Global Day of Prayer Edition 13 Day 2
honor the Lord and thank Him for His grace.
Thank Him for His love.
Thank Him for His presence with us.
The Lord is gracious.
The Lord is kind.
The Lord is holy.
The Lord is pure.
The Lord is true.
The Lord is righteous.
There's none like Him.
There's none like Him.
None like Him.
Thank you, Lord.
You may be seated.
We've had several hours since yesterday.
What would you say praying like this does to our world?
Thank you, sir.
Yeah, hold your microphones by the way.
Yes, please.
If we look at the changes in the past three years since the first property of prayer, which was just about exactly three years ago, it's just been remarkable.
You know, one of the things that has stayed up within so many of us is watching how you led us to taku,
the forces of darkness that were trying to change the world.
And it was looking like from a natural standpoint, there was no way to reverse those things.
But we watched how you led us through prayers.
We reversed the laws.
Some ministers actually said that we were wasting time.
No, because they looked at it naturally and they couldn't find any way
that those things that they had affected could be changed.
See, they didn't think there would be any change.
It all was in time.
Even the vaccine project, it looked like something that was here to stay and nothing could be done about it.
People are not talking about vaccines anymore.
What about the...
You remember?
Yeah, there's no more new normal.
A new normal.
In fact, it looks strange when people are wearing masks now.
They were always strange.
Errantom, what's on your mind?
What are you thinking about it?
Arthur, thank you very much for the opportunity to pray with you and to participate in this global day of prayer, the 13th edition.
Sir, when...
we started, before the first global day of prayer, the world was like it had changed forever, and fear was palpable.
It was everywhere.
And that was the plan.
The strategy was the fear.
The fear, it was planned.
So you let us in prayer, and while we're praying,
You're showing us how to pray and how to deal with the adversary.
Now, it's set the whole world in order.
So every time we pray, like we're praying, I am aware, and I know that things are happening in the realms of the Spirit.
You know, the devil is like a mad dog, let loose.
And, you know, we have to use prayer to... I've never seen a mad dog let loose out.
I'm trying to think what that dog looks like.
How does it behave?
It just runs all over the place and being chased and looking for who to bite.
And probably chasing it's on tail.
He's running around.
So we've put the adversary where he belongs.
Through this Global Deal Prayer, we've set a God order.
you know, from the realms of the Spirit, we've put a God order and not their so-called new world order.
And so everything, you know, what I say to our brethren is the life we're having to live today.
I know, I said to them, don't bother that there are many who don't know about prayer, they don't care.
But we know that we're having this liberty to worship God and we're enjoying our lives like this and the world is the way it is because
we prayed because the man of God has led us to pray.
And what has become, sir, is we are setting and confident that affliction like the Bible says will not occur a second time.
You said the church was somehow... I remember when you said that in, was it 2020?
Yes, sir.
When you made that statement, it was prophetic.
Yes, sir.
Not because people don't get afflicted a second time.
Some get afflicted 10 times.
But that was a prophetic word that you spoke at that time.
I remember it.
Yes, sir.
Because there will not be a comeback.
They can't come back.
They can come back.
Yes, sir.
No, it's destroyed.
Yes, sir.
So it has built confidence, and we just know that no matter what they plan, and they have not stopped to make failed attempts,
You said it is failed attempts.
We are aware.
They're looking for every way to get back there, but they cannot because we are praying.
There are times that people think that how can you make such an impact in prayer?
Just because they are not part of the prayer, they assume
that until the whole world agrees and wants to pray.
Somebody actually said so.
He said,
Things that happen all over the world.
And all you do is spray.
He said, all you do.
I said, you call it all you do.
This is all we need to do.
I said, you don't know that this is all we need to do.
He said, all you do is spray.
I said, while we're not getting, while we're not talking to the government, we're not speaking and all that.
I said, you're wasting your time.
I said, you're wasting your time.
You've done all that all these years, and nothing happened.
You're calling it.
They don't understand what happened to the governments.
The governments were captured.
I told you, it was state capture.
That was the real state capture.
They were trying to prosecute Jacob Zuma, former president of South Africa, for what they called state capture.
And their definition of state capture was misleading.
That wasn't state capture.
What were prosecuting him for?
What happened in South Africa and the rest of the world
was actually state capture.
And the other one was just a smokescreen to get you to be deceived and not to understand the true definition of state capture.
And if you look back at 2020 from then, even till now, one of the things they've tried to do is to redefine
a lot of policies and terms, whether they be political, held, or otherwise.
They've tried to redefine these things so that we can't think.
It's called gaslighting.
They want us to think, we don't know what we're doing, that we are the ones that are stupid.
We have forgotten what was, what it was.
But we understand far beyond them what is happening to them.
We know better.
We know what's happening to them.
Because of what the Word of God tells us.
The Bible is instructive enough.
How many people does God need to pray for a nation?
Praise the Lord.
Pastor, thank you so much for the global day of prayer.
And for this question, I'm so grateful.
Pastor, there is a term that you've used, used it yesterday.
You used it on the message of the week on PCDL.
You called it effective praying.
Effective praying.
And in fact, we have a book called How to Pray Effectively.
And when you understand effective praying, you realize that it doesn't have to be everybody that is praying.
It has to be the one that knows the
how to engage in prayer and that knows the will of God in a situation.
Because when you're on the Lord's side, it makes no difference how many people are speaking against you or not speaking with you.
You are now God's voice and you are God's person at that hour.
So through the direction and a lot of times through prophetic insight, you helped us to pray for the right thing at the right time.
We found ourselves addressing the root cause, not symptoms.
So we're dealing with precision.
There was precision in our prayers.
And several times you tell us, this is what they're saying, but this is what we should look at.
And then we go for that and everything else melts away.
So it's about praying effectively.
And we have the knowledge, the tools to pray effectively.
Of course, the Lord gave us the tools to pray effectively.
But many in the church didn't even know that they should be praying.
But by the grace of God, we found ourselves as God's answer at that time.
And thank you, Pastor, for leading us into the future that he already saw with us playing a key role for his own master plan.
Glory to God.
We're going to do a song, did less love.
And you know, I was just thinking about something.
Why does God ask us to pray?
Why does he ask us to pray?
He knows everything.
