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Higher Life Conference Vol.7 Part 3

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Mabel is yours.

Jesus, oh Jesus, come and fill your life.
Jesus, dear Jesus,

Come and feel your love.

Tell someone there's a higher life in Christ.
There's a higher life in Christ.
You know, I've often wondered, why?
Why is it that sometimes people suffer for a long time?
There are people who suffer for a very long time.
Sometimes there are those who are in a terrible situation, financial situation, a job situation for a long time.
Why you have those who can, I mean, they've gotten several jobs in the last several years.
You know, things are going well with them.
They have multiple offers.
You have others who in the last three years or more have been looking for a job and not gotten even one.
Even one.
Why do some people find themselves in a situation for a long time?
Then you have a man and a woman married.
Everything is okay with both of them, but they just have not been able to have children.
Then you say, for how long have they been married?
12 years, 14 years, 15 years.
Medically, no problem with any of them.
Now, there are some people who are married and they don't really want to have children.
I know that there are such.
I'm talking about those who are desirous to have children and have made several efforts to have children.
Why would it be that they are unable for a long time?
Why do people go
through difficulties for projected period of time.

Because I was very concerned about those things, I decided to study my Bible and find out why.
I discovered the Bible has the answer.
The Bible has the answer.
It's not because their condition is too hard.
It's never been because of the difficulty of their situation.
It's so important that we get to know the Word of God in truth.
what the word really says.
You'd be amazed how many Christians have an assumption of what the word says.
They have an assumption of what the word says.
Okay, for example, the Bible says that the man
Who's blessed?
A child of God.
If you read in Psalm 1, this blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor siteth in the seat of the skumful.
But he's
The light is in the law of the Lord, and therein does he meditate day and night.
Then he says, he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters that bring it forth its fruit in its season.
His leaf also shall not wither.
Whatsoever he do it shall prosper.
Says, but the ungodly are not so.
They are like the shaft that the wind drive it away.
Therefore the ungodly shall not stand.
in the congregation of the righteous, right?
Listen to Bible Theoruses.
So, the one who's a child of God ought to know that that has become a reality.
Now, what the Holy Spirit has come into your life to do is to make the Word of God that has been consummated in the redemptive plan of God to become real in your life.
All that Christ came to do
All that he came to do in his substitutionary work, the Holy Spirit came to make real in your life.
He came to make it real.
He came to bring you into the experience, not just the legality of it,
For the matter experience of it, for example, let me explain this.
Did you know that everybody in the world is actually legally saved?
In the presence of God, nobody should go to hell.
As far as God is concerned, every human being is saved.
But that is the legal side of salvation.
Because Jesus died for everybody.
Jesus took their place.
No one should suffer for his sins anymore.
No one should be condemned for his sins anymore.
But you see, it's only the legal aspect of salvation.
Until that man accepts that salvation, it will not be a vital truth.
It will not be a vital reality.
And therefore, he will never experience the salvation that Christ brought to him.
So you see, he may go to hell, not because he did something bad, but because he failed to recognize the truths of salvation that was made available to him.
In the same way, when we come to Christ, there are things that we must come to recognize.
Now, I told you to open a scripture in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 12, earlier on,
1 Corinthians chapter 2 verse 12.
It is now we have received not the spirit of the world, not the spirit of the world.
You know what it means by the spirit of the world.
The spirit of the world is the spirit that drives them to live according to the senses.
The cause of this world.
The walking enmity with God, the Bible says the canal mind is enmity with God, enmity against God.
It's not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
So we have not received that spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God, that we might know the things.
I would not ignore the things that are given to us freely of God.
You know, sometimes when we try to explain some things, you notice that we explain from the scripture, we talk about maybe the Hebrew word in the Old Testament from where that word was translated, and sometimes we tell you the Greek word.
It's not an attempt.
to confuse the reason is your Bible was translated from these two languages.
The Old Testament was translated from the Hebrew version, and the New Testament was translated from the Greek version.
Now, we are smart enough to do our own study for us here, and not just rely on those who translated it from the Greek to the English.
Because sometimes you see the Greek language or the Hebrew language, both of them are much richer than the English language.
And the translators may have chosen the wrong synonym for the word.
And that's why you have so many different English versions.
Because a lot of God's people have done their own study and tried to come up with what they think was meant
in the Greek version or the Hebrew version.
And so when we take them up, we want to express especially those points, those salient points that we think God's people should recognize, where one word seems to mean several things.
