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Your Loveworld Specials Season 3 Phase 7 Day 5

want to join you and help you fulfill God's plan for your life.

I feel this in my bones, people, for you are feeling it.
I'm telling you.
We've got to display the Ministry of the Spirit today.
Something that is so incredibly powerful to change the world.
We must not lose today's opportunity to reach the whole world for Jesus Christ.
This is your love world.
Oh, hallelujah.

First chronicles.

Chapter 12.

I'm reading from

Verse 1.
Now these are they that came to David to Ziklag, while he had kept himself close because of Saul, the son of Kish.
And they were among the mighty men, help us of the war.

This was war.

And a war is often

as we've said before, with several battles.

And God was determined to make David King of Israel, even though he had
rejected Saul.
He was not going to just kick him out from heaven, just send angels to boot him out.
No, David was going to have to come in
In God's legal system, God has a legal system.
He has kingdom principles.

Things have to be done God's way.

He already sent the prophet of God to anoint David
to become king.
He had said that was what was going to happen.
But Saul was still in office, even though God had already said no more.
So in the mind of God, it was a done deal.
But in the earth, things had to work to align with God's plan.
And David had to fight
In God's legal way, remember, I said God's legal way.
There are illegal things in the spirit realm that David could have done that would be a problem.

For example, when God, if you studied the story properly, you find on one occasion
God actually got Saul into a situation that was more like a trap.
And David could have killed him.
He was so close.
Saul didn't know that David was there in the cave.
And he had come out with 3,000 soldiers searching for David.
He'd be wanting to kill the boy because he realized that God was going to make him king.
And that means that his own son would not become king.
So he wanted David dead.

And God brought him so close to David.
What a test that was.

And David decided to just cut a little piece of his kingly gown.
just to let Saul know how close he was.
And yet for doing that, the Bible says David had smot him.
He felt so terrible that he did such a thing to the king.
Here's the king who's trying to kill him.

But David had to play by divine rules.
He knew it would be an offense to touch God's anointed.
Even though that God's anointed was trying to kill him, he said, no, it's wrong.
He would not kill the king.
And for even touching the king's gown and cutting the piss out of it to prove how close he was, his heart smote him.
He thought he had done the wrong thing.
He was so apologetic.
In fact, on one occasion, while Saul was searching for David, trying to kill David, Saul kept the night in a trench.
Suppose at least around it by his soldiers, and David,
And his man got so close.
And one of David's men said, look, I can strike him and I won't have to do it a second time.
He said to David, can I go ahead and kill him?
And David said to him, what?
Can somebody put his hand against God's anointed and be guiltless?
He wanted to do that, count me out.
He said, don't you do it.

He had to pass the test.
He had to play by the rules of the kingdom.
If he was going to receive
This anointing of God to become king by the anointing of God, he would have to respect the anointing of God.

And he learned that, he learned to do it.
He said, you can't touch God's anointed and be guiltless.

And when Saul finally died, and a young man brought the news to David, round to David and told him, Saul's dead.
And David said, oh, how did he die?
He said, well,
He was almost there, so he asked me to just finish everything, and I did it, and I'm here to support you.
David said, you are not afraid to tell me that you killed God's anointed.
He called one of his soldiers to kill him.
His own mouth has testified against him.
He touched God's anointed.
That's to show you the kind of heart that David had.
You know, when the Bible says that God declared David to be a man after his own heart, a man who only wanted to please God.
Yeah, so much to learn, so much to gain from men like that.
So here we find, even though he knew he was the king, he wasn't going to do it in man's way.
He wasn't going to seize the opportunity and do it in the world's way.
Somebody would say, come on, fulfill the prophecy.
But that's not the way it's done.
You follow God's rules.

The war went on.
And you can imagine the complaints among David's soldiers.
I mean, we had this guy.
Three major occasions.
Why should we just stay here and be waiting?
Proclaim yourself, King, he's dead.
No, not with David.
But with David.
So the Bible tells us in this chapter 12, he says, these are the day that came to David to Ziklag, while he had kept himself close because of Saul, the son of Kesh, and they were among the mighty men, help us of the war.
And several began to come to David.
Lots of amazing men of war began to join David.
They said they knew that God had chosen David to be king.
So they were coming to help David to become king.
But I want to take you to a particular group here that some of you have heard a lot about, and I want to say something about the, I mean, it's in verse 32.
This is now,

In verse 32, verse, this is end of the children.
It told us different groups that came.
This is end of the children of His saka.
This was one of the tribes, which were men that had understanding of the times.
The barrisays, they were men that had understanding of the times.
to know what is your ought to do.
They had understanding of the times they were gifted by God to have an insight into God's plans to know what is your ought to do.
I want you to notice that they had understanding of the times.
It was not everybody in Israel that had understanding of the times.
It wasn't even all the prophets that had understanding of the times.
This is a special thing.
The Bible doesn't say here that they were prophesying.
The Bible says they had understanding of the times.
to know what Israel ought to do.

Do you suppose that if God did that for Israel and planted among them second individuals that had understanding of the times so that Israel would know what to do?
You suppose if God did that for you, he doesn't have that in the church today?
That'll be a mistake for you to think so.

When you read in the Bible, the apostles gave us information.
They are understanding of the times.

For example, if we reading first John,

Chapter 2, verse 18.
It says, little children, it is the last time, like saying the last hour.
And as ye have heard that honor Christ shall come, even now are there many honor Christ, whereby we know that it is the last time.
So he tells them,
As he have heard that, and the Christ shall come.
He says, this is the last hour.
What does it mean, the last hour?
It's not the same thing when he says, this is the last hour.
It's not the same thing as saying, we are now
very close to the end in terms of measuring in ours.
That's not what he was trying to say.
And maybe just for clarity, what John was saying here,

was without the understanding of God's plan for the church.
This was the first epistle among his three, and it was written mostly in defense
of his writings, of his gospel, especially because his gospel was being challenged by several people who had said that they were Christians.

But then,
He gives a clear understanding to them that there's a reminder of the enterprise spirit.
I'm going to deal with that shortly, but I want to first let you understand what the apostles said.
The apostles had insight.
So let's read next verses.
They went out from us, these individuals who were challenging his message on Jesus.
They went out from us.
They were not of us.
For if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us.
But they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
But you have an auction from the Holy One and you know all things.
You have an auction from the Holy One and you know all things, praise God.
All right, go to the book of Jude, chapter one from verse number 17.
But beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ.
How that they told you, there should be moccas in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly loss.
These bidet who separate themselves, sensual, having not the spirit, say very much like what John said.
Very much like what John said.
Look at that 18 verse.
how that they told you.
Say, you remember what the apostles told you, but there should be moccas in the last time who should walk after their own ungodly loss.
Now, there needs to be an understanding of last days to
Last day is to bring in the kingdom to Israel and last days in the mind of the church.

Some of the apostles, including John, at the time of the writing of the first epistle, some of them
hadn't understood clearly God's plan for the church.
They didn't have that idea that the church was going to have a long period in the earth.
In fact, what was really the problem was not so much the church as it was the Gentiles coming into the church.
That was the complexity.
That was the real problem.
Because to them, the church, the new church was Israel.
And those, that means in Israel, and those who were Jews scattered abroad.
So they're preaching to them and winning them.
If you read the writings of Peter, Peter the Apostle,
who was the chief leader of the apostles.
You'd find he wrote his letters to the Jews that were scattered abroad.
And Paul told us, I shared that with you earlier on, several months ago.
Paul told us how that God gave him specifically the mystery
of the Gentiles coming in to the body of Christ.
It was something new.
It was not known to the apostles early.
They argued.
They were unsure of that.
They had a meeting in Jerusalem earlier on in their ministry, Acts chapter 15.
It was a matter of debate.
Think of how would the Gentiles be brought into God's church?
What's the problem?

They didn't have a clue how big that was.
Their whole world was Israel.

But God had something big on his mind.
Thank God he had a plan for the Gentiles to be brought in to the body of Christ, Hallelujah.
And that's working.
That's happening today.
So thank God, when you read the Ephesians of Paul, you find he gave us a clear insight into God's plan to let us know
that the Gentiles were on God's mind and the work needed to be done to bring them in.
And he had understanding of the times to also know what the church should do.
And in the various generations of the church, God has had
His vision protected, communicated in no uncertain terms.
And today, where no doubt has to God's plan for His church.
And I'm telling you,
While the word is, let me read to you in Isaiah chapter 60 from verse one.
He says, arise, shine for thy light is come.
And the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
And I told you that this was addressed with the millennial period in mind, but then I told you that tells you something about the church.
All right, so let's go on.
For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness to people, but the Lord shall arise upon thee and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
Gross darkness shall cover the people.
Darkness shall cover the earth.
In spite of the darkness, it says, but the Lord shall arise upon thee and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
Now, the way it is given in the prophecy there is for Israel to apprehend and appropriate.
But for us, there's something even better because that glory is not just
upon you.
It is in you and it is you.
You see?
You are God's glory in the earth today and you have to recognize that.
His glory is in you and you are His glory.
Oh, glory, hallelujah.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.