Still, he tells us to pray.
Why does he ask us to pray?
Pastor, thank you so much for, you've already answered this question separately.
And that is one of the reasons.
Pastor, the devil meant the COVID pandemic was meant for, so much even for the world.
But Pastor, I turned out for so much good, so unbelievable good, because the length
about tackling the devil and keeping him in his place before the time.
And also you've been teaching us, you've brought so much revelation of the world to us that we are bolder, we are more confident, we can pray effectively.
And then
From 2020 to now, like Pasadena was saying, you helped us to develop a mindset.
We're no longer gullible.
We don't believe everything the media sees.
When they tell us something, we're not going to do it.
And they don't like that.
Because they don't like you to think.
They want you to accept whatever they say without questions.
But those days are gone forever.
Yes, but not only do we even know we're able to question, we're able to pray about those things effectively and cause the changes.
Now we know we can cause changes in everything, in our city, in the nation, in all the globally.
The dictators don't like people who ask questions.
You said that why does God ask us to pray?
You said in one of our messages that
God wants us to pray because then it becomes consistent for Him to do for us.
what might have been inconsistent, according to his nature of righteousness and justice, to do at we not prayed.
So it's God's mercy.
Those that criticize us praying, if they know the good prayer is bringing to them, they should be thanking God that we're praying and joining us, because except we prayed, so much would go awry in this world.
And I'm very confident.
One of the things I've been thinking about is that
How beautiful it is that we're praying to the God who is the most powerful, the most awesome, the wisest, the kindest, and then the most loving.
Thank God that we have the most powerful person being the most loving, what a combination.
And that's the one we're praying to.
That's the one that asked us to pray.
So we're pretty confident.
Now the choir will sing and lead us in the dateless love.
Thank you for your love.
Oh, what some beauty displays.
The end is worth of your spending time.
Earth and all that is in it will create him the Lord.
The grandeur of ill-glow me is beyond words to explain.
No devastating notch and no understanding.
Can't unravel your wisdom.
For your glory is on You created me Because of your deadness
More some beauty to stand.
Oh, you're slender.
The earth and all that is in there.
You created love.
When your glory gives me a word to us, then no depth of knowledge can understand, can arise.
Lord you created me because of your deadly love.
Your love is the greatest, the highest.
No white as an old heart, nothing's so tough, warmer and stronger.
Nothing's so fun, many are not that sad.
And the light won't come safe, and precious, and precious.
Let the Lord feel friendly, yeah.
God come for me.
Your love is the greatest, the highest, the deepest, and the
Nothing's softer, warmer and stronger.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're on that side.
Nothing's over, then you're
You're living this wisdom, power and glory.
Every atom of creation is mine.
You're living this wisdom and the world's
You're living this wisdom, power and glory.
Hear me on top of creation.
Hear me on top of creation.
Hear me on top of creation.
Hear me on top of creation.
This day is your wisdom, hold on.
Every one tongue, a bridge on the floor.
And I want to tell you that you're dead, Lord.
You're dead, Lord.
It's amazing.
It's amazing.
It's amazing.
You're dead, Lord.
You're for your deadness love It's so amazing It's so refreshing Your deadness love Your deadness love It's amazing It's amazing It's amazing Your deadness love
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
How wonderful you are.
How wonderful you are.
Thank you for your love.
Thank you for your grace.
Thank you for your kindness.
Thank you for the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
You may be seated.
I want to thank the wonderful ministers of the gospel around the world who helped us since yesterday.
sharing the word of God with us and encouraging us and praying with us.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Thank you for sharing God's word.
God's love with us.
Thank you for praying with us and for us.
Thank you so much.
This is our
closing session for this Global Day of Prayer.
And we've given time to fasting and praying.
And as you know, in God's Word, when we do this, it's never for nothing.
He asked us to pray.
He invited us to pray because the intended answer.
He said to the children of Israel, I never asked you to seek me in vain.
It's never in vain.
Never in vain.
I'm still going to pray in this session.
I want to show a few thoughts with you along the lines of
What we discussed yesterday.
And I believe that this will help you have a lot of confidence when you pray in the Spirit, especially.
Because that's the only way you can pray
praying in the Spirit.
Let me read some things to you from the Word of God.
The first part of my discussion will be in dealing with Satan and demons.
There are so many things that demons do.
In fact, if you look at what the Lord said to us in Sir Mark's Gospel, chapter 16.
Remember, these were among his parting words.
Sir Mark's Gospel, chapter 16 from verse,
This is among his last words to us.
Maybe I should read it from verse 14.
So you get it and understand what this is coming from.
Afterward, he appeared onto the 11 as they sat at me.
Remember that now 11, Judas is scarred.
at killed himself.
After what he appeared unto the 11 as they sat at meat and operated them with their own belief and the hardness of heart because the belief not them which had seen him after he was risen.
And he said unto them, go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
He commanded us to go into every man's world, preach the gospel and we're doing it.
No man forbidding us for doing it.
He asked us to do it.
He gave us authority.
He commanded us to do it.
No power nerd can stop us from doing it.
Then he's here in the 16th verse, he that believe it and his baptized shall be saved.
But he that believe it not shall be damned.
And these signs shall follow them that believe.
He says, these signs shall follow them that believe.
In my name shall it cast out devils, first of the signs.
Really from the New King James translation.
And these signs will follow those who believe.
In my name, they will cast out demons.
I want to say the word demons there, for devils.
It's only translated devils in the King James translation.
Most other translations use the word demons, because that's exactly what I was talking about.
If you look at the Greek word for it, means demons.
In my name shall they cast out demons first of the signs.
They will speak with new tongues.
Then they say they'll take up suprance.
And they'll drink any deadly thing.
Anything, anything deadly, anything poisonous, deadly.
It will by no means hurt them.
That's wonderful.
Then he says, they'll lay hands on the sick and they will recover.
Jesus said so.
Jesus said so.
So when you look at these several signs that he gave, the first of them being cast in out of demos helps you understand the significance of their activities.
And in Jesus' ministry to people, he cast out a lot of demos, lots and lots of demons, showing us that they are responsible for most of the afflictions that people suffer with.
So I want to show you from the word Jesus and Canada would Satan to begin with and then demons.
So let's go.
