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Your Loveworld Specials Season 6 Phase 3 Day 3

want to join you and help you fulfill God's plan for your life.

I feel this in my bones, people.
For you, I'm feeling it.
I'm telling you.
We've got to display the Ministry of the Spirit today.
Something that is so incredibly powerful to change the world.
We must not lose today's opportunity to reach the whole world for Jesus Christ.
This is your love world.
From time immemorial, the world has been sold to different ideologies that have shaped corporate response, determined economic policies of nations, influence governments, social responsibilities, and orchestrated the enforcement of a wide range of environmental policies.
One of such ideologies that has persistently outstayed its relevance in our world is the subject of global warming, or as more recently referred to, climate change.
Our story starts in 1896 in Sweden with this guy, Zwanta Araneus, a chemist.
Araneus is the first person to figure out that putting CO2 into the atmosphere could make the earth warm.
The phrase global warming makes its first appearance in a 1975 research paper.
Temperatures keep rising throughout the 80s and 1988 is the hottest fear ever recorded to that point.
This gets people's attention and global warming starts to enter mainstream public awareness for the first time.
When we found out that wasn't getting the traction, because this is the set we get warmed up, started getting cold, so they use the more generic one, climate change.
So when I go cold, what they said everything was going to get hotter and hotter.
Some places got colder and colder.
So they said, all right, climate change, whatever change, there's going to be a change.
They just keep being proven wrong.
Now, when I was a kid, I was told it was global warming.
Hide under your desk, kids, the polar bears are going to drown because there's global warming.
But they stopped using that language around 2011 because accidentally the Earth started to cool and disprove their narrative.
I read the original UN study years ago, and I was just curious as to how they were going to deal with the question.
that the temperatures went up first and then there was the increase in carbon dioxide.
Because you can't say that A causes B, if B happened first.
And so I read this and I could see they were tiptoeing through the tulips and the way they phrased things and so forth, they couldn't confront that.
And now we're fighting out that they knew darn well they couldn't deal with all the others.
One of the gimmicks of the perpetrators of the climate change narrative is citing scientific validations to prove the legitimacy of this climate prophecy.
This has ensured it remained in the public domain.
However, the scientific validations had proven to be void of credence, especially when subjected to global best practices in science as we know it.
Everywhere you go, they're talking climate change.
It's a hoax.
and listen hard.
Human beings take in oxygen and emit carbon dioxide.
Plants produce oxygen and they use carbon dioxide.
Now, it's easy for us to know that we do emit carbon dioxide.
All right?
You have to study some more to realize that plants actually give up oxygen and use carbon dioxide.
You can't just know because you know you breathe, you inhale, oxygen.
You exhale, carbon dioxide.
But you don't see plants, you don't see that happening with plants.
You don't know, you don't know by looking.
There had to be some father study
to come to that conclusion.
So it would have been easy for us to say, now, if we increase in the world, we're going to consume all the oxygen.
We're going to consume it.
And I dare say, all the oxygen in the world is not given by plants only.
But you know,
They think that God was a fool for saying, going to the world and multiplying.
God didn't know he needed more oxygen.
So the harks is about cabin emission.
It has become common to refer to the emissions from burning fossil fuels for energy as carbon emissions.
That is entirely misleading.
Carbon dioxide is not carbon.
Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas, which is an indispensable food for all living things.
Can you have too much of it?
In theory, yes.
That's what climate alarmists say is happening now.
CO2 levels are getting too high.
Are they right?
Well, if we look at the big picture, we find something surprising.
For most of the history of life on Earth, carbon dioxide has been present in the atmosphere at much higher levels than it is today.
a lot of those who are championing the cost don't even know what it they don't even understand it they don't even know what it's about
and they've lied to a lot of young people who are thinking they've put the fear in them and telling those young people that they are future is bleak and accept something is done right now, they're not gonna have a future.
Where we need to start is in the education system because my mind was polluted about climate change or about global warming rather because they sat us out in health class and they made us watch Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore.
That was a lie, it never came into fruition and they keep focusing on these young generations to sell them fear for their own power.
While students are being programmed in the classrooms to see the future of the world in the light of an imploding climate change, the postulates of this weather facade are pushing their narrative into the subconscious of different categories of the public through captivating mass media instruments such as movies, public motivational talk shows, and television and radio programs.
It's a hoax.
And they have created several films.
You know, they've come up with so many things to try to convince people about climate change.
They gather all these politicians and business leaders, get them in your room and shoot them videos.
You know?
And those people sit down there and they say, it's real, it's real.
It's real.
So they say, we have to protect the environment.
temperatures changing, climate is changing, man plays some role.
There's not much disagreement with predictions of disaster that are not connected clearly to warming or to our activities or to anything else.
And leaving people with the thought that if the first part is true, the second part must be true.
and is certainly not the case.
And then to add insult to injury, to propose policies.
that would have nothing to do with any of it, but involve trillions of dollars and harm to many people is, I think, crossing the line.
The notion that there is a massive depletion of the ozone layer resulting from carbon emission has been a hoax since it was brought to public domain.
While the proponents have strategically justified their claims
with scientific standards, albeit, pseudoscience.
The Bible is being fulfilled in our day, and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive.
Matthew chapter 24, verse 24, the postulates of climate change must become aware that they have no monopoly on the knowledge of science.
Oh, there's so much cattle in the mission!
Yes, but you don't have a monopoly on science to be able to tell us that there will be no balance.
And I'm warning, this is not about cabin emission.
It's about trying to have a monopoly on science for another super control.
the issue of global warming has been politicized I think there are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data so that they will have dollars rolling into their projects and I think we're seeing it almost weekly or even daily scientists who are coming forward and questioning the original idea that man-made
global warming is what is causing the climate to change.
Yes, our climate's changed.
They've been changing ever since the Earth was formed.
But I do not buy into that a group of scientists who have in some cases found to be manipulating this information.
You know, we partnered with Google, for example.
If you Google climate change, you will, at the top of your search, you will get all kinds of UN resources.
We started this partnership when we were shocked to see that when we googled climate change, we were getting incredibly distorted information right at the top.
So we're becoming much more proactive.
You know, we own the science and we think that the world, you know, should know it.
Very offensive, very annoying.
When a group of people believe that they have a monopoly on science,
And to decide that the level of their knowledge is the limit of knowledge.
It's unacceptable.
It's unacceptable.
They cannot be the limits of knowledge.