So I'm going to move a step further in our discussion.
A question, a question was asked yesterday
on the chronicles of prophecy.
And here is how it was forwarded to me.
Let me read it the way it's forwarded here.
So I hope the wordings were gotten right.
Maybe something to this effect.
Pastor said, the spirit of the antichrist will be released from the bottomless pit during Daniel 70th week.
So how much or how it is so, how or which spirit is trying to come ahead of time in doing these antichrist works around the world today.
Okay, I guess the question is, the pastor said, the spirit of antichrist will be released from the bottomless pit during Daniel 70th week.
So which spirit is trying to come ahead of time in doing these antichrist works?
around the world today.

But on Chronicles of Prophecy, you have an amazing team there.
You have, give me the names.
Yeah, we have Hillary.
These are very, very intelligent
smart and Holy Ghost people, healer is there, palm spring is there, then you've got Michael.
And then you have the Yvonne who's, yeah, she's the boss.
But they are amazing.
So I'm very sure they answered the question.
But let me add a few things to what you might want because I suppose a couple of things might need to.
I'll give you a few points to note to providing you this answer.
First, understand all demons and evil spirits are angels of Satan.

are demons and evil spirits, all right?
In the King James, the term uses devils, all right?
You don't find the word demon in the King James translation.
So when you say, is there a difference between demon and devils?
They are the same.
Devorce is used by King James.
for all demons outside Satan.
Satan is the devil, all right?
King James makes that clear.
The devil, the evil one, he's got a lot of names for Satan.
But then when he comes to demons, he calls them devils.
All right.
So our demons and evil spirits are angels of Satan.
They work for Satan.
All right, just, I'll give you quick references.
There are several, but I'll just pick simple ones to help you.
Revelation chapter 12, let's read from verse seven to verse nine.
And there was war in heaven.
Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels.
Mac, the dragon fought, and his angels.
So Michael had his angels, and the dragon had his angels.
Next verse.
And prevailed not neither was their place found anymore in heaven.
And the great dragon was cast out.
That old serpent called the devil and Satan, which deceived the whole world.
He was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him.
So you see the dragon is the devil called Satan.
He's got angels.
All right, next.
It's Satan's time that is short.

Remember, the question was, which spirit is trying to come ahead of time in doing these anti-Christ works?
Okay, so it's Satan's time that is short.
Let's read Revelation chapter 12, verse 12.
therefore rejoice ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them, war to the inhabitants of the earth, and of the sea, for the devil is gone down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath bought a short time."
You see, the devil satan that he just told us about the dragon,
has a short time.
He says, he knows he has a short time.
So whose time is short?
All the other guys are under him.
So if his time is short, their time is short.
So they know it, but he's the boss.
All right.
So he's behind all these efforts to gain time.
He's the one, number three, remember.
He's the one to empower the end of Christ.
That's called the beast.
He empowers the end of Christ, the beast.
So let's read that.
Revelation chapter 13, let's read from verse number two.
And the peace which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and as the mouth of a lion.
And the dragon gave him his power, and his seat in great authority.
We already found out who the dragon is.
That dragon is Satan the devil.
And that devil, this dragon, gave the antichrist that we have already identified in verse two, gave him his power, and his seat.
and great authority.
So Satan the devil is the one who's fighting for time.
So the prince of Grisha that we talked about that is in the bottomless pit and shall come out of the bottomless pit when it is open because he can't come out by himself as we have seen.
There's a key to it.
The prince of Grisha is one of his princes, is one of Satan's princes.
You have to understand, Satan himself doesn't possess people.
Satan himself doesn't possess people.
He was an act angel.
And act angels have a certain class of glory that was delivered to them.
He can't possess someone, he has to send someone else.
So, one of his chief princes that he would send into the underChrist is described for us by showing us that that particular spirit is the one with the very character of the underChrist.
So it was shown in the scripture that the under Christ puts on the character of the one that we identified in the books of Revelation and Daniel as the Prince of Grisha.
There's no doubt about that.

The Prince of Grisha was so evil, so deadly,
So deadly, so deadly that he wasn't even allowed a long time.
His evils were so deadly.
He had to be removed from the scene and put in the bottomless pits, but will be released in the future.
And when he comes out, guess what?
He does all these evil things that we array.
Now follow, I'm giving you certain points with which you can understand the answer to the question very, very well.
So the third thing I've picked out for you is that it's Satan who will empower the beast.
So that keeps
the picture that Satan is the one who's trying to gain time.
He's the one responsible.
He's automatically responsible for all of the evils because he's the one fighting for time.
And since he cannot possess by himself the Antichrist, he works with the Antichrist and puts one of his princes to possess that Antichrist.

So that's where the Prince of Persia comes in.

Which means, before the anacrist himself, the beast, is manifested, the one who gave him the authority, the power,
and the instructions on what to do.
If he's around, we ought to know he'll be doing some evil things because he's the same guy.
See, he's the same one.

He gets into the antichrist because his time is short.
At that period, he only has three and a half years.
In fact, he doesn't possess the antichrist until the last three and a half years.
That's when he does it.
Before then, he doesn't actually possess him with the springs of Grisha.

He gives instructions.
He does things like he's doing today.
You have to understand Satan cannot be worse than he is.
He is maximally evil.
He doesn't get better sometimes.

All right, here's another thing, number four.
Second things, I said, you have to be in mind in answering your question.
Though all demons belong to the kingdom of darkness, and that's important to know, all demons belong to the kingdom of darkness.
Look at St.
Luke's Gospel.
Well, let me make the statement, then I give you scriptures.
Though all demons belong to the kingdom of darkness, each one, each of the demons will bear responsibility for their evil acts.
Each one will bear responsibility.
It's just like human beings.
You know, human beings do a lot of things together, a lot of bad things individually and as nations, as governments and so on, but every individual will pay a price for his evil.
except you are delivered in Christ Jesus.
So let's look at it.
I said, there's a kingdom of darkness.
So let's see, St.
Luke's Gospel chapter 11 verse number 18.
Here are the words of Jesus.
If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand?
Jesus, Jesus, how shall his kingdom stand?
So Satan has a kingdom.
Satan heads a kingdom.
Those are the words of Jesus.
Colossians chapter 1 verse 13.
Who had delivered us from the power of darkness?
It had translated us into the kingdom of Isdiasan.
God has delivered us from the power of darkness.
Did you see that?
The power of darkness.
It means the domain of darkness.

the authority of darkness.
So there is a domain of darkness where Satan functions.
That's what Jesus called the kingdom of Satan.
Satan has a kingdom.
How shall his kingdom stand?
He said, Ephesians chapter six, verse number 12.
What should the Bible say?
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.
There's a dark word.
Acts chapter 26, let's read from verse 17, delivering thee from the people, talking to Paul, and from the Gentiles on to whom now I send thee to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God.
You see, when someone is in darkness, it's under the power of Satan.
And that's what it says, we've been delivered from the power of darkness.
That means we've been delivered from the power of Satan.
Oh, glory to God.
Delivered from the power of Satan in darkness.
Ayah, yah, yah.
Go back to that Colossians chapter, chapter one.
verse 13.
Maybe we should read it from verse 12, so you get it.
Giving thanks unto the Father, which had made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light, who had delivered us from the power of darkness.
He's delivered us from the power, the authority, the jurisdiction of darkness.
If I don't belong in His jurisdiction, it doesn't matter what pronouncements, it doesn't matter what degrees, I don't belong in His jurisdiction.
I've been translated into the kingdom of God's diaspora in whom I have redemption through His blood, the remission of our transgressions.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Amazing, amazing realities.
So I said, each one nonetheless, each one of them will bear responsibilities for their evil acts.
Second Peter chapter two, verse number four.

For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell,
and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment.
Did you see that?
Some angels, some angels sinned, they did some terrible things.
There's some particular angels he's referring to, all right?
Because he says they've been reserved.
They are in hell right now.
Look at it.
If God spent not the angels that sin, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, though they are in hell, they are in chains also.
reserved unto judgment.
What judgment?
Yeah, Gabbathea.
God's waiting for us.
He's committed that judgment to us.
They're waiting until we take our seats.
I'll show it to you.
I'll show it to you.
First Corinthians chapter six.
from verse two.
Do you not know that the saints shall judge the world?
And if the words shall be judged by you, are you unwinding to judge the smallest matters?
No, ye not.
Look at that.
Is it, don't you know that we shall judge angels?
How much more things that pertain to this life?
Don't you know that we shall judge angels?
Yeah, yeah.
So they're reserved to judgment.
They're reserved unto judgment until we were ready.
When we're ready and we're with Jesus, we're gonna be seated on thrones and we judge them.
All right, go to Revelation chapter, we're talking, they're gonna bear responsibility for their wrongs, all right?
Revelation chapter nine, let's read from verse number 13.
And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the forehorns of the golden altar, which is before God, saying to the sixth angel, which had the trumpet, lose the four angels, which abound in the great river Euphrates.
Can you see it?
Some are in hell.
Some angels are in hell, right now, in chains of darkness.
Some are at the bottom of the river Euphrates.
They kept down there.

