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Higher Life Conference Vol.8 Part 3

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirit.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
People is yours.

This is a higher life conference.
I am so excited to be here.
We came from Dallas, Texas, and we expect we will receive miracle.
We're from Houston, Texas.
We came to the Higher Life Conference tonight, and we're expecting God to move moderately on our hearts and on our bodies.
I come to receive my blessings, and I've come here for a change.
Due to this higher life conference, there will be a direct transformation, the impartation of God's word in the United States of America.
The High Life Conference with Pastor Chris organizing the United States of America as a channel of blessings to many who attended from various parts of the nation.
The Malaga Pastor Chris ministered the word under the anomaly of the spirit.
Who have delivered us?
He's not about to do it.
He's not hoping to do it.
He's not planning on doing it.
He's not going to do it when I qualify.
He's already done it!
In the name of Jesus and the word of miracles he made and deliver us.

So many have testified on the impact of the ministry of Pastor Chris in their lives, and how his teachings have upgraded and improved them.
This is because many attend these meetings, expecting to have their lives changed and transformed.
You belong in that city?

the city of the Great King, the heavenly Jerusalem.
It's called Zion, right?

Last night we studied about how the God
Through his word, through the knowledge of him, has made us partake as of the divine nature.

And I said that was not a very good rendering of the original.
He's made us, associates comrades of the God kind.
Oh, oh, if this dawns on your spirit,

Oh, if you can get a hold of this reality.
Tell three people, Christianity is not a religion.
Look around you.

Christianity is not a religion.
Now I know that through the years, you know, in your life, when you filled some farms one time or the other, they said religion and you filled Christianity.
Or maybe somebody asked you of your religion and you said Christianity.
You know, we've grown up with that mentality.
See, because we were taught wrong.
So we thought Christianity was one of the great religions of the world.
And it's not a religion at all.
Hey, your relationship with your father or your relationship with your son, is it a religion?

The war looks at Christianity as a religion because they don't understand it.
But we shouldn't look at it as a religion because it's not.

Colossians chapter 1.
Let's examine something here.
Colossians chapter 1.
Are you there?
Verse 26.
I want you to read from verse 26 into verse 27.
Want to go.
Did you notice it says it was a mystery?
That means it was something that was only to be revered to a select few.

Let's go on.

Now has been revealed to who?
Did it say revealed to the word?
No one that they don't know it.
Go on.

Christ in you.
The hope of what?
Christ in you.
This is the revelation of Christianity.
This is the essence of Christianity.
Christ in you, in you.
When Jesus was born, now, before he was born, a message had been delivered to Mary and to Joseph, and then by the angel, you remember,
And when he was born, the angels came again and brought another message and said, hey, God is with us.
See, what did the angels say he shall be called?
God with us.
God with us.
So when Jesus came, it was God with us, and He manifested the glory of God.
God with us, He had come to live among us.
God with us, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
You see that?
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
Christianity is not God with us.
Are you following this?
Christianity is not God with us.

