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Higher Life Conference Vol. 3 Part 3

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your secret.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Fable is yours.

The Lord is in this place.
Do you know that?
He's here in you.
That's right.
You're not to feel anything.
He's here in you.
That's how you know he's here, because you are here.
When I go anywhere, he goes in me.
Christ in you.
the hope of glory.
That is the revelation of Christianity.
Christ in you.
That's it.
So where you go?
God goes.

And you only go to places.
He leads you.
Thank you, Holy Spirit.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Isn't wonderful to be in the presence of a Lord like this?
I understand what happened to Peter, James, and John when they said, Lord, let's stay here.
They didn't want to go home.
They said, let's stay here.
What a rest.
No wonder he says there's a rest to the people of God.
There's a rest.
Those who have entered into that rest have seized from their struggles.
They don't struggle in finances.
They don't struggle in business.
They don't struggle in ministry.
They don't struggle in life.
They don't struggle.
They have seized from their struggles.
Thank you all.
Glory to God.
You're still here?
Then he that is in the world.
Then he that is in the world.
Then he that is in the world.
Then he that is in the world.
Can you trust that?
Can you trust that?
Say, the greater one lives in me.
Now, if that's true, you're bigger than the world.
No, think about it.
If it's true that the greater one lives in you, then you're bigger than the world.
Say, I'm bigger than the world.
Now, some are not yet very sure whether they should say that or not.
Are you afraid of something?
The fear is over.
No more fears.
The greater one lives in me.
One more time.
The greater one lives in me.
You see, the Bible says, in the city of Ephesus, when the disciples took the Word of God there,
Tell us what happened there.
So mightily greet the Word of God and prevail.
So the Word of God in me will prevail.
So I got the Word in me.
It will prevail.
Look around good right now because this is the smallest you're going to see after now.

Because we've got that word that's growing mightily.
It again so mightily, grieve the Word of God and prevail.
I've got the Word in me and it will prevail.
It will prevail.
No way!
See, while we can laugh at the devil and laugh at circumstances, because we have the prevailing word.
Say it again, it will prevail.
The Word of God in me will prevail.
It will grow.
mightily and prevail.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
It will prevail.
I trust the Word of God in me.
I have confidence in God's Word in my spirit.
And it is growing by the day as I meditate on the Word of God.
It grows and grows and grows.
I know it will prevail.
See, if you have that understanding in your family, in your business, in your finances, it doesn't matter what it is, if you have this understanding, this mentality, it will produce results.
That's God's plan.
That's God's plan.
You are the offspring of the Word of God.
The Word of God gave birth to you.
Don't you understand it?
It says being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible by the Word of God that lived and abided forever of his own will begat he asked by the Word of Truth, that we should be a kind, a species of first fruits of his creatures.
First fruits of his creatures.
What do you mean first fruits?
The first and the best.
That's first fruits.
The first and the best.
And God's topmost.
Listen, nobody was ever like you.
Nobody was ever like you.
Nobody is like you today.
And there will never be another one like you.
You are unique for God.
They're not two fingerprints alike in the whole world.
You are the only one of you that God has ever had and that He has and that He will ever have.
So what are you gonna do?
Be your best for God.
Because you're the only one He's got.
So be your best for God.
Say this, I made up my mind.
I'm gonna be God's best of me.
Because I'm the only one of me that he has ever had, that he has, that he will ever have.
I'm the only one like me.
So I'm gonna be the best for God.
Yeah, think about it.
See, if you fail,
You are the only one of you that ever failed, because you are the only one of you God ever had.
Why should you fail?
I told you last night, God sponsors no flops.
He doesn't have any dummies.
You're the best of you that God has ever had.
The only one.
So be God's best for God.
He deserves the best.
The king deserves the best.
He deserves the best.
So talk yourself good.
Never talk down on God's production.
You are His masterpiece.
Never say, I can't.
Never say, oh, me.
Oh, why me?
Oh God, never have the exclamation of failure.
No regrets.
Just say to yourself, he won't sponsor no flops.
I'll never flop.
If anything I do,
Never, never, never.
I'm a success.
So again, I'm a success.
One more time, I'm a success.
I was still a teenager when I was organizing, holding, success in life seminars.
Can you imagine that?
I was holding success in life seminars as a teenager.
1819, success in life seminars.
Somebody would have wondered, what in the world does he know about success?
Some of the young stars invited their parents to come, and the parents came in and they thought they were going to see somebody, and then this other young guy talking about success in life.
But you see, I'm in the brain support.
And many years have come and gone.
I'm still working in those principles.
because they're not principles for kids, they're principles for life.
You understand?
Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.
He's in me.
He's in me.
See, I'm bigger inside than I am outside.
So, don't size me from the outside.
Because you're going to be wrong.
And big our names side.
And for your information.
And many times bigger inside.
I can do anything.
I can do anything.
I always miss success.
Now, imagine if this had been your mentality in the last 15 years.
You see, thank God I got to you now.

