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Higher Life Conference Vol. 4 Part 2

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirit.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Debo is yours.

Earlier on today, I started talking to you about certain things expected of us as children of God.

Coming from our themed scripture, Psalm 16, verse 11.
And in order to show in Acts chapter two verse 28, this is now has shown me the ways of life.

God has shown me the ways of life.
And if He has shown you the ways of life, you can say, I know what to do to always be a success, to always live in prosperity, to always live in victory.
I know what to do.
And we
So far talked about two things.
One is what?
Your tongue, your speech, your words.
And then secondly, we talked about what?
Fellowship with the brethren coming to church is an instruction.
You must go to church.
You must go to church.
It's not something you do when you feel like.
It's something you're instructed to do as a child of God.
You must present yourself.
You see, in the Old Testament, God also gave an instruction for the children of Israel to gather at certain times, and it was compulsory.
So in the New Testament, it's no different.
Come in the church.
And you must be a vital member of a local assembly.

Identify with the children of God.
Let me show you something.
Turn to first a piece of St.
Chapter number three.

First, the people of Saint John, chapter three.
I want y'all to read verse 14.
Verse 14, one to go.

Did you hear that?
We know that we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren.
It's a testimony in your spirit.
The love that you have for other believers is a testimony in your spirit.
It's a witness within you that you have passed from death onto life.
It's as we know that we have passed from death
on to life because we love the brethren.

So this is very important.
So present yourself in the house of God.
Make yourself available to the Spirit of God to minister to you with the word
The Bible says the church is the ground and pillar of truths.
The church of God is the custodian of God's revelation.

So those are the first two things we talked about.
Now the thought one, I said, we're talking about the ways of life.
He has shown me the ways of life.
Glory to God.
All right.
Let's go to St.
Mark's Gospel, Chapter 12.
Mark's Gospel, Chapter 12.

And we will read verse 24.

Read verse 24, want to go.

See that?
Was Jesus telling that?
He says, you are because you don't know the scriptures, not the power of God.
You go wrong in life because you don't know the scriptures, not the power of God.
Look at it, Jesus said, and Jesus answered and said unto them, do you not therefore err because you know not the Scriptures?
Neither the power of God.
He says you err because you don't know the Scriptures.
So this is the thought and very important saying.
Now I didn't put them in order of importance because all of them are very important.
You can't leave anyone out.
So you must know the Scriptures.
You must learn the Scriptures.
Thank God for those who worked so hard who were used by the Spirit of God to get us the Bible.
Thank God for this gift.
What are you going to say?
If you don't study it, after some went through so much to make it available.
Do you know how many people died for making this book available?
Do you know?
Haven't you studied history?
You know how many people were slain from making this book available?
The Bible?
And then you have it free of charge in front of you and you wouldn't read it?

Why would men stick their lives with this thing if it was not that important?

So, give yourself to the Word of God.
Give yourself to the Scriptures.
Give yourself to the Scriptures.
You have been given as a child of God, you have been given an understanding
to know the Scriptures.
You're different from others who study and can't understand it.
You can understand it because the Spirit has become your teacher.
You can understand it.
It ministers to you.
This is where you live.

There are Christians who spend their time on all the magazines they can get, all the newspapers they can get, and they have no time for the Word of God.
That's sad.
Especially when you understand the next I will read to you.
Turn to the Book of Joshua.
Joshua chapter one.

I want you to read.
Oh, this is wonderful.
Read verse 8.
And I want you to notice what it says and what it does not say.
Want to go.

Did you see that word?
Oh boy.
Oh boy.
I mean, you read this and you can say, I have it made.
Let me read it to you.
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth.
Strikingly, it doesn't say out of thy heart.
He says, out of thy mouth.

That means something.
That means keep talking it.
You know somebody said, I don't have to say anything, I have the word of God in my heart.
In your heart, keep it in your heart here, that's good.
You answer good conscience to a God, but you will not enjoy the benefits of Christianity.
That's the difference between some of us.
Some are good Christians in their hearts, but they live a miserable life, financially, family-wise, business-wise, everything else-wise.
But between them and God, they have a good conscience, which is wonderful, because the Word of God is in their hearts.
But God is saying, hey, you want to be a success?
You want to prosper?
You want to be in control?
Put it in your mouth.
So in the heart, but it must come out of the mouth.
Keep talking the word of God.
See that?
Look at it again, look at it.
I didn't make it up, look at it, it's there.
This book of the Lord shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate during day and night.
Meditate during day and night.
There are three levels of meditation.
The first level of meditation is when you ponder over it in your heart.
You think upon it again and again and again and again.
Are you hearing this?
And probably say something on your voice, but it's there in your heart.
The second level
is a higher level of meditation, where you monitor it, you talk it, but quietly and calmly.
You say to yourself, under your voice, as in you're meditating on Psalm 23, now you're going, oh, this is a show, a show.
It's my lie, I have a great passage.
It leads me to the Psalm, it's still modest.
That's wonderful.
Then there is a thought level of meditation.
You know the first level, you can be like this.

