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Higher Life Conference Vol.6 Part 3

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your secret.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Fable is yours.

Praise the Lord.
See, I'm full of power.

Let me tell you something about the Holy Spirit.
You know, before Jesus went to heaven, before his ascension, he said to his disciples, don't go and preach yet.
He said, wait for what the Father promised.
the Holy Spirit to come into your life.
He told him, he said, don't leave Jerusalem.
Stay here and don't preach until the Holy Spirit comes into your life.
Then he said to them, you shall receive

when that Holy Spirit comes.
What is power?
The word translated power in a New Testament is the Greek dunamis.

It means
the ability to effect a change.

Wanda working ability or miracle working ability.
That means it refers to an ability to do
the impossible.
And Jesus said to them, wait until that power comes.
The ability to do the impossible, a supernatural ability,

It is the creative ability of God.
For the Bible tells us that He created all things through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Now, that Holy Spirit is the one that He has given to live in us.
Now, what does that mean?
What does that make us?
Let me show you something.
Turn the first epistle of John.
First John.
Oh, would you be daring?
Would you be daring?
Daring the night.

Take a stand tonight.
Took a bore step tonight.

First, a piece of John, chapter three.
I want you to read verse one.
First, want to go.

He says, behold, what manner of love.
The Father has bestowed.
King James translation says bestowed.
It means lavished upon us.
What manner of love the father has lavished?
You know when you say that a father has spoiled a child.
You know when you say he's spoiled that child.
He's spoiled that child with money, spoiled that child with all the nice things.
You know what you mean by that?
It doesn't mean you made the child bad.
It means you so gave to the child until the child got used to living in abundance.
Now the Bible says, what manner of love the Father has lavished upon us?
Lavished, that we who shouldn't have been known of God, we who should have never come close to God, that we should be called the sons of God.
He says, what manner of love is this?
And the Father has lavished upon us.
that we should be called the sons of God.
Therefore the world does not know us.
Come on, go ahead.
Read it.

Read verse two.

This is God.
This is one of those amazing scriptures.
He says, beloved, now are we the sons of God?
Not when we get to heaven.
He didn't say in the future.
He didn't say if we try hard enough.
He says, now are we the sons of God?
But that in appearance we may not look so, but for sure when he comes we shall be like him in appearance.
But now we are the sons of God.
Now we are the sons of God.
And the Holy Spirit lives in us.
Look at this.
We are the sons of God.
We have the Holy Spirit to live in us.
And then Jesus gave us His name to use.
He gave us a right to use His name.
And His name is the key to every door.
Did you know that?
Did you know there's nothing you can't get?
Did you know that?
Did you know there's no way you can't go?
You know the problem with a lot of people, they think they have a lot of limitations.
And there are no limitations.
Anyway, the only limitations you have are based on your level of growth.
Because yesterday, we read in the Bible where he said, the heir, as long as he is a child, is not different from a servant.
Even though all things belong to him,
It's not different from a servant.
So what are you going to do?
Grow in your life.
Grow spiritually.
Learn to handle authority.
Learn the Word of God.
Learn how to use the Word.
Live by the Word.
You'd be amazed.
You'd be amazed.
You'd be amazed.
You suddenly discover that your value is more than that money you have in your bank account.
You discover.
Most of us are living according to the world's measurement of our value, our wants.
I lived there a long time ago.
I lived that little long, long time ago.
I don't live by the world's standards.
Jesus called us to live differently.
He said, you are in the world, but not of the world.
Not of the world.
Nothing I can't get.
I told you yesterday, my father is the father of the Lord.