This is the mystery.
Christ in you.
Christ in you.
Christ in you.
Oh, if you get a hold of this, you will never be sick again.
If you get a hold of this, you will never be weak again.
You will never be a failure in life, and you will never be defeated in anything.
I can never be defeated.
It's not possible.
Christ in me.
John put it this way.
In the first episode of St.
John, chapter four, verse four, he said, of God, little children, that means you hail from God.
Of God means you hail from God.
Your origin is in God.
Of God, little children, and have overcome them.
Not trying to overcome.
He says, because, you see, yeah, of God little children in half overcome them, because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.
Greater is he that is in you.
God's consciousness is that the greater one lives in you.
That's God's thinking.
And you better start thinking that way.
Say, I'm of God.
I'm of God.
I'm of God.
And I've overcome them.
I'm an overcoming.
I'm not trying to overcome.
I'm not hoping to overcome.
I'm an overcoming.
I've overcome them.
Because Greta is he that is in me.
and he that is in the world.
Think about that.
Imagine if this has been your contemplation in the last 20 years.
You see, why some of us are the way we are?
I've been thinking like these many years.
My consciousness has been completely inundated with these kind of thinking.
This is my mentality.
I've been raised in this way.
The greater one lives in me.
Christ in you.
Christ in you.
Christ in you.
Okay, let's look at the teachings of Jesus himself.
You ready?
John's Gospel, chapter 14.
I'm gonna read several scriptures for you.
John, chapter 14.
from verse 10.
Now, this discussion started with Jesus making some very powerful statements that got the attention of His disciples.
He had said something like, I and my father were one.
I'm going to the father and I'll prepare a place for you when I get there.
And the disciples were listening to him.
And finally, one of them said, Master, why don't you just show us the father and we'll be satisfied?
And Jesus looked at him and said, Philip, why do you say show us the father?
If you have seen me, you have seen the father.
Anyone who has seen me, has seen the Father, what confidence.
I want you to listen, I want you to look at this with the mind of the Jew.
This man, this disciples, you see, Philip was there listening to Jesus like this and the other disciples hearing the master talk like this.
These Jews knew about God who touched on Mount Sinai and it burnt with flames.
They knew about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of Moses, this great God of glory.
And in a look at Jesus, this man that was born in Bethlehem, only about 30 years some ago, saying to them, if you have seen me, you have seen the Father.
They're not sure what to think.
They're looking at him.
Hoping he wouldn't let the Pharisees hear this.
They'll kill you.
And you remember they tried.
When he said, God is my father.
They picked up stones.
They want to kill him.
For making that statement.
Now look at this.
This is powerful.
Jesus replies.
and says here from verse 10, believe us thou not that I am in the Father and the Father in me.
Don't you believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me?
What does that mean?
What does that mean?

If you had just stopped with, don't you believe that the Father is in me?
You would have thought, yeah, yeah.
Or if you had said, don't you believe I am in the Father?
But to say the two together means something.
Don't you believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me?
That's saying we are mingled into a oneness.
That's what he's saying.
He's saying, I and my father are one.
That's why he had the audacity to say to them, anybody who's seen me has seen the father.
This is far removed from religion.
Okay, let's go on.
This is powerful.
Still on verse 10.
Believe us thou not that I am in the Father and the Father in me.
The words that I speak unto you, I speak not of myself, but the Father that dwelleth in me.
He doeth the works.
The Father that dwelleth in me.
That means the Father has made a home in me.
He dwells in me.
He lives in me.
He settles in me.
He's made his home in me.
The father that dwellers in me.
He doeth the works.
He's talking about the miracles that they had seen him do.
The father that dwellers in me.
Who could he be talking about?
The father that dwellers in me?
Are you here?
We go to verse 11.
Believe me that I am in the Father, in the Father, in me.
Or else believe me for the very works sake.
This is at least believe for the miracles.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believe it on me, the works that I do shall he do also.
And greater works than these shall he do, because I go on to my Father.
What do you mean I go on to my Father?
I thought you said the Father is in me.
Why are you going to him again?
He ought to be here.
Oh, are you getting something now?
I go on to my father.
My father, the dweller's in me.
I go on to my father.
My father, the dweller's in me.
He do it to works.
Yet he says, I go on to my father.

I like this, can I keep reading?
You'd like this one too.
Verse 13.
And what so ever you shall ask in my name?
That will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
If he shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.
How kind, how wonderful.
If he shall ask anything.
Look, only someone with all power can make such a statement.
Lord Jesus, don't you think there might be some things that some people might ask and you're not ready for?
No, this is the big boss.
He knows what he's talking about.
He owns everything.
He says, ask what you will.
Ask what you will.
and it shall be done unto you."
You know, some people say, well, you never can tell what God really wants.
God will do for us our needs, not our wants.
He said, ask what you will.
If you shall ask anything, what do you mean?
Did he say anything you need?
Hey, you don't ask for your needs.
He said he's a heavenly father.
He knows our needs.
Our needs are cared for.
Don't you understand?
He is not expecting you to ask for your needs.
He said he takes care of the sparrows.
The Lily of the Valley.
He takes care of them.
He knows what they need.
Jesus said it.
He says, your Father knows your need.
You don't have to ask for your needs.
This takes us over to the wants.
This is how religion has cheated many Christians.
They want to ask for their needs.
Lord, I need you need.
When are you going to want something for your life?
When are you going to ask for some extras?
Do you think Papa God wants you happy?
You are afraid to ask.
That's why some of us are enjoying and some are not.
Yeah, and it breeds some kind of jealousy.
Because the look gets you like, mmm.
Well, I'm bored enough to ask.
I'm bored enough to ask.
the Bible says you have not because you ask not somebody said in the Bible someone prayed to God and said don't give me too much lest I become proud and don't give me too little lest I steal just keep me humble do you know who said it David
Rich King.

