Your Loveworld Specials Season 4 Phase 2 Day 3
want to join you and help you fulfill God's plan for your life.
I feel this in my bones, people, for you are feeling it.
I'm telling you.
We've got to display the Ministry of the Spirit today.
Something that is so incredibly powerful to change the world.
We must not lose today's opportunity to reach the whole world for Jesus Christ.
This is your love world.
It's just questions That science was about a skin question Until you prove your arguments beyond questions You say heaven, faith was foolish But now you want me to just believe The science, the pseudoscience of your mask and your lockdowns
The season passed inspection in few months When the treatments you prescribed Have side effects, was then the disease I've got questions All I require are answers
But your response is the answer Tell me what's the contention When all I did was ask questions
If the vaccines are so good and they work, why first us all to take it?
The fight and conquer your gender Is this your plan for salvation?
First, the nation, don't you know?
Don't you know we're not made to be alone?
But yet you want us to lead us
Are you trying to save us?
Or to do us?
I've got questions All are required answers But your response is the answer Tell me what's the contingent When all we did was ask questions
I've read of Elijah, healing name and the leper.
My Bible tells me of Jesus.
He places hands on the leper and deals with
But church is a clue Someone locked up the ship For kept the fuck isolated Out in the cold I think to myself In the light of the word Is there no bam and killer?
I've got questions What about the name of Jesus?
Your response has to sense us
Tell me what's the contention?
Why's nobody asking questions?
What about the name of Jesus?
So the young people are asking questions.
They're asking questions.
Do the leaders of the world have answers?
Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus, we thank you for another blessed opportunity.
to hear your word, to be taught, to be informed, to be encouraged, to be inspired and blessed in your presence.
Our hearts and minds are open to receive all that you have for us today in this hour.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.
So the young people, they've got questions.
Do the leaders of nations have ancestors?
I don't think they do.
We need new and inspiring leadership.
That's what's needed today.
Not men and women of fear and cowardice.
New leadership.
for the nations.
The young people have felt up of uninspiring leadership.
And in our prayer, it's one major thing we're going to be praying about.
Even from today, we're going to be praying for new leadership.
The nations require new and inspiring leadership.
Not the current, confused, out of touch,
leadership that many of the nations have today.
When we pray, God hears and he answers.
Just in the last couple of days, the WHO, which we all know to not tell the truth, came up with a new strain of the coronavirus.
What they are not telling you is that all those that have been diagnosed with it were fully vaccinated.
That's what they're not telling you.
But that is a government report.
It's a government report.
It's official.
So far, all those that have been diagnosed with it were fully vaccinated.
So it's not really
some form of virus from somewhere.
It's virus produced by the vaccinated.
We told you this before.
The other ones are released in this spike proteins.
Of course, you can expect them to spin the news in some fashion.
But they know what's going on.
They know what's going on.
It's coming from the vaccinated.
But they would like to tell you the truth.
But this is the truth.
And yesterday, I told you that we need to be... we need to be... prayerful and aware of the Genesis
They've had this for a long time.
They've had it for a long time.
It's all about population
And I want you to remember it's not just population control because that's a different definition.
It is population reduction.
They think the world is not large enough for them because there are too many people that shouldn't be here.
They're too many unqualified people.
And that's what genetics is all about.
So they have to weed out all those that they think are not good enough.
And then select those that are in their opinion.
A good stock.
I reminded you about the similarities that I do between what's happening
The COVID-19 policies, there are not merely similar, but related to the Nazi ideology.
the creation of the final solution.
Maybe I should show you a short video on the Nazi ideology.
And you can hear Dr. David Silverclang share some of those thoughts.
So just listen to this video.
Nazi ideology was a worldview that claimed to explain everything about the world and how it functions.
At its core, the ideology was racial and biological, totalitarian, and imperialistic.
Nazi ideology viewed the world as divided into races with superior and inferior races.
And of course, the Aryan race, the so-called Aryan race, was a superior race to which the Nazis attributed
all positive developments in humanity, in arts, in science, in technology, and so on.
And all the other races of humanity fit into the racial hierarchy in various rungs beneath the so-called Aryan race.
For example, the Latin race, the French, the Italians, and so on were one rung below the Aryan race, who could appreciate culture, but do not create culture and the arts and science and so on.
Within this view,
The Jews were viewed as a kind of anti-race, an inhuman
race of some sort, a creature of some sort that existed in human form.
And the Jews were by nature evil and destructive.
It was by no accident that the Nazis viewed the Jews in their ideology as kind of microbe on the one hand or as the devil incarnate on the other.
In other words, some kind of inhuman creature with supernatural powers that could destroy
everything that the Aryan race and other people had built in this world.
Where did the Nazis get these ideas from?
Clearly they didn't invent anything that they argued.
The Nazis drew their ideas from earlier beliefs and particularly from developments in 19th century research in the sciences and the social sciences and the development of modern racism and the development of modern antisemitism.
What the Nazis did was bring all of this together into one cohesive ideology that was setting out to explain everything.
And from that ideology, they argued that the Aryan race has the natural right to rule.
And as such, various policies derived from that natural right to rule, for example.
The Nazis argued that they had a right to expand eastward into the territories of the lesser subhuman Slavic peoples as they argued, because they argued falsely that Germany was the most crowded
nation on earth, and therefore because they were superior and had the right to rule, they could expand into the territory that was unfairly peopled by subhumans.
They also, because of their ideology, developed other policies.
For example, the policy during the course of World War II, known as T4, or as the euthanasia program,
through which they murdered some 200,000 or more mentally handicapped and some physically handicapped Germans, most of them Aryans, but from a Nazi point of view, defective Aryans who didn't contribute to society.