The second level, you go.

The third level, when you've got business to attain to,
Are you hearing me?
When you're not going to take nonsense from the devil, you can't do like this now.
That will not suffice.
You can't do like this.
That will not work.
When you've got something to handle, that thought level, the Hebrew word is Hagar.
It means to Roa.
It's also called meditation.
It's Hagar.
It means you're gonna talk loud.
You're gonna Roa.
And you're gonna be like a young lion.
That's not afraid of 1,000 hunters.

Hey, does it matter how many cows are coming against a young lion?
Will it be afraid because there are many?

When you start roaring at this total level of meditation, you know you've got it.
You're not taking any nonsense.
Who will come to that one?
I'll show you that.
Let me just read on this book of the Lord shall not depart out of thy mouth without shall meditate there in day and night that thou may has observed to do.
He says, watch this.
He says, thou shall meditate there in day and that thou may has observed to do, which means if you meditate on it day and night, it will cost you to be able to observe to do.
See, the Word of God has its own power.
It's anointed.
It's unknown to it.
Look at what it says.
Let me read it again.
He didn't say, he didn't say, meditate and observe to do.
He says meditate that thou may observe to do, which means you will be able to observe to do when you meditate.
So the meditation makes it possible for you to do the word of God.
This book of the Lord shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shall meditate there in day and night.
That thou mayest observe to do according to all that's written there in.
For then, then, then God shall make thy way prosperous.
No, no.
You see, this is not about God trying to do something.
He's already done something.
It's you working it out now.
Barbara says, work out your own salvation.
You see, He has given you salvation.
Now, work it out.
Bring out all of its goodies for your life.
Work out your own salvation.
The package has been delivered.
Open it and start enjoying it.
For then thou shalt make thy way prosperous.
And then thou shall have good success.
It's up to you.
You can make your way prosperous.
You can have good success.
It's all in your hands.
What's the secret?
Meditating on the Word of God.
Meditating on the Word of God.
It's all in your hands.
You can be as successful as you choose to be.
You can be as prosperous as you choose to be.
You can be as victorious as you choose to be.
I chose a long time ago to have a great life.
I'm at it.
I'll never be small.
You're the king's key.
It's too late to be small.
It's a choice you make now.
Didn't you hear what he said?
We are bought with the price.
We are bought with the price.
You belong to Him.
You're bought with the price.
With the price.
That means you're not a nothing.
You're somebody special.
You're valuable to God.
He bought you with the price.
So you're valuable.
You know that someone's dealing with you about something and saying, who am I?
Who am I?
I'm somebody.
Who am I?
Did you say who am I?
I'm somebody special.
You want to know about me?
Read that book.
It talks about me.
Yeah, it's all here.
This book is about God, Jesus, and me.
Ho, ho, ho, hallelujah.
This is no book for religion.
Say it again, it's about God.
Jesus and me.
Glory to God.
So we're moving on to the fourth one.
So the first one I said was what?
Your tongue, right?
within your tongue in check, saying the right things, refraining from the wrong stuff, using your tongue right to charge your cause in life.
And the second one, fellowship with the brethren.
And the third one, the word of God, learning the scriptures, meditating on the word.
The first one?
Ephesians chapter five.
Oh, glory.
The fourth one.

Glory to God.
Ephesians chapter five verse 18.
Can you read it for me?
One, two, go.

