Global Day of Prayer Edition 14 Day 2
That's not like you.
You're greater than all.
You're greater than all.
You're greater than all.
All the earth is yours.
The nations belong to you.
You made everything there is.
And all of us are the works of your hands.
Thank you, Lord, for your grace.
Thank you for your kindness.
Thank you for your presence with us.
Thank you, Lord.
You may be seated.
Thank you.
We've been having a beautiful global day of prayer since last night.
We've had many ministers of the gospel from around the world.
Share the word of God.
We just leaders in prayer.
Pray together, we just didn't even pray for us.
So it's been a tremendous blessing.
Remember the Lord asked us to do this, and that's how we're doing it.
It's very special.
It's very special.
very significant that the Lord will guide us to do such a thing.
Well, literally billions of people around the world get involved in prayer.
And you'll remember that
For many years, prayer wasn't such an exciting thing for a lot of people.
When it was prayer meetings in churches, it was the least attended meetings, the least attended.
Too many prayer was boring, but thanks be unto God.
When you know
what prayer is and who you're talking to when you're praying.
And you realize that he actually answers you.
It brings a whole new level of dynamics to prayer.
Yes, he is an answers.
Prayer was God's idea, not man's idea.
He told us to pray because he intended to answer.
And that's why we pray.
Prayer is not the weak man's way so he can escape responsibility like many think.
No, a thousand times no.
Only those who don't understand prayer, think like that.
Those who don't know the word of God, think like that.
But if you know God's word and you know Him, you'll understand that in this earth, the most potent thing is prayer.
It's prayer.
We've showed you a few documentaries to help guide your mind and remind you of what's going on around the world and those things that have affected nations
in recent times.
So you understand, we don't just pray.
We pray with direction.
We pray with direction.
We pray with meaning.
We pray with definite desires.
In prayer, we make definite requests.
Not just praying, just, just talk.
No, when you know Christ, you pray with definiteness.
Just a short while ago, about maybe two, almost three hours now, Pastor Benny was, Pastor Benny Hinn was sharing with us on prayer and gave us a wonderful exposé on prayer, benefits of prayer.
To remind us again,
Why we need to pray, what prayer will do for us.
And shortly in this session, I'm going to be asking him to pray specifically for you.
So just get ready.
Just get ready.
But you will pray.
You will pray.
in the direction that was shown with you.
Our God is called the God of Peace in the Bible, particularly in the New Testament, more than any other title.
Did you know that?
He's called the God of Peace more than he's called the God of anything else in the New Testament.
That's how much he wants us to live in peace.
He wants peace for our world.
He's not the cause of chaos.
The crisis and the wars.
What's in the scriptures
He gave us insights into what to do.
What can we do for our world?
And by the way, the world is where it is right now because of what we were doing, because we prayed.
It wouldn't have been in this situation had it been left to the globalists.
I don't like using the term globalist for them for a reason, because that word is such a beautiful word.
Beautiful word, it shouldn't be applied, but the thing is, those on the political left have a way of picking all the nice names.
They pick all the nicest names, like progressives.
That's a nice name.
They picked it.
Lee Brawlers.
That's another nice name.
They picked it.
They have a way of picking all the nice names.
And so when you say globalists, whole release of globalists.
So what
It's a misnomer, but that's what supplied to them in the current crisis, sadly.
They got a nice name.
Had it been left to them, our world will be the way we saw it suddenly in March 2020.
the lockdowns.
And the intention was to spring in for new world order, which had been in preparation for years.
And I told you, this was the best opportunity they ever had to bring it in.
Yesterday, I gave you five, five points on what they're doing.
And I left out the 61.
So I know you wrote down numbers one, two, three, four, five.
The first one I told you, there's a plan for another lockdown of nations.
They're thinking of the best way to do it.
What's dealing with that?
Then the forced currency crash to reset economies.
They've tried to do it in different ways.
It's not working fast enough.
But there are some people who want it very fast, and that's what they're going to force it.
Well, I'll mention something along that line in a moment.
The third one is the glorification of transhumanism.
And we talked about that.
The fourth one is the rollout of 5G with the intention of taking the frequencies to maybe 40, 50,
and 60 gigahertz.
And that will decimate populations.
