Global Day of Prayer Edition 7 Day 2
Father in the name of the Lord Jesus, thank you for your love, for your grace, for your kindness.
Thank you for the Holy Ghost who lives in us.
Thank you, the precious ministry of the Spirit in our lives.
Thank you for teaching us the Word of God.
Thank you for giving us understanding of spiritual things.
Thank you for helping us know things concerning the kingdom of God.
Thank you for the Bible.
Thank you for this amazing gift of the Bible.
Thank you for the privilege of prayer.
Thank you for the many answers to prayer.
Thank you for guiding us with your wisdom to pray.
Thank you for giving us words.
What which to pray?
We honor you.
Thank you for all that we have learned.
The last few hours in this glorious day of prayer.
Thank you.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.
Praise God.
Thank you very much.
Call you shortly.
I want to welcome you to this final session of our
global prayer day.
And also to thank you for setting out time and giving your heart to it and maintaining this spirit of prayer since we started last night.
For some of you, of course, I know it would have been the morning time.
But it's a little over 24 hours ago when we started.
And during the period, we had
Several ministers of the gospel share the word with us and lead us in prayer.
I really want to express deep appreciation to all of you.
Amazing and wonderful ministers of the gospel.
We share the word with us since last night.
Right after the session that we had, the opening session, we had pasto amando o sorio who led us an inspiring session of prayer and shared inspiring words with us, words of exhitation.
We had a puzzle.
Maria was so inspiring what she shared with us.
She taught many things from the scriptures.
And it went on and on and on until just before this session started.
And I had the opportunity to
to listen to a lot of the exhortations and follow also in the prayer sessions which are very inspiring.
And I hope that most of you also did, at least if you didn't follow so many, you would have definitely been awake for some.
There was an inspiring day of prayer
And just maintaining that spirit of prayer was a great blessing, a great blessing indeed.
So thank you all very, very much.
And I told you that the most important part of prayer, the real blessing of prayer is
Heavenly Father's response.
Because if you pray and God doesn't hear you, the prayer is useless.
But God hears us and he responds.
And the first part of his response is the consciousness
that it gives to you in your spirit.
The confirmation that it gives you in your spirit that you have been heard and answered.
And that's a great blessing.
Just to know.
See, just to know.
Like when you receive salvation, when you receive Christ, he doesn't have to say something to you.
You just know in your heart
That's you receive salvation.
You just know there's a conviction in your spirit that something has transpired.
And many years may come and go and you still know that you did receive something from the Lord.
You receive salvation.
You receive eternal life.
So in this closing session, we've been having several moments of prayer, and we will still do some praying.
But I'll share a few words with you.
Some very inspiring thoughts from the Bible.
I want to read first from St.
Luke's gospel chapter 10 from verse number one.
I read that to you yesterday, but I want us to look at it.
After these things, the Lord appointed others 70 also and send them to and to before his face into every city and place, without he himself would come.
Therefore said he unto them, the harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few.
Pray you therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.
And I thought, if it is his harvest, the Lord of the harvest, he says he owns the harvest,
Why do I have to pray him to send for laborers into his harvest?
Isn't he interested in his own harvest?
Why should I have to pray?
Look at it again.
Therefore, said he unto them, the harvest truly is great, but the laborers, a few pray there for the Lord of the harvest, that he will send for laborers into his harvest.
I thought that was quite interesting.
Why would Jesus say to us,
Do his disciples pray that the Lord of the harvest will send forth labor as into his harvest?
Could anybody be more interested in his harvest than he?
Well, when you have urgency, you don't ask questions.
You just do.
After you have done, you can come later and ask questions, right?
Yeah, that's the way I thought about it.
I said, well, I've got business to deal with.
I should first follow the instruction.
After I've done what he's asked me to do, I can ask questions later.
There are relevant questions and there are irrelevant questions.
Relevant questions are questions that you have to ask.
for the guidance that you need, for clarity.
But questions of, why do you want me to do this?
It's not always wise.
It can be foolish.
When you say, do I go this way or that way?
Well, if he already told you where to go, you go.
If he told you what to do, you'd do it.
If you don't start by asking, so what's the wisdom behind it?
Why do I have to do it?
Because even if he told you why, that wouldn't make you do it.
If you were not going to do it, you wouldn't do it.
I can go into, why?
But the first thing, he said, pray it a lot of the harvest that he will send for the laborers into his harvest.
Are you doing what he asked you to do?
He said, pray.
So, you pray, you do what he said.
For example, he told us that if we would believe in him, we would have eternal life.
All right?
If any man would believe in him, he would have eternal life.
And you say, why do I have to believe?
Why can't it happen another way?
Somebody once asked me a very stupid question.
Why is there a matter of faith?
Why can't things just happen without faith?
That was the most stupid question ever.
Because faith is a part of man's life every day.
Faith is what you demonstrate every day.