Glory to God.
You know what I just said?
Do you want me to say it again?
That's what I said in terms.
Glory to God.
Someone's been healed.
I believe it's someone up somewhere there.
It's been healed in the heart.
There's a heart condition that's been healed up on this side.
Glory to God.
You know, somebody said one time, why don't you just say exactly who it is?
Sometimes we know exactly who it is.
Sometimes you don't know exactly who it is.
I wonder why God doesn't always tell us who it is.
Sometimes it tells us, and sometimes it doesn't.
Isn't that amazing?
Turn the first Samuel chapter 16, let me show you something.
First Samuel chapter 16.
Someone with a very serious back problem is being healed right now.
That devil is gone from you.
Glory to God.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
And I also see somebody who's, I believe it's a cancer.
And that one suffers pains on the back with difficulty sitting or standing, but you got a lot of pain on the back because of the cancer.
You're being healed right now.
Thank you, Lord.
All right.
I want to ask you to open.
First Samuel chapter 16.
All right, let's read from verse one.
You ready?

I think I should read it to you.

From verse one.
And the Lord said unto Samuel, you remember Samuel?
Sano was that little guy that became a priest and a prophet.
All right?
And one day, God sent him on an important mission.
Here's the record, won't you listen to this.
And the Lord said unto Samuel, how long will thou mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel?
Filled on Han with oil and gold, I was sent thee to Jesse the bettly he might, for I have provided me a king among his sons.
I provided me a king among his sons.
And summer said, how can I go?
If so, here he'll kill me.
And the Lord said, take a nifa with thee and say, I am come to sacrifice to the Lord.
And call Jesse to the sacrifice.
And I will show thee what thou shalt do.
And thou shalt not unto me, him whom I name unto thee.
That should be very encouraging for Samuel.
I'm gonna give you his name.
So, verse four, in summary, that which the Lord spake and came to battle him, and the elders of the town trembled at his coming, and said, comest thou peaceably, and he said peaceably, I am come to sacrifice unto the Lord.
Sanctify yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice, and he sanctified Jesse and his sons, and called him to the sacrifice.
And it came to pass when they were come, that he looked on Elia.
Elia was the first son of Jesse.
He looked on Elia and said, surely the Lord's anointed is before him.
And the Lord said unto Samuel, look not on his countenance, or on the height of his statue, because I have refused him.
For the Lord see it, not as man see it.
For men look it on the outward appearance, but the Lord look it on the heart.
Then Jessica had been a dad and made him pass before Samuel, and he said neither had the Lord chosen this.
Lord, why don't you just tell Samuel who exactly it is?
The first son passes by, and Samuel wants to know him, and the Lord says, mm-hmm, that's not the one.
The second one comes, that's not the one.
Why don't you just, why do we have to go through this?
Lord, just tell us who it is.
Give me his name.
Don't you think?

Let's read verse 8 again.
Then Jesse called a binadab and made him pass before Samuel and he said neither have the Lord chosen this.
Then Jesse made Shamar to pass by and he said neither have the Lord chosen this.
Again, Jesse made seven of his sons to pass before Samuel and Samuel said unto Jesse the Lord had not chosen these.
How did he know?
There was no confirmation within his spirit.
He just
You know, the Lord didn't let him in any of this.
Have I made a mistake?
Am I in the wrong house?
Seven of the boys have come by and not one of them.
Why did God have to let seven of them pass by?
Doesn't he know who it is?
Jesus should have been wondering if something wrong.
Can't he just tell us if he's a prophet, he should know.
Well, that's not the way it is.
God, many times, just gives you a little light.
See that?
God said one of his sons.
He gets there and starts from the tallest one and the biggest and the oldest and keeps going until all the sons were exhausted.
And Samuel was wondering, am I in the wrong place?
You're still there.
Verse 11, Samuel said unto Jesse, I hear all thy children.
And he said, they're admitted yet the youngest.
And that one takes care of the sheep.
He didn't have to be here.
The youngest, we don't need that one here.
If God wants a king among my sons, these are the big boys.
These are the guys.
These are the ones that I've heard from the yummy.
They have been trained in the yummy.
The other guys, one little rascal, I left him with the sheep and the goats.
You don't mean you want to see that one, do you?
And behold, he keepeth the sheep.
And somewhere he said unto Jesse, send them fetch him, for we will not sit down till he come either.
See, he is not even still short.
I said, get him.
Let's see.
Oh, it is.
Glory to God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.
And He sent and brought Him in.
Now He was ready and with all of our beautiful countenance and goodly to look to.
And the Lord said, Arise and art Him for this is He.