Before they came, there were others who knew had a second level of knowledge.
And we have all exceeded the past.
But we must also exceed the present.
There is no consensus in science.
Science isn't a vote.
Science is about facts.
And if you get down to the hard, cold facts...
There's no question about it.
Climate change is not happening.
There is no significant man-made global warming now.
There hasn't been any in the past, and there's no reason to expect any in the future.
There's a whole lot of baloney, and yes, it has become a big political point of the Democratic Party and part of their platform, and I regret it to become political instead of scientific.
You know, when you hear, for instance, a scientist saying, the science is settled.
You know the person is stepped out of the science.
So, you know, I think that registers with ordinary people.
And whenever you see someone say, you know, instead of answering arguments,
How could so many people agree if it weren't true?
This should be a red flag.
With the abundance information validating the climate change mantra is a hoax.
It has become apparent that the continued media coverage it has gotten so far is due to the sinister objectives of its perpetrators.
And in the wake of it, they have consistently sabotaged dissenting voices, just as this woman narrated her deal.
The group of esteemed scientists were strategizing to squash their opponents.
And I thought, oh, wait a minute, why should I believe this instead of my own judgment?
What scientists actually agree on is a very narrow slice of things.
Yes, temperatures have been increasing overall for the last several hundred years.
No doubt.
And that carbon dioxide does act to warm the planet.
But there's no agreement as to whether warming is dangerous or not.
For saying that, you were one of the targets of the Congressmen saying, show us where you get your money.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I was one of the seven.
Seven climate skeptics were branded heretics in order to reveal all their sources of funds.
Curry abandoned science.
This is after praising me and pushing me a few years ago is, you know, the prestigious... Well, you have wrong opinions now.
I was trying to be honest as a scientist.
It was very unpopular with a lot of my colleagues.
They were trying to squash people who disagreed with them.
And they've succeeded.
I get emails from people all the time who wish they could speak out.
What are they worried about?
Losing their jobs?
It's dangerous to descend when climate change is something politicians address with religious zeal.
It's sad that that is what has happened with many countries.
And the World Economic Forum
needs other competitors.
You don't have to be in the WEF.
You don't have to be.
And I'm calling for alternatives to the WEF.
There has to be alternatives to the WEF.
Because the building, something that is not right.
The World Economic Forum, your government, all of them,
Most of the elites, the 1%, the parasites, the privileged, owned something called a sun seeker super yacht.
It's a beautiful boat, it's 40 meters long.
The sun seeker super yacht burns nine tons.
Nine tons of diesel a day.
You wouldn't use nine tons of diesel in your little zip around town car in a year.
But these superyots, these sun-seeker superyots, are exempt from any carbon taxation or any ramifications of burning nine tons of diesel a day.
Does that not suggest that they are not remotely concerned about diesel or climate change?
Our response, we are putting them on hold.
See, till we are done, and we check out of here.
Till we are done, when the rapture takes place, they can do what they like.
In fact, they're going to do what they like.
See, but until then, the name of the Lord Jesus is the biggest name.
See, it's the biggest name.
That's the greatest authority.
The good thing is we know how to use it.
At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow in submission of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth.
I'd like to welcome you to today's program.
And it's my hope that
So much has been gained since the beginning of the program.
Not just today, but since we began day one and Wednesday.
Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for your love, for your grace, for your kindness, for your presence with us.
Thank you for the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you, Lord, that we have the knowledge and understanding that all nations belong to you.
The whole earth is yours, the fullness thereof.
And all of us are the works of your hands.
And we can be directed by you.
And we can be controlled through the spirit
We can be led.
Thank you for all men under your power.
Nothing exists outside your power.
Thank you Lord.
Praise God.
You know, we serve
the one and only true God.
Nothing exists that he didn't make.

And he has all the ability.

The whole earth is his.
He made it.

And life in its entirety is His.
Every living thing gets its life from God.
And so the proud, He is able to abbease.

We've got a lot to look into today.
But I think that what you just saw on climate change says a lot.
It says a lot about the hoax, about the deception.

Remember what the Bible says, the rich roulette over the poor.

And the borrower is subject to the lender.

We can see that playing out in our world.
It's been there.

But that's why God's children should know where they belong.
You have to think differently.
You belong in the kingdom of God.
You have to think differently.
You must think differently.
He gave us guidelines for our thinking.
You must think differently.
Don't think like the word.
Don't think like them.
Don't think like them.
In fact, let me read you those guidelines, which you can find in Philippians chapter four, in verse number eight.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true.
How do you know what's true?
You know what's true by measuring it with the word of God.
Jesus in his prayer in St.
John's Gospel, chapter 17, he said to God, thy word is truth.
That's the standard for measuring truth God's word.
So he says, finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things appear, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report.
If there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Let these
Conduct your thinking process.

Never let fear rule your mind.
Never let fear rule your mind.

Never make a decision on the basis of fear.
You know, there are some who were brought up by parents who were scared and they used the language of fear.
And it's possible that you're listening to me, maybe in your home or somewhere where you are.
Maybe you were raised like that, raised in an atmosphere of fear, perens and guardians and adults that were full of fear.
And so you grew up knowing fear.

It's always about fear.
I'm afraid something, something.
I'm scared, something, something.
It's always in their language.
And in their actions, their behavior.

So with all of that, you may find it difficult to not be afraid.
But here's where the Word of God can be of
It means help for you.
God's word is the word of faith.
It imparts faith.
It changes you.
Brings you strength.
Brings you courage.
The qualities of God become inculcated in your system.

when you meditate on God's word and weights the ministry of the Holy Spirit, which is indispensable, you be full of power, of courage,

And you need all of this in your life.
Otherwise, you'd live a life that's less than the quality of your calling.
You'd never rise to the top.
You'd never be the max of your potentials.
You walk a lowly life.
of poverty and need and luck.

And the world will trample on you because the world is harsh.

And you'll be the loser for it because God gave you more.
than you were willing to live by.
Do you remember his prayer?
Remember his prayer when he taught the disciples to pray and he says, our Father.
How important that prayer is?
Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, and the kingdom has come, you know?
But that's what He was teaching them before the kingdom came.
Then He says, thy will be done and hurts as it is in heaven.
Then He said this beautiful thing, this amazing line, give us this day.
Our daily bright.
What does that tell you?
Remember, this was all before He bought the whole field.
This was before He brought us into the kingdom.
Give us this day our daily break.
That means that God had a plan for everybody.
Bread here, it's not just food that's baked in the oven.
No, it means all of today's supply.
I mean, it's everything you require for today to live this day, everything.
So, let me tell you a little bit about my own story on this.
When I found out
I said, Lord, that meant that all the ones I never used, because I didn't know about it.
Since it was mine, I receive all in the name of Jesus, all in Arias, because I don't want to be cheated.
All the ones I was ignorant of, because they don't expire with God.
Yeah, because it says, I will restore that which the can't go home as even with the locals that even.
So if you can restore that, well, no aspiration.
So if you've been living a life that's low, and you're thinking you're doing God's service, you're making a mistake.
Get all the ones you never had.
It's not hard to get it.
Just use your mouth.
That's all it takes.
And you find them all coming in from everywhere.
Listen, there's more money in the world than there are enough people to spend it.
Just remember that.
Because of the very definition of money.
And I feel sorry for every country in the world that thinks that they are going through financial difficulties.
Let me tell you something.
You are making a blunder.
If you ever went to school, you have forgotten the definition of money.
You're making a blunder to think that somehow you require the IMF or the World Bank to borrow your money.
You don't need it.
You don't need it.
And you ought to know.
Cut off the control system and live a great life.
Some of your economies are deceiving you and derailing you because all they know is all they studied in the schools that got them, prisoners that made them prisoners.
These are, prisoners of the mine.
Their minds have been put in bondage by the kind of knowledge that was given to them.
It's all in the books they read.

You don't need to look far to know that the world's economists are a failure.
Just look around.
Why are the nations all broke?
and in debt, then terrible debt.
The United States, the champions, sanctions on nations they don't like, and they get other nations to join them in it.
Always the biggest debt in the world.
Is that a very successful country?
Come on.
They're all in the biggest.
They have the largest debts.
And there's no sign they will ever be able to pay.

So why are you suffering for nothing?
Wake up and choose a part.
Why are you supposed to, Chris, how are we going to do that?
I know exactly what you should do.
If you only learn to listen to the right voices, it's not hard at all.
It's not hard.
But I've got several things to share with you.
And these are some things that you have to know anyway.
And if you don't know these things, which are simpler, how are you going to know those are the ones that are
trickier, they just trickier because you really have to understand spiritual principles.
I wanna show you something the Bible just for us to get along.
In Saint Luke's Gospel, I'll take from the King James translation because there's where sometimes they don't get it.
Saint Luke's Gospel chapter eight and verse 29,
For he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man.
Jesus had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man.
For oftentimes, he had caught him and he was kept bound with chains and in feathers.
And he broke the bands and was driven of the devil into the wilderness.
Did you notice that last line?
He was driven of the devil into the wilderness.
So what I want you to observe there is the word devil.
Okay, all right, now you can go to St.
Matthew's Gospel, chapter four and verse 11.
Then the devil leave at him and behold, angels came and ministered unto him.
You notice the word devil again?
Good, now when you read like this, sometimes you don't,
realize that there are differences.
So I'm going to go to the previous verse that we just read in Luke's Gospel and then look at it contextually for he had commanded the unclean spirit and I want you to map that term on clean spirits market because I'm going to come back to it.
for he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man.
For oftentimes, it had caught him.
It had caught him whose which the unclean spirit had caught the man.
And he was kept bound with chains and feathers.
The man was kept bound with chains and feathers.
And he bred the bands and was driven off the devil, which devil?
Okay, now the Greek word used here is diamond, which is for demon.