In fact, in everything, you demonstrate your faith in eating.
You demonstrate your faith when you go to the shops and buy things.
You demonstrate your faith in the water that you drink.
You demonstrate your faith in the people that you relate with.
You demonstrate your faith in your children, in your parents, in your relatives, in your friends, at work, in your car.
I mean, why don't you think the tires may go apart while you're still driving?
You get inside and you're going.
You demonstrate faith all the time.
And then God says, just a little bit of that to your faith is what I need.
You ask him why.
Always better to do what he said before questions.
But I want to show you this Lord of the harvest and actually what he does.
In Acts chapter 13 from verse number one, the Bible says, now they were in the church that was at Antioch, certain prophets and teachers, as Benavas and Simeon, that was called Niga.
and Lucius of Cyrene and Manain, which had been brought up with Herod the Tetra, and Saul.
As they minister to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, separate me, Bonavas and Saul, for the work were unto, I have called them.
And when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.
So they, Bonabas and Saul, been sent forth by the Holy Ghost departed unto Celicia, and from thence they sailed to Cyprus.
They been sent forth by the Holy Ghost.
Pray there for the Lord of the harvest that he will send for labor as into his harvest.
Now he gets two of these laborers and he sends them forth.
Who sent them the Holy Ghost?
The Holy Ghost.
Good, Acts chapter eight.
Let's read from verse 26.
And the angel of the Lord speak unto Philip, saying, Arise and go toward the south onto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem to Gaza, which is desert.
And he arose, now go back there, go back there, notice something.
And the angel of the Lord speak unto Philip, saying arise and go toward the south.
The angel of the Lord told him to go toward the south to the way that goed down from Jerusalem onto Gaza, which is desert.
It's just a place.
And the angel said, go to that place.
I want you to notice, the angel of the Lord said to Philip, go to such and such a place.
So he went to the place.
All right, verse 27.
And he arose and went.
And behold, a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority on the candidate's queen of the Ethiopians who had the charge of all had treasure and had come to Jerusalem for the worship, was returning and sitting in his chariot, read as they as the prophet.
Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near and join thyself to this chariot.
Now, the angel tells him to go to a place.
Now, who sends him into the work of harvest, the Holy Ghost?
Not the angel now.
Free there for the Lord of the harvest that he will send for the laborers into his harvest.
The Spirit said unto Philip, Go near and join thyself to this chariot.
Where was the man from Ethiopia that the Lord wanted him to minister to?
And you can read the rest of the story.
He led the Ethiopian eunuch to Christ.
The man was born again, Hallelujah.
So you see the work of the Holy Ghost.
It's so important because you see,
The Holy Spirit is here for a purpose.
Can you go to St.
John's Gospel, chapter 14, and I wanna read from verse number 16.
John, chapter 14 from verse 16.
And I'll pray the Father, and He shall give you, now Jesus is talking.
And I'll pray the Father, and He shall give you another comforter, that He may abide with you forever.
I'll pray the Father and He shall give you another comforter.
Another comforter.
Now another translated from the Greek, Allah's.
And Allah's means another one of the same kind, same quality, same type.
So He's saying that this comforter would be like
He himself, because he was the comforter.
I'll show you something in the Bible in a moment.
And I'll pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever.
Why is Jesus saying this?
Because Jesus says to them, I'm going away.
I'm not going to be with you for much longer, but I'll pray the Father.
I'm going to the Father.
When I get to the Father, I pray the Father, ask the Father to send you another comforter that's like me.
And this one will abide with you forever.
That's wonderful.
He obeyed with you forever.
Oh boy, that's so inspiring.
That's wonderful.
But he may abide with you forever.
Look at the next verse.
Even the spirit of truths, whom the world cannot receive.
See, the world can't receive him.
It's only those who believe in him.
Even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it's he or him not.
The world doesn't see him because the world lives in the realm of the senses.
Neither knows him.
They don't know him, but you know him, for he dwelled with you and shall be in you.
Oh, that's wonderful.
He'll live right inside you.
That's great.
So, go back to that 16th verse.
No, no, 16th verse.
And I'll pray the Father, and He shall give you another comforter.
The word comforter is the Greek paracletus.
And the amplified translation gives us seven beautiful synonyms that come out of the word paracledis.
And so I'm gonna read that to you.
And I'll ask the father and he will give you another comforter and he gives us six other words.
Okay, so comforter is one.
from the Greek paraclitus.
So the next one, counsel, helper, inaccessible, advocate, strengthener, and stand by.
Seven words that come out of the word paraclitus, that he may remain with you forever.
So Jesus says, I'll pray the Father, I'll ask the Father, and He'll give you another comforter, another counselor, another helper, another in his sesser, another advocate, another strengthener, another standby that he may remain with you forever.
Okay, just for a moment, can you go to first a piece of John chapter number two in verse number one,
my little children, these things right eye on to you that is sin not.
And if any men sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous.
