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The Integrity of the Word Vol. 4 Part 3

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
In the beginning was the Word.
And the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.
Find out in this teaching the power of words and how to frame your life with the word as Pastor Chris teaches on the integrity of the word.
Okay, so you're ready, right?
Let's go straight to the book of Colosians.
It's a little bit of an expose on
This maybe would take the first 10 11 verses of chapter number three There's a lot of good stuff in chapters one and two and I think I've put it quite a bit in the last few services.
Well, let's look at verse from verse one chapter three book of Colosians and
If he then be risen with Christ, I want you to notice the argument, the presentation of this great apostle of God.
If he then, if it is true that you are risen with Christ, he says, seek those things which are above.
That means desire after those things which are above.
Imagine that I said to you,
Now that you are in this place, seek those things that are in my office.
How even are sick the things in my office if you don't know what they are?
You're going to have to ask me, what are the things in your office where he's God?
So he says, if he then be risen with Christ, seek those things
Seek those things which are above.
Create Christ seated on the right hand of God.
Did you notice it didn't say on the right hand side of God?
So it's not a geographical location.
Right hand of God means the right hand of power.
It means the seat of authority, not right hand side.
Do you understand?
When you say someone is my right-hand man, you say, John is my right-hand man.
It doesn't mean he's always standing on my right-hand side.
He's not his location as a matter of authority.
Where Christ seated on the right hand of God.
Then he goes the next one.
Set your affection on things above.
Oh, this is so nice.
Set your affection.
on things above, sets your affection on things above.
The word that's translated affection, now by the way, sometimes when we use, maybe we pick some Greek words or Hebrew words, we're only trying to emphasize certain things because of the weakness of some translations, okay?
And to stress, maybe some other synonyms that could have been chosen or to give some expression that will help make that area clearer, like this one.
The word affection is quite strong.
It is very good.
It is very good.
There's a very good synonym there.
But then I'd like to explain because when you break it down, it becomes a little more practical.
It's a word for new.
What that just means is to set your mind, your thinking.
It is the activity of the mind that he's referring to.
He's talking about how your mind works.
It comes from two words, two words, one meaning
to reign in, you know, like you say, I've got to reign this fellow in.
That means bring him under control.
And then he also says, there's another word, a second word, which means to block in or fence in.
Now, what that means is that
It's a play of your mind.
When it sets your affections on things above, it means you've got to have a control on your mind and set your thinking.
See, I can think of these things and refuse to think of these other things.
So he's telling us how to put our minds to action through our thinking process.
You know the things you think about are the things that will control your actions.
For example, there are certain habits that you might have in your life and you find it difficult to put away those habits and they affect the way you serve God.
They affect the way you live for God.
They affect the things you do.
They reduce your effectiveness and efficiency.
And a lot of times you find that you're wrestling with those habits and trying to put them out of your life.
You're praying to God and praying to God and praying to God and it's not changing.
God's telling you, it's not about prayer.
You use your mind.
Your mind is a very strong machine.
You get it?
You can use it.
Twist it this way and that way.
The exercise of the mind.
through conscious thoughts.
So, you've got to practice it.
For example, the same thoughts come to you again, and you know, I don't want to think about this.
I switch my mind to some of the thoughts.
And at the beginning, I'm going to, conscious, we say, I don't want to think about that.
So I take my mind off of it.
I set my mind on something else.
Then it will try to persist and come back.
Then I said, no, no, no.
I don't think about that.
I'm changed.
I don't think like this anymore.
I don't think like this anymore.
In the end, it tries to creep in again.
No, no, no, no.
I'm not going to think like this.
So you've resisted it.
James chapter 4 verse 7 says, resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Resist the devil.
God knows what's in the devil.
He tells us if we resist him, he will flee.
He can't resist us back.
He will flee.
That's God's testimony.
Somebody said, I tried to resist him, but he was resisting me too.
That's a lie against God.
You see, we'll talk about the integrity of God's word.
God's word can be trusted.
If God says, when you resist a devil, he will flee.
You can bet your life on that.
If I resist a devil, he's got to flee.
That has to be the necessary result.
He mostly.
He can't resist me back.
God didn't say resist the devil and he resists your back.
He said he'll flee.
In fact, you might as well say, I've resisted the devil and he's fled.
And then he'll try to shout from afar, I'm not gone yet.
He said, you are gone.
That's the way to put the word of God to work.
So this is very, very important.
The exercise of the mind, set your affection, your affection, set your affection, is telling you, develop a liking for the things of God.
Exercise, your interest in the things of God.
They will not come automatically.
You're not just going to always love to go to church.
Sometimes you're like, oh, it's church day.
There's some things you want to do.
Oh, you want to watch something.
You want to go out with friend or something.
You want to go buy something.
Sometimes you don't want to do anything.
You just want to stay back.
But then you're training yourself to rein your outward nature in.
Say, we're going to go.
Say, you're learning to live
from the inside, from your spirits.
Now remember, man is a spirit being.
He lives in a physical body.
Your body is your house.
We'll come to that in a second.
Something really beautiful about it.
Okay, so we go on from from that verse, set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
See, there are things on the earth, but you're going to have to develop a liking for the things that are above.
Now, where is this above?
He's dealing with spiritual things.
He's dealing with spiritual things.
And as you study the word, you get to like them, you get to see them.
Now, why does it tell you to do this?
In verse 3, for ye are dead.
That's amazing.
Ye are dead.
And your life is head with Christ in God.
This is powerful.
Look at, he didn't say, try to die.
As far as I'm trying to die to the flesh, I'm trying to die.
No, he says you are dead.
But your life is head with Christ in God.
How beautiful this is.
He are dead.
Your life is head with Christ in God.
What does this mean?
If we ever catch the meaning of this verse, what it would do to us?
Let me show you the next one that's connected to it.
It's too powerful.
Oh, verse 4, when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall he also appear with him in glory.
God Almighty,
What will the understanding of this mean?
What will it do?