Rich King David made that statement.
How moderate was David?
So don't think that if you are feeling suffering and going through life in some kind of poverty, then God is very happy.
They're very happy.
You know, there was a time I got concerned because I'm so blessed, you know.
I am boy.
I'm blessed, blessed, blessed.
I don't know how to say.
I'm serious.
I'm serious.
Sometimes I just sit down and say to the Lord, I'm so blessed.
I don't know what to say.
I'm blessed in all things.
Like the Bible says about Abraham, the God blessed him in all things.
I'm blessed in all things.
I'm so, so blessed.
You get what I'm saying?
It's a reality.
So I got concerned.
A lot of people have said, if you enjoy in this world, if you have, if you are rich in this world, watch out.
You're going to go to hell because the first shall be last and last and the first.
So I got concerned one day and I said to the Lord, I am so blessed, I'm concerned.
I said, no.
But you bless me so much and you keep blessing me.
What should I do?
Because they said that if someone is too blessed, they should watch out.
Hell is the place of call.
Are you really, do you really prefer associating with poor people, Lord?
No, I was asking him, do you prefer associating with poor people?
I don't mind to start being poor.
Then the Lord said, how many in the Bible have been named that you know in the scripture are in heaven?
How many of them do you know?
that are already in heaven.
I said, there's Moses.
He said, how poor was he?
I said, he wasn't part old.
I remember him.
I said, then the Bible also mentions David.
He said, how poor was he?
I said, not at all.
He said, then I said, there's Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
He said, how poor were they?
I said, Lord, they were really, really rich.
And then, you know, I went on like that, mentioning the ones I knew were already in heaven, which the Bible shows us are already in heaven.
Honestly, I couldn't find one for one.
That had been named.
I didn't say some people who were poor didn't go there.
I'm telling you those of them whose names were mentioned.
Only one.
Only one.
Only one.
And his name was Lazarus.
The poor man.
And you know what?
And God reminded me when I said, then there's Lazarus.
He said, but Lazarus went to a rich man's bosom.
Abraham's bosom in heaven.
There was no Lazarus bosom.
He went to Abraham's bosom.
Let me tell you, don't let religion cheat you out of God's best.
poverty doesn't help anybody.
If you're poor, you'll never be able to help anyone.
Rich nations are the ones that help poor nations.
I hear a lot of times politicians make a lot of noise and they say something like, tax the rich and let the poor go free.
If you tax the rich, more than you should tax them, they will visit it on the poor.
Because the poor will never exist without the power of the rich.
Who are those that make the jobs?
The rich.
Who are the employers of labor?
The rich.
If you tax them, they will reduce the pay of the poor.
So no matter how you punish the rich, it will eventually go to punishing the poor.
So don't punish the rich.

You see, I have to tell you that because, you know, a lot of times when you announce something like, we're going to tax the rich, all the poor people say, yes!
They're always happy.
Because poor people are always angry with the rich.
But you see, poverty is not a condition of your finances.
It is not the absence of required necessity.
Poverty is a confession.
Poverty is an identity.
It's a state of mind.
Because everything you will ever need in your life is inside you.
The house in which you live came from inside you.
The job or the business you have came from inside you.
You just probably didn't know it.
Those who have known it know how to work through that truth.
Those who don't think that it's a society or it's the cost they read or something, they think someone else is responsible.
The car you ride came from inside you.
The clothes you're wearing came from inside you.
I don't have all that time during this period to share that with you.
Otherwise, I had written to explain to you how everything in life that is connected with you is inside you.
Hey, come on here.
When you take an orange seed in your hand, that quite little stuff, okay, an orange seed.
I know what you did when you tried to plant one,
You try to stick the stem into it.
That's what you did.
You got some leaves and you wrap them around the seed.
That's what you did.
And you got some fruits and buried them along with the seed.
That's what you did.
Am I right?
That seed had the potential to produce its own roots
It's own stem, it's branches, it's leaves and eventually it's fruits with many more seeds in them.
That little seed.
Your life is like that seed.
Everything that will come out of you is inside.
That's why he gave you the power of imagination.
You can choose what you want to be.
Opportunities don't come to us, we create them.
Are you hearing me?
We create them.
Don't wait for opportunity.
Make it.