Now the word translated advocate here is the same word paracletus.
So he calls Jesus, the paracletus.
You see that?
Jesus is a paracletus.
So he says, I'll pray the Father, and he just sends you another parakletus.
That's wonderful.
We have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
On this occasion, the King James translators used the word out of those several synonyms.
They chose the word advocate.
It could have been comforter.
We have a comforter with the father.
We have an intercessor with the father.
Think about that.
Now, by the way, there are other words that translate into being a cessor, so it's not always from paracletus.
But that shows you, because paracletus actually means one that is called to go alongside, you know, one that is called to aid.
That's what's called helper.
See, it's one that's called to go together with you.
He's there to assist you.
So you see, he's a counselor.
He's a strengthener.
He's a standby.
Cancel for the defense.
See, see what he is to you.
So, the Lord Jesus
shows us something that's very interesting.
I really love this.
I'll read it to you.
John's Gospel chapter 16 and from verse number 12.
He had so much confidence in the Holy Ghost.
Look at Jesus in his 16th chapters in John's Gospel.
He says, I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now.
He's talking to his disciples.
He says, I've got a lot of things to tell you, but you can't bear them now.
You can take them up now.
You can grasp them now.
This is remarkable.
Jesus got the Holy Ghost.
Jesus is filled with the Holy Ghost.
And he says to his disciples, I got a lot of things to tell you, but you can't take them now.
Wasn't Jesus ministering by the Holy Ghost?
Of course he was.
The problem was not with Jesus, the problem was with them.
He says, you cannot bear them now.
Next verse, watch this now, you'll love it.
How may it, when he the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into our truths.
Boy, I love it.
For he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever, whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak, and he will show you things to come.
Show you things to come, that means declare you things to come, report to you things to come.
Manifest to you things to come.
That's wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
Meaning he will show you, he'll declare the future to you.
So Jesus had confidence the Holy Ghost.
How about when he, the Spirit of Truth, is come, he'll guide you in tortures.
I got a lot of things to tell you, but you can't receive them now.
You can't bear them now.
But the Holy Ghost, when he comes,
He'll guide you into our truth.
I wish every preacher of the gospel will accept this reality.
I wish every pastor will understand and accept this truth.
What do I mean?
I'll tell you.
You know, how many times have we felt the need to preach everything we know, to teach
How many times have we felt the need to minister?
I mean, think about your church services.
If you were to give up the church services for prayer, just prayer, there's some of you, you can't take it because you just can't imagine not preaching.
You can't imagine not preaching.
I've got to preach the word, I've got to preach the word.
Yeah, you've got to preach the Word.
But Jesus was the Word.
And He said, I've got a lot to tell you, but you can't take it all now.
But the Holy Ghost, when He comes, He'll guide you into Orchard.
What's Jesus saying?
You're going to have an inside teacher in you.
He'll guide you into Orchard.
When this teacher comes, He'll live in you.
I wish we could trust this Holy Ghost like Jesus trusted him.
Did you know he's the best teacher in church?
He'll do better than you.
You know something, well, where in the Holy Ghost that made me a teacher?
Yeah, what about Jesus?
Jesus was a teacher too.
Wasn't Jesus a teacher?
Jesus the teacher, Jesus the greatest rabbi, Jesus, full of the Holy Ghost, Jesus the Word said, I have a lot to tell you and you can take them now.
But the Holy Ghost who will come and living you, he will be your teacher, he'll guide you into all truths, he'll teach you everything.
That's what he said.
He would teach you all things and he would remind you whatever he has taught you.
He would remind you.
He would remind you.
Jesus said, he would take from me and reveal it to you.
Look at it.
Look at it.
Look at it.
This is the Holy Ghost.
habit when he the spirit of truth has come, he will guide you into our truth, for he shall not speak of himself.
That means he won't speak of his own accord, of his own authority.
But whatsoever he shall hear, which means he's going to be hearing direct, he'll take direct from the father, direct from the father, direct from Jesus and give it to you.
You'll be hearing from him, straight from heaven.
He shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak, and he will show you things to come.
Again, the next thing, he shall glorify me.
He'll glorify Jesus, for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you."
Wow, look at it next verse.
All things that the Father had in mind, therefore said, I, that He shall take of mine and just show it unto you.
Because everything that belongs to the Father, He says belongs to me.
So if He takes that which is the Father's, He's taking that which is mine and you show it to you.
So the next time the Holy Ghost says,
The service is going to be prayer service.
You're not losing nothing.
The Holy Ghost knows how to minister to everybody.
When it says it's going to be a prayer service, you're not losing nothing.
You see, I have many things to tell you.
You can't bear them now.
So I have to take you step by step.
All right, so I'll say just a little today and then
some more later on.
Because you'll get the message soon.
What I'm trying to introduce to you.
Step by step.
In fact, by the time I'm now telling you the whole thing, the Holy Ghost himself would have ministered a lot to you.