Thank you, Lord.
That's why sometimes, you know, we
see some things in the spirit and the people who just don't know how such can work.
Why is it so?
We see, I don't know about you, but a lot of times I see the things that God shows me in visions.
Even many times with the word of knowledge, the word of knowledge comes to me more in visions than any other way.
He did say in the last days, we would see visions.
Didn't he say that?
He did.
He did.
I believe in visions.
I believe in visions.
God's children should be able to see as the Spirit of God opens their eyes.
And sometimes I ask people, when you pray, what happens to you?
Because when I pray, I see.
You know, when I pray, I see.
So I close my eyes.
I see better than when I opened them.
Isn't that amazing?
You close your eyes and now you can really see.
You open them and this is all you see.
But you close them and you see things that the ordinary eyes cannot see.
And then also learning to see even when your optical eyes are open, you learn to see by the spirit
You know, often in a service, I'm amazed, you know, but it's something that happens.
Sometimes you hear me say, oh, the glory of God is here.
What actually happens at such times when I say that, is that I see a cloud, a lot of times over the congregation.
And when I see that,
I say, oh, the glory of God is here, because that's my way of acknowledging to the Spirit what He's doing that I am seeing, because it's showing it to me.
My eyes are open, and I see that cloud, and I say, the glory of God is here.
And when I say, the glory of God is here, because of seeing that cloud, the things that happen,
in the spirit.
The things that happen in the spirit.
You know, as God's children, our life is supernatural.
It's our calling.
And the more we recognize these things, the more of them we will see, the more of them we will experience.
And this is very important.
See, it's a supernatural walk.
This is what will be encouraged.
Lift your hand like this and say, thank your Lord Jesus.
Glory to God.
Let me tell you something about that.
See, there are things you do to acknowledge
and honor the Lord like raising your hand.
When you raise your hand like this, especially when you're stared in your spirit, you know, you're stared in your spirit, you raise your hand and worship to the Lord, it means a lot.
Sometimes at home in your office, wherever you are,
The things God says to you, you may not say anything.
You may just be quiet.
And that hand goes up.
You know, it's like what it says in the Book of Revelation about the prayers of the saints coming to God as incense.

Comes to God as incense.
David said the same thing.
about his prayer going to God as incense.
And as the evening sacrifice.
And Paul said, I will that all men pray everywhere, lifting holy hands.
That prayer is a prayer of worship.
It's a prayer of worship.
Learn to take your hand up for God.
You will experience another kind of function that you didn't know existed.
Are you hearing me?
You will experience another kind of function that you didn't know existed.
You know, something is happening.
You're listening either to the Word or there's a song going on or something has happened, you know, and you raise your hand to the Lord.
When you raise your hand to the Lord, it's significant.
You are agreeing with the Spirit.
And then it's a great honor to the Lord when you do that.
When you do that, it's a sign.
It's a sign.
You know, there are many things we've got to learn in the spirit.
For example, when you were growing up, you probably were taught to bow when you greeted the elderly.
You did like this, or someone who was a senior person of some status.
So you did like this, or for the ladies, you did like this.
Okay, you were taught.
Someone had to teach you.
All right?
In the spirit, there are certain things we do also.
And this one is one of them.
It's one of them.
You raise your hand.
Not the two of them.
No, I'm talking about one.
One hand.
Do it again, come on.
Can you imagine that?
See something happening?
Sometimes you just breathe out those simple words.
Thank you, Jesus.
That comes out of your spirit.
Oh, hallelujah.
Comes out of your spirit.
Sometimes some, some powerful words in other tongues.
Go about it, take it.
And when you do that, when you say that, it goes somewhere in the spirit.
Something happens.
Yesterday, I was told, I gave an article last night and during the prayer for them to receive the Holy Spirit, a gentleman who had been deaf for about three years, completely deaf, totally deaf in both ears, received the Holy Ghost and his ears pop open.
Right here.
That's the way not to be.
Glory to God.
That's the Anointing.
The Anointing of God's Spirit.
You know, the Bible says, the yoke shall be destroyed because of the Anointing.
That's where the old saints, many Christians years ago, and up till now, that's where they actually got the term, the anointing breaks the yoke.
That's where they got it from.
Incidentally, that rendering is a little misleading.
It says, the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.
That's what it says.
He didn't say the anointing will break the yoke.
Of course it will break the yoke.
The lesser is included in the greater.
Yeah, sure.
But it does say the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.
That means you cannot put a yoke on one that is anointed.
It means that when you put the yoke on him, it will break.
He says, the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.
You cannot be yoked when New York is put on you.
They tried again.