That's in the working.
Number five, I told you about the National Land Grab.
And I called it Lassany of the Grivesot.
the gravest sought, but currently masquerading as globalization.
So since it's supposed to be one word, no country should have claims to any land anymore.
That's what they're saying.
So first, with gradualism,
They take large sorts of lands from various countries as reserved areas for the international community.
In other words, dipping their tentacles right into your country and picking places where you can't do nothing, it now belongs to the international community.
But that's just the first step.
That's just a first step.
They're not far away from you at Army Base so that if the people rise up and say they don't want it, so just move in.
I told you about the International Army under the United Nations and how they seek to take control
of the armed forces in various countries, where they no longer answer to your government, but to this global central government sitting in Europe.
Well, the sixth one,
is the nomination of an acting global leader that they're preparing for right now.
They plan to nominate an acting global leader and they combat different names.
So they're going to use that to test the waters to see how the world will react
So, of course, with the same Hegelian dialectic.
Think about that and think of the ID 2020 and Khrushchev's disruptionary ideology.
He mixed that together, create the problem, model and control the reaction.
and then enforce the solution.
They used to snook the solution in, not with close swab.
In his ideology, he got to enforce it.
So that's number six.
Make no mistakes about it.
That's the plan.
And the Bible shows us it'll come, it'll happen.
The Bible shows us it'll happen.
So the whole world is johnny in that direction.
And now this nomination of an acting global leader
This particular one is not the antichrist.
This is a fake.
This is an attempt.
They just want to test the waters and see how people are going to react.
And of course, a lot of people are not going to like it.
because they understand what that really means.
But the anagrist will be a transhuman.
The whole point is on Satan trying to gain extra time by starting earlier.
That's what he's trying to do.
He's trying to start earlier because God's not going to let him have extra time.
The time that he's given is three and a half years.
Three and a half years.
in that particularly in the second part of Daniel's 70th week.
So he doesn't have more than three and a half years for the great tribulation.
So how's it gonna gain more time?
Start earlier.
So, but that's an incursion into the church's time.
The church of Jesus Christ was given a definite period, make no mistakes about it, to think that the church is not given a definite time period is to assume a lot of ignorance from the Scriptures.
The Word of God shows us
The church does have a definite time.
And that's why we cannot and we must not allow Satan get some of our time.
We can let him.
The new order is not supposed to be in the time of the church.
Read your Bible.
There are several world governments that the Bible declares from the beginning to the end.
During the church age, the Word of God does not give any individual, any group of people
Any government power over the world, not one.
The church of course came in when Rome was still there.
But the power of the Spirit brought it down.
It took a while.
over three centuries to bring it down.
But because it was a baby church, just learning what eventually brought it down.
And from then to the end of the church age, only the name of Jesus Christ governs everything.
The name of Jesus Christ governs everything.
We have to realize that.
We have to realize that.
So this is a special period for us.
I want you to watch this as a short one.
And then I'll be back.
have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle governs the conduct of nations.
When we are successful
and we will be.
We have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which incredible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders.
After 1989, President Bush said, and to the phrase that I often used myself, that we needed a new world order, that the affirmative task we have now is to actually
create a new world order.
I think you need a new world order that China has to be part
of the process of creating it and they have to buy in, they have to own it.
The reality is, the new world order is a sinister agenda being championed by the so-called elites and globalists who were driven by a morbid psychopathic impulsion to seize control over the nations and bring it under the rulership of Lucifer.
A world order?
to be clear.
Because they're not going to tell you the truth, what they mean by world order.
A world order is the euphemism for a preplanned dictatorship, global dictatorship.
That's a world order.
It is an order of things planned by certain people about the way life should be from their dream, their own plan, and they enforce it.
In February 15, 1950, at the Council on Foreign Relations,
James Warburg said, and I quote, we shall have a one-world government, whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent.
So this is what's happening.
This is what they're rehearsing, the totalitarian regime for the whole world.
Their plan is orchestration of disasters.
And what they want to do is force their totalitarian government, world government, so that because they want to take advantage of crisis.
Mr. Speaker, President Bush Sr.
proudly spoke of the New World Order, a term used by those who promote one-world government under the United Nations.
