Your Loveworld Specials Season 5 Phase 7 Day 5
want to join you and help you fulfill God's plan for your life.
I feel this in my bones, people.
For you, I'm feeling it.
I'm telling you.
We've got to display the Ministry of the Spirit today.
Something that is so incredibly powerful to change the world.
We must not lose today's opportunity to reach the whole world for Jesus Christ.
This is your love world.
Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus,
Thank you for your love, for your grace, for your kindness.
Thank you for the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Thank you for the precious ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for guiding our minds in the direction of your thinking and your vision.
Thank you for the holy scriptures that you've given to us, to educators, to instructors, to directors, to inform us.
And now again our hearts and our minds are open to hear and receive your word.
We do so with gladness, meekness in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
raise God.
I want to welcome you to today's program.
A lot for us to touch on today.
And I trust that the Holy Spirit will guide us in such a way as to
able to receive everything that is passing to us in this hour.
You recall in the Book of Acts chapter 12, that beautiful story that we have read and referred to several times,
from verse number one now about that time Herod the king stretched for his hand to vex certain of the church and he killed James the brother of John with the sword.
You know, Satan definitely moved Herod
to kill James, the brother of John.
Jesus referred to Satan as a murderer, a liar and a murderer.
He killed James, the brother of John,
with the sod.
And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded father to take Peter also, then with the days of unleavened bread.
And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison and delivered him to four coordinates of soldiers to keep him, intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.
Peter, therefore, was kept in prison.
But prayer was made without season of the church unto God for him.
Prayer was made of the church without season.
When James was arrested, they didn't pray.
And if they prayed at all, he was definitely not like
they did when Peter was taken.
I guess they didn't realize that Herod's purpose was to kill him.
Or maybe they didn't even think it could happen.
But it did.
And when that happened, there he started to pray in.
They knew that if they would pray, something would happen.
And they prayed.
And something happened.
You read the rest of the story, the Bible terraces, that the Lord sent an angel to bring Peter out of prison.
A remarkable story indeed.
The Lord sent an angel.
I'd like to remind you that that story is over in the New Testament.
It's the book of Acts.
So we read there of a striking angelic intervention
So that's not Old Testament, that's New Testament.
God responded to the prayers of his people and sent an angel to bring Peter out of that prison.
That's wonderful.
So we find in the book of Revelation, he gives us following information on things like this done by the devil.
In Revelation chapter two, we read from verse number 10,
For the word says, fear none of those things.
Now, the Lord Jesus gave these revelations to John.
And you look at that verse 10.
Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer.
Behold, a devil shall cast some of you into prison.
Do you see that?
A devil didn't show up, they didn't see the devil.
The devil used the powers of state to put them into prison.
They used the powers of state, the powers of the government to persecute them
and put them into prison.
But a lot did warn, is this fear none of those things which thou shall suffer?
Behold, a devil shall cast some of you into prison, that he may be tried, and he shall have tribulation ten days, be thou faithful unto death."
In other words, he also gave them the indication that they were not only going to be put in prison, it would even
get to death.
So the devil was going to cause them to be killed.
So he says, be thou faithful unto death.
So tribulation on 10 days, and after the 10 days, they don't come out.
It ends in death.
What He says to them, be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life."
That's wonderful.
You know, what we are into is not for the fearful.
You should not be fearful and you should not be unbelieving.
Don't give attention to fear.
You have to understand what the Word of God tells us.
You see, the enemy that we are dealing with
He's a defeated foe.
It's very important for us to recognize that.
We're not dealing with the same devils of the same status that Moses dealt with, that David dealt with.
They don't have the same status today that they had then.
Back then, they had authority.
Satan, their boss, had a lot of authority, a lot of power.
And he had it all the way to the days of Jesus.
And you remember what Jesus said to his disciples.
In Saint Luke's Gospel, chapter 10, let's read from verse number 19.
He said, Behold, I give unto you power to tread on sharpens and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by enemies hurt you.
I'd like to remind you that at this time, this is Luke chapter 10, at this time, Jesus was living under the old covenant, and the disciples were living under the old covenant.
Yet that was tremendous power.
And he came as the seed of Abraham to whom the promises were made.
And he said to his disciples, I give unto you power.
to tread on serpents and scorpions, what did Jesus know that others didn't know?
Of course, he was the Son of God, yes.
But it's very important for us to know that
He lived as a man and died as a man.
Very important.
He lived as a man and died as a man and functioned under the old covenant.
He had to function in it to fulfill it.
For he did fulfill it.
He knew the word.
Of course, he was the word himself.
But that definitely tells us he knew it.
If he was the word, then he knew the word.
And he knew how to put the word of God to work.
And that is a very important aspect of the ministry and life of Jesus.
I want to read to you something that he said that was very, very instructive.
When they were asking him several questions in one occasion in St.
Matthew's Gospel, chapter 22, there's a response that he gave.
That's really, really loaded.
It's in verse 29, Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do ye not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God.
This was what Jesus knew that they didn't know.
He said, you air because you don't know the scriptures nor the power of God.
You don't know the scriptures nor the power of God.
Oh, what we would do if we knew the scriptures and the power of God.
what in the world could Jesus admit?
What was the scope of his comprehension at that moment?
What was he thinking about?
What could he have been referring to when he says you don't know the scriptures, nor the power of God?
What was he thinking in his mind about what the power of God could do?
When you study the context of their dialogue, you would see it was an extraordinary amplitude of thought.
Jesus must have been thinking about a wide range.
of subjects under the power of God.
God's ability to do anything, anything, anything beyond our human comprehension.
I wonder what Jesus was thinking about, but definitely he was thinking about something about God's ability to do anything.
The Bible terraces.
For with God, nothing shall be impossible.
And those words came from the mouth of an angel.
With God, nothing.
An angel knew.
An angel is it with God, nothing shall be impossible.
And the Lord Jesus put it another way.
I love the way He put it.
The angel said, with God, nothing shall be impossible.
But Jesus, he don't look at it from that side.
He said, with God, anything is possible.
I like that.
He don't look at it from the perspective of the angel who said, with God, nothing shall be impossible.
And Jesus said, anything, anything.
It's possible.
It's not about what is impossible.
It's not what God cannot do.
It's what can God do?
Anything is possible.
Imagine if you grew up with that mentality, anything is possible.
Different from nothing is impossible.
Nothing is impossible keeps you at a certain level.
You know, it keeps you on the defensive.
Yeah, and I can understand that coming from the angel.
But Jesus, he's the word.
You're talking about the one who created all things.
And he says, anything is possible.
So he says, you air because you don't know the scriptures nor the power of God.
So I see that God wants us to think like that today.
I'm reminding you that at the time that Jesus made those statements to his disciples, he functioned.
under the old covenant and Satan was still at that time running things he had the power he had the power of death he had it
Satan also had the Adamic authority.