Diamond, and sometimes it's also diamond on.
All right, so which is demon?

So I want you to remember that.
And that's why if you look at some newer translations, that word devil there will be translated demon.
All right, let's look at the New King James version, for example.
For he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man, for it had often seized him, and he was kept on the guard, bound with chains and shackles, and he broke the bounds and was driven by the demon into the wilderness.
You see that?
All right, now, so you go to St.
Mary's Gospel again in chapter four, verse 11.
Then the devil leave at him.
And this time the word for devil is devilos.
The devil, which properly refers to the devil, the diva, the Satan.
Then the devil leave at him and be with angels.
So here, if you look at the new King James translation again, you're gonna see, you still use the word devil and not demon.
because the devil is different from the demon.
But demons are devils.
That's why it's still right when the King James translation uses the word devil or devils for plural.
It's still right because they are devils anyway because of the nature, their character.
But it's important for you to recognize these differences.
Very important.
These are spiritual things, and if you don't understand them, then you meet some complexities and poor results in certain situations.
Now, having that in mind, I want to take you to the next step.
So you go back to that in Luke's Gospel, chapter eight and verse 29, I'm gonna show you.
For he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man.
The unclean spirit.
Now when you see the term unclean spirit, it is a demon.
The term unclean spirit is usually used in describing demons, an unclean spirit or unclean spirits.
Okay, that refers to a demon or two demons.
Now, you have another term, evil spirits.
evil spirits are not the same as unclean spirits.
Now, again, remember, again, these are generic terms that are sometimes used in a changeably
when we speak generally, just like the use of the term devil, okay, that you find in King James translation, or yesterday when I was telling you about the kingdom of God and kingdom of heaven.
We're not spitting hairs when we explain these things.
You have to understand the peculiarities
so that when you meet the kind of situation that requires specificity, then you will not be found wanting.
So evil spirits are the, of course, I remember, I think it was in either season five or season four,
I explained some of these things to you before, season five or four.
If you look at your notes, you're gonna find them.
All right, evil spirits is that term that generally describes the angels that fell with Lucifer.
That term covers them.
They are the principalities and powers of evil.
But the Bible talks about today.

Many times they are set over regions.

So this is a term that covers them evil spirits and they do a lot of evil things.
Now demons of course are also evil spirits because they are evil in character.
So that's why it's not wrong if someone calls demons evil spirits because they are evil and they are spirits.
Do you see that?
They're evil and they are spirits.
But in real biblical usage, I'm trying to show you the differences.

And they do terrible things.
And you have to understand, they are just, let's put it this way.
Demons are just like them.
Who are demons?
Demons are the spirits that the offspring spirits that came from those fallen angels that went to meet with women in Genesis chapter 6.
Because those spirits were incarcerated, the spirits that did it,
that corrupted themselves.
I can read that to you.
Go to Jude.
And verse number six, if you're using an electronic Bible, you have to use a chapter.
So you use chapter one, verse six.
And the angels which kept not their first estate, the first estate, but left their own habitation, referring to their bodies.
He had reserved in everlasting chains on that darkness onto the judgment of the great day.
So those angels that kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation.
But the Bible tells us about in Genesis chapter six, have been incarcerated.
But they're offsprings.
After the debt of the physical bodies, they're offsprings became demons.
That's why they're called unclean spirits.
That means they're ceremonially unclean.
You see, because they came out of the corruption.
It's a ceremonial corruption.
Like, if there were animals that you crossbred, the offspring of those cross breeding will be called unclean in the Old Testament.
You call them unclean because he had given laws to not cross breed.
All right?
He gave those laws to Israel.
And apart from them, other animals that were not accepted by God for sacrifices, he also called them ceremonially, unclean.
And I think one day, we're gonna know why God separated the unclean birds and unclean animals from the clean ones.
and determine that the unclean ones should never be used for sacrifices?
I'm going to find out a little more.
Why were they said to be unclean?
There must be something, right?
Anyway, demons are called unclean spirits.
So when you start in the gospels, you will not find
The evil spirits in a changeably used for demons.
No, you only find unclean spirits, the term unclean spirits used for demons.
Because evil spirits and demons are not quite the same.
What they've been educated and cultured alike, you have to remember.
So they do evil things, they all do evil things.

Now, apart from the generality of people, even a Christian can be influenced by demons.
And if a Christian can be influenced by demons, how much more non-Christians?
I won't show that to you.
People can be influenced by demons.
And a whole lot of people are influenced by demons.

And evil spirits, remember, demons and evil spirits.
Because they do a lot of similar works.

Let me show you something in the Bible.
If you go to the book of James, James chapter three, we're gonna read from verse 15.
No, no, no, 13 to 15.
from verse 13.
Who is a wise man and endured with knowledge among you?
Let him show out of a good conversation, his works with meekness of wisdom.
But if you have bitter envy and strife in your heart, now, who's he writing to?
He's writing to the church.
He's writing to Christians.
Now you go back to the previous verse, you notice.
Who is a wise man and in dude with knowledge?
Among you.
Among you.
He's not writing to the world.
He's writing to God's people.

He says, let him show out of

A good conversation.

Just in case you need a little more information on what I said, he's addressing God's people.
Go to James chapter one, always you will find the writers of the epistles
would state who they are addressing.
James chapter one, let's begin from verse one, you would notice.
James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ to the 12 tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.
So he's writing to Jewish Christians.
Look, you'll see it next.
My brethren, can you all join when you fall into divers temptations?
Did you see that?
So he's not writing to the world, he's writing to remember he was the apostle in Jerusalem.
So, okay, so we're back to where we were in James chapter three and verse 13.
Who is wise man and endured with knowledge among you?
Letting show out of a good conversation, his works with meekness of wisdom.
But if you have bitter envy and strife in your hearts, glory not and lie not against the truth.
This wisdom, see, if you have what?
If you have what in your heart, go back to 14.
Bitter envy and sometimes you can have a Christian that's envious of another and bitter.
And we strive in your heart.
There's anger in there.
And you can be reacting and becoming reactionary.
The Bible says, if you notice such a thing in your heart, don't be happy about it.
Don't rejoice over it.
It says, don't lie against the truth.
You got to take a stand against it.
Don't deny it.
Do something about it.
Look what it tells you.
Look at the next verse.
This wisdom, you see, because then you become calculative.
Your actions are different.
You become calculative.
You react towards those that you are envious of, that you have strife in your heart against.
Then it tells you, this wisdom descended not from above.
but is earthly, central, and devilish.
Now, the word devilish is the Greek diamond goddess.
Diamond goddess means demonic.
That means inspired by a demon.
It is demonic.
So all King James translation in his term, devilish.
Inspired of a demon.
So he's telling you that that kind of behavior, that kind of so-called wisdom that's hidden in bitter envy and strife is earthly.
And you're not supposed to be earthly.
It is sensual.
And you're not supposed to be sensual.
And then it tells you, it is what?
Inspired by a demon.
And he's writing to God's people.
So don't allow your life.
been flanged by demons, still getting to strife.
But the reason for even sharing this is to let you understand that when people react like that towards you, don't get mad at them.
Just understand what the Bible says.
The Bible says such people are inspired by demons.
Now, don't say to that person, I know what's making you do this.
It's a devil that's making you do it.
Now, you talk like that, you just spoil everything.
You're not gonna be acting like a man or a woman of peace.
So you're not gonna resolve anything.
You're going to have to deal with it privately.
privately, you go into your room and you say, you evil spirit, you devil, you demon.
That's affecting and influencing so-and-so and causing him or her.
No, he can't be him or her.
I'm saying, if it's a man, you're saying him.
If it's a woman.
So don't say causing him or her.
You already know if it's a guy or a girl, all right?
Isn't that amazing that today we have to explain such things?
Because of these people?
Yes, sir.
So in any case, so you have to deal with this privately.
Because you do have power over demons.
Doesn't matter where they are.
Doesn't matter where they are in this great world.
In the realm of the Spirit, there's no recognition of this distance.
Because what you say in the realm of the Spirit goes anywhere and everywhere can be heard by any devil that you address.
Just address him by his description.
And make sure he has no reason to think you're not talking to him.
Yeah, because if he has a reason, the intelligent beings, if he has a reason to assume or pretend that you're not talking to him, he would legally ignore what you're saying.
So you have to be specific in such a way.
So, in this particular case, he's influencing so-and-so, Brother A. And you say in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, you evil spirit of darkness, or you devil, that's influencing Brother A, and costing him to do this, this, and this.
You see it?
Because he could have been influenced by some other devils, not just one.
And that may not be having to do with this particular situation.
You want to deal with this situation.
So you say, that's causing him to do this, to do this, and act like this.
I break your influence over him and I demand that you stop your patience and your maneuvers in this situation and stop using him to do this in the name of Jesus.
Now, he may not be delivered from that demon.
I want you to understand, because in this situation, you are not trying to deliver him from that demon.
Because to deliver him from that demon, he has to be willing for a deliverance.
So you are not trying to deliver him from the demon.
You are stopping that demon from carrying out his agenda.
So he can't use him to do such things.
But that doesn't mean that Brother A is free from the demon.
He may not be free from the demon, but his behavior will change because that demon has caused him to act the way he should not act under ordinary or normal circumstances.