Somebody's gospel chapter four from verse one.
Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.
And when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights, he was afterward and honored.
And when the tempter came to him, he said, if thou be the son of God, command that these stones be made bright.
The tempter, he called Satan, the tempter.
The tempter came to him.
The tempter came to Jesus.
He said to him, if thou be the son of God, command that these stones be made bread.
You know, in the previous chapter, God had just confirmed that he was his son.
This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.
So right away the devil comes and says, if you are the son of God, he's questioning God's word.
You know, that's the same thing that happens to a lot of people after they're born again.
The difference is, oh, really?
You're born again.
If you're born again, why don't you do this?
Why don't you say this?
Can you do this?
Questioning what the Word of God has done in your life.
If you're healed, then do this.
If you're truly healed, don't listen to him.
If you're going to respond to him,
Do what Jesus did.
I'm gonna show it to you.
Some reading verse two again, and when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights, he was afterward and ungird.
And when the tenta came to him, he said, if thou be the son of God, command that these stones be made by egg.
But he answered.
Jesus answered and said, it is written.
Look at that.
He points to the word.
Men shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God."
The devil wasn't true.
Since then, the devil took it him up into the holy city and set it him on a pinnacle of the temple.
That was five.
It's very, very interesting.
I've explained it before, but it's an area I like to talk a little bit about.
Maybe I'll leave it for today so we don't digress too much.
It's about what he says, then the devil take it him up.
So the devil took Jesus up.
Let's follow the temptation line.
He says, if thou be the son of God cast thyself down for this written, he shall give his angels charge concerning thee, and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against the stone.
Kotsir out of context.
Completely out of context.
Look at this.
Jesus said unto him, he is written again.
Satan's throwing God's word to Jesus, Jesus firing back with God's word.
It is written again, thou shalt not tip the Lord thy God.
Again, the devil took it him up into an exceedingly high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of him and said unto him, say he's chosen all the kingdoms of the world in the moment of time.
and saved you.
All these things will I give thee, if thou would fall down and worship me.
He wanted Jesus to worship you.
If you were sing for me, I'll take you to the whole world.
And that took some people out of the choir.
Sure did.
And they began to sing for the world.
In the process, they were singing for Satan.
Then said, Jesus on to him, I like this spot, the God verse 10.
Then said, Jesus on to him, get out of here.
That's the meaning of get the hence.
It means get out of here.
That's casting out the devil.
Get out of here, Jesus said get out of here, get out of here.
The original word in Hebrew signifies, sync out.
Sync out.
He just get out of here, Satan, for this written down shall wash up the Lord thy God, and he only shall now serve."
Did you notice?
He gave the word.
See, he commanded Satan to get out, and Jesus went on and gave the word.
How important is that?
Jesus is showing us how to deal with Satan.
And on that occasion, in Matthew's Gospel, chapter 16, we're gonna read from verse number 20.
And see exactly what happened here.
then charge thee his disciples that they should tell the man that he was Jesus the Christ.
From that time forth began Jesus to show on to his disciples how that he must go on to Jerusalem and suffer many things of the airless, and chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day.
So Jesus said these things.
What happened?
Verse 22, then Peter took him.
Remember, this is Matthew chapter 16, where just previously Jesus had praised Peter when he said, now on the Christ, the son of the living God.
And Jesus said, wow, Peter, you had a revelation from God.
So now Jesus says,
He's going to be killed.
His days are numbered.
And Peter wants to demonstrate more revelation.
So the Bible says, Peter took him and began to rebuke him.
Peter took Jesus and began to rebuke him.
Saying, be it far from the Lord, this shall not be unto thee.
In other words, stop speaking negatively.
See, it tells you Jesus was teaching them how to speak positive.
He taught them the language of faith.
So now he's talking about, so I'm gonna die, I'll be arrested in Jerusalem, then I'm gonna be killed.
Peter couldn't handle that, yep.
Master, what are you doing?
You're supposed to be speaking positively.
And for you don't understand that, the picture I'm giving you is exactly, I'm very accurate in this picture I'm giving you.
I'll show it to you in a second.
All right, so I'll read to you, no, no, no, let's read.
Then Peter took him and began to rebuke him saying, be it far from the Lord, this shall not be on to thee.
Look at the next verse.
What he turned and said on to Peter.
What do you mean he turned?
He turned.
The original says he turned around.
He turned around and said to Peter.
Now you have to read it from the other synoptic writers.
Here's what the Bible says.
When Peter said that to him, Jesus turned to look at the other disciples.
He turned to look at all of them.
You see it?
Because Peter just said something, which they may have been thinking about.
Master's talking negatively, what's going on here?
So he turned around and looked at them, viruses he looked at these disciples.
This one says, he turned around.
But he turned actually to look at his disciples, all of them, and got back to Peter.
Now, some Bible scholars said that he turned away from Peter.
No, that word doesn't just mean turn away, it means to turn around.
It means to turn around or to turn back.
Now, to turn back means to not just to turn back, like you turn to your back.
No, it means to turn back to where you were looking at.
Meaning he turned off.
Turn back to the one who was addressing.
So that's what happened.
Okay, so let's go back and read it.
But he turned, no, no, but he turned and said unto Peter, get me behind me.
So Jesus knew who he was addressing.
Even though he turned to Peter, he wasn't Peter.
He was addressing Satan because Satan was talking through Peter.
Peter voiced Satan's words.
So let's read.
Verse 23, what he turned and said unto Peter, get thee behind me.
Satan, thou art enough things unto me, for thou severs not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.
For kneel means to mind.
You don't mind.
You don't make good.
The things that be of God.
But the things that be of men.
So the first one we read, he said, get out of here.
Said that to Satan.
Now this time he says, get behind me.
Because he's headed to Jerusalem.
He's on course.
He's pursuing his vision.
He's going to die.
And Satan's trying to hinder him.
He says, oh no, you're not really going to die.
Don't talk about dying.
He's trying to dissuade him from proceeding on this course.
And Jesus says, I'm headed to Jerusalem.
Get behind me.
You see it?
Here's how you deal with Satan.
Get out of here.
So really we can ask him to get out of here.
Where is he?
Here is where I'm effectively operating.
Do you get it now?
Here can be your home.
