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Higher Life Conference Vol. 2 Part 2

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your secret.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Fable is yours.

Play that way, upon the Lord, shall renew their strength.
They shall mount up, with wheeze as they dance.
They shall rise, and not be weary.
They shall walk,
Teach me Lord, teach me Lord to wear Hallelujah.
I want to share some thoughts with you to begin with.

I've told you every day, Christianity is not a religion.
It is the life of Christ in you.
It's no religion at all.
Those who assume it's a religion are missing the whole thing.
They're missing the whole idea.
God never intended to give the world another religion.
There's too many religions in the world.
The world doesn't need another one.
So Jesus didn't come to start a religion.

So Christianity is not a religion.
It's a relationship.
It's a life of Christ.
in you.

Somebody said it's serving God through Jesus Christ.
It's not serving God through Jesus Christ.
It's the life of Christ in you.
That's what it is.

In many times, the religious thinking takes over the minds of many, and all the time they just miss this thing.
It's like what we try to correct many about when they pray through Jesus Christ, making Jesus a medium.
He's not a medium.
You don't pray through Jesus Christ.
He never told us to pray through Him.
You know, let's say they pray us and that the end of it is through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
That prayer can't be answered.
That's why many pray and they don't know why.
There's no change.
They're praying through Jesus Christ.
You don't pray through Jesus Christ.

Did you suppose He wanted us to pray through Him?
No, He didn't say that.
You don't pray through Jesus Christ.
God cannot answer your prayer.
if you pray through Jesus Christ.
Now, the difference may look like mere semantics, but it's not.
It's reality.
He didn't say pray through Jesus Christ.
He said, pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
There's a big difference between them.
They're not the same.

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, the life.
He's the door.
You come to God through Him once.
You come as a sinner.
to God through Jesus Christ.
Once, once you have come, you are in Him.
You don't come every morning when you pray.
You know, like people, you know, they pray and they say, every day, every day, every one, Father, we come to you in the name of Jesus, every day.
When did you leave?
See, their mentality is, when they pray, they are in the presence of God.
And when they open their eyes, they're back to the world.
So they travel to God every time when they shut their eyes.
We come to you in the name of Jesus.
So you see, such people cannot experience the presence of God all the time.
Because they have this coming and going mentality.
And that's not God's plan.
He never intended for you to come and go.
You come to Him and you live in Him.
Every day you are in Him.
Every day, every now of your life.
That's Christianity.
You live in Him.
You walk in Him.
That's Christianity.
Oh God, we come to you.
And Father is asking, when did you leave?
You came yesterday.
So don't come and go.
You came once when you received Christ as Lord of your life.
You came into the presence of God.
He accepted you.
He received you.
Now you dwell there.
You live in His presence.
Don't go out anymore.
For outside there's darkness, there's evil.
Outside the sin, there's wickedness.
Outside the devil is around page and destroying lives.
Stay inside the house.
Stay inside the house.
And another beautiful thing is not only do we live in his presence, we carry his presence.
We carry his presence everywhere.
We carry it.
Oh, what a beautiful thought.
We carry his presence.
We don't have to go into it.
We came in once.
And from then, oh, I love the expression of John.
He says, in God, in God, in you.
So you are in God, and God is in you.
No big surprise, because that's what he heard from Jesus.
That's the way Jesus spoke, is that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me.
Now we are in God, and God is in us.
You know, I was teaching the other day at the International School of Ministries in South Africa, a gentleman who had been a pastor many years of his present, and had come from all over the world.
So after the meeting,
He said to one of our leaders, he said, my God, I've got to repent.
I have many things to repent to my people.
I've taught so many wrong things through the years.
Where do I start from?
Well, you can start from where you can.
He just correct it.
All right.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a term that most Pentecosters misunderstand.
And that's the reason most Pentecosters, even though they are more acquainted
with the power, the charismatic and the panic-costers, and then some of the related groups.
They are acquainted with the power of God and so on and so forth.
They are the ones that are mostly asking God for more power.
Why is it so?
Why are they forever looking for how to get God to be with them?
They pray like Moses, oh God, if you would not go with me, I don't want to go on.
How can you think like that?
Oh Lord, if you don't want to go with me or if you don't go with me, if I don't feel your presence, I wouldn't do it.
Why would you pray like that?
Because you see, that's the way most have been taught.
And there's a problem there.
Jesus said, I am with you always.
He didn't say, I will be.
It's not a promise.
It says, take me to fact.
You don't come back to say, oh God, if you will not go with me.
I was done talking.
He says, I am with you.
It's a law.
I am.
So the question of his presence
shouldn't arise.
You don't have to feel it.
Hey, I am with you, period.
That's all you need.
Well, you know, I said some of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Why do you have this thing mixed up?
The very word baptism in the Bible, you find in the New Testament section of the Bible, and we got the English translation from the Greek translation.
And in the Greek, it's from the word baptism, which actually means to dip completely into, it means to immerse,
It means to immerse.
So to be baptized in the Spirit, in the New Testament, would mean to be immersed in the Spirit.