Nazi ideology then
set out as other ideologies developed in the same period of the late 19th century and the 20th century, they set out to develop as they saw it a perfect world and they claim to have that recipe to develop a perfect world.
Such utopian ideas tend to develop worlds that are full of destruction.
Nazi policymaking then was the introduction, the newness that the Nazis brought to this world, not the specific ideas that they brought, that they brought together from the 19th century, but rather making those ideas coalescing them into one distinct worldview to explain how the world functions and how it ought to function, and then turning that ideology into the engine for policymaking, first of all for Germany, and ultimately for all the world.
And within that policymaking, a special place was set aside for the Jews.
The Jews who constituted the greatest threat to the world because of their destructive nature and because of their immutable nature, they cannot change.
And hence Nazi policymaking regarding the Jews, which stood at the heart of Nazi ideology, also ultimately was part of what stood at the heart of Nazi policymaking and led in the end to the final solution.
Nazi totalitarian thinking was on two levels.
First of all, that there is no equality among nations or races.
Clearly, the Aryan race needs to rule and the German people need to rule.
But at the same time, Nazi totalitarianism was internal.
How was that nation and how were those people going to be ruled within Germany and within the Aryan race?
It was going to be through what developed in Nazi ideology as the Führer-princip, the principle that the Führer, the leader, Hitler, embodies the will of the nation, the will of the race.
And as such,
to argue against what he says, to argue against what he determines his policy is to argue against the race and is therefore unacceptable.
And as such, totalitarian rule and no other kind of rule was the only way to go.
Yeah, just remember that word, totalitarianism.
Let's remember it.
Eight years ago,
Bill Gates convened a conference on global vaccination.
That's eight years ago.
A conference on global vaccination.
The vaccination program
As I've said several times, it's not about health.
It's about population reduction.
And that's what several scientists have found out, and that's why they call the vaccine program genocide.
That's why they call it a bio warfare.
against human populations because they understand exactly what it is.
So what is happening right now in the northern territories of Australia should be condemned immediately
But of course, those you expect to condemn it are those in office who are planning the same thing in several countries.
I told you about those camps that have built in several countries, several cities.
Those camps are presently called quarantine camps, but I told you they will not end as quarantine camps.
They will move on to be concentration camps and extermination camps because that is the plan.
That is the plan.
There will be turned to extermination camps.
Our prayer is that that day
should not come very soon.
It will come.
But we have to deal with the situation and push it into its right timing because they're going to do it.
They're going to have many, many, many people murdered in those gaps.
They will forcibly inject them with killer substances in the guise of vaccinating them.
So already, the isolating people forcing them, using the military to take them there and to force them to be vaccinated.
Only God knows what they're currently introducing to their bodies.
So we have to pray for those in Australia.
But the plan is not just Australia, the plan is to do it
in so many countries.
That's why we need new leadership.
We need new leaders.
Something is grievously wrong with the current crop that have been influenced by closed swabs, World Economic Forum,
of evil and wickedness.
Because what you see is secondism.
When you're robbed of your human sense of freedom, robbed of your liberty,
as they are doing now.
It's Satanism in practice.
But they always have a way to deceive the unsuspecting by saying the personal freedom must not jeopardize
the freedom of all.
How convenient to put it that way.
How convenient.
They thought about it the other way only a few years ago.
And so right now, Khrushchev is excited to tell the whole world that their life will never return to normal.
Because he's excited.
He really believes he has the world captured.
This is something he's been working on for more than the last 30 years.
So he thinks that he's captured the world now.
Because the countries that have the most draconian measures are led by people influenced by his mentorship from the World Economic Forum.
So they were on his tutelage in the last few years.
So they've successfully pushed them into office in different places, where they are not president or prime minister, they are in charge of health ministry, things like that.
But they've miscalculated.
You know the word of God?
shows us what to do.
And maybe I should remind you, just give you pictures.
Let me show you pictures again of the Holocaust.
Just so you remember that these things actually happened, this brief film, this is first of two that I will show you, this brief one,
is a video that was shown in the courtroom as evidence of what actually happened.
And you see bodies of human beings put to waste like they were nothing.
And I say to those
who are in Africa and some parts of Asia.
If they did this to the Jews in Europe, what would they do to you?
What's the pictures?
The slave labor camp at Nordhaus and liberated by the third armored division first armed.
At least 3,000 political prisoners died here at the brutal hands of SS troops and pardon German criminals who were the camp guards.
Nordhausen had been a depository for slaves found unfit for work in the underground V-bomb plants and in other German camps and factories.
American medical crews fined 2,000 still alive at the camp.
They are discovered inside filthy barracks where the survival and death were contingent on how long human existence was possible on the daily ration of potato peels,
One slice of bread and an occasional ball of the liquid that is supposedly soup.
The dead quickly outnumbered the living.
Amid the corpses are human skeletons two weeks to move.
Men of our medical battalions work two days and nights, binding moons and giving medications.
But for advanced cases of starvation and tuberculosis, there were often no cures.
The survivors are shown being evacuated for treatment in allied hospitals.
I want to remind you that many of those people were educated.
They were some of the world's bests.
That's just one camp.
There were many camps.
Those Jews that were slain like that, there were some of the world's bests in medicine, in science and technology, in law, in business,
They and their families, they couldn't believe it was going to happen.
And when it happened, the rest of the world did nothing.
They did nothing.
So that video you saw was not acted.
That's real footage of the real experience in the camp.
That video was shown in the courtroom as evidence.
And I say to you, if they did that to the Jews, what would they do to you in Africa?
Or, like I said, some parts of Asia?
They call this one sub-humans.