I trust that.
All right.
But you see, God doesn't leave us out of the whole thing.
You know Jesus was prayerful.
Jesus was prayerful.
And Jesus taught us to pray.
He taught us to pray.
It's important to have an attitude of prayer.
an attitude of worship.
Let me read something to you in the visions chapter
Praying always, verse 18, Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching therein with all perseverance and supplication for saints.
What is saying here is with all kinds of prayer,
Well, this is all prayer.
The Greek is all manner of prayer, all manner of prayer, meaning that there are various kinds of prayer.
And these various kinds of prayer, in fact, he says to us, the word always, and that always means in
every season, all seasons, and all forms.
So praying in all seasons and all forms of prayer and supplication prayer here, the word for prayer here is more general than supplication.
Supplication is more specific requests.
So he says, with all kinds of prayer, pray in the spirit.
So with all the various kinds of prayer, and these various kinds of prayers can be done in a formal way, in a silent way.
Remember the fellow who is praying, and the no words are coming out, only the lips are moving, and the priest said, when are you going to be tired of your drunkenness?
And she wasn't drunken at all.
But she had deep things to talk to God about.
So sometimes there's a silent prayer, then there's a vocal prayer, secret prayer, public prayer, petitionary prayer, all kinds of prayers.
So he says, with all kinds of prayers, pray in the Spirit.
And he says, and watching there on to, with all perseverance and supplication for all saints, pray for all of God's people.
Can you see why we pray for all of God's people a lot of times, we pray for the ministers of the gospel, we pray for all of God's people around the world.
See, we're called to pray like this.
And then it says, and for me, that our arms may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel.
You see?
And that's why I'm bold.
A lot of you pray for me.
See, so I open my mouth boldly.
And if ministers of the gospel are not being prayed for, they can't be bold.
They become timid.
So pray for your pastors, pray that they'll open them out boldly and declare the mystery of the gospel, and they not be timid.
All right, now let me show you something here.
Because we're dealing now with this amazing ministry of the Spirit and our rule
Our role, Romans 8 from verse number 24, says, for we are saved by hope.
But hope that is seen is not hope.
For what a man sees it, why did he yet hope for?
Oh, that's so touching.
Look at the next verse.
But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience, wait for it.
that explains something to you about faith, because in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 it says, faith is the substance of things hoped for.
It means calling substance what you hope for, even though you haven't seen it, the evidence of things not seen.
You haven't seen what you're hoping for, but you call it real.
See, you lay hold to it.
You declare it substance.
It's the title deed for something that you don't see.
Look at it.
Go back to Romans 8.25.
But if we hope for that we see, not then do it with patience, wait for it.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for.
When you're hoping for it, you haven't seen it.
But faith takes a hold of it in the now as though it is already here and acts as though it's already here.
So it's substance, it's substance.
Then it says, the evidence of things not seen.
Where do I have the evidence?
I've got the evidence in my spirit.
I've got the evidence in the Word of God.
You see, for example, imagine that you knew, you recognized the footprints of maybe a leopard.
And you were
Moving around this bush path, and then you saw these footprints, and you say to someone, I think there's a leopard around here.
They say, why?
There's not.
You say, come and see.
Look at the prints.
Look at the footprints.
It's a leopard around here.
It's fresh.
You see, you haven't seen the leopard, but you have the evidence.
This is the evidence of leopard not seen.
Now you're going to act on the basis of the evidence.
If you were out honing for the leopard, now you're ready, it's somewhere around here.
If you were the kind of guy that was afraid and you wanted to tick off, it's time to tick off.
Whatever it is, you're gonna act on the basis of this evidence.
You're not gonna wait to see it first.
The evidence of things not seen.
All right, see where this leaves us in this amazing portion of the Bible.
But if we hope for that we see not, then do we, with patience, wait for it.
Likewise, see, in this way, says likewise the Spirit, that's the Holy Ghost, also help us our infirmities.
For we know not what we should pray for as we ought.
This is we don't know what to pray for as we ought to know.
It doesn't mean we don't know at all.
This is we don't know as we ought to know.
There's a limitation.
So the Holy Ghost helps in our weakness, this weakness, this weakness of a limitation of knowledge.
We know not what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself may get in a session for us.
What is it carrying out?
It's carrying out His ministry.
It makes in a session for us with groanings, which cannot be ordered.
Grownings, which cannot be ordered.
What is He saying to you?
The Holy Ghost doesn't pray on His own.
The Holy Ghost is out here.
The Holy Ghost is around us.
The Holy Ghost is all over the world.
He was put out upon our flesh.
He's out there.
But what everybody has received Him?
The Holy Ghost carries out His ministry inside you.
He is with you, but He shall be in you.
That's what Jesus said.
He has to be in you to carry out the work of his ministry.
When the Holy Ghost said, separate for me, Paul or Saul in Benabbus, for the work weren't I've called them, he was a prophetic word.
