your heart.
So if it says the Spirit of God was brooding over the waters, meditating, and then finally says, let the delight, it must mean he had been contemplating
those things that He brought forth.
It starts with light and then He starts separating the light from the darkness.
So many things between verse 3 and verse 26.
So many beautiful things.
He brought order into the world.
It starts with light, gets rid of the darkness and He starts bringing things
into being hallelujah.
So from the words of Jesus out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaking.
So when did the things that God brought into being come from?
They came from the heart of the Spirit of God.
And the Bible actually tells us it is through the Holy Spirit that He created everything.
through the Holy Spirit.
So the Holy Spirit is actually the maker of all things.
And it made all things in the name of Jesus Christ.
You see in the name of Jesus Christ, absolutely.
That's another day's discussion, but you know, the scriptures abundantly clear about that.
So out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh, out of the abundance of the heart,
It's a principle.
Now let's look at it again.
All generation of vipers.
How can he, being evil, speak good things?
He says, you can't talk good talk.
If your nature is evil, you can speak good things.
Why is speaking good things so important to Jesus?
All right, let's read forward.
A good man out of the good treasure of the heart, bring yet thoughts, good things.
You see that?

A good man out of the good treasure of the heart, bring yet thoughts, good things.
Now, most people in the world have things happening for them, through other people.
They are like, you know, they just found themselves in the world.
They're like, whatever will be will be.
They never control things in their lives for their benefit.
They are victims all the time.

Things go the wrong way all the time.
Oh, then they're broke.
They don't have enough money.
Oh, then the job has gone bad.
Oh, the business, you know, because the government said this and that, or because the government did something, the business is gone.
Because somebody did this, you know, they're broken.
Because this happened, then this happens with them.
The victims all the time.
As a result of someone's, someone else's action, they are broken down.
But we were not meant to be like that.
We're not made to be like that.
Let me show you something.
Philippians 4, verse 11.
This will bless you.
Can you see what's up there?
It says, no, that I speak in respect of what?
For I have learned in whatsoever state I am, there were to be content.
Now, in the English, we see there were to be content.
So we think what is talking about here is to be satisfied.
No, that's another word.
It's not correctly.
Well, it's good translation here, but except you understand the differences.
You may not exactly know what it's saying.
The word that's translated content here doesn't mean to be satisfied.
It's the Greek word, autakis.
Autakis is where, what that means is to be independent of external circumstances.
That's where you get a form of governments and people advocate called autaki.
self-sufficiency, self-dependence.
You get it?
So they form that idea from it.
But the original Greek word is Patakis, and it means to be independent of external circumstances.
Can you imagine what this means?
So he's saying, not that I speak in respect of what?
He says, I'm not asking him for anything.
This is what I have learned in whatsoever state I am, their way to be independent of external circumstances.
In other words, I have been on what is inside me.
I don't care about what's going on around me.
I just showed you that just to give you an idea of the kind of life that God expects us to live.
Each one of us is supposed to be absolutely independent of circumstances.
We're not supposed to be swayed and moved by what's happening outside.
God expects us to be on top.
Because we are sons of God.
We're children of God.
When you are born again, you become vitally, vitally, an offspring of God.
Not in generic terminology.
By actual birth.
Your human life with which you were born of your ethnic parents is supplanted by eternal life from Christ.
So, Christianity is not a religion.
Do you understand?
All right.
So, God expects us to live a supernatural life in this natural world.
But that's not going to happen until you understand His principles, until you understand the laws, the spiritual laws that govern the life that He has given us.
See, a lot of Christians struggle to be what they already are.
the trying to have faith, the trying to believe.
God is not expecting, He's not calling you to believe.
When you become a Christian, when you receive Christ, you believed.
You have, oh dear Lord Jesus, can I get this across to you?
The Bible says, for God's full of the word, very simple portion of the Bible, John 3 16, every child knows it.
For God so loved the word that He gave His only begotten Son, that anybody who believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Meaning if I believe, what happens?
That's in John 647 says the believer has everlasting life.
So when I believed, I received eternal life.
I'm not in the process of believing.
I believed.
And so I received.
So I'm not on this side of one believing.
Don't be misled by the terminology among Christians when we, in generic expressions, you know, we say, is he a believer?
It's because we have, we have, we have downloaded all those wrong files, you know,
a long time.
It's difficult to exchange them, get them out now.
Because there are too many Christians who say it.
So I say, oh, I'm a believer.
I'm a believer in Christ.
You're not supposed to be.
You were.
You believed.
So you entered.
Believing brought you in.
Now that you're in.
What do you mean belief?
So these little things are the create a certain type of unbelief that's very, very difficult to get off.
language, language problem.
He never, he never tries to tell us to believe anything because, wait, listen, I told you about the law.
The law is God's testimony of himself.
All right?
The gospel, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, that is God's testimony of Jesus.
Jesus constantly declared who he was.
The epistles are God's testimony of the church.
That's us, who we are.
So when you confuse the teachings of Jesus with the teachings of the New Testament, you make a mistake.
They're not the same.
You have to know what Jesus was saying to the Jews.
You have to understand when Jesus challenges the Jew with a plan that he had in mind for the future,
When Jesus talks about the coming church, for example, when he said, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
All right?
So he talks about himself.
He speaks to the Jews.
He teaches them on faith.
If you have faith, he says, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed.
He says, you can't do anything.
If you have faith, he is not teaching us.
The church was not born at the time.
Are you following this?
Are you getting it?
The church wasn't born at the time.
He's talking to the Jewish mind.
He says, if you have faith, you can do anything.
He says, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed.
He says, even the smallest, because that's the smallest seed.
He says, even the smallest seed of faith, you can use it.
It'll produce great results.
And they're listening to him like this as it teaches them.
Then over when the church was born,
You find that peace was written to the church.
He never tells us to have faith.
He said, he tells us we were born with it.
In Romans chapter 12, verse 3, it says, God has dealt to every man, every man among you, the measure of faith.
Each one of us was born into Christ's with faith, which means we are offsprings of faith.
We have the faith nature.
We have the faith nature.
So we are not trying to get faith.
We already have it.
What we have to do is put our faith to work.
So don't try to believe.
Just act.
Do the word.
Just do it.
Proclaim the word.
Act the word.
That's all he's asking you to do.
Because the believer acts the word.
I told you, the word believe is bestial.
It's a verb.
It's the verb of faith.
It means to do your faith.
Practice your faith.
Do it.
You're acting on the word.
That's Christianity.
So the Christian is not trying to believe.
You know something's struggling, oh God, give me more faith.
Can you suppose for a second that you?
Imagine that you were a teacher or a mother, a father.
Imagine that your son came to you.
and said, Daddy, please, I'm praying to have more faith in your words.
As a father, how would you feel?
I pray to have more faith in your words.
What do you think?
It's offensive.
It's offensive, right?
Yeah, it's very offensive.
Now, do you realize that's what we do when we're asking God for more faith?
We didn't mean to offend him, but that's what we're doing.
We're asking him to give us, give us a dear Lord Jesus.
And even now that you think about it, how offensive it is, but that's some people pray, oh God, give me faith.
Fading what?
Fading what are you asking for?
Fading his word?
Faith to trust him?

