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Higher Life Conference Vol.5 Part 3

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Fable is yours.

you may be seated hallelujah
Last night, we got to a certain level where we were taught about the lot of rain.
You'd recall that we read from the book of James, chapter number five,
You remember?
We're read from verse 7.

In to verse 8.

And I want to read that again to you.
He says, Be patient, therefore brethren, unto the coming of the Lord.
the husband man waited for the precious fruit of the earth, and had long patience for it until he received the early and latter reign.
Be also patient.
Establish your hearts for the coming of the Lord.
Draw it now.
And we began to talk about the fact that the coming of the Lord is near.
And we read from the book of Isaiah to have an idea of how close the coming of the Lord is.
The interesting thing is, the many believers don't realize that when we talk about the calming of the Lord,
which is the second advent of the Lord.
We are living out another very important event which is the catching away of the church.
It's called the Rapture of the Church.
The Rapture of the Church is
the event described in the Bible where the dead in Christ shall rise.
And those of us who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them and taken out of this world to meet the Lord in the air."
In that particular event,
is not usually referred to as the coming of the Lord.
The coming of the Lord is that second advent where he comes down to this world.
But before he touches on this world, he'll be up there in the air for long enough for all nations to see him.
That's what the Bible says.
But guess what?
We will be coming together with you.
That's what the Bible tells us.
So, you should know that the coming of the Lord is near.
It is near.
And if it is near,
He says, what manner of persons ought you to be?
Your manner of life has to reflect that.
Your manner of life has to show that you are someone waiting for his lord to come back.
This is lest he comes back and find you sleeping.
Don't let him come back and find you sleeping.
Don't let him come back and find that you're doing nothing.
You should be busy for the Lord.
Be busy for the Lord.
What are you doing for the Lord?
A very important thing to consider.
What are you doing for the Lord?
Are you busy for the Lord?
Or are you busy for yourself?
Or are you busy for your company?
Or are you busy for your family?
Are you busy for your ethnic country?
Are you busy for all of that?
The question that will be the all important question will be for you to answer, are you busy for the Lord?
What are you doing for the Lord?
Somebody said, a service to man is a service to God, not entirely.
The service to man that is, the service to God is that service to man that God asks you to do.
Not whatever service to man is a service to God.
Some other people say, the voice of the people is the voice of God.
It is not true.
The voice of the people
is not necessarily the voice of God.
So it is important for us to know the voice of God.
The voice of God will always be based on His Word, what He has told us in the Scriptures.
Praise the Lord.
So we read here something so important when He said,
the husband man waiting for the precious fruit of the earth.
And we said, the father has been described by Jesus as the husband man.
And then he says, he waits until he received the early and lateral ring.
And I explained to you how that
With respect to Israel, the lot of rain began on the day of Pentecost, because Peter the Apostle said, this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel.
In the last days, I'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh.
And we did also see from the Scriptures in the book of Hosea, when we read chapter 6 and verse 3, that he shall come unto us as the rain.
All right, he says, then shall we know if you follow on to know the Lord.
He's going for this prepared as the money and he shall come unto us as the rain.
Then he says, as the former ladder rain upon the earth.
So explaining that, we got to discussing that the early ladder rain can be in reference to Israel.
And when in reference to Israel, we find that the early church
actually got launched into this lot of rain when the Holy Ghost came.
But then again, within the church, within the church with respect to the church, that was the early rain because that was the beginning of the church.
The early rain is the seed time rain, all right?
when you sow your seed and you expect to rain the fall and so that the seed can sprout.
And so the Word of God had been sown and the Holy Ghost came and we got the church started in Acts 2.
So proceeding from there we find that He did also tell us
that there will be much more beyond what we saw at the beginning, just like the Prophet said, that the glory of the latter house shall surpass the former.
And we are in the last days, the Bible did talk about the last days.
Now with respect to Israel, the day of Peter, James and John were the last days.
They were in the last days with respect to Israel.
But now with respect to Peter, James, and John, and the apostles in the beginning of the church, we are the ones in the last days.
They were the ones in the early days because when Peter was talking about what happened in the house of Cornelius, the Roman centurion, and referring to what happened on the day of Pentecost, he called that the beginning.
He said, the Holy Ghost fell on them as did us at the beginning.
So the beginning was the day of Pentecost.
Are you still here?
All right, now that helps us to journey in the church, in the church age to the present day.
Where we are right now is the day of the latter reign.
Because as he stood in the scriptures, you would find that the prophecies that were given preceding the coming of the Lord have mostly happened.
They have been fulfilled.
There's just one more sign really waiting.
And that one sign is the rapture of the church.
And then the impression that the rapture of the church is actually a sign for the second coming of Christ.
And it's just going to happen.
Bumb, and we are gone from here.
And the next day, newspaper reporters and TV news and radio news all around the world.
Headlines, they are gone.
And we will be gone from here.
But before we go,
We've got to have the lateral rain.
The lateral rain is the harvest rainfall.
That's the lateral rain.
It's the rain that comes upon the earth to prepare for harvest.
And it's amazing that the Holy Ghost uses the rain to typify his modus operandi.
We learned that yesterday in the house of Connell as the Romans and to when Peter was preaching the Bible says the Holy Ghost fell and all of them had heard the word.
The Holy Ghost fell like the rain.
He says he shall come unto us as the rain.
And so when he was preaching the Holy Ghost fell and those who were listening.
Now, we talked about the early and lateral range with reference to His hymn, the early and lateral range with reference to the church.
You also have the early and lateral range with reference to yourself as an individual.
Are you still there?
Every major chutes of God's Word, as you were studying the Word of God, would be applicable
Not only to the church, but to the individual person.
And this is very vital.
So when you study, God's Word, and you learn what He says about the church, find out what He says about you, because you are in the church.
Your early reign was when you received the Holy Spirit to come and live in you.
That was your early reign.
That was the seed time reign when you received the seed of the gospel into your heart.
And the Holy Ghost came into your life to make that to begin to work and produce results.
But just like
in different plants.
Like you have seasonal crops.
No seasonal crops will receive the early rain once and probably receive the latter rain once.
But there are some plants like trees that's there a long time and they see many seasons.
That's like him.
You see many seasons.
And so you have one early rain and many in a lot of rains.
Of course, you see, in your life, the work of God has different seasons.
The Bible talks about the times and the seasons.
And you know, he put the lights.
He made the two great lights, the one to rule the day and the one to rule the night.
And then the stars also, you remember?
The greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night.
And so these lights, he says, were to regulate times and seasons.