In the English word, for example, no, the word no.
He may not be referring to the same thing.
And so you may need to study the word no.
And when you study the word no in English, it will give you a vast spectrum of concepts about knowledge, whether he means that you are
enlightened or that you're informed or that you are acquainted, all of these things.
So, but in the Greek version, they will peak a word that will be more specifically directed towards what they actually make.
But the English will use one word for many things.
And when you use one word for many things, the specificity of it is lost.
See, the direct message that is being communicated is lost.
So that's why you find that we do more study of those words and try to explain them to God's people.
Do you get it?
Okay, now we'll go back to that verse 12.
It says, now we have received not the spirit of the word, but the spirit which is of God that we might know
The word there means to become aware.
It's a big idol, means that we might become aware of the things that God has freely given to us.
He wants us to be aware.
So the Holy Spirit makes us aware.
You see it?
He brings us into an awareness.
So he uses a different word there.
So the Holy Spirit came to get us acquainted with the things that God has given to us freely.
It's the Holy Spirit's ministry to help us know those things that God has given to us freely so that we don't have to struggle for them.
We don't have to beg for them.
We don't have to ask for them.
We just accept them.
We just receive them.
We just take them and act as though.
they have become real.
You see, as though they have become real, that's the faith life of the Christian.
He says, our normal life in Christianity is walking by faith.
That's our normal life in Christianity.
So in Second Corinthians chapter five and verse seven says, for we walk by faith and it put it in parenthesis.
So it was not even the major discussion.
This is for we walk by faith and not by sight.
We walk by faith.
This is Christianity in debt.
We walk by faith, not by sight.
So our eyes are always on what the word says, not my circumstances, not what I feel, not what my senses tell me.
Listen to this.
This is very important.
When man fell in the Garden of Eden,
What actually happened to him was, his spirit became subject to his senses.
His spirit fell.
His knowledge was always spiritual.
But when he fell in the garden, through his disobedience to God, he became subject to his senses.
He needed to use his senses.
And that was what God warned him about when God said, the day that you eat of this tree, you shall surely die.
That was spiritual death.
said, the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die.
And the man ate of it, and he died.
He was separated from God instantly.
And so when God showed up in the garden and said, ah, where out thou?
Barbara says, Adam hid himself.
And he said to God, I found out that I'm naked.
God said, who told you that you're naked?
Did you do what I told you not to do?
So that's the day he died.
And two things that are very important that you need to notice.
First was the spiritual death that separated him from God.
Spiritual death is separation from God.
Because God is life.
And once one is separated from God, he cannot see anymore.
He can't see the things that God sees.
He can't see the glory of God.
Everything looks natural to him, so he saw that he was naked.
But all the time, what he saw was the glory of God.
You see, when you're walking in the Spirit, you see the glory of God.
You see the light of God.
You see the beauty of God.
You see the things that God sees.
You see from the mind of God.
But when you're not walking in the light of God, when your spirit is not walking in the light of God, you see what darkness shows you.
You see what the sense is see.
And that's what happened to Adam in the garden.
And guess what?
That day he died.
Adam lived 930 years.
and that age.
How come he couldn't make 1,000 years?
The Baptist is 1,000 years in the sight of God as one day and one day as 1,000 years.
He didn't say 100 years or many years as one day.
He was specific.
1,000 years as one day, one day as 1,000 years.
And as much as Adam could not live beyond 1,000 years or even up to it, he died in that day.
But the spiritual death came first.
You see it?
The spiritual death came first.
Now that we are born again, our spirits have come alive to God.
Our spirits have come alive to God.
So we must see things from God's perspective, not from man's perspective.
From God's perspective,
Questions, what does God say?
What is his words?
What do you say in his name?
What do you say in his name?
Okay, now, you've got a Christian lady, year after year, records of miscarriage.
When are you going to say no?
to miscarriage.
When will you say no?
The day you say no will be the end of miscarriages.
You've got to say no.
You say I've tried.
Understand this.
The Bible says the kingdom of God suffered violence and a violent ticketed by force.
There is a perception that you've got to have.
When it comes to faith, it is far removed from guesswork.
Same thing as healing.
What God has done for us in Christ Jesus is marvellous.
On no account should we be beggars.
Whether begging God, begging man, begging the devil, begging circumstances, on no account.
See, as you learn God's word, your faith will be built, built strong, built strong, until you discover who you are.
Listen to what he said.
In the Mark's Gospel, 16th chapter, you read it for yourself from the 17th verse.
He says, this science shall follow them that belief.
I want you to listen very carefully to those scriptures.
He said, this science shall follow them that belief.
In my name shall they cast out devils.
In my name shall they cast out devils."
Then he said, they shall speak with new tongues.
They shall take up suppets.
And if they shall drink any deadly things, it shall not hurt them.
If they shall drink any deadly things.