See, you don't copy everything that is done by someone else.
The disciples were the ones that they said to Jesus, increase our faith.
They said, Lord, increase our faith.
How did he answer them?
Read your Bible.
Did he increase the afraid?
So when you ask God to give you more faith, to give you freedom is word, that's what you're saying.
I find it difficult to trust you.
Can you imagine?
Is he that bad?
Lord, I
Help me to trust you.
Like he's disappointed so many times, you're bothered.
You're concerned about him.
That's where the angels are listening to you as you talk like that.
We are not of the world.
The disciples were not born again when they asked Jesus to increase our faith.
So we don't have to say the same thing.
After they received eternal life, they never asked him to increase their faith.
They declared their faith.

Do you know who I am?
I made you, trust me.
You can depend on me.
All things were made by me.
I have integrity.
All of this is not only authentic, has communicated to us in the scriptures, not only trustworthy, but it is delivered to us to live by.
Discover the potency of the word and the result it will produce for you.
In this enlightening masterpiece, The Integrity of the Word.
Available only on Pastor Chris Digital Library App.
Download yours today.
God bless you.
Glory to God.
You're still there?
All right, so back to that verse.
We're in verse 34, moving into 35.
Matthew's Gospel, chapter 12.
A good man out of the good treasure of the heart.
And on Sunday, we talked about the treasure that we've got, right?
We've got something inside.
When you're born again, you've got something inside.
A good man out of the good treasure of the heart.
Bring it forth good things from your heart.

Oh Lord.
I don't know how many things.
Who says?
Look inside you.
Inside you is where everything is.
It's inside you.
Let me remind you, there's nothing inside this place that didn't come from the heart of a man.
Perhaps up to four, verse 23.
Give it to us in the new, in national version.