What would they call you?
if the soul matters those that look like them, just by spreading lies, that they were not good enough, and that they were evil and wicked, what would they do to you whom they described as the serpent that beguiled Eve?
That's in the book
How to treat your slaves during the slave trade.
In one of the books they released on how to treat your slave.
Those Africans were called, they used, it was,
Ministests, I don't want to, they're not ministers of the gospel, but these are ministers in churches.
They use them as they're using them again now to deceive.
And they said those Africans were the descendants of the serpent that beguiled Eve in the garden.
In a book,
To teach slave masters how to treat their slaves.
In one of those pages, they said, you must make them afraid.
You must instill fear into them.
You think they have changed?
Those books didn't disappear.
Otherwise, how did I get it?
Those books didn't disappear.
Those who still believe in those things.
And these who practice eugenics, who have hijacked the pharmaceutical industry, will stop at nothing.
I showed you from the Bible how that technocrats would take over the governments of the world, but full of lies and deception and fake theories with which even today they are waging a war of attrition on the church and a war of nerves
on nation states.
So many in the church don't seem to know what's going on, but that's why we're teaching the Word of God.
That's why we're bringing the Word to you.
Because many don't understand and they're slowly dying and slowly being destroyed.
And they have no clue.
They are hoping that the things, some of the things that I tell you are not true.
They're just hoping that those things are not true because if they turn out to be true, they have nowhere to go because they never trusted the Word of God.
They were never found it on the Word.
They never trusted a gospel.
They didn't even understand it.
So they kind of hope
that I'm just an all honest, but I'm not telling you the truth.
Sharing God's word with you.
Everything is in the book.
It's all in the book.
It's all in the book.
And we have a window.
And that's why I can say that what they're doing now
we can terminate it and we have actually put them at a standstill.
They are unable to really move and do the things they really wanna do.
But we're not done with them yet.
And that's why sharing God's word with you today
will help in taking some steps farther.
Look at these pictures.
Look at these pictures from the Holocaust.
Let's put it on the main screen so they can see it.
Look at that.
It's the largest extermination center created by the Nazis.
It has become the symbol of the Holocaust and of willful radical evil in our time.
The album you will see presented here is known as the Auschwitz album and it is the only surviving visual evidence of the process of mass murder at Auschwitz Birkenau.
The album is unique.
There is not a similar album of its kind in the entire world.
It documents, in photos from every direction and from every angle, the arrival at Auschwitz, the selection of those slated for immediate death and of the few who were destined to be slave laborers, the confiscation of their property,
and the preparation for the physical annihilation of a transport of Jewish people.
This transport of Hungarians... Of course, I want to remind you that all these people trusted their governments.
They never believed it will happen to them.
They peacefully entered the vehicles they were told to enter.
They couldn't believe they were going to their debts.
They couldn't believe it.
Descent people.
First, they separated them.
And then finally, they carted them away to the camps.
And in the camps, they began to also separate them for those that should die immediately, and those that should wait, etc.
because they needed to use some of them to do some things in the camps.
That's going.
I wanted to see the pictures.
Even Jews transport of Hungarian Jews from the area of Carpatho-Ruthynia arrived at the ramp of the extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau in May 1944.
In the photos, we see the men, women and children step out of the overcrowded train traumatized and fearful after their horrendous journey.
They have no clue that they have just been delivered to a death factory and that few of them will survive.
Survivor and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel described his arrival as a teenager at Auschwitz.
Every yard or so, an SS man held his gun trained on us.
Hand in hand, we followed the crowd.
Men to the left, women to the right.
Eight words spoken indifferently without emotion.
Eight short, simple words.
For a part of a second, I glimpsed my mother and my sister, moving to the right.
I saw them disappear into the distance while I walked on with my father and the other men.
I did not know that at that place, at that moment, I was parting from my mother and my sister forever.
The selection process carried out by SS doctors and wardens took place 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as train after train unloaded its human cargo.
Most Jews were sent immediately to the left to their death.
The undressing rooms of the gas chambers were not sufficient for the masses of Hungarian Jews who arrived daily in the summer of 1944.
They therefore had to wait until the undressing rooms were ready to absorb them.
The common waiting place was the grove closest to the crematorium that would soon turn their bodies to ash.
they were told to sit among the trees and wait for further instructions.
These were their last peaceful moments together before being driven into the gas chambers and murdered.
It has been said that there will never be people as innocent as the victims on the threshold of the gas chambers.
The SS kept the victims destined for gassing in complete ignorance of what lay in store for them.
They were told that before being placed in the camp, they had to be disinfected and washed.
They would soon discover that what they had assumed were the shower areas were actually hermetically sealed gas chambers.
A minority of Jews was selected for forced labor.
Their personal belongings were confiscated, their hair was shaved, and their registration number was tattooed on their left arm.
In the words of survivor and author Primo Levy, for the first time we became aware that our language lacks words to express this offense, the demolition of a man.
It is not possible to sink lower than this.
Nothing belongs to us anymore.
They have taken away our clothes, our shoes, even our hair.
If we speak, they will not listen to us.
And if they listen, they will not understand.
They will even take away our name.
And if we want to keep it, we will have to find in ourselves the strength to do so.
It is in this way that one can understand the double sense of the term extermination camp.
The work of sorting the possessions that the Jews brought with them to Auschwitz was done by Jewish prisoners who were forced to collect the packages and sort the items that would then be sent to the Reich.
By the time the sorting was completed, most of the previous owners were already dead.
No memory of the men, women and children that were deemed valueless upon their arrival remains in camp records.
This album is the sole witness to their fate.
The Auschwitz album was discovered after the war by Lily Jacob, a survivor of the transport pictured here.
Lily gave the album to Yad Vashem where she knew that its tragic contents would be safeguarded for posterity and shared with generations to come.