You've got authority that much.
You've got authority that much.
In your home, if you're in charge of that home.
If you're not in charge of that home, you may need a little more authority, maybe a little more.
That's just how far you can go.
Now, we can talk about that in more details.
But you have to understand that we grow in the domain given to us.
Even the name of Jesus works everywhere.
But you see, you can affect and influence the things that belong to others to a certain degree.
to a certain degree until you require their involvement in their cooperation.
Same thing with Jesus, that's why he said, if you have faith, when the sick came to him, he says, according to your faith, be it unto you.
They needed their faith.
They needed to believe in him.
So that's how far you can go.
And when it comes to your city, how far can you go?
How many of us can trade in such a way?
Here's the need for intercession.
Otherwise, you just exercise authority and say, get out of here, devil.
And of course you'll go.
But those people have their own
They have their own will.
They can decide to reinvide Satan back into their lives.
You can stop them.
It's a choice.
It's a choice.
So that's why you're in a seed.
You go from commanding the devil to innocent for those people and against the forces of darkness.
You're trying to destroy them.
So you move from just telling the devil, get out to intercession and supplication.
Intercession and supplication.
Prayer, supplication, entreaties, partition.
These are all synonyms.
In which case, you're like,
You're like a lawyer presenting your case.
It's like an argumentative prayer.
See, that's why it takes more time.
Because now you're praying to God because those people are ignorant and that's why they're letting the devil come back into their lives.
And you are standing in the gap for them.
like you're fighting for them and you are rebuking the devil and giving scriptures why the devil must let them go.
You see, they're not directly under your authority.
If they were directly under your authority, you said, devil, get out of here.
For example, maybe it's your son, maybe it's your daughter.
And they are within the age where you're still in control of what they do.
And then you say, devil, this is my daughter.
This is my son.
Take your hands off my child.
Get out.
And the devil listened to you.
He's got to go because you're exercising authority.
And sometimes, as long as certain people are under your cover, you can also exercise authority over them and over their circumstances to a certain degree.
For example, I remember years ago,
I went on a trip with a friend of mine with a couple of others.
So we had a few preaching engagements.
And because I was suffering with this stomach problem,
I wouldn't eat anything because whatever at that time, within 30 minutes of eating it, I'll throw it up.
So just gonna keep something in my stomach.
And I'll be looking for maybe I just wanna drink water or I'm looking for some little things.
I couldn't eat real food.
And all the time, they were bringing out all these nice things, you know?
And now just stay.
And he was wondering, are you fasting?
I said, no, not fasting.
So why are you not eating?
I don't want to eat.
Then finally, we got to a restaurant.
They wanted to eat.
I had to follow them to the restaurant.
Couldn't just stay back in the car.
Why are we in this restaurant?
Nice food again.
And I'm just playing with some little stuff.
I'm not eating.
He said, why are you not eating?
Even here?
I said, OK, let me tell you.
I'm having real trouble with my stomach.
If I eat anything, I throw it up.
So I don't want to eat.
He said to me, in that case, as long as we are together on this trip, you will not have any problem with your stomach.
I said, OK.
I submitted myself immediately to his words.
I said, OK.
I was going to hang on to what he said.
I didn't have enough faith for mine.
I've been casting and rebuking for years.
Nothing changed.
So now,
When he said it, I hung on to his words.
Then I said, OK.
So they brought the food.
Normally, even if I was going to try anything, it wasn't going to be this one.
And they brought the food.
I added, and guess what?
All the time, from then, I said, I eat it.
I would not eat.
No problem.
No problem at all.
No problem.
Because he said so.
Said, as long as we're to get on this trip, you're not going to have any problem with your stomach.
I said, great, how is?
You know what?
There was no problem until we were done with the trip.
We're going back home, and no problem came back.
First thing I would eat, it was, oh.
I said, but it worked.
But in my mind, I knew why.
I was holding on to his words.
So I submitted myself to his authority throughout that journey to produce results.
So there's how Father can go with you in helping you.
when you're on the authority of another who's got faith enough to control things.
Where is God?
So we can do that, but there's more.
There's more.
I want us to look at how Jesus dealt with, I read a story to you yesterday from St.
Mark's Gospel.
The man, the demon-possessed man in Qadar.
This time, I'm already from another writer.
Just so you can get a few pictures.
Selix gospel chapter eight.
from verse 27.
And when he went for it to land, they met him out of the city, a second man, which had devils long time and wore no clothes, neither a boat in any house, homeless, but in the tombs.
When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell down for him.
And with a loud voice said, what have I to do with thee?
Jesus, thou son of God, most high.
I beseech thee to meet me not.
Look at this verse, verse 29, in parenthesis, for he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man,
So Jesus commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man, and he hadn't come out.
For the man, brought him to a Jesus.
For oftentimes, he'd have taught him, and he was kept bound with chains and in feathers, and he broke the bands, and was driven of the devil into the wilderness.
That's interesting.
Next verse.
And Jesus asked him, saying, what is thy name?
And he said, Legion, because many devils were entered into him.
And they besought him, but he would not command them to go out into the deep.
Now, when I read to you yesterday from Saint Mark's Gospel, the part that you saw was they besought him, but he would not send them out of the country.
Now they say to him,
Please don't send us into the abyss.
This is interesting.
You know, you would think, oh, they know they're gonna be thrown into the abyss.
And so Jesus is here and they're saying to him, please don't send us to the abyss.
Please don't send us that that's not the way.
That's not the way they said it.
These rascars, they understood better than that.
So if you were thinking that they were there bleeding with Jesus, they begged him a lot.
But let me show it to you from St.
Matthew's Gospel.
So Matthew chapter eight.
I'm going to read from verse 27.
What the men maverick say in what manner of man it states that even the weans and to see obey him.
And when he was come to the other side, into the country of the gadgetsanes, did you notice gadgetsanes?
written differently, it's the same as the gatherings, okay?
Matthew uses the term gadgetsings, gadgetsings, gadgetsings, and the others use gadora.
The land of the gatherings is the same.
Now, another difference that you observe here is that Matthew tells us that there were two of them.
It tells us that there were two of them.
And another thing, it's Matthew who also tells us in the story of blind body members that there were two.
Why did Matthew tell us that?