All the authority that was given to Adam rested with Satan at the time.
And yet Jesus said to his disciples, you have authority over his ability.
That's interesting.
Go back to, look at St.
Luke's Gospel, chapter 10, verse 19 one more time.
You'd see that the word translated power, when he said, I give unto you power, exosia, to tread on suprance and scorpions and over all the power, dunamis, all the ability, everything that Satan could do.
Jesus said, I give you authority.
That's authority over ability, over power.
And now you think, what was behind the authority of Jesus?
Because power must be behind authority.
Well, you have to understand the Abrahamic Covenant to know that.
because the law was based on the Abrahamic covenant.
The law was based on the Abrahamic covenant.
In fact, I can read something to you that let's see in Romans 5.
I'm gonna read to you, let's begin from verse number 12.
I want you to look at the extraordinary information that's in here, that's so powerful.
Wherefore as by one man, saying, editing to the world and death by sin.
And so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.
For until the law, sin was in the world.
But sin is not imputed when there is no law.
So before the law was given, he says there was sin in the world already because sin began with Adam back in the garden.
But he says, because there was no law, sin is not imputed.
Look at it, go back there.
For until the law, sin was in the world.
But sin is not imputed when there is no law.
Next verse.
Nevertheless, says in spite of that, death reigned from Adam to Moses.
Death reigned.
The curse of death.
that Adam brought to the world because of his sin.
That reign from Adam to Moses, even over them, that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression.
Who is the figure of him that was to come?
That's another part.
He just means there was going to be Adam too.
Or Adam 2.0, right?
Okay, but then, look at what I want you to see.
Is this nevertheless death reign from Adam to Moses?
Quite Adam to Moses.
Because when the law was given, the law had the power
to keep a man from that death, such that death would not reign over him, meaning that the law began to reign.
God gave them the law, and by the law they could reign.
That's powerful.
That's powerful.
He said, I have said ye are gods.
Remember, Jesus said, the law said so.
He says, is it not written in your law?
I have said ye are gods.
And all of you, children of the most high, it was written in their law.
That's part of the sounds.
And it classified it with the law.
It says, I have said to your gods, and all of you are children of the most high.
It says, but they knew not.
Neither will they understand.
They walk on in darkness.
Then it says, and all the foundations of the earth are out of course, confusion.
Things are not working the way they shoot.
All the foundations of the world are out of course.
And they wonder why.
They know not, neither will they understand.
They walk on in darkness.
All the foundations of the earth are out of course.
But men of faith, what did they do?
Through faith we understand that the eons referring to the cause, the cause of the earth in their days, the eons were framed, they framed their eons.
And for those of them who came at a time that the Aeon of their time was destroyed, damaged, out of course, demanded it.
Same word, that's translated frame means to mend, they repaired their Aeon.
They set their course in the right direction through faith.
through faith.
Jesus said, anything is possible.
Anything is possible.
We have to bear in our minds
that Jesus, when he died, the Bible says he descended to hell.
He went to hell.
And in hell, he defeated the forces of darkness.
Colossians chapter two, verse 15.
And having spoiled, some versions will say, despoired, referring to the same thing, principalities and powers, he made a sure of them openly triumphing over them in it.
He made a public spectacle of them
In hell, meaning that before all the principalities and powers of darkness, Jesus.
In fact, another translation puts it this way.
He threw off from himself principalities and powers.
He threw off from himself principalities and powers.
And that suggests that they were grappling with Jesus.
and trying to put him down.
I kind of think that you remember Satan relaxing to bow down and worship him and he didn't.
But now everyone who comes to hell has to bow to Satan.
But not Jesus.
He comes to hell like others.
Why did he go to hell?
Because he had become sin.
Who knew no sin?
He put on our sins and became sin.
He became us on that cross.
And because he had become us, he died.
He died to death.
First, he died spiritually because he had become sin.
He was cut off from God, separated from God.
Then it became possible for him to die physically.
Jesus gave up the ghost.
He died.
And in the spirit, he went to hell.
And there was where he defeated them because he was supposed to be their prisoner.
Everyone who comes to hell is the prisoner of Satan the devil.
But not Jesus.
He defeated them there and came out, out.
He came out of hell and the grave.
Came out of hell and the grave.
The Bible says, when God raised him from the dead, and the beautiful thing about this, oh boy, you know, the Bible says, God was in Christ.
God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself.
You know, I look at some things in the Bible.
I think we, when we get to heaven, we're gonna have a whole lot of amazing things, lots of nice surprises.
For example, for example, for example, I ask a question.
Who's Michael, by the way?
Michael, the Archangel.
Who is he?
Who might he be?
I'm not making any suggestion, but I'm just trying to get you to understand some kind of interesting mysteries in the Bible.
This Michael, who is he?
You're all looking like this.
Just an interesting thought.
You know, we've got some angels mentioned in the Bible, yeah?
But I'm particularly interested in Michael for a reason.
Okay, what's this?
When you study the words of, you're looking too interested.
Oh Lord.
Shouldn't I leave that alone for now?
I think I can deal with that another day.
Don't worry.
Don't worry.
I'll deal with that another day.
Because there's lots of beautiful and interesting things when you see the Word of God.
What does God mean when he says?
I want to send an angel to go with you.
He says that to Moses.
He said, I'm not going with you anymore.
I'm going to send an angel to go with you.
All right.
Then he says, don't offend him.
For my name is in him.
And I'm thinking, Lord, what's that?
What does he mean?
But my name is in him.
Then he says, he says, when he divided the nations, he divided them according to the number of the sounds of God.
Now the King James translation gets it from the Masoretic text where it says, according to the number of the children of Israel, that's not, it makes no sense when you look at that.
But the... ...the... ...septuagint... ...and also the materials from the Dead Sea Scrolls... the version...
that he divided them according to the number of the sons of God, referring to angelic beings.
But then he says, he divided the nations under different angels, under different watches.
But Israel, he put under himself and said, one, this is my inheritance.
Two, I'll watch over Israel myself.
Then we go to Daniel.
And he tells us, Michael is the one who stands for Israel, which means Michael represents God for Israel.
So I say, so who's Michael then?
So he functions for God in the place of God,
That's quite interesting because things that God said he would do by himself, then he puts Michael there to do them, right?
Quite interesting.
So, and you look at the meaning of the name Michael, it's another puzzle.
But then I said, don't try to suggest that Pastor Chris has said that
Michael is God.
I just said that the Lord's name is in him.
And that's quite interesting because, because here you find the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
When they resisted him, what did he say?
They resisted his spirit.
That was his spirit.
So, behind, that means in the spirit, we find the Holy Ghost being revealed here, because the same thing that says, don't offend him, because he will not forgive you.
Jesus said so about the Holy Ghost, right?
So, interest in mysteries, it's like when we talk about Jesus, we say, God became man, God in human flesh, okay?
So, someone says, okay, God became man.
