Global Day of Prayer Edition 11 Day 2
Now, wherever you are, just stand up and talk to the Lord in prayer right now.
Honor him.
Glorify his name.
Thank him for his love.
Thank him for his grace.
Thank him for his kindness.
is none like him.
We've had a full day of praying, but we still have prayer to do the next few hours
Sola Para Qasetikil, Antikilo Qasetikil Para Qasetikil.
Praying the Holy Ghost.
Bring other tongues.
Thank you Lord.
Father in the name of the Lord Jesus we honor you and thank you.
Thank you.
for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, by which we are saved.
Thank you for this blessed gospel, by which men come into relationship with you.
Thank you for this eternal gospel.
It's based on the blood of Jesus Christ and speaks better things than the blood of Abel.
Father, we thank you.
Thank you for offering Jesus Christ for our salvation.
Thank you.
And you want the whole world to know.
You want the whole world to know.
Thank you Lord.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord.
You may be seated.
I want to express profound appreciation to all the ministers of the gospel
who gave time to share with us God's word since last night and to lead in prayers.
Thank you for the very inspiring sessions.
Thank you so much.
Thanks for building God's people.
And during the
Several sessions, there was so much to be inspired with, so much to learn, so much to gain.
And then, of course, the opportunity to pray.
So thank you all very much.
I pray the Lord bless you more and more.
Many of us are aware of what's going on in Iran.
The unrest in Iran is different from the kind of unrest you may have in many countries for several reasons.
And that's why we're going to take it seriously and pray for Iran.
Especially because
are the kind of reactions that the leaders might contemplate.
They're not used to being resisted.
And so when they have a resistance like this, they want to consider maximum reactions.
But we'll pray for Iran.
I'd like to remind you, while I was thinking about praying for Iran, not to forget what happened with Mao Zedong,
the chairman of the Communist Party of China many, many years ago, and what he did in his doctrine of collectivization,
Restructuring that he tried to do economic restructuring, known as the 1958 Great Leap Forward.
They always give nice names.
But in three years, by 1961, more than 45 million people
had died as a result of his policies.
And that's probably far more than what any other dictator or tyrant caused in Italian history.
killed more of his own people in three years, more than 45 million people.
Interestingly, his name and his face still appear on their currency.
which means is assumed to be a hero.
But what about the people that were killed?
Might it have been a way to cut down the population, the ever-growing population?
The historians are divided on what might have been on his mind.
They thought, oh, well, you know, it was just a mistake.
It was an honest error, really.
And some claim that he didn't know that the people were dying.
You didn't know for the five million people in one country, Diet.
45,000 is bad enough.
This is 45 million.
Might it have been some form of population control?
What will happen in the Chinese population?
in a few years' time because of the mandatory COVID policies in China.
We gave some time of prayer for China some weeks ago
I just want to remind you what happened in China.
And so when you're thinking about Iran, just a horrible reminder of what one leader could do.
So we have to pray that we don't see such wicked reactions from the leaders
in Iran.
Mao Zedong's work was based on an economic policy of collectivism.
But remember, the war economic forum of close shop also
propagates collectivism.
And their policies are worse than Mao Zedong's.
And I hope that that is a grand warning to the world to understand that something far worse than China's grid leap forward of 1958.
is encased in the W.E.F.
's vealed collectivization policy, and that is married to a most satanic, transhumanist agenda.
And to remind you that in transhumanism,
And this is of the basis sought.
The real idea is the destruction of the human species.
All human ideas will change.
All human ideas will change.
They don't want you to ever think like humans anymore.
You can think like them, you can act like them, you can behave like humans.
Complete destruction of the human species.
over with.
And they think it's a great idea because they say that it's promotional.
It's an enhancement.
They say you get better, that your life will be better.
I want you to take a look.
at the man who's promising you eternal life.
And that is closed shop by name.
Does it look like a man who has undergone the refinement that he promises you?
Don't be fooled.
The world economic forum has nothing to offer but death, believe me.
You're dealing with heartless psychopaths.
And history is replete with these characters, often very intelligent,
or in their hearts, it's the blackness of darkness.
And this is one reason we pray because many in the world have no clue.
They're not sensitive.
And one of the major things that the Word of God warns us of is deception.
It tells us about deception again and again.
From the very beginning, that was the problem.
I want to read a few scriptures to you.
First, you go to 2 Corinthians chapter 11 and verse number three.
And here, Paul's writing to the Corinthians.
But I feel as by any means as the serpent beguiled, that means to deceive.
Eve, through his subtlety,
So your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
He warns you that you could be deceived and lured away from the true doctrine of Christ.
And think how many times that's
who attempted to live the life of the Old Testament while we are proclaiming the Christ of the new.
So the simplicity that is in Christ can be ignored very easily.
I'm sort of a digression, but it's important you get it because that's the context of his presentation of this verse.
Because like this is a day of prayer and we're praying and you may be tempted to pray the wrong prayer.
And when you pray the wrong prayer, you don't get the resource.
And think how many people's lives are full of unanswered prayers and they don't even realize that that's a problem.
I'll give you simple examples.
The prayers in the Old Testament are very different from the prayers in the New Testament.
They're not the same.
They're not the same.
Don't pray the same way.
Those in the Old Testament knew Him as God.
Those in the New Testament know Him as Father.
He is God the Father, He is their Father.
When Jesus addressed Him as Father, the Jews were angry with Him and they picked up stones to kill Him.
You read the book of Psalms, you find David saying, oh God, why don't you hear me?
Some of that time he says, hear me, oh God, hear me.
You come over to Jesus, Jesus says, I thank you that you have heard me.
That's a huge difference.