Yeah, man's inhumanity to man.
And you saw soldiers there helping to carry out this nefarious activity.
Remember what I told you?
The real brains behind the Holocaust have never been brought to book.
Question, who funded Hitler?
Because everybody thinks, oh, Hitler was.
But Hitler was not alone in his ideology.
So that's another day's discussion, but I just want to remind you that what they're doing right now and what they're planning to do have happened before.
Those things have happened before, but the world was not watching.
The world was believing them because they were supposed to be decent people.
They were supposed to be decent leaders.
And they provided sound arguments for their actions.
But nobody knew except them what was going on in the camps.
By the time the outside world got to know the real chutes about the camps, it was too late.
It was too late.
but all the perpetrators, collaborators, enablers, all new, they all new, they all new.
But as God's people,
I want to remind you of the Scriptures.
And from the first day of this phase, I began reading to you from first Epistle of St.
John chapter number four.
I want us to read there again from verse one.
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God, because many forest prophets are gone out into the world.
Here, I know He, the Spirit of God.
Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is coming, the flesh is of God.
And every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is coming, the flesh is not of God.
And this is that Spirit of Antichrist, where, if you have heard that it should come, and even now already is it in the world.
Remember, it's that Spirit of Antichrist.
So there's a spirit of inner Christ that's motivating people, speaking to people to cause them to do these horrendous things that are happening right now and to deceive the nations as the Bible shows us that in the last days, the spirit of the inner Christ would lead men to deceive.
We read from the Book of Daniel how that this man of lawlessness will cause deception to prosper.
He's a man of deception, a man of lies.
What he says is the world will welcome him, the world will hail him, the world will receive him,
But before that man of saying, that man of lawlessness, that antichrist comes, his spirit is already at work, the antichrist spirit.
The antichrist spirit is already at work.
And that antichrist spirit demonstrates things that are consistent with the character of the antichrist.
That's why these things should not be difficult for you to detect if you know the word of God.
If you're a child of God, you should know
You know, one of the problems, one of the major problems, and it is a very major problem from the 80s, in the 1980s, a great revival had taken place among God's churches, among Christians.
And it was a revival of the message of faith and
the Holy Spirit.
But what happened was, they very quickly allowed Satan to distract them into using the message for personal agondisement.
They quickly used the message of faith.
Forgetting only what they wanted.
The message of faith became a very selfish message.
A message to get what you want from God.
They get less about their words.
They get less about their words.
And that's why Satanists have the opportunity to infiltrate the governments, infiltrate the schools,
and carry out their work, their own agenda.
Because the evangelical motivation of the church had waned.
And instead, most of what they thought about was, you know, they had come from earlier years before the 80s, they had come from earlier years where there was a lot of poverty among Christians.
So when they got the message of faith, they embraced it so quickly.
They were so glad they'll never be poor anymore.
But instead of winning souls and going to the mission fields, like what was happening in the 50s and in the 60s, and early in the 70s, the missionaries, in fact, the missionary
bases were shut down.
You didn't find missionaries anymore?
The message of faith was corrupted.
And all that time when the church was playing church and using the message of faith to get what they wanted for them theirs,
You knew you had faith if you could get this for yourself, if you could get that.
And all the competitions among themselves with their faith.
The missionary fields are forgotten.
You couldn't find young missionaries anymore.
Only the older ones who had not been even abandoned in the missionary stations.
I'll never forget, 1983, T. L. Osborne preaching and Kenneth Higgins kept meeting.
He got to talking about China and his voice broke.
And he cried.
He said, let China look beautiful to you.
I don't know young people to think about China.
That was 1983.
Calling the young people should think again and let the mission feel so beautiful to them.
I know, I understand what I'm sharing with you.
These were things that I understood firsthand.
Because those early years in the 80s, my first crusade was 1980.
That's when I started.
So I was going on crusades then.
That's going on crusades to the back side of civilization.
People who were lost and the government didn't know they existed.
That's where we're going for crusades.
And one of the things I remember in the conference, one of the things that really spurred me to go
I was in this conference and the facilitator was reading out lots of data to us on when was the last time such and such a town or such and such a village.
received a minister of the gospel.
When was the last time trucks were sent to a certain place?
And he was reading all these things out.
And all that afternoon, as he was sharing these things, I was weeping.
I was weeping.
What happened to the gospel?
What happened to the gospel?
Then, then, I made up my mind.
I'm going.
This was 1980.
July 1980 and I made up my mind.
I wrote there.
I fixed dates right away.
I said September.
I'm going.
That was going to be my first crusade.
Thank God.
a senior friend, a minister of God who helped because I was just a beginner.
He helped to, you know, straighten out my thoughts and then helped me and my colleagues with the planning of the crusade.
And so we could achieve our goals.
So that was in the 80s.
But the message of faith was spreading and lesser and lesser evangelism.
I remember I was in the conference and this was, I believe it was 1988.
I was in the conference and I was invited as one of the speakers.
And this crowd had become enlightened with the message of faith.
So they thought I didn't know.
They thought I was not acquainted with the message of faith.
Because I stressed the importance of fasting and praying and evangelism.
Some of the leaders got up.
and walked out.
I didn't know why they walked out.
I saw people go out.
It was later on, one of the organizers spoke to me and said, they were offended at the things you said.
They were offended.
I was stressing so much on prayer and fasting and evangelism and they walked out.
Said, I didn't know the message of faith.
They were wrong.
But those were the kind of things that misled the church.
And the church went in a different direction, not realizing that Satan was using a bait on them, distracting them.
And then we left the schools for Satanists to take over.
We left the governments for Satanists to get involved with.
We're not winning souls.
So what do you expect?