Look at it.
It says, lose the four angels, just four of them.
What in the world did they do?
We'll find out during the time of judgment.
Lose the four angels which abound in the great river Euphrates.
And the four angels will lose.
This is going to be in the future.
They're still there right now as we speak.
And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of it.
Look at it.
They are deadly.
Soon as they came out, it was to kill.
Very deadly.
You know, some demons are actually more wicked than others.
Satan is the most wicked of them all.
I told you, he's maximally wicked.
And some demons are more wicked than others.
How do you know Jesus said so?
How did he say it?
He said, when a demon is gone out of a man, he works to drive places, seeking rest and find it none.
Then he says, I'll return to the place from whence I was driven out.
He says, so he goes,
And discovers that the place is clean, empty, and garnished.
He takes seven other spirits, more wicked than himself.
Those are the words of Jesus.
He takes seven other spirits, more wicked than himself.
And all of them come in and possess that individual.
And he says, the last bit of that man is worse than the beginning.
So some spirits are more wicked than others.
So these particular ones, these four, most have been so terrible that they were put at the bottom of Euphrates.
Then think of it, then you have those ones that were sent to hell.
The most wicked of them is the Prince of Grisha, because he was sent with Abaddon, and Abaddon's own battalion.
You know, Abaddon and his battalion were sent straight to the bottomless pit.
He is called the angel of the bottomless pit.
That's where he was left.
until the last days.
So Abaddon and his battalion of wicked demons will be brought out.
Abaddon, listen, the name of Abaddon is destruction.
That's the meaning of his name, destruction.
Can you imagine a spiritual's name is called destruction?
He can't do anything but destroy.
These are evil spirits of the Infernal Regions.

There's his name and think of it.
And he is not as destructive and as wicked as Satan the devil.
These are as terrible as they are.

So Satan is ultimate persona of evil.
He's got the evil one.
In other words, evil is characterized with his personality.
Fiendish, his evil personality.

All right, one more scripture.
Gursam 9 and verse 17, this covers all the rest of them.
The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God.
Don't forget this one.
The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God.
That's where they end up.

Now, let me give you some understanding of the term, the spirit of under Christ.
So let me go first to first Epistle of Saint John.
The first Epistle of Saint John chapter four.
And I want to read from verse one.
Yeah, beloved, believe not every spirit.
But try the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Here, I know ye the spirit of God.
Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is coming, the flesh is of God.
Now, I want you to look at that word.
Go back to verse one.
He says, test the spirits.
whether they are of God.
Test the spirits.
Sometimes when people speak, you have to know that a lot of times people speak by a spirit that is in them, just in the same way that when we speak, the spirit of God speaks to us.
You don't have to know that, okay, this moment God's gonna talk to me.
It's not that way.
A lot of times you speak and the Spirit of God is speaking through you.
As many times others speak and they're just plainly, you know, being normal in their life and it's a devil talking through them.
For example, remember, remember when Peter said to Jesus, oh, you're not going to die.
He didn't think nothing about what he was saying.
He thought he was just being honest and just talking to Jesus from whatever was in his heart.
But to his surprise, the Bible says Jesus turned to Peter.
Not to some, he didn't just look up.
He didn't look elsewhere.
He didn't look down.
He turned to Peter.
And he said, get the hands, Satan.
For thou sever us, not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men.
And I can imagine Peter shaking in his boots.
What in what in the world did I just do?
But Jesus knew he knew whose words came out of the mouths of Peter to a Satan's words.
Oh, that's why I talk about the spirituality of life.
You have to understand the spirituality of life.
Many times people think, all they see is all there is.
Oh, the man was just talking normally.
What was wrong with what he said?
How can you know if you're not discerning?
How can you know if you don't have the wisdom of God?
How can you know?
But Jesus knew that the words that came out of the Mount of Peter were from Satan.
Just like we showed you yesterday, when David was moved to number Israel, he didn't know he was Satan that moved here.
For the oral scripture is given by inspiration of God, and the scripture declares that it was Satan that moved David to number Israel.
And everything else that followed proved it.
The killings, the destruction.

Who's talking through you?
So John helps us.
He says, try the spirits.
Try the spirits.
You want to know.
You want to know.
He says, try the spirits.
Whether they're of God, because many forest prophets have gone out into the world.
Look at the next verse.
Here by know ye the spirit of God.
Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is coming the flesh.
Every spirit, let me read it to you from the, from the living Bible.
It's nice in the living Bible.
Look at it.
And the way to find out if there are messages from the Holy Spirit is to ask, does it really agree that Jesus Christ, God's Son, actually became men with a human body?
If so, then the message is from God.
I was casting out on spirits.
This was years ago, because I, you know, you grew.
So at that time,
I was convinced that I was in the presence, this was 1982.
I was convinced that I was dealing with an evil spirit in an individual.
And I wasn't sure that I knew what to do, but this scripture came to my mind.
because I really wanted to engage the Spirit properly and deal with it.
So I said, the Jesus Christ coming the flesh.
He said, no.
I said, you evil spirit of darkness, come out of him.
So I actually, I think it was like about three different occasions like that,
You know, back in those years now, you know, I was young.
So I asked questions like that.
I said, did Jesus Christ come in the flesh?
He said, no.
I said, do you evil spirit come out of him in the name of Jesus?
He threw the fella down and screamed and went out.
So I know, I know he works.
I know it's true because he says, try the spirits.
whether they are of God.
So that's how the living Bible puts it there for you.
Beautiful, beautiful.
So the way to find out, if their message is from the Holy Spirit is asked, does it really agree?
Does that spirit, this is just your question in the spirit?
Does that spirit agree?
But Jesus Christ, God's Son, actually became man with a human body.
All right.
We're still reading.
We're still reading.
Go back to the King James.
I want to read something to you there.
Here by I know you're the Spirit of God.
Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is coming, the flesh is of God.
And every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is coming the flesh is not of God.
And this is that spirit of Antichrist.
So here is where you get it straight to the point.
This is that spirit of Antichrist, where have you heard that he should come?
And even now already is it in the world.
What does he mean by this is that spirit of Antichrist?
What does he mean?
And it says, even now, it is in the world.
What does it mean by the spirit of anti-Christ?
To understand that, you would have to understand the use of terms like this in the Bible.
So I'm gonna show you several applications, the spirit of this, the spirit of that, the spirit of that.
I'm gonna put it on the screen.
I've got about eight of them here for you.
Number one, spirit of jealousy.
What in the world does that mean?
Number two, spirit of deep sleep.