One is trying to persuade God to hear him, and Jesus says, you have heard me.
What did Jesus say we should act like him?
He wants us to talk to the Father like he did.
Talk to him like he heard you.
In the Old Testament, he was based on their righteousness and it frustrated them because they just didn't have it.
They didn't qualify.
In a New Testament, we are born with his righteousness.
We're born with it.
He doesn't answer our prayers because of some of our righteousness.
No, no, no.
He answers our prayer because he's bound to as our father.
He told us he would.
He says, all the promises of God in Christ Jesus are yes, every one of them.
He says, don't even, once it's based on that delivered word, remember, the promises he's talking about, it's not saying, I make a promise, I'm trying to fulfill it.
No, no, the word promise there actually refers to the delivery of his message.
So he says all the words that he has given us in Christ Jesus, if we pray accordingly, he says, the answer is yes.
And in him, amen to the glory of God.
So you don't ever have to worry.
Does he hear me?
No, no.
The Bible says when we pray, we should know that he hears us.
And if he hears us, then we have the petitions that we have desired of you.
Huge difference between the two.
So you can be easily deceived, lay out away from the simplicity that is in Christ, because it's too simple.
That's real, it's too simple.
So we want to complicate our lives.
It's too simple.
How can God just hear me when I don't even behave so well?
So you look at your behavior and you think, if I were God, I wouldn't listen to me.
You're wrong.
If you were God, you would do exactly what God did because you would be God.
You would be God.
You would be the God.
You see, you didn't think about it correctly.
So read that same verse from the, say from the new national version.
I just want the young guys to, of course, we're doing use beguile.
Okay, but I'm afraid that just as, and by the way, take these languages when you see them, like I'm afraid, you know,
Because these are translators' constructions.
This shouldn't have been the best synonym.
But this was the way they spoke back then.
A lot of them, translators, they talk like that, so they use their language.
In fact, when I read you some verses and different shades later on today, you're gonna say what I'm talking about.
So he says, what I'm afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the Supreme's conning, your mind may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion of Christ.
Eve was deceived, emphatically, yes.
Yes, because Eve said so too.
She said so herself.
Genesis chapter 3.
We're going to read from verse number 13.
And the Lord God said unto the woman, that's Eve, what is this that thou hast done when she had eaten of the fruit and given to her husband who was
And remember what happened to them.
You can read from verse one all the way to verse 12 and you see that.
And a lot of God said unto the woman, what is this that thou has done?
And the woman said, the serpent beguiled me, deceived me, and I did eat.
She said, the serpent deceived me.
Who was the serpent?
was looking at the serpent.
Eve was not listening to the voice behind the serpent.
Jesus had Simon Peter talking to him and saying, Master, you're not going to die.
Don't talk about dying.
And Jesus discerned that that was not Simon Peter's voice.
He says, get the hand Satan.
The Bible says, Jesus turned to Peter.
And he says, get the hand Satan, for thou several is not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men.
He identified the voice that was speaking through Peter.
Why didn't this woman perceive?
She could have.
The Bible terraces.
Adam was not deceived.
Now, go to second Timothy chapter 3 from verse 12.
Yay, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
But evil men and seduces shall what?
Worse and worse.
Deceiving and being what?
Deceiving and being deceived.
Look at the next verse.
But continue thou in the things which thou has learned and has been assured of, knowing of whom thou has learned them.
Let's identify the serpent.
Go to Revelation, chapter 12.
Verse 9.
And the great dragon was cast out.
That old serpent called the devil and Satan, which deceived the whole world.
He started it in the garden with Eve.
Think about it.
He was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with you.
Look at that again.
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called a devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world.
Deceives the whole world.
And what's his future?
Chapter 19, Revelation, verse 20.
And the beast was taken, and with him the forest prophet that wrote miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast.
Watch these people were deceived.
Those who received the mark of the beast were deceived.
Ask those who
were vaccinated, were deceived.
And they loved to be deceived.
That's why they were deceived.
Because I told you, the vaccine did not treat, did not kill, did not stop the infection.
It didn't stop you from being infected.
It didn't stop you from infecting others if you had the virus.
It didn't stop you from infecting others.
It didn't kill you.
So what was it for?
So why did you take it?
You took it because you wanted to be deceived.
This is what's going to happen to those who will take the mark of the beast.
The Bible says they were deceived.
This is the revelation of the future.
So you see the impastance.
It's going to be fulfilled.
I read the game to you because I told you from the beginning in March 2020, this was what they were trying to bring in.
As we journeyed through that year 2020, I had lots of teachings along these lines.
And I told you, the life that wanted to bring was the life of the future that the Bible already described.
The beast was taken and within the forest prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast.
And then that worshiped his image.
And he says, these boats, that's the, the beast and the force prophet.
These boats were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with Bringston.
Good revelation chapter 20 and verse 10.
And the devil that deceived them, see,
The Antichrist was deceiving people.
That's one called the beast.
His force prophet joined in the deception.
And look, the devil was with them in the deception.
This is the evil trinity.
And the devil that deceived them was casting to the lake of fire and brimstone.
Who had the beast and the forest prophet are?
They've been throwing there from chapter 19, I just read to you.
And the Bible says about them, this is their future, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever.
Then those who were deceived, in the same book,
Go to verse 15.
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
Just, I think it was,
During the last year-level special, we showed a documentary in where a medical doctor and a scientist was talking about the terrible consequences
of these vaccines and the alteration in the human system.
In fact, she went as far as saying it has affected their humanity.
Something has changed.
She said so.
And you know what?
They knew it.
Because that was the plan.
That was the plan.