You are dead and your life is hit with Christ in God.
When Christ is our life, Christ is my life, what will this mean?
You know, I told you once, years ago, I think it was in 1980, one or so, I think.
Yeah, sure.
You know, I was praying.
And I thought, I came across some things in the word of God.
I said, if I believe this thing, I'll never be the same.
I said, God, I don't think I believe enough.
If I believe this thing, I'll never be the same.
Shoot, I believe was the question.
Do I dare believe?
It was too powerful.
I said, if I believe this thing, I'll never be the same.
The question was, was it worth believing?
Was it worth believing?
As I read more, I came to the conclusion.
No, I believe this thing.
I believe it.
I believe it.
I believe it.
And it changed my life completely.
from that day.
Of course, I was already a Christian.
I was already a preacher.
I was already traveling to different places and preaching the gospel, holding crusades and seminars and conventions.
I was already doing that.
What were you doing in 1981?
See, when Christ who is our life,
How can I understand what this means and ever be defeated in my life?
Ever when Christ who is our life shall appear?
Look, these are not the words of a philosopher.
There are no assumptions here.
You're dealing with absolute reality.
He's given you truth.
No speculation here.
When Christ who is, listen to the tenses.
There's a perfection in his communication here that leaves no gray areas.
There's an assurance
are not of confidence that's embedded in this verse as the apostle writes, when Christ, who is our life?
What a consciousness.
What a mentality.
Who is this man saying?
When Christ, who is our life?
Who is our life?
Christ is my life.
What does this mean?
What does this mean?
I said, he leaves no ground for speculation, it's clear.
It's a declaration.
Christ is my life.
I will show you a related verse shortly.
Then it goes to the next verse, and this is really strong.
Modify, therefore, your members, which are upon the earth.
Modify, therefore, your members, which are upon the earth.
Fornication, on cleanness, inordinate affection, evil concubuses, and covetousness, which is idolatry.
Now, can you give us this verse in the living Bible?
I want you to listen to how he breaks it down.
away then with sinful, ugly things.
Did you see that?
You know, one of the reasons a lot of people struggle in their lives, you know, they're trying to live a victorious Christian life.
At the same time, they're struggling, oh God, well, what do I do?
You know, it's like I'm not really living a Christian life.
It's because, remember what Jesus said,
If you abide in me and my words abide in you, it shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you.
If he abide in me and my words abide in you, we come into Christ, but he also comes into us.
When I come to Christ, he receives me into himself, but then he also comes into my life and I receive him into myself.
You remember what Jesus said, I am in my father, and my father is in me.
Same thing with us, we are in Christ, and Christ is in us.
So when you receive the life of Christ, you've got to live the life of Christ.
There's a Christian life, that's what he's telling you.
Away then with sinful, earthly things, dead in the evil desires, locking within you.
I'm going to explain that to you shortly.
have nothing to do with sexual sin, impurity, lost and shameful desires.
Don't worship the good things of life.
Simple English.
Let's read again.
Away then with sinful, ugly things.
Dead in
Deaden, how do I do that?
You say, how do I do that?
Deaden the evil desires locking within you, that he explains all these things that he's telling you to deaden.
Have nothing to do with sexual sin, impurity, lust and shameful desires.
Don't worship the good things of life.
How do you worship the good things of life?
When you set all of your interests,
in the nice things like some people, you know, they'll do anything just to get what they want.
So look at that.
Now, how do you succeed in this?
How do you do it?
What's he talking about?
Go back to the King James.
The King James is very powerful.
It is modified therefore.
It uses the word modify.
That's what you read as dead in.
Modify, therefore, your members which are upon the earth, your members which are upon the earth.
This is a very, very beautiful construction.
What is telling us is this.
The only members of our personality that are ethnic are our physical bodies.
That's all that's ethly.
This is a way of explaining to you that you are not an ethly being.
Your body is just your ethly instrument for functioning in the earth.
So he's telling you can control your body.