Sometimes he can be in a home.
where there's a fellow that's disturbing the home, maybe making trouble, maybe in the neighborhood.
You have a terrible neighbor.
Don't go to the terrible neighbor and say, I know your terrible devil is using you.
You don't need to do that.
You use your authority.
There are prayers.
I can't pray here while I'm with you.
When we pray for the nation, there are words I wouldn't say here.

And that's why I teach you about prayer, okay?
Because there are things that we need to do, but it's not right for me to say them on the screen here.
Because even though I'm talking to you and it's us, it's still more public than you would want it to be.
So some of those things I've got to go back, you know, into my own privacy and do that kind of praying.
But there are some of it that there are more of us, that more of us need to do.
And we can't do them in the open like this.
So what I've got to do is teach you that this is what you've got to do, especially in praying,
For leaders, sometimes we have to be very specific about the leaders we're praying about.
Sometimes we actually have to call the names.
Hey, that's not right for me to do that here.
So what you can, and when I'm doing that, maybe for country A or country B, and I'm doing that, and you are doing that where you are, and you gather some of the bread, and you can do that in church, you know, that's private, yeah?
It's in church, in your cell, or a group of ministers in the city,
And you can connect together online to do that.
And you say, we're going to pray about this over our city, over our country.
And then you put in some details because those details are necessary.

And so you exercise that divine authority over those demons.
and break their influence and stop their activities and their use of those individuals in your city or in your country or even in your family or in your neighborhood.
And things will change faster than you realize.
You find people reversing what they plan to do.
Reversing what a plan to do.
There are many things that we have changed like that.
I wouldn't put those details here, you know.
But there are quite some things.
There are quite some things that we have taken actions about.
And I've had to, oh boy, I've got a lot of testimonies.
But I don't come out to say, oh, so I've said this, because those were things that I had to deal with.
But second situations, privately.
And yet it affected nations.
These are important things.
but we have to learn them and use the authority given to us in Christ Jesus.
So like I said, when you exercise this authority, those demons don't necessarily leave those people, okay, but they stop using them to do the things you have forbidden them of doing.
And that's what you want anyway.

Like we talked about something that they were doing in New Zealand.
There are saints of God in New Zealand that will need to take some actions.
They will need to take some actions in the Spirit.
And understand that these things are, they're not okay, they're not okay.
Or what's going on in the United Kingdom, where today the guy who was serving as the Chancellor of the Exchequer was fired and replaced by the guy, I mean he's just been there for less than 40 days.
So there must be some trouble that there's something the government must have been under pressure.
The prime minister must have been under pressure to do what she did.
But who's pressuring this and what do they want?
And maybe, maybe the policies that they were coming up with were good.
Maybe somebody doesn't want something.
So what is it?
Where is this supposed to be driving to?
Where are they going?
So in this kind of situation, when you pray in tongues, now this reminds me, I was informed about a question that somebody asked on chronicles of prophecy.
I hope I'm getting the right.
It had to do with a question on when you pray.
in tongues and then your mind.
Whether do you just allow your mind to think of nothing or do you, what do you do with your mind when you're praying in other tongues?
I think that's what the question was.
Well, except if those communicating that
interpreted it to be so.
But it's very easy.
I'll explain that to you.
Two things to understand.
Firstly, when you read in Romans 8, from verse 26,
The Bible says something that's important.
It says, likewise, the Spirit also help us our infirmities, for we know not what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit itself help make it in a session for us with groanings which cannot be ordered.
Now, this is the Spirit praying through the Christian, praying through the saint.
This is a different kind of prayer.
This is not the same thing as speaking in tongues.
All right?
This is says, the spirit makes intercession for us with groanings.
Deep size, which cannot be altered.
They cannot be altered.
Now, I know some try to stretch this to mean order in articulate speech.
No, it means which cannot be ordered.
It's very clear.
And when we speak in talks, the Bible says we are given utterance by the Holy Ghost.
You see?
And that is not in articulate speech either.
OK, so let's look at it.
Likewise, the Spirit also helped with our infirmities, for we know not what we should pray for as we are.
But the Spirit itself, remember it himself, make it in the session for us with groaning so we cannot be ordered.
Look at verse 27.
And he that's such at the heart.
So is that God Almighty, God the Father.
He that's such at the heart.
Know at what is the mind of the Spirit.
Now I want you to take mind of the Spirit.
Which Spirit?
The Holy Spirit.
Because He make it in a session for the saints.
The Holy Spirit makes in a session for the saints according to the will of God.
Look at the next verse.
And we know that all things work together for good to them.
They love God to them who are the call according to his purpose.
Meaning that that prayer is sure to be answered and it leads to something wonderful for the saints.
Okay, so the important things to understand from this place here is that this is a spirit inspired prayer.
The Holy Ghost inspired this prayer.
He was not the man.
Okay, but he did it to the man.
Okay, so, or to the saint, to that saint of God, that Christian who was praying, the Holy Spirit cost him to have this deep size and to have these groanings.
Sometimes it happens to you, you just, you're praying and then you suddenly you're crying and you don't know, you don't even know why you're crying.
They come out like crying and groaning and all of that.
deep from within you.
So that is the Holy Spirit making that kind of praying to happen to you.
Now what the Bible says is God knows what is in the mind of the Holy Ghost.
What the Holy Ghost is thinking.
what the Holy Ghost is causing you to pray about, or at least praying through you.
You don't know what is dealing with, but God knows what is in the mind of the Holy Ghost.
Oh, so the Holy Ghost has a mind.
Of course it does.
Doesn't Jesus have a mind?
Don't forget, and perhaps since we have the mind of Christ.
He has a mind.
God thinks.
What do you think?
Your mind?
Now, having understood that, I want you to look at another portion, and that is 1 Corinthians 14 from verse number 13.