And then you read, and he's been baptized,
and then his voice speaks from heaven, and that's not the only occasion.
He's with his disciples, the Mount of Transfiguration.
They hear the voice from heaven.
That's wonderful.
So our minds, I'm trying to say that our minds can figure out God.
He's so big.
Jesus said, you air because you know not the Scriptures, not the power of God, what God is able to do.
What is God able to do?
He talked to a donkey.
Remember that?
To forbid the madness of the prophet.
What is God able to do?
He's that powerful.
And then the Bible says, God also works in you.
He says, it's God at work in you, but to will and to do of his good pleasure.
God at work in you.
If God can work in you, why can't he work in Michael and Angel or anyone else?
But the Bible says God is at work in you.
So when I think about how God is at work in me, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
So think about that, while you have all that in your mind, then think the Bible says God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself.
God was in Christ.
So when Jesus was on the cross, He says, it was God Almighty that was there.
And in fact, that portion that we were reading in Colossians chapter two, we read verse 15.
And if you were to start from verse nine, from verse nine, find Him dwelled all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
And He are completing Him, which is the head of all principality and power.
Who's He talking about?
Up again, watch.
Let's start from, yeah.
For in Him dwelled all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
Jesus Christ, and He are completing Him, which is the head of all principality and power.
So He's talking about Jesus.
All right, keep reading.
In whom also He has circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ.
All right, buried with Him in baptism, wherein also He arisen with Him through the faith of the operation of God who raised Him from the dead.
Through the faith of the operation of God, who had raised Him from the dead.
Next verse.
And you've been dead in your sins, and the circumcision of your flesh had it quickened together with him.
Who's he talking about here?
I want you to look, okay, look at it.
And you've been dead, listen, go back to verse 12.
Look at the middle, through the fate of the operation of God who had raised him from the dead.
Now he's talking about God who raised Jesus from the dead, 13.
And you being dead in your sins and the on circumcision of your flesh had he, quickened together with him.
Well, the Bible says it's God who raised Jesus from the dead, made Jesus alive.
And so he made you alive together with him, Jesus.
So now, God is the one he's talking about.
Who had quickened together, quickened you together with Jesus.
Haven't forgiven you all trespasses.
Who forgave you all trespasses?
He says, God.
All right?
Who quickened you together with Jesus?
blotting out, still talking about God, blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross.
Whose cross, Jesus cross?
Watch, next.
And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them,
That word, it should be in him.
Of course, I showed you all that before, a long time ago, the problem with the translation.
And that's why several different translations are wrestling with that verse, not understanding what, because it is a long sentence.
After that verse, what's it, verse 12, somewhere, the full stop shouldn't have been there.
the fate of the operation of God who had raised him from the dead.
They passed there.
There's where the beginning of the problem is because to understand that you have to read from verse 9 and then have the punctuations in the right places and then you can't many understand that the it should not be it but they're not sure what it should be.
And so you got quite some confusions.
But through several other scriptures, you can easily understand what Paul was talking about right there.
So it's the same teaching.
Paul's teaching was very, very consistent throughout in all the epistles.
God was in Christ.
And that's the second Corinthians chapter five.
God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself.
That's exactly what he's telling the collusions.
That's exactly what he's telling them.
All right, so the point is he defeated them and by the resurrection from the dead, we were justified.
As he was justified, he was justified in the spirits.
See, he was justified and that justification gave to us, justified by his resurrection from the dead.
So, what happened?
He defeated Satan, the demons of darkness.
He became the second Adam, because he became the head of the new creation, the new man.
This day have I begotten thee, thou at my son.
This day have I begotten thee."
That was at the resurrection.
When Jesus was raised from the dead, that's when he was born again.
He was born first time by his mother.
He was born again at the resurrection.
And that's why to be a Christian, you must believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
To be born again, the Bible says,
you have to confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in your heart that God had raised him from the dead.
See, when you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, then you are justified.
That means that the righteousness of God, you are acquitted and the righteousness of God is given to you.
And right away you receive eternal life.
And when you receive eternal life, that means that the vital life of righteousness is introduced into your spirit.
You're born again.
Now you're a child of God with the nature of God.
You belong in another kingdom.
That means that you have been translated from the domain of darkness, from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's love son.
in whom you have redemption through his blood and the remission of your transgressions.
All is gone forever.
So you find that you're a new person with a new life in a new kingdom.
You are no longer under Satan's domain.
You were delivered from the domain of darkness and translated, transferred into the kingdom of God's Son.
There's where you are now.
Every one of us, children of God, every one of us born again, we live presently in the kingdom of God.
That kingdom is real right now.
But you see, we have that kingdom,
in this spirit realm to function in the earth realm.
And so we must always live from our spirits to the outside.
Now, most people live from outside to inside.
They get all their information to live by from the outside, from the world.
And in the world, there is Satan's arena.
He's called a God of this world.
He's called a God of this world.
He's the God of this world system.
But you are none of the world, even though you live here in the world.
And that's why you must apply and employ the forces of the spiritual.
When you do that, he can't stand you.
If you play in his arena, he'll defeat you.
But if you function from the Spirit realm, he can stand you.
He can't.
And that's why what God wants us to do is to always have the consciousness that we are of a heavenly kingdom.
We are heavenly men.
That's who we are.
We are none of this world.
So that's why the Bible tells us that those of us who use this world should not abuse it.
That means we should not apply this world in the wrong way.
We have to deal with this world from the perspective of the spiritual, how we see the world.
We are blessed us of the world.
We are not here to take from the world.
We are here to bless the world.
The world has nothing to give us.
We own it.
We shouldn't be found struggling and trying to, you know, trying to get as much as we can from the world.
No, we own it.
We should want to bless the world.
Speak like a thing like that.
Don't try to get from the world.
No, see yourself as call to give to the world.
Call to bless the world.
That's who you are.
You are for heavenly kingdom and heavenly realm.
Glory to Jesus.
When you understand this, it changes your perspective in life.
The way you see things will be different.
You not understand luck.
What's luck?
Like what?
I have no consciousness of luck.
I can't have it.
Like what?
The world is ours.
Understand it.
And stop learning the call of the Spirit.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
You know, I'm... I've moved so far, I'm trying to...
trying to slow you down a little bit, because we have a number of things to talk about.
Of course, all in the same direction.
If you understand my sunesis, you will see why it's not easy for those of us who understand the word of God,
and understand the kingdom of God.
I should put it that way.
Understand the kingdom of God because the kingdom of God functions differently from this world.
Functions very differently.
And we are not carried away when either politicians or some of the
organizations of this world, businesses, we're not carried away when such groups promise us Shangrias, Shangrias?
You know what that is?
Well, Shangrias are some form of
utopia, you know?
They promise you a wonderful place to live.
And when they are done with you, this, like they're telling them, you'll be happy even though you own nothing.