You can control your body.
He uses the word modify.

Let me take you through a few passions here to explain this to you.
Good acts, that construction means put to death.
So I want to show you a few areas where you use the term and explain.
This is put to death.
So, let's see this put into death.
First, go to Acts 12 and verse 19.
And when Herod sought for him and found him not, he examined the keepers and commanded that they should be put to death.
Now, this was an occasion where Peter was arrested by Herod and he wanted
Peter did, and the angel of the Lord came and delivered him.
And so Herod was angry when the king found Peter, and he said, look, all the keepers should be killed.
So here he says, he acts that they should be put to death.
They should be what?
Put to death.
Now, that means slay them.
In today's colloquial English,
What he said was, take them out.
That's actually what he said.
He said, take them out.
Put them off.
That's the language he used.
Take them out.
Have them killed.
Put to death.
That's Greek.
All right?
Now, let's go to another one.
John chapter 5.
We're looking at verse 18.

Therefore, the Jews sought the law to kill him.
That means to put him to death.
This time he uses another word, appoptino.
Therefore, the Jews sought to slay him.
Are you following this?
To slay him, kill him.
This is a murderous kind of killing.
So he says, because he not only had broken the Sabbath, talk about Jesus, but also said that God was his father, making himself equal with God.
Now, none of these terms is used in what he told us to do when he said, put to death.
the members of your body in Colossians chapter 3 verse 5.
Let's go back there.
Motify, therefore, your members which are upon the earth.
What he uses there when he says, put to death, therefore, your members, the word he chooses is necrual.
Now, that's when we, English speaking, that's when we got the word necrosis from.
All right?
Necrosis or a vascular necrosis.
Now, that means subjecting to death by the interruption of blood supply.

Are you following it?
Now, if someone's got a problem
maybe the bone tissue or somewhere, you know, if there's a problem with the supply of blood, that place dies.
So what is He telling us to do?
He tells us, Nicrual.
He says, subject this thing to death by cutting off its supply.

So it's something we can do.
It says, cut off its supply.
Those things you don't like to do, those things that God tells you not to do, how can you stop from doing them?
Cut the supply from your thought system.
Don't feed them with your thoughts.
Cut off the supply.
If you put away some of the videos you're watching, you'll be cutting off the supply.
You see it?
Some of the books you are reading, some of the websites you are visiting that give you all the nasty evil desires that lock within your system.
If you put those things away, you will cut off the supply.
But as long as you are feeding your flesh, feeding the wrong desires in your life, as long as you are feeding them, you will only continue to do more of them.
There is another thing somewhere
in one of those verses that you'd like.
So this is what is telling you to do.
Cut off the supply.
Cut off the supply.
And you'll find that your behavior will change because you're no longer feeding those things that give you the wrong desires.
Christianity must be practiced.