You haven't even taken the deadly thing yet.
You only add something and you're complaining.
My stomach is running.
My stomach is running.
Where are you going?
To the toilet.
My stomach is running.
Every now and then you're running to the toilet.
My stomach is running.
I don't know what I add.
See, you're already connecting it with something you add.
I don't know what I add.
The thing is turning my stomach.
See, you nephews.
You see?
First of all, it doesn't mean that when your stomach is running, like you're saying, that something is wrong.
It's part of the working of your body to reject anything that is not consistent with it.
Are you getting it?
Don't make it a problem.
You see, don't make it a problem.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I can't sleep.
I can't sleep.
I can't rest.
I can't.
Don't make it a problem.
So this body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Nothing can go wrong with it.
This is the house of God.
It is the house of God.
He says, if they shall drink any deadly thing, it shall have no power over them.
If they shall drink any deadly thing, that's what Jesus said, as the signs shall follow them that clear.
He said, they shall lay hands on the sick.
They shall recover.
They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall come.
They shall lay hands on the sick.
That tells us something that the power of God can be released through our hands.
He didn't say they will pray.
He said they shall lay hands on the sick.
He didn't say they shall lay hands on the sick and pray.
He said they shall lay hands on the sick.
He didn't say they shall lay hands on the sick and preach.
They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.
So he has given us the key.
If ever there's a problem at home, all you have to do, oh, come there, put your hand there and say, it is okay now.
Put your hand and say, it is okay now.
There's something about us.
Tell somebody, this is the God kind.
This is the God kind.
This is the God kind.
This is the God kind.
This is the God kind.
So the Holy Spirit of God came to help us know these things.
He came to make them real to us.
He came to make them real to us.
He came to open our eyes to see things that ordinary men cannot see.
So in John chapter 16,
It says, when the spirit of truth is come, the spirit of truth, the Holy Ghost is called the spirit of truth, the spirit of reality.
It says, when the spirit, when He the spirit of truth is come, He shall guide you into our truth.
He shall guide you, lead you into our truth.
It's His job.
He shall lead you into all truths, guide you into all truths, guide you into all reality.
The truth about your situation, the truth about your condition, the truth about your family, the truth about your job, the truth about your finances, the truth about your future, the truth about your relationship with God.
He shall guide you into all truths.
That's what he said.
When he, the spirit of truth, is come.
He shall guide you into our truth.
He shall guide you into our truth.
Say this with me.
The Holy Spirit has come.
And is leading me, guiding me, into our truth, into our reality.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
When he has sped up through this cup, he shall guide you into all truths.
Oh, what a life he has given us.
I'll never be ignorant.
I'll never be in the darkness.
He shall guide you into all truths.
What is it about your situation?
This is he shall guide you into all truths, into all truths.
You know, a lot of times, we have God's children going from doctor to doctor, trying to find out what the problem is.
They want sense knowledge to tell them what the problem is.
As a spiritual baby, that may take you for a while.
But answer me, what will you do when the doctor says, we don't know what is wrong with you?
What then will you do?
If you rely today on the doctor's help, instead of building your faith strong, what will happen when the doctor says, we don't know what is wrong with you?
We can't tell what is wrong with you.
What will you do?
If the doctor says we don't know what is wrong with you, because that has happened to many people, they've traveled to Europe, to America, to India, and the doctor said we don't know what is wrong.
In fact, the doctor said nothing is wrong, and they were still suffering.
You see it?
But as a child of God, you grew your faith.
Grow your face.
Grow your face.
The doctor can help you a long way.
But you see, beyond that, you've got to grow your face.
Because when push comes the shove, it's what your faith can do.
That will matter.
Very important.
Very important.
So never let your life be dominated by the circumstances of this world.
He says, when He the spirit of truth is come, He shall guide you into all reality.
He shall guide you.
Now question, has the spirit of truth come?
Tell me, has He come?
He has come.
He has come.
When Jesus said it, the spirit hadn't come.
He was letting them know the ministry of the Holy Spirit when He arrived.
And so on the day of Pentecost, after Jesus had ascended, the Holy Ghost came and has been here ever since.
Now he has come into my life.
And for most of you here, he has come into your life.
The Holy Spirit has come.
So what is he doing now?
He's guiding you into all truths.
Oh, glory to God.
Leaving you.
Say, I'm being led by the Holy Ghost.
You know what's happening right now?
I'm sharing the Word of God with you.
He is guiding you through the teaching ministry into all truths.
That's what he's doing right now.
You are being guided.
Still, this is the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Guiding you into all truths.
Let me show you another scripture.