And now they're not very happy because they got caught.
And so they're angry and would like to stop.
They want to stop free speech.
They want to muscle free speech.
So we should not have the right to speak our minds.
We should only listen to what they have to say and follow it.
Anything different from what they have said must now be called misinformation.
And that's the reason for the truth police.
You know, truth police, if you're not familiar with Judge Orwell's 1984 dystopian
uh, social science fiction.
You may not know exactly what is being referred to.
But, um, that's what it's about.
And who would have thought that those that would call for truth police would be the same people who had been from the camp
of the Libra's socialists, et cetera, I've always said that those on that political side of the aisle were the worst dictators the world ever saw.
But most couldn't understand it because they always seem to talk about and they always go with nice names, progressives.
Libros, socialists, they like all these nice names.
But that's the veil.
But these are really tyrants when you understand their political agenda.
What you just have to do is read between the lines.
So many used to think that if you were a nice professor and called yourself a Marxist and grew beets, then you were highly respected.
And so you talk like a socialist.
But in reality, they didn't know what they were saying.
They had no clue what they were talking about.
And they've deceived many young people in the schools.
And that happened over a long period of time.
And that's why they kind of hatched out of those schools, those who are today's professors in those schools who were brought up by the so-called Maxis.
But after all this time, they have actually become what they were programmed to be.
So these have become centers for developing some of the worst kinds of leaders for the world.
Godless, hedonistic.
And that's why in our prayers, we have to focus our attention in these areas of concentration.
where Satan's activities are known.
Remember, in Revelation chapter two, Jesus talked about something.
Let's read.
From verse 13, I know that works and without dualist, even where Satan's seat is.
See that?
That's quite interesting.
So these are places
And there are places where Satan sets up his headquarters.
And you can be sure that the Prince of Persia is carrying out activities in Iran and in China.
Yeah, because it's that Prince of Persia that dominates China and dominates Iran.
Or shall I say, used to, used to, because his activities are the activities of a dying horse.
Broken his power, his struggling, his struggling.
All thou brings of Persia, how are thou fallen?
How are thou fallen?
Thou art fallen?
So we must be careful of today's deception.
And yesterday we talked about the uncompleted work that is barely covered, the build back better, the completion of the triangle.
And so they go,
with the sign.
You see, in symbolisms, you don't have to know the meanings.
All they care about is getting you to follow, to comply.
That's all.
You don't have to know the meaning.
You just do what they want and that's all.
So we get the people to do that, or to do this.
And this one, the sign for Baphomet, the evil good.
You know,
The interesting image of Baphmet in all its well-rendered characteristics was done by a man who used a pen name called Eliphaz Levy.
But he was a French
I need you, all those symbols for that good.
And that good, he says, embodies the perfect equilibrium.
So it gives them a good reason to use it, the hope that intelligent people will be well deceived.
And a whole lot of intelligent people are deceived.
So they join and explain those things, and they're satisfied.
Because it makes sense.
But be careful.
The sign of the goat is a sign of the devil in the Bible, from the Old Testament to the New Testament.
The sign of the devil.
And now that they're using those signs and making it look fashionable, and a lot of young people might be deceived.
In fact, they've come out to its shoes with Baphomet's design.
clumped in two.
So they're like hooves.
So for some, it's more comfortable, so wear it the sign of the goat on your feet.
You don't have to know the meaning.
You don't have to know the meaning.
It's part of the spiritual initiation.
So you're initiated into a court that you don't even know anything about.
And it's gradualism.
Because first is the contact.
Then make contact with you through those items.
They introduce you to their ways.
So those things with good signs, don't use them.
Don't use them.
They even boldly write it on the stuff, buff from it.
The good of Mendes.
And they have several stories for its origin.
Seven nice stories.
But don't be fooled.
Don't be fooled.
It's Satan.
Satan is behind it.
So don't be fooled at all.
When we pray like this, it doesn't end here.
Like, okay, this is the final session of the prayer, the global day of prayer.
It doesn't end here.
Each global day of prayer is the launch part for the next higher level of praying until the next time.
So we're only just moving now into a higher level of praying.
We're going to pray more every day.
So we prayed, but we're moving even more into more praying.
You know, something interesting that the Bible tells us, I think we shared this, of course, we shared it before when I was telling you about not stopping.
In 2 Kings, chapter 13, from verse number 14, we've got a story there, and I want us to look at it.
Now Elisha was falling sick of his sickness, where have he died?
Did you see that?
Elijah was a great man of God.
He says, he fell ill.
He became sick and died of the sickness.
He says, we're off.
He died.
He died of that sickness.
But he was a great man of God.
So why did he die sick?
You can always ask him when you see him.
So Elijah was falling sick of his sickness where he died.
And Joash, the king of Israel, came down onto him.
So remember that, Joash, the king of Israel, came down to Elisha and wept over his face and said, oh, my father, my father, the charity of Israel and the husband thereof.
Those were the very same words that Elijah used when Elijah was caught up to heaven.
Next verse.
And Elijah said unto him.
See, because he's whipping there, Elijah was aware of the crisis.
He knew what was going on.
There was trouble.
He's always having problems with Syria.
And so Elijah said unto him, take bow and arrows.
I want you to remember that.
This is the king.
Take bow and arrows.
He doesn't tell him how many.
He's a king.
Yes, sir.
He should have a whole lot of them.
Yes, sir.
So he has taken bow and arrows, and he took on to him bow and arrows.
And he said to the king of Israel, the lie shall set to the king of Israel, put thine hand upon the bow.
And He put His hand upon it.
And Elijah put His hands upon the king's hands.
And He said, open the window eastward.
And He opened it.