So you need to know what season you are in your life.
because of the latter ring.
The latter ring.
And we can experience the latter ring in our lives again and again, again and again.
I'll tell you something beautiful about the latter ring with respect to the individual person.
There was a scripture that we read last night.
It's Zechariah chapter number 10, would you turn in there?
Zechariah chapter 10.

If you don't know where Zechariah is, turn to the table of contents.

Have you seen Zechariah?
What does it say in verse 1?
Read for me.

He says, ask ye of the Lord, rain,
in the time of the light of rain.
Is that what you read?
Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the light of rain.
In the time of the light of rain.
Why would you ask of the Lord rain in the time of the light of rain?
I mean, if it's the time of the latter rain, there ought to be rain in the time of the latter rain.
But now he says to ask for one reason.
It's time for the latter rain, and it's not falling.
You see that?
Which means it's the season, but things aren't working according to the season.
Do you ever hear of any country
Having drought, do you ever hear of it?
Some countries that didn't have any rain, even though the raining season came and they had no rain.
Do you ever hear of such a thing?
Oh yes, oh yes.
Oh yes.
It was time for rain, but there was no rain.
It was dry.
so dry until the plants began to die and the animals began to die and the people began to die.
Because the season came, but what was planned for the season didn't come with the season.
And that happens in human lives.
A lot of times
It's the hour for their blessing.
And then it doesn't happen.
It's like a woman who's about to give birth, but at the time of childbearing, there's no strength for the child to be born.
Some babies were helped.
Some died because the woman could not have the strength to bring out the baby.
So just because it's your season of a blessing doesn't mean that the blessing is there.
You've got to do something.
All right.
What you read now in Zechariah chapter 10 verse 1, he says, ask ye of the Lord's reign in the time of the latter reign.
So ask in the time of the latter reign, he says, and the Lord shall make lightness.
Can James A's pride clouds and give them showers of rain to who?
Every one grass in the field.
Every one grass.
I like that.
No one should be left out.
We can all be so blessed.
Nobody needs to be left out.
He says, ask of the Lord of Rain in the time of the light of rain.
This is the time of the light of rain.
And every time you are ready for it, you can ask.
You can ask.
Or something beautiful you need to know about asking in the scriptures.
Asking in the scriptures.
You there?
All of God's answer for every demand, for every request, all of God's answer was given in Jesus.
I don't know if you got that.
I don't know if you got it.
how important that statement is.
Never forget it.
Oh, I wish you got what I just said.
I'm going to have to say it again.
All of God's answer for every and all requests, His answer for all demands
He gave in Jesus.
Jesus is God's answer for every request, every demand.
Jesus is God's answer.
He sent him as his answer to man's cry for help, man's cry for deliverance, man's cry for salvation, man's cry for preservation, man's cry for life.
Jesus, the Bible says, the fullness of a God hit,
The totality of the personality and the glory of God permanently resides in Jesus.
That's what the Bible says.
Permanently resides in Jesus.
Jesus is the embodiment.
The embodiment, I want you to get it, is the embodiment of all of God's wisdom and knowledge.
Can you imagine that all of God's wisdom and all of God's knowledge?
Think of how immeasurable the wisdom of God is.
And think of how immeasurable the knowledge of God, the vastness of his knowledge.
Can you imagine it?
It's beyond human imagination.
And yet he says, all of that is encapsulated in the man Jesus.
In him dwells the fullness of deity.
In Jesus dwells the fullness, the fullness, the totality,
of the divine essence in Jesus.
When Jesus came, God rested.
You didn't hear me.
I'll go again.
Now you remember in the book of Genesis the Bible, Genesis and God worked six days and a seven day God rested.
Do you remember that?
The seventh day was the Sabbath day and God rested.
Jesus was our Sabbath.

Do you remember?
He said, he's the Lord of the Sabbath.
Jesus was our Sabbath.
Jesus is our rest because Jesus is God's rest.
So when Jesus came, God rested.
And that's why he says, if God rested, you ought also to rest.
Because when he rested on the seventh day, he made his law to the children of Israel.
He said, you also work six days in the seventh day, you've got to rest because God rested on the seventh day.
But all of that was because of Jesus.
Jesus is God's Sabbath.
Jesus is our Sabbath.
Jesus has come.
We are at rest.
Can you say, man?
So, no more struggling in life, our rest has come.
No more struggling in life, our problems are solved.
Our questions are answered because Jesus has come.
Jesus has come.
Tell somebody Jesus has come.
And you know, when he came, he died.
He was buried and God raised him up.
And when God raised him up, everything was consummated and he ascended to heaven and sat down.
When he sat down, it was already done.
It was finished.
And we are sitting together with him.
Can you say amen?
Oh, here is the blessing.
Think about this.
This is wonderful.
This, I tell you, is wonderful.
This is wonderful, wonderful.
Look at it here.
He says, ask your Lord, bring the time of the lettering, and He shall make bright clouds and give them showers of rain to everyone grass in the field.
So, all right, all right.
So what am I supposed to do?
I've got to be filled with the Spirit.
That's the rain.
So I received the Holy Ghost once.
That's my early rain.
I can have the light of rain all the time when I'm filled again with the Spirit.
Like in Acts chapter 4, we read yesterday, the Bible says, when they prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken.
and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.
And did what?
Despect the Word of God with boldness.
Despect the Word of God with boldness.
Oh, you remember that, right?
He didn't say they preached the gospel with boldness, even though that is definitely implied, but he didn't put it in that way for a reason.
He said, respect the Word of God with boldness.
What is the Word of God?
Whatever it was that they said, on the basis of what he said, he had said so that we may boldly say,