Wherefore, let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret.
Now notice this is in speaking in tongues.
This is not the same thing as groanings that we read in Romans 8.
Wherefore, let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret.
Oh, for if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth.
Now did you notice it didn't say the Holy Ghost prayeth.
In Romans chapter 8, the Holy Ghost was praying because the Bible says the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
Now in this place it says, my Spirit, not the Holy Ghost.
So when I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful.
In other words, my mind doesn't know what my spirit is praying about.
He doesn't know.
My mind doesn't know.
My understanding is unfruitful.
I don't know what I'm saying.
Because it's coming out in tongues and an unknown tongue.
All right, so I'll read again.
For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful.
What is it then?
I will pray with the Spirit, and I'll pray with the understanding also.
So when it says, I'll pray with the Spirit, that's my Spirit.
And pray with my Spirit, you're told in the previous verse that when I pray in an unknown tongue, that's my Spirit praying.
So if I want to pray in the Spirit or with the Spirit, I pray in tongues, in an unknown tongue, the Spirit's tongue.
So I'll pray with the Spirit and I'll pray with the understanding also.
Now when I pray with the understanding, that means in the language that I understand and that means in non-tongue.
So there's a difference between the non-tongue and the non-tongue.
The non-tongue is praying with my Spirit and the non-tongue is praying through my mind because I know what I'm saying.
All right, now look at this.
I was seeing with the Spirit and I was seeing with the understanding also.
But there's more to understand about this thing.
Let's go further.
Oh, that means here now he's talking about train in public.
That means in the presence of another or others.

So he goes on to let me know that when I pray like this, I need to have an interpretation for them to be able to say amen.
But if I'm praying on my own, I may want to, I may not want to.
I don't have anybody that must need to know what I'm praying about.
You see it?
So in public, when I pray in other tongues, it says it is important that I interpret or pray in my understanding so that they can say amen.
Because if I just bring tongues and I stop, how are you going to know when to say amen?
Or even what it is?
Without to even say amen.
So many times when sometimes our leaders, maybe they're praying and leaving them praying and they're praying tongues, then after praying in tongues for some time, they go, they pray in English language or in the language that you understand and they understand and conclude so you can say, hey, man, at the giving of things.
All right.
Now, what are you supposed to observe here?
is the fact that in your praying talks, there is also your mind.
But your mind doesn't know what your spirit says.
Your mind doesn't know what your spirit says.
But your spirit knows what your mind thinks.
as the Holy Spirit has a mind, and God the Father knows what is in the mind of the Spirit.
So God also knows what is in the mind of this human spirit.
He knows what is in your mind.
He knows what's in your mind.
Now, what's the difference here?
When I want to pray for something that's on my mind,
I may begin speaking in tongues, and sometimes I don't know how to form the words, especially sometimes there are those who have, they just speak some limited spiritual vocabulary.
They're limited.
In the print that way for years.
Lora baccasati.
Lora baccasati.
Then they go, hara baccasinara.
That's about all.
And then they just repeat and recycle it.
Well, but that's because they don't really let themselves flow more because it's a language.
You can speak a whole lot more.
But if God were just listening to just those words from you, they will mean the same thing every time.
So what does God do?
He does exactly what he does when the Holy Spirit is making groanings, because those groanings are not the language.
So what does God do?
Because you see, the most that you can do with the Holy Ghost at that time is to have these groanings.
They come out like groanings of cries and deep sighs.
So God looks at what's on your mind, what's on the mind of the Holy Ghost that's making those groanings, it's costing you to make those groanings.
He looks at what's on the mind of the Holy Ghost.
And he says, he knows what's there.
It's about interceding for the saints according to the will of God.
So also, when you're praying in tongues and you have this limited speaking in tongues, God's not just looking at that.
He's looking at what's on your mind.
What's on your mind?
And that's why you cannot afford to let your mind just be doing nothing when you're speaking in tongues.
Otherwise, you're only going to get a part of it.
There's a part of it, which is a blessing.
When you're speaking in tongues, the Bible says your spirit is edified.
So even if your mind has no understanding and you don't think about anything in your mind and you're just working and you're just driving and speaking in tongues, you will still be blessed.
You see it?
But that's been edified.
But you see, but sometimes there's something on your mind.
For which reason you are speaking in tongues, there's something on your mind.
And so God is looking at what is on your mind, what is on your mind.
And so the Holy Ghost then gives you the right utterance.
You find that apart from speaking in those tongues that you might be used to, sometimes every now and then there's a new outboss.
And then if you let him, if you let him, he will cost you to have the incantations, the spiritual codes that are necessary, or else he will cost an inspiration that brings you what, a prophecy.
And then you will prophesy those words that are consistent with that thing that you've been having in your mind to bring you the answer.
So you see, your mind is so important to God.
Glory to God.
So I hope you got the answer.
And you were watching Chronicles of Prophecy.
Glory to God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Okay, so now we go to Ephesians chapter two from verse number one.

Omasi Karabakasiti, Kila Raga Basoya.
And this is beautiful.
I love it, I love it, I love it.
And you had he quickened, that means made alive.
Who were dead in trespasses and sins?
You were dead in trespasses and sins.
You were not dead in trespasses and sins.
You were dead.
And you had he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins.
Wearing in time past you walked according to the course of this world.
Now, I want you to follow this very carefully, so beautiful.
Wearing in time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now work it in the children of disobedience.
Well, look at the next verse.
So, among whom also we all had our conversation in times past, in the loss of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature the children of wrath even as others.
Okay, so we'll go back to verse 2.
He says, we're in a time pass.
You walked according to the course of this world.
It's remarkable that what he says here is that they worked.
He says, you walked according to the aeon of this cosmos.
Do you get it?
They walked according to the aeon of this cosmos.
The aeon, the course,
of this word.
Now if you look at 2nd Corinthians chapter, chapter 4 and verse 4.

Have you seen it?

In whom the God of this world had blinded the minds of them which believed not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ was the image of God, she would shine unto them.
The God of this world, in whom the God of this world had blinded the minds of them, which believed not.
And then you remember the words of Jesus.

And he told us very clearly, I have overcome the world.
So Satan is the god of the Aeon of this world, the Aeon the cause of this world, the system of this world.
Satan is a God of this world.
That's what 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 4 tells you.
But Jesus said, He has overcome the cosmos.
defeated the devil.
The devil had become the god of a cosmos because he got that from Adam.
But Jesus defeated him and he says, now is the prince of this cosmos cast out.

He said, the prince of this cosmos is judged.
Jesus defeated him.
But what he does today is to influence the cause of this world, the Aeon of this world.
And so he uses his subjects, he uses
Selfish men and women to achieve his agenda.
He needs selfish men and women.
Satan doesn't just use just everybody.
No, he needs something of himself in you.
Selfishness is number one thing.

You cannot walk in love with your selfish.
One of the things, in fact, the major thing that love does not accept is selfishness.
So when Satan sees a selfish man, a selfish woman, that's game.
He can use that man or woman to achieve his nefarious agenda.

Whether it be in a home, in a church, in a city, in a nation, doesn't matter.
In the United Nations, if you can find a selfish man, if you can find a selfish woman, he's going to use them.
we can find a powerful selfish businessman to go and use him.

Selfishness and greed.
These are things that are consistent with Satan's nature.
Remember what Jesus said about himself.
He said, the prince of this world cometh and has nothing in me.
Satan had nothing in Jesus.
There was nothing that He could let claims do, or which He could influence.
There's nothing of Satan in Jesus.
So the prince of this world comin' out, I have nothing in me.
That's the way it should be with you.
Satan should find nothing in you that attracts him to you.

And you know how beautiful this is because this is the reason, you know, in Hebrews chapter 11, and from verse 1 to verse 3, we read that yesterday, but I want to look at it again.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
For by it, by faith, the elders obtained a good report.
For through faith we understand that the words were framed.
Catatizo is a Greek word for framed.
It not only means framed, it also means repaired.
It means to be put in order, to be fixed, to be mended.

