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Higher Life Conference Vol.4 Part 1

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Mabel is yours.

Lift your hands toward heaven.
Bless his name one more time.
Lord, I bless your holy name.
You know, a lot of times we say God to bless us.
Many don't realize we can also bless God.
When you give him thanks, you're blessing him.
Did you give him thanks?
and praise our allure.
So Acts chapter number two, and we are looking at verse 28.
Have you seen it?
Thou has made known to me the ways of life.
Thou shall make me full of joy with thy countenance.
Thou shall make me full of joy with thy countenance.
the gregards press upon, it actually reads also presence.
Mostly means with thy face, the face of God, like I told you yesterday, beholding the face of the Lord.
But it stands also for the word presence, which is the same with what the Psalm has actually said.
Thou hast made known to me the ways of life.
What's it talking about?
I explain to you that this means that God has for each one of us the way we should go, how we should live.

Thou has made known to me the ways of life.
There are people who always find themselves in the light of failure, in the direction of failure, in the way of failure.
Things just go bad with them.
They think maybe this is their destiny.
It's not their destiny.
It's just the way they live.
It's the bad choices they make.
Everyone has a right to have a great life.
It's a choice.
You know, some people think, well, God wants to bless this man and God doesn't want to bless this man.
No, no, no.
Not after Jesus has come for the whole world.
He's come to save everybody.
No one should have a defeated life anymore.
No one should be miserable anymore.
No one should fail anymore.
No one should be poor anymore.
But, you know, they can't know it until somebody tells them.
That's why we preach the gospel.
Not just because we want to make people know about our religion.
No, it's got nothing to do with religion.
I've been telling you, Christianity is no religion at all.
Any smart thinking person who studies the Bible will tell you it's no religion.
Just read it and see it.
It's no religion.
It's a relationship.
That's what it is.
It says, Thou hast made known to me the ways of life.
No one that David was so successful
Because he says, God showed me the way I should go, the way to live, how to be successful, how to be a victor all the time.
It's an absolute possibility.
They're those who think that life should be full of ups and downs.
Well, because they think so, that's what they get.
Sometimes, often, sometimes, down.
When a few will lose a few.
That's their philosophy of life.
How sad.
Where did they get it from?
Ignorans on a rough beach.
That's what it is.
They don't know the difference.
It's important for us
to realize that God has given us.
In fact, I was almost quote in the scripture of Babatim.
If you actually go into first Epistle of St.
John, you studied from chapter five, it tells us something beautiful.
You read from verse nine into 10 and 11, 12, beautiful words.
It says, if we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater.
And this is the witness that God has given of his son.

You see, He has given us eternal life.
He tells us this life is in His Son.
It's nowhere else.
It's in His Son.
He that has the Son has this life.
And the one who doesn't have the Son of God does not have this life.
He that has the Son has this life.
this life and nature of God that it gives to those who believe in Him.
If you have the Son of God, you've got it.
He says, if you don't have the Son, you don't have it.

Then He said something beautiful.
You read in the 13th verse and down.
He says, this, I write on to you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God.
He says, I want you to know that you have eternal life.
I want you to know.
He's telling us who believe.
He's telling us who are born again.
He says, I want you to know that you have it.
You see, because if you don't know it, you can't use it.
You can't apply it.
You can't take advantage of it.
Say, I want you to know you've got it.
Somebody said, well, we may never know when we please God.
Why can't we know?
You ought to have the witness in yourself.
That's what the Bible says.
It tells us the spirit bears witness with our spirits, that we are the children of God.
So spirit God bears witness with your spirit.
You have to know inside you that you're a child of God.
He's given us his light.
He's given us his word.
We ought to know.