You've seen some people who just sleep and, I mean, they can wait a few minutes before they sleep.
If they are not talking or eating, they are sleeping.
Spirit of deep sleep.
Then there's another one, heaviness.
Spirit of heaviness.
Look at it.
All right?
Again, number one, spirit of jealousy.
Number two, deep sleep, spirit of deep sleep.
Number three, spirit of heaviness.
Number four, spirit of hoardoms.
Number five, spirit of the world.
Number six, spirit of meekness.
Number seven, spirit of your mind.
Number eight, spirit of prophecy.
All right, now I'm gonna bring this back to you, but I wanna give you, let me show you another page that'll help you
in understanding how to classify all those things that we just read.
Because you notice this is in the beat to helping you get clarity on spirit of under Christ.
All right.
Now, the word spirit when you look in your Bible has these different connotations
Number one, meaning, intent or essence.
For example, for example, for example.
The last one that you saw,
In that previous page, you go back to that previous page, number nine of that page, number eight of that page, prophecy as a spirit of prophecy.
If you go to the Book of Revelation chapter 19 and verse number 10, look at it.
He says,
And I fell at his feet to worship him.
He wanted to worship the angel.
And he said unto me, see thou do it not.
I am thy fellow servant and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus.
He says, worship God.
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
He said the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Okay, now let's read that very verse from the new living translation.
It would be very helpful.
It says, then I fell down at his feet to worship him.
But he said, no, don't worship me.
I am a servant of God, just like you and your brothers and sisters who testify about their faith in Jesus, worship only God.
For the essence of prophecy is to give a clear witness for Jesus.
the essence of prophecy.
So what is it telling you there?
That the use of the term spirit, spirit of prophecy, it means essence.
So now let's go back to that page.
So the first, or now they're not in order of importance by the way, I've written six here, they are classifications, okay?
So it either when you use the term spirit, when you find the term spirit, spirit of this or spirit of that,
It might mean what?
The meaning, like saying, the meaning of prophecy, or the intent of prophecy, or the essence of prophecy, like we just read in the NLT.
Number two, spirit can refer to the atmosphere of a place or situation and its effect on people.
Like when you say,
Now put that other list there again.
I want to pick one of them.
A spirit of heaviness.
You see, it's a kind of depression.
People feel, you know, depressed,
Look at Isaiah chapter 61 verse 3 as a scripture where it's used to appoint unto them that morning Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for morning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.
You see, it doesn't mean they have an evil spirit inside them.
No, he's referring to an atmosphere, go back to that page, an atmosphere of a place or situation and its effect on people.
All right, then number three, fundamental activating principle influencing one's character.
A fundamental activating principle that influences one's character.
Now, that means something that causes certain people to behave in a second way, okay?
It's like an influence, even though
There's no such evil spirit inside the person, but it is a sort of impersonal influence.
And so why does it behave like this?
It can happen to a group of people, okay?
Like you say, a spirit of anger came across the crowd and they were all chanting and they all got so angry.
Now here's where he gets,
really serious.
Evil spirits are intelligent beings.
They take advantage of certain situations.
For example, there is an actual spirit of doubt.
There is an actual spirit of a lying falsehood, a lying spirit.
Okay, the Bible tells us about a lying spirit that was sent into the mouths of prophets, certain prophets, and they began to prophesy lies.
You see, so there's actually such a spirit.
So in a situation where people give themselves over to a certain kind of feeling, like if you feel depressed, unhappy about something, and you continue to yield to that feeling,
You can give yourself, you can open yourself to the attack of an evil spirit, an actual spirit of heaviness, can enter into you and take control of your mind.
In fact, you can go as far, you know, we tell people a Christian cannot be possessed.
That is true, but that is only as true as
you not allowing it to happen.
Because if you gave them the opportunity, that could happen.
You say, does that mean that the Holy Ghost and that one can be together in the same place?
Oh, and frankly not.
That just means you have rejected His counsel.
That just means you have by yourself rejected the Holy Spirit from living in you.
Think about it, there are people, John talked about those who went out from among us, that it might be made manifest that they were not of us.
That's what we're seeing in 1 John chapter 2 reading from verse 18 to 19 to 20.
That's very significant because what that means is
They didn't know that there were none of us.
Why didn't they know?
They would have known.
Remember, in the early church, people just had to have received the Holy Ghost.
People just had to have spoken in tongues because if they found Christians who hadn't received the Holy Ghost, have you received the Holy Ghost?
It was so important, which means that these people might have spoken in tongues.
They were among them.
They might have spoken in tongues.
And then they went out, they left.
That it might be made manifest.
They were not all of us.
He says, for if there had been others, there would no doubts have continued with us.
So you asked me then, so why did they speak in tongues?
Well, for the same reason that they don't ask, spoke.
Did you know they don't ask spoken tongues?
You said, pass up, Chris.
They ask spoken tongues.
What language do you think it spoke?
He didn't speak as his language.
He spoke a language that had a prophet interpreted.
He wasn't communicating with other animals.
He was speaking in tongues.
Does that mean the ass, that dumb ass, was filled with the Holy Ghost?
Certainly not.
And I love the fact that he says the dumb ass.
Kira Adagura asked the freaks.
The Lord is marvelous.
You know one day, we laid hands on the guy.
He was dumb.
He hadn't received the loosening of his tongue to speak any known language, but he was filled with the Holy Ghost and he was speaking in tongues.
He was speaking in tongues.
Think about it.
A deaf and dumb individual speaking in tongues as they received the Holy Ghost.
You know, there's something that I, that someone drew it to my attention and I actually, I actually tried to find out because, you know, we got people praying all over the world.
You go to Pastor Chris's life, you'd see prayer is on, even as we're here now.
Prayer is on all the time.
Guess what?
There is one language where there are no accents.
No accents.
When people are speaking in tongues, you don't know whether they are Chinese or that they are from Burundi or you don't know where they're from.
Just stop the picture, cover the picture and keep listening.
You don't know when they are now from Japan.
It just changes and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
That guy should have been saying, ton, ton, ton, ton, ton.
But, yeah, but worms there in tongues.
Worms there in tongues.
You don't know where they're from.
It tells you it's from heaven.
Glory to God, it's from heaven.
Oh boy.
Yeah, so let me give you an example.
I'm not talking about the example of the dumb ass now.
I'm talking about who we've been dealing with.
Hosea chapter 12 and verse number four.

Or 4 verse 12, 4 verse 12.
Or is that chapter 4 verse 12?
That's what you have there.
My people ask counsel at their stocks and their staff declared on to them, for the spirit of Haudenos had cost them to A. Do you see that?
The spirit of prostitution, halitry has cost them to A. Does that mean every one of them was possessed by that spirit?
What is he talking about?
Go back to that other page.
What he's saying is the fundamental activating principle influencing one's character.
That's what it means.
Now it's affected the character of these people.
It has caused them to air.
It has caused them to behave in a second way.
They've gone into idolatry.

Number four, a state or disposition of mind, emotion, inclination, tendency or attitude.

I'm showing you,
When you are reading in Scripture about Spirit, the different things you come across are what I'm showing you.
I want to give you this verse in a second.

Estate or disposition of mind, emotion, inclination, tendency or attitude.
So, like when we read in 1 John chapter 4 verse 3, let's go back there.
And every spirit that confess it, not that Jesus Christ is coming, the flesh is not of God.
And this is that spirit of honor Christ.
Where have you ever heard that He should come?
And even now already, is it in the Word?
Now look at this.
in the living Bible and you notice what he says.
He says, if not, the message is not from God, but from one who is against Christ, like the Antichrist, you have heard about who is going to come and his attitude of enmity against Christ is already in the world.
Did you see that?
That's what he translates as spirit of antichrist.
He says, attitude of enmity against Christ.
So when you see the spirit of antichrist, you're looking at two things here.
Number three and number four in play.
The fundamental activating principle influencing character, influencing behavior, a state or disposition of mind.
Attendance your attitude.
So you're getting it now.
So this is the behavior towards Christ.
They're against Christ.
They're working against Christ.
This is what we're talking about.
And who inspires these things?
I'm going to give you some information here.
I've written some things down for you to help you make it easier.
Well, let's be done with the last uses.