He was a word spoken through one of them.
Those who were fasting and praying,
Someone received the word and gave it forth because the Holy Ghost was in them.
They were all filled with the Holy Ghost.
Look at that scripture.
Likewise, the Spirit also helped our infirmities, for we know not what we should pray for as we are.
But the Spirit, old King James translation says itself.
She reads himself because the person, all the new translations say himself.
The Spirit himself make it in a session for us.
The Spirit himself make it in a session for us.
He in a season for us.
He does it through us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
In the amplified translation of Psalm 5, Psalm the 5th Psalm from verse number one, it renders it beautifully will read some of it.
Listen to my words O Lord.
Give heed to my sign and groaning.
And you all know that the Psalms are full of prophetic words, prophetic words that the writers didn't experience, okay?
But they were in the spirit.
He says, listen to my words, oh Lord, give heed to my sign and groaning.
Let's keep reading, you have a lot of good ones.
Hear the sound of my cry, my King and my God, for to you do I pray.
Oh, hallelujah.
In the morning you hear my voice, O Lord.
In the morning I prepare a prayer, a sacrifice for you and watch and wait for you to speak to my heart.
Isn't that wonderful?
Well, you can pray and wait for God to speak to your heart.
I love it.
For you are not a god who takes pleasure in wickedness.
Neither will the evil man so much as dwell temporarily with you.
Both tasks can have no standing in your sight.
You abhor all evil to us.
You will destroy those who speak lies.
The Lord aborts and rejects the bloodthirsty and deceitful man.
But as for me, I will enter your house through the abundance of your steadfast love and mercy.
I will wash up to earth and act your holy temple in reverend fear and awe of you."
Isn't that wonderful?
And somebody said to shut down the house of God.
Something, something's wrong with them.
I will enter your house through the abundance of your steadfast love.
Blessed be God.
Who are those ministers who said it's okay to shut down the house of God?
They don't understand this stuff.
They don't understand it.
They don't understand it.
They have no idea what this means to God.
They have no idea what it means.
Praise God.
All right, so this is really, really, really beautiful.
So I'll take you now to visions chapter six, beginning from verse 10.
Start getting ready.
Start getting ready.
We're gonna pray soon.
So he says, finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.
You remember David when he said to Goliath, you come against me with a sword and a shield and a spear.
He said, but I come against you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou has defied.
He was strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
He said, this day the Lord will give you into my hands.
He said, this day the Lord will give you into my hands.
Not tomorrow, not next month.
This day.
He says, and I'll give you a cuckus.
And the cuckus is of the horse of the Philistines, to the birds of the air.
And the horse shall know this day, this day.
You know, I agree with such stories, story of David, Joshua, and the likes.
Those are the stories I heard as a kid.
From my dad, of course, before I started hearing the other ones of witches and wizards.
And I became afraid.
They had more faith.
Those who were telling us those stories, they had more faith in those witches and wizards, and they were talking about all this.
That's the owl.
They said it was a witch because it's got big eyes.
So if we were going out in the evening time, I'm thinking,
But my dad was sharing with us stories from the Bible.
And whenever I went to my grandfather, oh, he had beautiful stories, beautiful faith-inspiring stories.
But you see, those are the stories of fear, produced fear.
But the day I received the Holy Ghost, all my fears dissipated.
Everything was gone in a split second to return no more.
And I'll never forget.
I received the Holy Ghost in such a quiet moment, quiet experience, speaking in tongues under my voice.
When it first started, I thought it was a mistake.
How could I be saying something I don't understand to God?
I remember tongues.
I just continued.
But I was just right under my voice.
But when I got up on my knees, I was a completely different person.
All fears were gone forever.
From that day, I recognized no fear.
It's an amazing thing, but that's what happened to the apostles.
They became fair with boldness.
Because they had received the Holy Ghost.
When you have the Holy Ghost, you can have fear.
If fear attacks your mind, rebuke it.
Refuse to let it.
All right, so he says, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.
See, you are backed by deity, you're backed by the might of God.
He's behind you, he's powers behind you.
And the beautiful thing is, you know, it's an expression for having a lot of power behind your authority.
That doesn't mean he's
located behind you is right inside you okay all right look at the next verse put on the whole hammer of god that he may be able to stand against the wires the stratagems of the devil
Put on the whole armor, not some, the whole armor of God.
That he may be able to stand.
That he may be able to stand.
In other words, if you put on the whole armor of God, you will be able to stand against the wires of the devil.
Doesn't matter how he strategizes against you, you will be able to stand.
Trust the word.
All you have to do is put on the whole armor of God.
Look at the next thing.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, clearly defining our adversary.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
A lot of times this evil powers, this evil spirits,
live in human hosts as the Bible shows us.
Sometimes the people, you know, they have a devil inside them.
They have an evil spirit inside them.