Just because the churches were getting full of people, they thought that that was spirituality.
No, many people were coming to the church because they loved the kind of message that was being preached, not because their lives were changing.
As a young man, I spoke, I was in a youth meeting in the church.
So I was asked to speak to the young people.
So as I addressed them, the pastor of the church was sitting in the congregation.
He came in to at least see what was going on.
So during my address, I made statements because on Sunday mornings, that church was usually full.
So as I was speaking to the young people, a young person myself, I was in my teenage years.
Think about that.
So while I was speaking to them, I said, just because a church is packed full of people doesn't mean that the church is spiritual.
It doesn't mean that the people love God.
And I was talking about that and stressing the needs to be filled with the Holy Ghost.
The pastor called somebody while I was still talking.
He called someone to come to me and tell me to stop.
I was watching him when he called a fellow.
And after whispering to the individual in the ear, that would work straight to me where I was.
and told me that the pastor said, I should stop.
He didn't like what I said because their church was full of people.
And now I'm stressing the spirituality.
He didn't like it.
So I stopped right away.
I had to, when I got home, I told my dad what happened and apparently he had also already heard
So he said to me, you have to go back to the pastor and apologize to him and tell him that you didn't mean to cause any chaos in church.
Of course, I didn't like to because I really did nothing wrong.
But then my dad, being the man of peace as he was, instructed I did that.
So I went to the pastor and
explained what I was saying and what I was trying to say.
Oh, he said he understood.
And that I was, uh, I was motivated by youthful exuberance.
And I, I'm quoting him verbatim.
So I listened to him and I left.
Two weeks after that, there was a riot in that church.
My point had been proved.
Two weeks after.
And I happened to have been in the service that very day.
I was sitting at the back and watching the commotion in the church that was a riot.
and some of them went outside the church and they pulled the signboard.
It took it off the ground, commotion in the church.
So I was right when I said, just because people are full in the church or rather the church is full of people doesn't mean that they're spiritual, they love God.
What led to it?
The pastor was transferred.
A new pastor was announced and they said never will tear down the church.
Having the church distracted with what was supposed to be good, the message of faith was supposed to be good, but no message given to us from God is for selfishness.
The more spiritual you are, the more you want to win souls.
The more you strategize to lead people to Christ.
And you lead people to Christ full of love.
For them, and for Jesus Christ who sent you, because he was the one who laid down his life to save us.
So when you look at a lot of things happening today, you have to look at the history.
Who here did the church give the devil a chance?
Then the Bible say, give no place to the devil?
Whether the church missed it, the church missed it in these distractions, when all they thought about was themselves.
And the things they wanted to do for themselves, to make a name for themselves.
You know, during the IPPC, I talked about something that the Spirit said about the worship in the churches.
But I said, they're not worshiping me.
They're not praising me.
They're praising themselves.
Look what happens in the churches.
Just turn on the music in the church.
Doesn't take long, just turn on the music.
And the next thing you know, they're rocking.
You turn on the music, straight to dance.
What are they doing?
Dancing to the music or dancing to the Lord?
Dancing to the music.
It's all dancing to the music.
It's not about the Lord.
Never was about the Lord.
It was all dancing to the music.
Because we're emotional beings.
We feel music.
We feel it.
And then you have all kinds of dancing steps in church.
So there were not the worshipping God, the praising God, no.
It was all about themselves.
It was all about how they felt.
The Lord is coming soon, and there has to be a restoration of God's truth in its house.
There has to be a restoration of true spirituality.
There are things that the Bible, the Word of God teaches us, and we have to put those things to work.
Now, I said to open the first Epistle of Saint John, chapter 4, and I'm reading to you from verse 1, Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, whether they are of God, because many forest prophets have gone out into the world.
hereby know ye the spirit of God.
Every spirit and confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God.
And every spirit and confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God.
And this is that spirit of honor Christ, whereof ye have heard that it should come.
And even now already is it in the world.
Now look at this verse four, very powerful.
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them.
overcome who?
You've overcome this far's profits.
You've overcome them.
Because greater is he that is in you.
and He that is in the world.
The Spirit in you as a child of God is greater than the Spirit that is in them.
Remember it.
Remember it.
Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world.
Look at the next verse.
There of the world.
See, greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.
They are of the world, therefore speak they are of the world, and the world here at them.
We are of God.
He that know it, God, here at us.
He that is not of God, here at not us.
Here by know we, the spirit of truths and the spirit of error.
And I told you that word, error is translated from the Greek planning.
And that word means delusion.
The spirit of delusion, deception, deceit.
So there is a spirit of truth and there is a spirit of deceit that leaves a delusion.
And look at the amplified Bible from where I read to you, verse 5, yesterday.
I want to read it again.
The amplified Bible says, they who teach twisted doctrine
are of the world, and belong to it, therefore they speak from the viewpoint of the world, with its immoral freedom and baseless theories, demanding compliance with their opinions, and ridiculing the values of the upright, and the gullible one of the world listens closely and pays attention to them.
That's listening to the so-called technocrats who are misleading the world today.
But what they don't realize is that the technocrats are not going to stop at being technocrats.
They want technocracy.
That's what I want.
So they want to replace the so-called democracies with technocracies.
But then that's the beautiful environment for the Antichrist to move in.
And he'll move in as a technocrat.
But beyond that, he would met him a force from being a technocrat to being a god.
In fact, it was quite interesting.
Several months ago, several months ago, I think it was published earlier in the year, but it seems to have come from all of those things that happened in the previous year where Dr. Fauci was said to be the most trusted American.
And the lady that was being interviewed, and she said, Dr. Fauci said, it's like a god to me.
That's how fight went.
That's how fight went.