Because Matthew was writing particularly to the Jewish audience and he needed to be clear about witnesses.
Others wrote about the most significant
a character of both cases.
But Matthew wanted you to know that there were two because of witnesses.
The word from the amount of two or more witnesses, the law said, was true.
So here, I'm still taking you somewhere, but I just pressed to show you about these gaggy scenes.
The Merrim II possessed with devils coming out of the tombs, exiting fierce, so that no man might pass by that way.
And behold, it cried out saying, what are we to do with the Jesus, thou son of God?
I thou come, he that to torment us before the time, see?
Can you see that?
So they're not just saying, oh, please don't send us the obvious.
They're saying, you can't do that before the time.
They know they're going to end up there.
So they said, but you're not going to do it before the time.
So it was a legal plea.
It was a legal plea.
That's very important.
So what have we to do with the Jesus, our Son of God?
And thou come he that to torment us before the time?
You can't do it before the time.
But they don't mind, these demons, they don't mind doing things before the time.
And that's why we see it, the control of Satan.
Satan's control of the world will take place according to the Bible, but not today, not now, not at the time that the Church of Jesus Christ is operating in the earth.
They're not supposed to.
They're not supposed to have their one world governments.
While the church is here, they're not supposed to.
There are a lot of things they want to do which the Bible shows us what happened in this world, but all those things are supposed to happen after the church is caught away, taken away from this world.
We can't let them have their day.
Why were he?
That's why we insist.
But you know, if you don't know the word of God, you accept anything that they're passing out.
You accept anything.
You think it's normal.
It's not normal.
It's not normal.
What they're doing in the financial situation of the world is not right.
Their plan is the enslavement of man and make no mistakes about it.
A lot of them don't even know.
They don't even know what they're doing.
They have no clue.
This man that we're writing about, the barber says why he was in the cemetery, there's where he lived.
In the terms, he lived there.
The barber says night and day he was cutting himself with stones.
Bleed in.
Had no idea what was going on.
His family of friends and friends trying to hold him, trying to bind him with fattice.
He broke the chains and broke the fattice, got himself loose and went back there.
I had no idea what he was doing to himself.
Many times when the devil takes over our human life, he makes that person believe
that whatever he or she is doing is his own choice.
But it's been misled.
He's given suggestions.
He accepts those suggestions, not realizing it's not his mind.
There are a lot of people who have thoughts of suicide.
They think it's their own mind.
It's not your mind.
Satan is the one suggesting to you.
And you don't know it because you're not educated in spiritual things.
You think they're your thoughts.
No, if they were your thoughts, you wouldn't think that way.
Satan is the murderer.
The Bible says he was a murderer from the beginning.
He never bought him the truth.
So it lies to you.
Have you seen them?
They're angry with themselves or they're angry with their parents or they're angry with their friends or they just fed up of the world and they tried to cut their own veins, inflict pains on themselves.
And they think it's their own mind.
It's not your mind, God.
It's not your mind.
It's not your mind.
And the guy that's thinking that somehow he's supposed to be a girl, he says, I do girly things.
I don't understand why I love pink and I love, I love, I love wearing my mom's gown and my mom's wig.
Maybe I was supposed to be a girl.
Sit and slide to you.
Line to you.
And now they're telling them in schoolers, telling kids, if you feel like you're a boy and you were born a girl, then you're really a boy.
You are what you feel you are.
Oh, so if I feel I'm a horse, I'm a horse?
And we know the little kids, they're going all fast with the dog in their house, and the dog's back in, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
So when that girl feels like she's a dog or so, is she a dog?
Something's going wrong.
But even teachers in school, they think it's an LGBTQRSTY thing.
It's not.
It's not.
It's a devil, a demon.
So it's not a club thing.
So if you've got a club, you're a member of a club.
So it's an LGBTQRSTY plus club.
You're not in a club.
It's not a club.
Very in a satanic cult.
And all they want to do is destroy you.
That's all they want to do.
Those voices want to destroy you.
All right, we're not done with what we're reading.
So he says, and behold, they cried out, saying, what have we to do with the Jesus, thou son of God, and thou come, he that to torment us before the time.
So this is the same story.
He tells us about the herd of swine.
In that next verse, there was a good way off from them and herd of many swine feeding.
So the devil's beside him saying, if thou cast us out,
So you see that, was it casting out?
If thou cast us out, sever us to go away into the herd of swine.
And of course, look, he said unto them, what?
Do you ever hear that in the healing school?
Go, out!
So Jesus said, go!
He didn't engage that apart from us.
And what is your name?
Like we saw in St.
Mark's gospel or St.
Luke's gospel.
He didn't go.
So what has your work been in this place?
Tell me all the things you have done to this life in the last five years.
And then the devil's telling them stories and they believe it.
They're truly believe it.
You don't listen to him.
Let me tell you, you say, so why did Jesus ask him his name?
I'll tell you why he asked him his name, because you see, you see, the devil, when you say, what is your name?
Her name is very important.
It's identification.
So, he can't say, I have no name, I am nothing.
He loses his authority by saying that.
Jesus knew who he was dealing with.
This was a senior evil spirit who had many other junior ones with him.
So he was the one possessing the man and letting a legion of others into the man.
Now a legion, a Roman legion was anything from 6,000 to 30,000.
That's a lot of devils in one man.
No one had driven crazy.
And then imagine all those 6,000 plus demons into 2,000 swine.
They couldn't handle it.
And they all ran violently down the steep, right into the lake.
And we're choked.
We have authority about demons.
Jesus said in his name, we would cast out demons.
Demons do evil things, devils do evil things.
Don't spare them.
Don't spare them.
And that's why we pray like this.
And I said, when they're not immediately under your personal authority because they have the opportunity to function
Because of other people who let them function, we resort to intercession, we resort to supplications, entities, petitions.
So it becomes a legal argument in prayer, what then presenting a case, why?
This has to be done.
And so we're insisting on our position, on the matter.
For example, let's say leaders of a nation have yielded themselves to demonic control.
And in that state, they're running the country.
When we pray, we present our argument that their actions affect the rest of us in that country.
And therefore, we cannot allow their activities to dominate us.
You see, we're presenting an argument.
But even if this man
He's a cultist of the worst kind.