In going to war in 1991, he sought and received UN authority to push Iraqi forces out of Kuwait.
The first Persian Gulf war, therefore, was clearly a UN political war fought within UN guidelines, not for U.S.
security, and it was not fought through to victory.
The bombing, sanctions, and harassment of the Iraqi people have never stopped.
I have argued for years against our membership in the United Nations because it compromises our sovereignty.
I contend that membership in the United Nations has led to impractical military conflicts that were highly costly both in lives and in dollars and that were rarely resolved.
through wars and other forms of concotted conflicts.
The proponents of the New World Order have employed the use of the Hegelian dialectic model, in attempting to forcefully launch a one-world government on an unsuspecting world.
Georg Hegel was a German philosopher who came up with a basic system for achieving the goals of the globalists called the Hegelian dialectic.
This system is based on three steps.
In step one, a rogue government will create the problem that harms or even kills its own citizens.
This deception is known as a false flag attack.
In step two, a rogue government will control the reaction to the problem which it created by typically blaming it on an enemy or some aspect of its own society over which it seeks more control.
This is why the term false flag attack is so named.
In step three, a rogue government will offer the solution to the problem which it created.
This solution is typically a war or a system of regulations.
The solution would usually not be accepted by the public, had the rogue government not created the crisis, and controlled the reaction to it in the first place.
a government which seeks increasing control can keep pushing society to accept its agenda by following a series of problems, reactions and solutions which it planned all along.
There is no question that there will be a challenge, the coming administration and the arena, of infectious diseases, both chronic infectious diseases in the sense of already ongoing disease, and we have certainly a large burden of that, but also there will be a surprise outbreak.
In recent times, the propounders of this idea have made yet another attempt at season total dominance over the world.
Still a dumped in the Hegelian dialectic model, they created a problem, modeled a reaction of the world.
and proposed a solution.
This time, the problem they created was a pandemic, and from the eliminating teachings of the Man of God, the ultimate goal of this pandemic was the establishment of the New World Order.
Don't think that what is going on has anything to do with the virus, and I'm serious.
It's not a virus.
It's not a virus.
The world has chosen to be deceived, as they have been deceived many times before.
Nothing sells like fear is the motto of top virologist like Mark Fanonst.
Belgian top virologist Mark Fanonst gave on January 22, 2019, at the Chethm House.
A major non-profit organization in London were important world leaders made to discuss global issues.
Winners of the Chatham House Prize include Hillary Clinton, Melinda Gates and John Kerry.
What Florence is discussing is simply shocking.
Thank you very much.
Thanks for the invitation.
And I was asked to tell you about my experiences being the crisis manager, the flu commissioner for Belgium and highlighting the communication aspects.
These are some of my conflicts of interest over the past.
20 years, I guess.
It all started for me at that time, actually in 2006 when I was appointed, this is an unpaid hobby, so it's not a profession or a function, whatever, it's really a hobby that flew Commissioner thing.
On April 24, 2009, that was when WHO said, okay, there will be a pandemic and that's when the other things started.
And then you have one opportunity to do it right.
I mean, day one is so important.
In day one, you start your communication with the press, with the people, and you have to do it right.
I mean, you have to go for one voice, one message.
In Belgium they chose to appoint a
No politician to do that.
I have no party affiliations, and that makes things a little bit, at that time at least, a little bit easier, because you're not attacked politically.
Majority, minority.
That doesn't come into play, and that was a huge advantage.
The second advantage is that you can play in Brussels, the complete naive guy, and get a lot more done than you would otherwise be able to do.
You have to be omnipresent that first day or the first days, so that you attract the immediate attention, you make an agreement with them that you will tell them all, and if they call, you will pick up the phone.
When you do that, then you can profit from these early days to get complete carpet coverage of the field and they're not going to search.
Can you pass there?
Does that remind you of Dr. Fauci?
He played this role so well, didn't he?
All right, go ahead.
for alternative voices there.
And if you do that, that makes things a lot easier.
These first weeks, that's easy street.
When you have no opposition and then everybody needs news and they can come to you for news, you can bring quite a lot of neutral information and it is picked up and it is, well, the news is brought away, you bring it and that is, you can only do that in the first couple of weeks or months.