Baptism, by the way, was one of the diverse kinds of washing's purifications in religious Judaism.
They washed all the time.
But then John came with a special kind of washing.
It was called baptizing.
He would wash them by dipping them completely into the water.
Others washed in different ways, some sprinkled the water, some only washed their feet and their hands.
But this John came, dipping them into the water.
That's why they called him John the baptism, the imasa, John the deeper into
You get it?
That's how he end his name.
He came with a different kind of watch, and he said, you have to wash every way.
But it was significant.
It had something to do with what was coming.
The next thing they knew was Jesus himself came to John, instead of going to the others, to the Pharisees and others who sprinkled water on them.
or did any other kind of worship.
Jesus came here too.
He was dipped into the Jordan, by John.

Then he said, this is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
He will immerse you into the Spirit.
When that happens, you become part of his body.
So in 1 Corinthians chapter 12, you read verse 13, it tells you, by one spirit, are we all baptized into one body?
See, the spirit does that.
So you find with that you are
in God.
That is what is meant by being in Christ.
You are in Christ.
You are in God because you are in Christ.
Then the next thing is something
that you find introduced at different stages in the Old Testament, but for specific purposes.
And that is when the Spirit comes into you, when the Spirit comes into you, and the Old Testament, the Spirit came upon them.
He anointed them.
But there are two men who were filled with the spirits in the Old Testament for the purpose of designing and making the priests regalia.
They had to be filled with the spirit.
When we have something in a New Testament,
And this is what the Lord promised, the Holy Spirit coming to live in us.
He said, He is with you, but He shall be in you.
He is with you, but He shall be in you.
So you're born again by the Spirit but ties in you into the body of Christ.
So overwhelmed, you become his own.
But he doesn't only want you to be a part of his body, he wants to live inside you.
Then you receive the Holy Spirit.
That's why you find, nowhere in the New Testament did he ask believers if they had been baptized in the Holy Spirit.
He only asked, have you received the Holy Spirit?
For they were actually baptized when they were born again.
Being baptized in the Spirit, scripturally, actually, is what you mean by being born again.
But not in religious theology.
In religious theology, they got many things.
One, you're born again.
Two, you're baptized.
So even add another one, you are sealed.
then with many questions, then they need an anointing.
Some people ask for the double anointing.
And that's another problem when they're asking for a double anointing, because double anointing in Scripture doesn't mean twice what the other guy's got, but they think that that's what it means.
So they say, but Elijah performed twice as many miracles as Elijah.
When did we start measuring the amount of anointing by the number of miracles?
Come on.
He did ask Elijah, let a double portion of your spirit rest upon me.
That's what he said.
But Elijah said to him, you have asked a hard thing.
Because it wasn't his to give.
How can I give you twice what I've got?
Elijah was smarter than that.
He wasn't asking Elijah for twice what he had.
Can you ask someone to give you twice what he's got?
Can he give it to you?
That's not what he was asking for.
There was a school of prophets, so there were many prophets in Israel at the time.
And Elijah was the chief prophet
He was God's number one man.
And so when he was going away, he said to Elisha, the man who served him, he said, ask what I shall do for you before I'm taken away.
Then Elisha said, let a double portion of your spirit rest upon me.
What did that mean?
He was referring to something that was written in the book of the economy.
Let me explain it.
In the law, God said,
If a man has six songs, for example, he should divide his estate into seven places.
One portion for one son.
One portion for one son.
There are six songs, so you divide into seven places.
So at the end, you're gonna have an extra portion.
Then it says, that other portion give it to the first song.
So the first song will have the double portion.
It's called the law of the double portion.
It means that one is the air.
So you give the double portion to the air.
Now, hear this.
Does that son have twice what daddy had?
No, he's got twice what others have.
Not twice what daddy has.
What is the sign?
And you find even in Genesis before this law was established, Joseph was given the double portion among the children of Jacob.
Because Ruben had messed up.
He was unstable as water.
And Jacob, his father said, so you will not excel.
And give the double portion to Joseph.
Are you hearing this?
So what Elijah was saying was, I want to be the next man.
I want to be the next man.
I want to be the one in your place.
Then Elijah said to him, this is hard.
Well, if you see me when I'm taken away, you got it.
That means you got it.
If you see me when I'm taken away, why?
Because you see, God only showed the main man what was going to happen in Israel and all the other prophets confirmed.
So what happened was a child of fire came down and took Elijah away.
And Elijah cried out, my father, my father, the chariots of Israel and the horsemen thereof.
And the mantle of Elijah fell.
Elijah picked it up.
And when he left there, all the sons of the prophets
those in the school of the prophets.
That means all the other prophets in this show.
We're standing there, about 50 of them on this side.
And they suddenly didn't see Elijah.
They thought, oh boy, where's he gone?
Where's he gone?
Then they said, Elijah, can we come help you look for him?
Because they knew from time to time this very God carried Elijah away, transported him to different places.
So now they're thinking, maybe he's gone somewhere.
Can we come help you look for him?
Your master's been taken away, they said.
Let's go help you look for him.
They didn't see him when he was taken away.
They just noticed that he disappeared.
But Elisha saw him go.
So by that, Elisha knew.
They were blind backs, they couldn't see.
Now they're gonna see a miracle.
the watching him.
So how are you going to come this way?
Your master's gone and the Jordan is deep."
He said, hold on.
He stood the mantle.
He said, where is the Lord God of Elijah?
Smoked the waters.
And the Bible says the Jordan parted this way and that way.
And when the sons of the prophets saw that, they ran to Elisha and bowed themselves and said, behold, the spirit of Elijah got the rest upon Elisha.
Praise God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
So you see, the anointing of God, the Holy Spirit has come to live in us.
But only did He make us His house.
He came to dwell in the house.
So He's in me now.
So I am in God, and God is in me.
So this has fulfilled exactly what Jesus talked about.
I am in the Father, and the Father is in me.
I'm in Christ.
if any man be in Christ.
Now this is the mystery Christ in you.
So you are in Christ and Christ is in you.
Can you say, man?
If this is real in your life, where will the fever come from?
Where will the cans are come from?
Tell me.
Where will the sickness come from?
When you are in Him, and He's a new.