Even if this man be here a mayor or a governor or president or prime minister, even if he loves the devil, he cannot use his influence with Satan to govern.
So I'm going to resist Satan's manipulations of his mind to indirectly control me.
So I'm gonna say no, in the name of the Lord Jesus, Satan, you cannot use your vehicle to control me.
We're not gonna let you use your subjects to control the church.
You see it?
So we present our argument.
And so even if he had the right by reason of that man's own invitation to stay in the men's house and live in the men's house and even live in his office, whatever will let them use their influence and their relationship to dominate us, you see it?
So we have to present our legal argument before God and before the demons of darkness.
Why you cannot stay devil, you will not stay.
And he, I just showed you.
These demons are intelligent beings.
They're sent to Jesus.
Are you here to torment us before the time?
They're pleaded with him.
Don't send us into the deep, into the abyss.
Oh, please don't send us.
Remember, it's not the time.
You can't do it to us now.
See, that's what they're doing.
It was a legal plea.
So we must stand our ground legally.
And that's what Jesus was doing when he was saying, Satan, it is written.
It is written again.
And after he established that clearly, he now said, get out of here for it is written.
Follow it up with the word.
And when he said that to the devil,
In that last part, we didn't read that final part.
Go back to it.
Samadius, Gospel chapter 4 and verse number 10.
Then said, Jesus unto him, get thee here in Satan for it is written, thou shall wash of the Lord thy God, and name only shall thou serve.
Look at verse 11.
Then the devil leavers him.
And the old angels came and ministered unto him.
The devil left.
Jesus said, get out of here.
And he sat.
It's gone.
So we have to learn these things.
We have to put them to work.
put them to work, present your argument.
And that's what we do a lot of times when we pray, when we pray, when we pray.
And you know, after you've said those things in your argumentative way, best way, you know, how in the word to the scriptures that you know, praying in the spirit, praying in tongues presents you the
The best language.
So let me take you there real quick.
First, I'm going to read to you from visions chapter six from verse 12.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood.
And I've pointed out again and again, he doesn't say we wrestle not at all.
He says, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against prince of palates, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
That's what the word says.
Then the next verse says, we're full.
Because of this, take on to you the whole armor of God, that she may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand, wherefore take on to you the whole armor of God.
Now, the choice of the armor lets you know what kind of weapons the enemy has.
So he goes on to tell us, look at it.
Stand there for having your lawyers got about with chutes.
Oh, chutes.
Chutes is part of the armor.
That means what is sending against you is weapon against you is falsehood and deception.
So God says, you got to have chutes.
And having on the breastplate of righteousness, oh, he's gonna attack you with unrighteousness and uncleanness.
So you gotta righteousness.
What's next?
And your feet showed you the preparation of gospel of peace.
He's gonna try to hinder you from preaching the gospel.
So what are you gonna do?
Make sure you are preaching the gospel all the time.
It's important.
The next thing,
Above all, taking the shield of faith.
Oh, I got to have faith.
Because he was so doubt in your mind.
Doubt and fear.
He used doubt and fear to attack you.
You got to have faith.
Look, since with your faith, he says, your faith has to be used.
Look at it.
Above all, taking the shield of faith, where where?
He shall be able to quench.
Put out neutralize.
all the fiery darts of the wicked.
Use your faith.
Where is your faith?
When fierce strikes, when doubts comes against you, he says, use your faith to neutralize doubts.
Use your faith to cranks fear.
So all the armor is defensive.
including your faith.
The thing is, the others, you're wearing them, but this particular one's got to move.
It's got to move.
You've got to use it.
You've got to be watchful.
You've got to be watchful.
Because if you're not watchful, you're holding your shield this way and the things come in this way.
So you've got to be watchful.
Because it's selling fiery darts against you.
Fiery darts!
Then, look at verse 17, and take the helmet of salvation.
You gotta protect your head.
Salvation, the assurance of salvation is so important.
You know that you know that you know.
Salvation, and there's only one that's offensive.
Look at it.
the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
And that word is Rema.
Rema, it's God's word in your mouth.
That's different from Logos.
Rema is God's word in your mouth.
You gotta have God's word in your mouth, like Jesus said, it is written.
You must have the word.
Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
And it's not over, notice.
Not over, the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
Praying always.
Praying always.
We'd all pray and supplication in the spirit and watching there until we'd all perseverance and supplication for our saints.
So you're not only praying for yourself, you're praying for all of God's people.
Very important.
Now, I'd like to read this verse to you from several other translations.
So you get the picture of what is telling you.
First, let's read from the ENIV.
Visions chapter 6 and verse number 18.
And praying the spirit on all occasions.
Did you see that?
Praying the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the large people.
Pray for God's people, keep on praying for God's people.
Pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
So in every kind of prayer and requests that you make to God, he says, hey, pray in the spirit.
Because through the Spirit, you can deal with the best things.
That is, you're gonna use the best words.
You're gonna use the best communication.
Praying the Spirit on all occasions, not on some occasions, on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
You know, sometimes people get surprised when you say, let us pray.
And then you say the things you're going to pray about.
And the next thing you know, even before you say in your understanding, in your language, maybe in the English language or any language you understand, you've gone off in tongues first.
Let us pray for brothers and sons.
Does he know what he's saying?
Let's pray for our country.
How does he know that what he's saying in tongues has anything to do with this prayer request?
Let me tell you.
The first and most important thing is not trying to use the tongues to say the thing that you wanted to say in your language.
You're speaking in tongues first to get your spirit to say the right things to God.
Because if you're speaking tongues, the spirit of God will bring forth the wisdom of God for you to say the prayer that you're going to say in the right way.
With the right inspiration.
So when you say, let's pray for our country, and you go, leek out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out.
Does he know that what he's saying is, has anything to do with the country?
That's not the primary thing.
The first thing is, I got my own dog already, but I'm staring my spirit.
My spirit is picking signals from the Holy Ghost.
That's the first thing.
So I may sound exactly as I sound it when you said, let's pray for the church.
You know, some Christians, they don't understand these things.
By themselves, they want to try to form another kind of tongue that I keep saying, cora bakata, cora bakata.
Then they say, let me switch.
See, cora bakata.
So they're trying to change it.