Again, when the word spirit is used,
Of course, it refers to an incorporeal rational being.
That means a being without a natural body.
A being without a natural body like demons.
When you see the word spirit, it can refer to
like when he says a spirit entered into him, an evil spirit entered into so-and-so, or he cast the spirit.
So these demons are such incorporeal rational beings.
They're rational beings because they're able to, they have cognitive abilities, they can reason, they can understand.
All right.
Okay, number six, divine being or essence, the word spirit is
used for either the divine being and God himself, the Holy Spirit, or man, the essence of your nature.
So either referring to the divine being, the divine essence or essence, referring to maybe just man.
You're still out there?
All right, so an important thing to understand is how Satan takes advantage of one's behavior.
For example, you can tell lies and not yet have a lying spirit.
But if you continue loving to tell lies, you're very likely to attract an evil spirit that comes into your life.
and first gets into your mind such that you start having difficulty telling truths.
There are people who have difficulty telling truths.
I'll never forget, I was ministering to someone to receive salvation.
So I got to a certain point in asking him to say the prayer of salvation after me, and he stopped.
He wouldn't continue.
So I pulled my eyes.
So I told him to say it again.
He got stuck.
He wouldn't continue.
At that moment, I just received a word from within me.
Amazingly, I received a word.
And what I said was amazing was what was the course of his problem.
He was a lion spirit.
I didn't know at that time a lion spirit could confuse him, but it was a lion spirit.
Then I said, in the name of Jesus, you lion spirit come out of him.
That's what I said.
Then I started again and asking to say those words after me.
And he said, everything perfectly.
But the lying spirits had tried to stop him.
So it's important that, you know, the Bible tells us how to live for God, how to live for God, how to live for God.
Okay, now listen to these important things that I'm gonna say to you.
The Spirit of God, you can write it down.
The Spirit of God is omniscient and omnipresent.
Well, his omniscient is omnipotent and he's omnipresent.
That means he's all knowing, he's all powerful, and he has the capacity and ability to be every way at the same time.
Next, when he ministers to or through or enters several people, he distributes himself without reduction of his personality or abilities in each one or place.
What does that mean?
Listen, when the Holy Ghost
wants to enter into every one of us here he distributes himself now listen this is very important don't worry i'll give it to you again don't try to write it now just listen he distributes himself because he is god so he enters into you and into you and as he enters as he distributes himself he is not reduced neither
Is he in small measures in each one or place?
Wherever he is, he is not diminished.
He is not diminished by the distribution.
Now, just so you understand, in Hebrews chapter 2,
Hebrews chapter two, verse number four.
I'd like us to read, I'll read it from the King James verse.
Then I'd like to read it from the Duet version so you can get it.
The Duet version is basically from the Latin version.
All right.
Okay, God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders and with diverse miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to His own will.
Now, the word translated gifts here is the Greek marismas.
And marismas doesn't really mean gifts in this way.
So you find in several translations what they tried to do was to paraphrase by putting several words together to try to reconstruct it.
They didn't need to.
The very few translations that put it straight as it's supposed to be.
And one of them is a Dwey version.
If you've got that Rotam translation, it's also fine.
All right, let me read from the Dwey version.
You say, he's got also bearing them witness by signs and wonders and diverse miracles and distributions of the Holy Ghost.
You see that?
Distributions, and some of them try to add distribution of gifts, but the original doesn't include the word gifts.
They didn't need to go that far.
Because God's showing us something about the Holy Ghost and his operation.
See it?
For example, when we lay hands on people to receive the Holy Ghost, what are we doing?
What distributing the Holy Ghost?
That's what Paul was talking about.
That's what we're talking about.
It's a distribution of the Holy Ghost.
We come in one place that's a hundred people, there's a thousand people, and they want to receive the Holy Ghost.
And we, just one of us, are saying the name of the Lord Jesus, receive the Holy Ghost.
And all of them receive the Holy Ghost, and they are full of the Holy Ghost, just like me.
And I don't get less.
You see, the Holy Ghost doesn't become less because they all receive the Holy Ghost when I minister to them.
So that's an amazing thing, says, distributions of the Holy Ghost according to His own will.
So what am I telling you?
Why am I saying that?
I said, when God, when He ministers,
to us or through us or it has several people.
He distributes himself without reduction of his personality or abilities in each one or place.
He, however, retains the right and power to decide by what measure or fullness of his presence to be appropriated or that he appropriates.
Do you understand what that means?
That is to say
Even though he distributes himself and he doesn't necessarily become less or you get less and less and less than what he already had, which means that when he distributes himself into you, you are as much full of him as he is.
That's wonderful.
That's wonderful.
So, he retains the prerogative.
He decides how much of himself to let you have.
How much of himself to be somewhere?
For example, in the Old Testament, they had the Holy Ghost by measure.
When they, like those men that he called,
to fabricate second things in the Old Testament called by Moses.
There were given the Holy Ghost in a measure.
He mentions for us which spirits of God were imparted to them.
And according to the Scripture, the fullness of the Spirit is seven spirits of God.
You've got to have all seven spirits of God.
to be full of the Holy Ghost.
You're still out there?
And the good thing is, the good thing is, God chose from the beginning that His church, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ was the first one to be full of the seven spirits of God.
That's why he's called the anointed of God.
He's anointed of God.
He was not the anointed like, like, like Aaron was anointed.
Of course, Aaron was anointed.
The other priests were anointed.
The kings were anointed.
But why were they not called the Christ?
They were called the anointed of God.
David said, I don't want to put my hand against the anointed of God.
So Saul was the anointed of God, David was the anointed of God, but why weren't they called Christ?
Because they didn't have this thing of the fullness, the fullness, the seven spirits of God.
And you know you go, you read in Isaiah the 11th chapter, this as naming, listing out the seven spirits of God, and it shows us all of the seven spirits of God come.
Jesus Christ, son of the living God.
Let's read, first Peter chapter two, from verse two.
Ask the newborn, wait, before I take you to first Peter, let's read Saint John chapter 3 verse 34, Saint John chapter 3 verse 34, for he whom God had sent speak at the words of God, for God give it not the spirit by measure unto him.
Look at that.
He that God has sent speaks the words of God, for God give it not the spirit by measure unto him.
So this Jesus had the spirit without measure.
He had all seven spirits of God, the fullness.
The fullness, didn't you read it?
The fullness of the Godhead bodily dwellers in Jesus.
The fullness of the Godhead.
All right, 1st Peter chapter 2, from verse number 2, ask newborn babes desire that's in say a milk of the word that you may grow there by.
Keep reading.
If so be a taste that the Lord is gracious.
to whom coming, to whom coming as unto a living stone.
These allowed indeed of men, but children of God and precious.
So Jesus is a living stone.
Then he goes on to say, he also has lively stones, living stones, have built up a spiritual house, an only priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
So he calls Jesus a living stone and calls us living stones.
That's wonderful.
What does this mean?
You're going to know Zechariah chapter 3 verse 9.
Go to Zechariah chapter 3 verse 9.
For behold, a stone that I have laid before Joshua.
Upon one stone shall be seven eyes.
Behold, I will engrave the graven there.
I've set a lot of hopes.
And I'll remove the niggity of that land in one day.
Upon one stone shall be seven eyes.
What in the world is he talking about?
There's a cry chapter 4 verse 10.
For who had despised the day of small things?
For they shall rejoice, and shall see the planet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven, upon one stone shall be seven eyes.
With those seven, they are the eyes of the Lord which run to and through through the whole earth.
Those eyes on one stone are the eyes of the Lord that run to and fro through the whole earth.
All right, Revelation 4, verse number 5.
And out of the throne, proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices.
And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God.
Remarkable, remarkable, remarkable indeed.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
What is this?
What is this?
We, each one of us has the fullness of the Holy Ghost.
are seven spirits of God.
Now you want to get the details of this teaching.
Get our book.
It's titled Seven Spirits of God.
So you can imagine if I'm using six minutes to tell you so much in that book.
So get the book today.
It'll teach you a lot about the seven spirits of God.
All right.
Ma, ma, ma, ma, ma.
Okay, now, so we've talked about how God distributes himself.
He doesn't need, he doesn't need, he doesn't need to send an angel into Reverend Tom to carry out his work.
He goes in by himself.
That's wonderful.
But you said demons are not omnipotent.
They're not omniscient.
They're not omnipresent.
So what?
they cannot distribute themselves.
So they send out multiple spirits to accomplish their purpose.
They carry out the work of the head of their battalion, Satan.
And whoever is the head of their group, because they're also, you know, they're organized.
They're organized.
Sometimes Bach has showed you the order of spirits and how they function.
So to carry out their works, remember that man in Acts, St.
Mark's chapter five.

Okay, let me read it.
Mark's chapter five from verse number one, just to give you some clarity.
And they came over onto the other side of the sea, into the country of the gatherings.
And when he was come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs, a man with an unclean spirit.
Notice, a man with an unclean spirit.
Who had his dwelling among the tombs?
And no man could bind him.
No, not with chains.
Because that he had been often bound with feathers and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him.
And the feathers broken in pieces.
Neither could any man tame him.
And always night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones.
Do you think he knew what he was doing?
He definitely didn't know what he was doing.
The demons drove him crazy.
He caught himself with stones, inflicted wounds on himself, left in the cemetery, never went home.
How could he have done that in his right mind?
He was the devil's accustomed to do it.
Next verse.
Verse six.
But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and washed up to him.
Oh, and cried, with a loud voice and said, what have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou son of the most high God?
I are jolly by God that thou to met me not.
Did you hear that?
How's the devil talking to the man?
The unclean spirit spoke through the man to Jesus.
I want you to listen again.
He says, and cried.
He cried with a loud voice and said, what have I to do with thee, Jesus?
That was son of the most I got.
I had jolly by God that out to meant me not.
For he said unto him, come out of the man thou unclean spirit.
And he asks him, what is thy name?
And he ends that saying, my name is Lijon, for we are many.
Now, when you read it, go to St.
Matt's Gospel.
I want you to notice some difference.
Chapter 8 from verse 28.
And when he was come to the other side, into the country of the gadgets and zines, they met him to possess with devils, coming out of the tombs, excellent fears so that the men might pass by that way.
And behold, it cried out saying, what have we to do with thee, Jesus, our Son of God, and thou come hear that the torment us before the time?
You remember that?
And there was a good way off from them and heard of many swine feeding.
So the devil was beside him saying, if thou castest out, so far as to go away into the herd of swine.
Now you would think that because there were two million, that's why he's given us in the plural term.
Let me take you to St.
Luke's Gospel, chapter eight.
Go to verse 28.
When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell down for him.
And when a loud voice said, what have I to do with thee?
Jesus, thou son of God, must I, I besitched thee, to meant me not.
For he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man, for oftentimes it had caught him, and he was kept bound with chains and in feathers, and he broke the bands and was driven of the devil into the wilderness.
And Jesus asked him, saying, what is thy name?
And he said, Legion, because many devils were entered into him.
going, and they, all the devils, and they besought Him, all the devils spoke.
But you see, they couldn't all talk through the man.
But Jesus knew, Jesus had discerning of spirits.
Jesus could tell all the devils were talking because He could hear them.
But it's one that spoke through the man.
That's why you'd read it in St.
Mark's Gospel and it seemed like one spirit was talking all the time.
But they beside him, they already, they beside him that he would not commend them to go out into the deep.
Next verse.
and there was there and heard of many swine feeding on the mountain, and they beside him that he would suffer them to enter into them, and he suffered them.
He let them.
Then went the devils out of the man and entered into the swine, and the herd ran, validly down a steep place into the lake and were choked.
You think they remained there?
No, they went out looking for someone else.
Praise God.
Now, what did we notice there?
A legion of devils under one evil spirit.
He is in charge of all that legion.
That one evil spirit, one unclean spirit, was in charge of that legion.

Go to Revelation chapter 16 from verse 13.
And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouths of the dragon.
Did you see that?
Satan, Satan, Satan had demons inside him.
That is, you can now understand his wickedness.
He's already bad.
Inside him he has demons that are lodged within him.
I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mount of the beast and out of the mount of the forest prophet.
Now that forest prophet is the anakrist spokesperson.