So when these men and women of faith, when it came to their time, the Bible says they used the rumor of God to frame their aeon to repair what Satan had done.
Because every now and then, the devil tries to turn the cause of this world in his direction.
He likes to impose his own system on the world.
And He wants us to live in His system.
And God shows us how men and women of faith, how they constructed and reconstructed their aeon.
So it says, through faith we understand that the words, the aeons were framed by the Word of God.
So that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

So when there's a leader in the city, a mayor comes to town, a new prime minister, a new president, business is a yawn for his nation.
And so Satan would like to get him to follow his agenda.
He'd like to influence that man or woman to create or to follow his agenda, to affect the whole nation and probably the world.
But it's got to be God's people, the only ones who have the name of Jesus who can effectively use the name of Jesus to get the devil's influence out of that man or that woman.
And you have to use it.
You have to use it in your country.
You've got to.
You have to speak Aya Kaurasipa Kaya.
Let me show you something in the word, because I was reading something to you a moment ago, and I think you really have to see it.
Now, go back to that Ephesians chapter, chapter two.
We're in verse two.
We're in time pass.
You walked according to the cause of this word.
You see?
You worked according to the cause of this one before you were born again.
According to the prince of the power of the air, what is he talking about?
The prince of the power of the air.
He's talking about the atmosphere.
Have you ever thought about something?
Have you ever heard this statement?
The man came with an air of blah, blah, blah, blah.
Do you ever hear that?
There was an air of unbelief in the place.
Have you ever heard that term?
That's what he's telling you.
He's the prince of the power of the air.
The atmosphere in the region, the atmosphere, there is something about that place.
And if you let it, it will affect you.
That's why the church in Corinth was influenced by the city of Corinth.
The church in Tassalonica was influenced by the city.
Ephesus was influenced.
And so by the teaching of God's word, the person let them know that only through the Holy Spirit could they rise above the spirit of their environment?
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Churches are influenced by the air of their city.
And a lot of times they don't know it.
And you have to rise above it.
You have to break the power of that prince of the power of the air.
Destroy his influence over your city.
And you have to live above him.
They bring an air.
An air of poverty into a place.
A feeling of inadequacy.
The prince of the power of the air.
And he says, the Spirit is causing that same devil.
The Spirit has now worked in the children of disobedience.
It's referring to unbelief.
The children of unbelief.
The Spirit that works in the children of unbelief.
See what that does.
This is how Satan and demons and evil spirits influence leaders, they influence nations.
They try to get those nations to follow their cause.
And many, many times these politicians and these leaders in different categories of leadership, whether they're heads of schools or heads of other institutions, whatever they are, a lot of times they don't know that they're being influenced and being caused to follow a spiritual agenda that they know nothing about.
They caused them to lie and to deceive their nations.
And after the deception, even when the people find out that they have been deceived, they can't reverse the thing that has been done.

Just recently, I was looking at something and see if I can get it here.
This just happened.
Recently, yeah, I'll just read to you.
An apparent confession note was found in the home of a hospital nurse accused of murdering seven babies.
A nurse in a hospital who was accused of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder 10 others.
I was in court yesterday.
Now, the prosecutor said that interesting items were found in her home, in this lady's home, when she was arrested.
A note that was shown to the juris, quote, she was a note that she wrote that was found in her place.
I don't deserve to live.
I killed them on purpose because I'm not good enough.
I'm a horrible evil person."
Then she wrote in capital letters, I am evil.
I did this.
Now, that is very painful.
But what would make a lady do something like this and think of herself as evil?
Because those suggestions were given to her by demons.
A man suffocated his free old son in a bath.
A bathtub.
He said, I don't know, I just killed him.
I had an overwhelming uncontrollable power to kill him and I struggled him, killed his own son.
There's so many evil things that people do.
A girl was told, run, run, run to where?
The train was coming.
And the voice said, run in there.
So she could be killed.
She was narrowly, she narrowly escaped death.
Because some of the fellows around quickly held her back.
She had a voice telling her to get in, to be killed.
These are demons.
They tell people to do things that, in their natural mind, they would never do.
But they practice, they practice on you, they practice for a long time.
They practice by suggesting things to you, and then you think, you like the thoughts, they tell you, they come again and again, again and again, again and again, until they notice you're enjoying the thoughts that they give you.
There may be thoughts of suicide.
There may be thoughts of hatred.
You can hate your mother.
You can hate your father.
You can hate your brother or your sister.
Things like that.
Hate your teacher.
Thoughts of hatred can come to you for no reason.
And you dwell on those things over and over, then move to the next level of suggestion.
How about killing her?
How about killing him?
It's not so bad.
After they hate you too.
Then you think it's your mind.
You think these are your thoughts.
They are not your thoughts.
That lady thought she was evil.
She said, I am evil.
I'm an evil person.
I killed them.
Because she believed she was not good enough.
It's not hard for me to know that those were demons.
They drove out crazy and made a murderer out of her.

And this is the same thing that happens to so many people.
So many people.
Think about it.
The first thing Jesus said as a sign for those who believe in him, the first thing, he says, in my name they shall cast out demons.
That's how important it is.
That's how primary it is.
How fundamental it is.
In my name they shall cast out demons, the first sign.
Because a whole lot of things that happen in our world are influenced by demons.
Because this is the world, this is the system of the world created by Satan.
And only men and women of faith in the Word of God can use the realm of God to change the Aeon, to change it.
And if you don't change it, it can only go worse.
Jesus, when Jesus came, he was not his day.
He was not his day.

Remember what he said to them, this is your hour in the power of darkness.
This is your hour.
So he allowed himself BRS, this is your hour in the paradox.
But he had to function as the seed of Abraham in the Abrahamic covenant to heal.
Is it not this woman being also a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan had bound low this 18 years with loose from high infirmity?
He did it for him because she was a seed of Abraham.
But he wouldn't go beyond.
So much so when he was sending his disciples, he said, stay here.
Stay here.
But when the Holy Ghost comes, he'll be able to go everywhere.

How important this is?
That was not his day.
So he was an intrusion into their aeon.
He was an intrusion.
And that's what the demons were crying at.
We know who you are, the Holy One of God.
Have you come to destroy us before the time?
Have you come to torment us?
This is before the time.

when he came to deliver a kingdom to the Jews.
And at the time they were not ready for it.
The day of his power is different.
The day he will come is different.
It is called his, let me show you, let me show you some.
Go to Jeremiah.

Chapter 23, let's read from verse five.
Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that will raise unto David a righteous branch, and the king shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.
Surah Kabbasiah.
Next verse, I love it.
In his days, glory to God, Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely, and this is his name, Weber, he shall be called the Lord our righteousness.
In his days.
That'll be his aeon in his days.
And those days are gonna be 1,000 years.
Whose days are we in today, my brothers and sisters, until you realize this, you may never stand up to understand this is your day.
Today, this is the day of the church in which we must use all that he has given us for his glory.
We have to.
We have to.
We have to.
We have to.
We cannot play the victims.
We have to.
We have to use the name of Jesus over demons and evil spirits we've got to.
You know, they got strategy.
They got a strategy.
Let me explain something to you about their strategy.
They got strategy.
If you're reading in Daniel chapter 10, let's read for a moment.
Daniel chapter 10, you just go to verse, let's read from verse number 12.