You don't need to.
Let the Holy Ghost do his thing.
Let the Holy Ghost do his thing.
In fact, even if you went, see Cali Cali, whereas the Holy Ghost wanted to go, rah, bah, gah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah
Understand this.
These three things I'll give to you, understand.
Tongues, and we're speaking tongues, we do speak in the language of angels.
In other words, we do speak angelic languages when we speak.
Something I'm gonna, I wanna do for you one, something very soon.
Just thought about it very soon.
But let me read this to you from the Bible.
In 1 Corinthians chapter 13 and verse number one, see what the word says.
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels,
though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and I have not charity, I have become a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.
Did you see that?
Now they did speak in the tongues of men, supernaturally.
In Acts chapter two, verse 11, you'd notice something.
See what it says there?
This was in the tongues of men.
Creeds and Arabians, we do hear them speaking our tongues, our wonderful works of God.
So when they spoke supernaturally there in Acts 2, they spoke in the language of men.
Men understood them.
But that's not what he's talking about.
When those signs or those tongues are used for a sign, that's completely different.
But he's talking about here our prayer language in 1 Corinthians chapter 13.
Now you go to chapter 14 and we'll read from verse number two.
Look what he says, for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue, speaketh not unto men, but unto God, for no man understandeth him, how bad in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.
See, so God understands him because he's speaking angelic language.
It's a heavenly language.
It's a heavenly language.
So that's number one, understand that when you're speaking in tongues, you're speaking in the language of angels.
And you're speaking mysteries to God.
It's wonderful.
Secondly, understand that when you're speaking in tongues, you're speaking from your spirit.
Not your mind.
So never try to use your mind to understand it or to control it.
It's from your spirit.
First verse chapter 14.
And I want you to look at from verse number 14.
For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth what my understanding is unfruitful.
So I don't understand it.
It doesn't go through my mind.
If I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth.
It's from my spirit.
It's from my spirit.
So when you wanna pray from your spirit, you pray in other tongues.
Comes out of your spirit.
Praying in your understanding is from your mind.
Coming from your reasoning.
But you wanna pray from the Spirit realm.
So it's got to come from your spirit and the Holy Spirit will give your spirit the utterance.
You put the language, the words be chosen by the Holy Ghost and deposited in your spirit.
And because it's a language, you can develop some more by praying more and more in the spirit.
The more you pour it in the spirit, the more vocabulary in the spirit is given to you.
What you see, there's a lot in prayer, especially when it comes to incantations that I discussed with you yesterday.
Because in that one, I said, sometimes there are words that come to you repetitively, and you're saying,
Say kamahai, say kamahai, say kamahai, you're going to say kamahai, say kamahai, lekra handi, lekra handi, lekra handi, lekra handi, and you might say that lekra handi, lekra handi, and then sometimes it goes into just some sounds.
You go, that's gonna work.
And you can stop.
Even if you're going to something there, bring it back.
And you might find yourself making this sound like a hundred times, and you're trying to get away from it, and you come back to it.
You say, what's going on?
What's going on?
Many times, you don't want to do that where others are.
You don't want to do that where others are, especially when you're leading in prayer.
You want to keep that away because, of course, when the Spirit of God takes over in such a way, you know you got to, you continue, you don't stop.
You don't stop even if a thousand people are there.
Doesn't matter, because now you know this is how you gotta pray about this thing right now.
because of its importance.
Because here you are, you're just about to lead in prayer about something maybe before the congregation and say, now brothers and sisters, let us pray.
And then they get up and you're fathering the name of the... And you can't stop to get into... What's... You're wandering in your head.
But the thing you can't stop.
What's happened is a code has been released.
It's a code.
It's a code.
And it has to get to the fullness of it, because if you break the code, it won't work.
It's got to... And you're going to know when it's done, because as you go... Suddenly, something else from the spirit will...
Sometimes, you know, like praise.
And you go, oh, Rabosatera, lega Rabasea.
And why are you doing that?
Your hands are going up.
You know, it's praise.
Liberace teque.
Rontecos jibaraba.
Oh, that means your praise in God.
But when it's intercession, a lot of times, you find it's a sauchebada, arre non du ziacas, la rongeon frépirajos, libra pescos salira, la ron seulce, seulce, seulce, le frépondal hira hastet, la cora piros, friendo la rondresquéprat, ar un sociala.
In the session, you can tell you may not immediately know who or what you're in a sitting about.
You might get to know by the spirit of God, but it's not obligated to telling you that.
All you have to do is follow what the spirit of God said.
Oh, sorry, menos, felicazos, oramina, uncresto, jalirafosos, ander, aranogo, su chumahantec, kivahaddes, aronugaz, carionugaz, aronugaz.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Glory to God.
So speaking from our spirits, from our spirits, from our spirits, when we pray like that, we'll pray like that.
Look at verse 15.
First Corinthians chapter 14, verse 15, liquidy saves.
What is it then?
I will pray with the Spirit.
Did you notice?
It says, I will pray with the Spirit.
So you don't say, well, if the Holy Ghost makes me pray, then I'm going to pray.
No, you do the praying.
And the Holy Ghost will give you the utterance.
You do the praying.
It says, I will pray with the Spirit.
And I will pray with the understanding also.
Did you notice?
It's the one in your language that is called also, which means the primary way to do your praying is in a spirit, with your spirit.
It says, I was seeing with the Spirit and I was seeing with the understanding also.
All right, now the third thing, tongues when we're praying tongues,
Your spirit is edified.
This is a very important thing.
The edification of your spirit.
Why are many Christians weak?
The weak.
If they're reading the Bible, they can't understand a lot.
It becomes boring.
They just open the Bible, read the little, then they're bored.
They turn away.
If they're praying, they say a few words to God, and then they're tired and start sleeping.
Why are they weak?
When they want to talk to others about Jesus Christ, they don't have the boldness.
They can master the boldness.
They're thinking, should I?
Should I?
Should I?
Should I?
Then they end up not doing it.
The guy's gone.
You see, why are many Christians weak like that?
And how can they be made strong?
Oh, that's why he sent you the Holy Ghost.
That's why he sent you the Holy Ghost.
All right, look at this now.
In 1 Corinthians 14, verse number four, read.