God raised Jesus from the dead.
And imagine this, believe us.
They split the Word of God with boldness.
So they went around telling others, God raised Jesus from the dead.
Therefore, I am raised from the dead.
Oh, that's the Word of God.
I'm raised.
He's alive.
I'm alive.
He's alive.
So am I. He's a victor.
Over debt.
Hell in the grave.
I'm a victor.
Over debt.
Hell in the grave.
Glory to God.
They proclaims being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible by the word of God that live it in a body forever.
Glory to God, the word is in me.
I live and I abide forever.
Can you shout amen?
preach the word with boldness.
There's spursuit with boldness that will go everywhere saying, I know who I am.
I'm a victor in Christ Jesus, greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.
And when they said it, they said it with boldness.
They said, I'm blessed!
When they said, I'm blessed!
They said it with boldness!
Ha ha ha ha!
Glory to God!
Yes, they speak the word with boldness.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
They speak the word with boldness.
Imagine the believer in those days when they have prayed and they were filled with the Holy Ghost.
That guy came out and he said, the Lord is my shepherd.
And when he said it, he said it with boldness.
The Lord is my shepherd.
I shall not walk.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside the steel waters.
He restored my soul.
Do I walk to the valley of the shallow dead?
I fear no evil, for thou art with me.
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.

And they said it with boldness.
Ha ha ha.
Oh, give it up.
I am still there.
They speak the word with boldness.
They speak the word with boldness in the church as they prophesied and said, God said the Lord, I am with you.
They said it with boldness.
with boldness, because there were failed with the Holy Ghost.
Peter and John were brought to the council.
These were supposedly unlearned men, but they spoke to the council with boldness.
Why there were failed with the Holy Ghost?
Brothers and sisters, it is so important that we have failed with the Holy Ghost.
You see, the early rain is that you receive the Holy Ghost, but you must have this lot of rain of the spirits happening in your life all the time.
It is so important.
How often do you want to be filled with the Holy Ghost?
I'll tell you something.
You know the Bible says, they speak with boldness after they receive the Holy Spirit.
Look at this.
This is so important.
So powerful.
Look at something.
Would you turn to the book of Proverbs?
Let me show you something.

Proverbs chapter 15.