So a new, a new global village, that's a global Shangri-La.
You see that?
But these are men and women that we have known who have profited from dystopia.
We've known them to be so.
Look at what it just did to Sri Lanka.
So when you understand the kingdom of God, you're not carried away by such things because this world has nothing to give you.
I've got nothing to give you.
It's like saying to Jesus, bow down and worship me.
I'll give you all of these kingdoms.
And the Bible says, he showed Jesus the kingdoms of this world in the moment of time.
And he says, all these are in my hands.
And I give them to whoever I choose.
And Jesus said, thou shall worship the Lord thy God.
It is written, thou shall worship the Lord thy God.
And him only shall thou serve.
And when he said that, the Bible says, and the devil leave at him.
The devil had to go.
How did Jesus defeat him?
By speaking the word.
He gave the word.
And that is the thing that a lot of God's people have to understand.
Yesterday, I was telling you something that says, take with you words.
Okay, take with you words.
It's not only about, it's not only about repentance,
Let me show you something in the word.
Ecclesiastes chapter five, we're gonna read verse number two.
Be not rush with thy mouth, and let not thy heart be hasty to order anything before God.
For God is in heaven and thou upon earth, therefore let thy words be few."
What does that mean?
Plan your words.
Let thy words be few means summarize.
How can you summarize something that you haven't concocted?
Can you see that?
Very simple.
That's exactly.
Look at it.
Let thy words be few.
How can I let my words be few?
If I have not arranged what I'm going to say.
He says, don't just start talking.
There's been no rush with thy mouth.
Let not and heart be hasty to order anything before.
Don't just start.
Plan what you're going to say.
And some arises, they don't stack up what Jesus say about how they pray.
He says, they speak many words.
Then he says, don't be like them, because they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
He said, be he not like unto them.
So there's a consistency in the word of God if you understand the Scriptures.
And, you know, you've heard, well, I understand I'm talking to people of so many different spiritual backgrounds.
So there are a few things that may be new to you that I may say, but the good thing for you is that they're simple enough and you can study.
If you listen,
Listen again, listen to the message again, then study it.
Take your Bible out and study, all right?
For example, we used to use a term like we say, I receive grammar, you know?
I receive grammar.
And Rema is Greek for the spoken word, and not just the spoken word, but the spoken word of the now.
It's like we call it the now word.
You see, because it's the word, it's a word of the moment that's relevant for the situation of the moment.
And you can call it a prophetic word of the hour.
See, so, and that is, that is one of those things we studied yesterday.
We call it the sword of the spirit which is the remar of God.
See, what I like about this, what I like about this is that he goes on to tell us about prayer.
Praying always.
Because he knows that in prayer, and he says all kinds of prayer.
Because he knows that among the kinds of prayer is that prayer in which we prophesy.
We call it prophetic praying.
And prophetic praying is actually rema-released.
And I want to explain that to you a little bit.
Sometimes in the Bible, you would come across certain terms like, and the word of the Lord came onto him saying, the word of the Lord came onto him saying, let me just find one and give to you.
Let's go to Genesis chapter 15.
You would see that with Abraham a little bit.
Genesis chapter 15, from verse one.
After these things, the word of the Lord came on to Abraham in a vision.
Now, if you're reading from the King James translation and the field of versions, you are unlikely to immediately notice this.
But in the Septuagint, you would discover that the word versus the word of the Lord came on to him, it's actually Raima.
You see, the Raima of God came to him.
Keep the scripture on there.
Just keep it there.
He says, after these things, the word of the Lord, the Rayma of God came onto Abraham in a vision.
Say, in fear, not Abraham, and I shield and the excellent great reward.
And he goes on, verse two, we're going to read on, and Abraham said, Lord God, what would I give me?
You see, there was a conversation.
God is speaking to him.
You see it?
What would I give me, saying I go childless, and the spirit of my house is this alias of Damascus.
And Abraham said, behold to me thou hast given no seed, and no one born in my house is man air.
And behold, the rema of the Lord came unto him.
You see that?
The rema of the Lord.
He received rema.
He is my point.
The rema of the Lord came unto him, saying, this shall not be an heir.
But he that shall comfort out of their own powers shall be an heir.
See, the word of God, when comes into your spirits, you see, at that moment you receive rema.
When we are praying, that's what we're waiting for, because rema is ammunition.
Can you get it now?
Rima is ammunition.
It's the word of now.
That is the word.
That was what Jesus spoke when the devil left him.
It's very important.
It's very important.
When I'm praying, for example, that's what I'm waiting for.
I'm praying tongues.
I'm waiting for what I call ammunition.
Oh God, this is wonderful.
Look at it.
So I'm speaking in tongues.
I'm waiting for Rema.
I'm waiting for Rema.
I'm waiting.
I'm waiting.
I'm waiting.
Because when I get it,
See, that's what I'm waiting for.
I'm speaking, speaking in tongues, speaking in tongues, because when I get it, oh boy, that's it, that's just it.
But until I get it, why?
Because I can get from the logos, the logos of God, you know, the word of God, that who blessed me too.
I can work in the light of that, but sometimes I'm waiting for the word of the moment, the word concerning this particular situation.
That's right.
I can go into my Bible in the logos of God.
I can go into the recesses of my mind, okay, in my spirit and dig up the word of God and to bless me and I can use it and get victory.
But sometimes I'm waiting for the word of the moment.
I'm waiting on the inside my spirits because the Holy Ghost lives in me.
And I wanna get the rumor for the moment because when I get it, that's what I'm gonna use.
Sometimes, Rema can be internalized just for your benefit.
You're not going to give it to somebody.
You're not preaching it out.
It's just for your guidance, you know?
But you got it all the same.
You got it inside.
You just received Rema.
You know, sometimes I'm praying like they say, I got it.
I got it.
I got it.
I got it.
So I know what I'm going to do next.
You see, I may not discuss it with anybody, but I know what I'm going to do, because I received Rema concerning that situation.
Glory to God.
But Raymer, I said, is also ammunition.
This is important.
Now, when the Bible tells us, when the Bible tells us in 1 Samuel chapter 3, let's read from verse 1 for a second, verse 1, and then we'll go to verse number 7.
He says, and the child's Samuel, minister unto the Lord,
before Eli, and the word of the Lord was precious in those days.
That means scarce in those days.
What was it?
It was Rhema.
Rhema was scarce in those days.
People weren't receiving the word.
You see it?
Rhema was scarce in those days.
There was no open vision.
But verse number seven.
He says, now Samuel did not yet know the Lord.
Neither was the rema of the Lord yet revealed unto him.
He had not yet known how to receive rema.
That's what I was trying to tell you day before yesterday, that God's people have to be taught how to receive the word of God, the prophetic words.
He had not learned how to receive rema.
I wonder how many churches where they teach how to receive rema.
because the pastor has to know first how to receive it anyway.
It's so important.