God's Word is absolutely trustworthy.
It means that the Word of God is absolutely dependable, meaning that you can bet your life on the Word.
The reason for saying these things is because God wants you to live in His Word.
Now when you live in the Word, what you say is what you get.
When you declare that you are helped, you are buoyant.
You are lifted.
So I declare because I'm meditating on the Word.
See, I'm studying the Word.
I'm listening to the Word.
I'm receiving, imbibing the Word.
So I go, the Word is able to build me up.
Therefore, it is building me up in the name of Jesus.
The Word is able to give me an inheritance and is therefore delivering to me my inheritance in Christ Jesus.
The integrity of the Word.
available on Pastor Chris Digital Library app.

Okay, so let's move to the next verse.
for which things take the rod of God comment on the children of disobedience.
So there's going to be trouble for those who practice those things.
That's what's telling you.
It's going to be trouble for them.
It says the rod of God comes on them, the children of disobedience.
In which he also walked, sometimes when he lived in them, he used to be that way.
But now that you're born again, you're no longer that way.
But then he tells us something that's very interesting after telling us that.
He says, but now he also put off all these anger, rats.
You know what rats is?
There's a difference between anger and rage.
Anger can build over some time.
Rage is immediate.

God is telling you, whose word is this?
Okay, God is telling you, put off.

Put off these, all these, not some of these.
This is some?
No, all these, because if you don't put them off, they will affect your life.
The beautiful thing is this, when you study the scriptures, you discover that every time that God talks about
our attitude, our behavior, our righteousness.
He refers to wearing them.
He talks about us putting them on.
And when he doesn't want us to have any particular kind of behavior or attitude, he tells us to take it off like we are wearing something.
He says,
Cast it off.
For example, like this, Apple determined what it means is to cast it off like you take off a dirty shirt.
That's what it means.
It says, take it off and put it away.
That's what I say.
Did you ever read that he will give us robes of righteousness?
What do you think that means?
A robe that is called righteousness?
He means righteousness.
We'll be clothed with righteousness as a robe.
Which means we're dressed.
So you are dressed in God's righteousness.
So when God looks at you, he sees righteousness is a color.
You probably didn't know that, but it is a color, but it's a heavenly color.
meekness is a color.
You see, these beautiful attitudes that he tells us to put on the all colors who were dressed.
And so when you've got anger in your life, rage in your life, malice,
the intention to do someone some wrong, some harm.
Have you ever felt like somebody offended you and you wished you could do him something?
Do him in.
It's in your heart.
Even if you couldn't, if you heard something happen to him, that's what it's telling you, manis.
He says, put all this off.
Because they become part of your dressing, but you don't see them.
He sees them.
He sees them.
Don't be dressed with it.
So he tells you, put off this.
And then he goes on blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.
Give it to us again in the living Bible.
But let's read this.
You like the way it sounds.
But now is the time to cast off and throw away all these rotten gametes of anger, hatred, cousin and deathly language.

Heard some people say, if I use this my mouth against you, I use this my mouth.
Your mouth should be a blessing.
Don't pour out filthy communication.
Dirty language.
Alright, so, back to King James and we are in verse 9.
Why not want to another scene that he have put off?
I like this one.
This is a different construction where he says, put off the old man with his deeds.
He is not using... Go back to verse 8.
Go back to verse 8.
You would notice.
In verse 8, he says, put off all this.
And I told you what it means.
Now, in verse 9, he says, why not want to another?
saying that he has put off the old man.
Same rendering, but it's a different word.
This time, this is really nice.
Apadio, it means to sink out of... Let me give it to you like this.
I have collapsed myself out of the system.
You know what that means?
It means to disinvest.
To divest.
Do you get it?
If I'm disinvesting, it means I have stopped investing and I'm taking out what I put in there, I'm getting out.
I'm no longer investing in this program.
I'm no longer investing in this business.
I'm disinvesting.
I'm pulling out.
That's what he's saying.
Seeing that he have disinvested from the old man and his deeds.
See what I was telling you?
When you are continuously supplying
life to the wrong desires.
You're investing in the old life.
You're investing in the old life.
But you've got to disinvest from the old life.
That's what he's telling you.
He says you have disinvested.
You're no longer an investor in the life of the old man.
In Christ Jesus, you have divested.
You see that?
He says, don't tell lies anymore.
Saying that you have divested.
You are no longer invested in the old man and his deeds.
So why continue to invest in something that doesn't have your name anymore?
There's no benefit.
You're not going to gain anything.
Your name is no longer on the board.