Then Elijah said, shoot.
And He shot.
And He said, the arrow of the Lord's deliverance.
Elijah proclaimed, the arrow of the Lord's deliverance, and the arrow of deliverance from Syria, for thou shall smite the Syrians in affect, till thou have consumed them.
And he said, take the arrows, and he took them.
And he said unto the king of Israel, smite upon the ground.
And he smote thrice and stayed, that means he smote thrice and stopped.
Now the first time, he was Elijah who told him to stop, right?
Because he gives a new direction and so he's now strike the ground.
So he says, smile upon the ground and his smart trice and state.
And the man of God was robbed with him and said, thou shouldst have smitten five or six times.
Then as thou smitten Syria till thou has consumed it.
Whereas now thou shall smite Syria with trice.
And guess what?
Next verse says, he had no chance.
He had no chance to change it.
He likes to die.
So, why did he stop?
The man of God says strike.
He told him to take arrows.
First, through the window, he said, shoot.
And he did.
Now he says, all right, strike upon the ground.
And he goes, one, two, three.
And he's looking at Elijah's steps.
What a mistake.
You go on until you are told to stop.
Don't stop, just go on, just keep shooting.
But these are spiritual things.
See, God's people have to be very sensitive spiritually.
Many are not sensitive spiritually, so they do stupid things.
Stupid things, like I was dressing up to go to church, and God said I should not go.
God said you should not go.
I was praying whether I should continue with this church or not, and the spirit of God said, move on.
So I moved away from the church.
No, he said move on.
Move on means continue with the church.
Yes, sir.
Wrong interpretations.
And this has brought horrible problems to people's lives.
They have a ticket to nowhere.
Johnny, strain.
because of the vagabond spirit.
They're not sensitive to spiritual things.
They react.
And the Bible has shown us how people reacted and lost
Huge opportunities.
For example, Moses was angry and in his anger did what he wanted to do, not what God said.
Struck the rock!
God said, talk to the rock.
He didn't know the significance.
He didn't know.
David wanted to number the people.
Even the captain of the host said, must you do it?
Isn't this wrong?
Barbara says David went ahead and did it anyway.
but then were told in the Scripture, it was Satan that moved him to do it.
He was not sensitive because the Word of God already said something.
See, what does the Word say?
How can you get a guidance that is colorary to the Word of God?
My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge.
So we have to understand the spirituality of our warfare.
So just like getting ready to pray, I've got to share some things with you.
So when you're praying, you're really going to use, you're going to pray with knowledge.
In second Samuel chapter 24, from verse 16, we've got an interesting story
Maybe before you go to verse 16, probably you go, go to verse, well be most comfortable.
Let me give you an area so we don't read too long.
I'll tell you the story.
From verse 10, okay?
From verse 10, the Bible tells us that after
David had numbered the people.
His heart smote him.
He knew he had done wrong.
So David said, I've seen greatly.
I've seen greatly.
He just adorned on him.
He had done the wrong thing.
After he had done it.
Now instead of praying, oh God, please take away this iniquity.
I've done very foolishly his head.
Well, God sent his prophet to go see him, God the seer.
So God came, G-A-D, all right?
He came to David, look at verse 13.
And he says, God has given me three options for you.
Number one, he says you should choose one of them for your punishment.
Number one, seven years of famine.
Israel will face seven years of famine.
Or number two, three months of your enemies pursuing you.
And you will flee before your enemies for three months.
Number three, three days of pestilence in the land says, now advise what I should say to him that sent me.
And David said, it's better to fall into the hands of God.
He said, I choose number three.
Now, this is quite interesting.
He chose what?
Pestilence, three days of pestilence.
Now, what's pestilence?
So they're going to have an epidemic for three days.
What I want you to see there is how this thing played out.
because the world had a fake epidemic, but there was something behind it as well.
So let me show it to you.
Now you go to
Well, let's read from verse 14.
David said, I'm in a great straight.
How do I make a choice like this?
This is better to fall into the hands of God, let God punish us.
So from verse 15, so the Lord sent a pestilence upon Israel from the morning even to the time appointed, three days, and they died of the people
From then even to Bathsheba, 70,000 men, the women and the children have not been counted.
So how many more people died?
Then stop there.
Say his verse 16, and when the angels straight out his hand upon Jerusalem, so now he comes to Jerusalem to continue the slaughter.
Oh, that's what I wanted to see.
There was an angel behind the epidemic.
There was a spirit behind it.
The people were getting these terrible infections.
They didn't know why they were having these infections.
It was spreading.
And people were dying by the thousands.
The men alone, 70,000 of them, dead already.
And now the angel wants to carry the epidemic to Jerusalem.
The Lord repented him of the evil and said to the angel that destroyed the people it is enough.
Stay now, thine hand.
And the angel of the Lord was by the threshing place of Arana, the Jebusite.
And David speak unto the Lord when he saw the angel.
That's what the people.
David saw the angel.
Of course he was told already that punishment was coming.
He just didn't know how devastating it would be.
But now he could see how it was happening.
There was an angel.
So you find that these things can be controlled spiritually.
Controlled spiritually.
There are Satan motivated, Satan orchestrated actions in the earth.
For example, we talked about yesterday, in St.
Luke's Gospel, chapter 22 and verse 53, about Jesus Christ and what he said when he was arrested.
He said, when I was dealing with you in the temple, you stretch for no hands against me, but this is your hour and the power of darkness.
Jesus said, he was orchestrated by the power of darkness.
Says, yes, this is your moment.
This is the power of darkness.
In other words, Satan is behind it.
Since Satan, Satan doesn't come to people to carry things out by himself.