Did you get that?
But you know, I can talk like that without telling you the fundamental principles behind all of that.
What I just said is based on these truths.
All right, this is our sunesses.
Okay, you got to understand this.
Okay, we're reading something.
We'll go back there now.
Jesus made powerful statements.
Okay, in verse 15, he says, if you love me, keep my commandments.
Now he's not talking about the 10 commandments of the Old Testament.
That's the oldest talking about.
He told them exactly what they were.
But that's not the point.
Verse 16, and I will pray the Father and He shall give you another comforter that He may abide with you forever.
Now, at the time Jesus was addressing His disciples, He hadn't died for us.
He hadn't gone to the cross.
So he was talking to these on regenerate men.
All right.
So he says in verse 16, and I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever, even the spirit of truth.
This is wonderful.
One time I was talking to a Muslim friend many years ago.
And I talked to him about Jesus, and he said to me, even your Bible talked about Muhammad.
I said, what do you mean talked about Muhammad?
This was what they taught him in the mosque.
So he said, your Bible says that another one, a greater prophet, will come after Jesus.
I said, really?
He said, it is written.
That Jesus said, I will pray the Father.
I mean, she was saying another comforter.
That comforter.
It's Muhammad.
I said, do you know where it is in the Bible?
He said, no, I'm not sure where it is.
I said, OK, let me read it to you.
So I opened it.
I said, here, John 14, 16, and I'll pray the Father, and he shall give you another comfort.
He said, that's it, that's it, that's it.
As you show, he said, yes.
I said, OK, let me, can I go on reading?
That he may abide with you forever.
He said, that's it.
You see, that means that after that comforter who is Mohammed after him, there will be no other prophet.
So that's why he's the last prophet.
Oh, as now I understand, can I read for that?
I said, because at the end of that word, it is a semicolon.
And you are educated.
It means the statement is not over yet.
He said, OK, keep reading.
So I went to verse 17.
Even the spirit of truth.
He said, let me see it.
He said, let me see it.
Meaning that that comforter is a spirit.
Even the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it see it, he not need not know it him.
They cannot see him.
They cannot know him.
He's a spirit, an invisible spirit.
He said, let me see it.
I gave him the Bible.
He read it, and read it, and read it.

So will you pray after me?
He said yes.
And received Christ.
Glory to God.
Follow this.
This is very important.
He says, and I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever, even the spirit of whom the world cannot receive, because it's here him not, neither knoweth him, but you know him, for he dwelt with you, and shall be in you.
He dwelt with you, and shall be in you.
Here's the difference between Jesus and those disciples.
Jesus had the spirit in him.
They had the Spirit with them because Jesus was with them.
Emmanuel, God with us.
So God was with them, but God was in Jesus.
Big difference.
God was in Jesus, but He was with them.
And so Jesus said,
For he dwelleth with you and shall be in you.
The time will come when he will be in you."
What times that?
Well, it wasn't now at that time.
That was to come after the resurrection.
Praise God.
All right, now, look at this.
Verse 18, very powerful.
I will not leave you comfortless.
I will come to you.
The word comfortless is a Greek word of fatherless.
It means fatherless without a father.
Remember Jesus said, my father, which doleth in me, he doeth the works.
I and my father are one.
I am in the father and the father is in me.
Now he says, I will not leave you without a father.
I will not leave you without a father.
So we're going to have the same father with Jesus.
Watch this now.
After Jesus died and resurrected, Mary went there early Sunday morning because they hadn't finished the embalming.
She went to the cave and
She and two other women had gone there so they could finish the embalming that they had started before the Sabbath.
Because they couldn't complete it because of the Sabbath.
And by the way, for those of you who get confused about the crucifixion of Jesus, they said Jesus died on Friday and was raised before dawn on Sunday.
That's not up to three days.
And so it's a contradiction.
Jesus was not crucified on Friday.