Don't accept sickness.
Don't accept it.
Some people think it's normal.
They say nobody can be really healthy.
It's just the same way some people say that everybody has five minutes madness.
Have you had yours today?
They say, everybody's got some five minutes madness.
I've never had five minutes madness.
No, they say it's true, it's true.
They say it's true as though God spoke to them and said, those said the Lord.
Five minutes madness for everybody.
It's amazing what many people believe.
They just believe.
They just accept it.
And it's not real.
Why would you believe a lie?
Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Christ in you, the hope of glory.
That means you live a glorious life every day.
That's the life it gave to you.
A glorious life.
A glorious life.
Can you believe it?
Believe it.
A glorious life.
Nothing that you cannot change.
That's what your hands are for.
That's what your tongue is for.
No, you think your tongue is for ice cream?
No, this tongue the Bible says, even though it's a little member in the body, it's given to you to charge your cause in life.
You decide where you're gonna go.
What your life is gonna be like with this tongue in your mouth.
Use it rightly.
You are where you are today because of that little thing in your mouth.
Your tongue, your tongue brought you thus far.
You are what you are because of that tongue.
So I said, I don't know why.
I've had seven accidents, seven car accidents in seven months.
It might become 14 if you don't change the way you talk.

There are many that understand how powerful the tongue is.
A man got up when he heard his pastor talking like this.
His pastor was trying to say that he was teaching the importance of talking right.
The guy got up and said he's trying to blame us for everything.
So who's to blame?
You want to blame God?
It's easier to blame the big man upstairs who does what he likes and we can't resist him.
So we say such is life and resigned to, you know, well, we can't do anything about it.
With gratitude to God, we regret to announce the sudden deaths of so-and-so.
With gratitude to God, we regret to announce.
A bundle of contradiction.
It's amazing.
Gratitude to Him.
And you study your geography books.
They call them the Acts of God.