But you know if your life is founded on human philosophy, you've got a problem.
And it's amazing how people caught philosophers of old as though they're gods.
There's a way for success, prosperity, and victory.
Write it down.
There's a way for success, prosperity, and victory.
And you know what?
It's not for some time.
It's for always.
The Bible says the part of the righteous, the part of the China God, is what?
as the shining light that shines brighter and brighter onto the perfect day.
Not shining bright sometimes and then going dark sometimes.
Your part of life is as a shining light that shines brighter and brighter onto the perfect day.
Every day is better than the previous one.
Every day that comes comes a greater blessings than the previous day.
Your today should be greater than yesterday.
Your tomorrow should be greater than today.
This is the path of life for the child of God.
And if that has not been your experience, then it takes us back to that scripture we read.
First John, I was reading to you when he said,
If we say that we are walking with Him, we are in fellowship with Him, and find ourselves in darkness, we lie and do not the truth.
He says, we're lying and not making the truth happen.
We're not doing the truth.
We're not putting the truth to work.
He says, how can you be in fellowship with God and walk in the dark?
How can you be in fellowship with God and walk in darkness?
You know what Jesus said?
He said, anyone who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but he shall have the light of life.
He will not walk in darkness about his health.
He will not walk in darkness about his finances.
He will not walk in darkness about his job, about his family, about his future, but he shall have the light of life.
He that follows me shall not walk in darkness.
There will be no darkness in your life.
The Bible says, God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.
No darkness.
You won't have to say, I don't know what is wrong with my side.
I don't know what is wrong with my head.
That means darkness.
There's confusion.
But if you follow Him, He says, you will not have any darkness.
in any area of your life.
All you have is light.
See that?
How important this is.
You're preparing for an exam as a student.
Already you're saying, I don't know if I'm going to be successful.
I'm just going to try hard.
You're doing something to your brain.
You're confusing yourself.
You ought to say, I'm going to be very successful in the forthcoming exams.
I'm going to be very successful.
And you know what?
When you talk like that, something happens in your system.
You are directed to study what is right and to retain the right information so that when the time comes to bring it out, you also have the intelligence to produce it.
Never talk confusion.
Never talk failure.
Never talk fear.
Because you're a child of God.
Okay, that leads us now into the scripture.
Let me show it to you.
Thou hast made known to me the ways of life.
Oh, glory to God.
Turn to the book of James.
James chapter three.

You there?
One verse of scripture, verse two.
For in many things, we offend all asking, James was saying we all offend.
If any man of fame not, what's that?
He says, in many things we go wrong.
In many things we go wrong.
I want your, oh boy, this is beautiful.
This is wonderful.
You got to learn this.
He says, in many things we go wrong in life.
In many things we go wrong.
Then he says, if any man of fame not in words, in speech,
In word, backed by revelation, that's logos.
If any man of them not in word, the same is a perfect man.
Talios is the word for the Greek.
It means mature, full grown.
Which means Christian maturity is measured by your tongue.
You know the maturity of a Christian from his communication.
How he talks, how he communicates.
How you listen to this?
He said, for in many things we all offend.
But if a man offends not in words,
The word is logos.
If a man often not in word says the same is a full-grown, is a mature man.
Abel also says such a man is the one who is able also to control his whole body, to put his body in check.
Glory to God.
Oh, I like that.
So your maturity is in your mouth.
I can locate you from your speech.
I just have to listen to you a few minutes and I can tell where you're at.

How important this is.
Okay, next scripture, turn to first Peter, the first epistle of the Pope Peter.
Chapter number three.

Oh, I love this one.