And then you have to say, OK, well, we will have H1 and 1 debts.
Of course, that would be unavoidable.
I used their Sir Donaldson's quote, where he said that in the UK, by the peak of the epidemic, 40 people would die per day at the end of the summer.
So 62 at that time million people in UK, 40 deaths a day, I worked it out for Belgium.
That would be seven deaths a day at the peak of the epidemic.
I used that in the media, seven Belgian flu, that's per day at the peak of the epidemic would be realistic.
That is true in every year, even in her pandemically.
That is very, very conservative.
However, talking about fatalities is important, because when you say that, people say, wow, what do you mean?
People die because of influenza, and that was a necessary step to take.
And then, of course, a couple of days later, you had the first H1 and 1 death in the country, and the scene was set, and it was already talked about.
And then you have to pick who is going to be vaccinated first.
And then women and children first, whatever, risk groups, they were important.
And then I misused the fact that the top football soccer clubs in Belgium
inappropriately and against all agreements vaccinated.
They made their soccer players priority people.
So I said, I can use that.
Because if the population really believes that this vaccine is so desirable, that even the soccer players would be dishonest to get their vaccine, I said, OK, I can play with that.
So I made a big fuss about this.
This is found once it's braving mad.
But it worked.
The Chet De Ma's organization is also funded by all major corporations of the elite, the Gates Foundation, and the Open Society Fundations.
The spread of infectious diseases has a unique ability to feel fear, anxiety, and mass hysteria says Kloshwab.
In the year 2020, the same strategy was employed in putting the world at a standstill, as fear-inducing news reports pervaded the airwaves.
What's happening right now is not new.
They're parlours.
They've happened before.
In different ways, in different levels.
Now, this is just the biggest one.
So far, this is the biggest.
This is the boldest step ever undertaken.
You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.
And what I mean by that, it's an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.
It's now a historic moment, a crucial moment, who rebuilds the future, to reset our policies.
It's certainly a major crisis.
But it also offers us a unique opportunity.
We must use this historic opportunity.
Together we can turn a crisis into an opportunity.
But this global pandemic has also created an opportunity to build back better.
To build back better later.
But also to build back better.
To build back better.
To build back better.
To build back better.
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To build back better.
To build back better.
for the globalists, their best opportunity yet.
They've never had as wonderful an opportunity as this.
It provided them the best opportunity yet to bring in the one world government.
The future is not just happening.
The future is built by us, by a powerful community as you here in this room.
We have to means to improve the states of the world.
We need to accept that there will be some pain in the process.
The pace that we need will open up for missteps.
It will open up for short digital energy.
It will create inflationary pressures.
And maybe we need to start talking about that.
That pain is actually worth it.
The plan was to infiltrate the nations of the world.
and then take over government gradually, take over industries gradually, and then institute their own system because they must crush the nation's states and create the religious state.
The religious state, headed by Satan Lucifer, it's total control.
Total control.
And the masses of the people will be so happy.
They'll love it.
They'll think it's going to help them, but it's not going to help them.
The whole agenda is to create a one world government where everybody has an RFID chip implanted in them.
All money is to be in those chips.
Right, there'll be no more cash.
And this is giving me straight from Rockefeller himself as they want to accomplish.
And all money will be in your chips.
And so instead of having cash,
Anytime you have money in your ship, they can take out whatever they want to take out whatever they want to.
If they say you owe us as much money in taxes, they just inducted out of your ship digitally.
Total control.
Total control.
And if you're like me or you and you're protesting what they're doing, they can just turn off your ship.
And you have nothing.
You can't buy food.
You can't do anything.
It's total control of the people.
We can't allow Satan to control our nations.
We can't allow Satan to control our cities.
We can't allow Satan to determine what happens in our world.
Listen, what I said to you, this was the best opportunity yet.
to establish a new world order.
The best opportunity because they've had the world in a second position in their minds.
But I always said to you, that in fact during the church, that was a grievous error.
They would have known that this is not the time.
Because the Church of Jesus Christ is blessed here is here for a reason.
were supposed to be winning souls, were supposed to establish the kingdom of God in the earth, and that's what we're doing.
And until we are done, they can't have that new order that they seek.
They can't have it.
You have to understand the timeline of God and God's plan for the world.