glorious things are spoken of thee, your city of God.

You know, every once in a while, I get this, uh, sergeous of spiritual currents.
Do you understand?
You know, a power sarge.
I get this power sarge just from time to time.
My yaka!

Take it!
I have to release some of it.
You know what I mean?
To release some of it.
Glory to God.
I. Hey, the vision's chapter one.
I want us to read from verse seven into verse eight.
You ready?
Want to go.

whereby he has what appounded to us in all wisdom and prudence.
Now, let me tell you something.
This is too powerful.
From that verse 7, he was talking about the grace of God, then, eat it into verse 8, and says, which he lavished upon us.
He lavished it upon us, then he says, in every kind of wisdom and prudence.
Your King James says, in all wisdom and prudence.
But it means every kind, as well as every wisdom and prudence.
Now, that says something, because again, let's take a little, let's go into the Greek, just to explain the difference, all right?
When it says, which lavished in us, abounded to us in all wisdom and prudence, in every Sophia is that wisdom, and prudence is from furnaces.
You see that?
He says, in every Sophia and furnaces,
This is really powerful.
Sophia is the wisdom of God.
All right?
It's God's wisdom that's released into your life.
Christ has been made unto us wisdom, wisdom from God.
The embodiment of all knowledge and the will and purpose of God.
All of that is inside your life.
And then he says, this, he has granted you in abundance, lavished into your life for every situation.
You have all kinds of wisdom.
Can you see that?
In every situation, you have the required wisdom.
in every situation.
Then it says, and phronesis, which is translated as prudence there.
Now, the reason the English translators pick the word prudence for phronesis, because phronesis is the practical wisdom, all right?
Phronesis is the practical wisdom.
It is the highest kind of wisdom.
Are you listening to me?
That is the wisdom that the Bible says God gave to Solomon.
The Bible says that God gave Solomon phronesis.
You see that in the Septuagines.
He gave Solomon fluinesis.
Now, fluinesis is translated prudence here because you can break fluinesis into the following synonyms, all right?
One, it means practical insights, all right?
It means discretion.