Have you found it?
Proverbs chapter 15.
He says, verse 4, a wholesome tongue is a tree of life.
But perverseness, therein, is a breach in a spirit.
Oh, I wish you'll understand this.
He says, a wholesome town is a tree of life.
Let me pause there for a moment and tell you something about the tree of life.
The Bible says in the book of Genesis that God made a garden and he puts all kinds of beautiful plants in there.
There was nice trees.
And there was a tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the midst of the garden.
And in that garden was a tree of life.
And so in Ottoman Eve, disobeyed God and did what God said not to do by eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
God drove them out of the garden.
He said, lest the eat of the tree of life and live forever.
Lest the eat of the tree of life and live forever.
That means something.
The tree of life didn't mean a living tree, but a tree.
that made one live.
Meaning, if someone ate of the tree of life, he would live forever.
He would become indestructible.
That's why God said, lest the eat of it and live forever, meaning if the eat of this tree of life, we cannot destroy them.
We cannot bring them to an end.
So he said, drive them out of the garden because man had become a falling being.
He had aligned with himself with Satan.
And so God needed to terminate that and bring in a redemption plan.
You get it?
Bring in the redemption plan.
So man would be absolutely unchangeable if he took of the tree of life.
And God sent him out.
Now here, he says, a wholesome tongue is a tree of life.
So you need to know what God means by a tree of life.
Now, having a tree of life doesn't mean it's enough.
You've got to eat of that tree.
They had the tree of life right where they were, but they didn't eat of it.
Now he says, a wholesome tongue is a tree of life.
That is one sign of the kind.
So you got a tree of life, but then eat of it.
The tree of life means that you got a tree that has the potentialities of making you not only to live forever, but to be indestructible.
But you got to eat of it.
Now here is something beautiful.
When you study that word in Hebrew, when it says a wholesome tongue, the word wholesome is translated from a Hebrew word mape.
Mape means healing.
And so he's saying a healing tongue is a tree of life.
A healing tongue doesn't mean the tongue that has medicine.
It means a tongue that speaks healing.
All right?
It brings kill.
You speak healing.
You speak healing.
He says a wholesome tongue.
A mape tongue.
That's a healing tongue.
He's a tree of life.
But then it says, perverseness daring is a breach in the spirits.
Perverseness daring is a breach in the spirits.
The Hebrews shiba, meaning that it brings destruction to the spirits.
It crosses the spirits.
Again, it says it bruises the spirits.
That's the same word.
It bruises the spirits.
It reduces the spirits.
It wounds the spirits.
This is terrible.
He says, perverseness therein.
That means, contrariness in the tongue brings destruction, crashes the spirits, bruises the spirits, brings deformity to the spirits.
Now here is it.
If it brings deformity to the spirits, or bruises the spirits, soon enough from bruising the spirit, you will see it outside in the body.
The bruises you find on the human body.
The destruction of the human body doesn't come at once.
He starts in the spirits.
If the man has crushed his spirits through contrariness on his tongue, through perversiveness of his tongue, it won't belong before you see it in his body.
Those boars on the body.
It doesn't matter what infection brought it, the infection started in the spirit.
He says, consciousness daring, perverseness daring.
That means when you say things that are contrary to the healing word of God for your tongue to have a tree of life, when you bring consciousness, you say things that are contrary to the spirit.
He says there is a breach.
There is a breach.
Before long, there's a growth on your body.
Before long, there's cancer developing.
Before long, you've got diabetes.
Before long is Hania.
Before long, there's a stroke.
He says this thing happened in the spirit because there was contrariness in your tongue.
A wholesome tongue is a tree of life.
He's a tree of life.
Who a man took about a day?