The tornado destroying lives there is the acts of God.
Even in your insurance firms, there's accepting such acts of God.
That means we don't have anything to do with this.
Why didn't they just write acts of nature?
Why acts of God?
They're blackmailing him.
Acts of God.
The earthquake was an act of God.
So God is like, you know, when he's angry, he just shits everywhere up and kills everybody.
Then he gets satisfied.
Okay, for now.
So the old man is angry.
No, he's not.
He's not some old, wide-beated monster sitting somewhere on the throne.
And while he's shaking everything up, once he's angry,
Jesus gave us a better picture of God.
They said, Jesus, show us the Father and we'll be satisfied.
He said, Philip, have I been such a long time with you and you haven't known me?
Anybody who has seen me has seen the Father.
He's a lover.
He's a besser.
He's a lifter.
He's a savior.
Shower him in somebody.

He's not responsible for the equates and the tomatoes and all the accidents that we see.
He's not.

The Bible says, how God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil.
For God was with him.
It was God who anointed Jesus and sent him to heal.
Those who were oppressed of the devil, the devil oppressed them.
The devil gave them the problems.
God was the one healing them.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
Once you have that idea of God, look at David.
He had a beautiful idea of God.
He said, the Lord is my shepherd.
I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leaves me beside the steel waters.
He restore at my soul.
Do I walk through the valley of the shadow of death?
I fear no ill, for thou, and with me.
Oh, glory to God.
That's the way you should think about God.
That's the way you should think about God.
The Lord is with me today.
He's made my life beautiful.
Talk like that.
Don't talk confusion.
Don't talk sickness.
You know, some people think it's fashionable to talk negatively.
They say, oh, this thing is killing me.
It's killing me.
They're so happy talking about it.
It's killing me.
It's killing you.
It won't be long before it really happens.

Don't talk like that.
Just because those around you talk like that doesn't mean you should.
They are of the world, therefore speak day of the world.
You see that?
We are none of the world.
We have a different language.
The Bible says for us to renew our minds.
So you renew your mind through the Word of God.
You think like God.
He's given you the material to think.
Don't think like the Word.
You don't belong there.
being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible.
By the Word of God, they'll live it and they'll buy it forever.
So here, being born of God, being born of His Word means you feed on His Word, because every living thing must feed on its sauce.
See that?
They can only be sustained by their sauce.
Now that you're born again, you can only be sustained by the Word of God because that's your source.
So talk God's Word.
Learn it.
That's why you've got to study it.
You know, people think that the Bible is just a code of moral conduct.
Oh no, a thousand times no.
It's much more than that.
Much more than that.
He's studying Acts 19 chapter.
Let's read.