No, that's true.
You studied the Bible.
You discover these things.
Jesus was not crucified on Friday.
See, he wasn't crucified on Friday.
If he had been crucified on Friday and early before dawn on Sunday morning, he was resurrected.
That will never make three days and three nights.
He was crucified
on the evening of Wednesday.
The Sabbath, the Bible says before the Sabbath, the day before the Sabbath.
That Sabbath, when you start in the book of John, John terraces.
You know the synoptic gospels are Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
Now when you study those scriptures, there are some things that you may not get clearly.
You have to go to the book of John for clarification.
Now John terraces that that Sabbath was not the normal weekly Sabbath.
He says it was a high Sabbath.
And that high Sabbath didn't fall.
It was a possible Sabbath and didn't fall on Saturday every time.
Like Christmas Day doesn't fall on Monday every year.
That year it fell on a Thursday.
Are you in this place?
That's what happens.
so they couldn't continue the work.
So what, you know, we still go ahead and celebrate with everybody on Good Friday.
It was a good Friday because Monday is good and Tuesday is good and Wednesday is good and Thursday is good, so good Friday.
So I enjoy Good Friday.
Praise the Lord.
All right, so I am with me here.
This is, I will not leave you fatherless.
I will not leave you fatherless.
I will come to you.
Glory to his name forever.
Now, when this woman went there and Jesus was already out of the cave where he was buried, they wondered what had happened.
And the other two ladies left, and Mary was still kind of trying to find out what could have happened.
And so she saw a man, she thought it was a gardener, because that cave was in a garden.
So she thought this was the gardener and said, sir, where have you laid him?
Thinking he might have taken the body out.
And she said that,
and still looking around, paying no particular attention to the gardener, hoping for an answer somehow.
And then the voice answered, Mary, and she recognized that voice, and turned to who was supposed to have been the gardener, because it was Jesus' voice she heard.
And she saw Jesus and ran toward him, master.
And Jesus said, don't touch me, Mary.
for I've not yet ascended to my Father.
But go and tell my brethren.
But I ascend to my Father and your Father, my God, and your God.
The relationship had changed.
My father and your father.
He was the only one who could call him father.
All the Jews, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one could call him father, no one
I mean, listen, if your father is a dog, you're a dog.
Isn't that true?
No, no, no, come on.
What's your father is?
You are.
That's why, that's why when Jesus said, my father in heaven, they picked up stones.
They said,
You must die.
He said, why do you stone me?
They said, you being a man are making yourself God.
He said, why?
Because you called God your father.

Praise the Lord.
Now, this is wonderful.
Did you know that the Holy Spirit, when Jesus said,
My father, which dwellets in me, he doeth the works.
And right after that, he said, I go to my father.
Which father was inside him?
The Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the one that brings us the presence of the Father.
He's the one that makes the Father real to us.
He's the one that makes Jesus real to us.
Papa God himself never leaves the throne.
Never leave that throne.
But everything he does outside of that throne is done by the Holy Ghost.
When he created the world, he did it by the Holy Ghost, the Bible says, by his spirit, he gunnaged the heavens.
He beautified the heavens by his spirit.
The Holy Ghost is the creator, is the doer.
When God does anything, is the Holy Spirit, that does it.
And so how was the Father tabernacle in Jesus through the Holy Spirit?
Through the Holy Spirit.
Now you can see it.
Now you can see it.
So if you have received the Holy Spirit, that Holy Spirit has brought, oh glory to God, that Holy Spirit has brought the Father into your heart, into your life.
The very throne of God is in the heart.
of the one who has received the Holy Spirit.
Oh, let me read it to you.
Turn to the Book of Ephesians.
Are you there?
Chapter 2, from verse 19.
Now therefore,

I shouldn't skip verse 18, it's a beautiful one too.
I could go through the very beginning, but verse 18, for through him.
We both have access by one spirit onto the Father, talking about the Jews and Genites.
This, through Him, we both, through Jesus, we both have access by one spirit onto the Father.
Now therefore, ye are no more strangers in furnace, but fellow citizens with the saints in of the household of God.
Fellow citizens with the saints in of the household of God.
That means you're numbered.
Now what's this verse 20?
In a build upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone in whom all the building fitly framed together, growing unto and holy temple in the Lord.
Now y'all read verse 22, want to go.