And the evil spirit can talk through them.
And we've seen that in the Bible.
Jesus cast out devils and those devils talk to him through the people that they into out.
Yeah, let's add the scripture back.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, not against human beings, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places, in heavenly realms.
So, we therefore take on to you the whole armor of God.
that she may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand.
That she may be able to withstand, resist in the evil day.
And having done all, keep standing.
Don't pass out with him.
Having done all to stand.
Then he goes, look at it.
Stand there for having your loins get about with chutes and having on the breastplate of righteousness and your feet short with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
Above all, above all, taking the shield of faith.
Can you see how important faith is?
Now remember,
He's not saying that there is a shield that you have to look for, and that shield is liberal faith.
No, he's saying, faith is a shield.
That's what he's telling you.
Faith is a shield.
Your faith, you already have faith.
Don't look for a shield, call faith.
You already have faith.
Your faith is a shield.
The Bible says God has dared to ever one of us, the measure of faith.
He gave it to you when you received the gospel.
Above all, taking the shield of faith.
Wear it.
Look at that.
With your faith, you shall be able to quench, neutralize, put out.
Oh, not some, but all the fairy darts of the wicked.
Somebody said, oh, the devil attacked me.
The devil attacked you.
Where was your faith?
Where's your shear?
He says, with your shield, you shall be able to neutralize.
Crunch put out all the fiery dots.
Doesn't matter where they come from.
If you got your shield of faith, that your faith will quench.
Zero out all the fiery dots.
Doesn't matter how many throws at you.
I was attacked, not somehow.
Oh, I just woke up in there.
I mean, you don't even do a lot of exercise.
Leave you don't do a lot of exercise.
Sometimes you just stand up and you get, oops.
And there you go, oh, Jesus.
Ah, they told me, if I get to be 45, these things, that's happening.
Yeah, all people's sickness.
Ah, you're saying the name of Jesus.
Buddies, treading out.
You talk to your body.
Yeah, they said they hooked me.
They said they hooked me.
Yeah, they hooked me.
And that's how they hooked my uncle.
Ah, that's how they hooked my cousin.
Ah, ah, you said not me.
Ah, ah, don't matter how many people they hooked, not me.
Devil, you're alive, nah, shakarabasiti.
We don't get hooked.
He said, ah, my enemy is my enemy's leg.
You're holding your leg, and you say it's your enemy's leg.
Say it's my enemy's leg.
Ha ha, but it's my enemy's leg.
What you're holding is not your enemy's leg.
It is your leg.
I got the Holy Ghost.
This body is the temple of the Holy Ghost.
Satan is not allowed here.
Not allowed.
So you see, Satan not allowed.
Not allowed.
He says, take on to you.
Above all, take in the shield of faith.
Above all, see how important it is?
Above all, take in the shield of faith.
Who awaits?
He shall be able.
He shall be able.
Oh God.
He knows.
He knows.
If you use your faith, it will work.
He knows.
He knows.
Your faith will produce results.
With your faith, you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
You know, some people just say, I experienced it.
I know COVID is real because I experienced it.
They say, I experienced it.
I've never been as sick as that in my life.
I experienced it.
They said, my chest was doing like this.
My chest, I was having problems breathing.
I know, I know, I know.
Thank God at least you are able to testify.
Where were you?
When it happened to you?
Where were you?
Where were you?
Did you wander out of the city?
The city called there?
Because outside the city is where you get all those kind of things.
Inside the city day that dwell therein shall not say, I am sick.
That was an illegal transaction.
Where did you go to get that?
Now you're strongly testifying of COVID instead of strongly testifying of Jesus.
I experienced it.
Are you born again?
Are the Holy Ghost?
You know, sometimes when we talk like that, that some people, they don't like that.
They just, now they're looking at you, the corner of their eye.
is because you haven't experienced it.
If you do, you know what it means.
I'm not going to experience such things.
Oh, forget it.
No, I won't.
Because I received eternal life when I received Christ.
Didn't you read it?
Didn't you read it in the Word?
1 John, chapter 5, from verse 11.
And this is the record.
This is the testimony that God had given to us eternal life.
And this life is in His Son.
He either had the Son had life.
And either had not the Son of God had not life.
Does this mean anything to you?
There's gonna be a meditation on this in these last days.
Every child of God, every Christian, every church has to teach this.
Most have never understood it.
They've never majored on it.
Look at the next verse.
And I want you to use the... Well, use the NIV.
Always better in this particular verse because of some repetitive things down there.
I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.
Look at it.
It says, I write this to you.
You, Christian, you that believes in the name of the Son of God says, I have written this that you may know that you have eternal life.
Not that you're going to get it, but that you have it.
You have it now.
And so when troubles strikes in your body, you're supposed to be testifying of your eternal life.
I preached this message on eternal life, how to live this life above sickness.
At that time, I could still be rushed to the hospital, sick.
I refused, I refused to give up.