So, he motivates human beings to do the things, to do his daddy work for him.
Now, we're gonna read Father.
From Revelation chapter two, I was reading something to you earlier on, but I wanna read from verse 10 and earlier verse.
Jesus says this in the book of Revelations talking to John and this is actually a message for this church.
That he writes to, he says, fear none of those things which thou shall suffer.
Behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that he may be tried, and he shall have tribulation ten days.
Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life."
Did you see that?
Behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison.
Is the devil going to carry them and put them in prison?
No, he will raise issues against them, persecution against them, and cost the authorities to put them in prison.
So Jesus said, you're gonna see that happen, and he says it's a devil behind it.
He will cast some of you into prison, he says, that he may be tried.
Jesus said towards the devil.
Now keep reading.
Hidar araneer, let him hear what the Spirit said unto the churches.
Hidar over comets shall not be heard of the second death.
And to the angel of the church in Pragamas, write, these things said he which had the sharp sword with two edges.
I know that it works, and without dualists, even with Satan's seat is.
And thou holdest that's my name, and hast not denied my faith.
Even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful matter, who was slain among you, who are Satan's dualists?
Who cost this debt, Satan?
That's the guy we were talking about who was killed in the prison
beast, the brazen bull.
You remember?
That's how he was killed.
Remember in Ephesians chapter 6 from verse 10, he told us very clearly, he says, finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.
put on the whole armor of God, put on the whole armor of God, that he may be able to stand against the wives of the devil.
Now, if he had told us to put on the whole armor of God and not told us what the armor was, then who would say, well, so how do we do it?
But he told us exactly what it is and how to put it on.
Run the whole armor of God as he may be able to stand against the wires of the devil, which means if you put on the whole armor of God, you will be able to stand against the wires of the devil.
See, sometimes there are people who tell us, pray that God will help you stand.
the wives of the devil, because the wives of the devil are terrible and nobody can stand.
You have to pray to be able to stand.
No, he didn't say we should pray to be able to stand.
He said, put on the whole armor of God to be able to stand.
So you can be praying to be able to stand and you will fall.
Because he never told you that if you pray, you'll be able to stand.
He said, put on the whole armor that you may be able to stand.
Do what he said.
Run the whole armor of God, that he may be able to stand against the wives of the devil.
Now, the way they read it is, put on the whole armor of God and try to stand against the wives of the devil.
Can you see it?
So they think, if I put on the whole Amor of God, then I will go and try to stand.
No, he says, if you put on the whole Amor of God, you will be able to stand against the wires of the devil.
So if you find that you're having difficulties standing against the wires of the devil, all you have to do is find what's wrong with Amor.
What did I leave out?
What did I leave out?
Look at the next verse.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.
Remember when Jesus said, this is your hour and the power of darkness.
Now he tells us that these are the forces arrayed against us.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers and the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Just keep breathing.
We therefore take on to you the whole armor of God that he may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand.
He told you again, take on to you the whole armor of God that he may be able to withstand in the evil day.
And having done all to stand.
So get it on.
Stand therefore.
Therefore, being clothed with the whole armor of God.
Therefore, stand therefore, having your loins, God about with truth, having on the breastplate of righteousness,
and your feet short with the preparation, the gospel of peace, above all.
What I like about this shield of faith is that it's with action.
It's not the shield hold like this and stand there like this.
Above or taking the shield of faith, where would... You see that?
Where would He shall be able to quench?
He says, use it to quench.
Not just hold it and stay like this.
He says, use it.
Above or taking the shield of faith, where would He shall be able?
He shall be able to quench, neutralize, put out.
Not some, but all the fiery darts of the wicked.
My faith is working.
My faith is working.
Taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, the realm of God, the spoken word of God.
Not the word under your pillow in your Bible, but the one that you have put in your heart that's coming out of your mouth.
It says you have to speak it.
It is the spoken word of God.
And look at the next thing.
Praying always, we'd all pray and supplication in the spirit.
And watching down to with all perseverance and supplication for our sense.
You gotta pray for our sense, not just for you, but pray for everybody, all of God's people around the world.
Yeah, and then it goes on to say, and for me, so you pray for me too.
Audreents may be given unto me that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel.
In fact, one of the sessions today were praying for me.
And I was like, amen.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Praise God.
Now, using the name
We've got to use the name.
That's the most important part of it.
See, now, go to St.
John's Gospel, chapter 16, from verse 23.
And in that day, he shall ask me nothing.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, he'll give it to you.
Now, okay, to illustrate it, I want you to read it one more time.
And in that day, he shall ask me nothing.
Verily I say to you, whatever you should ask the father in my name, he'll give it to you.
Now let's read this from the NIV and you will notice something.
In that day, you will no longer ask me anything.
You know what I'm saying?
That means you will ask me questions.
No, that's what the NIV is telling you.
Question is whether or not they're right.
And then the reason is, the reason is, the Greek could go whichever way.
But how do you know what's right?
The context.
The context.
Sure enough, they did ask him questions.
Sure enough, he was answering questions.
Sure, but what was he teaching about at this time?
What was he delivering to them at this time?
What was the context?
So we have versions like the amplified that when they get to a difficult place like this, they put boots together.
So let's read from the AMP.
You see what they did.
In that day, you will not need to ask me anything.
Did you see that?
All right.
Now, put the other AMP.
And when that time comes, you will ask nothing of me.
Then it puts in parentheses.
You will need to ask me no questions.
See, he's trying to get both sides of the eye into it.
But it can't be so.
It can't mean the two.
It can't mean the two.
Because the two don't refer to the same thing.
So is it about questions or not about questions?