That's it.
You're bearded for an habitation of God through the Spirit.
So God lives in you through the Holy Ghost.
You see, you've become the habitation of God through the Spirit as Jesus was the habitation.
Understand, the Father that dwelleth in me, that means He had become God's home.
God's dwelling place.
God's abode.
So he says, you also have become the habitation of God through the Spirit.
See how he's brought us into this oneness with himself.
What are you doing with what you've got and with who you are?
What are you doing?

What have you used this gospel for?
What have you made out of it?
It reminds me of the mantle of Elijah that Elijah picked up.
Elijah said to him, what do you want me to do for you before I'm taken away?
Elijah said, let a double portion of your spirit respond to me.
So Elijah said, oh, you've asked a hard thing.
Nevertheless, if you see me when I'm taken away, you got it.
And then, short while later, a child of fire came out of heaven and took Elijah away.
And Elijah saw it and cried out, my father, my father, the chariots of Israel and the horsemen thereof, and the mantle of Elijah fell down.
Elisha picked it up.
And now he's got to go back through the Jordan.
He should have carried that mantle and be worshiping it.
The mantle of Elijah I bow before you.
That's not what he did.
He took that mantle, came to the waters of Jordan, and said, where is the Lord God of Elijah?
And he smot the water.
He performed the miracle with it.
And after then, he didn't use the mantle again.

That was the end of the mantle.
Because the man knew that the mantle was not the power.
The other prophets who were watching said, behold, the spirit of Elijah rests upon Elijah.
They didn't say the mantle of Elijah has been taken by Elijah.
He's still there.
They had a focus on the spirit, brothers and sisters.
If you will work with the Holy Ghost, he will make you a champion.
You work with the Holy Ghost.
Nothing is too good for you.
I hear me.
Nothing is too good for you.
If you work with the Holy Spirit, let me show you something.
Do you love Jesus?
You sure?
You know, yesterday,
When I read something to you from the Book of Colossians about the fact that he has qualified us, he has made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the same in light.
All right?
You remember that?
And that was in the 12th verse of the first chapter of the Book of Colossians.
And then we moved over into the 13th verse where he said, who had delivered us from the domain of darkness and translated us
into the kingdom of his love son.
All right?
And I said to you, we are already in that kingdom.
There's where we live.
So our consciousness must be the consciousness of kingdom, men, and women.
You think like that.
You see life that way.
And now to have the Holy Spirit, this is bigger than the mind can fattle.
This is too much for religion.
How many of you have received the Holy Spirit?
Let me see you.
You have received the Holy Spirit?
Are you serious?
Then you should be doing wonders all the time.
You should be doing wonders.
Your life should be an unending stream of the miraculous.

What you need is what you've got, the Holy Ghost.
If you recognize Him, the problem with many Christians, many believers is that even though they have received the Holy Spirit, what they got was an experience of some kind.
You see, they received the shaking of the received tongues, so the speaking tongues.
Have you received the Holy Spirit?
Oh yeah?
You want to know?
Yeah, I want to know you've received the Holy Spirit.
That's not what you mean by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is a person.
Oh, let me explain something to you.
See, the Holy Spirit is not sitting somewhere inside you.
He's not sitting in the room inside your heart somewhere and trying to get your attention.
Where is the Holy Spirit?