So you can see the prince of Grisha.
He's not, he's a high prince.
He has lots of devils that go with him.
Like this man in Gdara, in Saint Mark's Gospel chapter five, or Luke eight or magic eight that we just read, he had a legion.
And he brought all of them into one man.
A legion is anything from 6,000 to 30,000.
Think about it.
We're not talking about six or seven demons.
We're talking about thousands of demons.
And they all lost in that man.
You can see why he couldn't go home.
Oh my, that guy lost his mind completely.
See, all of them inside him, then you're talking of the Prince of Grisha.
How many will he have?
He ran the whole kingdom of Greece, reach a Bible.
He toppled pressure and took over all the kingdom of Grisha.
So how many demons do you think he would have?
You can see why he couldn't be on the Abaddon.
Abaddon had his own battalion of demons, but he just had his own, he wants to rule the world.
Because that was Alexander the Great's dream.
And who used Alexander the Great, Prince of Grisha?

Well, that's what the Bible shows us in Daniel chapter 10.

Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Oh, Marta Sakapate.
Let me show you a couple of things here.

I'm sure you've gotten a picture, an understanding of... By the way, did I answer that question?
I believe I did.
The guy who asked the question on the spirit of the antichrist, I've given you more than enough information for you to even build your own answer.
All right, in Revelation chapter 13, from verse five.
And before I take you into that, you have to realize that what we have in first Timothy chapter, in first Timothy chapter two, verse one, is actually a warfare.
I want you to understand.
First of all, in this warfare, I want you to understand it's a warfare.
When we are praying, when it says, first of all, supplications, prayers, inner sessions, and giving of things we made for all men, it's not just about the praying that you just talk.
No, it's actually a warfare.
And if you don't understand it that way, you think it's just trying to get you to say a word of like they call it a word of prayer just for, you know, just to count some things.
No, it's a warfare.
I want to show it to you in the Bible, just relax.
I exhort therefore that first of all, first of all a what?
What is it about why first of all?
because it's a warfare.
It's about a warfare.
When I first shared this with you some months ago, I got you to look at it from the first chapter, and I told you that the Bible was not written in chapters and verses.
So I said, go to chapter one where the discussion began.
So I'm gonna take you to that chapter one, and I want you to observe what it says.
In chapter 1, 1st Timothy, good verse 17, he says, now, onto the king eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God be honor and glory forever and ever, amen.
This charge I commit unto the son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them might as war a good warfare.
It says you can war a good warfare with the prophecies.
I wanted to observe what's in focus here.
By the prophecies spoken about you and to you, it says, by them, you can war a good warfare.
You can war a good warfare.
Notice the statement is not over.
You got a semicolon there.
Then it goes on to say, holding faith and a good conscience.
What in this war?
You gotta have your faith and the good conscience, which some haven't put away concerning faith at Med Shipwreck.
That's a parenthetical, that's a parenthetical reference.
So don't let it divert your attention from the focus.
So you can go, war a good warfare.
It says, hold in faith and a good conscience.
Now, look at in parentheses, you got which sum, having put away concerning fate, have made shipwreck of whom?
Look at the next part.
Of whom is harmonious and Alexander, whom I have delivered onto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.
So that is parenthetical.
So you can remove that.
Put it aside and read correctly.
Go back to verse 19.
Well, let's take 18 from 18.
This charge, I commit on to this on Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by their matters wore a good warfare, holding faith in a good conscience.
I exhort therefore, that first of all, first of all in what?
In this warfare.
You are armed with prophecies, you are armed with what?
Faith and a good conscience.
So you got prophecies, you're loaded with prophecies.
Then faith and a good conscience.
How can they beat us?
How can they beat us?
How can they beat us?
We've got the prophetic word.
How can the bearers?
I exhort therefore on the basis of these memes, on these grounds, being loaded armed with prophecies, faith and a good conscience.
So first of all then,
as you launch out with these prophecies.
And you know the prophecy, the prophetic word, is that sword of the Spirit, which is the Rehma of God.
I told you during the prison, I was saying some things, and I was reading out some scriptures.
I was reading them out from Joshua, and I was reading them out into the realm of the Spirit.
And I said, I'm reading, I'm not just talking to the audience.
I'm reading them into the realm of the Spirit.
I was releasing Raymar God.
A prophetic word.
There are times you have to do that.
You may be sitting.
Sometimes, oh, I did that a lot when I was preaching in church years ago.
I did that a lot.
Sometimes I was preaching, I was preaching to myself.
I was preaching to myself.
You know, the present that I was talking to them, they are, yeah, they got blessed.
But I was building my faith strong.
Building my faith strong.
I was making declarations.
I don't care who was there.
They got blessed, but...
So Chris, I was in the spirits, you know, building my faith strong, creating my aeon, framing my aeon, framing my future.
I knew the days that were coming and I was speaking into the future, speaking into those days.
I told you, I was built for these days.
I told you, I told you, I'm not shaking the less bits
What the least bit built for these days?
Satan is in trouble.
The Lord has raised us up, raised us up for a reason to demonstrate His glory, to demonstrate His victory.
So, with all of these things happening, you know, some people, oh, Pastor Christ, you know, he just spoke boldly, that's not the way I see it.
I was scared by God.
I was scared.
I couldn't have done otherwise.
I had no reasoning for it.
I was scared by God.
I couldn't have done otherwise.
I didn't plan to do that.
No, I didn't plan to do that.
No, if you know me very well, I don't like trouble.
I just stay away from trouble.
But once I'm scared of God, I love trouble.
Yeah, because at that moment, you just know you have already reserved the testimony.
Oh, yeah.
In the volume of the book, it is written of me.
I come to do thy willow cards.

That's why I tell God's people, don't be afraid of anything.
Put everything that's going on, all right?
Doesn't matter how many presidents are making declarations.
Don't shake.
Doesn't matter how many presidents, how many... This Bible was before them.
Have no fear of anyone.
Have no fear of anyone.
They're not standing against us.
They're standing against the world.
And the world created the whole world.
We are offsprings of the world.
That's who we are.
So when they don't look at yourself like this, no, no.
Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.
So it's a warfare.
So in Revelation chapter 13 and verse five, just want to take you through a couple of things.
Remember, this is the final session for this phase.
Revelation chapter 13.
And I'm reading from verse five.

Oh, I think I should give it to you from, read it earlier, from verse two.
It's about the end of Christ anyway, it's the end of Christ.
And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion, and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat in great authority.
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed.
And all the world warned that after the beast, the whole world warned that after the beast he says, and they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying who is like unto the beast, who is able to make war with him.
and there was given unto him, amount speaking great things.
What does it mean by great things?
Can you go to the book of Daniel?
Daniel chapter 7 verse 8, use the NIV.
When I was thinking about the horns,
There before me was another horn, a little horn, which came up among them, and three of the first horns were uprooted by it.
This horn had eyes like the eyes of a human being, and a mouth that spoke boastfully.
King James says, great things.
I just want you to know that the great things were not good things.
So in the NIV, he uses a better term, boastfully.
He was speaking boastfully.
Look at verse 5 again, go to King James chapter 13 verse 5.
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking boastfully and speaking blasphemies.
And power was given unto him to continue 40 and two months, three and a half years.
who gave him power, who gave him power.
He was given power by the 10 kings.
These are the leaders of Europe that gave him power.
They gave him the authority, from the 10 of them, they gave him authority to rule for three and a half years.
And what did he do?
He opened his mouth in blasphemy.
against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven.
And it was given unto Him.
Look at that.
It was given unto Him to make war with the saints and to overcome them.
and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations.
What saints, the tribulation saints, he was given power.
So to make war with the saints and to overcome them, what period is this?
The period of the tribulation.
The church, we're not here at that time.
We're not here, this is the second three and a half years of the tribulation.
This period is called the great tribulation.
But Jesus said, except those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved.
And he shortened it to three and a half years.
And then verse eight, and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life, of the lamb, slain,
from the foundation of the world.
This is very painful.
Very, very painful.
Remember, I told you, the names are not in the book of life, those people who are gonna worship Him.
And I told you how that's gonna happen.
Remember that your ugly body, your body gives you a right to the earth.
And if your DNA is altered, your identity is altered.
And that means your right to the earth is changed in the realm of the Spirit.
DNA was not given to you by doctors.
DNA was not given to you by big farmer.
DNA was given to you by God.
It should not be altered.
It will change your personality completely.
It will change your identity as a human.
You become the product of men.
Listen to what God says.
I want to remind you that something like this happened before in Bible days.
I want to remind you.

You know, there are those who say that it doesn't matter.
Don't listen to them because they're ignorant.
They're not listening to the Bible.