Glory to God.
Thank you, thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord.
20th chapter, 20th chapter, in verse 32.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
I want you to read it together.
And to give you an inheritance among all them that are sanctified.
I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up.
Didn't say able to give you a moral code of conduct.
It's more than that.
Moses said something about the word.
He said, the word of God, he said, is your life.
It is your life.
When we tell people about studying the Word of God, we tell you to study the Word.
We're not just saying study so you can have it in your hands.
The Word of God in you actually goes into your spirit, into your soul and into your body.
It becomes part of your body.
Listen to this.
Hey, you've been eating all your life.
What did you eat yesterday?
Oh, you can't even remember.
You're trying to remember.
Okay, good.
Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.
Did you eat anything last week?
You did?
Oh, why did you have to eat again?
Where's the food you ate last week?
What about last year?
Gone to where?
It's in your body.
You see, your body reveals what you've been eating.
You eat and it goes into your body.
The excess goes out, of course, but this thing goes into your body, becomes part of your body.
Whatever it was, isn't your body.
It's become one with your body.
That's what happens with the Word of God.
You take the Word of God into you, it becomes one with your spirits, and you meditate on it, becomes one with your soul, and then it goes into your body.
the Word of God.
That's why He tells us to feed on the Word.
See that?
You feed on the Word.
So the Word is not just for our reason.
It's for much more than that.
Then you find you function by the wisdom of the righteous.
It's called furnaces.
It's a thought and highest level of wisdom.
You know the Bible says that God gave Solomon wisdom, and he was wiser than all men.
It's there in the Bible.
He was wiser than all men.
What kind of wisdom did God give to you?
And it is the wisdom of the righteous.
And so, when you come in the first Corinthians chapter 2,
You read from the sixth verse, all the way to the 14th verse.
That should be the last one.
It says something.
We speak wisdom.
Among them that are mature.
It says, among the perfect, we speak wisdom, the wisdom of God.
So the spiritual language that we learn from God's word is the wisdom of God.
This is marvelous.
So when I say I am born again, I'm not talking human talk.
I'm talking wisdom talk.
Born again.
When I say Christ is in me, that's the revelation of wisdom.
The walk in, understand that?
What do you mean Christ is in you?
They said the man, Jesus, the Christ died 2,000 years ago.
He was buried.
We don't know where they took him to.
There's this apple store in his body.
That's all they say.
They don't understand it.
What 2000 years after, I am saying Christ is in me.
And they can't understand that.
They say, how could that be?
The wisdom of God.
The wisdom of God.
So I say, I'm a new creation.
I'm a new creation.
I'm a new creation.
If any man being Christ, he is a new creation.
I'm a new creation that can understand it.
We speak wisdom.
We speak wisdom.
We speak wisdom.
That's the way you speak that wisdom about your health, about your finances, about your family.
You understand?
Yeah, we speak wisdom.
The wisdom of God.
I shed something with you yesterday from the 12th verse of 1 Corinthians chapter 2, where it says, we have received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
Then the 13th verse says, which things also we speak?
So, whatever we have received from God, that the Holy Spirit shows us, we must speak.
Not in the words which man's wisdom teach it, but which the Holy Ghost teach it.
So, you say, I've received the time of life.
So I speak life.
I have life.
I walk in life.
We must speak it.
See, I have the life of God in me.
I have the health of God in me.
It's working in me now.
I live a glorious life.
In Christ Jesus.
In Christ Jesus.
I'm strainting with the strength of God.
Because I live in Christ Jesus.
Didn't you read it?
He's a ye of God, little children.
Ye of God.
little children and have overcome them.
Somebody said, I'm trying to overcome.
No, don't try.
You have.
You have overcome them.
See, hear this.
We're not called to obey the Word of God.
And many times I say this and then, what did they say?
We are not called to obey the Word of God.
We're not called to obey the Word of God.
We're called to do the Word of God.
There's a big difference.
It's called a mirror principle.
You say, it's the Word of God is a mirror.
It is anybody who hears the word and does not do it.
He didn't say does not obey.
does not do it is like a man who sees himself in a mirror.
And when it turns away, he forgets what manner of man he was.
Which means the one who does the word is the one who looks at himself in a mirror and remembers what kind of man he was in that mirror.
So you look at the mirror of God.
Oh, glory to God.
He says, son, daughter, you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
So you say, yes, sir, I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
So you turn from that mirror and you keep saying, I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
The necessary result of that is you will live
as the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
Same thing about your health.
They looked into your body.
They saw a mass.
They looked again and said, it's too big.
It'll kill you in three months.
Then he's going, what have I done?
No, you don't cry.
They turned on the wrong light.

The Bible calls Jesus the true light.
Ha ha ha.
He says this is the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

Why did he say this is the true light?
Because there are other lights.
He said, I am the true vine.
See that?
Because there are other vines.
So this is the true light.
The light at every man that comes into the world.
Tanani's light.
Don't use the wrong light.
Doesn't matter what kind of scanning.
X-ray, G-ray, whatever it is.
Use word ray.

Nungos ray.
That's what you use when you use the Logos Ray.
I tell you something.
You're going to see something up.
Perfected in Christ.
Nothing needs to be put in.
Nothing needs to be taken out.
You are the temple of the Holy Ghost.

You are the temple of the Holy Ghost.

He says, I will walk in you, and I will talk in you.
The Greek term that was parambulex, that's what he meant.
He says, I will parambulex in you.
Do you understand that?
It refers to a soldier posted to the border.
And he keeps moving around the body, and there's a fence there.
If there's any problem with the fence, he fixes it.
Your body is the fence.
So the Holy Ghost does parablets in you.
The power of God, he says, if the Spirit, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
If he lives in you, if that spirit lives in you, he will quicken, vitalize, mechanize your mortal body.
So I got the Holy Ghost in me.
So again, I got the Holy Ghost in me.
in my spirit, in my soul, and in my body.
I refuse to be sick.
I refuse.
I refuse.
I refuse to be sick.

My body's a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Glory to God.
Wherever you are now, receive healing.
Don't ask God for it.
Don't ask Him for it.
Don't say, oh God, heal me.
Look at what I'm going through.
Don't ask Him for it.
Don't ask him for it.
Because asking him me and he hasn't done it.
Thank him for it and say, I receive it.
I take my healing into my body.

I refuse to be sick.
Didn't you hear what that gentleman said this afternoon?
Or in the service?
He said, the devil destroyed me for 50 years.
Then he said, no, no more.
No more.
I like that.
Oh, glory to God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Are you a victim?
No, you're not going to be a victim just because you think you are.
You've got to say it.