Sir, refuse to invest anymore in the life of the old man.
I have disinvested.
Alleluia, glory to God.

So you see, there are things that you're going to participate in because that's an investment into the new life.
And there are things you will not participate in because that means you are investing into the old man.
And you will not invest into the old man because you are new creation in Christ Jesus.
Glory to God.
Okay, so let's move to the next one.
Verse 10, and have put on the new man.
Isn't this wonderful?
This is the opposite or near opposite and do.
Put on.
The other was, I picked you.
This is, and you.
It means to sink into it.
You get it?
So like you, you get into something into your trousers or your, your skirt or something.
You, you get it into it.
Into a nice dress.
But it's not an ordinary dress.
It means a uniform.
That's the difference.
Not just getting into a dress, into a clothing.
It means a uniform because it's addressing with authority.
So like an army uniform.
So that uniform, that dress that you're entering into can be recognized.
That's what it's saying.
It means something.
It has a meaning.

And have put on the new man.
Say, I've put on a new man.
Do you know what he's saying now?
The life of the new man is my clothing.
Glory to God.
Which is renewed, renewed in knowledge.
This is a qualitative renewal.
Okay, it is not like I want a new bag and so I drop this one and I buy another bag and I say I've renewed my bag.
No, it's a qualitative renewal, which means a renewal, in this case, a renewal by growth.
By growth and by invigoration.