It means circumspection.
To be circumspect.
You understand that?
So prudence is a word that's so comprehensive, that includes all of this.
That's why they picked it in translating the word furnaces.
Now, that means that he had abounded toward us in all wisdom and furnaces.
Now imagine all those things at least that for you.
God says that this Christ has progressed into your life for every situation in all of this, in abundance.
How could you be a failure?
You have discretion.
You have forethought.
You have foresight.
You have circumspection.
Think about it.
You have prudence.
All of this infronessis.
Infronessis is a mind-set.
Imagine all of this working in your life, producing in you a way of thinking, a way of life, a mindset.
How could you fail?
You find that your life is forever progressing, forever increasing.
Go to Colossians chapter 1.
Colossians chapter 1.
Read from verse 9.

Verse 9, want to go.
Now, she might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
Now, watch this.
If it were not possible for us to know the will of God, why would he pray this prayer?
for the church.
He says, we desire and pray that you will know the will of God in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
So it's possible for us to know the will of God in our lives.
So we're no longer in the dark.
Now when you confess, when you declare, I don't know the will of God, what happens to you is your spirit closes.
Instead of receiving the will of God from the Holy Spirit that lives in you, you are unable to discover the will of God for your life.
Because you're speaking confusion.
You see, God's will is made available to you here.
And then His will in everything in life, no matter what it is.
He says, it can be revealed through your spirit in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
Read verse 10, you like this.
Verse 10.
Being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.
Being fruitful in every good work.
Productive in every good work.
Now look at your life.
Anything you are involved with, there's progress.
But we are aware that there are many people who have not made progress in their lives for years.
They say they are working and money is not coming in.
They have money coming in and they don't know what they do with it.
They can't see progress.
Some say I've worked for 15 years.
I have nothing to show for it.
I work a few hours and I have something to show for it.
I work a few minutes and I have something to show for it.
Because this thing is working, the Holy Spirit has come to make it real in my life.
Come on, somebody.
See how they look?
Being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the epignosis of God.
increasing in the exact knowledge of God, in the full precise knowledge of God, increasing.
Do you know that when we get to heaven we are still going to be studying the Word of God?
You don't know.
Some of us will be teaching there.
You better know it.
That's real.
That's real.
That's real.
You think what we'll get to heaven, we'll just sit down and say, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy.
Some people say heaven's going to be boring.
It can't be boring.
Look, there's something about the Word of God.
Let me explain to you.
When you study the Word, as it goes into your spirit, your eyes, can you hear me?
How many of you can hear me?
This thing I want to tell you now is so important.
So important.
Let me try to tell you.
Oh, La Cruz Gita Artusa.
All right, all right, all right.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Listen, you know when you eat, when you eat any food, some of it goes into your body and
causes some growth, okay?
Some development in your body, alright?
That's why you eat every day.
So that it can keep your body working, good.
This word of God, Jesus said something man shall not live by bread alone, but by every raima that proceeds from the mouth of God.
Every raima that comes out of the mouth of God, by each shall man live.
Now, when you study the Word, or hear the Word, like I'm sharing with you now, you would observe something.
You would observe something.
Some of you would have observed that each time as you have come here and listened to the Word, your spirit began to see clearly.
It seemed as though what we were sharing became real, as though you had been transported into the knowledge that was being passed to you.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
It seemed like you were getting acquainted with the reality of what we were sharing with you.
There was clarity in your eyes.
You began to see more clearly.
Now, that's what the word does for you.
In the Word of God, there are different kinds of foods.