Read it for me, want to go.
He that speak it in an unknown tongue edify it himself.
You see, you edify yourself.
You edify yourself.
It says, he that speak in an unknown tongue edifies himself.
When you prophesy, you edify in a church.
But to edify yourself, he says what?
Speak in tongues.
Speak in tongues.
Speak in tongues.
And edify.
The word edify is from the Greek, or the meal.
I could the mill, mill.
I could the mill.
It means to construct and build an edifice.
Boy, that's wonderful.
You mean I can construct my life and build an edifice?
I can build a superstructure for my life.
My life becomes an edifice.
That's amazing.
So he says, if you speak in tongues, you're gonna build your life.
You're gonna construct your life into a superstructure.
Not just superstructure for being on top of the soil.
For the real superstructure.
An airifice.
An airifice.
Not every building in the city is an edifice.
But your life can become a real edifice.
Look at the amplified version for this.
He who speaks in a strange tongue edifies and improves himself.
Edifies and what improves?
You want to improve yourself from where you used to be?
You say, I'm going to improve my life.
Can you see that?
Can you see you can actually set a time for your personal development?
You can say in the next 30 days, my life is going to be remarkably different.
And so you set your targets.
You're gonna be pruning tongues in such a way that you never did before.
You're gonna add more time to speaking in tongues, speaking in tongues.
In the next 30 days, I tell you, by the end of 30 days, you will be significantly different from where you were when you started.
Go to Jude chapter one, verse number 20.
It's only one chapter.
Jude chapter one, verse 20.
It says, what you've beloved, building up your serves.
That says, building up.
The word is a poikodomil, all right?
A poikodomil.
Now, because of the epi, epi and oikodomil, okay?
The epi is the upon, okay?
The up that is adding there.
So it's the same word.
That's what I'm trying to tell you.
It's saying the same thing that Paul just told us in 1 Corinthians chapter 14 verse 4.
It says,
This is wonderful.
Look at it.
But you, beloved, build yourselves up.
Found it on your most holy faith.
He says, make progress.
He's talking about the apoico de meo.
Make progress.
Rise like an edifice higher and higher, praying in the Holy Ghost.
See that?
To pray in the Holy Spirit, you're gonna build a life higher and higher.
He says, rise like an edifice.
That can happen to anybody, any individual.
It can happen to a church.
A whole church can become real powerful and influential in the city.
Because the edifice becomes a special building in the city.
So you don't want to just build, you know, a lot of people, they got a cathedral that is huge.
It's surely an edifice in the street or in the city, but the people's lives are not an edifice.
Because they're not doing what the word says.
You want your life to become an edifice?
Here's the way.
Here's the way.
You see, when you live like this, there's no policy of government that's gonna victimize you.
They may try, but they can never win.
Nothing of this earth can get you into a place or position of subjugation, where they would rather have you anyway.
But Jesus said, I am with you always.
It went on to the end of the age.
And who's more powerful than Jesus?
He's saying, I take care of you.
I'm with you.
Take care of you.
Ha, caramando la ghostita.
Oh, glory to God.
So because, you know, we're living in a world of so much wickedness and evil.
Jesus said, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves.
Be there for wise as shepherds and harmless as doves.
So a wise as shepherds, harmless as doves, but we're full of power.
You know, I've told you before, there are a lot of things that you see around you in the world.
The perpetrators of evil don't like you to ask questions.
They like to keep you in the dark so you never know.
So why they promise you good things, that inventors of evil things.
And they don't like us to talk about those things.
Like the manufactured poverty of the world.
And that's why God's people need to know the word of God and play by his rules.
If you follow God's word,
The world will never overcome you.
He's given us the wisdom.
He says, be there for wise or sharpens and harmless as doves.
He's given us the wisdom to deal with the world in which we live and to live above them.
You know, I tell you a lot of things.
And he's amazing.
This documentary is that I present to you here.
After I've shared with you, they go find out the things that I said.
And that's how the documentaries are brought to you.
They go find out the things that I said.
They go research on the things that I said.
For example, for example,
I'll tell you something.
Why in the United States do the Democrats and the ignorant among them from the other side want to take guns away from the people?
You think they tell them because, oh, the land is dangerous.
There's too many guns and people are dying and so on and so forth.
They're not trying to take the guns away from the people so that the people no longer have guns in the streets.
Make no mistakes about it.
It's not, you know, what the, what the, the conservatives
who believe in gun control, know who says something about gun control and don't like the policy of the Democrats about gun control.
Don't realize that their definition of gun control is not the same thing as the Libra's definition of gun control.
Gun control to the Republican is
the Democrats and their allies from the other side want to take the guns away from us so that the country would be free of guns in our streets.
They want to take the guns away from the people.
No, gone control to the liberal means gone transfer.
If they dispute what I just said, they can put me on record and dispute it.
The only people that can dispute what I just said is the ignorance.
For those who work on this thing in the boardroom, this is what it's about.
It's about gone transfer, which means they're gonna take the guns away from all those who don't align with their beliefs and their ideology and their plans, their agenda.
But guns will be made available.
to the other side, to the downside.
Because of the nefarious plan to create an army, an armed army.
An armed army that is under their political control.
Listen, in many countries right now, they are dealing with what they call, um, terrorist groups and so on and so forth.
Where did they get guns from?
Who's arming them?
The same people that are saying they want to stop them.
That the ones arming them.
And then they talk about bandits.
Who's arming them?
And so they want to take guns away from the hands of those that are against them.
And transfer guns.
to their militia, militia in suit.
That means well-dressed militia.
So what's gonna happen is, we're gonna see violence like the world has never seen before, because now these political groups, what they wanna have is an army that is different from the state.
and they would tell their army, you have a right to kill those who argue with your agenda.
So when there's an argument, they are armed because now they can beat the records, they can, you know, the data will show that they are allowed to have guns and the other side, not allowed to have guns.
It's an identity thing.
They identify profiling.
And with the user profiling, their side will have guns and the other side will not have guns.
And you're gonna have neighbors who argue and his neighbor from the other side will be killed by the new armed liberals who have now become real militia.
This is what it's about.
This is the plan.
This is the evil plan of wickedness.
So it's not about going control in the streets.
It's about going transfer.
Don't forget.