Let's read from verse 20.
all the way to verse 26.
Let's start with those who are giving us both.
So I will start with AMPC.
I'll show you most solemnly, I tell you that you shall weep and grieve, but the world will rejoice.
You'll be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy.
A woman when she gives birth to a child has grief, anguish, agony, because her time has come.
But when she has delivered the child, she no longer remembers her pain, trouble, anguish, because she is so glad that a man, a child, a human being has been born into the world.
So for the present, you are also in sorrow, in distress, in depressed.
But I will see you again, and then your hearts will rejoice.
And no one can take from you your joy, gladness, delight.
And when that time comes,
You will ask nothing of me.
You will need to ask me no questions.
I assure you, most solemnly, I tell you that my father will grant you whatever you ask in my name, as present in order I am.
How could that be questions?
My father will grant.
Will he grant me?
Is it the answers he's granted me?
So it's wrong for them to add here, you will need to ask me no questions.
It's not about questions, it's making requests.
Requests, not questions.
It's obvious, right?
In fact, let's read, I said verse 26.
You'd see, you'd see further.
Next verse.
Up to this time, you have not asked a single thing in my name.
That's not a question.
You haven't asked a single thing in my name.
I'm representing all that I am, but now ask and keep on asking.
That cannot be a question.
How can you keep on asking the same question?
And you will receive.
That's not the answer to a question.
It is the response to requests.
So that your joy, gladness, delight may be full and complete.
Need I go on any further?
We can save time.
We already got it, right?
Okay, so something beautiful in verse 26.
So let me pick a good translation.
The KJV is very good in it.
It's good.
Let's read it from the... I hope this wouldn't say the same question question.
NLT, try the NLT.
Then you were asking my name.
Oh yeah, this is the part I want you to see.
Of course, it's the same in the King James.
Says, then you will ask in my name.
He says, I'm not saying I will ask the father on your behalf.
So those who will say to Angel, somebody prefers Mary prefers.
And even Jesus prefers.
That's not the way.
Look at it, he told you he will not pray to the Father for you.
Look, since then you were asking my name, I'm not saying I will ask the Father on your behalf.
Look at the next thing.
Father Father himself loves you, loves you dearly because you love me and believe that I came from God.
So he says, I want you to pray direct, but use my name.
Use my name.
He gave us the power of attorney.
That means the legal authority to use his name.
All right, you can go back to the KJV, you see exactly the same thing.
KJV, for the Father himself loves you because he loved me and I believe that I came out from God.
Look at verse 23 one more time.
Look at what he says, because it's very important.
It's about prayer.
It's about prayer using the name of Jesus in prayer.
And in that day you shall ask me nothing.
All right, meaning you're not gonna request to me.
Verily I say unto you, whatsoever is your ask the Father in my name.
You see it?
So you make request to the Father in the name of Jesus.
Look at the next verse.
He says, he that to opt till now, have he asked nothing in my name.
You haven't asked anything in my name up till now.
Ask, and he shall receive that to join me before.
You see it now?
He says, you haven't been asking in my name, but I give you a new revelation.
Use my name.
You see it?
Ask the father in my name.
And he says, when you ask the father in my name, I'm not telling you that I will pray in your behalf because the father himself loves you.
Remember, he was the one for God so loved the word that he gave his only begotten son.
He loved us and sent Jesus.
Somebody said, if not for Jesus, I don't know where we would be.
No, start with the father.
Because he was the one who loved us and sent Jesus.
The father himself loves you.
Secondly, secondly, in St.
John's Gospel, chapter 14, from verse 12,
And this is very significant.
This is very truly, I tell you, now we'll most be reading from the NIV.
Stay in the King James first, all right?
Verily, verily I say unto you, he that believe it on me, the works that I do shall he do also.
And better works than these shall he do because I go unto my father.
I want you to notice very carefully what he says because if you don't understand it, you can't use it.
You can apply something you don't understand.
You have to understand it to be able to use it.
He says, Verily, verily, I say unto you.
Verily, verily means assuredly, most assuredly.
I say unto you, he that believe it on me, the works that I do, shall he do also.
Stop for a second.
Have you ever thought about the works that Jesus did?
He says, the works that I do shall he do also.
The one who believes in me would do the works that I do.
So what works that Jesus do?
And he says, the one who believes in him would do the same works.
That's right, very, very assuredly you he that believe it on me the works that I do, shall he do or so, and greater works than these shall he do because I go into my father.
Just because, you know, I'm stopping, I'm going to the father and you're going to continue, right?
So he doesn't have the time to do more.
And then those who believe in him are gonna have a lot more time.
All right, now, keep this in your mind, what he's talking about.
He that believe it on me, the works that I do, shall he do also.
So you're gonna have to underline that because, oh, what's he talking about?
Next verse.
And whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
Remember, this is chapter 14, which means this discussion came before chapter 16.
All right, it's a long discussion.
It's a long discussion.
But he got here before the one we read about.
In that one, he says, don't ask me.
Ask the father, and he will give it to you.
Ask the father in my name.
Don't ask me.
Ask him in my name.
In this one, he says, whatever you ask in my name, that will I do that the father may be glorified in the sun.
goes further in the next verse, if he shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.
Isn't this contradicting what he said in chapter 16?
It looks like, but it's not.
What's the difference?
In chapter 16, he was talking about prayer.
In chapter 14, I told you to underline something.
He was talking about doing the works.
doing the works, doing the works.
What does this mean?
What does this mean?
How did Jesus do the works that he did that he was referring to?
He was talking about the father's works.
He says, I do what I do with my father.
He's talking about the miraculous works that he did.
How did Jesus do the works that the father committed into his hands to do?