As you eat it, the cloudiness is removed.
The more you eat it, the farther you see.
The less you eat it,
the less you see.
Have you ever been driving and the road was cloudy or dusty?
You couldn't see very far.
You remember that?
Did you ever have that experience?
Then somehow maybe the cloud goes or the dust of the fog lives and then you see far.
When the Word of God is not coming to your spirits.
It's like the fog.
It's like the clouds.
It's like the dust.
And you can't see very far.
You can't see very far.
The Word of God in different sections that will minister to your needs will not readily come to your spirits.
You're not seeing far.
And when something happens in your life, you can't pick what you need to deal with that situation.
Because you're short-sighted.
But once the word is minister to your spirit, every time it's minister, you see Father, the more of it comes to you, the more you see, the more you see.
How important this is.
How important this is.
That's why it's an increase in the exact knowledge, the hypnosis of God, the precise knowledge.
So there's a sharpness, there's a clarity,
about your life.
You're no longer guessing in your life.
I don't know whether I want to be a tailor.
I don't know whether I want to be a hunter.
I don't know whether I want to be a footballer or I want to be a tennis player.
You don't know which one?
But when the Word of God is minister to your spirits, there's clarity of purpose.
You know exactly what God wants you to do in life.
You just know.
And you join in that direction.
But you must continue to eat this word.
You see, the Word of God is not something you eat for now and leave it tomorrow and the next and so on and so forth.
And think that it will stay.
No, it will stay.
But you see, you're going to have clouds because you're moving in life.
You need to constantly see forward and see Father.
And the only way you keep seeing forward is when you eat this day.
Every time you read it, you are eating.
You are eating.
It's the same thing that happens to you in your strength.
As you live your life for God every day, you spend spiritual energy.
You spend it in serving.
You spend it in serving people.
You spend it in doing the things you do.
So the tendency is to get weaker and weaker.
But the Word of God brings strength to you.
The Word of God brings strength to you.
When the Holy Spirit ministers the Word to your spirits, brings strength to you.
So you're like that man.
who holds divine fruits and always is eating on the journey.
He's eating on the journey to remain strong.
He's eating on the journey to remain strong.
How are you getting this thing?
That's why many of us can tell you we will always be successful.
I will always be a success.
Because I'm eating on the journey.
I'm eating the word I got on the journey.
So I see clearly, I'm strong, I'm eating on the journey.
So I know the right foot to eat, and I'm always on it.
Eating, eating, eating, eating, eating.
Haven't you seen some people who are always eating?
What happens?
They get bigger.
They get larger.
They keep putting on weights.
And they said they don't know why they're putting on weights.
They will know.
Just watch them.
All the time.
Spiritually you ought to be like that.
To be strong all the time.
Can you say hallelujah?
Increasing in the knowledge of God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Increasing in the knowledge of God.
So the Holy Spirit leads me into all truths.
And I have every kind of wisdom and prudence.
Every kind.
Every kind of wisdom and prudence.
Wisdom required in anything.
I have it.
Say I have it.
Say I have it.
I'm called of God.
I'm called of God.
I'm born of God.
I have the wisdom of God.
The wisdom of God is working in me.
Working in me every day.
Working in me now.
The wisdom of God is working in me.
In abundance.
Christ has been made unto me wisdom.
My eyes are clean.
I can see far through the Word of God.
My future is bright.
Through the Word of God.
I can see it.
Glory to His name forever.
So we are strengthened by the Word.
We are strengthened by the Word.
So the Word of God is working in me.
It's working in me.
It's working in me.
The some who have been pastoring and the Spirit of God is asking me to tell you that which you experience that brought you discouragement should not control you.
All right?
should not control you.
For the hand of God is on your life.
The words that you have come to believe is enough to put you over.
It is enough to put you over.
Therefore, disallow discouragement, disallow fear and doubts, and walk in the victory that belongs to you.
Walk in the victory that belongs to you.
That's what the Spirit God is asking me to tell you.