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Higher Life Conference Vol.3 Part 2

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirit.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Devo is yours.

Somebody say hallelujah.
You're still there?
Okay, turn to the first epistle of Saint John.
The first epistle of Saint John.
Chapter one, you'd like this one.
Chapter one, we'll begin reading from verse one.
You know, I told you, I want to teach you some things about functioning in the spirit, right?
But you see, the different things.
You've got to understand the principles to be able to function there.
They're just some very important things you've got to get.
They got to get them right.
Okay, let's look at this from verse one.
That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life.
Oh, look at verse two.
Oh, many times, and I read that verse.
Look at it.
It's so powerful.
For it's in parentheses, did you know this?
For the life was manifested.
For the life, the zoe was manifested.
He's talking about Jesus and he calls him the life because Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life.
Now he says, the life was manifested and we have seen it.
Can you imagine?
John says, we saw the life.
Did you know life was once manifested?
in a human form.
This is marvelous.
Who is Jesus?
Jesus is the life.
He says the life was manifested and we have seen it.
Life became human.
He says we saw it.
We saw life.
This is something you ask someone, can you see life?
They say, what do you mean, see life?
You can't see life.
They say life goes on in us.
You can't see life.
They can't imagine seeing life.
It's like saying the wind was manifested.
And we have seen it.
No, no, it's like we see the effect of the wind.
You can't see the wind.
The life was manifested and we have seen it.
the life, hallelujah.
All right now, let's say, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and show unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us.
That which we have seen and heard declare unto you, that he also may have fellowship with us.
And truly, our fellowship is with the Father, and with his son Jesus Christ.
What inspiration that should give you is that and truly our fellowship is with the Father.
God sponsors new flops.
Don't you understand that?
Our fellowship, our partnership is with the Father.
I'm in partnership with the King.
His is truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.
This is marvelous.
I'm in fellowship with the King.
I'm in partnership with the king.
And I represent him.
See, God's operations take place here.
I operate his headquarters.
Oh, you didn't get it.
You know that?
This should be your mentality.
You understand?
It should be your mentality.
This should be your thinking.
It should be your thinking.

Matter way, that's how you will give about the name Christ Embassy.
That's how.
I operate His headquarters.
What I permit happens.
What I forbid is forbidden.
Can you think like that?
Or you think whatever will be will be.
See, Jesus said, as my father had sent me, even so send are you?
This is truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son, Jesus Christ.
This is powerful.
All right, come on here.
Verse four, and these things, right, we onto you, that's your joy, may be made full.
That's what I read to you yesterday, that's what I'm hearing, that's what I'm reading this.
He says, that presence is fullness of joy.
There's something that makes us have the fullness of joy in his presence.
One is this one.
hearing his word.
When you hear his word and receive his word into your spirits, you experience the fullness of joy.
The water God gives me fullness of joy, being that presence is fullness of joy, fullness of joy.
So he says, yeah, this thing's right, we onto you, that your joy may be made full.
Okay, verse 5.
This then is the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you that God is light.
God is light and in him is no darkness at all.
In him is no darkness at all.
There are no ups and downs with God.
No ups and downs with God.
In him is no darkness at all.
God is light.
In him is no darkness at all.
How won't you get the description?
How won't you follow what he's saying?
Okay, now, verse six.
If we say, if we say that we have fellowship with him and work in darkness, we lie.