All the miraculous works of Jesus.
Do you know how they were done?
They were done with words.
Every one of them.
Every one of them, he did with words.
He did the works with words.
In fact, there's an interesting thing that you discover
When you read in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, you see the differences between these writers.
And a second case was the case of Peter's Simon, Peter's modern law.
So these disciples were carried away often
by what they saw, all right?
So they reported how Jesus healed Peter's modern law.
They said on both occasions, they said Jesus was told that Peter's modern law had a fever.
And so Jesus came in there and touched her hand.
Another one says, he picked up her hand and she was healed.
But there was another writer, Luke, who was not there.
And he said, I had perfect understanding of all things.
In other words, I examined all the details.
Those are the ones they wrote as the witness.
But Luke said, I investigated the case.
Luke said, Jesus bent over her and rebuked the fever.
So Luke knew the difference.
He said, what actually happened was he rebuked.
Yes, he touched her.
But he said what actually happened was he rebuked the fever.
He saw that Jesus used words all the time.
This would have been a fascinating case in which he didn't use words because he said he just touched her and the lady was healed because he came to heal her.
Now that's a different case from people getting healed by touching him.
That's their fate at work.
But this woman's got nothing to do with her fate.
Jesus is told she's in this condition.
So Jesus wants to come do something for her.
So he speaks to the fever.
The Bible says he rebuked the fever.
So Jesus used words all the time.
So that's exactly what it's talking about when it says, whatever you ask in my name, that's what I do.
In other words, when you use words, Jesus will be back of the words.
I'm the authority behind your words.
Doing the works of Jesus.
Not the same thing as making requests of God.
An example, when they got to the gate of the temple called Beautiful, Peter and John, they find a man on the grounds, unable to walk his lane.
Lane from birds, the Bible says, Peter said,
We don't have the money you're asking for, because he said, I don't have the money you're asking for.
He says, see if I'm going to have I, no, because he didn't know if John had something.
So, is it in the name of Jesus Christ?
That's which I have, I give you.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Rise up and walk.
That's exactly what you have in St.
John 14 from verse 12 to verse 14.
He's not praying to God.
He's not praying to Jesus.
He's using words like Jesus did, and he's using the name of Jesus, and Jesus makes it happen.
He's the power behind it.
He says, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.
And the man was still looking at him.
The Bible says he got him by the right hand and lifted him up and his uncle bones received strength.
And he's leaping up students.
Walked with them into the temple, walking and leaping and praising God.
Why is that so important?
That's what you need in doing the works of Jesus and in ruling over devils, demons, ruling over the enemies of God.
Why is this important?
You've got to know it.
You've got to know it.
You've got to know it.
You've got to know it.
You've got to know it.
You've got to know it.
In Mark chapter 16 verse 17, remember his words?
And these signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out devils, demons.
So in Luke chapter nine verse one, look at that.
Then he called his two of the cybers together and gave them power and authority over all devils unto pure diseases.
Isn't it wonderful?
He gave them power and authority over all demons.
Use the new King James version.
Because only the King James uses the word devils for demons.
All right?
So when you see devils in King James translation, it means demons.
Then he called his two of disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases.
That means he gave them power and authority to cure diseases.
Do you understand the difference?
Power and authority.
That's remarkable, which means that there is inherent power as well as the authority, legal authority.
That's amazing.
We got inherent power, meaning that we can actually transmit virtue, virtue.
That's amazing.
That's amazing.
Oh, I love it, I love it, I love it.
So he says, in my name, they shall cast out devils.
And when you keep reading, you'll see that what he said,
In fact, we can read it.
They shall take up Sir Prince.
And if they drink any dirty thing, it shall not hurt them.
They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.
So you can see, it's all about the authority and the part and authority to cast out devils and cure diseases that you have in Saint Luke's Gospel, chapter 9 and verse 1.
All here manifested in Saint Mark's Gospel, chapter 16, verses 17 and 18, for all of those who believe in him.
every one of us, not just the 12 in Luke 9, 1.
But all of us who believe in Him, now we can do it in the name of Jesus Christ, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.
If they shall drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them.
So you got nothing to fear, Hallelujah.
Watch, so ruling over them.
So we are in this world, we can rule over them.
Yes, it came from the prophecy.
It came from the prophecy about Jesus and His church.
So this is very important that each one of us recognizes this, and God's church recognizes its place today, Psalm 110.
I'm gonna read from verse one to verse five.
Oh, hope we can read real quick.
The Lord said unto my Lord, sit down at my right hand until I make that enemies by footstool.
Now you remember, the Lord said unto my Lord, this is David writing, the Lord God said unto my Lord the Christ.
So remember, because Jesus said that was what it was and the Jews understood it to be so.
So I don't want to give too much time into that.
So you already understand that.
Okay, so, so, so about Jesus here, let's keep reading.
He says, no, no, go back.
He says, the Lord said unto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand, until I make thy enemies die footstool.
Sit at my right hand, right hand means the place of power, the place of authority.
Sit at my right hand, my place of power, until I make your enemies your footstool.
So remain there until I make your enemies your footstool.
What does that mean?
We'll come to it.
Next verse.
Oh, that means his authority works from Zion.
And it says rule in the midst of your enemies.
I thought you said he should sit at your right hand until the enemies be made his foots too.
How can you rule in their midst?
You are not in their midst.
You are sitting at God's right hand.
Rule in the midst.
That means rule in the presence.
So you and the enemies are in the same place.
Jesus, during that period, you are supposed to be?
He says, say that my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.
That means he's not talking to Jesus.
And yet, it has something to do with him.
Okay, let's read.