Are you there?
For he that we love life and see good days.
You see that?
You see that?
I said, there's a choice about this thing.
He says, who's that fellow who will love life and see good days?
You want to see good days.
You don't want to see bad days.
You want to see good days.
This is something you can do.
There's something you can do.
You want to see good days?
There's something you can do.
Seeing good days doesn't mean that trouble will not come.
It means that even though trouble comes, you will win.
That's what it means.
I love trouble coming.
I tell people, welcome trouble.
When trouble comes, don't cry.
As a welcome trouble.
Because until trouble comes, no promotion for you.
So welcome trouble.
Welcome challenges.
When they come, all you do is fly higher.
Put what you've got to work, and you always win.
All right, did you get that?
Who is it that will love life and see good days?
You want to see good days?
You want to see good days?
He says, there's something you can do?
There's something you can do?
You see, it's not God's responsibility, it's your responsibility.
All right, let's read it now.
for he that will love life and see good days.
Let him refrain his tongue from evil."
Uh-oh, his tongue from evil.
When God says when he associates the tongue with evil, he better find out what he's talking about.
Reminds me of a store in the book of Numbers where the barber says that the spies, 10 of them brought forth an evil report.
He called it an evil report.
What was called an evil report?
When they said, we cannot take the land.
We are too small to take it.
The enemy is too big for us.
We found a giant there.
They were so big, we were before them as grasapas.
We can't take the land.
God called that an evil report.
So when it says that your tongue should not speak evil, they're talking about not talking negatively, not talking fear in your life.

Don't talk defeats.

Don't talk defeats.
Don't say, I can't.
I don't know if I can't.
I'm confused.
Never talk like that.
Children of God don't talk like that.
We have a different language.
We don't talk like that.
For he that will love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips, that they speak no guile, no deception.
See, there's something you can do.
There's something you can do.
Look at the leaven verse.
Let him ask you evil and do good.
Let him seek peace and insurance.
These are things you can do.
Your men of peace,
Let's say two of your friends are at each other's truth.
I want to show you something about the judgments of God, all right?
You don't come in to say, okay, this is the guy that's right, and this is the guy that's wrong, and siding with one against the other.
No, the judgments of God don't come that way.
The judgments of God come in to lead boats into a higher way of life.
He doesn't try to find out who's right and who's wrong.
What he comes to show is the righteousness of God.
He takes them away from their realm of canality, where they're struggling against each other.
He doesn't join one against the other.
Now, aside from this one against this, he shows them the righteousness of God.
and takes them to a higher plane of life.
That's your ministry.
Did you hear me?
That's your ministry.
Practice the judgments of God.
That's God's ways of doing things.
Did you get anything there?
So that's number one, having to do with the tongue, the ways of life, put your tongue right.
Learn to talk rights.
Put your tongue right.
I don't know this thing is killing me.
Do you ever hear anybody talk like that?
No, they think it's fashionable to talk like that.

I've been on this job, this thing is killing me.
It took me long before it happens.
And then they say they don't know what happened because she's so nice.
She's such a wonderful girl.
She's so wonderful.
The company loves her.
She's being number one on the job.
And something happens.
And they say, why is life like this?
Why do good people go through bad things?
Yes, bad things happen to good people.
And the reason bad things happen to good people is not to destroy them, but they attract them.
This thing is killing me.
Oh, I have a back-breaking job.
All right, just hold on.
Well, you wouldn't be 40 before you're looking for a doctor to look at your back.
You knew I got this new back-breaking job.
Back-breaking, then the devil tears his little demons.
We got the license for his back.
You're giving the devil license for your back.
You called it a back-breaking job, and then you got it.
It wasn't a back-breaking job until you sign in for it.
So now, it's a back-breaking job, and the devil has a right, and God has no right to stop him.
And devil hears his, Lord, I've got a right to do this.
Do you remember what he did when he came among Job and,
Others, in the presence of God, Satan was there.
Satan was there.
Job always felt the presence of God.
Job was the angels of God surrounded Job.
And Job said, I'm afraid I might lose all these things I've got.
I don't know, life is tough.
I'm afraid.
And Satan heard it.
Satan heard it.
And guess what?
One day, he had the hedge broken by his fears.
Somebody said, Job didn't do nothing wrong.
No, he didn't do nothing wrong.
He said something wrong.
When you study the second chapter of his book and read on from there into the latter chapter, you find something interesting.
Job said, that thing which I feared has come upon me.
He said, I was not in safety, and I was not quiet about it.
It was terrible.
Job was in safety, but Job said I was not in safety.
He didn't see the hedge that God had around him.
He said, I was not in safety.
Who told him he was not in safety?
Satan knew he wasn't safety.
God knew he wasn't safety.
When God said to Satan, have you considered myself and Joe that there's nobody like him?
Satan said to God, you built a hedge around him and we can't get in.
And then God looked and Joe broke the hedge.
And God said to Satan, oh, now look, all that he has is in your hand, is in your power.
It wasn't that God gave Satan the license.
It was Job who gave Satan the license without knowing it.
God only said it because it had happened.
We know because of what Job said.
He said, I was not in safety and I was not quiet about it.
In other words, he was telling everybody, if anything happens to me, I want you to know, I've not been safe.
You know, something happens as a loud sound.
Someone goes, are we safe?
You know, they talk their fears all the time.
A Christian shouldn't talk like that.
Change your way of thinking.
Are we safe?
And another one might just say, nobody's safe in life.
Nobody's safe in life.
Nobody's safe in life.
Didn't you hear it?
The name of the Lord is a strong tower.
The righteous run it into it and is safe.
So you're safe.
Because you live in this name.
Now, are we safe?
No, they think it's nice.
They just want to be a part of a conversation.
And then from there, they say all the wrong things that destroy their lives.
They say, I don't know where this... I don't know where this is coming from.
They say, I got cancer.
They say, I got tumors.
I don't know where this is coming from.
You don't know where it's coming from.
It's coming from your mouth.
I didn't say any bad thing in the last two weeks.
No, it's not one of the last two weeks.
The last two years, brother.
So you want to change things from now, you say, I propose to begin to train myself to say the right thing.
See, you are where you are today because of what you said yesterday.