Above all earth, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life.
Your heart is the wellspring of life.
Show them the King James.
Keep that heart with all diligence.
For out of it are the issues of life.
All the things you want.
They're inside there.
They'll come out from there.
They'll come out from there.
And that's what I'm trying to show you.
See, in a world like ours, you've got to use the principles that I'm sharing with you.
The Christian has never had a greater opportunity
than you have today to demonstrate the perfections, the excellences that is deposited within our spirits.
We have an enormous opportunity to glorify God in our day, more than any other generation.
So you've got to learn to pull out what you got on the inside.
Let's see.
Keep that heart with all diligence for out of it and the issues of life.
Inside your heart.
So go back to Matthew 12, 34.
A good man out of a good treasure.
Say, I've got a good treasure in me.
Again, I've got a good treasure in me.
A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bring and forth good things.
And an evil man out of the evil treasure bring and forth evil things.
What do you have inside you?
I got beautiful things inside me.
What do you have in you? 36.

But I say only you, that every idle word that means shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
You see that?
He doesn't want you speaking words that are empty.
Use less words.
Use less words.
O Father, you know my mind, you know what I'm going through?
O Lord, O God,
He doesn't want you to become beggarly.
No, we beg everywhere.
God doesn't like it.
Too many people learn begging from childhood.
I never learned to beg.
I don't know how to beg.
And I'm glad I never learned it.
I don't know how to beg anything.
And I'm so happy I found out from the Bible, God doesn't like us begging Him.
After Jesus died for you, do you know the meaning?
Jesus died for you?
If He died for you, why you begging?
If it is true, if you truly believe that Jesus died for you, why you begging?

What is the meaning of His death?

Okay, second Corinthians chapter eight, let's just look at verse nine.
You know some people, well, the scriptures are so many, so abundantly clear, it's difficult to think otherwise.
Look at this, for you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sex he became poor, that he, through his poverty, might be rich.
Tell me he doesn't mean it.
Anybody can look at that and say, God doesn't really mean that.
It doesn't mean it.

So what do you plan to do?
And why is your faith based?
If God didn't mean that, what did he mean?
And what do you want to do?
You've been praying and setting away for so long and begging him for so long and you don't understand that God doesn't hate you.
If he doesn't hate you, why are you still in that situation?
Ask your brother that's doing very well.
Ask your sister who is putting the work to work.
Ask them.
They will share with you the same things I'm telling you.
Am I right?

Glory to God.
Great, great, great.
He is moving right along.
So you can see that verse.
Very powerful.
Verse 36, Matthew 12.
What I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
He doesn't want you to speak idle words.
Say no idle words for me.
I don't speak useless words.
Because I'm royalty.
This is important.
Revelation chapter 1, verse 4.
John to the seven churches which are in Asia, grace be on you and peace from him, which is and which was and which is to come.
And from the seven spirits which are before his throne, if you don't understand seven spirits, get that book.
Book seven spirits of God, teach you something.
Verse 5.
And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness?
And the first begotten of the dead.
Oh, I love that.
And the prince of the kings of the earth, unto him that loved us, hallelujah, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.
Stop for a second.
Oh boy.
Let's look at the last line.
Is this unto him that loved us, present past or future?
He loved us.
Do we agree he loved us?
The Bible shows it.
And washed us washed washed.
Is he saying he's going to wash us or he already did?
Washed us from our sins.
He's already done it.
Is it right for me to pray that he might wash me?
He's already done it.
He loved me and washed me from my sins in his own blood.
Already done it.
Okay, look at the next line.
In a hat to lead us.
Kings and priests onto God and his father to him be glory and dominion forever and ever.
And everybody said amen.
What do you do with this?
Oh, somebody reads it and says, oh, isn't that wonderful so nice?
Is that all?
Aren't you going to respond to God?
He gave us his word so we can respond and live by.
And heart made our schemes, which means in the mind of God, this is what he sees us to be.
So all that time you are begging and pleading and saying, oh God, you know I was born in the wrong streets.
You know I was born by poor parents.
You know God's not thinking about that.
He's thinking about Jesus loved you.
Jesus washed you from your sins.
Jesus made you kings and priests.
That's what he's thinking about.
God's what is law.
You can't influence him by your feeling.
Oh God, my parents are poor.
Oh God, you know that I'm the last son of my love.
God, he's not thinking about that.
He's thinking about his word.
He's thinking about his word.
What does the word say?
You can blame anybody you like, that's your business.
Who does God say?
He had made us kings and priests.
You know, years ago, when I found these truths, oh, I knew I would never be the same.
I knew I would never be the same.
I remember sharing some of those things even at home.
But not even my parents could get it, they couldn't understand it.
Because they've been in church for so many years, they couldn't catch it.
I was like, where are you bringing these things from?
They're amazed.
They couldn't get it.
He had made us kings.
And once I understood that, I realized I was royalty.
You know, there are some people, you know, they may put a prince, so and so and so in their name.
But I found out that no matter how many kings in the earth were in their lineage, I was more royal than all those things.
I'm talking about heavenly royalty.