Listen to the Word of God.
Listen to what God instructs in Genesis chapter 6 from verse 1.
I'm going to read something to you.
You know, sometimes people ask, why did God send the children of Israel to destroy the Canaanites?
All those giants, all those people that were living in Canaan and the Gagashites, the Jebusites, and so on, all those seven nations.
Why did God send them to replace them, to destroy them?
Listen to this.
And it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them.
That the sons of God, now the term sons of God here refers to angels as you would see in the book of Job.
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men and the daughters of men were women born of human beings.
So, angels saw daughters of men that they were fair, pretty, and they took them wives of all which they chose.
Because angels have the capacity to manifest themselves as human beings.
And they did, remember, in the book of Hebrews chapter 13, the Bible tells us to not be negligent to entertain strangers for some of entertained angels, unawares.
So angels have the capacity, they have the power to manifest themselves like human beings and appear to us and even eat with us and do things like us.
You see?
So in those days, those particular angels did it.
Look at the next verse.
And the Lord said, my spirit shall not always thrive with man, for that he also is flesh.
Yet his days shall be an hundred and 20 years.
Go back to that verse, verse three.
He says, and the Lord said, my spirit shall not always thrive with man.
And I'm not going to continue to put up with this.
For that he also is flesh.
Yet his days shall be 120 years.
He reduced man's years to 120 because of sin.
Now look at the next verse.
There were giants in the earth, in those days.
And also after that, how did the giants come about?
Look at it.
There were giants in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in onto the daughters of men.
You see, when those sons of God, those angels, copulated with human beings,
Women that were human beings says they burned children to them.
The same became mighty men, which were of old, men of renown.
They did extraordinary things.
They had extraordinary fit.
They could do amazing things.
They were giants.
They became giants.
They were no longer no more human beings.
Because something had altered their nature.
These angelic beings had polluted their nature.

And that was why God decided he was going to destroy them.
Look at it.
Next verse.
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
That's what happens.
Look at it.
All those people whose names were not in the Book of Life.
All those people whose DNA had been altered, changed.
The Bible says they worshiped the beasts.
They worship the dragon.
That means they worship Satan.
They worship the other Christ.
and the curse God.
The Bible says they did not repent of the atrocities.
They couldn't.
They became like these people.
The imagination of the thoughts of their heart, evil continually.
Verse six.
And it repented the law that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
That's what Satan is after.
He knows God loves man.
God made man in his image.
God loves to bless man.
God loves to have fellowship with man.
And he knows that's the way to get a God.
And that's what he's after.
Look at it, he grieved God at his heart.
And what did he do?
In the process of time,
He got Israel to destroy them.
So now Satan wants to carry it out scientifically.

He's trying to carry it out scientifically.
And I'm telling you that a lot of these people don't know what they're doing.
They're just acting.
They don't know what they're doing.
Don't assume they understand what they're doing.
They don't know.

They don't know.

We're seeing gradualism in operation.
I told you last year that I talked about children of the states.
I told you, early last year, I told you what was gonna happen.

Now, what are they doing?
They're telling people in different countries or different cities and different nations.
They're telling them that when their children go to school, the school has authority, has a right to vaccinate them without parental consent.
What does that mean?
They're telling you you don't have a right over your children anymore.
Now, you think that's a joke.
It's not about vaccines.
I warn you.
I warn you, it's about control, ownership.
Right now they tell you it's for health.
And they can argue from sun up to your sundown, they don't know what they are saying.
I agreed with Dr. Fauci yesterday when Fauci said in that video, when Fauci said to Ron Paul, you don't know what you're talking about and I mean that officially.
Yeah, I agreed because he was talking from hell and he knew that Ron Paul had no clue what he was talking about.
He knew what he was saying, he's from the court.

And I'm telling you, if you just shut your eyes now and think, oh wow, it doesn't matter, it matters.
They're trying to raise a new breed to the children.
Go back and listen to the message what I shared with you about children of the state.
And I showed you in that teaching how they planned it before, years ago.
And I said, now they have an opportunity to carry it out.
They want to hatch it.

And they are not hiding it.
This is the thing.
They're not hiding it.
They said they are coming for your children.
They're not hiding it.
They're not hiding it.
Now they're saying that the children, the state has a right.
to decide what happens to a child.
Uh-oh, you had a child and you didn't know you gave birth to a child for the state.
Can you imagine that?
But this is going to happen in the days of the anacrist.
Listen, the anacrist spirit is operating in these people right now.
That's what I'm telling you.
And the anacrist himself, when he comes, that's exactly what he's going to do.
That's exactly what he's going to do.
All the people who be his people controlled by him.
That's what the Bible shows us.

So it's gradualism.
They're doing it step by step.
When I told you, it was not about two weeks.
Oh, they're telling you, they'll soon be, everything will be all right.
If we just do this, everything will be all right.
It was not all right.
It was not all right.
It's never going to be all right.
They don't plan ever to let this thing go, except we break it and destroy it.
That's the only way.
Did you ever know a tyrant that gave up power by himself?
Did you ever know a dictator that yielded power nicely and kindly?
Did you ever know a despot that gave up authority nicely and happily?
They never did.
They never will.
They must always be toppled.
And that's why in our prayer, in the realm of the Spirit, we have caught them off.
Marlachor Abagasym.

I told you, what they're doing, this whole thing will fail.
It has already failed in the spirit.

So what you've seen is gradualism.
Oh, la bacadiricas.
I'm telling you, they don't know.
You might sit down with someone from maybe a government office and is arguing with you.
They don't know.
It's a Luke's Gospel.
Go to say Luke's Gospel.
Chapter 23, verse 34.

Then said, Jesus, Jesus was on the cross.

Being crucified.
Let's take it from verse 32.
And there were also two other male factors led with him to be put to death.
And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary, there they crucified him.
There they crucified him.
They crucified Jesus.
And the male factors, one on the right hand and the other on the left.
Then said Jesus, father, forgive them for they know not what they do.
They parted his raiment and cast lots.
Jesus said, Father, forgive them for they know not what to do or what they do.
Why did Jesus say that?
Why did Jesus say they know not what they do?
Because they didn't know.
They didn't know.
They had condemned him.
The crowd had condemned him as a criminal.
That's all they knew.
Some people accuse them of this and that, that's all they knew.
The Roman government had condemned him.
The Jewish authorities had condemned him.
That's all they knew.
But what was happening in the spirits?
They had no clue.

This is father forgive them for they know not what they do.
They have been controlled a thousand years before it happened.
A thousand years before it happened, David saw it.

Look at St.
Matthew's Gospel, chapter 22, from verse 41.
While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them,
Saying, what thinking of Christ?
Who's Son is He?
They say unto Him the Son of David.
He said unto them, how then got David in spirits?
Call him Lord.
How then got David in spirits?
Call him Lord.
Say Him.
The Lord said unto my Lord.
Sit down on my right hand till I make down enemies, thy foots too.
David in spirits.
So David saw in spirits.
David saw in spirits.
Got a Psalm 22, verse one.
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
David is saying the very things that Jesus had on the cross a thousand years later.
David is seen in spirit, so in spirit he knows what's going on.
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
But I am a warm and no man.
A reproach of men and despise of the people.
Remember what Isaiah said?
He is despised and rejected of men.
A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we heat us with where our faces from him.
He was despised and we esteemed him not.
Go to verse 8.
He trusted in the Lord that he would deliver him.
Let him deliver him.
Seeing he delighted in him.
Oh my goodness.
You know what they're talking about there?
Hello, just, I need to calm down a little bit.
It's too painful, too graphic, too graphic.
The Bible says they walked down their heads at him and they looked at him and said he trusted in God.
Let God deliver him.
If God will have him, let him deliver him.
But here is the path that gets my attention.
Go to verse 11, read from verse 11.
I want you to remember, be not far from me for trouble is near.
This is in the spirits.
David is seeing this in the spirits.
So be not far from me.
He's in Jesus on the cross and he speaks in the first person.
Be not far from me for trouble is near, for there is none to help.
Remember his disciples, everybody fled.
Next verse.
Many boos have come past me.
Strong boos of Bashan have beset me round.
Look at the demons.
The demons were there controlling things.
They surrounded Jesus.
The demons were there.
Did the people see the demons?
Jesus' father forgave them.
For they're not what they do.
But what is what is David saying?
Strong boos of Bashan.
These were the biggest boos, the boos of Bashan were the biggest ones.
They beset me round, because the next verse, they gaped upon me with their mouths.
As a ravening and roaring lion, these dimmerings opened their mouths at Jesus, but people couldn't see them as they controlled the people.
They didn't see them, but David saw them.
They gaped upon me with their mouths as a roving in an roaring lion.
Remember Satan?
I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joints.
My heart is like wax.
It is melted in the mist of my bowels.
Oh God, my strength is dried up like a pucherd, and my tongue cleave it to my jaws, and thou has brought me into the dust of death.
For dogs have come past me, he can see the romance.
They call the dogs because they're on circumcised.
The dogs have compressed me.
The assembly of the wicked have enclosed me.
They pierce my hands and my feet.
1,000 years ahead, David sees it.
Father forgive them for they know not what they do.
It was accomplished 1,000 years before.

They pierce my hands and my feet.