Jesus said, I am in the Father and the Father is in me.
When you were born again, now, if you don't understand what I'm going to say now, don't worry.
You know, there are different classes.
I mean, you could be in class one, class two, class three, depends on what class it is.
So, you know, what they call a lot of Christian folks, what they call the baptism of the Holy Ghost, is not what they want to say.
The baptism of the Holy Ghost is really being born again.
I mean Bible now, scripture now.
I don't mean denomination.
Denominational theology says that you are born again first.
After you're born again, then you come to a second experience of power, which is the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
That is not scripture.
Because those are the people who are forever looking for another anointing.
You see, so they have to be, after being born again, then they go for another experience of being baptized in the Holy Spirit.
And you know, that is not what the Bible says.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is actually being born again.
Now, let me explain it.
Baptism is the Greek word baptism.
It means to completely immerse, to deep, completely into.
So the expression of John is that you are in God.
That is the baptism into God.
And it is by the Holy Spirit.
When you are born again, you are immersed into God.
That is when you came into Christ.
By one spirit, and we all baptize into one body.
The nomination of theology says there are three baptisms.
It says, one baptism is baptism by water.
Then another baptism is baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Then another baptism is baptism into Christ.
And I said, what's all this?
That's what I always thought.
But when I became a man, I put it with childish things.
The baptism into Christ.
The only connection that you find in the scripture, 1st Corinthians chapter 12, you read from verse 13, it says, by one spirit.
And we all baptize into one body.
That's the baptism into Christ, by who?
By the Holy Ghost.
That is the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Baptizing you into Christ.
That's when you were born again.
And until the Holy Ghost came, nobody could be born again.
So he was immersed into Christ by the Holy Spirit.
That is the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Now, haven't been immersed into Christ, haven't been baptized into God.
Because Christ is in God.
The Bible says your life is hit with Christ in God.
Now, I'll read something to you in a moment.
Maybe I should read it right now.
Follow this.

John, where we were, chapter 14.
And go straight to verse 20.
Let's read from verse 20.
At that day, you shall know that I am in my Father and ye in me and I in you.
Did you see that?
I am in my Father, ye in me and I in you.
Can you see that oneness?

So simple.
This is beautiful.
Let's read on, you'll find something more.
He that had my commandments and keep it there, he raised that love at me and he that love at me shall be loved of my father and I will love him and will manifest myself to him, will manifest myself to him.
Then someone said to Jesus something here, he says, Judas said unto him, not his chariots, Judas.
not discouraged, okay?
Lord, how is it that that would manifest thyself unto us and not unto the world?
I mean, show yourself to the whole world, they're waiting to know you.
But he said, mm-mm, verse 23, Jesus answered and said unto him, if a man loved me, he will keep my words, and my father will love him, and we will come on to him and make a boat with him.
Who set up a headquarters with him?
That's how the name crashed him as he came about.
Glory to God.
Oh, this is wonderful.
To have the Holy Spirit in you.
You receive the Holy Spirit of coming to you.
That's not baptism.
He comes into you.
You are baptized into him at the beginning when you receive Christ.
Then the next thing is for him to come into you.
So you are in the Father.
Now the Father is in you.