Once I realized that in the Word of God, that was never going to leave me again.
I had to carry the mentality.
I'm royalty.
I'm not an ordinary person.
I'll never be ordinary.
And I'll never think ordinary.
I'm royalty.
I know who I am.
Doesn't matter who I go in this world.
I'm royalty.
You can never dishonor me.
It's impossible.
Because this is the van royalty.
It's the van.
Man can't change it.
And I have this consciousness.
Because I know who I am.
But you just saw it.
What are you going to do with it?
It's there.
What are you going to do with it?
So you wake up and live accordingly.
I remember when I, you know, shortly after I finished from school and I was thinking about, okay, I'm going to get a job.
What am I going to do?
You know, I'm ministering.
I'm preaching over.
So, but I need an office.
Lord, you know, I gotta have an office.
What do I do?
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Then I understood.
Oh, if I'm ever going to have an office,
I gotta have it from my heart and begin in my room.
So, I set up my desk in my room.
I set up my desk, my chair, and then for several weeks, several weeks, I would get up, get into the bathroom, get dressed, and it's 8 a.m.
I'm on my desk.
I said my office has started.
Do you understand?
I had to first of all have the discipline myself.
I had a good one in school already, you know, but now I'm ready for work.
I'm ready for work.
And I've got to start in my room.
And I will stay there till it's about 3-4 p.m.
Then I get up because people who are working are working at that time.
They are at their desk doing something.
And guess what?
Apart from studying and studying and studying, then I will be drawing what my office will be like.
I will draw and draw and draw and draw.
I said, I'm starting with
At least a flat.
I wasn't going to get one small little room somewhere.
No, I was going to start with a flat.
A flat, a three-bedroom flat.
I said, that's the least I'm going to get.
And I would ride and ship it.
And I would design the chairs this way today, next time I shift it.
And I'm just doing all this stuff.
Then one day, I'm in the vehicle,
Wait, another brother, we're in the taxi, we're in the street, and we look, and let's still let.
Top of the building.
I said, let's go look at it.
So we went inside, wow.
It resembled the space I'd been designing all this time.
The boss just went off.
I said, let's go there.
So we went to the office of the agent.
And by the time he mentioned the amount of money I'd never seen that in my life.
But you know, I've been contemplating this.
I had enough divine cogitations.
My heart was full and loaded.
So when he was telling us, I don't have any money there.
But I had it inside me.
I said, how long do I have?
He said two weeks.
I said, I'll get you the money in two weeks.
So I said, OK, write my name down.
I disappeared.
Was I going to beg for the money?
No way.
I told you I didn't know how to beg.
I didn't even know how to beg, God.
So I wasn't going to beg anybody for money.
I was not going to beg.
That was never going to happen to me.
I've never begged, I will never beg.
So I went away.
You want to hear the rest of the story?

I got a shot for you.
The good thing about it was, I got the money without asking anybody.
In fact, let me tell you exactly what happened.
A gentleman saw me and looked at what I was doing.
When he saw the pictures, he said, you mean this happened with you.
I said, yes.
He said, what did you do?
I told you.
So he said, where's your office?
I said, we're about to set up an office.
Have you paid for it?
We're about to do that.
He said, I'll pay for you.

I didn't ask you for a dime.
I guess what he gave me exactly what I needed, the total sum.

And I arrived two weeks later to that office and dropped the money.
And they gave me the office.
Are you still in this place?
He says what?
A good man out of the good treasure.
Out of the good treasure.
What are you painting?
The Holy Ghost incubated on the dark words.
On that word that had no beauty, had no order, was empty.
What are you incubating on?
Sometimes we are talking, we're saying what we want, but there's no incubation.
The incubation, he says, to brood, the spirit of God, brood it over the waters.
Take time.
When you are alone, when you are sitting alone, that means without anybody, what goes through your mind?
Is it all what you're going through?
Or you're suffering?
Or you're paying?
Is that what you're going, is that what you're thinking about?
Is that what goes through your mind?
Or are you brooding for the next level?