Oh, I love it.
I love it.
He says, this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel.
In the last day he said, God, I will pour out my spirit upon our flesh, and your sons, and your daughters shall prophesy.
That means they shall speak for the word of God.
They shall speak for the word of God, and they will speak it with boldness.
They shall speak for us.
That's why God decided to pour out his spirits.
Because his spirit is the answer.
When God pours out his spirits, you will be filled with the spirits, and then you will have a wholesome tongue.
That is the tree of life.
Instead of speaking death, you will speak life.
Can you shout him in?
Fail with the Holy Ghost, so that you can prophesy.
Ho, ho, in the last days.
I'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh.
In your songs and your daughters, you'll prophesy.
Oh, prophesy, speaking words of power, speaking thoughts the blessed words of God.
Hi, that means there are tongues who become a tree of life.
This is amazing.
No wonder he says, but we speak wisdom among them at all, not the wisdom of this world.
All the princes of this age are common to nots, but we speak the wisdom of God in esoteric language, in esoteric communication.
We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world for our glory, which none of the princes of this world knew, for had their knowledge there would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
Somebody say hallelujah.
We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery.
So when I say, greater is he that is in me, I'm speaking for the wisdom of God.
My tongue is a tree of life.
When I say, greater is he, I am all my, my, my, my, my, my, my.
Can you get what I'm sharing with you?
You can change your life.
You can change the life of your family.
You can change what's going on in your home, in your job, in your community, if you let your tongue speak forth the word of God.
Being feared with the Holy Ghost.
Failed with the Holy Ghost.
Failed with the Holy Ghost.
filled with the Holy Ghost, enjoying the lot of rain, enjoying the lot of rain and having the harvest for your life.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
Prayer has changed.
We're coming to our closets.
We are not crying and begging God for something.
Oh God, change my life.
When is the old God, change my business?
First, we speak in other tongues.
We stay our spirits.
When we get scared up, we are filled with the Holy Ghost, and then we prophesy.
We speak for the word of wisdom.
Oh, glory to God.
We speak for it.
We speak for it.
And as we speak, the clouds are getting thick.
We speak thoughts, the clouds are getting thick.
When the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth, shouting in somebody.
Can you see why we will never be defeated?
How could we, when we have a tree of life in our tongue, how could we ever be defeated?
When we have the answer, hallelujah, who never be defeated?
Never, never.
The wisdom of God is working in me.
Say again, the wisdom of God is working in me.
Say my tongue is a tree of life.
I got a mappetong.
Said again, I got a mappetong.
That means a healing tongue.
A whoresome tongue.
When are you going to use it?
You understand what I'm talking about?
When are you going to use it?
It's there.
It's a tree of life.
So how do you eat of the tree of life by meditation?
That's why I tell you all the time, I say, listen to yourself when you pray.
Because when you just talk and you don't know what you're saying, you're speaking, but you're not getting blessed from what you are saying.
When you speak for the word, listen to it as well.
Let it get into your system.
Then you will find that you too are eating of that tree of life.
That's what meditation does for you.
So you don't only just say the word, you meditate on it.
When you meditate on it, your spirit digests it, gets into you.
Oh, what a life.
Can you imagine that you can just change your whole world from where you're sitting?
You can control things about your life everywhere and have a wonderful life
That's what he called us to do.
Never to be defeated.
Don't you understand when he says, he are gods and all of you are children of the most high?
Don't you understand that?
That's what he means.
That's what he means.