And when we say higher life, that's what we're trying to get God's people to understand that the life he has given to us is not a nice, nice religious life.
This thing is real.
This thing is real.
You discover the reality of it when you choose to wake up.
When you wake up and decide what God says you are,
And stop talking differently, because your mouth will lead you.
If you talk confusing, your life will be confusing.
We read that yesterday, how that the tongue sets on fire the cause of nature.
Maybe we should read that part again.
You want us to read it?
All right.
Okay, we're gonna read it, but before we read it, Tunde, James chapter three, Tunde.
You want to have miracles happening in your life every day and any time?
That is what I'm showing you.
Where you cannot be at a disadvantage in anything.
Your life will be a blessing anyway.
Anyway, the Holy Spirit has come to live in you, which means you have supernatural ability.
What do you want God to do with your life?
Where do you want to shine?
In what area do you want to shine?
Is it in the profession?
Is it in the business?
Is it in politics?
Is it where do you want to shine?
When you say, Father, I am ready for you to shine through me.
Then put your life in that direction.
Where do you want to shine?
Maybe you don't know this.
There's still so much that needs to be done in the world, in this nation and in the world.
Tremendous opportunities.
First, when you recognize a human need and reach out to meet that need,
You write it down.
The first thing that leads you into success when you have all this that God has given to you is to recognize a human need and reach out to meet that need.
You'll be creating opportunities for yourself.
What do you want to be?
Where do you want to shine?
I'm asking you.
Where do you want to shine?
In what area?
Oh, God wants to do it through you.
And to be sure, once you decide where you wanna shine, once you decide where you wanna shine, you start training yourself in that direction.
You start training yourself.
You start training yourself.
Once you set yourself, go for it.
You sleep and wake up doing the same thing.

After God preaching the word, preaching God's word, teaching God's word, I would meditate on scripture until in my dream I'll be talking scripture.
I'll meditate until I'll be talking scripture in my dream.
Sometimes I'll be preaching, I'll wake up preaching.
What is it that Jesus will go to the wilderness?
What was he doing there?
He says, meditate upon these things.
Give thyself holy to them, thy profiting.
May what, for narrows, appear to all spread abroad, shine forth, be made public.

How are you hearing me?
It doesn't matter what it is.
The Holy Spirit has come into your life.
He wants to make you a witness of the glory of God, of the power of God, of the reality of the kingdom of God in any area.
What is that area where you want to shine?
The Holy Ghost has come.
What is that area where you want to shine?
He can, he can.
Listen, he can.
Look what he did with David.
David Fessingolayat, except we say that David was specially special and that God had nothing to do with it.
If we give the glory to God, then that God is alive today.
If it was God, then he's still here.
And this is my day.
David has gone to heaven.
This is my time.
This is my generation.
David cannot now witness to my generation.
I'm the one.
Didn't you notice the book of Acts didn't end?
The book was not closed.
The story just stopped.
It is not finished.
The acts in our generation will continue the Book of Acts.
You say, who's going to read them?
Just watch.
What do you think they're going to be reading in the Millennial Kingdom?
What do you think they're going to be reading in the New Heavens and the New Earths?
What do you think they're going to be reading?

The revelations of God's words that we are bringing thoughts.
These are things that stare at people like Paul.
Oh, I'll never forget, one of them were preparing for a second crusade.
You know, I said this, and there's a guy who criticized me for it.
He was angry.
Because I said,
that God told me that this crusade you're having tonight, this was the night of Byzantine port Hackett, God said they're going to be watching you from heaven.
Guess what?
They don't always watch us.
Don't think that those who have gone to heaven always watch us.
But then I saw some of the apostles and saints of old.
I saw them.
And the Lord had said that we're going to be watching us that night.
And boy, they did.
Somebody said, how can Pastor Chris say, people who have died long ago are coming to be watching his crusade?

Someone who believes in God.
Didn't you hear what Jesus said?
When he said, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, he said, didn't you hear that?
He said, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
He said, God is not the God of the dead, but the living.
Therefore, Abraham is alive.
Isaac is alive.
Jacob is alive.
That's how Jesus answered them.

Are you still here?
Lorenda, Coach, keep your hand up.
Please cover us, Torala, hunger and eat us.
Okay, let's read it now.
James chapter three.
Can we read it together?
All right, from verse one, my brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.
Okay, verse two, for in many things we offend all, in many things we all offend, all right?
It says, if any man offend not in word,
The same is a perfect man and able also to brittle the whole body.
He said, if a man doesn't offend in speech, if you don't say the wrong thing, he says, you are a perfect man.
That is maturity.
That's what he's talking about, maturity.
So Christian maturity is measured in your tongue.
how you talk, the words that come out of you.
That's what measures your maturity.
It's not how long you've been a Christian.