It's so important.
So this is now Samuel did not yet know the Lord.
Neither was the word of the Lord, the rema of the Lord in the Hebrew, in the Hebrew, because the Septuagint gives you the Greek.
The great translation of the Old Testament, but your general Bible and the King James translation you got gets the Old Testament from the Hebrew and not the Greek.
That's why you're going to find the bar.
That's what you'll find for word most of the time.
Okay, so it may not distinguish between them.
And so you wouldn't easily see what I'm telling you.
But well, that's why I'm sharing it with you, so you can get to know it, you know, after your knowledge.
So Samuel, Samuel had not yet known the Lord, and he hadn't known how to receive Rema.
He says neither was the Rema of the Lord yet revealed unto him.
Say, he know how to get it.
He know how to get it.
But once you learn how to get it,
Because you can't just make it up.
No, it's got to be like the prophets they had it.
He says, the Word of the Lord came on to Him, saying, the Word of the Lord came on to Him, saying, hallelujah.
The Word of the Lord came on to Him, saying, and that Word of the Lord can come on to you.
It can come from within you.
It can come because the Lord is in you and with you.
So he can come to you, you can hear from outside you, and you can hear from within you.
Sometimes I hear from outside me.
Many times I've heard that.
And sometimes I hear from inside me.
Because he says, he'll be with you.
He shall be in you.
So he's in you and he's with you.
I am with you always, even onto the end of the age.
And he lives in you.
So he can minister to you from inside you and minister to you from outside you.
After all, you're in him and he is in you.
Glory to God.
Manko sikara bahadades.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
How are you getting this?
How are you getting this?
How are you getting this?
I said, it's ammunition.
It's ammunition.
It's ammunition.
For example,
For example, when you start in the word, in Isaiah, Mashikar Abbasid.
That drawing, that drawing that I did the other day, it's quite interesting.
They got it animated.
Can you imagine?
They got it animated.
I want to show it to you.
Look at that.
Look at that.
Look at that.
Oh my goodness.
Look at that.
Can you see that?
I had a little bit of a phony diagram here.
Come and see if you can do something with this.
Children can't forget this guy.
Have you seen it?
Now, by the way, I'm a very good artist.
I know about you.
You have a problem believing that right now.
But I am really good.
All right, stop for a second.
Did you notice something's coming out of the mouth?
Yes, sir.
I'm going to tell you about that one, because you didn't see that before.
I'll tell you now.
Oh, blessed be the Lord.
As a chapter 55, because make no mistakes about it, we don't just only hold the sod.
We are more dangerous than that.
But here was something that the prophet said.
I say a 55, and I'm reading to you from verse 10, and I want you to be very alert, and let the Spirit of God show this to you.
For as the rain coming down, and the snow from heaven, and return it not thither, but water it, the earth, and make it bring forth and but that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater,
So shall my word be that do it fought out of my mouth.
It shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing, widow, I sent it.
Remarkable, remarkable.
I want you to go back.
For as the rain coming down, and the snow from heaven,
and return it not tida.
Now, the rest of it is contextual.
The first part of it is a principle.
I want you to notice the difference.
I'll show it to you.
Let's read for them.
But water in the earth, I'm making it but, but water in the earth.
Let's look at it again.
as the rain coming down and the snow from heaven.
The rain.
The snow.
This is what multiple points of distribution.
He wouldn't say I'm pouring out of one nozzle or something.
He wants you to have an energy of a shower.
In fact, the words used in the Hebrew is a shower, shower of rain, not just as water.
He's not seen as water comes out.
No, he says it's shower, it's a shower.
As the rain coming down and the snow from heaven,
So, first is what?
It's telling you how it functions.
How it functions.
Then it goes on to say, and return it not to either, but water and the earth, and make it bring forth in board that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater.
So shall my word be that God fought out of my mouth.
It shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish all.
That which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing where till I send it.
In other words, if I send the rain and it is not for watering, if we do whatever I tell it to go, but it functions with multiple points of distribution.
And we know that it did send rain in the days of Noah, and it was not for watering the earth and making it bring forth.
No, it brought it to destroy everything.
So it depends on the purpose.
But he's telling us that his word functions like the rain with multiple points of distribution that just come out from so many places, a shower.
Ever seen these missiles released from several points, when lots of planes, like when the Allied forces attacked Germany, the days of Hitler, they said, there are so many planes.
And these bombs were coming out like this.
A rain of bombs.
Where do you hide?
Where do you go?
Let me show you something in the back.
Firstly, understand three important things here.
But the word follows like rain or snow.
Next, it accomplishes its purpose.
And thirdly, it returns with pleasing resource to God.
That's important.
Now, let's break this down.
Psalm 144, for example.
Psalm 144.
Verse one.
You know, when we're talking war, you'd like to read from David, right?
You'd like to read from him.
Let's see what he thought.
Blessed be the Lord, my strength, which teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight.
It's already getting beautiful there.
I like that one.
He says in verse 4, man is like to vanity.
His days are as a shadow that pass it away, bow thy heavens, O Lord, and come down, touch the mountains, and they shall smoke.
Cast Fort Lightning.
Did you see that?
Cast Fort Lightning and scatter them.
Shoot out their arrows and destroy them.
Send their hand from above.
Read me and deliver me out of great waters from the hand of strange children.
Whose mouth?
Speak at vanity.
Whose mouth?
Speak at vanity.
That what means lies.
This is the speak lies.
So he knew such people.
Speaking lies on their right hand,
is the right hand of falsehood.
Think about that.
The word refers to injustice.
I will sing a new song unto thee, O God, upon a sultry and an instrument of ten strings will I sing praises unto thee.
It is he that gives salvation unto kings, who deliver David his servant from the heartful sword.
Wow, don't you like that?
He connects all this to praising God.
That's his own job.
He says, Lord, you just take care of them.
Why praise you?
Did you see that?
He says, you just take care of them, shoot at them, scatter them, destroy them.
Why, I praise you.
My job is to praise you, hallelujah.
He said, you teach my hands to walk.
My thing has to fight.
But he is your job.
Because later on, you're going to find where he says, they were too strong for me.
He says, they were too strong for me.
So you go ahead and deal with them.
My job would just be to praise you.
I like it.
I like it.
There's something more well.
Let's read it.
Read me, verse 11, read me and deliver me from the hand of strange children.
He means the sons of strangers.
That's what he means, sons of strangers.
Whose mouth speaketh vanity in the right hand is a right hand of falsehood?
There are sounds, maybe, as plants grown up in their youth.
There are daughters, maybe, as cornerstones, polished after the similitude of a palace.
There are gardeners, maybe full, affording all manner of stall.
There are sheep, may bring four thousands and ten thousands in our streets.
There are oxen.
I kind of like this one.
Watch what he says.
There are oxen may be strong to label.
That there be no breaking in, no going out.