Did you see it?
And be not drunk with wine wearing his excess, but be filled with the spirit.
Be not drunk with wine wearing his excess, but be filled with the spirit.
That's an instruction.
Be filled with the spirit.
Okay, if he had stopped there, what's the punctuation mark you got there?
What is it?
Full stop?
No, are you sure?
That means it's not through yet.
So he's got something to tell you about being filled with the Spirit.
If that being a full stop, we could have been left there to look for some other information, some who hear about being filled with the Spirit know what it's all about.
But now, he goes on to tell us,
Okay, let's take it carefully.
Be filled with the Spirit.
What's the punctuation there?
The semicolon, right?
So we read on.
Be filled with the Spirit.
Write down number one, speaking.
Number one, what?
Okay, let's read on.
Speaking what?
in Psalms and hems and spiritual songs.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Okay, write it down.
Singing, number two.
Number one, speaking.
Number two, singing.
Okay, singing, uh-huh.
Making melody in your heart to the Lord, uh-huh.
Oh, giving thanks.
All right, stop there.
Number three, giving thanks.
Write it down.
So number one, speaking.
Number two, singing.
Number three, giving thanks.
Okay, giving thanks, uh-huh, always.
For all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Oh, uh-huh.
Submitting, okay, write down, submitting.
Submitting what?
your zeros onto one another.
And then you keep reading and he goes on to tell you more about that submission till the end of that chapter.
So we've got some points here.
Number one, speaking, he says, be filled with the spirit, speaking, singing, giving thanks, submitting,
These four things you have to do to be filled with the Spirit.
I hear a name.
These are four things to do to be filled with the Spirit.
Notice this says, speaking to yourselves.
A few translations get it wrongly.
By putting it like, though, you're supposed to be talking to somebody else.
They say, speaking to one another.
They say, speaking to yourselves.
That means I'm talking to me.
You're talking to you.
That's what he's talking about.
Speaking to yourselves in sounds and heaps and spiritual songs.
Singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.
The melody is in your heart.
To who?
Doesn't matter who likes it or who doesn't.
Speak into yourselves in sounds and hymns.
The Lord is my light at my salvation.
Whom shall I fear?
Imagine what that does to your spirit.
Imagine what it does to your spirit.
I'm born again.
I'm a child of God, full of the Holy Ghost.
Say those words.
Don't say, I don't know what's happening to me.
My life is just a mess.
No, you will not be filled in the Spirit that way.
And if you're cried, oh God, just filled me with the Spirit.
You will never be filled in the Spirit that way.
Use God's words.
Speak into yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.
And by the way, sing the right hymns, not the wrong ones.
My faith looks up to thee now, Lamb of God, thary, say your divine, now hear me why I pray, take all my gift away.
Oh, bless me.
From this day, be holy, die.
From this day, be holy.
You've been born again for how many years?

Rock of ages, left for me.
Let me hide myself in thee.
Wrong singing.
The rock of ages is now in your heart, and you are already in him.
Some of those songs ought to be canceled.
But you know we feel good when we sing them, and we even cry when we sing them.
Or just being emotional.
Rock of ages.

Get filled with the spirit.
Write new songs.
Stop singing the dumb ones.
Write new songs.
Write new ones for the next generation.
Praise God forevermore.
Glory to God.
You can use five keys at one time if you like.
If he's all right for you, God is okay with it.
Melod in your heart says, what are you singing?
Say, it's not for you.

You can hate.

So what's the meaning of your song?
It's not for you.
It's in my heart.
It's in my heart.
Eat my spirit.
It's not for you.
It's not for you.
Glory to God.
The failed with the Spirit.
Speak into yourself.
Speak into yourself.
Oh, glory to God.
Speak into yourself.
In Psalms, in Psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs.
What's the meaning of that?
Don't worry about it.

It's not for you.
Oh, I sing in the Holy Ghost all the time.
All the time.
All the time.
Oh, sometimes they are so nice.
I'm singing all by myself.
Oh, God.
The whole world should hear these songs.
It's not for them.
Glory to God.
The fail to the spirit.
Speak into yourself.
Speak into yourself.
Have lost my fears.
Say, I lost my fears.
I'm bold.
I'm bold.
And strong.
I know me.
I'm the house of God.
What are the things you should be saying?
I can do all things through Christ.
I can, I can.
In fact, you can start a match in your home.
Can everybody queue up in the home?
I can do, I can do, I can do.
Until you put the, I can do mentality in your mind.
I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can do, I can do, I can do, I can do all things, all things, all things through Christ.
Everybody in the house.
Refuse the mentality of failure.
Do you refuse?
Do you know?
Children of poor families are not brought up the same way as children of rich families.
They're not brought up the same way.
They move even farther.
Children of royalty are not brought up.
They're far from others the way they're brought up.
They are taught to think differently.
They don't think like the commoners.
This is easier for you in United Kingdom to understand.
Because you have a real family.
And you know the kids in there not brought up the same way like others.

Everything they do has to count.
They're taught not to talk.
Anybody else they're given a mentality.
You are not a commoner.
You are royalty right from when the babies growing up they're taught To carry themselves differently Why ye?
You are royalty.
Oh really?
Yeah Now I can understand
Why that other guy doesn't mind, he buys something in the street just right there in front of a high pack.
You see, he don't care, he don't know who he is.
You see it?
And he's walking away from there, he just goes like this.
Not dignity, no style.