I don't know, I have this wound that doesn't heal.
It doesn't heal.
It doesn't heal.
This wound that doesn't heal.

Let me show you something from the bottom.
Where are you now?
Where did I ask you to open?
Where are you?
Okay, go back to James.
James chapter 3.
Let me show you something.
See, the Christian has a way of life.
That was meant known to me the ways of life.
James chapter three, from verse three, you read verse two already.
Behold, we put bits in the horses mouths that they may obey us, and we turn about their whole body.
Behold also the ships, which though they be so great and a driven affairs wins, yet are they turned about with a very small hand with whatsoever the governor listed.
Even so the tongue is a little member.
The tongue, your tongue is a little member.
It's not as big as your head.
It's not as big as your leg, you understand.
It's a little member.
And what does he do?
It what?
It was great things.
Now, he says, Behold, how great a matter, a little fire, King let's read verse six, want to go.

Did you hear that?
He says, so is the tongue among our members, the members of our body.
It's a fire.
It's a fire.
It's a war of iniquity, this tongue.

And it defires the whole body.
It corrupts the whole body.
And then it does something worse.
It sets on fire, the cause of nature, the wheel, the cycle of nature.
You see, naturally, if you had a wound, if you got injured, your body should heal itself.
Naturally, that's how God made it.
But now he says your tongue is not gonna let that happen.
Your body should fight
This is germs naturally, but now the immunity is so low, it can't work.
It's the tongue that did it.
You see this?
Sometimes we let people tell things down on us and prophesy a terrible future for us.
and we accept it.
You gotta change your tongue.
I don't mean an operation, I mean change what you say.
You see, change what you say.
And when somebody says something different against you, to you, change it.
You don't have to be mean, you can just do it on now your voice.
And what God says, I am hallelujah.
See, you have to use your tongue to charge your cause in life.
This is what that tongue is for.
This is what that tongue is for.
It's not for food and drinks.
If you have been in a health condition that's terrible, you can use your tongue.
Use your mouth.
Use your mouth.
Nothing is impossible.
Nothing is impossible.
I like putting it the other way.
Anything is possible.
Even a broken bone.
A bent bone.
Anything is possible.
A broken nose.
Anything is possible.
Just keep talking to us.
Talk to it every day.
And I tell you, every day, it'll change a little.
Change a little.
Soon enough, you say, how long will it take?
It takes as long as you let the function work with your words.
It can happen instantly.
It can happen gradually.
Whichever way it's going to happen.
But make sure you are not vacillating.
You just keep saying it.
If you're a parent and you have a child with some syndrome, they say this child would never be normal.
Oh, use your hands.
Use your hands and use your tongue.
Talk to the brain.
Talk to the brain.
I was told when I was a baby, my grandfather, a preacher, carried me in his hands and he was talking into my ears.
And he was saying, he will preach the gospel.
He's going to be a preacher.
He was saying those things into my ears.
And somebody asked him, he's so slow.
Does he know what you're saying?
Does he hear you?
He said, oh, he's hearing me.
A grandfather said that.
He says he's hearing me.
He was talking to the spirit.
Are you listening to me?
They brought a guy to me some years ago.
He had lost his mind, went away from home.
They had a hard time keeping him in front of me.
So he sat there and was looking this way and that way.
Now all the time I'm in front of him trying to talk to him and look like this and scratch, you know.