I spent 10 days in the hospital one time.
I said, no, I believe what I believe in Christ.
I have eternal life.
Satan was never going to get me to change my testimony.
1986, I preached this message.
Three of my friends came to talk to me.
They were very unhappy with my message because they got sick all the time.
And they didn't like my message.
I said, why, why, why, this is, I had to hide the tape.
I hid it.
Two years later, I brought it out.
I listened to it.
I opened the Bible, followed my own teaching.
I said, I find nothing wrong with this thing.
This was now 1988.
I preached it in 1986.
They didn't like it.
So in 1988, I brought it out.
Oh boy, they went wild and kept meeting.
They didn't like it.
Because now I'm still saying the same thing two years after.
He's come back with this kind of thing.
But I'd search the scriptures.
I said, I have eternal life.
In the name of Jesus, I have eternal life.
The years have come and gone.
I've bashed in eternal life.
I've found it not only to be true,
in the written word, but it is true in my spirit, in my soul, and in my body.
Eternal life is at work in me.
Blessed be God.
And I went out of sickness, disease, and information a long time ago, never to return.
I dwell in the city.
That's what you have to do.
Sometimes you can have even ministers.
A lot of ministers can have problems with their bodies.
They're struggling, you know, they're working hard for the Lord.
And at the same time, they're struggling with some ailments, some pain, some something.
Listen, listen, don't follow the experience of anybody.
Follow the experience of the Word of God.
Because if you listen to some others that are having problems,
They'll destroy your faith.
They'll make you believe it's normal.
They'll give you the impression that it is all right, and it is not all right.
What was Jesus like?
You see, Epaphroditus was sick.
Well, was poor sick.
The apostles were not.
He didn't tell us to follow Epaphroditus.
He said, follow me as I follow Christ.
refused to be sick.
And except you hear a message like this that stares you up in the things of God, in the ways of the Spirit.
Your faith will be weak.
Don't let anybody baby you into a weakened Christian life.
Don't let them baby you into it.
I'm told
that the lot of ministers of faith and healing that became sick and even died sick.
And then they like to give a Bible example like Elijah.
I said, well, the Bible didn't tell us that we should follow Elijah.
Didn't say so.
And one reason
It happened like that for several is that they didn't major on the word.
Preaching and studying the word for your growth up to different things.
Study the word of God and build your faith, build your faith, build your faith.
and let the Holy Spirit minister the Word of God to you.
He is the best teacher.
Oh boy, the Holy Ghost is the best teacher.
You have the greatest teacher inside you.
He is the Holy Ghost.
He lives in you.
If you give him attention, he will teach you.
Jesus said he will teach you all things.
He will guide you into all truths.
I told you, two years after that 86, he guided me into the truth.
He showed me that I was right about eternal life.
Oh, how much can I say to you?
How much can I say to you?
Next verse.
Stand there for having your lines got about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness.
And your feet shut with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
Above all, taking the shield of fate, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
And look at this one, it's so beautiful.
And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, the rhema of God, the rhema of God, the rhema of God, not the Lagasse, but the rhema of God.
He didn't say carry the Bible, that is the Lagasse.
He says the rhema of God, the rhema of God is God's word from your heart to your mouth.
It comes out of your mouth.
Look at St.
Luke's Gospel chapter four and verse number four.
Jesus answered him saying, he answered, who?
The devil!
He is written, men shall not live by bread alone, but by every ramer of God.
Whoa, hallelujah.
By every ramer, hey,
Hey, that is the spoken word.
You know, the remark of God is not just a word that is kept in your heart.
The word comes in spite of God and comes out of your mouth.
Comes out of your mouth.
It is always a word said or a word insane.
And this is the, look at it.
It says, the sword of the Spirit, which is the reign of God.
That means in the same manner that we explained to you, that faith is a shield.
Your faith is a shield.
Don't look around for a shield called faith.
Don't pray for a shield called faith.
Your faith is the shield that neutralizes all the fiery darts of the wicked.
Put your faith to work.
faith in the Word of God.
Then it says, and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the ramer of God, which means the ramer of God is the sword of the Spirit.
If the word is not coming out of your mouth, there's no sword.
There's no sword.
The sword of the Spirit is the Ramar of God.
The Ramar of God is the Word of God inspired through your Spirit coming out of your mouths.
Look what you'll do for you.
Ah boy, look what I'll do for you.
I gotta read this here.
John's Gospel, chapter 16, and you've got verse 30 to begin with.
Verse 30, St.
John's Gospel, chapter 16.
They said, now we are sure, the thou knowest all things.
And there's not that any man should ask thee, by this we believe that thou cameest fought from God.
And Jesus said to them, you now believe.
And they said, yeah, well, behold our comets.
This is interesting, follow this.
Behold our comet, here is now come.
Don't you just love Jesus' communication?
This is the hour is coming, in fact it has come.
that he shall be scattered every man to his own and shall leave me alone.