So if they, if they could enthrone Dr. Fauci, how easy to be for them to follow the Antichrist?
How easy?
But we are of God.
And those who are of God hear us.
Oh boy, I got to read this to you.
In in Ephesians chapter three, okay, Ephesians chapter three from verse number eight.
Just thinking of the things I want to share with you, I'm stared in my spirit.
And here the apostle Paul writes from verse number eight.
on to me, who I'm less than the least of all saints, is this grace given that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsouchable riches of Christ."
Oh, hallelujah.
To preach among the Gentiles the unsouchable riches of Christ.
Usually when I read this particular verse, I like written down that word, unsouchable, and the best rendering
You find in the amplified Bible, well, the AMPC.
It gives you the best rendering.
I'm going to read it to you from there.
It says, to me, though I am the very least of all the saints, God's consecrated people, this grace, favor, privilege, was granted and graciously interested to proclaim to the Gentiles, the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable, and exhaustless riches of Christ, wealth which no human being could have searched out.
Oh boy.
Oh, okay, so go back to King James' version, unto me who I'm less than the least of our saints, is this grace given that I should preach among the Gentiles, the unsearchable riches of Christ.
And to make all men see, what is the fellowship?
What is the fellowship of the mystery?
Which from the beginning of the world have been hit in God who created all things by Jesus Christ?
I remember when we were talking about, when I was sharing on this book, book of Ephesians on the church, the mystery of the church.
And I got to this verse, I remember pointing out to you that there were two very different manuscripts
And in this place where you have fellowship, the other set of manuscripts used the word administration.
And I explained the differences.
And why you had it that way and even went as far as letting you know
what was actually more accurate.
So you find that it's translated dispensation in some versions.
those who translate it to fellowship are using coindaneer, the others are using oil economy, translating that to dispensation or administration.
But the important thing is actually about the administration of all that
This mystery of the gospel encompasses all that it covers, including the application of all of those legal complexities that you have within that mystery.
But then it tells us for what purpose?
The intent.
The intent.
And that's in verse 10.
To the intent that now, onto the principalities and powers in heavenly places, might be known by the church, the money for wisdom of God.
And this is extraordinary because he's saying that God, God has a plan.
And as fast power was concerned, he was sent to carry out the ministry that God gave to him for the purpose of God demonstrating to the heavenly principalities and powers his manifold wisdom through the church.
So the church becomes the agency through which God manifests his wisdom.
to angelic beings this is extraordinary go to the next verse
According to the internal purpose, which he purports in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Verse 12 is so big.
Some of the translations, of course, they don't get it, they paraphrase it, and that's why they miss it.
They're trying to put into the Bible what they actually say.
In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the feet of him.
They think he's talking about having access to God.
No, no, you don't have access to God in Christ.
You got to get this.
You get to get this.
You are not given access to God in Christ.
You have access to God through Christ.
When you're in Christ, you are in God.
You don't need access.
When you're in Him, you don't need access.
You have Him, you're inside Him.
So what he's really talking about here, in that verse 12, I said, it's so huge.
I just gotta get something for you here.
Oh, thank you Lord Jesus.
When you are in Christ, you don't need access to God.
See, they don't understand it.
They don't understand it.
They don't understand it.
But I need to show it to you.
I need to show it to you.
I think I should help you out with this.
Now, go to Ephesians chapter two, verse 18.
Um, yeah.
Now, look at this.
Through him, we both have access by one spirit onto the Father.
Did you see that?
Through Jesus, we both have access.
He's not talking about Christians.
We both Jews and Gentiles have access through Jesus.
You have access to the Father, Jews and Gentiles.
That's what it means by we.
Are you following me now?
Through Jesus, we both have access by one spirit to the Father.
Jesus, I am the way, the truth and the life.
No man comes to the Father, but by me.
So you come through Jesus as the access to the Father, but once you're in Christ, you don't need access to the Father, you are in Him.
So they're confusing, Ephesians chapter 2 verse 18, which
What's written in chapter 3 verse 12?
They got confused.
here in whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the fate of him.
What he's talking about here is that by the blessings of Christ, by the administration of this gospel, of this mystery, okay, to the church, he's given us, he says, we have boldness and access to all things, access to all of the wealth that he talked about in verse nine and verse 10, from verse eight to verse 10.
That's what he's talking about.
So in Christ Jesus, you have access to all things.
And then we have boldness and access, access with confidence by the fate of Him.
That's what, once you're born again, you're just saying, my life has changed forever.
You see it?
My life has changed.
I have access to anything in this world, access.
Baldness and access!
You know, when that boldness is not like, it means outspokenness.
They don't understand this thing.
You see, they ask those questions.
They say, why do you pray like that?
When we say, I command in the name of Jesus, that's the boldness it's talking about.
It means outspokenness.
The boldness does say something in the presence of God.
You can say anything in the presence of God.
I have access to anything.
I command in the name of Jesus.
They say, how can you talk like that?
In here we have boldness, outspokenness, and access by the faith, with confidence, by the fate of Him.
So you say, there's no fear in me.
I'm full of boldness.
I'm full of the Spirit.
I have access to all of God's riches, I have access to God's power, I have access to God's ability.
That's how he made us blessings to the world.
We're a blessing to the nations.
We've got access.
Anything we want, we can deliver a choraz.
So if you have a translation that's calling it access to God, they're adding God, there's not in the original, they don't know what they're talking about.
You see, in a few versions, in this verse 12, they read it wrongly, they don't get it.
In the NIV, for example, it says, in Him through faith in Him, we may approach God, approach God with freedom and confidence, approach God.
They don't get it, they don't understand.
We are in Him.
They don't know there's a difference between coming to Christ and when you are in Christ.