Your words locates you.
And did you notice that he said anybody who can control his tongue has control over his whole body?
Didn't you see that?
He has control over his whole body.
He has control over his own body.
If you can control your tongue, your body is under your control.
But if your tongue is not controlled and your tongue can say whatever comes out, your body is out of control, then you'll be looking for drugs to control your body.
medicines to control your body.
You need some other people to help you control your body.
Why don't you get your tongue under control and have your body, therefore, under control?
Verse three, behold, we put bets in the horse's mouth that they may obey us, and we turn about their whole body.
Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and be driven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, or rather, with whatsoever the governor of Captain Liz Jeth.
Even so, the tongue is a little member and boasted great things.
Behold, how great a matter a little fire came that.

He says, your tongue is like that rotor in a ship that can make that whole ship turn this way or that way, even though there are first winds driving against it.
Your tongue, you are where you are today because of your tongue.
The way you are.
You are the result of your tongue.
Your life is the result of tongue work.
Look at yourself.
This is tongue work.
This is your tongue.
This is what your tongue has produced.
When you stand in front of the mirror, look at yourself.
Is your tongue work?
And so you can chart your course, you can decide what the next five years will be like for you with your tongue.
What the next 10 years will be like with your tongue?
Set your sail, come on.
Set your sail.
Does somebody use your tongue?
Use it to come out of trouble.
Use it to get into glory.
Use it to beautify your life.
Use your tongue.
All right now, can I show you another scripture?
Very powerful scripture.
First Corinthians chapter number six.
I love it.
I love it.
Oh, first Corinthians chapter number six.

1 Corinthians chapter 6 and verse.
Oh, hi.
This is nice.
Look at it.
Look at it.

It's in 11, but I want to pick it from verse nine.
Read from verse nine to verse 11.

Read that verse 11 again.
And what?
But ye are what?
No, but ye shall be washed.
And such are some of you.
No, talk to me.
What's awesome of you?
Such awesome of you?
Such weird!
This is God's word.
And such weird some of you.

But... You know what?
Say, I'm washed.
Take it, I'm washed.
And her, you are sanctified.
And what?
Oh man, oh man.
But you are

I'm washed.
I'm washed.
I'm washed.
He are sanctified.
I am sanctified.
I am sanctified.
He are justified.
I am justified.
Do you know what it is to be justified?
That means declared righteous.
Declared righteous.

Declared righteous.
Did you know you have greatness in your spirit?
It's in your spirit.
It's in your spirit.
It's in your spirit.
You're going to let it come out.
Everywhere you go,
and in everything you do.
Let it come to the surface.
Let that greatness come to the surface.
You've got to use your mouth to say it.
Like what we just read, you see, I'm washed, I'm sanctified, I'm justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the spirit of our God.
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
The one who lives in me is greater.
Greater, greater, greater.
I refuse to be sick.
I refuse to be broke.
I refuse to be poor.
I refuse to fail.

I'm a success.
Success is a work in my spirit.
It's a work in my spirit.
I've been talking this talk for many years.
I can't stop talking this way.

Critter is he that is in me.
Then he that is in the world.
Greater, greater, greater, greater, greater, greater is He.
Greater is He.
This is He up of God, little children.
He up of God, little children.
He'll have overcome them.
So, I'm not trying to overcome.
I have overcome.
See, I'm an overcomeer.
I'm an overcomeer.
Look at this, look at this.
This is beautiful.
This is beautiful.
This is beautiful.
Favour is mine.
Favour is mine.
Now, you know you go to some places and the fellow there doesn't want to see you.
It's like, get out.
You wanna, did I have favor?
Hey, come on here.
Come on, don't lose your cool, favor is yours.

I favor everywhere.
Are you aware that there are people who everywhere they go, they are rejected?
There's something about them
If they came to you, you were rejected.
And even if you are the one, if you came to you, the rejection will still be suffered.
Why do they have that happening to them?
Because that has become their consciousness.
And the more they pray about it, the more they are rejected.
Oh God.
Always rejected everywhere.
For some of them, they don't even want to try anymore.
They are used to being rejected.
They just know if they write this application, they're going to be rejected.
They know already.
They're already aware.
And then it happens.
I said it.
I'm not because.
I know.
I just know it's what happens to me.
So they think there's a demon that's affecting them.
Hear me.
Hear me.
Hear me.
And hear me good.
No demon has power to influence your life except you let him.
And the day you choose to disallow his influence, that influence will stop.
All you have to do, you don't have to look for the devil.
You don't have to look for him.
There's no distance in the realm of a spirit.
You just say now,
every devil that has tried to influence my job, my work, whatever it is.
I demand that you stop your operations and your maneuvers in the name of Jesus.
You say, I'm in charge, not you.
I have favor everywhere I go.
I have favor in the name of Jesus.
Now imagine that you said that and you had an interview
And you went right after saying that.
And you got there and he said, oh, is it you?
Please go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
No, don't cry.