God is light and in Him there is no darkness.
This is, if we say that we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth.
Now, this is not talking about sin.
He will talk about sin soon.
You see,
Children don't walk always in the light, and they should be canceled to walk in the light.
I'm dealing with spiritual children.
You know, the Bible divides all of this.
You got children, you got the ones he calls the young man or the young ones, and then he got fathers, okay?
Then again, you have the carnal man, and then you have the spiritual man, okay?
There's growth.
in Christ.
You have the babe in Christ.
The baby's just like the carnal man.
He thinks like the carnal man.
You have the natural man.
That's not even born again.
The one who's not born again, the Bible, of course, the natural man is natural to this world.
Then there's the babe in Christ.
The one who's just received Christ
then there's a kind of one who even though he's received Christ for a long time, he hasn't grown.
So he's kind of, he and the baby are the same.
Then you have the spiritual man, and the Bible says, the spiritual man judge it all things.
Yet he himself is judged of blue man.
He understands all things.
You see, there's a level you ought to get to God who wants us to grow.
into that spiritual manhood.
When you get there, you always walk in the light.
You don't need to be canceled to walk in the light.
You listening to this?
Now watch this.
He says, if we say we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth.
How would you notice what is and do not the truth?
Some of the newer versions get it a little wrong.
The original doesn't say that you're not telling the truth.
No, it says you're lying and not doing the truth.
The Greek word is poio.
It means to make happen, you see.
So he's dealing with making the truth, walking the truth, producing the truth.
when it says we lie and do not the truth.
It's not the same thing as you're lying, you're not telling the truth.
Are you following this?
Watch this, let's go again.
For you to get this in perspective, let me give you a scripture.
You study the book of James and chapter one, maybe we should go there.
James chapter one, hallelujah to Jesus.
You love him.
Yeah, James chapter one.
And I want to read to you from verse 22.
You know, I try to help many believers understand the Bible doesn't say for us to obey the Word of God.
Did you ever stop to think about that?
He's never told us to obey the Word of God.
You can obey what the Spirit of God tells you to do something.
That's an instruction at that time that's specific to you.
But you see, God's word, he doesn't tell us to obey the Word of God.

In the Old Testament, he told them to obey the commandments.
And if they were in disobedience, they were under judgment.
In the New Testament, he doesn't tell us to obey the word.
What does he say?
It's here.
From verse 22, but be he do us of the word.
There's a difference between doing the word and obeying the word.
Are you hearing me?
There's a difference between doing the word and obeying the word.
The word of God is not an outside force to the Christian.
The word of God is your life.
You see that?
He didn't tell you to obey the word.
Actually, you read the whole New Testament.
He doesn't tell you to obey.
Because he told all testament folks to obey and they couldn't.
So God said, I know what I'm going to do.
In the new one, I'll put it in your heart.
And I will cause you to walk in my ways.
That's what he said.
So he says, be do us of the word and not here as only deceiving your own selves.
which I had time to explain all of that to you.
There's more to that.
Verse 23, for if any be a hearer of the word, now watch this now, you see the principle.
This is very powerful.
For if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer, he's like unto a man.
Now he wants to show you the meaning of doing the word as different from obeying the word.
So he says, for if he may be a hero of the word and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in the glass, in the mirror.
For he behold at himself and go at his way and straight away, right away, forget it what manner of man he was.
He says, the man who doesn't do the word of God is like someone who looks at himself in a mirror
and then turns away from the mural and forgets the kind of man he was.
He forgets what he saw, which means the doer is the one who sees himself in a mural and turns and carries in his image that picture that he saw there and acts that way.
He didn't get that.
Don't look at me like that.
Did you get it?
So he says, look at the mirror.
We call it the mirror principle.
Look at the mirror.
But who's so look at into the perfect law of liberty?
One translation says, God's law for free man.
I like that.
But who's so look at into the perfect law of liberty?
And continue it daring.
That means it continues to look.
You look and you continue to look.
You set your gaze on the word.
He's not asking for a glance.
Are you hearing this?
So is this, but who's so looking into the perfect law of liberty and continuing daring?
He be not a forgetful hero, but a doer of the word?
This man shall be blessed in his deed.
This man shall be blessed.
Be not a forgetful hero.
He looks as he looks at the mirror of God.
God's what is the mirror.
God's what is the mirror.
He looks, he says, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation question.
Am I in Christ?
Okay, you are a new creation.
The word says you are a new creation.
So that's the manner of man I am.
I am a new creation.
So when I put the Bible down, I don't forget, I am a new creation.
So I talk that way and I act that way.
I think that way, I do things that way.
I am a new creation.
That's who I am.
That's the doer of the world.
I'm a new creation.
It's important to know your new creation because the first creation was subject to Satan.
He fell.
Subject to sickness, disease and infirmity.
Subject to fear.
This new creation is superior.
Superior to Satan.
He doesn't need deliverance from the devil.
Yeah, you can help him when he's ignorant.
That's why God's will need to be taught.
You know, we pray for you today about the second condition.
You don't need to be prayed for next year.
You learn the word of God.
Come up, come up, grow up.
Learn what belongs to you.
See, there's a great light.
Oh boy, I read you that scripture yesterday.
Don't forget it Psalm 16 and verse 11.