That's the order.
He said, and in the Father.
And the Father is in me.
When you were born again, you were born into Him.
And the Holy Spirit brought Him, making you the habitation of God through the Spirit.
It's coming to you.
Now that the Holy Spirit lives in you, what has happened?
He has not only made you his tabernacle, his living tabernacle, he has become one with you.
The Bible says he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit.
You have become one with him, inseparably one with him.
Are you getting this now?
What does God want to do?
Let me tell you what God wants to do.
God wants to manifest Himself in you and through you.
God wants to talk through you in such a way that He's not running your life like, you know, you just open your mouth and God says, and you don't know, you don't, you say, I don't know, I don't have anything to do with it.
So they prophesy and say, I didn't know what I said.
It doesn't have to be that way.
The spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet.
You can know what you're saying, because it's coming through your understanding, even though it's coming by the spirit.
What you don't know when you say it is when you speak in tongues.
The Bible says, for no man understand it him.
How be it in the spirit?
His speak at mysteries.
Praise God.
What are you going to do?
Your body has become the living tabernacle of the Holy Spirit.
He lives in you.
He has made you a supernatural being.
Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.
Now he's energized your eyes.
You can see what men don't see.
Can you see that?
He's anointed you.
You see, Jesus was called the Christ because He was anointed of the Holy Spirit.
The Bible says, Him whom God has sent.
Speak at the words of God.
For God, give it not the Spirit by measure unto Him.
So Jesus was not given the Spirit by measure.
You have not been given the Spirit by measure.
Because He says, as my Father has sent me, so send are you.
If God saw fit to send Jesus,
with the Holy Spirit without measure.
And Jesus is sending us to do the same things like He did.
Hey, come on.
Why would we have the Holy Spirit in a measure?
The Bible says we receive the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is a person.
He's no fluid.
So you don't measure how much of the Holy Spirit you got.
You receive the whole Holy Spirit, the person.
And then you come into this oneness through fellowship, through walking with Him through the Word of God, through that fellowship.
You get to know his language.
You get to understand his mind until when you speak, it is the spirit of God that's speaking.
Remember what Jesus said.
You shall be brought before governors and councils and so on.
He said, when they persecute you like this and question you of your faith, he said, don't premeditate.
Don't say, what am I going to say?
Don't plan what you're going to say.
He says, for in the same hour,
that you're required to speak.
He says, the Spirit of God will speak through you.
He said, the Spirit of your Father will speak through you.
Say, I have the Holy Ghost.
Let me tell you something about the Spirit realm.
In the Spirit realm, you know, here in the Earth realm, you want to go that way.
What do you do?
By simple willpower, all right?
And your body's controlled.
You're going this way.
And you're changing.
Just as quickly as you change your mind, it controls your whole body.
Are you aware there are some people who want to go this way and they can't?
They can't.
They can't.
Because there is a disconnect.
They cannot, they cannot control the body.
Sometimes someone wants to get up.
He's unable to get up.
During the service this morning, it was morning here.
But over at Abuja, it was evening time, I was told a big miracle took place.
Every miracle is a big miracle because, you know, I mean, we can't do them by ourselves.
It's going to be the power of God.
So this lady who came to church with her mother for the service,
had been incapacitated five long years, she could not walk.
Five years in a wheelchair, and she was participating in the service, and it got to the time of prayer, in that simple prayer, be healed in the name of Jesus, the power of God went through her body,
She got up first time in five years and began to walk.
And quickly, they called Reverend Ray on the phone.
They said, there's a miracle here.
And they got him to talk to the lady on the phone and interviewed her to get to know all the details.
Glory to God.
Anything is possible.
to the Holy Spirit has come into your life to make a supernatural man, a supernatural woman out of you.
He doesn't want to be apart from you.
One with you.
When you lift your hands, let the hands of God.
Did you know the Holy Spirit
doesn't have his own body.
He doesn't.
He doesn't have a name.
We call him Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit is not a name.
Holy Spirit is who he is.
It's like someone calling you Holy Man.
That wouldn't be your name.
But he answers to the name of Jesus.
When you call the name of Jesus, the Holy Spirit answers.

He answers to the name of Jesus in the earth.
So when you say, I receive healing in the name of Jesus, the Holy Spirit is there.
He doeth the works.
Every time you call that name of Jesus, who answers you, the Holy Spirit?
John, when John saw in the book of Revelation, he said, I saw one whose hair was like, ooh, quite a snow.
I was talking about Jesus, but the description tells you.
This was the presence of the master given to him by the Holy Ghost.
The description fits exactly with what Daniel or Daniel saw in the Old Testament.
Same thing, same description.
So don't look at the Holy Spirit like, you know, they think it's Junior God.
They say, Father is here, Jesus is here, and Holy Spirit is here.
No, the Holy Spirit takes up the firm of Jesus when He ministers to us and takes up our firm when He ministers through us.
That's how come that lady said, I dreamt, I saw you.
What do you think she actually saw?
The Holy Ghost.
The Holy Ghost.
Someone came to me and said, Pastor, you healed me in my dream.
I said, what do you mean?
She said, I was sick.
I was paralyzed.
I couldn't walk.
And then in my dream, you came to me and touched me.
And I was here.
But I was at home.
So how could that happen?
It was the Holy Ghost who went in the form of the men of God that she trusted.

So the Holy Spirit is in this place.
He'll make you excellent in your job, excellent in anything in life.
He's called a spirit of excellence.
You bring excellence into your life.
Oh, hallelujah.

If you are not yet born again, we invite you to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life by praying this prayer.
O Lord God, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ.
Your word says, whatsoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved.
I ask Jesus to come into my heart to be the Lord of my life.
I receive eternal life into my spirit,
I declare that I am saved.
I am born again.
I am a child of God.
I now have Christ dwelling in me.
I am a new creation.
If you have just said that prayer, congratulations.
You are now a child of God.
To receive more information on how you can grow as a Christian, please get in touch with us by calling any of the numbers displayed on your screen.
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God bless you.