There are several dispensations planned by God.
And it's all clay in the Scriptures.
From the beginning to the end, how everything is supposed to be.
And there is a period of time in which Jesus Christ sets up his own church.
And how long that should be.
And we are in that day.
And he told us the various things that will happen during that period.
We are in that period, and during that period, no nation.
You want to tell you?
No nation, no group of men, no single men.
In the earth is given authority over the nations of the world."
For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work, but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so, till he is taking out of the way.
Praise God.
Wonderful, wonderful.
Let me just read this scriptures to you.
The first one is St.
John's Gospel Chapter 14, from verse 12.
These are the words of Jesus.
Verily, verily I say unto you, he that believe it on me, the works that I do, shall he do also.
And greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my father."
The second one is in the same book, St.
John's Gospel, chapter 16, from verse 23.
Again, Jesus is talking here.
And in that day, he shall ask me nothing.
In the words, you will not pray to me.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, he'll give it to you.
Let's read, Father.
He that have he acts nothing in my name.
Ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full."
Next verse.
These things have I spoken unto you in Proverbs.
For the time come at when I shall no more speak unto you in Proverbs, but I shall show you plainly of the Father.
At that day, you're asking my name.
And I say, not only do you that I will pray the Father for you, for the Father himself loveth you, because he have loved me.
And I believed that I came out from God.
That's so wonderful.
So wonderful.
That 26th verse.
So beautiful.
Jesus says, I'm not going to be praying to the Father.
For you, you can pray to him directly.
Just use my name.
That's amazing.
Look at it again.
At that day, you're asking my name.
And I'm not telling you that I will ask the Father in your behalf.
Look at it.
It's nice saying not unto you that I will pray the Father for you.
Because he says, the Father himself loves you.
So you're not going to need an intermediary.
You pray to the Father, direct.
This is just use my name.
That's amazing.
That's amazing.
So go to John 14 again, and this is time verse 13.
And whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
And this time it's not talking about prayer, it's not about using the name, decreeing his name, making orders in his name.
Look at verse 14.
If you shall ask anything in my name, I'll do it.
In the words, I'll be back of it.
I'll make it happen.
Like when Peter spoke to that man who was lame at the gate of the temple called Beautiful, when he said to him, silver and gold, have I known?
But such as I have, give ID in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.
See, he used the name of Jesus.
He demanded that the man had the ability to walk, and he picked him up.
The man was looking at him, but he picked him up.
The Bible says he took him at the right hand and lifted him up, and his uncle bones received strength, and he, leaping up, stood, glory to God, and walked with them, walking and leaping, praising God into the temple.
So we're going to use this almighty name of Jesus Christ.
We're going to use that name in prayer.
We're going to use that name in prayer.
And so wherever you are, look at Ephesians chapter one from verse 21, the message translation, you're going to lack like this.
It's very powerful.
He tells you about Jesus and his authority as it is today.
In other words, after the resurrection of Jesus and the ascension into heaven, here is his current position.
This is his power.
He is in charge of running the universe.
Everything from galaxies to governments.
No name and no power exempt from his rule.
And not just for the time being, but forever.
Did you see that?
Not just for the time being, which means for the time being, this is happening.
He's in charge.
But the Bible tells us how he's in charge.
He says he's in charge through his church.
So if there's a mess in the universe today, it's not because Jesus is running it directly.
The only way he's running it is through his church, through his church.
That's what the Bible says.
And that's why we've got to do something.
When we see things happening different from the way the Father will have them,
We use the name of Jesus.
We enforce the Father's will.
We enforce the Father's will.
Remember what the Bible says about Jesus?
He went about doing good and healing.
All that we're oppressed of the devil for God was with him.
There wasn't only healing that he was doing.
He went about doing good.
and healing.
So there was a way he enforced the father's will.
And now he gives us authority because he's conquered the adversary.
Satan, the devil, has been completely defeated.
And so the Master gives us authority.
Let's use it.
Let's use it.
And let's use it right now.
I want you to pray for your country and pray for the countries of the world.
The next few minutes you pray, before I call Pastor Benny Ian, and he's going to say some words, and he will pray.
then we'll go into another segment of prayer.
Go ahead and pray.