Renew or anakai know?
Renew or by growth and invigoration.
That's what he's saying.
That's what this means.
You put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge.
Do you remember the word, epignosis?
Correct knowledge, precise knowledge.
Did you ever listen to three kinds of knowledge?
Now, let's look at something and have put on the Newman which is renewed in knowledge.
Renewed in knowledge.
This is too powerful.
Renewed in knowledge.
What is this man saying?
Second Corinthians chapter 4, verse 16.
You understand what he's saying now?
Because he uses the same expression here.
Second Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 16.
For which cause we think not?
But though our outward man perish,
Yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
That's the same renewal.
Though on the outside I may be bruised and battered.
I may feel weaker because maybe what I'm going through, but in my spirit I'm renewed.
The inward man is renewed day by day.
I'm getting stronger every day.
The qualitative renewal.
See, the more I learn about Him, the more I'm invigorated by His words.
I'm invigorated by the Holy Ghost, by His Spirit.
I'm stared on the inside.
There's a renewal.
I'm more and more like Him in my ways of doing things.
Glory to God.
Go back to Colossians chapter 3, where we were, verse 10.
This is nice.
It's wonderful.
It's wonderful.
And I've put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge.
After the image of him that created him.
How wonderful this is.
Lord Jesus, amazing, amazing.
He's saying that through the knowledge of God's word, and this is absolute knowledge, okay, which comes from revelation and relationship.
That's what Epignos is.
That kind of knowledge comes from.
There's revelation and relationship.
You get to know more the one that you are learning about and relating with.
So, and it's not just some kind of partial knowledge.
It's correct knowledge.
Accurate knowledge.
Accurate knowledge.
It only comes by revelation.
It comes from God.
Only God is what gives you that kind of knowledge.
You can't get it in the flesh.
You can't get it with your senses.
So, and the Holy Spirit gives you this kind of knowledge through the Word.
So He says, with that knowledge, I'm renewed.
And what happens is, I'm renewed and I am following in the image of Him that created me.
So more and more like Him.
Now, let me give you a similar scripture that helps you understand it even better.
Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 24.
We can read it from verse 23 to 24.
You see how related they are.
Look at it, it says from 23.
And be renewed in the spirit of your mind.
Be renewed in the character of your mind.
Remember the renewal we're talking about.
Okay, but he emphasizes the use of your mind.
Just like we were saying from the earlier verses.
Verse 24.
and that He put on the new man.
Put on the new man, which after God, that's in the image of God that we read in Colossians.
After God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
Who does this mean?
In Avi, ah-ha.
And to put on the new self.
created to be like God.
Did you see it?
This is your new self.
Now that you're born again, when I say, I'm a new creation, this new creation was made to be like God.
This is powerful.
You have to be God inside, mind it.
Everywhere I go, I am God-inside-minded.
I don't go anywhere without my consciousness that I am a God-inside person.
I'm not an ordinary person.
God lives in me.
And I have that consciousness every day.
He lives in me.
Never go anywhere without that consciousness that God lives in you.
You'd be amazed at the sudden transformation.
You'd be surprised.
You'd be surprised at the grace that goes with you, the aura that goes with you, the inflames, the power that goes with you.
Because you see, in the spiritual realm, the first principle is knowledge.
The second is consciousness.
And the third is speaking, voicing.
See, you wouldn't have heard that if you didn't come to church.
You see, sometimes there are things we want to say, but there are other things that are in between the lines that only God causes us to bring out at a particular time.
very important, those three, in the realm of the Spirit, they are topmost.
These are spiritual principles.
Put on on yourself.
Create it to be like God.
Create it to be like God.
In true holiness, true righteousness and holiness.
I know who I am.
Okay, so the last verse, Colossians 3, we are in verse 11, I told you to take first 11 verses.
And this is really nice.
And I put on a new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.
Did you notice it's a colon there, right?
So connected to the next.
Where there is neither Greek nor Jew.
Circumcision, nor in circumcision.
Bavarian, Scythian, born or free.
But Christ is all and in all.
I told you, I was going to give you another scripture that was connected to one that we read earlier in verse 4, when he said, when Christ, who is our life shall appear.
This is the scripture I want you to notice.
He says, in this situation, when you are wearing the new man, the new nature,
There is no consciousness of being Greek or Jew, being circumcised or circumcised, being Bavarian, Scythian, being born or free.
He says, but Christ is all, and in all.
He's talking about a consciousness of life.
Where all you know is Christ.
Everything you see is Christ.
Then you come to that point in your life, you have no consciousness of need.
No consciousness of failure.
No need for sympathy.
You don't need sympathy.
What kind of life is this?

No consciousness of luck.
What a life.
No consciousness or fear.
You're not afraid about, what if this happens?
You just know that no matter what happens, you're going to win anyway.

You know sometimes when I pray, even praying to God, I say, Lord, I fear no man.
I fear nothing.
I fear nothing.
I fear no man.
I fear no circumstances.
I fear nothing.
Because he already told me, count it all joy.
When you go through diavastes, no matter the kind of situation, you just count it all joy.
Then he also said, all things, not someone.
All things work together for good.
To them that love God.
And I'm fully settled in my heart that I love God.
I love Jesus.
I know that I know that I know that I know that I love Jesus.
I love Him with all my soul, with all my being.
So I fear nothing.
Who would eat these happens?
I'll win.
What if that happens?
I'll win!
It's all turning out for my good.
See, the Word of God gives us the consciousness of absolute victory, absolute victory.
You know, they say that you never can tell what happened, you never can tell.
There's one thing I can tell, that no matter what happens, I'll win.
Our way.
Our way.
I'm born to win.
See, God in Christ Jesus has raised us as His trophies.
So in your life, counted our job, in your life, no matter what's happening, just no one thing.
There's one more testimony on the way.

It's one more testimony.
As you're going through whatever it is, because he told you, when you go through the fire, you will not be burned.
When you go through the water, it will not overflow you.
Say, I'm a winner all the time.
No matter what happens, I'm the victim.
I win always.
Praise the Lord!
Open your mouth now, brain.
Declay your victory.
You an absolute success.