But I said, I want him here every day for five days.
So they brought him to me.
He would just sit down and I would be talking to him.
In spite of the fact that he was going this way and that way,
You know, so I just kept on talking.
By the third day, he was listening to me.
Five days, he was taken back home, returned to his job and in his right mind.
How are you hearing this?
Everything has intelligence to God.
And because the Holy Spirit is in you, you can talk to anything.
You can talk to anything.
It will hear you.
So you have such a child, and I say he would never be normal.
I brought you the solution.
He'll be normal.
You can do it.
You can effect the change.
Keep talking to his mind.
When he's sleeping at night, come back.
Put your hand and say, I put my hand on him in the name of Jesus.
You say, mine become normal.
Be restored.
And you're doing this every night.
Every night, I tell you in a few days, a few weeks, a few months, a few years, whatever it is, He will be restored.

Jesus gave us power.
Listen, He says, I give you power.
It's important.
He gave us authority to effect changes.
Then he says, you shall receive power.
And this time, dinner misses the word.
And what does that mean?
The dynamic ability to effect changes.
He gave it to us.
He gave us the two kinds of power.
Power as authority.
And power as the ability to effect a change.
Inherent ability.
to effect a change.
Nothing is impossible to us anymore.
So have this mentality.
I can effect changes.
I can.
I can.
I can change it.
I can change it.
Because I'm a child of God.
I can change it.
Hey, what are you thinking about?
What's going on in your life?
What's going on in your life?
No more hindrances.
No more limitations.
He said, you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you.
Power, the ability to cause changes.
Oh, hallelujah.
Oh, my fears are gone.
My defeat is over.
Oh, my regret is over.
My dilemma is over.
What a new song I got.
I'm a victor forever.
You see why it's called Gospel?
Good news.
Good news.
You don't have to be broke.
You don't have to be poor.
You don't have to be sick.
Oh, glory to God.
I've got it made.
See, I'm a victim.
Mine on mine.
See, it's all in the book.
It's all in the book.
You know, one time I was sharing with a gentleman and I took his Bible and showing him some things.
Then he said, where did you get all this from?
Finally, he scratched his head and said to me, it appears that we have majored on the minors.
See, because they thought, you know, all you have to do was read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Bless the bed that I lay on.
That's not Christianity.
That's what a lot of people think of this.
They just do this.
Let's say, I want to sleep tonight.
And so... That will not work.
When Jesus prayed, you know, some people criticize other Christians.
They say, when they're praying, they make too much noise.
So when you pray, feel like this.
The Bible says when Jesus prayed, he said, he said, and then the content of his prayer was written, because they heard him.
And Jesus wasn't a quiet talker, met no mystics about it.
One time he screamed so loud during the feast.
Even he meant fast, let him come to me and drink out of his belly, chaffron rivers of living water.
He stared off the place.
And immediately the people gathered around him.
He said, is this not the man they were trying to kill?
How come he's so bold?
That's Jesus.
At the grave of Lazarus, was he saying, Lassie?
He knew that.
He knew that will not work.
The Bible says he cried with a loud voice.
Lazarus, come forth.
Right after he was baptized in water by John the Baptist and the Holy Ghost came on Jesus, do you think he went home like this?
No, the Bible says then was Jesus' driven of the spirit.
He charged.
He ran into the wilderness.
That's the kind of man he was.
You know, they have this that think Jesus was like this.