That there be no complaining in our streets.
Did you see that?
You know what it means by that?
No protests.
No complaining in our streets.
That means that maybe there were days where they had protests and he began to pray like this.
so that no protests in our streets, peace and prosperity.
Sipas, of course, how do you know that?
It is, that's what the Hebrew word that's translated there.
That's what it means.
Sevaka, Sevaka is complaining, crying out, crying out, protesting in anguish.
Okay, go to the complete Jewish Bible.
Look at it.
Our oxen are well fed.
Our city walls have no breach.
Our people are not taken captive.
And there are no cries of protest in our city's open places.
No cries of protest.
Oh, glory.
So doesn't that tell you something that we can actually quote Paul and say, what's right?
That true prayer, we can have live a peaceable and godly life.
We can.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
If you go to, I'll read another portion to you.
In Psalm 18, from verse six, I'm gonna take a,
a number of verses.
In my distress I called upon the Lord and cried unto my God.
He heard my voice out of his temple and my cry came before him.
even into his ears.
Then the earth shook and trembled.
The foundations also of the hills moved and was shaken because he was wrought.
They went up a smoke out of his nastures and a fire out of his mouth devoured coals.
No, no, devoured.
Coals were kindled by it.
He bowed the heavens also and came down and darkness was under his feet.
And he rode upon a cherub and did fly.
Yeah, he did fly upon the wings of the
wings of the wind.
He made darkness his secret place, his pavilion round about him with dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.
At the brightness that was before him, his thick clouds passed, hair stones and coals of fire.
The Lord also thondered in the heavens and the highest gave his voice.
Did he hear that?
With what hair stones?
hear stones and calls of fire.
This sound is related to the sound that I read to you.
In fact, several portions of both are very similar, similar language.
The Lord also turned that into heavens.
That's verse 13.
And the highest gave his voice.
Then the channels of waters were seen, and the foundations of the world were discovered at thy rebuke, O Lord, at the blast of the breadth of thy nostrils.
He sent from above.
He took me.
He drew me out of many waters.
He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them, which hated me, for they were too strong for me.
They prevented me in the day of my calamity, but the Lord was my state.
He brought me for also into a large place.
He delivered me because he delighted in me.
Wow, that's wonderful, wonderful.
See, this is about, this is about fighting and God fighting for you.
You go to verse
verse 25, with the merciful, thou would shoot thyself merciful, with an upright man, thou would shoot thyself upright, with the pure, thou would shoot thyself pure, and with the froward, thou would shoot thyself froward, for thou would save the afflicted people, but would bring down high looks, for thou would light my candle, the Lord my God, will enlighten my darkness, for by thee have run through a troop, and by my God have I lived over a wall,
Ask for God his way is perfect.
The word of the Lord is tried.
He's a bakla to all those that trust in him.
That means he's a defense.
Glory to God.
He's a defense.
Ma ma ma.
Just remarkable.
Go back to that second coroner's chapter 10 from verse, from verse three.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare, not corner, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations.
and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing in the captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
And I said that Satan's weapons, see, because he's a defeated foe, he can only afford two things now.
He doesn't have the status that he had before.
We must always remember that.
He doesn't have the abilities that he had in the days of David.
We just saw where Jesus spoiled principalities and powers.
In other words, he took from them all their armor.
He spoiled them.
Took away from them everything that was of value.
He stripped them.
He stripped them.
So they don't have what the fatters wear.
So what do they do?
Because they understand how you were made.
Understanding how you were made, I don't mean the modus operandi.
I'm talking about, they understand you were made from God's word.
So they know that you have an inward man and an outward man.
They understand you have a physical body for this world and that inside that physical body is where you live as a human spirit.
They understand that.
So what do they do?
They have two weapons to use.
These two weapons are available to them.
One is fear.
And the communication of fear is to full, through information and through the spirit of fear that sends out
spirits of fear.
You have to understand what I'm telling you now.
He sends out missiles of fear.
And the term, by the way, from what I was saying yesterday,
Just so you understand a little more, the expression of the use of the term spirit.
I said that spirits refer to certain spiritual beings who have personalities, but then also it's a word that is not directly referring to personalities
but rather that which proceeds from them carrying their character and content of the message.
So, for example, when we say to you, thoughts are things.
And we say words are thoughts clothed with vocabulary.
When you, let me give you a good example from the Bible.
The Bible tells us that handkerchiefs and aprons were taken from the body of Paul.
And when they were laid on the sick or the demon possessed, the demons went out of them and the sickness is departed from them.
Okay, what was in the handkerchief?
Was it the person of the Holy Ghost?
But the spirit of God was impadded into
the material into those clouds.
An imputation of a presence is different from a person.
So something of God is difficult to explain.
That's why even the word spirit, both in Hebrew and in the Greek, don't refer to the word themselves spirit.
It's picked from something that is not a person.
It's wind.
It actually means wind.
That's why sometimes, you know, some people who don't understand the spiritual nature of the language would say,
God, they tell you that God is not a person.
He's not a rational being.
They say, Jesus is God is spirit.
So they want to say spirit is not a person because they understand that the word spirit can mean win.
So they say it's a force.
God is a force.
It's not a personal God.
It's a force.
They're wrong.
They just misunderstood the use of those terms.
But if you're spiritually minded, it would be very easy for you to understand.
See, because there's something that proceeds out of a man.
Like, I'm speaking to you right now.
You're hearing me.
And the words that you are hearing, you can say, pass a crest, is speaking.
But if you were able to capture those words electronically,
which you can do by recording it, and you can play it again tomorrow.
That's going to be my voice captured.
That's going to be probably even my picture.
You've captured.
You see, you captured them in time.
You see it?
So you got them.
You got them.
But that doesn't mean that's me.
But they carry my character and the content of my message.
But I'm standing away from what it is.
And that's not my person.
So even with electromagnetism, we have been able to prove what I just said.
Fear is something that these spirits are able to use.
So they pass important messages, information of fear, and they equally use the presence.
You see it?
By disseminating those things, again, we have to use the term spirits, because that's the way they are.
They come forward to those people, and you actually feel a presence.
You feel the presence of, you feel fear.
You suddenly, like something, like you're attacked from your mind.
They know how to do it.
And those are things that part of what Paul referred to as what fiery missiles.
And your response to fear is faith.
You gotta use your faith as a shield.
When they throw those missiles of fear,
Sometimes I said they come in words.
In other words, a message, sometimes they come as a presence.
So when they come in words or they come as a presence, you've got to use what?
The shield of faith.
And then if it's as a presence, you better go on the attack with the rema of God, the sword.
The sword.
of the Spirit.
You have to.
Make no mistakes about it.
If you entertain fear, it translates into several different things.
If fear gets into your mind, it manifests itself in your body.
At the end of the day, one of the things one major thing he would like to do is to get rid of you from the earth.
Remember what Jesus called him, a murderer.