They're not the same.
They're not the same.
All right.
Next point.
We take out next point from Hebrews the 11th chapter, and I'm beginning with the first verse.
Now, faith is a substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Faith is a substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Next verse.
For by it, by faith, the elders obtained a good report.
Through faith, we understand that the words, the eras, the eons were framed by the word of God, by the rhema of God.
I remember sharing with you along these lines and I told you that when you find the rumor of God used like this, it is, especially in the New Testament, if you're not using the Septuagint, okay?
But if you're reading in the New Testament, you don't see that applied to God talking.
Rather, it is God's word given to you.
which you are talking.
See, and God's word on your lips is God talking.
So he says, truthfully we understand that the words were framed by the Word of God.
The words, the eons, the errors framed by the rhema of God puts in the mouths of men.
So the things which are seen, we're not made of things which do appear.
What is God telling us here?
He is saying that we can make our world the world we want it to be.
We can make our world the world we want it to be.
Let's not fold our hands and think of things who just fall into place by themselves.
No, so rebatic, a hundred egasastes.
Don't worry about the interpretation because of the things I just said that they're part of what I'm already telling you.
So don't worry.
So you're going to hear in the messages I'm sharing with you.
Because what I said in other tongues has to do with the importance of prophecy and I'll get there.
So through faith we understand that the words are framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
They were made of invisible materiality.
This is so important.
So the world, as it is right now, was framed by invisible things.
Who framed the world as it is right now?
Well, there's a difference between my world and our world.
I frame the circumstances of my world.
That's different from your world, and that's different from our world.
So my world will be my own third contact.
your world will be your own self-contact.
But then there is our world in which we carry out our various activities.
And as also influenced by other people, because they're part of that world,
like the governments and all kinds of other activities that go on.
But what the Word of God is telling us is that we can frame our own era.
We can frame our course of life.
We can, through the Word of God, the rumor of God, determine what our world will be like.
If we didn't create
the world as it is right now.
But I already told you what inflates the world to become the way it is, especially looking at it from the position of the church.
And I talked about from the 80s and what things were like and how things went in a different direction.
But right now, we are already controlling the world in our Aeon.
We're controlling the world with God's word in our lips.
And that's why the world is yielding for us.
What we have determined that it should yield.
Like winning souls, look at the way we're winning souls around the world.
Nothing has beaten it.
It's big, it's huge.
We're winning souls.
We're winning souls everywhere.
Look at the power of God that manifested around the world.
What else did we want to see?
All the things we wanted to do, we are doing for God.
You see it?
Now we want to take some steps, Father, for the blessings of the nations because they are those who want to destroy the nations.
They think we want life to return to how it used to be, which was a fraud.
You know, they don't realize, that's not what we're talking about.
We have a better vision.
We have a better vision than the past.
A greater vision than the present.
But God's given us tools.
And here's what you're going to do.
And I'm sure some of you have already been doing them, but you're going to do more.
You do this in your privacy.
You do it in your group meetings.
You do it in the church.
But I'm sharing with you now.
You're going to see it.
Oh, hallelujah.
So I'm going to read that verse three one more time and then we'll go to verse 32.
Through faith we understand that the words were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
So it means that from the invisible we can create the visible.
Verse 32.
And what shall I more say?
For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthah, of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets.
Who through faith subdued kingdoms?
You know why he told us this?
So that we can subdue kingdoms.
And we are subduing our world.
Through faith, he says, who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped them out of lions.
Was subduing kingdoms?
And I'm telling you, we have subdued the world.
It's clear we have and we're keeping it subdued.
In fact, there was a
I think when Rev.
Ken was leading prayer, he quoted a verse, Colossians 4, verse 12.
Epiphras, so it's one of you, a servant of Christ saluted to you, always laboring fervently for you in praise, that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.
Laboring fervently, Agonizomai, okay?
It means to fight, struggle, all right?
Now, where is this subdue?
In the Hebrew chapter 11 verse 33 that we read, where it says, true fates of dudes, who true fates of dudes kingdoms, the word is catagonism I. It means to wrestle down.
You understand?
That means that you fought and overcame.
You struggled until you brought down the other.
Epiphras, rescued, says, liporing fervently.
The same word for fight.
Fight the good fight of faith.
When is this a subdue?
It means that you fought until you brought the other down.
So our prayer, our prayer is like epipheress, labor infinitely in prayer.
Agonismai, it's been going on.
But we are not done until we are subdued.
And that's the only way.
But it says, true faith, they're subdued kingdoms.
So prayer alone will not do it.
Prayer is a fight, but true faith
there will be catechones in mind.
Why faith?
Because faith is where the Bible says you prophesy according to the proportion of faith.
And this is where God wants us to do something.
We've got to prophesy.
Not only pray, we have to prophesy.
And what kind of prophecy am I talking about?
prophesy with your mouth open, speak forth the word of God.
He said, in the last days, say it's God.
Oh, rasotaka raman te kebrahats.
I've got to read it to you from Acts chapter two, verse 17.
This is so important.
And every one of you that's received the Holy Ghost, every one of you that's filled with the Holy Ghost, you have to do this.
This is one reason.
One of the reasons you got the Holy Ghost.
Look at what he says.
It shall come the past in the last day, said God, I will pour out of my spirit upon our flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
You have to prophesy.
You have to prophesy.
I'm not talking about prophesying because you know your bag is missing and you're losing prophesy to find it.
That's nice, but that's not what we're talking about here.
We're talking about greater things, okay?
Not selfish requirements.
It's time to play on the global level on big things that God, you know, things that God cares about, souls.
Not those things that are your selfish nature.
Almost everybody wants some kind of prophecy for something, you know.