You know, one time they came to him, they said, Master, be quiet here.
Herod wants your head.
He said, go and tell that folks.
I'm preaching today and tomorrow.
Go, rid of God.
Didn't you read when he came to the temple?
And he met the money changers?
As soon as he stepped in and saw them, he said, excuse me.
He met whips and came back.
Keep their tables.
That's Jesus.
What kind of a man you think he was?
He was tough.
He was a man's man.
You understand?
So, quick, this.
Good money.

You know that?
Nobody wants to be patient with some chicken.
You know?
You, you, as a child of God, be somebody.
Don't come in with your handbag into your workplace and look for your seats.
Come in like your son back.
I know.
Glory to God.
I am still there.
Well, well, well, well, well.
You got it.
Sit down one moment.

All right, now another thing.
Hebrews chapter 10.
Hebrews chapter 10, read verse 25, want to go.

Read it one more time.

Did you hear that?
Did you hear that?
This is as the manner of some is.
Was that a compliment for them?

It shows what the Spirit thought about them.
Not forsaking the assembly of your zeros together, as the manner of some is, as the manner.
Some people have that attitude.
They have that way of life.

They don't go to church.

Christians should go to church.
Never be too far away to go to church.
He says, not forsaking the assembly of your zeroes together as the manner of song is, as the manner of song.
So even in Bible days, there were Christians who had this attitude, bad attitude.
Some say, well, I've been offended in the church and I don't want to come back.
I'll find it.
I hope when you get offended, you refuse to go to heaven too.
Tell God I'm so offended I want to come to heaven.
Then ask him for just a picture of hell.

Because anybody can say, I don't mind to go to hell.
And no God doesn't love me.
I don't mind to go to hell.
You haven't seen it yet.
When you see it, you will mind.
May God show you a vision of hell.
You will run by yourself.
not forsaking the assembly of your zeroes together as the manner of some is.
Many Christians stray.
I watched on one of these documentaries how the lions attacked the elephant.
They couldn't face the elephant.
The elephant is very strong.
It is a strong animal.
Strong animal and the lions are away.
So they keep following and they try to distract one, just one, so that it won't follow the group.
They know every time all the elephants turn and face the lions, the lions escape.
Then they keep following and waiting for that moment where one is isolated.
Once one elephant is isolated, about six or more lions and lionesses come, attack from everywhere, until they bring this massive, massive animal down.
And when it lands, you know the ground shakes, because it's the elephant.
But they have to isolate it from the rest of the group.
It doesn't matter how strong you are in your mind.
If you get isolated from fellow believers, the devils have you on target.

Are you hearing me?
There is the individual auction given to each one of us.
There is also the corporate auction, the corporate anointing that you must partake of.
You must receive that ministry of the Word of God to your life.
Whether or not you are enjoying it has nothing to do with it.
Are you hearing me?
Even if you're sitting, I told you about that guy who wasn't hearing anything, I was saying, because he had lost his mind.
But I was talking to his spirits.
Go to church, whether you're enjoying the service or you're not enjoying it.
Sit inside and be there.
Sooner or later you will enjoy it.
Because you're giving yourself to the Word of God, to the ministry of the Spirit.
This is vital.
make it your way of life.
The Bible says, Jesus had that way of life.
It says, as His custom was, He went to the synagogue, as His custom was.
He went there regularly.
It was His way of life.
Thou hast shown me the ways of life.
Now be found in the house of God.
When the church meetings are holding, be there.
Be there.
Enjoying it has nothing to do with it.
You do what is right, not because you enjoy it.
You do it because it's right.
It's the right thing to do, so you do it.
Let's live in the right life, the good life.
Did you hear what I told you?
All right, I reserved the other one for the evening.
Glory to God.