And that's why your life should be full of singing and laughter.
Some of you don't laugh until you're watching a funny program on television.
No, no, no, no.
There is the laughter of God.
Turn to Psalm 126.
Let me show you.
Turn to Psalm 126.
From verse 1, 1 to go.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Read that again.
Then was our matter.
And what?
Okay, most of the time, we only know about our tongue being filled with singing.
How come we left the first one?
The first one was a laughter.
You don't laugh because something is funny.

Glory to God.
It's the anointing of victory.
The anointing of victory makes you laugh.
He said, then, said, they are born to hear them.
The Lord has done great things for them.
Because they found out they saw us laughing and singing.
They took knowledge that God had done great things for us because they saw us laughing and singing.
Laughing and singing.
I said, what?
Laughing and singing.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Laughing and singing.
Laughing and singing.
Somebody said, what if you don't feel like laughing?
It's got nothing to do with feeling.
You go, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

That is the note of victory.
The Lord had done great things.
Because he turned again our captivity.
Then was our mouths filled with laughter in our tongue with singing.
So before the singing comes the laughter.

Hold on.
Hold on.
Hold on.
Hold on.
Just a moment.
There are some of you.
You haven't cut it yet.
He didn't say he feared I'm out with Smiley.
That's a laugh time.
A laugh that comes from the inside, brother.

He's nothing there, right?
He's nothing there, right?
He's nothing there, right?
He's nothing there, right?
He's nothing there, right?
He's nothing there, right?
He's nothing there, right?
He's nothing there, right?
He's nothing there, right?
He's nothing there, right?
Hey, you got him in two.
You got him in two.
You got him in two.
All right.

Hey, hey, I got victory inside.
Victory, victory, victory, victory.
I got it inside.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,


Glory to God.
He does keep from battleless.
So from the English glory, it's inside.
Yes, it's, it's happened.


Are you getting it too?
Are you getting it too?
Are you getting it?