You see, being quiet is very nice.
But many quiet people suffer quietly.
Believe this, there are people who are very quiet.
They don't, they generally don't talk.
Even in the meeting like this, they're very calm and quiet.
They just listen.
Listen, Christianity is for talkers.
Let me show it to you.
Let me show it to you from the world.
Turn to the book of Hebrews.
Hebrews chapter 13.
Hebrews chapter 13.
You there?
Okay, let me read.
Read from verse 5 into verse 6.

from verse 5 into verse 6.
Now try to notice what it says.
Want to go.

Hey, hey, hey, something.
For he had said, who, who, who?
Listen, listen, and listen closely.
He hath said, go on.

Oh, oh, listen, he had said, so that women boldly said, he had said, so that women boldly said, the reason he said it is for our purpose, our sake, that women boldly said, he said that I may say,
He didn't say it, so I will hear it and be quiet.
He said it for my benefit, and the only way it'll be for my benefit is if I boldly say it.
That's what is called confession, homologia.
Okay, it means speaking the same thing in consonants.
Are you hearing this?
For he had said, so that we may boldly say,
He had said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee, so that we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper.
I shall not fear what man shall do unto me."
See that?
So don't be quiet.
He gave you the word, so you boldly proclaim it.
You've got to say it.
Greta is he that is in me than he that is in the world.
If you don't say it, your spirit cannot take a hold of it.
Let me say something to you about meditation.
Meditation in the Bible has three levels.
There's the meditation where you think through.
You just, you know, look through it.
You ponder it.
You just set your mind on it.
That is the first and junior level of meditation.
The second level of meditation is when you matter.
You say it under your voice.
You talk it.
Your lips really move.
You talk.
All right?
Then the third level of meditation is to Roa.
This is all taught in the scripture.
These are things we teach in a series of lessons from the Bible.
I hope that we can make some of these tapes available to you.
But this is so important.
So the first level, you're like that.
When the thing is dead in your spirit, you're talking.
Haven't you observed yourself when you really pray?
Sometimes you're like this.
And sometimes you're dead.
You find you're moving like this.

Has it happened to you?
You're moving.
You can't stand like this anymore.
Then, pretty soon, something is dead in you.
It's like fire.
The word, that means, raima has come.
The word of the now, for your spirits.
It just wells up in and you pick it and you go, tie ya!
And now you're talking loud.
Someone even has to tap you to calm down.
You're roaring now like a lion.
You've seen a prey.
You're ready.
That's the third level of meditation.
Now, if you've been attacked by cancer, like one or two fellows in here, you've been attacked by cancer.
You can't, you can't pray the quiet prayer of a... Oh, God.
In the ages past, I hope for years to come.
No, you can't do that now.
This is cancer.
This is a snake in the house.
You understand?
No, you're not gonna say, oh, no, take it away from me.
Take it away from me.
I could kill you.
No, you can't just take it away from me.
Take it away.
Take it away.
No, that was four things.
You say, hold on, you devil, in the name of Jesus.
I told you yesterday, the Word of God is what Chappa, than any two-edged sword.

Somebody says, quote in healing scriptures.
That'll take a long time.
You don't quote healing scriptures.
That'll take a long time.
Maybe you don't understand what I'm saying.
The mountain has different levels.
There are different levels.
You see, at a certain level, you take healing.
Healing is for children.
It's called the children's bread.
So he says, he's in his sick among you.
Let him call for the errands of the church.
The errands of the church are not the gray headed members.
That's not what he's talking about.
He's talking about those who have used the word of God.
Those who have been exercised by the word.
They know we don't get sick.
We don't get sick.

You see it?
And so, doing for the healing scriptures, that'll take a long time.
Why will it take a long time?
If the iron be blunt, then must he apply more force.
Didn't you read that in the Bible?
So you cut, what you should cut once, you now go,

You're applying so much fuss.
What if it's sharp?
So don't use blunt revelation.
You know, healing is the children's bread.
So you're not going to be saying, I claim my healing from cancer.
I take my healing from cancer.
No, refused.
Oh, how do I tell you this thing?
Refused to recognize its presence.

Refused to accommodate it.
I love what Smith Wigglesworth did.
What told that?
He was sleeping and the devil showed up in the zoo.
And he woke up and saw the devil and he says, nothing is that you?
And went back to sleep.
You know, that that injured the devil's pride.
He didn't like that.
He likes to be recognized.
The devil is in my room.
He said nothing, is that you?
All right then.

Glory to God.
Now give him thanks.
Give him praise.