Can you give me a prophecy about my job?
Can you give me a prophecy about, well, those are little things.
Those are little things.
God wants you to move.
Don't be a victim.
Be a victor.
When you're a victor, you don't care about these best things or best things, rather.
They're too little.
for your attention.
It's too little for your attention.
Look at what he says.
Go back to that scripture.
And he shall come to pass in the last day.
He says, God, I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh, and your songs and your daughters shall prophesy.
Kaka, so brahatekith.
This is what he's wanting you to do.
To prophesy, use prophesy to correct your words.
Use prophecy to align your world with the will of the Father.
Didn't you see it?
In Ezekiel chapter 37, the universe won, let's read.
The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones.
And cost me to pass by them round about, and behold, there were very many in the open valley, and no, they were very dry.
Bones in an open valley, very dry.
And he said unto me, son of man, can these bones live?
Can these bones live?
Can South Africa be changed?
Can these bones live?
Can Saudi Arabia become an evangelism center?
Can these bones live?
Wake up and start moving with God on the right level.
Don't condescend.
to a beggarly life.
He said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live?
And I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest.
Again, he said unto me, prophesy upon these bones.
O hallelujah, prophesy, if the bones are going to live, you're going to have to prophesy.
Did you notice he didn't say pray for the bones?
Again he said unto me, prophesy upon these bones and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!
O boy, he is before a valley full of bones, and they were very dry!
And God said, prophesied to the bones.
We're going to be praying in the night times, in the morning times, in the afternoon times.
You stand in a strategic location and you prophesy to your city.
You prophesy to your country.
Because you see, God told, God told Ezekiel.
He said these bones are the house of Israel.
So there were people, there were a nation that he was prophesying to.
He said, enemy, prophesy upon these bones and say unto them, all ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.
Thus set the Lord God unto these bones.
Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live, and I will let sign news upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live, and you shall know that I am the Lord.
So I prophesied as I was commended, and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and beholders shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.
And when I beheld law, the sunnies and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them above, but there was no breath in them.
And then said he unto me, prophesy unto the wind, prophesy son of man, and said to the wind, thus set the Lord God.
Come from the four winds, O breast, and breathe upon these slain that they may live.
So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and the left stood up upon their feet and exceed in great army.
Oh, Hallelujah.
Oh, you can prophesy to Australia.
Are you hearing me?
You can prophesy to New Zealand.
You can prophesy to Spain and Italy.
It's about time.
So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and the left, and stood up upon their feet, and exceeding great army.
Then he said unto me, Son of Man, these bones are the whole house of Israel.
Horsa koraba sata kala madi.
Maybe in your city there's that dryness right now.
Maybe it's in your country.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter what the devil has been doing.
But you are going to prophesy.
You're going to prophesy.
You're going to prophesy.
And through prophesy we will change our world.
The word of God is in our lips.
He told us already.
The words were framed by the rumor of God.
Such that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
They were made of words.
And that's why we have to reply.
When we hear things like what men like Claude Schwab say, life will never be normal.
No, not normal because that was a fraud already.
So we answer back, life is going to be better.
Not your vision, but our vision.
Because we're doing it for the King of Glory.
We are blessing the nations.
Before Christ comes back, we will change this world.
Mantokarabakasi, who has spread the blessings of Christ around the world, healings and salvation everywhere, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and it shall be sold.
The name of the Lord Jesus will be glorified and magnified.
It shall be sold.
and those moderate spirits of eugenics, those moderate genocidal spirits, will not take over any city or country.
No, not while we're here.
We break their influence in the name of Jesus Christ.
They will not succeed.
In fact, just go ahead and pray wherever you are right now.
Speak God's Word.
Prophecy to your city.
Prophecy to your school.
Prophecy to your country.
He's what is in your lips?
His faith is in your spirit.
His faith is in your spirit.
Professor, to your city, to your country.
You can hear
You know what I'm talking about?
So every day, every day, prophesied to your city, prophesied to your country and as God leads you, pick other countries and prophesy upon them.
Yeah, make sure to do it and pray for new leadership.
New, inspiring leaders.
Because leadership in the nations has been hijacked.
There are many who shouldn't be there.
But as we pray, many things will happen.
If you have not been born again, this is your opportunity to receive salvation.
I want to lead you into salvation the Bible way.
Jesus Christ gave his life for our salvation.
It's time that you receive this glorious salvation.
It was consummated by Christ and for us all.
Say these words after me and let Christ come into your heart today.
Say these words, Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus, I open my heart to you.
I believe
with all my heart, in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
I believe it died to save me.
I believe God raised him from the dead, and he's alive today.
I confess with my mouth,
Jesus Christ is Lord of my life from this day.
I receive by faith eternal life into my heart.
Thank you Lord.
I have eternal life now.
I am born again.
I'm a child of God from this day.
If you pray that prayer, I want you to know God hurts you and that He answered to you.
And salvation is yours now.
You have eternal life now.
I want to pray for you.
Fathering the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I pray for everyone who said that prayer.
Everyone whose hearts you just opened.
Let the name of the Lord Jesus been named upon them from this hour.
Satan has no claims about them anymore.
They belong to Jesus Christ, Son of God.
I bless them with your word.
I bless them with your love, with your grace.
I bless them with the Holy Spirit in Jesus name.
Praise God.
Now you're in Christ Jesus.
You belong in his kingdom.
We have a book we'd like to give to you.
It's titled, Now That You're Born Again.
At the bottom of your screen, you'll find a code number with which you can download a copy for yourself.
So download it today and start studying the book so you can learn more about the life that you just received and to start building your faith strong in Jesus Christ.
Once again, congratulations and thank you for joining us today.
God bless you.