The end game is, gets you ineffective and destroy you from the earth.
So you have to respond.
You have to respond.
You know, a lot of times, because there have been many Christians, many well-meaning Christians, those who love God so much, they preach, you know, good preach as even.
But they didn't know these things.
They didn't know from the Word of God.
They never really studied.
You know, some people, they have time to preach a lot, but they don't have time to study the Bible.
They don't have time to study the Bible.
Then you find, oh,
This great preacher, this great Christian, this great somebody is having some issues with health.
And then they don't know what to do.
And they're running off to the doctor and to the arm of flesh.
Because they never studied this subject.
They knew nothing of this.
They never knew how to use their faith in such circumstances.
They could bring down mountains of cities and take the gospel into the city.
That means that they knew how to do this or the part.
Boy, I love it.
When we are praying, man, we make rain.
Ashikara, baguette.
We used to call us your rain makers.
You know what it means by rain makers?
spiritual rain, when we wanted to go somewhere to preach.
All right?
We began to make rain in the spirits.
We said, if the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth.
So what are we doing?
We're fasting and praying.
We're fasting and praying and praying and praying.
We're fasting and praying.
Then we get to the time where we start receiving Reimah.
And when we get that Reimah, we release in prophecy.
And we're still releasing prophecy into that place.
We're prophesying to that land.
Listen, people say a lot of things about what's going to happen somewhere.
Then it doesn't happen because they don't have the Reimah inside.
When you pray, remember what I told you about conjuring?
Oh dear.
So you pray, you pray.
Sometimes you have to know that it may not happen that day because sometimes you pray and the whole day you don't get that rumor.
So it's not going to pause you that because you said you're fasting today, it's going to happen today.
No, you may not get it.
So what?
You add day two.
Sometimes I say, you can pray without fasting.
I mean, if things work out, great.
But if you pray and it's not happening, better add fasting to it.
Which means put everything as a side.
And so that your spirit can be more, more alert.
Because you're waiting for this word.
Because this word is what you're going to use.
Remember, son of man prophesied onto the bones and say, yeah, you're gonna prophesy if you don't have the word in you.
You need it.
You need it.
You need it.
You need it.
You can't just walk off and just quote scripture.
No, that's Logos.
It's not enough.
Sometimes you really have to, this is war.
All right?
And so when you're praying, you start making rain.
You start making rain in the spirit because it's so shall my word be that goes out of my mouth.
So when you make rain in the spirit by the time you're speaking for it, it pours for us.
A shower.
A shower comes out as a shower.
So this time, remember what he says, ask you of the Lord rain in the time of the heart of rain, and the Lord shall make bright clouds and give them showers of rain to everyone grass in the field, showers of rain.
to everyone grass in the field.
So when you're praying like that, you don't want disturbances.
You keep it away, you keep it with this and keep it with that.
No disturbances because you're listening.
You've raised your antenna.
You raised your antenna.
You're listening to God.
Because you need the right ammunition, my brothers and sisters.
Raise your antenna.
You're praying and praying and praying and praying.
Because when that thing happens on the inside, you will know it.
You will know it.
You will know it.
You will know it.
But you know, we want to take the cheap way.
And the cheap way is we have a situation, so we are praying blindly.
We just pray, pray, pray, speak, speak, speak and quote scripture and say it is done.
Then it is not done.
You see, then it is not done and then we're like, what happened?
What happened?
I don't know.
I don't understand.
What do you mean you don't understand?
Because you are not operating in the spirit.
You are operating from the outward band.
You are operating with memory.
No, you should operate in the spiritual.
Not memory.
A person with memory means I'm merely recalling scriptures, recalling things in my mind.
But no, I gotta get it in my spirits.
And it has to be the word of the now.
The word of the now, concerning this situation.
The word of the now.
And if you train yourself to walk constantly,
In sync with the spirit, it'll be easier all the time.
See, it's not the kind of thing that you happen to you once in a while.
No, it should be your life.
It should actually be how you live.
You see it?
How you live.
It'll be more frequent, more and more frequent.
It'll be easier and easier, easier and easier.
It's very important.
There's no better way to live.
than by the word of God.
He says, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.
And he says, he gave them manna from heaven.
And manna was not to stay till tomorrow.
Manna was today's word.
Today's word.
Today's word.
Today's word.
Word for every day.
Every day.
Every day.
You live by faith every day.
Manto Corrassata Kabadi.
All right, seven corners, chapter 10, where we were.
Verse three, read again.
So remember, remember what I said.
Satan's got two things to work against you.
Number one is what?
Fear is faith in the opposite direction.
which means that he's attacking your faith and he's making you negate your faith.
That's why it's called fear.
Because he's working against, he's fighting you, making you turn your back.
And there is no amory for the back.
Didn't you notice?
No one for the back.
The second thing that he uses is deception.
The first one is fear, the second one is deception.
the twisting and perverting of God's word.
If you look carefully at the things that they do, you will see that always there is the element of twisting the word of God.
It's always there.
It's always there.
God asked men to multiply and fill the earth, replenish the earth.
They said, no, the population is too much.
Got it down.
They're always on the other side of God, always on the other side.
God gave us all the plants, all right?
herbs with seeds in themselves to reproduce.
They came up with what?
And to make sure that we cannot multiply the produce.
They don't want us to have them.
And then they wonder why people are getting sick.
There's something about what God gives us.
And if you're not taking the things that God gave you, there's gonna be trouble somewhere.
Then how can we rely, listen, and you gotta listen hard.
You cannot put your life on the decisions of men.
And that's why they must not be allowed.
What they have done right now is to hijack science.
And it's very offensive, very annoying.
When a group of people believe that they have a monopoly on science and to decide that the level of their knowledge is the limit of knowledge, it's unacceptable.
It's unacceptable.
They cannot be the limits of knowledge.
before they came there were others who knew had a second level of knowledge and we have all exceeded the past but we must also exceed the present and to insist now but one of the things I said about the vaccine
was that one of the criticisms that most of us have for the vaccine is actually myopic because we say that the vaccines were not well tested.
But I'm telling you, the vaccines were tested and I want to tell you what happened.
They tested the vaccines to be sure it will do what they wanted them to do.
The vaccines are actually doing what they weren't done.
You are thinking that they should have tested the vaccines because they're experimental.
No, they use the term experimental to escape legal problems.
That's why.
They didn't rush them out.
No, they were well tested for the purpose that they designed them for.
So let's not say that they should have tested them.
They're not well tested.
No, no, no.
We are buying into their life.
They were well tested for what they wanted.
And after they tested them, they decided that, yeah, this is good for what we want to do.
I told you, the vaccines were never designed.
to prevent infection, I told you.
The vaccines were never designed to cure.
The vaccines were never designed to stop the spread.
All three things that they promised that these vaccines were supposed to do.
It was only life from the beginning, and I told you that.