No, you can't put a yoke on me.
You can't?
See that?
If many Christians understood that, they would just walk out of the problems.
They'd just walk out.
Just walk out.
They wouldn't need to queue up for deliverance.
It's almost insulting, you know.
We can do that for babes, but please don't let it go on in your life.
Yeah, one, yeah, two, yeah, three, you're still going for deliverance.
Because somebody said you drunk in your dream.
Therefore, you need to have a devil cast out of you.
I told some people the other time earlier in the year.
I said, if you find food in your dream, eat it.
Eat it.
I've had several people talk to me through the years.
I need prayer.
It's a prayer for what?
I was eating in my dream.
So what's wrong with it?
What's wrong with eating in your dream?
It's a dream, anyhow.
Listen, do you really think?
Do you really think Satan is so good he'll give you food in your dream?

You know, I don't know where some folks get their revelations from.
The only ones that gave food in Bible from Genesis to Revelation were angels.
There was no occasion a demon gave anybody food.
So where did they get it from?
Only angels gave food to human beings in the Bible.

Now a table has been laid before you.
In your dream.
And you took only a bite and woke up with a bad conscience.
How cool is you?
You should have gone back to that sleep.
Glory to God.
I know.
I know.
I've been in ministry for many years.
I know there are some who are into the deliverance ministry who would hear this and say, Pastor Chris, he don't know nothing about demons.
Come on here.
I've been casting out devils for many years.
I know what I'm talking about.
I know what I'm talking about.
I sure know what I'm talking about.
How could a devil set your table
Don't you know Psalm 23?
You got it brother.

Glory to God.
You know, imagine the devil taking all the good things from us.
Now he's taking away eating in the dream, which is nice.
How many of you can eat in your dream?
That means you can't really believe for the real.
No, you can't, oh, okay, you want to suffer in your dream.

I preached a message many years ago titled, Cream Your Dreams.
In other words, take the best part of your dream.
and kick the rest out.
For example, in your dream, you found yourself driving a car and then it turned into a bicycle.
Kick the bicycle away, take the car.

Don't cry and say, I don't know what happened to me.
I dreamt I was driving the car.
He turned into a bicycle.
What shall I do?
No, cream your dreams.
Take the best part of your dream and leave the rest.
Listen, you get to understand who you are.
There is no disadvantage to the child of God.
And we know that all things work together for good, to them that love God, to them who are the cause, according to his purpose.
That's it.
We know all things work together for good.
All things work together for good.
No matter what happens in your life, you say it's turning out for my good.
It's working out for my good.
I'm going to have a testimony on this one.
It's working out for my good.
Working for my good.
Can you say, man?
It's for my good.
No matter what happens.
Say, you can't beat me on this one.
I'm full of the Holy Ghost.
I'm full of wisdom.
God's furnaces.
Working in me.
It's called the wisdom of the righteous.
I'm full of wisdom.
Say it again, I'm full of wisdom.
For Christ has been made unto me wisdom.
So I walk in wisdom.
I walk in wisdom.
I'll never be confused.
If you got into a situation you didn't know what to do, just hold on.
Just wait.
And then laugh.
You know, many don't understand the power of laughter.
Laughter is very important.
That's why when people are sick, when the devil takes charge of somebody's life, he doesn't let him laugh.
They don't like to laugh.
People who are suffering bad, they don't like to laugh.
They don't know it's a devil stopping them from laughing.
He got to learn to laugh.
He wants to fill your mouth with laughter.
You got it.
He just laugh.
Glory to God.
Sometimes you don't feel like laughing.
Sometimes you don't feel like laughing.
And when you don't feel like laughing, laugh anyhow.
You go ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
My goodness, you're a stand-up here.
Something for you here.
Take that in Jesus, man.
Oh, the Holy Ghost.
Oh, dear.
That's the unknown of the Holy Ghost.