Listen, even when I was younger, you know, years ago, when I went into getting to a boss and they were rushing, I couldn't, it was nothing me, I couldn't.
I couldn't.
They rushed, that pushed me, I couldn't rush with them.
I couldn't.
I thought, what, this?

There are some that have been different.
You are the king's kid.
You are Roy Arty.
Your Roy Arty, didn't you read it?
You are a chosen generation.
A chosen generation, chosen.
A royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should sure thought the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvellous life.
The amplified sense to show the virtues and perfections.
Hallelujah, to display the virtues and perfections.
Display the virtues and perfections of the one who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
That's your life.

Always settling.
I remember something I pointed out today.
Wasn't it in Canada I mentioned it or so?
Yeah, because I remember
You know, this stuff about the wealth of the sinner being laid up for the righteous.
I remember somebody asking that question, why were in South Africa, were in a class, a minister of class, and someone mentioned that to me, what about the wealth of the sinner being laid up for the righteous?
I said, what do you have to wait for that?
Why do you have to wait for used things?
I'd have to wait for that.
So they're Christians who are praying for the world of the sinner to be laid up for them.
That's crazy.
Be first class.
They're waiting for the world of the sinner to be laid up for you.
I don't know how long you're gonna wait.
Not to be after a Magadot.
Why can't you be first class all the way?
I don't have to listen.
God's got more wealth than any sinner has enough mind to conceive.
I have to wait for the wealth of the sinner to be laid up for you.
Don't think like that.
Come up here.
Get to a higher level.
Don't wait for the wealth of the sinner to be laid up for the righteous.
There's more wealth than that.
The sinner doesn't even have that yet.
Raise your eyes.
Look higher.
establish your words in the spirits and walk in that realm.
Glory to God.
The Bible says, God gave Solomon furnaces.
Wisdom, furnaces.
God gave Solomon wisdom.
God gave it to him.
And the Bible says, he was wiser than all men.

And wisdom says, I'll put a crown of glory on your head as a wisdom does for you.
And Christ has been made wisdom unto you.
Function in the wisdom of the righteous and live in prosperity.
Yeah, prosperity is at different stages.
You don't have to have 10 houses to live in prosperity.
Prosperity is at different stages.
So prosper from every stage you find yourself.
Every level you find yourself.
Be a success.
Success is at different levels.
So don't wait to the end of your life to know whether you're successful or not.
You must be successful at different levels, at different stages.
Whatever stage you are at now in life, be a success.
And you win here, God moves you to the next stage, and then again, a success.
Then you move to the next stage, a success.
He been success upon success.
That's your life.
Can you say amen?
Glory to God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Be filled with the Spirit.
speaking, singing, giving thanks.
Giving thanks always for all thanks.
Giving thanks.
Learn to give thanks.
Don't complain to God.
Give thanks.
Many people have their prayers as complaints rather than real brain.
They're complaining like the man at the pool of Bethesda.
Jesus came and said,
Do you want to get well?
He said, see, I don't have anybody to help me.
I've been here a long time.
So he was complaining.
He didn't answer.
The question Jesus asked him.
You know, I was studying that man's case for a reason.
I wondered, why do people suffer for a very long time?
Why should anybody have a condition for 17 years, 25 years?
They've been sick with this condition for 30 years after they're searching the scriptures to find those who suffered for a long time.
And to know why?
This man was one of those characters.
He suffered for 38 long years.
That's a long time to suffer.
I found out what his problem was and why many suffer like that today.
Even when Jesus came and said, do you want to get well?
I don't have anybody.
Apparently, his relatives and friends have abandoned him.
So now he's trying to let Jesus know.
Nobody to help me.
That's why I'm here.
I would have stepped into the water if somebody had helped me.
No one to help me.
Look at me.
Look at what does everyone has abandoned me.
Jesus said, get up.
He was complaining.
If nobody to help you, did he make a request?
He didn't say, I'm so glad you're here.
Could you help me?
He didn't ask.
Nobody to help me.
I don't understand what's happening in this world.
Then you have those who are always complaining about the government.
This government, this government, the government is terrible, labor, whatever.
You don't complain.
Make an impact.
Effective change.
Glory to God.
I can affect changes.
Say this, I'm not an ordinary person.
I can affect changes.
Glory to God.
Lift your hand again and say thank you, Lord Jesus.