That's right, next verse, thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power.
I gotta read this to you from a translation that's clearer for you so you can see what he's talking about.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Can you look at the NIV?
The NIV is good and the CJB is good here.
Because it just breaks, it's just that word I want you to see.
Your troops will be willing on your day of battle.
Your troops.
Another word for it is your forces.
Because the Hebrew word refers to people in a congregated unit.
So that's why it's not just enough to say your people like in the King James.
It's referring to people defined, okay?
Like a unit.
So that's like a force, your troops.
So your troops will be willing on your day of battle and read in holy majesty from the womb of the dawn.
That is remarkable.
He's talking about the resurrection.
From the womb of the morning.
Jesus was born out of debt.
The first begotten from the debt.
And when he came out of debt, we came out with him.
So he says, we are from the womb of the morning.
He resurrected very early in the morning.
You remember?
Oh, hallelujah.
Remarkable, remarkable.
Gonna verse four.
during this time, the Lord has sworn and will not change his mind.
You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.
That says it all because he's talking about the day when Jesus Christ is made priests.
He becomes priests and sits at the right end of the Father.
And why he's priests, the church is on.
This is remarkable.
Go to 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verse 25.
He said the same thing, we just read in verse one.
It says, for he must reign till he had put all enemies on, I said, oh, hold on.
I thought, I thought he said, see that my right hand.
Till I make your enemies your footstool.
I told you that place is the place of power.
When you say, see that my right hand, it means you are my right hand man.
You are my man of authority.
I carry out my works through you.
But he is in heaven.
So he says, he must reign, till he had put all enemies on his feet.
Oh my goodness.
So all the time he is in heaven, he's supposed to be running.
Running till when?
Till he had put all enemies on his feet.
What is this?
God, he was chapter 10, verse 12.
But this man,
After he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God.
That's Jesus.
He sat down from henceforth expecting.
See how his enemies be made his foots too.
He's expecting, he's seated and expecting.
And yet the Bible says, during that period of expectation, he is reigning.
How does he reign?
How does he reign?
Romans 5, verse 17.
Glory to God, for if by one man's offense, that reign by one much more, there which receive a bonus of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life.
By one, Jesus Christ.
No one is ruled down in the midst of that enemies.
He's running in the midst of his enemies.
Let's keep reading, go back to that Psalm 110, we're in verse four.
The Lord has one and will not repent.
Thou are the priests forever after the order of Melchizedek.
So all that is taking place, why is priest of God, high priest of God, for the church, that's wonderful.
Now look at verse five.
The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his rot.
This is not the day of his rot.
Can you see it?
So it goes on all the way from verse 1 to verse 4, it's the day of the church.
Then in verse 5, the day of his rot.
And in that day he comes down as king.
King of kings and Lord of lords.
And it takes actions against his enemies.
Look at it.
The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath.
Not in the day of his grace.
We are in the day of his grace.
Look at the next verse.
He shall judge among the heathen.
He shall fill the places with the dead bodies.
He says he's going to make a feast for the birds of the earth.
He shall wound the heads over many countries.
That's when he comes back.
Glory to God.
So between now and then, the Bible says he is seated there expecting.
He's in the position of expectation.
He's expecting his enemies be made his foots too.
By us, the church, and in the name of Jesus Christ.
No, no, no, no.
You got to, you got to pick something, pick something, pick something, pick something about the name.
That's pick something about the name.
All right?
Matthew chapter 28, from verse 16.
Look what I say is then the 11 disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.
And when they saw him, they washed up to him, but some doubted.
Imagine they're sinning face to face in the doubting.
And Jesus came and speak unto them saying, all power is given unto me, quit in heaven and in earth.
Oh God, oh God.
Oh, hallelujah.
All power in heaven and in earth.
Who can talk like that?
All power, all authority in heaven and in earth.
He says, it's given unto me.
That's amazing.
John 3, 35.
Look what he says.
the father loved the son and had given all things into his hand.
Philippians chapter two from verse eight.
And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Wherefore God also had highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name.
that the name of Jesus, every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth.
This is remarkable.
Read that from the Amplified for a second.
From verse nine.
Philippians two, nine.
This is therefore because he stripped so low, God has highly exalted him and has freely bestowed on him the name that is above every name.
That in, act, the name of Jesus every need you must bow in heaven and on earth and on that earth.
And every tongue frankly and openly confess and acknowledge Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
That's amazing.
Now you can go back to that King James and read, Ephesians chapter one from verse 19.
Oh, you're gonna like this.
Look what he says, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places?
Where is Jesus?
Look at where his power is from.
Far above
Jesus is set far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come.
That's amazing.
That is amazing.
I want you to read it from the new living translation.
Now he's far above any ruler.
or authority, or power, or leader or anything, say anything else, whatever they call them.
He said, you can call them anything like.
Jesus is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else.
Not only in this world, but also in the world to come.
Look at it from the CJB.
You love it.
You'll love it, you'll love it, you'll love it.
Far above every ruler, authority, power, dominion, or any other name that can be named, either in the Olam Hazai, or in the Olam Habah.
Olam Hazai is the world as it is with all its experiences, that is the Aeon.
And Olam Habah means the world to come.
And that is referring to the mizanic reign of Christ, Hallelujah.
That's from the Jewish mind.
Glory to God.
Now, you lack it in the message translation.
Message translation often very polished, sometimes over polished, but look at it.
In charge of a, like this one, it says, Jesus is in charge of running the universe.
Everything from galaxies to governments.
No name and no power exempt from his rule.
And not just from the time being, but forever.
Oh, glory to God.
Are you ready to use that name?
We're going to use that name right now.