No, I never have time to be feeling sorry for myself.
Such is life.

Say, I'm a king.
I'm a king!

Are you a king?
You know who you are?
Let me show you one more thing, because this is so powerful.
First Timothy chapter 4, let's look at verse 15, just to see what God thinks and what he wants.
What he wants.
Good things are happening.
I'm a child of the king.
Good things are happening.
Good things are happening.
everywhere around me.
I'm attracting good things, brother.
Listen, let me tell you this.
Listen, listen.
If you have these cogitations, if you won't have, let me put it like this.
When you are brooding over, what's happening is you're devising
Do you understand?
Mental creation.
That's what's happening at that time.
Don't spend your time feeling sorry for yourself.
Don't give your mind over to negative ideas and thoughts.
Use your mind for what God gave it to you for.
Making things happen.
Changing things.
Always thinking solution.
device in solution, contriving solution.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Use your mind.
Have you read that book, the power of your mind?
Use it.
You'd be amazed at the new channels of blessings that you never knew existed.
And then, because it creates a false field within you,
Because the more you think like that, the more circumstances, people, farms, materials, all those things that are related to your kind of thinking, there will be pulled towards you.
Haven't you noticed when you come close to a dog that's angry?
It's a person who is afraid of the dog that it attacks.
Some people pull demons into their lives.
Fear attracts demons.
Bitterness, if you allow bitterness in your life, you attract demons into your life.
Anger attracts demons.
Hatred attracts demons.
Don't talk hatred.
Don't talk about the people you dislike.
Because if you are thinking about them and thinking about what they did you,
Then, guess what?
You'll be attracting such negative forces into your life.
Then you say, I don't know why these things are always happening to me.
You are attracting them.
Oh, what should I do when such thoughts come to me?
Reject them!
If the persists, speak out.
Say, I reject negative thoughts.
I reject fear, unbelief.
I reject doubt.
average at bitterness and hatred in the name of Jesus.
I'm a child of God, I refuse to hate.
That can't dislike anybody.
I refuse that in the name of Jesus.
You be amazed.
Barbs' perfect love cast it out fear.
You know, driver with satanic things.
You know, some Christians are always going for one deliverance or the other because they are so ignorant.
How can a Christian be needing deliverance from demons?
You are not a Christian yet.
You don't understand Christianity.
You say, brother, from what you have said, you need deliverance.
From what?
He said, the demons have jumped and shake them off.
Shake them off.

Glory to God.
Let's hurry that thing.
Now, first thing with the chapter 4 verse 15.
Oh, I've got to meditate upon these things.
I like it.
Did you see that?
Meditate upon these things.
Give thyself holy to them.
That means give yourself completely to them.
That thy profiting may appear to all.
Meditate upon these things.
That's what he's saying.
Give your mind to thinking.
Melatow, that's the Greek.
Melatow, it means give your mind to thinking about these things.
Think through these things.
So it's the activity of your mind.
Give yourself completely to them.
God's instructions.
That they're profiting.
I like that.
that they profit your advantage, your progress.
That's what it's talking about.
That your progress may become... In the King James, he says, may appear to all.
The word is faneros.
It means that your progress may spread abroad.
That's the term, faneros.
It means to spread abroad.
He wants your progress to spread abroad.
If you are a tailor, he wants your designs to spread abroad.
Can you see it?
But how will that happen, except you do this?
You meditate upon these things, give yourself wholly, completely to them!
That's your progress!
May I spread abroad?
Before long, it doesn't matter what you do.
It might be a small shop that you have started with, but before long, people are talking about this shop.
They will cross ten other shops to come and buy from you.
That's God's favor.
That's the way it works.
They'll be looking for you.
There are some others who may be better than you in their own way.
But no, the rest is with you.
They will pass by then and come over to you because you are the seed of Abraham.
Meditate upon these things.
Give yourself completely to them.
That your progress may become evident, manifest, spread abroad.
I'm spreading abroad.
Years ago, I used to tell people, I'd say, look, I can reach the world from my room.
They didn't understand it because when I was talking about that, internet was not available.
There was no internet.
So when some of my friends were talking about, they're going to travel to many countries, I said, how many can you travel to?
I said, there are many of them.
I said, I can reach the world from my room.
How are you going to do it?
I said, by the Holy Ghost.
I'm doing it today.

That's your progress, Miss Predebrog.
Are you ready?

Speaking tongues, speaking tongues, speaking tongues.
Stand up, speaking tongues.
Right now it goes.