Then said he unto me, if you're not Daniel, the angel that appeared to Daniel.
So if you're not Daniel, for from the first day the doubt is set down hard to understand and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard and I am come for thy words.
Remember when he was fasting, okay?
21 days he had been fasting and then this angel came and told him from the very first day you heard in heaven.
Now, look at the next verse.
But the Prince of the Kingdom of Persia, which stood me one and twenty days.
Thank God he finally got through.
For twenty-one days.
Twenty-one days.
He says, the prince of the kingdom of Persia, which stood me one on 20 days, but Lord Marco, one of the chief princes, came to help me, and I remained there with the kings of Persia.
He remained there with the kings of Persia.
He was arrested, this angel of God, by this evil princess of darkness, until reinforcement came, and Marco the Archangel came there.
to fight them.
And he left and took the message to Daniel in the earth.
Now look what he says in verse, let's read the next verse first.
Now I am come to make thee understand what shall be followed by people in a lot of days, for yet the vision is for many days.
It's a long time from now.
All right, go to verse 20.
Then said he, know as thou wherefore I come unto thee,
And now will I return?
After delivering the messages, now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia?
And when I am going for it, Lord, the prince of Grisha shall come.
Now, this is very, very remarkable because it says, I'm going back to fight with the prince of Persia.
Now, showing that there's something, this thing is happening in the spirits.
Daniel didn't know this.
If he hadn't told Daniel this, it will still have been happening.
Just nobody would know, all right?
But angelic beings would know.
This is the prince of Persia, the spirit being.
This is the evil spirit that was in charge of the kingdom of Persia.
And he was not alone, because the angel said, and I was there, I remained there with the kings of Persia.
So it was not just the one chief prince of Persia.
But there were other leaders, demonic leaders who were there and were stood this angel of God until a more powerful angel came and fought them.
So now this angel says, I'm going back.
I like it.
I like it.
I'm going back to the fight.
I like it.
No, I'm looking for where to pass.
I don't know where I'm going to pass.
No, I'm going back to the fight.
And he was so sure.
He said, and when I'm done, the Prince of Grisha shall come.
He said, when I'm done.
In other words, when I'm done with him, he's not going to remain there much longer.
Says, I know he'll be replaced.
And that's what I will tell you.
They've got a structure.
They've got a strategy of replacements.
And we have to understand it.
And so this angel of God was going back to the fight and he will overthrow the prince of Persia.
and the kings of Persia that are with you?
And then he tells Daniel, how long that's gonna take on the earth?
What a fight.
This one of coming to bring a message, okay, was 21 days in the earth, 21 days for a guy that's fasting.
And this thing is supposed to be in a hurry.
But now that's gone back to the fight, not just so I can pass.
Fights will get rid of him.
And he tells Daniel, I'll show it to you, I'll show it to you.
My, my, my.
Ho, ho.

If you would go to...
Verse 21, I'm gonna read from verse 21, which is the next verse from 20 that we read, and we'll read writing to chapter 11, okay?
But I will show thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth.
Now, tie it from verse 20, so they can understand, we just read 20.
Then said, he knows thou wherefore I come unto thee, and now will I return to fight to the prince of Persia, and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Grisha shall come.
In other words, after I've overthrown the prince of Persia,
the prince of Grisha will come.
But watch what happens.
What happens in the earth?
It says, but I will show thee that which is noted in the scripture of truths.
And there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael, your prince.
Also, in the first year of Darius, the maid, even I stood to confirm and to strengthen him.
And now, now he's telling us what he did.
Now some people think that he meant strengthening Michael.
That's not what he was saying.
the context shows that he was talking about Darius.
And now, when I show thee the truth, behold there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia.
And the fourth shall be far richer than they all.
That means they're going to be four kings in Persia before Persia falls.
So it's going to take a long time, this fight.

I'm going back to the fight.
Says, after I'm done, the Prince of Grisha will come.
But before the Prince of Grisha,
Let's read.
Let's read.
I won't see you again.
Look again.
And now will I show thee the truths.
Behold, they shall stand up, yet three kings in Persia.
And the fourth shall be far richer than they all.
And by his strength, through his riches, he shall stay up all against the realm of Grisha.
All right, now this is not yet the empire of Grisha, this is Grisha, okay?
That's striving, you know.
is getting stronger and fighting Persia.
Now move to the next.
And the mighty kings shall stand up that shall rule with great dominion and do according to his will.
And when he shall stand up, his kingdom shall be broken and shall be divided toward the four winds of heaven and not to his posterity.
Now this is Alexander the Great.
That comes up in Grisha.
So before the Prince of Grisha comes in, he says something will happen in the earth.
You're gonna have four more kings.
They're gonna be four more Persian kings.
So he already knew how long it's gonna take as a fight of the spirits because they're kings of Persia.
But things would be happening in the earth during the period.
I want you to remember, this was at the time.
I want you to remember, this was at the time when these angelic beings had to fight with these spirits that claimed atomic authority over the earth.
And so as far as they were concerned, they were ruling over dominions that they felt belonged to them under the authority of Adam.
And that's what the fight was about.
It wasn't the fight about the heaven.
It was a fight about the claims of the earth.
difference between then and now is that we have legal claims because Jesus already over to them, Jesus fought them, Jesus defeated them, and they don't have that claim anymore.
They don't have a land space anymore.

and we are not speaking by angelic authority or academic authority, we are speaking by the very name of Jesus Christ, Barasotakalabaha.
And when we speak, we don't require that angels come and handle them.
When we speak by the power of the Holy Ghost, we are speaking from the Mount of God.
We're irresistible.
When we say, go, they go.
Sarake ballahai.
I want you to understand what we've got and how we've got to use it.

We have to use it.
Look, when Jesus came, when Jesus came, there was no wrestling with demons.
When he said, stop, out.
And out they went.
Then the people said, we'd correct authority.
He commanded evil spirits, the unclean spirits, and the gold.
He commanded.
The Bible says he cast out the devils with his words, with his words.

So that's what you're gonna do.
You're gonna get together, you're gonna pray.
Just a few of you, you know, when you pray for your city, you deal with those evil spirits that cost them to do things they're not supposed to be doing, things that frustrate the city, the frustrate the state, the frustrate the country, exercise the meaning.
Use the power of the Holy Spirit.
And when you do, rejoice.
when you do rejoice, and listen, and this is so important, this is so important.
See, you cannot, there are some things that don't go together.

Remember, I was telling you,

Some things that the Scripture tells us.
Jesus said, when an unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walks to dry places seeking rest.
Go to chapter 12 in Matthew's Gospel, chapter 12 from verse 43.

When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walk through dry places seeking rest and find that nun.
See, he doesn't get what he wants.
When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, when you cast him out, where does he go?
He goes to dry places, seek in rest and find that nun.
Look at the next verse.
Then he said, I will return into my house from whence I came out.
And when he is come, he find it empty, swept, and garnished.
Then go at he and take it with himself, seven other spirits, more wicked than himself.
And the air in and dwell there.
And the last state of that man is worse than the first.
Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.
So like I said,
You break the influence and tell that devil to stop his operations and his maneuvers.
You're not trying to cast him out of those people.
You're not trying to deliver them because for those people to be delivered, they should want to be delivered.
Otherwise, the devil will come back to them and get them even worse.
So the first thing is we control those demons that try to frustrate our work, try to frustrate what we do.
Try to frustrate us.
We put them under control.
We refuse to let them carry out their activities.

Even mad people know where to do the madness.
There are some places they go to after actions are taken against them.
They don't visit that place anymore.
So in the same way, there are some things you do to demons.
They just, when they come to where you are, they are very quiet.
Very quiet.
They don't misbehave.
Sometimes they come to churches.
There are churches where demons come, all the time they're disturbing everybody.
Once you have done one, two, bum, bum.
After that, next time the country church will keep quiet, and the people in whom they are hosts will be very quiet.
After the service, they can go and misbehave.
But while they are in church, they are very quiet, like St.
Peter and St.
No, because we do see them sometimes.
They just go, ah!
Hold it!
No one will come around you, you cast them out.
They can go and wait outside.
So you have to take actions.
And here is where you've got to be very careful.
Pastors and leaders of God's people.
One of the areas you must be very careful is in music, symbolisms, music.
And I've warned, and you need to take this seriously.
You know, there are people who tell us that the reason they're into a certain kind of music is because that's what
the young people are interested in, or those group of people are interested in.
Hold on!
How worldly should we get to win the world?
How worldly should we be to win the world?
How far should we go to get their attention?
We have to be like them to do so?
That is a confession of your spiritual bankruptcy.
Because if you were full of the spirit, think, just think the very thought of it.
If the apostle said, you see, we have to be like the Pharisees to win them.
That's not what Paul was saying when he talked about being like a Jew.
That's not what he meant.