Oh, next verse, I may tell all my bones the look and stay upon me.
They pat my garments among them and cast lots upon my vesture.
We just saw that.
We just read that in Saint Luke's Gospel.
Right after he said forgive them for they know not what they do.
They cast lots for his remains.
says they packed my garments among them and cast lots upon my vesture.
They didn't know what they were doing.
It has already accomplished in the Spirit a thousand years before.
Now they're going and they're acting out.
They're doing things I said and he's pushing them.
demons are getting them to do it.
They spit at Jesus because that's what they said.
Make us say it.
They struck him on the face.
The judge of Israel was struck on the face.
They didn't know.
Now we see these people holding meetings.
The hold meetings in Switzerland, the hold meetings in Brussels, the hold meetings in New York, and the controlling nations and telling them what to do.
But demons are whispering to them.
Demons are controlling them.
Many of them are possessed and oppressed and led by evil spirits.
And people don't know what's going on.
How can leaders actually make decisions or destroy their own people?
How can people make decisions or ruin their own economy?
They are not in their right minds.
Something, something, something, some lunacy is taking place, some demonic activity is taking place.
And only those who have spiritual eyes to see can understand this.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood.
but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.
This is where they function, in the darkness of this world.
It says, wherefore I say unto you, look at, wherefore take on to you, look at the next verse, wherefore take on to you the whole armor of God, not some.
that she may be able to withstand in the evil day, to withstand.
It takes the power of God to withstand.
You have to withstand.
You can cave in because they're tracking you about your job.
You can cave in because they're tracking you about your back.
You can cave in because they're tracking you about anything.
Your child, your school, you can cave in.
Take on to you the whole hour of God that he may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand.

Now you're going to have to, I told you at the beginning of this whole thing, last year I said, look, we are going to use everything that God will teach us.
And I'm saying to you, pray now without season.
Learn to pray without season.
Where are you?
Be in prayer, because we are in a place, a period of this warfare, la tequico scó from unbla de la grachettos.
Pray, pray all the time.
Every now and then, ought our words, ought our words, ought our words.
If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth, ought our words.
Speak words into the realm of the spirits.
Speak words into the realm of the spirits.
Every now and then, every now and then,
Because a lot of these people, they don't know what they're doing.
They don't know.
But we have to take control in the realm of the spirits.
I said, it's a warfare.
And because it's a warfare, we are pushing.
There's a conflict.
And we are really pressing.
I can tell you.
We're pressing.
We are pressing.
And we are gaining grounds.
We're pressing.
was seizing grounds, oppressing, oppressing, oppressing, oppressing, oppressing hard.
And that's why they, you know,
like trying to act like they are reacting and reorganizing and making pronouncements and getting, you know, I heard Joe Biden gave six, some kind of COVID, or whatever they are.
I think those were just rambles of, you know, they don't mean anything.
Mangro Diggabro state.
Who is he that speak at any comment to pass when the Lord commanded it not?
Doesn't matter who's talking.
See, what we say in the realm of the Spirit is what really matters because we control the Spirit realm.
We control the Spirit realm.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
We control the Spirit realm.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Remember, I show you a mystery at the second trunks.
is when the rapture takes place.
because in the midst of all this, while we're talking about prayer, even some who are not strong enough to pray, they're sick, they're afflicted, they're going through some trouble in their life, such that some of the things we're saying may not even make much sense to them because they are so distracted by their health or ill health, but the words that we speak have power.
What's this testimony from the healing streams?
42-year-old Edward was diagnosed with colon disease, cancer of the pancreas and kidney failure.
as a result of these conditions he was bedridden and couldn't do anything for himself.
The faith of many came alive as the man of God ministered to the sick.
I command the cancer to die and pass out of your body.
I rebuke the tumors in the name of Jesus.
Be healed in Jesus' name.
Countless testimonies were recorded throughout the epochal event and long after as people all over the world gave evidence of the divine intervention that had taken place in their lives.
Edward was miraculously healed and got up from the bed for the first time.
Now Edward shares his testimony of transformation.
Hello, my name is Edward Antonio Gutierrez.
I am for two years old and I live in El Salvador, Central America.
The sickness started back on December 2020.
It started with stomachache, digestive problems.
And I went to the hospital and everything was indicating that once I call on problem.
As days go by, the medicine was not working at all.
And as a result, on January 29th, I had to stay in the hospital because
My eyes, skin was yellow.
I lost weight really quickly, and I was three months in the hospital.
When I was there, I had medical tests.
The doctors said that the problem was not the colon, but an obstruction in the gallbladder.
Inside of the hospital, I got many more illnesses.
After that, in March, I was released from the hospital,
So I left the hospital to avoid being exposed to these type of illness.
They put me a drain incorporating my bladder, but after leaving the hospital, I got new symptoms.
My stomach swelled from one side, and I went back to the emergency room, and I was told that I had cancer in my pancreas.
At that point was getting bigger and it was the main reason of the problems in my stomach.
Back in June, I followed the medical treatment within the medical operation but my weight was not good enough.
That first day Friday when Pastor Chris came out and during the administration he said to put our hand in the screen of the TV, tablet or any device that you were using.
At the other hand, where we wanted our miracles, so I did it.
And at that moment I put my hand and also I began to tremble.
I felt joy and also feeling that I'm not able to explain.
It's like joy.
Pastor Sandra was there and she had her hands in my body as well.
And she said I felt something very similar.
She saw me at that moment and she showed that I was receiving my miracle.
The first day was over.
I woke up and I began to cry.
But I was not crying because I was feeling bad, but due to the experience that I just had.
At that point, I had already two weeks that I was not able to get up from my bed without help.
I was not able to move.
I was not able to take a glass of water by myself, nor even hold itself in my hands.
Minimum things that can be done by yourself as a human being, I was not able to do it.
I brush my teeth, take a shower, but everything was withheld from my family.
On Saturday, we continue.
But on Friday, when the survey was over, Pastor Sandra told me to do something that I was not able to do before.
And I asked for help to my wife, and I got up.
We began to cry because she didn't make any effort.
I didn't feel any pain anymore.
And I said it.
It doesn't hurt anymore.
And everybody in the house were full of joy.
Even my grandmother was there.
I began to walk by myself and I left my hands and I was hungry.
And I asked for food and they gave me a jar kind of big.
And I was doing things without thinking.
And thanks to God, since that day, Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
Sunday was a beautiful day that Pastor Chris invited us to receive the Holy Spirit and live in us forever to have God working us through the Holy Spirit since that day everything has been better and better.
I have done things that for months I was not able to do it.
I have eaten a lot and I have even things that I was not able to.
I want to take this opportunity to thank with all my hard to Pastor Chris
because you make it possible even though there is a big distance between us we're able to be with you millions of people to each one of you even if you just move a cable or working in computer I want to thank you so much and I'm sure that from now on this worry is allowing me and I will do everything that's possible to reach others and I will do it
Glory to God.
Now Edward is free from all that plagued him.
He can now walk and do all that he couldn't do before.

You can be healed.
It doesn't matter what the case is.
I love the testimony I heard today on the healing streams program.
There was a lady that called in from Canada.
She had a, she had a tumor.
I think it was a cancerous tumor, something they needed to have an operation.
And after she received a healing at the healing streams,
because she had been scheduled for the operation.
She went, she said, I know I'm here.
She says, God knows I'm here.
Pastor Chris knows I'm here.
Anyway, they did the operation.
At the end of the operation, when she woke up, the doctors said, how are you?
And she says, fine.
And she said, as the operation over, they said, yes, the operation is over.
So she said, did you take it out?
They said, we didn't find it.
We didn't find it.
They couldn't find it.
Oh, you should hear the full testimony.
Anyway, no matter what you're going through, there's hope for you in Jesus Christ.
His name's God power.
I want to lead you to Christ right now.
If you've never been born again, this is your opportunity to receive salvation.
Say this prayer after me, a minute from the bottom of your heart, and God will hear you.
Say, O Lord God, I believe in Jesus Christ.
the son of the living God.
I believe he died to save my soul.
I believe God raised him from the dead, and he's alive today.
I confess with my mouth, Jesus Christ is Lord of my life from this day.
I receive by faith
Eternal life into my heart.
Thank you, Lord.
I am born again.
I have eternal life now.
I'm a child of God now.
From this day, amen.
Praise God.
I want to pray for you.
Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus, I pray for everyone who just prayed his prayer.
Let the name of the Lord Jesus been named upon them.
Satan has no claims over them anymore.
They belong to Jesus Christ, the son of the living God.
I bless them with your word.
I bless them with your love, with your grace, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Thank you, Lord.
They are blessed now.
They are blessed today in the name of Jesus.
Congratulations, your child of God now.
And your name is before the Lord every day as he watches over you, watches over you with joy.
See, everything that's connected with you is now before the Lord.
Think about that, your child of blessing from this day.
We have a book we'd like to give to you.
It's titled, Now that You're Born Again, and as titled first,
It's supposed to help you from this moment on, to learn about the life that you just received.
There's a little book, a few chapters in it.
You begin building your faith strong in Jesus Christ.
At the bottom of your screen, you find a code number which you can download a copy for yourself.
Do it today, and start learning from today.
Thank you for joining us.
God bless you.