Never take such rejection permanently or personally.
The reason you're rejected is because they don't know you.
They don't know you.
If they knew you...
Do you remember Jesus at the well of Samaria?
He wanted water.
The woman came to fetch water.
And Jesus said, women, give me some water.
And the woman said, you know you're a Jew.
I'm a Samaritan.
You're not supposed to be asking me for water.
So please mind the business.
You know what Jesus said?
He said, woman, if you knew the person asking you for water, if you knew you were asking for water, you would ask him, and he would have given you liver water, if you knew
You see that?
That's why you were rejected.
They didn't know you.
And chances are, you didn't even know yourself all this time.
That's why I said everyone would even reject you, including you, you would reject yourself.
But when you discover who you are, you are a child of God.
You are washed.
You are sanctified.
You are justified.

When you discover that, you go with boldness.
And when somebody turns you away, you say, even if they have known, if they have known, if they have known.
Listen, let me tell you something about the seat of Abraham.
You are the seat of Abraham, do you know that?
Are you aware that God said to Abraham, I will bless you and make you a blessing?
Do you know that because of our presence in any place, such place is our favorite?
You didn't know.
There's something that follows us.

The next time you work into a building, you say salvation has come into this house.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Oh, no, you're not a loser.

Do you know why God wants you to work?
It's not because if you don't work, he will starve.
No, that's not the reason.
That's not the reason.
That's not the reason.
God wants you to work so that you can contribute to the development of your world.
It is important because God made this world and he wants it developed.
Did you ask him to put the plants out there?
Were you the one that told him he wanted light in the earth?
He chose to put them there.
And he put men here to take care of it.
And so we work to be a part of the development of our society.
We've got to be involved in it.
No matter what kind of work you're doing, it must be for the fatherance of our world.
Then you find that your work becomes an opportunity of blessing.
It shouldn't limit you.
No, it's your door to the world.
To express yourself, to express the perfections that God has put within your system.
Listen, have you ever read the scripture?
You are wonderfully made.
It means you are a creation of complexity.
Not easily explained.
A creation of wonder.
That's what you are.
There's so much within your system.
So much in you.
And of all the billions of people that have come to this world and that are in the world today, there are no two fingerprints alike, which means no two people are the same.
Now, oh, that made me really think years ago when I meditated on it.
Did you know you are the only one of you that ever came to this world that is in this world today and that will ever come to this world?
You are the only one of you.
God has never had another one like you, doesn't have one like you, and will never have another one like you.
Now, what does that tell you?
Be the best of you!
Be the best of you for God!
You're the only one of you that he has.
Don't be a failure.
You refuse to fail.
Come on.
Say I refuse to fail.
Say I'm going to be the best of me.
I'm going to keep God my best.
The best of me.
The best of me.
Oh, you're not another Holy Ghost.
The best of me.
Are you ready to take it?
Come on here.
You're gonna be the best of you.
The best of you.
The best of you.
The best of you.
The best of you.
The best of you.
Oh, take a hold of you already.
Oh, the best, the best, the best, the best!
You're ready here, the best!
Take care of Jesus by the day, and don't come by everybody!
You're ready, you're ready for the best!
Take care of Jesus by the day!
Take care of Jesus by the day!
Take care of Jesus by the day!

Oh my goodness.
Lift your hands to whatever.
Give him praise.
Give him praise.
Give him praise.
Give him praise.
Give him praise.
Give him praise.
Give him praise.
These are the last days of signs and wonders, and near those is it out.
Pour out my spirits upon all of us, your sons, in your daughters shall prophesy.
Prophecy, prophesy, prophesy.
Are you prophesying tonight?
Prophecy into your future, prophesying to your future, prophesy tonight.
Release those words of prophecy.
Oh, Lord, it's a God.