And yet I am not alone.
Oh, sakarabakasite.
Because the Father is with me.
Can you have the consciousness of the Holy Ghost like this?
Like Jesus and say, I am not alone.
Because the Father is with me.
Remember Jesus called the Holy Ghost Father.
This is wonderful.
This is wonderful.
Every time he talked about the father in me, the father was me, he was talking about the Holy Ghost.
When he talked about the father in heaven, he was talking about the father.
Always remember that because he said that my father that dwelleting me, he performs the miracles.
That's the work of the Holy Ghost.
So he says, he shall lead me alone, and yet I am not alone, because the father is with me.
Are you alone in the house?
No, I'm not alone.
The father is with me.
The father is with me.
All right, now look at the next thing.
These things I've spoken unto you that in me, you might have peace.
In the world, you should have tribulation.
You should have pressure.
You should have trouble.
You should have persecution.
You should have affliction, but be of good change.
I have overcome the world.
Now, the word translated word here is cosmos, all right?
The cosmos.
And the cosmos is all of what's
is out the world as it is with its structures and its systems and its content, all of its content, including its inhabitants and the works of the inhabitants such as the whatever is made or created or founded.
All of that is a cosmos.
But there's another word that's translated words that you find in the New Testament.
It's the word
Aeon, and Aeon is the cause, or the errors, or the oppression of system within the cosmos.
In other words, it is the running of the cosmos.
And there has to do with the time ends of various inhabitants.
What does this mean?
Go to Hebrews.
Remember, Jesus says, I overcome the cosmos.
I have overcome the cosmos.
That means the word, all of its content, all of its inhabitants and everything that they can do.
You see it?
I will become all of it.
Now, the Aeon is how they run it.
The Aeon is how things go with them.
So when men run the word,
whatever has been made, or whatever they met, or whatever is the structure, whatever is an operational system that is there already, they can manipulate those things in their aeon.
Can you see that?
So they create their aeon by the manipulation of the cosmos.
Are you following it now?
So they can try to use the content of the cosmos
to affect you.
But the fact is, whatever is within the cosmos that is now being carried out, being fabricated, being reworked in your timing, in your error against you.
Let me show you Hebrews chapter 11 verse 3.
Through faith we understand that the words, the aeon, were framed by the word of God, by the rema of God.
It was the rema, rema framed, rema framed, rema planned, the aeon, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
Ah, so when this
Move from here to here, appeared here.
It didn't come from everything you see.
It came out from the unseen.
You know, one of the words translated from Reema is ting.
This ting, Reema is ting.
When you said this ting, you mean this Reema?
Remised thing, which means it's a substance.
It's a spiritual, tangible substance.
The Remah of God is a thing.
An unseen thing.
So when we speak the Remah of God, we are releasing things.
So he says, put that verse again.
Through faith we all understand that the words were framed by the Word of God, so that the things which I've seen were not made of things which do appear.
They're not made of things which do appear.
They're the raver of God.
God's trauma is something, it's a thing.
So what are you gonna do?
What are you gonna do?
as we pray right now, you will release Rhema.
Rhema is a now word.
And to release Rhema, Rhema is not just, we're talking about the Rhema of God, remember, we're talking the Rhema of God, not the Rhema of man, the Rhema of God.
If it's going to be the Rhema of God, it's God to come from God.
And the Holy Ghost is God, He lives inside you.
As you pray in the Holy Ghost, as you pray in the Spirit, the words will be inspired by the Spirit of God, and you pull those words up from your Spirit, and you will alter them with your mouth.
And those spiritual things will be released into the spiritual atmosphere of your life, and your aeon will be under the control of the lemma from your mouth.
Blessed be God.
O Rakapasetiri Bhagaya!
Control your life.
Control your future.
Control your day.
Get it?
It's the blessing that God has given you as a child of God.
He put it in your hands.
He did.
It's true.
Why did Paul say, I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me?
That's what Paul said.
He said, I've learnt in whatsoever state I am to be independent of circumstances.
Those are the words from Paul.
This is independent of circumstances.
You say he was busting?
What about John?
Whatsoever is Bonne of God, conquests the word.
Ay, ay, ay, ay.
And that word means subdue.
whatsoever is born of God subdues the world.
Think about what they were like.
What were they like?
No, I refuse to be weak and beggarly and lazy.
I refuse to be
Afraid and fearful I refuse.
No way.
I'm loaded with eternal life.
God dwellers in me.
In every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, every cell of my blood.
From the crown of my head to the swords of my feet to the tips of my toes, hallelujah.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Praise God forevermore.
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my,
We're going to pray now.
And as you pray, just pray in the Spirit, pray in the Holy Ghost, pray and ask those words well up in you.
You release them into your spiritual atmosphere.
Yeah, I can have the lovers sing it.
Come, come, come, come, come, come.
Come, come, come, come, come.