We reach people all the time.
There are things we do to get their attention, but we don't have to now be like them.
We don't have to have their music for them to listen to our music.
We don't have to dance like them for them to think like we're dancing for God.
The reason I'm telling you this is about symbolisms.
There are dances that people have, and they're doing them in churches, but these dances are demonic.
They're inspired by demons.
And they're being danced in churches by so-called musical leaders and music, whatever they call themselves.
What's actually happened is these are offerings and libations that are being offered to Satan through symbolisms.
And demons thrive on these offerings.
You have to understand.
You have to understand.
Demons feed on worship.
Demons feed on worship.
You sustain them with worship.
You know, proud people love attention.
Demons also are that way.
The love attention.
It's like a proud man whose ego you feed.
That's the way they are.
Get back to true and divine worship.
Don't copy the word.
Don't copy the word.
Music is for worshipping and praising God.
That's the primary thing it's supposed to do.
Don't use it for your ego.
Don't use it for your so-called career.

It's not given to you to make money for yourself.

And I hope that in God's churches, don't give a place anymore.
Don't give a place anymore to those who come as music stars because they come to destroy God's churches.
They don't know what they're doing.
It's been happening for a long, long time.
And it's time to stop.
It's time to stop it.
Pastors, train your people to worship the Lord in truth.
To praise the Lord in truth.
Stop giving offerings to demons.
Look at the music, those who used to call the music ministers.
They dress like the words.
They act like the words.
They dance like the words.
Is that what you wanted to teach your people?
We allowed it for a long time.
We allowed it for a long time.
until the Lord instructed me not only to stop it, but to let God's people know it's God to stop.
And it has to stop.
There's no place in the Word of God for those things.

We must have God's churches return to true praise and true divine worship.
What it is supposed to be in the Word of God.
Let no man deceive you with canal words.
They've done these things for more than 50 years.

And the results have been the same.
Canality in the churches.
And these people don't listen to the Word of God.
Once they are done with singing in your church, they jump to the next church.
And when I say things like this, the next thing is, if they don't like it, they go and start a church.
Because they're not used to sitting to listen to the Word of God.
These are not so winners.
Because it's all about money at the end of the day.
Money and fame.
That's what they seek.
Money and fame.
And so they have used the houses of God for these things for so long.
It has to stop.
And for those who don't want to stop, God will stop you.
Just watch.
Just watch.
Just watch.

And God sent me to tell you these things.
You cannot use the ministry of God for financial gain or to groom your ego.
It has to stop.

So that's what demons love those things.
They love it.
They love it.
They don't mind you singing.
They don't mind you acting like a prison God, but they know that the things you are doing are not scripture out.
They know you have no fear of God.
They know.
That must change in God's house.
It's time to change it.

You know, every now and then, what did you do?
They come up with their album.
I have my album.
Your album.
What is this album?
What is there?

That's your carnality in your pockets.
That's to stop.

I told you, I've got to tell you these things and share them with you.
And I'm not even majoring on it now.
This is just on the side.
And I've shared on several occasions, and there's much more to share with you along these lines so that you can have sufficient information to deal with these things.
And don't let's say it and push you again and again.

So pass across, if I don't do this, what am I supposed to do?
What do you mean, what are you supposed to do?
The first thing is follow his instructions.
That's the first thing.
And stop creating fake visions for yourself.
Stop creating.
The Bible talks about those who create their own visions, visions that God didn't show them, the visions of their mind.
They have visions of their mind.
We call God's visions.
Someone who doesn't listen to the Word of God.
Someone who has no spiritual discipline.
Who doesn't study the Bible?
The Lord told me, he didn't tell you anything.
He didn't tell you anything.
Look at your life.

So, you're going to pray.
You're going to pray.
During COVID, where were all the musicians?
No, that disappeared.
No, where were they?
All over the world.
They were either, they fled.
Their ministry ended.
Yes, sir.
Except that God sent me to rescue you.
But not so you can go back to where you were before.
No, why were they singing?
It was over.
No, the ministry was over.
The churches were shut down.
Their concerts were gone.
They didn't know what to say.
Where was the Word of God in your mouth?

So the saying, God, that sent me then.
It's the one that sent him in now to still bring you this information.
Now what you're doing is not going to help.
It won't help you.
There's a direction from the Spirit.
And we should go in that direction.

Well, well, well.
I'm gradually coming to this beautiful, conclusive moment of phase three, season six, your level of specials.
And we'll be looking forward to another one soon.
But we're going to pray at this time.
And I want you to pray.
And then sometimes you can have things or people, even individuals, like I started when I was explaining to you how sometimes demons can use individuals.
You can really deal with those spirits in the name of Jesus Christ.
Use that name.
Use that name.
Sometimes churches have people that trouble them.
I remember that some years ago there was a church.
They said that the landlord of the building, every Sunday would come and stand there and make trouble for the church.
You know?
Well, and then some neighbors would say, the prison got too loud.
Sometimes those things can be not really by the neighbors.
It can be spirits of darkness.
that inspired them to do such things.
You don't tell the whole church, let's pray against these neighbors, no.
You just organize the few of you.
And in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, subdue those evil spirits and tell them to no longer use those people to do what they've been doing and troubling the church.
It will cease.
It will cease.
And then you claim them for Jesus Christ.
Use this authority.
Use it.
Use it.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
So plan now for your next special praying plan.
Because I don't want you to just listen to this and be excited and go.
No, I want you to have a plan.
have a plan when you're going to pray this prayer.
And even if you have a list of individuals that have been giving you frustrating times, you can write their names down.
You're gonna pray about them and get those devils silenced in Jesus' name.
Oh, sure.
Maybe at work, maybe it doesn't matter.
You just note it, write it now.
The one you're gonna do about your city, about your country, write now, write it so that you will not forget.
These are practical things because if you don't do something about the situation, you are only allowing to perpetuate the previous, in fact, the status quo.
You don't want that in your life.
I like to see the glory of God in my life.
I like to walk in the victory of Christ.
That's what I love.
And I believe that that's what you want too.
And He has given us our Aeon.
And we ought to know that Aeon in which we must live.
What do you see in your Aeon?
Mantokarabakasea, as a victory only, as a success only, as a prosperity only, as a divine health only.
These are the things I see.
I see the glory of God in my life.
That's what I see.
That's what I want to look into my future.
That's what I see.

I see that I serve God.
In the way that He wants me to, to the Word of God, by the Holy Ghost, I see me winning souls of Christ.
That's what I see.
That's what I see.
No man forbidding me.
See the glory of God.
Absolute prosperity and success.
Walking in health, that's what I see.
That's what's in my aeon.
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou miss, prosper, and be me here, even as thy soul prosperate.

What do you see?
What you see is what you get.
And you stay focused.
And keep that Aeon before you.
And use the rainbow of God.
To keep it real.
And anything that's not consistent with it, you say in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I get rid of you.
You cannot be in my Aeon.
I don't see you in my Aeon.
You don't belong in my Aeon.
You're out.
And it will be out.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
If you have not been born again, I want to lead you into salvation the Bible way.
And the time is now.
Say these words after me and mean them from the bottom of your hearts and God will hear you.
Say, O Lord God, I believe in Jesus Christ.
a son of God.
I believe he died on a cross to save my soul.
I believe God raised him from the dead and he's alive today.
I confess with my mouth.
Jesus Christ is Lord of my life.
from this day.
I receive by faith eternal life into my heart.
Thank you, Lord, for saving me.
I have eternal life now.
I am born again.
I'm a child of God from this day.
If you pray that prayer, I want you to know that God heard you and that He answered you.
I want to pray for you right now.
Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus, I pray for everyone who prayed that prayer.
Let the name of the Lord Jesus be named upon them from this moment.
Satan has no claims over them anymore.
They belong to Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God.
I bless them with your words.
I bless them with your love, with your grace.
I bless them with the Holy Ghost, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Praise God, do you have blessed now your blessed today?
We have a book we'd like to give to you, and it's titled, Now That You're Born Again.
If you look at the bottom of the screen, you'll find a code number with which you can download a copy of the book for yourself.
You can do it now.
And there's that learning about this life that you just received and start building your faith strong in Jesus Christ.
Thank you for joining us today.
God bless you.