It was a life from the beginning.
And when they saw that people were not rushing to take the vaccines, they slowed down,
and began to give out placebos.
You see it?
So there are two reasons why a lot of vaccinated people, after they're vaccinated, number one, number two, number three, number four.
Four shots already, even though they call some of them boosters.
They're not boosting nothing.
They're just doubling them and tripling them and quadrupling them.
That's what they're doing.
The problem is because they didn't want an opera around the world because people began to find out what was going on.
And they had tried to use the media to kill the information so that you could not spread the information.
They tried to make sure you couldn't spread the information on Twitter or on Facebook.
And Google was doing its thing because they were all together.
working against everybody else.
Because they didn't want that, they resorted to pulling out passibos and then dug the fauci himself within the period of two weeks tested positive twice in two weeks after all his injections and boosters.
And then it still comes up to say it works.
It's unthinkable, unimaginable that they'll come out to say such things.
The President, the Prime Minister of Canada, was infected, okay, tested positive.
And they said it was because he visited Biden.
They said he was with Biden.
Apparently, he was negative before he visited Biden.
After visiting Biden, the President of the United States, he tested positive.
So they said,
It may have been linked to that visit, but nobody's testing President Biden to find out how positive he has been.
Nobody's testing him.
And I'm not advocating that he should be tested because the test itself is a fraud.
The test is a fraud, and they know it.
But the thing is, they told you that if you took the vaccine, it will protect you from being infected.
Why are they themselves still being infected after they have taken the vaccine several times?
Now, look.
Fauci admits that COVID-19 vaccines do not protect courts overly well, yeah, don't wanna tell clearly, overly well against infection.
Because he got it again and again.
And he said it, he said, he said, few days after he had tested positive, then he tested negative now, then he tested positive again.
Then he says, I don't want people to be confused.
He still works.
I can't get it from him.
What kind of guys are this?
Just like the devil.
You know, he can say, yeah, you beat me this time.
I'll back tomorrow.
They just don't give up because they think that if they stay the course, or that we weigh out and give up,
That's what they want.
We don't wear out.
A thousand times no.
No, we don't wear out.
You see, because they believed from 2015,
They had been working on the nations and they had many of the nations come under their influence.
So they believed that they were controlling the nations.
And one of the things, one of the signs they needed was the mask.
As long as you have the mask, they know they have you captured.
But you know what?
Those marks have been torn away in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
And the influence that they have been wielding over nations have been caught down, caught off.
The nations don't belong to them.
And they cannot continue to control the nations and dominate the nations.
Satan's power is caught off, his influence is caught off from the nations by the power of the Holy Ghost.
And we are speaking peace, the cream piece into the nations, into the nations, the power of the Holy Ghost.
The things that they have planned will not produce results.
No, it cannot be as they said.
It can only be as we have said.
The power of the Holy Spirit.
For the clean peace.
Peace and prosperity to their surprise and their shame.
The hunger that they have imposed on nations will only turn out for good.
We turn out for good.
The power of the Holy Ghost.
Because those who are robbing the nations shall be robbed.
The word of the Lord.
created old things.
Yeah, I wanna crown off with that part that we were reading.
Second Corinthians chapter 10, from verse three.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare, not carnal, but mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds.
Casting down imaginations.
And every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, every high thing, every high thing that exhorts itself against the knowledge of God, it doesn't matter what it is.
A policy, a theory, it doesn't matter.
And it doesn't matter from how high, from what high quarters they say they're sending it from, whether it's local in the city, the nation, and international, whatever it is.
This is a global policy of some kind.
Every high thing as long as it is at cross purposes with the knowledge of God, that means the knowledge that God has given us, that he has released concerning himself and his truth and what he wants in the world, we can cast it down.
Look at it, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God.
I'm bringing into captivity
We are rest, every thought, every philosophy.
Like we talked about the UNESCO philosophy drawn up by Julian Hoxley, the philosophy of eugenics,
that they are using for their population reduction.
The knowledge of God says that men should multiply the earth.
He knows that the earth will not be full of men to such proportions that the earth cannot sustain them.
God is wise, he knows.
I told you about this lie about climate change and global warming.
It was all part of the, it was all part of the, part of the plan to disaffront choice.
nations and destroy nation states.
They're part of it.
And a lot of those who are championing the cause don't even know what it, they don't even understand it.
They don't even know what it's about.
And they've lied to a lot of young people who are thinking they've put the fear in them and telling those young people that they are future is bleak and accept something is done right now.
They're not going to have a future.
You're gonna live in a very terrible world, and these young kids are in the classrooms, and they are being deceived by these people.
We need to look at what they are teaching them in the schools.
The line to them in the schools.
And that's why they don't want parents involved in the educational policy, and that's not right.
That's unacceptable.
Parents have to be involved in the educational process.
Why not?
But remember, at the beginning of this whole thing in 2020, I told you about the plan to create children of the state.
I told you.
That's what they wanted to do.
It's all part of the package.
And a lot of them don't understand that what is happening is Satan's work.
They don't understand what's behind, what inspiration is behind, what they're doing.
So they're continuing doing those things blindly, blindly thinking their following science.
And when you question them, they have no answers.
That's why I say that.
See, they don't even accept debate.
They don't allow debate.
So that's why we have to use higher laws, higher laws of the Spirit, higher laws of the Spirit in praying.
And as we speak forth, things begin to happen.
You see, they can't stand it.
They can't stand it.
They can't stand it.
Speaking forth, pouring forth.
from our mouths, releasing Raima.
And with Raima, we can name the Aeon.
We can correct the Aeon.
That's what we're doing.
We're shipping it, putting it in the right course.
Praise God.
If you've not been born again, this is your moment.
Your moment to receive salvation.
I want you to say these words after me and mean them from the bottom of your heart, and God will hear you.
Say, O Lord God, I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
I believe He died on the cross.
to save my soul.
I believe God raised him from the dead and he's alive today.
I confess with my mouth, Jesus Christ is Lord of my life from this day.
I receive by faith eternal life
into my heart.
Thank you, Lord.
I am saved.
I am born again.
I'm a child of God now.
Thank you, Lord.
I want to pray for you.
Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus, I pray for everyone who prayed that prayer.
Thank you because now they have the faith and trust in you, the name of the Lord Jesus.
And I pray let the name of the Lord Jesus now be named upon them.
From this moment, Satan has no claims over them anymore.
They belong in your kingdom now.
They belong to Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
I bless them with your word.
I bless them with your love, with your grace.
I bless them with the Holy Ghost in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Praise God.
I'm glad that you received salvation today.
Whoever book would like to give to you, it's titled, Now That You're Born Again.
It will help you begin your work of faith in Christ.
At the bottom of your screen, we have a code number with which you can download a copy of the book for yourself.
Use it and download it today.
Do it now.
And start learning about Christ through those pages.
Thank you for joining us today.
God bless you.